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2019 IM Arizona Kick Off Thread



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    Impressive stuff here. You guys are killing it. My long ride feels good. I had a fondo a couple weeks where i rode 120 or so miles at .78 IF. At 31/2 hours in I was able to ride a 38 mile chunk at about .83. I followed that up with a couple weekends of long rides with steady state riding that I think proved to me I'm in a pretty good place for 5 hour power. Ran 15 miles on this Sunday after a pretty big week and a 5:44 hour on Saturday. Swim is in the range I would expect it to be. I certainly don't have the w/kg you guys have, but I think comparing to past years builds I feel good. I'm really looking forward to racing with all of you and watching it all happen from the course. Good luck with your continued training. It's looking like Zwift will be my friend.

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    @Sid Wavrin

    good deal Sid. way to "milk" that biking.

    an aside regarding indoor biking:

    for the long rides, Zwift doesn't work for me. I do pure Erg mode controlling my Kickr with the iphone Wahoo app. I dial in intervals when appropriate. watch movies or shows for first 2/3 to 3/4. then zone out to music and do some mental practice. I guess we all gotta do what works for each individual to get through the long rides.

    another aside regarding indoor biking technical issue:

    most folks probably know: the Kickr can be set up so that the driving power is governed by whatever powermeter. set it up in the Wahoo app. typically I have let the Quarq give the governing power. Though, since for me, the Quarq power NP ends up as about the same as the Kickr generated NP, I have gone back to letting the Kickr power things. Can be the occasional power/signal drop running through the Quarq.

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    @robin sarner Do you just set a steady power for say 5 hours in ERG or do you create a WKO with varied power within a range? I have used the WKOs as written by coach P, use erg and pick a zwift course for scenery. Totally my own ride though.

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    @robin sarner @Robert Sabo and @tim cronk I'm glad to see you posting your numbers. I just got the "training machine" cranked up to full speed last week. Hopefully, I can maintain the intensity all the way to race day. I was feeling bad that I could only muster up a 3.5 hour bike last Saturday, so its good to know that I can build on it and others are in the same place. I won't be close to Tim's w/kg. I also like the advice to not live by the PMC. Mine doesn't show much improvement, but I know that work works and I'm building my engine.

    Robin, I'm in your age group but different zipcode, timezone and any other metaphor. :-)

    I'm just excited, that the weather is awesome here and I can train in comfort.

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    @tim cronk @Rob i never thought of looking at my long rides in terms of w/kg. My last 2 have been at 2.75 which is up from the last few before that. It may be a better way to look at it since TSS and IF assumes you have an accurate FTP and I am never sure mine is accurate (even with testing).

    @Jeff Phillips now I know why you ride so far today. I will repeat what @tim cronk said about PMC with one week off. Don’t worry about it and don’t panic train it back up when you get back. It will be good to get some forced recovery. I seem to remember there being a nice path along the waterfront.


    I will be indoors on le Zwift this weekend. My plan is to start with hang on and then do the desert and volcano flat routes manually. Please join me in Discord if interested. It makes the time go by.

    I will also lead Cruise and Crush on Sunday morning

    Keep after it everyone!

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    @Brian Hagan right on, IF is “a percentage” of “an estimate”, (all those discussions we had about “ftp”.... the watts of the ride and the weight of the rider on that day are real... think fake news vs. facts... then again oh never mind


    @Jeff Phillips here is a pic of my PMC , one month of gains being wiped out in one week ... I’m just posting this to sandbag @robin sarner and @Satish Punna

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    @Brian Hagan @tim cronk et alia...regarding what numbers to pay attention to during and/or after the fact in training in prep phase. I've mentioned this before, but I put in a plug here to think about two other metrics in addition to the w/kg on long rides, 5 hr power, as well as the more classic HR, NP, and AP (to say nothing of PMC!)

    Kilojoules represents the total of the actual work being done, a bit more in depth than average power. It's the base layer from which all others are calculated. And Variability Index (AP/NP) is a good measure of "matches burned" - the lower the # on a flat course like AZ, the fewer the matches gone when it comes time to run.

    I don't know what the "right" # of Kilojoules in a 112 mile ride should be - I guess it depends on the riders weight, etc. But for me, I've learned that about 2700 on the AZ course is my sweet spot - more and I;ve gone too hard, less and I;ve left time on the table.

    So during Saturday mornings Oct 26, Nov 2&9, I will be riding Zwift x 4-4.5 hours, looking for 2100 KJ to get me ready for the race. I could go cruise thru Strava to look at various recent race rehearsal for AZ & Louisville, and see what the pattern is on KJs for various sized people. I think it might be interesting to know one's total KJ and VI for their 112 mi/6 hour rides, and cross check that against things like: 5 hour power, NP, TSS, how the brick run felt, etc.

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    edited October 10, 2019 1:05PM

    Sid. for the long rides, I start off a bit less than race goal. work up to it. than some intervals last 1-2 hours of above race goal. and try to closer approximate what i will do on race day closer to the race. Still with some above race goal intervals near the end. For hilly courses, i had put in intervals during when the hills would be.

    Gary. All kinds of stuff can happen on race day. So we may get a chance to share postage.

    thanks for the good thoughts all

    for me, Zwift racing (i don't mean just Zwift riding), has no part in these long rides. Too much intensity and doesn't allow for a complete quality long ride.

    Brian. I won't be on Zwift, but a good idea to use Discord.

    For when there is no EN racing, might we be able to have an open Discord channel for Arizona trainers to visit ?

    this saturday hopefully we can watch Kona on facebook live.

    Nice thoughts on the goal for Ironman bike. For me and my age, working towards a bike race goal of 3w/kg as this has worked out to be what is needed to make the show. I have done this on the original Whistler course with the needed race outcome.

    but have yet to do it on a flat course. I think my problem on flat courses had been maintaining the focus.

    Al. I'll start paying attention to my KJs.

    Tim. I don't think you have ever been a sandbagger.

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    @Al Truscott the KJ calc definitely seems like a trial and error or experience number. I took the long ride that I did in Snowmass, which was relatively flat and the number was 5:41 and 1857KJ for 81 miles. Last week I did a long steady ride of 3:45, 68.2 miles, IF .71 and 1758KJ. I'm not sure how well you could predict this without tons of historical data.

    If you or anyone else wants to come ride the Beeline or the Sonoran Parkway (similar terrain), I have open space, instead of Zwifting.

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    @robin sarner we may end up in the same zipcode (I sure hope not) but my package is going snail mail and you are shipping yours out express overnight. :-D

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    @Al Truscott I totally agree with your KJ comments. {Kilojoules represents the total of the actual work being done, a bit more in depth than average power.} Looking back over my last 10 IM's the KJ's ranged from a low of 2961 in KONA (my other KONA's were also at the lower end of my range but all above 3000) to a high of 3285 in IMLP (my other high was also IMLP) the remainder were in the 3050-3150 range so that appears to be my sweetspot. So I think if one has past performance or enough 112mile rides they can target this metric in training.

    However I did find that KJ was no indication of a good ride or a bad ride, IOW a bad ride goes on for longer at a lower wattage so the KJ ends up being the same as a good ride which is shorter at a higher watts.

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    edited October 10, 2019 2:43PM

    I think @tim cronk final comment here is important. I suspect for example that he and I could have very similar KJ at the end of the bike, with Tim riding much faster. IOW it is going to take a certain KJ to cover the course and how fast you go won't change it much. I am sure that a change in VI will have a significant impact. I also would assume that a hilly course of 112 miles is going to have more KJ than a flat course simply because it is more work. Is that right @Al Truscott?

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    @Sid Wavrin If I understand this correctly watts is the power generated and kilojoules is the energy consumed. 1 watt per hr = 3.6 kj's. KJ's are calculated via AP NOT NP so VI should be a NON factor in KJ's but certainly would be in time on a course. It makes sense to me that all of my IM splits are similar KJ's (its simply the amount of energy required to get me around the course) there could be very large differences between different riders based on weight which would require more energy and the amount of power that rider is capable of. Here is an extreme example. One of Lionel Sanders KONA files was 4772 KJ's in 4:25 vs. 3000 KJ's and 5:40 for one of mine :-) Interesting NOTE: Lionel Sanders TSS is around 250 vs my 300.

    The REAL takeaway in this KJ, IF, FTP, AP/NP, TSS ,W/KG, VI, IM bike course discussion is that it prompts US to dig into our own data and LEARN something. That is the beauty of EN , I think we are all smart enough, and adult enough , to realize this is not a contest(afterall Lionel Sanders wins) but an individual learning exercise.

    IN the end the IM or any race is about TIME getting from one point to the other the fastest!

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    edited October 14, 2019 6:06PM

    @Sid Wavrin - to compliment commentary above.

    IMWI hilly course vs. IMAZ flat course - which has more bike work? A trick question because you still have to run a marathon after both of those bike courses...... How tired do you want to be when finishing the bike leg? Same TSS on IMWI bike (amount of work) vs. IMAZ = a longer bike time to complete the 112 IMWI vs. the 112 IMAZ, given the technical nature of IMWI vs. IMAZ....... Either way, if I want to run well, I need to hold that TSS to a range of 260 - 280 regardless of the terrain. I want the amount of work I do to be within the same range so that I can still run for 4+ hours without walking.

    IMAZ/IMCOZ will take a whole different strategy and training approach than IMWI. Holding steady watts on a flat course over 5-6 hours is arguably just as difficult as managing a hilly course. Time in the saddle, in aero position managing the mental grind of holding those watts with very little change in elevation or opportunity to sit up is a discipline in and of itself.

    Once I get it figured out (and I have raced IMAZ, IMCOZ, IMTX as we as many hilly venues, i.e., IMMT, IMWI, etc...) ...I will let you know..............😎

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    this week and two weeks from now will be highest volume weeks. so campish. took day off in the middle of the week.

    tues and wed did runs a bit longer than baseline. 75 minutes on the vasa yesterday. 5 hour bike and 6 mile brick today.

    hopefully 18 mile run this weekend. then 20 mile run next week. and that will be it for the big runs.

    two more 5 hour bikes.

    and then that race thing.

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    Thought I'd do a quick analysis of my last 2 long rides. A bad vs. good scenario, both on the same course. Dont get me wrong not happy with either scenario (not enough watts:-))

    4hrs,80 miles, 146ap/152np, 2.67w/kg, 1.04vi, 2141kj, 19.7mph. Very poor execution, fade, crack, break, limp ride at the end, no brick, felt sick.

    4.5hrs,90 miles, 148ap/149np, 2.68w/kg, 1.01vi, 2468kj, 19.9mph. Much better execution, held power steady till the end, HR decoupled around halfway but kept climbing. Felt OK off the bike and was able to brick, ran the brick too hard and felt sick after but the key was getting off the bike in better shape.

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    @tim cronk I take it as a positive that you felt much better on day #2. I was really happy with day #1, but had nothing left for day #2. The good thing is that this is a kind of rehearsal for the real race rehearsal in week 18. I am looking foward to seeing what you do there.

    Here is day one: 182 AP (2.55 W/KG) / 189 NP VI 1.04 (speed irrelevant on indoor trainer). I decouple at 4 hours always. (I took two nature breaks). My run after felt great.

    Day 2 was no good. I was pedaling around 2.0 and could not get into a rhythm. I bailed after 2 hours and ran later in the day. It turned out to be a really nice afternoon, and I wish I would have ridden outside later in the day.


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    @Brian Hagan that ride looks very nice high quality! I wish my examples were Day #1 and #2 but they were a full week apart !

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    everyone please be careful of following the plans into the ground.

    and consider tailoring to your own needs.

    i do a shorter long run three weeks out and two weeks out. and shorter long bike two weeks out. I need the recovery.

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    edited October 22, 2019 3:24AM


    i assume folks have looked at the map.

    back to counter clockwise generally.

    but quick initial turns. will clog things up.

    i normally like to go a bit wide.

    I am thinking I will stay on the inside (to the right) for the two quick turns. and suck it up being in the congestion. so then when I am headed east, I will be able to swing wide if i need. (to the right)

    best I can tell, after the last turn, we have to come a bit east before getting out. but in reality, not clear. the final turn last year, for the clockwise direction, was not clear until done.

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    Some wise words above from @robin sarner .......steady as she goes finding that line and managing that fatigue weeks 16 - 18 peeps.......

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    So .... First RR Swim done as EZ = 1:07 pushed effort in last few 100 but speed dint actually change much But HR did = Plan for race is Go "slow" ~1:10 and come out fresh

    1st RR bike : did it with some simulation of higher power for the Beline "climb": If NP flats is 175 ~6ml at 108-185 then 4ml at 190 and 200-210 the last kick up. Down is 165w till things level out and then ~175ish on back.....this is per BBS     RPE felt correct average speed a bit off due to the actual grade of ride and HR was higher than I would have liked  BBS would have me at 5:10 on race given this effort ended up 5:25 for 112... However No rear disk or shaved legs :)

    ROB felt actually good and I went mostly by feel but waaaay to high HR Z4! now I was running 30 sec faster than a "realistic GRP" but was a solid 4hr pace by doing a 20-30 sec walk every 1/2 mile As I plan on doing. ~8:50/ml  it felt about a notch above Marathon but slight below HM pace.  Probably will plan on 9:30 x 6 mls for race day

    Ego wants a <4 hr  reality is Id like a <4:30     Achilles has been an issue but manageable -so far.  ( likely will be in a boot s/p placental stem cell injections (Experimental program at VA) after IMAZ

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    ....upcoming training is wonky as per usual with work coming in blocks of 2-3 days (12-14 hrs) and a mandatory SAU trip tacked on to a work block ...oh and 3 day Army weekend in the next 4-5 weeks....


    will try a "camp week" with RR#2 (3 days)Early next week (only 1 more day to train this week so not happening this week) with last day Run RR

    ....then 3-4 days Work block [no training] (? yoga? Vassa? we'll see)

    Beginning of Next week: FINAL BIG [2 days] Do a Self HIM@ IM (vs @ HIM? pace); Next day 100-120 ml Z2Ride or standard RR (#3)? Suggestions?

    -2 days off

    then Last "long ish" run EZ on TM, Swim both days Essentially "tapering" from NOV 6th

    Next week less vol Race intervals etc 'normal' taper

    No real "undulation" as in: Big peak - recovery week, last big peak then 2 week fatigue bleed.... but the big -ish forced off chunks -should allow for recovery between each 2-3 days big WKOs BTW I HAVE NOT been able to do the Long SAT then ABP Sun combo throughout build BTW. Just 1 Long -er ride per week.

    As a side, Still unhappily at 20# above ideal race wt so FTP W/kg only 2.7ish

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    thanks @Shaughn Simmons wish you were going to be in Arizona. I do want to do Cozumel sometime.

    way to work it @David Howard looks like there may be a bunch of us trying for similar bike times. good luck with the legs.

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    edited October 23, 2019 4:22PM

    I find week 16 of the IM plan to be similar to mile 18 - 20 of the run during the race....

    "I've been hammering this out now for the past 15 weeks, I am tired, I have a bad attitude and I am not sure I really like training for IM.......blah, blah, blah......"

    By Week 17, you can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel with the last long run, and RR2 coming up leading into taper.....

    Hold that line peeps, maintain self confidence, stay healthy.......see you all at the taper period!

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    @Shaughn Simmons I discovered a solution to that late-cycle IM training funk - just take it easy for two weeks with a race simulation in the middle. I'm raring to go now. Been running 5k/day, started riding again on Zwift, and swimming as per the plan. I'm hoping together a big ride this weekend, and really looking forward to slamming the bike Nov. 24th.

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    @Al Truscott - I think that works if you have just come off of a full IM and have fitness resulting from a long swim, bike and run in one day.......that said, it is a balance as you elude to above.......

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    joining thread...

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    So happy to see @Rich Stanbaugh join us. 50-54 podium going to be red and black

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    Right now it seems to be a balance of fatigue and work. Getting it done, but definitely needed Monday off. Even took it easyish on Tuesday.

    Keep getting after it everyone.

    Welcome @Rich Stanbaugh

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