@Jay and Dennis, this is an opportunity for PnI to write (or find what we've already written) about how to adjust the plans for a vacation and add that to the wiki. I'm at Starbucks on my last 18' of power so I'll have to do this tomorrow.
@Fred, since you're in SoCal I recommend you just go with the outdoor options for the weekend workouts/long bike and run. That should be good enough. Late Feb let's talk about what March would look like for you. Others will be in the same boat so easy for us to publish a more formal solution for the Team.
@Jay and Dennis, this is an opportunity for PnI to write (or find what we've already written) about how to adjust the plans for a vacation and add that to the wiki. I'm at Starbucks on my last 18' of power so I'll have to do this tomorrow.
@Fred, since you're in SoCal I recommend you just go with the outdoor options for the weekend workouts/long bike and run. That should be good enough. Late Feb let's talk about what March would look like for you. Others will be in the same boat so easy for us to publish a more formal solution for the Team.
Rich, I've been doing the outdoor bike workouts but none of the runs are longer than 1:15 (even on the weekends). Would you suggest bumping up the mileage for the weekend runs to get ready for the half mary at the end of January? Anything else? I haven't run over 11 miles in one session since mid-October.
@Jay and Dennis, this is an opportunity for PnI to write (or find what we've already written) about how to adjust the plans for a vacation and add that to the wiki. I'm at Starbucks on my last 18' of power so I'll have to do this tomorrow.
@Fred, since you're in SoCal I recommend you just go with the outdoor options for the weekend workouts/long bike and run. That should be good enough. Late Feb let's talk about what March would look like for you. Others will be in the same boat so easy for us to publish a more formal solution for the Team.
Rich, I've been doing the outdoor bike workouts but none of the runs are longer than 1:15 (even on the weekends). Would you suggest bumping up the mileage for the weekend runs to get ready for the half mary at the end of January? Anything else? I haven't run over 11 miles in one session since mid-October.
Yes, go to 1:30 and get in a couple 1:45's before the race. Keep the quality as is, just add z1-2 time to the runs.
I'm brand new to EN and have a few questions about getting started. I managed to do some big stuff in '09. I did 2 HIM (KS70.3 and Pigman) races and 2 IM races (IMMOO and IMAZ). I pretty much have forced myself to take a full on break after AZ just to let the body recover. Now that I am an EN member I'm looking for advice on getting started. I had told myself I was going to do NOTHING until after the first of the year, but I'm definitely getting the itch. So, two questions for now:
1) I selected myself as advanced based on my half times. They were both spot on 5:00 (+seconds). My IM times weren't quite the standard listed, but I don't think I had my best days either. Do you think this is the right spot for me?
2) When should I get started? I am scheduled to start next week, but I never really gave any history for where I was coming from. I'm wondering if I'm starting too soon, or if it is a good time to get rolling again.
I'm new here, so if I'm in the wrong spot I apologize. As per the training plans, how do I taylor what days I do the exercises prescribed? I want to do all of them, but the template needs to be customized to my free time. Can I rearrange them my self, or do I need to request it be done? Thanks all.
Not sure if this is Macro-level or general training but...
Is it okay to switch the Bike to Sunday and the Run to Saturday in the OS? The stars are aligning in such a way that makes it either difficult to do the Bike on Saturday or more likely harder to get the run in on Sunday.
@Tom - Please wait until Jan 4 to start with the rest of the Jan OS peeps. Enjoy another few days off, join your crazy teammates in the Holiday Run Challenge and prepare to crush it in the New Year. You'll thank me later!
My goal race this year is IMWI in September where it's become no secret, I have a goal of going sub 13 (roughly 45 min PR) I think my biggest obstacle frankly is going to be just staying healthy this year as I've been having some nagging issues with my calfs and running.
I start the OS in January. I know that I need to break this year up into two "seasons" or my head is going to explode by September. Additionally, although I know I don't NEED to do a Half before the full, getting an open water swim with 100s of friends before an Ironman gives me confidence (Nemo really doesn't like the swim!). So I need a race in the May/June timeframe. Trouble is, I'm afraid that with TOC I might be trying to do too much. Oh- and around here all the races will be closed by the second week of January so I gotta figure all this out now.
Here's how my year looks:
Jan-May: EN OS
April 25: USAT DU Nationals (5k/38k/5k). I registered for this in a moment of weakness. I'm not wedded to doing it if it makes sense to drop it.
May 15-24(??): Tour of Cali with EN. Not sure the exact dates- it's somewhere in this range.
July 8-11: EN Cowgirl Camp in Madison
September 11: IMWI!!!
My options for adding the "season 1" race are as follows:
May 1/2: White Lake HIM on Sat and Sprint on Sunday. I know this venue cold. Gets me 2 OWS with a crowd on one weekend.
June 12: Hampton VA Oly. Inagural event- small # participants. 3 hours from home, gets me in an OWS- but not with lots of folks. Might not be a whole lotta bang for the buck here.
June 13: Eagleman. It's full, but there are still $$ ways to get in. It seems to fit better on the schedule, but frankly, my heart is not in repeating that course again.
So, what do you think?
OK- let's try this again. After doing a little poking & prodding, I can't find too many locals/friends interested in doing White Lake so motivation to do it is low. Rich made some good points about low ROI in the "OWS with friends practice" benefits. But I'm still trying to find a way to break up what feels like a really long year.
New info on the table: The OBX Half Mary on April 18 has just been announced. That's in my back yard - will be super cheap & super convenient. But can I train for a Half Mary reasonably during the OS? What would I need to do to make that work (and yes- I bet this Q has been asked and answered 10000 times! Please answer it one more time for me My EN 4.0 Search FU is really weak!)
I will likely be dong WLake half the second weekend and always rent a house down there for friends to stay. If you decide to go down, let me know-either weekend, but I will be there the second weekend. I will also be sending out emails to friends deciding on who's coming and accomodations in early year.
I will likely be dong WLake half the second weekend and always rent a house down there for friends to stay. If you decide to go down, let me know-either weekend, but I will be there the second weekend. I will also be sending out emails to friends deciding on who's coming and accomodations in early year.
Mary- that's tempting! But the second WhiteLake weekend (May 8/9) is just too darn close to TOC and I know logistics of all that travel so close would just flip me out. It has to be the first weekend or not at all. But thanks for the offer!
Nemo, the end of the OS says to go do a half. The run workouts build up to 1.25 and 1.5 hours, so going the half distance is actually pretty easy. We wouldn't need to start ramping you up until March regardless...let's revisit this then!
Nemo, the end of the OS says to go do a half. The run workouts build up to 1.25 and 1.5 hours, so going the half distance is actually pretty easy. We wouldn't need to start ramping you up until March regardless...let's revisit this then!
Perfect. Thanks P. I'm starting to feel a lot better about how this year is coming together!
ok, i am training by HR was able to meet my intervals my past 2 bikes, and i biked the intervals right at my theoretical LT which is what i've been doing. the question is, shouldn't my legs be a bit sore after these workouts? they feel a bit stiff but not really sore. i realize that again the HR is not desirable measure, and now i'm wondering if my LT is actually a bit higher. sounds like others are experiencing some soreness, so thoughts/feedback welcome!
ok, i am training by HR was able to meet my intervals my past 2 bikes, and i biked the intervals right at my theoretical LT which is what i've been doing. the question is, shouldn't my legs be a bit sore after these workouts? they feel a bit stiff but not really sore. i realize that again the HR is not desirable measure, and now i'm wondering if my LT is actually a bit higher. sounds like others are experiencing some soreness, so thoughts/feedback welcome!
thanks everyone
No, you shouldn't be sore or rather not being sore isn't really and indication of anything. As cycling is non-impact, once you are decently fit you gotta really, really crush yourself on the bike in order to make yourself sore, certainly much, much harder than on the bike. That's my experience anyway.
When will I transition out of the out-season and into regular plan? I am a beginner first ever ironman is Saint George May 1st. I am in week 12 October out-season beginner plan. We test every 8 weeks. Will I stay on the out season plan until just after the week 16 tests (week of Jan 17th). Then start the race plan 14 weeks before my race the following week (Jan 24th). I was going to start to work in a couple of private swim lessons twice a week after the new years. I hope to get in six lessons before I start to add swim workouts with the regular plan. I just want to see if the above is a good plan. Should I start the regular plan sooner/later? Is 14 weeks enough time to add the distance for the race? Thanks… Edit: Just looked at the plan again we test week 14, (week of Jan 3rd). How long are the regular plans? Should I start early with 16 weeks in the regular plan?
"I need to discuss macro-level training plan stuff with the Coaches" Thread -- Coaches and OP's only!!
What is an "OP" ??
Original Poster, ie, the member asking the question. Our intent with this and the other thread is to create two spaces where conversations between one coach and one athlete can happen in one space. The rest of the site is full of opportunities for you to talk to us, each other, get input from your fellow athletes, etc. But these two threads are two places where you know you'll only find us and that we monitor several times per day.
Rich, I am trying to have faith in the plan. I did read the post before I posted here. I did not see any new to ironman distance experience posted. I am just a little nervous, first race. I have never run more then 12 miles, never swam more then 1.2, never biked more then 60. I will keep to the plan but add swim lesson after the first of the year as well as try to get my weekend workouts the outside long version. I will also look to transition sometime 12-14 weeks out from the race. Thanks, Hope you have a great Christmas… Tom
Guys, My A race is NO Half on April 18. I've stuck to the Nov OS plan with very little swimming. I'm a MOP swimmer and need to improve that....when do you recommend that I get back in the pool with focus ? Also, I've done the "work" in OS plan but no more total volume than called for..when should I start to bump the long run and rides up ? Thanks. B
1. I am training in southern California and enjoy the opportunity to ride outside nearly every day of the year. I use to do almost weekly "conversational pace" rides between 40-70 miles with up to 6000 feet of climbing with serious roadies in east San Diego County. These are fast enough that I don't do much talking (not hammerfests but these guys can ride) - but these rides run counter to the specific OS daily objectives. I know that in terms of ROI fast is better than far but it is reasonable to occasional substitute an OS training day for a good ride?
2. Second I am powerless - or rather powertapless. I have expressed some interest in the TOC camp with Rich but am wondering whether it would be better drop the TOC tuition on becoming wired power wise. I am planning to do Cal 70.3 and possibly the full distance Vineman this summer, then Afghanistan and then I may just become a full time recreational cyclist. Powertap or no Powertap? Your thoughts?
3. In that vein - when I do the 30/30s I find it difficult until the second or third interval of the second or third set to hit HRs above my LTHR. The effort is there but I find the HR hard to hit. I find this somewhat distressing because I feel my only 40' TT could have been a harder effort and I am not sure that my LTHR was adequately represented by the test. ( I joined the October OS at week 9 after doing only 3 weeks of a purchased HIM plan). Effort good enough or should I work harder to get my HR up?
4. Lastly, any guidelines on what sort of improvement I could hope to see in my vdot? I am a big guy (200 pounds and 6'2") and not a great runner ( and I am not fat) I started triathlon last year at this time and based on sprints and intl distance I am a vdot of 41 - but had HIM run times of over 2 hours at Oceanside and MagicMountainMan in Santa Clarita last year. I have been exceeding Daniel's benchmarks for that vdot for all of the intervals but wonder what level of improvement I could see in my vdot?
My A race is NO Half on April 18. I've stuck to the Nov OS plan with very little swimming. I'm a MOP swimmer and need to improve that....when do you recommend that I get back in the pool with focus ? Also, I've done the "work" in OS plan but no more total volume than called for..when should I start to bump the long run and rides up ?
I would get serious as of 1/4, implementing the additional swims for the OS plans (where are those again???).
The runs start to ramp up in the OS with February, like in the 1.5 hour range, so you should be set. I would begin extending the Sat rides to like 2h in Feb, and as of now make sure you are getting in full bike workouts (MS+ 85% part etc)...no cutting short!
@Fred, since you're in SoCal I recommend you just go with the outdoor options for the weekend workouts/long bike and run. That should be good enough. Late Feb let's talk about what March would look like for you. Others will be in the same boat so easy for us to publish a more formal solution for the Team.
Rich, I've been doing the outdoor bike workouts but none of the runs are longer than 1:15 (even on the weekends). Would you suggest bumping up the mileage for the weekend runs to get ready for the half mary at the end of January? Anything else? I haven't run over 11 miles in one session since mid-October.
Yes, go to 1:30 and get in a couple 1:45's before the race. Keep the quality as is, just add z1-2 time to the runs.
1) I selected myself as advanced based on my half times. They were both spot on 5:00 (+seconds). My IM times weren't quite the standard listed, but I don't think I had my best days either. Do you think this is the right spot for me?
2) When should I get started? I am scheduled to start next week, but I never really gave any history for where I was coming from. I'm wondering if I'm starting too soon, or if it is a good time to get rolling again.
I'm new here, so if I'm in the wrong spot I apologize. As per the training plans, how do I taylor what days I do the exercises prescribed? I want to do all of them, but the template needs to be customized to my free time. Can I rearrange them my self, or do I need to request it be done? Thanks all.
Sorry, I have to take some more time to read everything... sorry, I got it!!!!
Is it okay to switch the Bike to Sunday and the Run to Saturday in the OS? The stars are aligning in such a way that makes it either difficult to do the Bike on Saturday or more likely harder to get the run in on Sunday.
@Tom - Please wait until Jan 4 to start with the rest of the Jan OS peeps. Enjoy another few days off, join your crazy teammates in the Holiday Run Challenge and prepare to crush it in the New Year. You'll thank me later!
@Cary - That's 100% fine, no worries!
OK- let's try this again. After doing a little poking & prodding, I can't find too many locals/friends interested in doing White Lake so motivation to do it is low. Rich made some good points about low ROI in the "OWS with friends practice" benefits. But I'm still trying to find a way to break up what feels like a really long year.
New info on the table: The OBX Half Mary on April 18 has just been announced. That's in my back yard - will be super cheap & super convenient. But can I train for a Half Mary reasonably during the OS? What would I need to do to make that work (and yes- I bet this Q has been asked and answered 10000 times! Please answer it one more time for me
My EN 4.0 Search FU is really weak!)
I will likely be dong WLake half the second weekend and always rent a house down there for friends to stay. If you decide to go down, let me know-either weekend, but I will be there the second weekend. I will also be sending out emails to friends deciding on who's coming and accomodations in early year.
Mary- that's tempting! But the second WhiteLake weekend (May 8/9) is just too darn close to TOC and I know logistics of all that travel so close would just flip me out. It has to be the first weekend or not at all. But thanks for the offer!
Nemo, the end of the OS says to go do a half.
The run workouts build up to 1.25 and 1.5 hours, so going the half distance is actually pretty easy. We wouldn't need to start ramping you up until March regardless...let's revisit this then!
Edit: Nevermind... Just found the relevant blog post!
Perfect. Thanks P. I'm starting to feel a lot better about how this year is coming together!
thanks everyone
The Patriot HIM in September is in Williamsburg, VA and run through setupinc.com.
I'll make changes based on your suggestions and clearly define which races are A, B and C races. Will also check out the self coaching doc.
Many thanks. There resources here are incredible!
thanks all!
No, you shouldn't be sore or rather not being sore isn't really and indication of anything. As cycling is non-impact, once you are decently fit you gotta really, really crush yourself on the bike in order to make yourself sore, certainly much, much harder than on the bike. That's my experience anyway.
When will I transition out of the out-season and into regular plan? I am a beginner first ever ironman is Saint George May 1st. I am in week 12 October out-season beginner plan. We test every 8 weeks. Will I stay on the out season plan until just after the week 16 tests (week of Jan 17th). Then start the race plan 14 weeks before my race the following week (Jan 24th). I was going to start to work in a couple of private swim lessons twice a week after the new years. I hope to get in six lessons before I start to add swim workouts with the regular plan. I just want to see if the above is a good plan. Should I start the regular plan sooner/later? Is 14 weeks enough time to add the distance for the race? Thanks… Edit: Just looked at the plan again we test week 14, (week of Jan 3rd). How long are the regular plans? Should I start early with 16 weeks in the regular plan?
16wks is more than enough time. Have you read this thread?
The title of this thread is:
"I need to discuss macro-level training plan stuff with the Coaches" Thread -- Coaches and OP's only!!
What is an "OP" ??
Original Poster.
Original Poster, ie, the member asking the question. Our intent with this and the other thread is to create two spaces where conversations between one coach and one athlete can happen in one space. The rest of the site is full of opportunities for you to talk to us, each other, get input from your fellow athletes, etc. But these two threads are two places where you know you'll only find us and that we monitor several times per day.
Rich, I am trying to have faith in the plan. I did read the post before I posted here. I did not see any new to ironman distance experience posted. I am just a little nervous, first race. I have never run more then 12 miles, never swam more then 1.2, never biked more then 60. I will keep to the plan but add swim lesson after the first of the year as well as try to get my weekend workouts the outside long version. I will also look to transition sometime 12-14 weeks out from the race. Thanks, Hope you have a great Christmas… Tom
My A race is NO Half on April 18. I've stuck to the Nov OS plan with very little swimming. I'm a MOP swimmer and need to improve that....when do you recommend that I get back in the pool with focus ? Also, I've done the "work" in OS plan but no more total volume than called for..when should I start to bump the long run and rides up ?
Couple of questions:
1. I am training in southern California and enjoy the opportunity to ride outside nearly every day of the year. I use to do almost weekly "conversational pace" rides between 40-70 miles with up to 6000 feet of climbing with serious roadies in east San Diego County. These are fast enough that I don't do much talking (not hammerfests but these guys can ride) - but these rides run counter to the specific OS daily objectives. I know that in terms of ROI fast is better than far but it is reasonable to occasional substitute an OS training day for a good ride?
2. Second I am powerless - or rather powertapless. I have expressed some interest in the TOC camp with Rich but am wondering whether it would be better drop the TOC tuition on becoming wired power wise. I am planning to do Cal 70.3 and possibly the full distance Vineman this summer, then Afghanistan and then I may just become a full time recreational cyclist. Powertap or no Powertap? Your thoughts?
3. In that vein - when I do the 30/30s I find it difficult until the second or third interval of the second or third set to hit HRs above my LTHR. The effort is there but I find the HR hard to hit. I find this somewhat distressing because I feel my only 40' TT could have been a harder effort and I am not sure that my LTHR was adequately represented by the test. ( I joined the October OS at week 9 after doing only 3 weeks of a purchased HIM plan). Effort good enough or should I work harder to get my HR up?
4. Lastly, any guidelines on what sort of improvement I could hope to see in my vdot? I am a big guy (200 pounds and 6'2") and not a great runner ( and I am not fat) I started triathlon last year at this time and based on sprints and intl distance I am a vdot of 41 - but had HIM run times of over 2 hours at Oceanside and MagicMountainMan in Santa Clarita last year. I have been exceeding Daniel's benchmarks for that vdot for all of the intervals but wonder what level of improvement I could see in my vdot?
Can big guys run fast?
So......if I were to race Eagleman 70.3 as B race (already paid for) and Rhode Island 70.3 as A race, which HIM would you dump??
Kinetic HIM in May or Patriot HIM in September considering AAA race is IMFL.? Haven't registered for either.
Thank you,
I would get serious as of 1/4, implementing the additional swims for the OS plans (where are those again???).
The runs start to ramp up in the OS with February, like in the 1.5 hour range, so you should be set. I would begin extending the Sat rides to like 2h in Feb, and as of now make sure you are getting in full bike workouts (MS+ 85% part etc)...no cutting short!
So Feb sounds like it's go time for you!