Colleen, good luck! Maybe you'll have the babe that sleeps from mmidnight to 5 am!
K, been reading and could totally be talked into timberman. IM's out for awhile...probably a long while.
Kris, totally agree with you. Yoga, bootcamp and other fun stuff I missed while in IM training. Also want to hit the trails for running and can't wait to snowshoe run! Also working hard in getting more weight off!
Ladies racing this weekend, you've been in my thoughts!
I'm another for Hot yoga and other training- I'm doing some boot camp stuff now , and then will then be doing some 1;1 training with my buddy Shawn who owns the Boot camp company. He is probably the Best Personal trainer I have ever worked with! He is just getting into triathlon and will be getting an OS plan , then doing his first HIM at Eagleman next year. Fun to be around people catching the Tri Bug
Other stuff working on is getting all the kinks out, lots of Body work- setting up days of focus on different body parts for self massage from Leigh's AWESOME site. And working on hip strength-MYRTLE exercises that Leigh suggested
Really want to get back into my trail running, hoping to do my 5th 50 miler in January if knee and foot cooperate, fingers crossed.
Gotta scoot- eyebrow maintenance time( man they get out of control so easily!) then boot camp
P90X, haven't googled it yet but friends tell me there is a light program as well. will see what is what, doc said my iron numbers are LOWER than June!.. to a 12.4, so still on low side of normal. but I can see the funny side of this. doing an Ironman in 2 weeks and have been trying to UP the iron. thyroid results to come. out for most of the day today and unloading groc and about to cook. still warm here but not as. I wasn't drenched in sweat today. a new one. m
@M--know I'm a broken record, but re thyroid--Cytomel AND Synthroid. Makes a world of difference. Just want you feeling better!!!! Because I know all too well how you feel.
Hey, Chicas, my SO is due any day now, so I'm putting my EN membership on hold until the midnight feedings are done. I just wanted to wish everyone good luck at IMOO before I leave. I'll be thinking of all of you and really wish I could be there. Say hi to all of the Chicago Tri Club people at the Cross Plains water station at miles 40 and 80. Please feel free to friend me on facebook if you'd like to see pictures of Kate, our soon-to-be daughter.
HOW WONDERFUL!!! I have been thinking about you. Su and I hope to be joining the parenting venture soon!!
@Marianne (and Sheryl)- P90X WILL KICK YOUR ASS!! (No censoring that!) Even if you do the "lite version". I did it at the beginning of '08 (pre-EN) and end of '08 and into the '09 OS (I always start OS in January). I was NOT doing very much of their cardio, once OS started. I always did the "girlie" or "lite" version, the easiest exercise shown. You get VERY sore. Eventually I was only able to keep up with abs. You can get ripped with P90X, but you really can't do it with the OS.
Autumn of 2009 I purchased "Get Insanity". Same company, different trainer, different style. My opinion- MUCH BETTER than P90X. I did it from September to OS start in January. It is a lot more hard core cardio- so you sweat, but it is all strength moves. I felt like I was more cut and finally saw my ab muscles.
P90X trainer Tony is annoying and talks too much. Get Insanity trainer, Shaun, keeps yakking to a minimum and is mainly about business. Nutrition plans are identical.
@ Colleen, congrats and good luck with the little one! Michelle and I go back and forth about taking that plunge.
I debated about entering a sprint tri Labor Day weekend. I think I'm going to go for it, just have some fun.
Reading all of the facebook posts about the long runs, long rides etc. I am glad to have that behind me for this year anyway. Looking ahead to the OS and putting some serious work in on the bike. I am here cheering you ladies on though!
@ M-with endocrinologist, if at all possible, try to get one that specializes in thyroid. You can probably find one at U of Arkansas. Good idea. i was being followed by primary care for a while. The endocrinologist i saw last fall said I should have my thyroid managed by endocrinologist. Unfortunately, she moved to NY, so i need to get another.
???? About the EN chicas rule shirt. ???? So I went to order my en chica rule gear, my head started spinning, cause so many choices Should I get the fitted vs regular tshirt? Color, I think leaning toward pink, but may also get a long sleeve one as well. Then again, what about the Hoodie? need to cover my bases temp wise. I also want to make sure the people of Madison know who i'm cheering for! Help me decide. Normally, I can make decisions, but hmmmm, struggling with this. Thanks
Finally made it back to my favorite forum! Temps in Penticton have dropped a lot but boy have the winds picked up! I guess one trade off for another. Energy in town is definitely building; can't believe race day is on Sunday! @Tracy: Who was your endocrinologist that moved to New York? I may have to check her out.
@ Carie- how exciting! I hope the winds calm down on Sunday! I will be watching.
Endocrinologist is Mona Sabra. I don't remember which hospital she was going to? NYU?
I liked her because she listened to me. At first I was cautious cause she rolled her eyes initially when I asked about cytomel, however, I was very prepared going into the visit. I did a LOT of reading, she even made a comment about "how i did my research". In the end, she was happy that I was feeling better, and getting back to my triathlon activities, and gave the name of doc she studied with during her fellowship. I have a back-up plan if he does not work out. I am Truly blessed to have the education I have to do the lit searches, and have enough knowledge to ask the questions. I often wonder about the people that don't. Knowledge is power
I just need knowledge to get a normal sleep schedule, sometimes I wish I had a normal schedule
???? About the EN chicas rule shirt. ???? So I went to order my en chica rule gear, my head started spinning, cause so many choices Should I get the fitted vs regular tshirt? Color, I think leaning toward pink, but may also get a long sleeve one as well. Then again, what about the Hoodie? need to cover my bases temp wise. I also want to make sure the people of Madison know who i'm cheering for! Help me decide. Normally, I can make decisions, but hmmmm, struggling with this. Thanks
The fitted shirts run VERY small. I had to get an XL.
I ordered a size M in the "Ladies Cut" T. It's a little snug but works. I usually would order an XS shirt- so they are definately cut small. I ordered pink- keeping with the theme :-)
not much time... work is busy again (yay) and personal life is hectic... if you've seen my FB you know how unexpected things can creep up and take you by surprise.
anyway: @Colleen - wow, congrats and good luck! exciting!!!!!
I have no idea what the P90x thing is that's being discussed... too much time away - with traveling and racing and being consumed with my own random issues (sorry... )...but it sounds hard!
I wore my EN Chicas shirt on the way home from NH this past weekend. I got a long sleeve in white...not sure what size I got (probably M), but I'm guessing it was women's fitted as it was on the fitted side/not roomy, but fit nicely. would probably have been fine if I weren't also wearing my compression tights... think the folks at all the rest stops got to see way too much of my shape than I would ordinarily prefer... but I loved having it. And I loved racing in the pink visor since I also had matching sports bra and picked up socks at the expo! (oh, and Tracy, yup those are the socks you have)
so, I've been annoying the crap out of anyone who will listen (Kit, Nemo, Kate, Suzanne) about power and quarqs and wheel sizes... only to get a call yesterday from my LBS that they found a crack in my frame. not catastrophic, but I should mark it, watch it closely, and start shopping. Wowsa... who knows what I'll end up with. Todd at TT bike fit has what might be a deal for me on a Kestrel but we need to make sure it fits (no shops in my area have the bike he has, kestrel airfoil)... I have a form to fill it out with measurements and need to take a video to send to him to least if I get it I can send it back. If not, hopefully he'll have other suggestions for me... I'm also gonna try a few other shops that carry bikes for lil peeps (i.e., quintana roo and guru) with 650s so I can keep the 2 wheelsets I currently have... we'll see. kind of nervewracking... I was not expecting this expense, but kinda fun since I've been riding a used hand me down (that was purchsed used)... so I may be in the hole big time soon... and I'm still planning on power in the off season... yikes... good thing I saved all the money I made when I was in private practice because I couldn't afford this on a government salary... but I will certainly say that this is making me own the decisions and I'm learning a ton in the process! So, it's kinda fun. The thought of a fancy schmancy brand new tri bike is neat!!!
back to work. miss you and thinking of you - the IMLOU'ers and Moo chicas, too!
Becky, sorry about the cracked frame, but at least you get a new bike, right? Sounds like you have made peace with the situation.
Best of luck to all the IMLou and IMCA ladies! I can't wait to track you and read your race reports. IMOO ladies, how are all of you doing?
I am back in College Station this weekend for my 10th year vet school reunion. I can't believe it has been 10 years! It's a little disappointing, because my closest friends have been unable to make it, but it will still be fun. Even better, I get to ride new places this weekend! No same old route for me. On the drive in, I did see a huge pickup truck with large blue plastic testicles dangling from the tow hitch. Nice!
Coleen: Wow! How exciting! Never having done it, I think that motherhood seems like the ULTIMATE Chica adventure.
Kristen: Will continue to hang out on FB! Hope you rock it at Longhorn!
For the EN Chica clothes: I bought a fitted t-shirt (pink, of course) in Medium. It fits "fitted" as advertised. I would normally order a small for those kinds of shirts. Also got a pink hoodie in Medium---which is a little big for me, but that's okay.
Very excited for our gals at IMC and IMLou tomorrow! Rock on EN Chicas!!
Gals- Touching in quickly here! Whirlwind of activity here and barely had a second to sit down and even ck email! I think Patrick will need a week of rest after this!
Tues- Good 3000m swim in downtown pool (add extra hr to workout time) since local Y pool closed. Delivered new washer & dryer (whew! and Ouch!) Delivery guys awesome, new w&d are a dream although I have laundry piles sky high...
Wed- Good run and bike/brick.. feeling stronger and loving it!
Thurs- crazy hectic day at work. Early am 1- 1/2 hr run in the books. Patrick gets delayed on flight 2 X putting him in after 10pm. I can't imagine how exhausted he had to be spending all day in airport. I was "stand in" for the team EN dinner- which was great. Lots of new faces, some new to me, some new to EN. Got to meet Yasko, Barb (again) and Amiee- very cool! We had a great turnout and great socializing!
Fri- Got up o-dark-thirty and went down to swim in the Ohio River. Hightailed it back to clean up and go down to expo for 4 Keys talk. Interesting note.... no more Race Day Wheels at the expo, it's now Ironman Wheel rental... wonder if Tri Bike Transport will be next.... Expo on small side but since I have WI in 2 wks, do NOT need to spend more money!! EN talk went well with LOTS of folks attended and very well received. Got to have lunch with EN Chicka Robin Cline. Clued Robin in on the Timberman possibility and she was excited to hear abt! She will not be racing Longhorn but in great shape and spirits and will be back physically 100% soon! Gave P a small tour of local bike shops...we hit 3 in one day. First was to pick up my new helmet since old one cracked (did I mention that I seem to have fallen into the money pit lately... new helmet, new washer & dryer... I am afraid to touch anything else!!) 2nd was to pick up pair of shoes I ordered and #3 was to pick up some cleat washers for one of the pro racing here. Rode abt 1 hr 45 min with Paul & Coach P. It dawns on me about 20 mins in that neither of these two are running right now and their object of torture is now 100% bike. I hang on their wheels like the squirrel in Ice Age with his acorn and pray - hard! I survive in time to shower (yet again) and meet the EN folks for drinks on 4th Street. Great time and an excellent turnout!! Sending some pics over for P to post.
Sat- Am I sure I even went to bed and slept?? Up early down to meet folks for breakfast and drop off son who is working at IM Store. Worked Bike Check In from 11-3pm (what a zoo). LOTS of first timers (over 1600 they said at banquet last night). I only took one pro in who it wasn't their first. Got to check in the youngest racer- just turned 18- who is doing the race with her mom (who coached her). VERY COOL! Plans to be all over the course so I'll tweet and FB some updates and try to check in to the forum race day thread if I can. Feel free to call if you need any updates...
Hi ladies. I logged on to check out the race tracker (will do that next) and print my next week's schedule... wanted to touch base and say hi! Thought of our folks this morning on my run - hope they're rockin and rolling today!
Did my long ride yesterday, 4 hours is my longest of the season... legs felt good for the hard part, but by the time I got to the just ride in Z2 for an hour they were tired... so, glad I followed the recovery week plan. I did Thursdays run this morning... again, the 2 tough segments at the beginning were okay, but I had trouble with the last work segment at the end, even though it was only Z2... nervous to officially start IM training at week 3 tomorrow... but more excited to finally have the light at the end of the tunnel getting bigger!
Todd at TT bike fit found a bike that might work well... he had an idea then looked at my measurements and a video of me riding - and thinks it will work... better news he found a good deal bc it's a little frame with little wheels... and that combo didn't sell well. He's ordered it and will put it together and fit it as best he can and I hope to have it by the end of the week and he'll work with me on it's fit. Certainly not an expense I was expecting, but once the initial shock wore off I got kind of excited, this is my first real bike purchase!. Dan, on the other hand, has been a pill... thought I was gonna wait til after FL. Thinks the bike is perfectly rideable as long as we watch it. Thinks I should see what else it out there locally (which I had planned to, but when Todd told me he thought this would work my gut told me to go for it). He also doesn't agree that I go with the higher end bike (essentially the difference in price is less than the cost of the race wheels that come with it and I need race wheels not another pair of Mavics). Etc, etc., etc. Anyway, this was a huge decision for me and once I made it I owned it and he's been a kill joy... but today he came over to pick me up and had flowers... totally unexpected. He said happy IM training and happy new bike. So that was really nice... I know he doesn't agree, but it's my money and I rarely buy anything (i.e., clothes or fun stuff) let alone anything huge... which I tried to explain to him...
that's enough outta me. gotta check the race thread and see how we're doing. hope the Moo Chicas are tapering well and enjoying life!
Becky- Congrats on the bike! and Happy IM training. I'm glad Dan came through in the end. While reading your post and his initial reaction, I found myself getting annoyed, You guys aren't married and its your money! To his defense, he does not know Todd, but i don't think Todd would steer you wrong, you will also be able to return it if it does not work. Can't always say that about LBS, always looking out for the best thing for you, its a matter of making it work for the bikes they sell. Hope it all works out, and glad Todd was able to help you out.
Kris: Hope you're staying hydrated and cool out there! Gotta love all the mojo that comes with watching these IM's.
Becky: The bike will be okay if you JUST WATCH IT?!! Just watch it catastrophically fall apart oh say on RACE DAY. Married or not, it's your $$$ that you earned with YOUR job. If you want to buy a freaking LLAMA to ride at IMFL that's your business. Period. Okay, rant over. I'm really excited about your new tri bike. I'm glad you are too!
K, been reading and could totally be talked into timberman. IM's out for awhile...probably a long while.
Kris, totally agree with you. Yoga, bootcamp and other fun stuff I missed while in IM training. Also want to hit the trails for running and can't wait to snowshoe run! Also working hard in getting more weight off!
Ladies racing this weekend, you've been in my thoughts!
Colleen -- so exciting! Big congratulations and can't wait to see pics!
Colleen- Congrats, very exciting news!
I'm another for Hot yoga and other training- I'm doing some boot camp stuff now , and then will then be doing some 1;1 training with my buddy Shawn who owns the Boot camp company. He is probably the Best Personal trainer I have ever worked with! He is just getting into triathlon and will be getting an OS plan , then doing his first HIM at Eagleman next year. Fun to be around people catching the Tri Bug
Other stuff working on is getting all the kinks out, lots of Body work- setting up days of focus on different body parts for self massage from Leigh's AWESOME site. And working on hip strength-MYRTLE exercises that Leigh suggested
Really want to get back into my trail running, hoping to do my 5th 50 miler in January if knee and foot cooperate, fingers crossed.
Gotta scoot- eyebrow maintenance time( man they get out of control so easily!
) then boot camp
Have a great afternoon
@M--know I'm a broken record, but re thyroid--Cytomel AND Synthroid. Makes a world of difference. Just want you feeling better!!!! Because I know all too well how you feel.
Welcome to baby Kate! Such wonderful news. All the best, and jump back in when you can.
@Marianne (and Sheryl)- P90X WILL KICK YOUR ASS!! (No censoring that!) Even if you do the "lite version". I did it at the beginning of '08 (pre-EN) and end of '08 and into the '09 OS (I always start OS in January). I was NOT doing very much of their cardio, once OS started. I always did the "girlie" or "lite" version, the easiest exercise shown. You get VERY sore. Eventually I was only able to keep up with abs. You can get ripped with P90X, but you really can't do it with the OS.
Autumn of 2009 I purchased "Get Insanity". Same company, different trainer, different style. My opinion- MUCH BETTER than P90X. I did it from September to OS start in January. It is a lot more hard core cardio- so you sweat, but it is all strength moves. I felt like I was more cut and finally saw my ab muscles.
P90X trainer Tony is annoying and talks too much.
Get Insanity trainer, Shaun, keeps yakking to a minimum and is mainly about business.
Nutrition plans are identical.
Lots to do. See ya!
good advice on p90X... as I just said I was taking a nap. haven't bought a thing and I sure don't need a guy that talks too much. lol
yes about to get a referral to endocrinologist, seen this fam doc for 19 years but have seen him too much about not being 100%.
congrats on baby.. I love them. m
@ Colleen, congrats and good luck with the little one! Michelle and I go back and forth about taking that plunge.
I debated about entering a sprint tri Labor Day weekend. I think I'm going to go for it, just have some fun.
Reading all of the facebook posts about the long runs, long rides etc. I am glad to have that behind me for this year anyway. Looking ahead to the OS and putting some serious work in on the bike. I am here cheering you ladies on though!
@ M-with endocrinologist, if at all possible, try to get one that specializes in thyroid. You can probably find one at U of Arkansas. Good idea. i was being followed by primary care for a while. The endocrinologist i saw last fall said I should have my thyroid managed by endocrinologist. Unfortunately, she moved to NY, so i need to get another.
???? About the EN chicas rule shirt. ???? So I went to order my en chica rule gear, my head started spinning, cause so many choices
Should I get the fitted vs regular tshirt? Color, I think leaning toward pink, but may also get a long sleeve one as well. Then again, what about the Hoodie? need to cover my bases temp wise. I also want to make sure the people of Madison know who i'm cheering for!
Help me decide. Normally, I can make decisions, but hmmmm, struggling with this. Thanks
@Tracy: Who was your endocrinologist that moved to New York? I may have to check her out.
@ Carie- how exciting! I hope the winds calm down on Sunday! I will be watching.
Endocrinologist is Mona Sabra. I don't remember which hospital she was going to? NYU?
I liked her because she listened to me. At first I was cautious cause she rolled her eyes initially when I asked about cytomel, however, I was very prepared going into the visit. I did a LOT of reading, she even made a comment about "how i did my research". In the end, she was happy that I was feeling better, and getting back to my triathlon activities, and gave the name of doc she studied with during her fellowship. I have a back-up plan if he does not work out. I am Truly blessed to have the education I have to do the lit searches, and have enough knowledge to ask the questions. I often wonder about the people that don't. Knowledge is power
I just need knowledge to get a normal sleep schedule, sometimes I wish I had a normal schedule
good on Carrie making it to CA and Barb making it to KY... and to the other chicas that haven't checked in yet... go get em! m
I ordered a size M in the "Ladies Cut" T. It's a little snug but works. I usually would order an XS shirt- so they are definately cut small. I ordered pink- keeping with the theme :-)
Thanks Gina, If you got an XL, I'll need bigger or the regular shirt
Hi Ladies...
not much time... work is busy again (yay) and personal life is hectic... if you've seen my FB you know how unexpected things can creep up and take you by surprise.
anyway: @Colleen - wow, congrats and good luck! exciting!!!!!
I have no idea what the P90x thing is that's being discussed... too much time away - with traveling and racing and being consumed with my own random issues (sorry... )...but it sounds hard!
I wore my EN Chicas shirt on the way home from NH this past weekend. I got a long sleeve in white...not sure what size I got (probably M), but I'm guessing it was women's fitted as it was on the fitted side/not roomy, but fit nicely. would probably have been fine if I weren't also wearing my compression tights... think the folks at all the rest stops got to see way too much of my shape than I would ordinarily prefer... but I loved having it. And I loved racing in the pink visor since I also had matching sports bra and picked up socks at the expo! (oh, and Tracy, yup those are the socks you have)
so, I've been annoying the crap out of anyone who will listen (Kit, Nemo, Kate, Suzanne) about power and quarqs and wheel sizes... only to get a call yesterday from my LBS that they found a crack in my frame. not catastrophic, but I should mark it, watch it closely, and start shopping. Wowsa... who knows what I'll end up with. Todd at TT bike fit has what might be a deal for me on a Kestrel but we need to make sure it fits (no shops in my area have the bike he has, kestrel airfoil)... I have a form to fill it out with measurements and need to take a video to send to him to least if I get it I can send it back. If not, hopefully he'll have other suggestions for me... I'm also gonna try a few other shops that carry bikes for lil peeps (i.e., quintana roo and guru) with 650s so I can keep the 2 wheelsets I currently have... we'll see. kind of nervewracking... I was not expecting this expense, but kinda fun since I've been riding a used hand me down (that was purchsed used)... so I may be in the hole big time soon... and I'm still planning on power in the off season... yikes... good thing I saved all the money I made when I was in private practice because I couldn't afford this on a government salary... but I will certainly say that this is making me own the decisions and I'm learning a ton in the process! So, it's kinda fun. The thought of a fancy schmancy brand new tri bike is neat!!!
back to work. miss you and thinking of you - the IMLOU'ers and Moo chicas, too!
The regular shirts are more true to size. I ordered a few of those for my family.
If I want a fitted shirt I'll have to order XXXXL for my shoulders! LOL!
@Becky- Bummer on the frame crack, but at least when you get power it will all work well together as it will be built in.
I am getting restless.
Colleen, congrats on the baby!
No same old route for me. On the drive in, I did see a huge pickup truck with large blue plastic testicles dangling from the tow hitch. Nice!
Becky, sorry about the cracked frame, but at least you get a new bike, right? Sounds like you have made peace with the situation.
Best of luck to all the IMLou and IMCA ladies! I can't wait to track you and read your race reports. IMOO ladies, how are all of you doing?
I am back in College Station this weekend for my 10th year vet school reunion. I can't believe it has been 10 years! It's a little disappointing, because my closest friends have been unable to make it, but it will still be fun. Even better, I get to ride new places this weekend!
The great thing about P90X is that you can put them on your lap top and if you order the bands you don't have to have any other equipment.
Kristen: Will continue to hang out on FB! Hope you rock it at Longhorn!
For the EN Chica clothes: I bought a fitted t-shirt (pink, of course) in Medium. It fits "fitted" as advertised. I would normally order a small for those kinds of shirts. Also got a pink hoodie in Medium---which is a little big for me, but that's okay.
Very excited for our gals at IMC and IMLou tomorrow! Rock on EN Chicas!!
Touching in quickly here! Whirlwind of activity here and barely had a second to sit down and even ck email! I think Patrick will need a week of rest after this!
Tues- Good 3000m swim in downtown pool (add extra hr to workout time) since local Y pool closed. Delivered new washer & dryer (whew! and Ouch!) Delivery guys awesome, new w&d are a dream although I have laundry piles sky high...
Wed- Good run and bike/brick.. feeling stronger and loving it!
Thurs- crazy hectic day at work. Early am 1- 1/2 hr run in the books. Patrick gets delayed on flight 2 X putting him in after 10pm. I can't imagine how exhausted he had to be spending all day in airport. I was "stand in" for the team EN dinner- which was great. Lots of new faces, some new to me, some new to EN. Got to meet Yasko, Barb (again) and Amiee- very cool! We had a great turnout and great socializing!
Fri- Got up o-dark-thirty and went down to swim in the Ohio River. Hightailed it back to clean up and go down to expo for 4 Keys talk. Interesting note.... no more Race Day Wheels at the expo, it's now Ironman Wheel rental... wonder if Tri Bike Transport will be next.... Expo on small side but since I have WI in 2 wks, do NOT need to spend more money!! EN talk went well with LOTS of folks attended and very well received. Got to have lunch with EN Chicka Robin Cline. Clued Robin in on the Timberman possibility and she was excited to hear abt! She will not be racing Longhorn but in great shape and spirits and will be back physically 100% soon! Gave P a small tour of local bike shops...we hit 3 in one day. First was to pick up my new helmet since old one cracked (did I mention that I seem to have fallen into the money pit lately... new helmet, new washer & dryer... I am afraid to touch anything else!!) 2nd was to pick up pair of shoes I ordered and #3 was to pick up some cleat washers for one of the pro racing here. Rode abt 1 hr 45 min with Paul & Coach P. It dawns on me about 20 mins in that neither of these two are running right now and their object of torture is now 100% bike. I hang on their wheels like the squirrel in Ice Age with his acorn and pray - hard! I survive in time to shower (yet again) and meet the EN folks for drinks on 4th Street. Great time and an excellent turnout!! Sending some pics over for P to post.
Sat- Am I sure I even went to bed and slept?? Up early down to meet folks for breakfast and drop off son who is working at IM Store. Worked Bike Check In from 11-3pm (what a zoo). LOTS of first timers (over 1600 they said at banquet last night). I only took one pro in who it wasn't their first. Got to check in the youngest racer- just turned 18- who is doing the race with her mom (who coached her). VERY COOL! Plans to be all over the course so I'll tweet and FB some updates and try to check in to the forum race day thread if I can. Feel free to call if you need any updates...
Off again to dinner....
Hi ladies. I logged on to check out the race tracker (will do that next) and print my next week's schedule... wanted to touch base and say hi! Thought of our folks this morning on my run - hope they're rockin and rolling today!
Did my long ride yesterday, 4 hours is my longest of the season... legs felt good for the hard part, but by the time I got to the just ride in Z2 for an hour they were tired... so, glad I followed the recovery week plan. I did Thursdays run this morning... again, the 2 tough segments at the beginning were okay, but I had trouble with the last work segment at the end, even though it was only Z2... nervous to officially start IM training at week 3 tomorrow... but more excited to finally have the light at the end of the tunnel getting bigger!
Todd at TT bike fit found a bike that might work well... he had an idea then looked at my measurements and a video of me riding - and thinks it will work... better news he found a good deal bc it's a little frame with little wheels... and that combo didn't sell well. He's ordered it and will put it together and fit it as best he can and I hope to have it by the end of the week and he'll work with me on it's fit. Certainly not an expense I was expecting, but once the initial shock wore off I got kind of excited, this is my first real bike purchase!. Dan, on the other hand, has been a pill... thought I was gonna wait til after FL. Thinks the bike is perfectly rideable as long as we watch it. Thinks I should see what else it out there locally (which I had planned to, but when Todd told me he thought this would work my gut told me to go for it). He also doesn't agree that I go with the higher end bike (essentially the difference in price is less than the cost of the race wheels that come with it and I need race wheels not another pair of Mavics). Etc, etc., etc. Anyway, this was a huge decision for me and once I made it I owned it and he's been a kill joy... but today he came over to pick me up and had flowers... totally unexpected. He said happy IM training and happy new bike. So that was really nice... I know he doesn't agree, but it's my money and I rarely buy anything (i.e., clothes or fun stuff) let alone anything huge... which I tried to explain to him...
that's enough outta me. gotta check the race thread and see how we're doing. hope the Moo Chicas are tapering well and enjoying life!
Becky- Congrats on the bike! and Happy IM training. I'm glad Dan came through in the end. While reading your post and his initial reaction, I found myself getting annoyed, You guys aren't married and its your money!
To his defense, he does not know Todd, but i don't think Todd would steer you wrong, you will also be able to return it if it does not work. Can't always say that about LBS, always looking out for the best thing for you, its a matter of making it work for the bikes they sell. Hope it all works out, and glad Todd was able to help you out.
Becky: The bike will be okay if you JUST WATCH IT?!! Just watch it catastrophically fall apart oh say on RACE DAY. Married or not, it's your $$$ that you earned with YOUR job. If you want to buy a freaking LLAMA to ride at IMFL that's your business. Period.
Okay, rant over. I'm really excited about your new tri bike. I'm glad you are too!