As to the question about getting out of the saddle on my trainer. My trainer doesn't allow rear tire movment. The only side to side movement is from the flexing of the rear triangle. Not something I want to do to my bike. Call me a chicken I can handle it.
So the second week of JOS has started with an "OH CRAP!" we had to rush my daughters dog into the vet Monday morning. She was in almost complete liver failure. We're not sure why. May have been Xylitol poisening or an exposure to goose poop=viral exposure. She's home but not back to her usual annoying self yet.
Have a great week. Hitting most of my sessions with STYLE!
All in all a good week. Achilles a little sore today after yesterdays open road run. Nothing an ice pack didn't fix.
Summary: Swim: 2500 yards Bike: 53 miles. Bagged on todays after an hour d/t technical gremlins. The renter in my pain cave turned off the main power switch to my computer. I'm not sure he's paying enough rent for this. The VO2 intervals on Thursdays kicked my CAN! My IF 0.98. Pushed NP higher than I have ever done for 30" intervals.
Run: 12 miles. Hit paces and distance. No worries. Legs are tired. Looking forward to a couple days off.
Hey I found another acronym. Like CPR but it's PUSH. P-persist, U-until, S-something, H-happens. I like it.
I am observing that my achilles seems to like longer runs every other day. Only getting in two runs a week at this point. I'm also noting that my legs don't like to get with it for about 2 miles. Which I think is part of the challenge. To get a good enough warm up in a short TRP run. Working on that. I already do a dyanmic warm up.
HAve a great week! I like the tennis ball wobble table. Neat idea.
The biggest thing I see jumping out at me is your transition to doing more work which is always been a challenge for you. The trick is finding a pattern and a pace at which your body can make the transition safely.
Spacing of the runs a smart especially because it allows for recovery. Remember that your Achilles is the canary in the coal mine and if we keep it happy, everything else is happy.
Curious to know what it would be like if you rode the bike, even in running clothes, for 15 minutes before you headed out for your run. Does that help cut that admin time? I also need 5 to 10 minutes just to get loose so I understand where your head is at… Just part of how we continue to get smarter as we stay fit.
Hubs and I went on a bike date. First open road ride of the season. Been on the trainer for about 4 months. Usually the first rides on the road SUCK! High HR, lousy pace etc.... I come home feeling tired and beat up. Not today. NOPE. Pure speed baby. We rode my RR route from last year. I have 500+ miles on the route. Today,I set 3 PR's. RPE was moderate. HR 130's. NP 140 watts!!!! Average speed 17 mph. Holy bat mobile. I think yoga and spin class are to blame. I was popping out of the saddle with gusto! Laughing at the 330 watts being genrated. It was so nice to not struggle or be afraid of burning the candles too soon on the climbs. Oh no tail wind either.
Can't help but wonder what another 4 months will create and what I can do at the Oregon Grand Fondo???? Hmmm Maybe I can RACE instead of Participate. #workworks#CPR
Has it really been that long since I checked in? Man! Life has really gotten out of hand. Working to get back on plan. Went WAY off reservation due to being assualted at work. This dude got seriously between my ears. Took a week plus to do an exorcism and now back on plan. Feeling pretty sparky actually.
Right now I am focusing on being consistent. Just get it done.
Week summary:
Yoga x2 Spin class x2 about 50 miles. Run 11 miles mostly TRP with a few strides. No swim. Pools under repair.
On Wednesdays, I have been running laps at my daughters' school while she's at study hall. I have been doing a stride on the back straight. It's kind of fun! My fitness has slipped. Right now I'm focusing on finding JOY.
I hope you had a blast for your birthday. Did the girls make you presents?
Oh my God, I had no idea about that work situation. I’m so sorry to hear that, that is just awful. I hope exercise and training time is helping you restore your balance. If there’s anything I can do, don’t hesitate to reach out… You know where to find me.
I love how you’re still making a plan work with your life and wanted to remind you that all I really care about is frequency. Even if it’s short as long as it’s often it’s all good! Give it two weeks and you’ll be back to the longer rides no issues (Plus, the weather will be nicer!).
Hi! You wondering lost soul has returned!!! I am full of piss and vinegar.
Because I screwed up my back at work, this will be my first week back to running. I have loaded up the 2018 Half minimulist plan. Should I do the bike or the run instead? I was looking for a more balanced plan than a bike vs run plan. I just need it all. I am a blob. I have to rebuild my run. SLOWLY. Back feels great. Body comp is decent. I do need to loose some baby fat. After looking at all the rides I don't think that will be hard. HAHAHA. I will be going through the Him plan twice this year. I don't think it is inappropriate to use the HIM plan to get ready for Bend camp. This is probably a stupid question but where I am dropping in (wk9) there are two different bikes on Saturday. Long bike and challenge bike. Do 1 or do BOTH???
Bend Camp is ON! I am more excited about that than any other event this year. To bad YOU won't be there. Bend is an amazing place to go. The family would have a blast. From lava tubes to floating rivers. High desert in amazing. The night sky alone is something to see. Good food too. You know Stark would have a cow hosting you and the family. So would I. Someday.
Myah's trip to DC was AMAZING! She surprised herself and had a good time. She was convinced that because I wasn't there she wouldn't have fun. There's something to getting shoved out of your comfort zone even at 13yrs old and thriving. Bend camp will be a huge comfort zone challenge for me on many levels. Like mother like daughter. Her I go.
Looking forward to another year of fun and games. We head off to Beaver Freezer TRI this Saturday. IT's supposed to be snowing. HAHAHAH. I told him it was going to be cold!
So good to hear from you! I’m sorry to hear that that back injury is still problematic, but I had to have found they take a very long time to overcome. Thank goodness you are strong both physically and mentally and I know this will soon be in your past.
I would opt for the bike focus plan and I would really keep the running to a minimum right now. All I care about is that you’re doing something that resembles running and only your back will be able to tell you how much of that brand is manageable. It’s quite possible you will need to run on a treadmill or similar soft surface for the first couple weeks.
I don’t know if you’re doing any physical therapy or strengthening for your back but I have also found that to be helpful especially when overcoming a muscular strain. Let me know what your plan is there.
I know, I am so jealous of the band camp. I’m very excited to watch it unfold from afar and figure out a way to make it work in the future. We are already overwhelmed this year with travel. It’s hard to complain because we are so fortunate but know that I am committed to getting my kids out to see more of our great country
While watching IM TX and Chris Oubre cross the line in STYLE, decided I better touch base with you.
Life has been super crazy but able to get my training in. Run is slowly coming along. Achilles is playing ball so far.
Summary HIM wk 3 week: Swim-0 pool closed this week for maintenance BIke-58 miles Run- 14 miles
Bombed out on the long ride because my stomach was BAD! Wanted to ride the 4 hour ride with Mark for his first big day protocol. Instead drove around being a cheer leader. He liked it. He executed his BIG DAY well. He was pretty nervous. Next week is HIM wk 4. Test week. Do you want me to do the run test? I have PLENTY of band width at the paces I am running. The paces are slow and moderately uncomfortable. SIGH . Looking forward to when a TRP run in more comfortable. Such is life. This too will change.
@Jacklyn Moore - so glad you watched him finish, he rocked that thing like a boss didn’t he? It was awesome to see.
Sorry to hear that you’re still in the slow zone for the pacing, but as you know it’s for the best. Those weeks where you’re able to swim as well go fill the time and keep you focused.
Sorry to hear about your gut but I’m glad you were able to rebound and support your husband. Your first big day can’t be kind of scary and apply that he mailed it.
I have no desire for you to do any testing right now just so we can keep your Achilles happy. Feel free to add on additional cycling as the weather permits now that things are getting nicer!!
Chris was fantastic. Looking forward to his race report.
Had already decided no test this week and the weather was looking wonderful so I went on a 56 mile ride. It was fantastic! Man can my legs climb! At one point I had a fawn running next to me on the road. She must of thought I was a deer. Sats: Mile 56 Elevatation: @2000 ft Pace solid z2-3 Max HR 156 Average HR 131. Nutrition spot on.
On the big climb HR stayed below 141 bpm and I PR'd the climb. VERY happy with the ride today.
I have picked up a second job. I fill in on-call several mornings a week. It's fun but a challenge to get my training in.
My first big event is only 4 weeks away. Oregon Gran Fondo. The 5 mile hill climb time trial is squarely in my sights. SO Mark and I have arranged to meet up at Lookingglass store. Which is after the big hill climb. I come cruising in. He states, " I don't know why you say you're a weak climber! I had to gut myself to stay ahead of you." Not bad.
Have a great week. Thank you for being a super coach.
Once again your ability to stay balanced across life and training leads to a fantastic workout. I seem to notice this pattern happening again and again, so I appreciate you becoming more comfortable at managing the challenges instead of fighting against them. You are stronger when you swim amongst the waves.
Sounds to me like the grand Fondo is perfectly timed! We want to make sure you’re still taking care of your nutrition despite having all those other people around you as that can get a little frenetic.
If possible, it would be great for you to get one more nice long ride him like that. Then I think you’ll be more than ready to make the leap to the event itself!
Summary HIM WK4 Swim: 0 Bike: 86 miles Run: 18 miles. Because I am still easing my achilles into the run I am doing a split run on Thursday. Took Friday off because I was cooked. Fell asleep on the couch and slept through my run time. Nuts . Saturday, I FINALLY had a nice long run that wasn't crazy hard. Still slow but felt much better. It was a beautiful day. Achilles talked a little that night so I iced and stretched. All good.
Plan for wk 5 is to follow the plan but do a long climb focused ride on Wednesday with Mark. We will be doing about 4 hours. Should come in about 50 miles. We will be checking off 3 of the major climbs in the area. Two weeks after the Grand Fondo is Bend camp. My AA event. Gotta get my billy goat on. I am carrying some fatigue from last week. I can feel it when I climb the stairs. But otherwise I'm good. Attitude is motivated and excited. The first aide station is at the top of the hill time trial. It's another case of ricky racer mentality. No one stops to refuel they just roll and fly. Not this girl. She KNOWS better. That's where the porta is too.
Have a great week. Don't work too hard. I hope you can get some wind in your face. For Mother's day Myah took me to an art class where we painted Mermaids. She loves to paint. What a great kid. She's getting a citizenship award this year. Man! How did she grow so big! I am so proud of her. I think this is better than an award for GPA. It speaks to her character not what she can puke out on paper.
I love the mermaid picture! It was gorgeous and what a beautiful thing to do together.
So far your plan looks good and I love how you listening to your body. On those climbs, let’s make sure to keep the RPMs up. Low cadence /grinding paddling put a lot of extra stress on that Achilles that we can hopefully avoid! Keep me posted.
Two weeks ago Mark and I ran into a friend. He invited us to ride McKenzie Willamette Pass. That ride has been a bucket list for years. 40 miles from Mckenzie all the way into Sisters, OR with NO cars. None. Just one problem. There's a 22 mile, unrelenting hill climb. Absolutely no coasting, flats or any break. Grade ranged from 4-9%. We couldn't of asked for better weather. Clear and cool with a light breeze. The mind-blowing part, for me, was that climbing it wasn't that bad. HR held at 139 bpm. NP 203. Just chugged right up. I didn't realize how steep it really was until we started back down. Yep. You guessed it. A 22-mile descent on clean, butter smooth pavement. We were laying in technical corners at 30+ mph and hooting the whole way down. 3 1/2 hours to climb 50 minutes to descend. When we got to the bottom one of the guys behind me stated to me, " Ya know there are speed limits around those corners!" I replied, "Didn't notice". The view from the lookout was stunning. Definitely worth the suck. We were riding through snow banks and enjoying the crystal blue sky. A fantastic day. It's only closed to cars for a couple weeks. Already open. Looking forward to doing it again next year. The people riding it were so nice! Everyone was smiling and having a blast. I saw a young lady, about 10, on her mountain bike being helped through a couple of the hairpins by her Dad. Way cool.
Because we rode this. We decided we aren't going to do the Oregon Grand Fondo. What's a measly 5-mile hill climb after this? Instead, we are going to go have a picnic and get the first open water swim of the season out of the way. Mark's getting stressed about getting in some open water. As a super duper sherpa I must help my athlete be ZEN.
HIM wk7
Riding a lot of miles with Mark. Last week was basically a big bike week. Goal for HIM met. My left Achilles is barking. I have no idea why it starts being cranky when i rest. Sigh. Just had Ultrasound and stripping today. It doesn't bother me except when I'm loafing. Not when I walk, climb stairs, ride or run. Body comp. improving slowly. All in all, I am thrilled with how things are going.
Have a great week.
PS- 5/24- Achilles calm. Not sore at all. Going to give it one more day off. It's also Mark's Big Tri day. So lots of running around. He gets so nervous.
What an incredible ride. Sounds like you found a real gym and something way better than “just“ the grand Fondo. maybe you guys can make that an annual tradition!
I have a sneaky suspicion that pushing wants with the lower cadence and they figure that Achilles so that is something to watch out for. Also your day-to-day footwear. We want to make sure you have good shoes on with Support, and the wooden clogs or something. You would be surprised what people choose
Your commitment to your Sherpa duties is fantastic. He is a lucky dude! :-) Looking forward to the next update.
Just got back from Bend camp. Sunriver is an interesting experience. Very confusing layout. Scrubby and tight. So many houses! The walking/bike paths are great and well maintained. Two of us were able to get into SHARC and swim during open lap swim. I REALLY like outdoor pools. That was wonderful. The facility was beautiful and clean.
Got there Wednesday evening. Checked into the Bigleaf house with the Raise the Bar athletes and poked around. Helped Mark and Jen get set up. Went and had dinner at the local brewery. Great salmon sandwich and apple slaw. Went home and got some sleep. Tomorrows the big day. Camp starts.
Thursday dawns clear, COLD (34 degrees). Went downstairs about 0500 to start the coffee. Deborah was making eggs and spilled peppercorns everywhere. She then refused to clean them up. So I grabbed a broom and swept them up. As I bent down to pick up a peppercorn my SI joint popped and my week ended. That hurt so much. Physically the pain was top shelf and emotionally my soul died. So I went into damage control. Called my Hubs. Came up with a game plan. I was able to grit my teeth and make it to the evening opener. I told no one except Jen. My biggest concern was being a burden to the group. I already figured out I wasn't going the long routes anyhow. Especially up and around Bachelor. Multiple people had to be picked up Friday because of the elevation issue.
Friday dawned with frost and slight wind but clear and blue. I went and swam at SHARC. Felt good on my back. Then I grabbed my wetsuit and met Deborah and her spouse Scott at Elk lake for an OWS. Elk Lake was nice and brisk and very shallow. Scott took a photo of us standing up in the middle of the lake! The water was crystal clear with frogs and fish. Then I had Huckleberry ice cream on the deck. The young men in the lodge were extremely impressed with all the "old people" riding around the mountain. I then went and found the team and SAG'd with Mark for a while. Then on to dinner. I was the salad mistress. I made sure everyone had a food baby by the time they left. The smores smelled yummy. The Cascades Lake highway was stunning. There were butterflies everywhere! My back felt ok. So I took my bike for a short ride around the complex (10 Miles) to see how it felt. I really wanted to ride Crooked River canyon on Saturday. Felt ok. No motion induced pain or clicking. Was able to ride 200 watts without difficulty. So I planned to suit up in the AM. During dinner, I had to keep going into the garage because I kept tearing up. I was crushed, angry and so miserable. The only one I told was Brenda Ross. She kept a close eye on me from afar. Brian Gaffin made an off-handed comment that just about sent me home. " This seems to be a trend. Why do you bother?" Very good question. I'm still wrestling with that.
Saturday dawned stunning! We all had to shuttle ourselves to Crooked River park. About an hour drive. I LOVE the desert in the morning. There's nothing like it. The weather reports the day before warned of a thunderstorm in Prineville in the afternoon but by morning it had changed to just clouds. HHMMM. I was the first there. Feeling pretty low. Back felt ok. Got kitted up. Everyone slowly arrived. Tom Box saw my bike and came over. Gave me a BIG hug and smooch. He stated with a smile, " That's my girl." That man is so sweet. So we started out. I planned to ride to the dam and then back down. A gradual climb of 1-3ish%. About 40 miles. Thought there were 3 of us doing that route. Until Deborah had a massive mech. She snapped off her derailer and ripped her ZIPP aero wheel apart. I was then alone to pursue my ride my way. So I farted my way up the canyon. WOW! Just wow. It was so quiet. All I could hear were the birds and the river. Occasionally a car would go by. I had seen several dead rattlesnakes on the road. Didn't think too much of it. I was riding close to the guardrail, not really paying attention. When I heard a ZIP, RATTLE....I yanked my bike left and WAM! The rattle snack nailed my back tire. It was laying under the guardrail. I do not make this shit up. The tire was fine. I did not look back. Just kept riding. I didn't want to know. Found Mark a few miles up the road. Sitting in this amazing pull out watching fly fisherman down in the river. Because I was only going to the dam we sat and talked for awhile. I was shocked when he told me I had 2 miles left to the top. Back felt tired but no pain. Sat at the boat ramp for a while. Could see fluffy dark clouds above the rim. Felling pretty deflated Started back down. Turned left off the dam and WHAM hit in the face by an unrelenting headwind. Temp dropped and it started to rain. I was so cold. I was pushing 190 watts and going 11 mph downhill. Rob Sabo did about the same. We both agreed it was brutal. On the way down passed an older dude on a touring bike. I burned some matches on that one. I paid dearly for that ride later. Got back to the truck and the old dude, named Tom, pulled in and we visited for over an hour. I shared my PB&Js. What an amazing guy. He's ridden coast to coast 3 times. He told me that I was a great rider and that he was glad there are such hardcore bikers out there. Gave me a hug and he was on his way. I am amazed at how people drop into my life. Like a flash in the pan and leave ripples that last. I had the afternoon to kill so I went in pursuit of a REAL hamburger. On good authority, I went to Pilot Butte burgers. The burger came with a knife sticking out of it. No one in my house wanted to go. I guess it wouldn't fit on their food scales. Then I went and got a 30-minute deep tissue massage. Yummy. Just what I needed. Dinner was at Mark and Jens. Great food. Got a fantastic salad recipe from Kim Wavrin. Good company. Got to visit with Rob Sabo's and his wife. What a neat lady. I got to thank Rob for his support when Mom was diagnosed with brain cancer. That was great to do in person. Mark taught a short class on waxing chains. Not as hard as I thought. What a great day!
Sunday morning was nasty, cold and raining. Shucks no running for me. Instead, I closed up the house. Took the leftovers to Jen's. Visited with Tom some more and got another hug. We had to be out by 11. Talked with my roomy Diane Hensel. She wants to have a look at EN. She liked the relaxed vibe she got from us En'ers. She will be doing Lake Placid. She would be a fantastic addition to the Haus. Wonderful lady. We are planning to hook up. I offered to sherpa her. Heading home was really hard. So many unmet expectations and plans again. I do not regret staying. I think i managed to contribute to the group.
My chiro has me benched for a minimum of 2 weeks from bike/run. I can start swimming next week. He wants the hematoma to reduce first. He can't believe I was able to walk into his office much less ride 40 miles. I have a huge hematoma over my sacrum. I had a 1-inch leg length discrepancy too. The only thing I can say is because I am so strong I was able to compensate for an injury that earlier in my couch potato life would have dropped me to my knees for weeks. What sucks is that I WAS READY FOR THIS!
Next up on the agenda is get Mark through the next 4 weeks without killing him. Get my back rehabbed so I can Sherpa effectively and have fun in LP. I have some things to think about too. I hope you had a blast in Lake Placid and a great fathers day. I will contact you for a rehab plan next week after my Chiro. releases me.
Hey kid, thank you for the full update. So sorry to hear that the try gods did not like your training plan, but I like how you still made lemonade. Sometimes life is a lot like Racing — solving all the problems, one at a time, as they arise. You are quickly becoming a black belt in managing life and all of its challenges.
Forget the haters, like Taylor Swift says, you just give it 100% every damn day and everything else takes care of itself. Reading your recap made me really sad I wasn’t there to see the area and to connect with all of you. I certainly hope I can make in the future.
I agree, please put your energy into getting well and supporting hubby. Very excited to watch him taper and put the rest together. I am standing by to help when you are ready and please let your hubby know the same.
Rehab/recovery is going splendidly. Chiro released me to go to spin class and swim early. My back is recovering beautifully. I still have a nagging Achilles that will not settle down. Seeing as how I don't really have anything on the cards for several months. I think it best to shut the running down and bike hill climbing until things heal. Really heal. I plan on riding three times a week. Not going to lose ALL my fitness. I have decided to not do the HIM in September. I might do the sprint though. Mark wants to do the HIM. This is his year to go big.
After doing some serious soul-searching. I have decided on a two-year plan to build a machine. The first thing I have to do is get my Achilles to heal. Doing the recovery exercises and have a night brace coming. The bump on my tendon has resolved but still sore to touch and walking in am. The bummer is that I wanted to run with you and Brenda at LP if possible. Oh well. I'll hold the water and whistle. #hardreset
Marks at the pool. Today is his last Race rehearsal. He hadn't been taking his nutrition and hydration seriously until last week. We had a coming to Jesus moment. Today, he is very serious and anxious. He's worried about not making the bike cut off. Today is going to be HOT and humid. Perfect. Finally got him to wear my cool wings. He was going to run for an hour at 96 degrees. I got a little testy. He put them on and what do you know! I was right. He is NOW developing an active cooling plan because what do you know he needs one! And he's writing it DOWN! #knothead Just because my body keeps letting me down doesn't mean I haven't learned stuff! Geez.
I am really excited about LP. I am excited to see, do and visit. I can't wait to hug Brenda and maybe you. I think I will probably cry. Just warning you.
GOAL- #hardreset. 1. Rehab achilles a. Exercise, night brace b. Ride flat, swim 2. Figure out swelling. a. Shelia Leird b. Cliff from NBS. Have already started the conversation with both.
Swelling has become very aggressive and downright scary. They have had me cut to a half concentration which has decreased the swelling and improved peeing. My BP was spiking and feeling very fuzzy headed. Currently working with NA 450mg/hr. We'll see how that goes for awhile. It was great when climbing Crooked canyon. Since decreasing the Sodium intake my weight has dropped about 7 pounds.
Achilles- Doing great. The knot has disappeared. Achilles no longer sore to manual palpation. No pain in the morning either. Will be hitting the open road Tuesday morning. Will see how my Achilles responds to the bike stress. One itsy bitsy teeny weeny climb. Uploaded swim camp for fun. Will continue to do exercises that my trainer gave me twice a day and night brace. So glad I ran into her! Range of motion is back as well. Not sure I will be up to running by the time I see you and Brenda. I am bringing my wetsuit. I hope to get some OWS for the fun. Myah and I are planning on renting paddle boards most of the days we are there. #sunburn#lakelife
When are you planning on getting there?
Super sherpa life update. Oh boy. Marks already packing. We have two weeks until we leave. He really is having a hard time focusing on the task at hand. He could us a STRONG, clear talking to about what the priorities are right now. Some of his energy is panic. The three-hour run he did shook his fragile confidence a little. He's not sure he has done enough to go the distance. My Hubs is a couch potato who doesn't like the hurt locker. This is going to be a transformative experience for him. I am hoping after IMLP it will be Mark 2.0. That he will have left some baggage behind at Mile 18.
That is great news about the Achilles! Please focus on running on flat and soft surfaces, etc.
I believe I arrive on Thursday but it depends on the family as to what time. Usually in time for dinner.
If Mark can use a talk, please have him set up a call with me! He may also be helpful to remind him of what he saw when he spectated as there is a wide variety of people who compete in an Iron Man. Everybody is in the hurt locker to some extent 😂
While cleaning the basement I came across my water running gear. Forgot I had it! I haven't used it in 4 years at least. Had an "aww ha" moment. Went and watched a couple of technique videos. Downloaded the 9-week plan from the wiki and I am off doing water running like a pro! Not too boring yet. Have done 2-45 minute sessions. Trying to decide if I should bring the belt to LP? Thoughts? It is not small.
I have doing swim camp WO. Then straight into water running. Figure my back and shoulders are tired so now it's time to work the legs and buns. Swimming netted me 7000 yards this week. I have seen my net swim pace drop by 3 seconds/100 this week.
Update on Achilles. My sports med dude got his hands on me on Tuesday. He manually scraped my Achilles and gave me homework. It hurt a LOT! He then scraped on Thursday as well. It's pretty sore. He thinks one more scraping on Tuesday should do it. He wants me taped 100% on the time. That's going to look really cool in heels. Then active recovery during LP. When I get back, if it's not 100% improved, he wants me to go get PRP injections. So we will see. I think I've dodged a bullet. It feeling a lot better. He has me doing band work. I have progressed to the hardest band already. Pain and fatigue are my guides for increasing resistance.
Onwards and upwards! What's the worst that can happen?
Doc. has given the go-ahead for spin class. He wants me to not run for at least 2 more weeks. He LOVES the thought of water running. He loves to torture me. The Achilles scraping today was absolutely no pain/soreness with full ROM. See you NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did not realise it's been that LONG! I am so sorry. OOPPPS. In my defence I have been a good girl. Too good I think. I am FAT and lazy. That's no bueno in my world. Blankety blank blank achilles! So I have completed EVERYHTING conservatively possible to heal it up. I was even booted for 3 weeks. That really sucked. I am now being worked up for PRP injections. Seeing as how nothing has really worked. I have gone back to the drawing board. Did a retrospective evaluation of what kinda helped and what did NOT help and came up with my own game plan for management. At this point it's not treatment it's just management. I'm slowly easing my way back onto the bike. That's going good. Haven't done any low cadence stuff yet. Mostly spinning with lower power. Back to swimming and water running. I have added in the arc trainer. Not sure about the arc. Seems to work hip flexors more than glutes/hamstrings. And LOTS of agressive rolling and stretching of calves and feet. Loce mt lacross ball. The best $2 ever.
So nothing big to report. Just trying to get back at it gently and consistenly. Training every other day. It's killing me to not be out there SBR. This is my favorite time of year. I'm finally starting to get my head back in the game. 2019 is still going to be about local stuff. No BIG trips. LP was absolutely amazing. We had a magical time. For Myahs birthday we are taking her to Portland to see Pen and Teller Live. She's so excited.
It's almost show time MR! Looking forward to watching everyone strut their stuff on the rock. Have a great week. Good luck on your election! I'll vote for you.
UPDATE: Did 15" on elliptical. Worked up a good sweat. Then hopped on the TM for a slow (13ish) 1.2 miles. Man it was so hard to stop. I new I could do at least a 5k. Wanted to despritely. NOPE. The day after, achilles is it's usually sore self. No worse. No better. So onward. After TM I went and racked out a fast 1500 yards in the pool. Swim coach stated I am looking smooth and fast. With excellent roll and reach. So somethings going well.
09/18/18- Warm up with 15" elliptical. Like that better. Better posterior action. Then TM for 1.5 miles at 12:05 pace. Started at 13"- gait felt choppy and I was dropping into my left hip. Increased speed until gait felt smooth. Confirmed with a friend that I had good posterior extention and solid foot strike. Kept to my 15" TM time. Then I went and smashed the sh#@! out of my achilles and aggressive core. Hurt like crazy but feels good now. Plan to start a daily run on TM for several weeks. Keeping it short and sweet. Spin class Wednesdays and TR on Saturday. Swim on Thursday. Let see how that goes.
As to the question about getting out of the saddle on my trainer. My trainer doesn't allow rear tire movment. The only side to side movement is from the flexing of the rear triangle. Not something I want to do to my bike. Call me a chicken I can handle it.
So the second week of JOS has started with an "OH CRAP!" we had to rush my daughters dog into the vet Monday morning. She was in almost complete liver failure. We're not sure why. May have been Xylitol poisening or an exposure to goose poop=viral exposure. She's home but not back to her usual annoying self yet.
Have a great week. Hitting most of my sessions with STYLE!
The one with the tennis ball is what I Am thinking of for you...if you care!
Hope the PUP is doing better!!!!
~ Coach P
Just a quick note. In wk3 of the JOS. That was an awesome run!!!! I new my legs were just hiding. WOOT WOOT. 5 miles of TM bliss.
All in all a good week. Achilles a little sore today after yesterdays open road run. Nothing an ice pack didn't fix.
Swim: 2500 yards
Bike: 53 miles. Bagged on todays after an hour d/t technical gremlins. The renter in my pain cave turned off the main power switch to my computer. I'm not sure he's paying enough rent for this. The VO2 intervals on Thursdays kicked my CAN! My IF 0.98. Pushed NP higher than I have ever done for 30" intervals.
Run: 12 miles. Hit paces and distance. No worries. Legs are tired. Looking forward to a couple days off.
Hey I found another acronym. Like CPR but it's PUSH. P-persist, U-until, S-something, H-happens. I like it.
I am observing that my achilles seems to like longer runs every other day. Only getting in two runs a week at this point. I'm also noting that my legs don't like to get with it for about 2 miles. Which I think is part of the challenge. To get a good enough warm up in a short TRP run. Working on that. I already do a dyanmic warm up.
HAve a great week! I like the tennis ball wobble table. Neat idea.
Hubs and I went on a bike date. First open road ride of the season. Been on the trainer for about 4 months. Usually the first rides on the road SUCK! High HR, lousy pace etc.... I come home feeling tired and beat up. Not today. NOPE. Pure speed baby. We rode my RR route from last year. I have 500+ miles on the route. Today,I set 3 PR's. RPE was moderate. HR 130's. NP 140 watts!!!! Average speed 17 mph. Holy bat mobile. I think yoga and spin class are to blame. I was popping out of the saddle with gusto! Laughing at the 330 watts being genrated. It was so nice to not struggle or be afraid of burning the candles too soon on the climbs. Oh no tail wind either.
Can't help but wonder what another 4 months will create and what I can do at the Oregon Grand Fondo???? Hmmm
Maybe I can RACE instead of Participate.
Has it really been that long since I checked in? Man! Life has really gotten out of hand. Working to get back on plan. Went WAY off reservation due to being assualted at work. This dude got seriously between my ears. Took a week plus to do an exorcism and now back on plan. Feeling pretty sparky actually.
Right now I am focusing on being consistent. Just get it done.
Week summary:
Yoga x2
Spin class x2 about 50 miles.
Run 11 miles mostly TRP with a few strides.
No swim. Pools under repair.
On Wednesdays, I have been running laps at my daughters' school while she's at study hall. I have been doing a stride on the back straight. It's kind of fun! My fitness has slipped. Right now I'm focusing on finding JOY.
I hope you had a blast for your birthday. Did the girls make you presents?
Because I screwed up my back at work, this will be my first week back to running. I have loaded up the 2018 Half minimulist plan. Should I do the bike or the run instead? I was looking for a more balanced plan than a bike vs run plan. I just need it all. I am a blob. I have to rebuild my run. SLOWLY. Back feels great. Body comp is decent. I do need to loose some baby fat. After looking at all the rides I don't think that will be hard. HAHAHA. I will be going through the Him plan twice this year. I don't think it is inappropriate to use the HIM plan to get ready for Bend camp.
This is probably a stupid question but where I am dropping in (wk9) there are two different bikes on Saturday. Long bike and challenge bike. Do 1 or do BOTH???
Bend Camp is ON! I am more excited about that than any other event this year. To bad YOU won't be there. Bend is an amazing place to go. The family would have a blast. From lava tubes to floating rivers. High desert in amazing. The night sky alone is something to see. Good food too. You know Stark would have a cow hosting you and the family. So would I. Someday.
Myah's trip to DC was AMAZING! She surprised herself and had a good time. She was convinced that because I wasn't there she wouldn't have fun. There's something to getting shoved out of your comfort zone even at 13yrs old and thriving. Bend camp will be a huge comfort zone challenge for me on many levels. Like mother like daughter. Her I go.
Looking forward to another year of fun and games. We head off to Beaver Freezer TRI this Saturday. IT's supposed to be snowing. HAHAHAH. I told him it was going to be cold!
Have a great week.
Life has been super crazy but able to get my training in. Run is slowly coming along. Achilles is playing ball so far.
Summary HIM wk 3 week:
Swim-0 pool closed this week for maintenance
BIke-58 miles
Run- 14 miles
Bombed out on the long ride because my stomach was BAD! Wanted to ride the 4 hour ride with Mark for his first big day protocol. Instead drove around being a cheer leader. He liked it. He executed his BIG DAY well. He was pretty nervous.
Next week is HIM wk 4. Test week. Do you want me to do the run test? I have PLENTY of band width at the paces I am running. The paces are slow and moderately uncomfortable. SIGH . Looking forward to when a TRP run in more comfortable. Such is life. This too will change.
Have a great week trail running. Lovely picture.
I have no desire for you to do any testing right now just so we can keep your Achilles happy. Feel free to add on additional cycling as the weather permits now that things are getting nicer!!
Chris was fantastic. Looking forward to his race report.
Had already decided no test this week and the weather was looking wonderful so I went on a 56 mile ride. It was fantastic! Man can my legs climb! At one point I had a fawn running next to me on the road. She must of thought I was a deer.
Mile 56
Elevatation: @2000 ft
Pace solid z2-3
Max HR 156
Average HR 131. Nutrition spot on.
On the big climb HR stayed below 141 bpm and I PR'd the climb. VERY happy with the ride today.
I have picked up a second job. I fill in on-call several mornings a week. It's fun but a challenge to get my training in.
My first big event is only 4 weeks away. Oregon Gran Fondo. The 5 mile hill climb time trial is squarely in my sights. SO Mark and I have arranged to meet up at Lookingglass store. Which is after the big hill climb. I come cruising in. He states, " I don't know why you say you're a weak climber! I had to gut myself to stay ahead of you." Not bad.
Have a great week. Thank you for being a super coach.
If possible, it would be great for you to get one more nice long ride him like that. Then I think you’ll be more than ready to make the leap to the event itself!
Summary HIM WK4
Swim: 0
Bike: 86 miles
Run: 18 miles.
Because I am still easing my achilles into the run I am doing a split run on Thursday. Took Friday off because I was cooked. Fell asleep on the couch and slept through my run time. Nuts
Plan for wk 5 is to follow the plan but do a long climb focused ride on Wednesday with Mark. We will be doing about 4 hours. Should come in about 50 miles. We will be checking off 3 of the major climbs in the area. Two weeks after the Grand Fondo is Bend camp. My AA event. Gotta get my billy goat on. I am carrying some fatigue from last week. I can feel it when I climb the stairs. But otherwise I'm good. Attitude is motivated and excited.
The first aide station is at the top of the hill time trial. It's another case of ricky racer mentality. No one stops to refuel they just roll and fly. Not this girl. She KNOWS better. That's where the porta is too.
Have a great week. Don't work too hard. I hope you can get some wind in your face. For Mother's day Myah took me to an art class where we painted Mermaids. She loves to paint. What a great kid. She's getting a citizenship award this year. Man! How did she grow so big! I am so proud of her. I think this is better than an award for GPA. It speaks to her character not what she can puke out on paper.
As always thank you.
Two weeks ago Mark and I ran into a friend. He invited us to ride McKenzie Willamette Pass. That ride has been a bucket list for years. 40 miles from Mckenzie all the way into Sisters, OR with NO cars. None. Just one problem. There's a 22 mile, unrelenting hill climb. Absolutely no coasting, flats or any break. Grade ranged from 4-9%. We couldn't of asked for better weather. Clear and cool with a light breeze. The mind-blowing part, for me, was that climbing it wasn't that bad. HR held at 139 bpm. NP 203. Just chugged right up. I didn't realize how steep it really was until we started back down. Yep. You guessed it. A 22-mile descent on clean, butter smooth pavement. We were laying in technical corners at 30+ mph and hooting the whole way down. 3 1/2 hours to climb 50 minutes to descend. When we got to the bottom one of the guys behind me stated to me, " Ya know there are speed limits around those corners!" I replied, "Didn't notice".
Because we rode this. We decided we aren't going to do the Oregon Grand Fondo. What's a measly 5-mile hill climb after this? Instead, we are going to go have a picnic and get the first open water swim of the season out of the way. Mark's getting stressed about getting in some open water. As a super duper sherpa I must help my athlete be ZEN.
HIM wk7
Riding a lot of miles with Mark. Last week was basically a big bike week. Goal for HIM met. My left Achilles is barking. I have no idea why it starts being cranky when i rest. Sigh. Just had Ultrasound and stripping today. It doesn't bother me except when I'm loafing. Not when I walk, climb stairs, ride or run. Body comp. improving slowly. All in all, I am thrilled with how things are going.
Have a great week.
PS- 5/24- Achilles calm. Not sore at all. Going to give it one more day off. It's also Mark's Big Tri day. So lots of running around. He gets so nervous.
Your commitment to your Sherpa duties is fantastic. He is a lucky dude! :-) Looking forward to the next update.
Just got back from Bend camp. Sunriver is an interesting experience. Very confusing layout. Scrubby and tight. So many houses! The walking/bike paths are great and well maintained. Two of us were able to get into SHARC and swim during open lap swim. I REALLY like outdoor pools. That was wonderful. The facility was beautiful and clean.
Got there Wednesday evening. Checked into the Bigleaf house with the Raise the Bar athletes and poked around. Helped Mark and Jen get set up. Went and had dinner at the local brewery. Great salmon sandwich and apple slaw. Went home and got some sleep. Tomorrows the big day. Camp starts.
Thursday dawns clear, COLD (34 degrees). Went downstairs about 0500 to start the coffee. Deborah was making eggs and spilled peppercorns everywhere. She then refused to clean them up. So I grabbed a broom and swept them up. As I bent down to pick up a peppercorn my SI joint popped and my week ended. That hurt so much. Physically the pain was top shelf and emotionally my soul died. So I went into damage control. Called my Hubs. Came up with a game plan. I was able to grit my teeth and make it to the evening opener. I told no one except Jen. My biggest concern was being a burden to the group. I already figured out I wasn't going the long routes anyhow. Especially up and around Bachelor. Multiple people had to be picked up Friday because of the elevation issue.
Friday dawned with frost and slight wind but clear and blue. I went and swam at SHARC. Felt good on my back. Then I grabbed my wetsuit and met Deborah and her spouse Scott at Elk lake for an OWS. Elk Lake was nice and brisk and very shallow. Scott took a photo of us standing up in the middle of the lake! The water was crystal clear with frogs and fish. Then I had Huckleberry ice cream on the deck. The young men in the lodge were extremely impressed with all the "old people" riding around the mountain. I then went and found the team and SAG'd with Mark for a while. Then on to dinner. I was the salad mistress. I made sure everyone had a food baby by the time they left. The smores smelled yummy. The Cascades Lake highway was stunning. There were butterflies everywhere! My back felt ok. So I took my bike for a short ride around the complex (10 Miles) to see how it felt. I really wanted to ride Crooked River canyon on Saturday. Felt ok. No motion induced pain or clicking. Was able to ride 200 watts without difficulty. So I planned to suit up in the AM. During dinner, I had to keep going into the garage because I kept tearing up. I was crushed, angry and so miserable. The only one I told was Brenda Ross. She kept a close eye on me from afar. Brian Gaffin made an off-handed comment that just about sent me home. " This seems to be a trend. Why do you bother?" Very good question. I'm still wrestling with that.
Saturday dawned stunning! We all had to shuttle ourselves to Crooked River park. About an hour drive. I LOVE the desert in the morning. There's nothing like it. The weather reports the day before warned of a thunderstorm in Prineville in the afternoon but by morning it had changed to just clouds. HHMMM. I was the first there. Feeling pretty low. Back felt ok. Got kitted up. Everyone slowly arrived. Tom Box saw my bike and came over. Gave me a BIG hug and smooch. He stated with a smile, " That's my girl." That man is so sweet. So we started out. I planned to ride to the dam and then back down. A gradual climb of 1-3ish%. About 40 miles. Thought there were 3 of us doing that route. Until Deborah had a massive mech. She snapped off her derailer and ripped her ZIPP aero wheel apart. I was then alone to pursue my ride my way. So I farted my way up the canyon. WOW! Just wow. It was so quiet. All I could hear were the birds and the river. Occasionally a car would go by. I had seen several dead rattlesnakes on the road. Didn't think too much of it. I was riding close to the guardrail, not really paying attention. When I heard a ZIP, RATTLE....I yanked my bike left and WAM! The rattle snack nailed my back tire. It was laying under the guardrail. I do not make this shit up. The tire was fine. I did not look back. Just kept riding. I didn't want to know. Found Mark a few miles up the road. Sitting in this amazing pull out watching fly fisherman down in the river. Because I was only going to the dam we sat and talked for awhile. I was shocked when he told me I had 2 miles left to the top. Back felt tired but no pain. Sat at the boat ramp for a while. Could see fluffy dark clouds above the rim. Felling pretty deflated Started back down. Turned left off the dam and WHAM hit in the face by an unrelenting headwind. Temp dropped and it started to rain. I was so cold. I was pushing 190 watts and going 11 mph downhill. Rob Sabo did about the same. We both agreed it was brutal. On the way down passed an older dude on a touring bike. I burned some matches on that one. I paid dearly for that ride later. Got back to the truck and the old dude, named Tom, pulled in and we visited for over an hour. I shared my PB&Js. What an amazing guy. He's ridden coast to coast 3 times. He told me that I was a great rider and that he was glad there are such hardcore bikers out there. Gave me a hug and he was on his way. I am amazed at how people drop into my life. Like a flash in the pan and leave ripples that last. I had the afternoon to kill so I went in pursuit of a REAL hamburger. On good authority, I went to Pilot Butte burgers. The burger came with a knife sticking out of it. No one in my house wanted to go. I guess it wouldn't fit on their food scales. Then I went and got a 30-minute deep tissue massage. Yummy. Just what I needed.
Dinner was at Mark and Jens. Great food. Got a fantastic salad recipe from Kim Wavrin. Good company. Got to visit with Rob Sabo's and his wife. What a neat lady. I got to thank Rob for his support when Mom was diagnosed with brain cancer. That was great to do in person. Mark taught a short class on waxing chains. Not as hard as I thought. What a great day!
Sunday morning was nasty, cold and raining. Shucks no running for me. Instead, I closed up the house. Took the leftovers to Jen's. Visited with Tom some more and got another hug. We had to be out by 11. Talked with my roomy Diane Hensel. She wants to have a look at EN. She liked the relaxed vibe she got from us En'ers. She will be doing Lake Placid. She would be a fantastic addition to the Haus. Wonderful lady. We are planning to hook up. I offered to sherpa her.
Heading home was really hard. So many unmet expectations and plans again. I do not regret staying. I think i managed to contribute to the group.
My chiro has me benched for a minimum of 2 weeks from bike/run. I can start swimming next week. He wants the hematoma to reduce first. He can't believe I was able to walk into his office much less ride 40 miles. I have a huge hematoma over my sacrum. I had a 1-inch leg length discrepancy too. The only thing I can say is because I am so strong I was able to compensate for an injury that earlier in my couch potato life would have dropped me to my knees for weeks. What sucks is that I WAS READY FOR THIS!
Next up on the agenda is get Mark through the next 4 weeks without killing him. Get my back rehabbed so I can Sherpa effectively and have fun in LP. I have some things to think about too. I hope you had a blast in Lake Placid and a great fathers day. I will contact you for a rehab plan next week after my Chiro. releases me.
Forget the haters, like Taylor Swift says, you just give it 100% every damn day and everything else takes care of itself. Reading your recap made me really sad I wasn’t there to see the area and to connect with all of you. I certainly hope I can make in the future.
I agree, please put your energy into getting well and supporting hubby. Very excited to watch him taper and put the rest together. I am standing by to help when you are ready and please let your hubby know the same.
Rehab/recovery is going splendidly. Chiro released me to go to spin class and swim early. My back is recovering beautifully. I still have a nagging Achilles that will not settle down. Seeing as how I don't really have anything on the cards for several months. I think it best to shut the running down and bike hill climbing until things heal. Really heal. I plan on riding three times a week. Not going to lose ALL my fitness. I have decided to not do the HIM in September. I might do the sprint though. Mark wants to do the HIM. This is his year to go big.
After doing some serious soul-searching. I have decided on a two-year plan to build a machine. The first thing I have to do is get my Achilles to heal. Doing the recovery exercises and have a night brace coming. The bump on my tendon has resolved but still sore to touch and walking in am. The bummer is that I wanted to run with you and Brenda at LP if possible. Oh well. I'll hold the water and whistle.
Marks at the pool. Today is his last Race rehearsal. He hadn't been taking his nutrition and hydration seriously until last week. We had a coming to Jesus moment. Today, he is very serious and anxious. He's worried about not making the bike cut off. Today is going to be HOT and humid. Perfect. Finally got him to wear my cool wings. He was going to run for an hour at 96 degrees. I got a little testy. He put them on and what do you know! I was right. He is NOW developing an active cooling plan because what do you know he needs one! And he's writing it DOWN! #knothead
Just because my body keeps letting me down doesn't mean I haven't learned stuff! Geez.
I am really excited about LP. I am excited to see, do and visit. I can't wait to hug Brenda and maybe you. I think I will probably cry. Just warning you.
Have a great week.
Adore you,
GOAL- #hardreset.
1. Rehab achilles
a. Exercise, night brace
b. Ride flat, swim
2. Figure out swelling.
a. Shelia Leird
b. Cliff from NBS. Have already started the conversation with both.
Swelling has become very aggressive and downright scary. They have had me cut to a half concentration which has decreased the swelling and improved peeing. My BP was spiking and feeling very fuzzy headed. Currently working with NA 450mg/hr. We'll see how that goes for awhile. It was great when climbing Crooked canyon. Since decreasing the Sodium intake my weight has dropped about 7 pounds.
A game plan is developing slowly.
Achilles/life update from a super Sherpa.
Achilles- Doing great. The knot has disappeared. Achilles no longer sore to manual palpation. No pain in the morning either. Will be hitting the open road Tuesday morning. Will see how my Achilles responds to the bike stress. One itsy bitsy teeny weeny climb. Uploaded swim camp for fun. Will continue to do exercises that my trainer gave me twice a day and night brace. So glad I ran into her! Range of motion is back as well. Not sure I will be up to running by the time I see you and Brenda. I am bringing my wetsuit. I hope to get some OWS for the fun. Myah and I are planning on renting paddle boards most of the days we are there. #sunburn#lakelife
When are you planning on getting there?
Super sherpa life update.
Oh boy. Marks already packing. We have two weeks until we leave. He really is having a hard time focusing on the task at hand. He could us a STRONG, clear talking to about what the priorities are right now. Some of his energy is panic. The three-hour run he did shook his fragile confidence a little. He's not sure he has done enough to go the distance. My Hubs is a couch potato who doesn't like the hurt locker. This is going to be a transformative experience for him. I am hoping after IMLP it will be Mark 2.0. That he will have left some baggage behind at Mile 18.
Have a safe and fun Fourth of July!
While cleaning the basement I came across my water running gear. Forgot I had it! I haven't used it in 4 years at least. Had an "aww ha" moment. Went and watched a couple of technique videos. Downloaded the 9-week plan from the wiki and I am off doing water running like a pro! Not too boring yet. Have done 2-45 minute sessions. Trying to decide if I should bring the belt to LP? Thoughts? It is not small.
I have doing swim camp WO. Then straight into water running. Figure my back and shoulders are tired so now it's time to work the legs and buns. Swimming netted me 7000 yards this week. I have seen my net swim pace drop by 3 seconds/100 this week.
Update on Achilles. My sports med dude got his hands on me on Tuesday. He manually scraped my Achilles and gave me homework. It hurt a LOT! He then scraped on Thursday as well. It's pretty sore. He thinks one more scraping on Tuesday should do it. He wants me taped 100% on the time. That's going to look really cool in heels. Then active recovery during LP. When I get back, if it's not 100% improved, he wants me to go get PRP injections. So we will see. I think I've dodged a bullet. It feeling a lot better. He has me doing band work. I have progressed to the hardest band already. Pain and fatigue are my guides for increasing resistance.
Onwards and upwards! What's the worst that can happen?
Doc. has given the go-ahead for spin class. He wants me to not run for at least 2 more weeks. He LOVES the thought of water running. He loves to torture me. The Achilles scraping today was absolutely no pain/soreness with full ROM. See you NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!
Honey I'm home!!!
I did not realise it's been that LONG! I am so sorry. OOPPPS. In my defence I have been a good girl. Too good I think. I am FAT and lazy. That's no bueno in my world. Blankety blank blank achilles! So I have completed EVERYHTING conservatively possible to heal it up. I was even booted for 3 weeks. That really sucked. I am now being worked up for PRP injections. Seeing as how nothing has really worked. I have gone back to the drawing board. Did a retrospective evaluation of what kinda helped and what did NOT help and came up with my own game plan for management. At this point it's not treatment it's just management. I'm slowly easing my way back onto the bike. That's going good. Haven't done any low cadence stuff yet. Mostly spinning with lower power. Back to swimming and water running. I have added in the arc trainer. Not sure about the arc. Seems to work hip flexors more than glutes/hamstrings. And LOTS of agressive rolling and stretching of calves and feet. Loce mt lacross ball. The best $2 ever.
So nothing big to report. Just trying to get back at it gently and consistenly. Training every other day. It's killing me to not be out there SBR. This is my favorite time of year. I'm finally starting to get my head back in the game. 2019 is still going to be about local stuff. No BIG trips. LP was absolutely amazing. We had a magical time. For Myahs birthday we are taking her to Portland to see Pen and Teller Live. She's so excited.
It's almost show time MR! Looking forward to watching everyone strut their stuff on the rock. Have a great week. Good luck on your election! I'll vote for you.
UPDATE: Did 15" on elliptical. Worked up a good sweat. Then hopped on the TM for a slow (13ish) 1.2 miles. Man it was so hard to stop. I new I could do at least a 5k. Wanted to despritely. NOPE. The day after, achilles is it's usually sore self. No worse. No better. So onward. After TM I went and racked out a fast 1500 yards in the pool. Swim coach stated I am looking smooth and fast. With excellent roll and reach. So somethings going well.
09/18/18- Warm up with 15" elliptical. Like that better. Better posterior action. Then TM for 1.5 miles at 12:05 pace. Started at 13"- gait felt choppy and I was dropping into my left hip. Increased speed until gait felt smooth. Confirmed with a friend that I had good posterior extention and solid foot strike. Kept to my 15" TM time. Then I went and smashed the sh#@! out of my achilles and aggressive core. Hurt like crazy but feels good now. Plan to start a daily run on TM for several weeks. Keeping it short and sweet. Spin class Wednesdays and TR on Saturday. Swim on Thursday. Let see how that goes.