Jacklyn's 2017-18 Race thread.
Here's your updated Season Plan, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is my best outline of how to proceed with your races, but you can ask any / all questions you want. So post away, know that I reply here usually M/W/F each week.
Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.
Your Races / Goals
- 06/23/2018 Pacific Crest HIM
Goals for 2018:
1. Maintain body comp.
2. New normal for fitness as well. Not sure how to hold the line. Be sparing with speed work=injuries.
3. 2018 HIM year but need to be able to train with Hubs for his IM. So bigger bike volume.
Season Update
These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on the Training Plan page by clicking the Move / Change button. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.
- Last updated by Coach on 09/07/2017
- On 9/11/2017 Load the -- Post Ironman Transition Plan, All Levels (4wks) to end on 10/8/2017
- On 10/9/2017 Load the -- Run Durability 1 (9 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 11/5/2017
- On 11/6/2017 Load the -- Run Durability 2 (8 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 12/3/2017
- On 12/4/2017 Load the -- Run Durability 3 (7 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 12/31/2017
- On 1/8/2018 Load the Intermediate OutSeason / Run Durability Plan, 14wks to end on 4/15/2018
- On 4/16/2018 Load the Intermediate EN*Half to end on 6/24/2018
- On 6/25/2018 Load the -- Post HalfIron Transition Plan, All Levels (2wks) to end on 7/8/2018
- On 7/9/2018 Load the Advanced Bike Focus Block, 6 Weeks to end on 8/19/2018
Coach Notes
So, regardless of what happens this weekend, this plan has you recovering...yes, resting...and then building that run engine into 2018. You'll have the flexibility to ride with hubby as needed here...we want consistent, strong and fit. Not flashy!
Then when your run is happy, we can put you in the OutSeason® and build you up right into your half. Again, if Hubs needs a long run or long ride, you can play along (case-by-case basis with me here in the forums if you want confirmation) but you'll have the fitness and structure in the plan to do it!
Let's get to work!
~ Coach P
Sounds great! I'm hoping for two HIM's next year. One in June and one in September. One big thing that I was unable to get into the TSR was BEND camp. When I get closer to that we will hack it out. There will be a few scattered other small, local events too. I hope. None of them went this year for one reason or another.
I can't wait! 2018 is going to be awesome! You and I are going to get to sit down and have a beer together next year.( I promised to buy several years ago.)
PS- Feeling really GOOD! I am ready to rumble. Fever is gone and no more pain. EYE OF THE TIGER, BABY!
I would like to say thank you for everything. I made it to my IM. I now know that I can do an IM build. The build was more intimidating to me than the race. I REALLY didn't think I could do all those long rides. Well guess what I can! I never questioned the runs it was the rides for some reason.
Can you believe in October it will be four years i've been with EN. WOW. Time to shed this snake skin and start new.
Never mind. I typed this in my old thread and it showed up here.
You are are my hero. Hero equals. I like it.
sending you good vibes!
Thank you. I appreciate the hero comment.
Time to eat the competition NINJA style.
Went to pick up my packet the night before. I am 44 and my #44. IS that cool or what!!!!! I finished strong and happy. It was just wonderful. Race report later this week.
Just loaded up the post IM/HIM plan and there's this word "REST" in the plan. You did that to drive us nuts didn't you!
Thank you for your kind words. I thought of those words often on the bike. Sorry not on the run. I was having too much fun.
Have a great week. Thanks for everything.
UPDATE: Went to the doctor. UTI symptoms still present. Now on my second antibiotic. This sucks. But at least I got to have fun.
Later Tater!
Smoked salmon today. Yum yum.
Have taken the last week ENTIRELY off. Nothing. Zero. Got a lot of stuff done around the house. Today I am planning on going running in the RAIN. Yep RAIN. It is time to work on a consistent daily run.
It was so cute watching him talk with you this morning. He was so excited. My pompoms have been shelved in favor of a carrot, stick and whip. Depending on his mood. He is a terrible mood trainer.
Please see my prior post please. HIM report done.
Kona was a blast to follow. Everyone was beautiful to watch. Every year I watch Kona and think, " NO thank you! Not my cup of tea." Mad props to all but you keep going back.
Last week I had drove my girl to the bus stop at o'dark thirty. She gets out of the truck and asks me, " What ya going to do today?"
>Replied" Oh I don't know. Why?"
Myah " Are you EVER going to get back to training?"
> "Why?"
Myah " Because your getting BORING MOM!"
I think she wants some alone time. LMAO!
Actually she LOVES to brag that I almost did IMSR. She is very proud of me for getting to the line. It doesn't matter to her that i was unable to start. When school started this year, she had a goal of running 1 mile without stopping. She achieved her goal this week. I am so proud of her for achieving her goal.
Run Durability#1 Wk 3
Update- Hitting most of the training. Finding it fairly easy. But I know that will change. Having a problem with my left achilles. I purchased a home ultrasound gizmo that is helping a lot. It doesn't bother me when i'm SBR. Only when I walk. Go figure. It started when I shut it down in September. The short frequent runs seem to be helping to. No big thing. I'm actually at a loss because I have always started the NOS. It feels kind of weird to wait till JOS. Very curious to see how the later start changes things.
Got a real aero bike. Took Elvira for one ride three weeks ago. Rode her 5 miles. Barely made it back. Shoulders were screaming. Going to put Elvira on my trainer to work on positional fitness. Obviously I need to work on my shoulders and back. Started doing power yoga. Lots of strength work and planks of various forms. Pretty cool. Looking into getting a personal trainer. Very careful d/t so many shoulder injuries over the years. I figure it's going to take months to be able to ride her comfortably.
So many things to work on. Never a dull moment.
It just occurred to me that I will have been with EN for 4 years next week! I also age up next January. Like that will help me.
This period of time i am spending more energy getting Mark onto a more consistent training schedule. He is becoming more willing to train when he gets home from work. It helps that I am standing at the door with an appropriate pre-training snack and his shoes! My current challenge with him is trying to get it through his head that he doesn't need to spend three hours in spin class at this time of year. He doesn't understand the process so he doesn't trust the process. Even though he's watched me for 4 years. The 7000+ feet of climb at IMLP has him worried.
My achilles doesn't bother me in the morning. Sometimes when i've been sitting for awhile and get up. When i rub the area it is super sore and tender. The soreness has pretty much resolved. I think my achilles didn't like stopping and RESTING. It needed the daily activity. Kind of like a rusty old robot. Gotta keeping lubing the joints.
I haven't changed shoes. Nothing new yet. I do have a brand new pair of Hoka Cliftons waiting for me though. I wear Bondi's but am going to try and rotate in the Cliftons but not until my achilles settles down.
I am thinking that I will do yoga for a month or two. Twice a week. Our Yogi is all about helping us with our goals and weakness. She has adjusted the class to include more pelvic opening and planking for us. We did this movement called "wild thing". What a beautiful movement. It ended with a form of a Russian twist. Once my shoulders/chest/back have adjusted to that change then bring in a personal trainer. 2018 is about getting stronger in general and crushing BEND camp. I am in no hurry to adjust to Elvira. It took me over a year to ride my current wheels. I don't expect a faster time line.
Have a great weekend.
The trees are neon colored! THe leaves are mounding well and I must go run through them. My favorite time of year. Mud puddle stomping is almost as much fun. Almost.
Have a great time in Cabo.
Your finisher picture at Cabo has to be the best picture of you I have ever seen. Your smile says it ALL! It makes me smile everytime I see it. So proud. I was showing it to some of my friends. I love showing pictures of you and the team to them. I get a kick out of saying " That's my Coach or teammate." I get to rub elbows with greatness. Maybe it will rub off someday.
Next year is going to be insane! My 13 year old wants to go to DC on spring break with her class without ME! I'm going to Bend camp. We're all going to IMLP. My life is starting to sound like yours.
Achilles is seriously unhappy. Dang hotel treadmill. Daily run challenge suspended until further notice.
November is such a hard month for me. It's the two year anniversary of Mom passing. I expected to feel sad but how i'm feeling is on a whole nother plain. It has hit me right between the eyes. It's like someone has ripped off the bandaid and all the hurt and angry of the past two years is boiling out. I am so labile. I have spent two years being strong for my family and now I don't have to. It makes me so angry that my Mom isn't here to see the culmination of her life's work. My daughter. What an amazing person she is. So filled with life, color, intellect and courage. When Myah was little and she would cry. My Mom would scoop her up and cry too. I would have two crying babies instead of one.
Will resume training when I feel like it. I am currently watching it rain, hail and blow. Kind of fits my mood.
I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family. Thank you so much for everything you do. You truly are a beautiful person.
always here...
~ Coach P
Just like with a storm. The clouds part, the sun shines through and the rainbows appear. We just have to be patient and kind to ourselves. I really think that a large part of societies depression issues is that we are not kind to ourselves when the blues come knocking. We just keep adding layers of pressure and "should of's" to the emotional load that we are trying to carry.
Feeling pretty sparky. Went for a four mile run along the river. Found some beautiful leaves. Yoga is doing wonders for my shoulders and core. My scapula stabilization in much better. I think I am on track for January OS. Gotta stop the wonderful, yummy, fantastic baking. I baked a Challa too. Wonderful french toast. Ummmm. Bed and Breakfast is always open........
Thank you for......you know.
I hope you had a bountiful Thanksgiving! No fake sugar.
Thank you. I never thought of it as art. Nice. I love making bread. My Grandma, rest her soul, hooked me on bread making. That lady made the most amazing bread. I can not figure it out. I have tried for years. I even flew back to Minnesota and she tried to teach me. Mine sucks hers was amazing. It has to be the way she needed the bread. SHe had 15 kids and made bread twice a week. So lots of practice.
I understand the limit on zippy running. I kinda of figured that's what you would say. It wasn't speed work just a faster pace. Not sure how often I will actually get to participate. Achilles is coming and going now. So better. No issue when I run. Just walking sometimes.
Summary RD block 2 wk3
Swim- 2700 yards
Run- 15.5 miles
Bike- 0. Yep. Head cold.
Yoga- 2 hours
Not to shabby. Feeling fat and lazy. Missing the IM build. OOPs did I say that?
Talk later,
RD block 2 wk 4
Swim: 1700 yards
Bike: 23 miles
Run: 12 miles.
Haven't looked ahead yet at Block 3. I think I am going to increase the bike to twice a week. Once a week sucks. So run x5, bike x2, swim x1, yoga x2 per week.
Had a massage this week and she did Graston on my achilles. A little sore. ROM is better though.
Hubs is at swim camp. As is par for the course, something ALWAYS goes wrong in the house when he's gone. We bet on what it will be. Who new boiling hot water and 1 cup of dishsoap would unclog a toilet. #goggle#wiferule#noplummeronsaturday.
Talk later. Have a wonderful week.
Been off line d/t the hoildays. The Graston treatment of my achilles put me in run jail. SO I am biking 45-1 hour 3 times a week, swim x2 and yoga x2. Nothing else a girl can do. Not pushing the achilles. Want to start the JOS firing on all cylinders. Achilles is better. No pain when I walk x1 week. With as long as this has been going on. Feel I should just let it be until 1/8/18 (cool date).
Survey says ....... Bike focused or Run focused OS?
98,200 ft this year. Not too bad. Actually I am SERIOUSLY proud of that!!!! I need more for 2018. How much is Everest? As I tell Marks spine class when my numbers flash up on the screen, " I'm a chunky climber."
Have a great New Year!
This year I age up. A fantastic 45 here I come. Maybe the comp. will slow down. LMAO! not.
Agree completely. I know that the Bike is the secret sauce in the IM burger.
Planning on adding one spin class with Mark a week. If I go Mark's Dad and Mom will go. Trying to be more social. I am such a recluse. Mark also likes to brag about me. Not sure why. But OK. Going to continue with Yoga x2 a week.
I will taper up slowly on the run. Going to start on the TM first. *SIGH*.
I hope you and your ladies had a great Holiday.
PS- Just did my bike test and received an 8 watt increase. Highest I have EVER started on OS with.
The spin class allows me to get out of the saddle. I can't on my trainer. That was one area of weakness I noted when I started the IM build after being on the trainer all winter. I am not an aggressive out of saddel rider but it helps to be solid. The spin bikes have power. I don't think they are nearly as accurate as my PT pedals though. I just want to swap out one bike Tues or Thursday for spin. I think Tuesday because I have a harder time getting moving on Tuesdays.I can do the brick at the YMCA that way.
PLanning on adding the Oregon Gran Fondo in June. I think 5000+ feet of climb in 73 miles sounds like FUN! There's a 5.7 mile climb. Gradient 4-9%. Heehee . It's two weeks before Bend camp. I haven't done an organized bike ride in 3 years. I need to diversify my portfolio.
As for running. I ran a whooping 4 miles total. On the TM. I am sticking to an every other day pattern. Limit 3 miles on the TM. So far so good. Feels ok.
Had a nice holiday. Looking forward to 2018 a lot. So many amazing adventures a foot.
It could be because you don’t have a high enough riser block under that front wheel. I like to have my bike at a permanent 1 to 2% grade if that makes sense.