Home Group Discussion-OutSeason November 2010

Week 3 bike and brick



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    I am finding the experience of this being my 3rd OS and 2nd with power continues to pay dividends.  Riding smoother, more relaxed and knowing how best to handle the suffering has allowed me to continue to hit higher wattage numbers.  Todays 2 X 12's seemed easier than last weeks 2 X 10's.  Not saying I did not suffer because I certainly did, but it doesn't seem to hurt as much when your seeing higher numbers.  1st 12'  was 262w  2nd 12' was 261w. 

    Not expecting to reach the monster numbers of Chris G, Trent and Mancona but trying to close the gap a little.   Keep pushing us guys, it certainly helps seeing you smaller guys pushing those big numbers !!

    First 5 min. the 30 min run was tough but eventually loosened up well and had a very comfortable run.

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    Got me 2x12 on today. I don't have my laptop w/ WKO on it w/ me but i hit my numbers and had a little time for some 85% stuff. Total workout was like 49 minutes long.
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    Posted By Art Zaske on 16 Nov 2010 03:29 PM

    Today was a good day. I know it is early, but I feel like I am making progress.

    1X10: 235 (1.034)

    1X10: 236 (1.038)

    1X30: 193 (.854)

    60 min total: 202 (.917)

    Cruised the run. Felt strong throughout both workouts. Gonna put this effort in the "happy place" bucket in my head for recall in darker moments down the road.

    30 min at .85 IF after the MS - Way to flex that mental 6 pack!!


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    Posted By Shaughn Simmons on 16 Nov 2010 05:53 PM
    Posted By Art Zaske on 16 Nov 2010 03:29 PM

    Today was a good day. I know it is early, but I feel like I am making progress.

    1X10: 235 (1.034)

    1X10: 236 (1.038)

    1X30: 193 (.854)

    60 min total: 202 (.917)

    Cruised the run. Felt strong throughout both workouts. Gonna put this effort in the "happy place" bucket in my head for recall in darker moments down the road.

    30 min at .85 IF after Z4 intervals- Way to flex that mental 6 pack!!



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    Thanks Shaughn, I credit the block of old school AC/DC on my ipod for that one...

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    Got R done
    Warmup 18 min NP = 200w – this old body needs the extra time
    2X12 at 240W (101%), 4’at 160w. Finished the hour out at 210W
    Total workout NP = 217, IF=.915
    Well that was work but not toooooo bad. The run was good legs were ok.
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    Posted By Tucker McKeever on 16 Nov 2010 12:23 PM

    Not feeling very chipper today. Still have the residue from from 10k Sunday floating around my legs. Oh well still have work to do.

    1st 10' @ 1.016

    2nd 10' @ .988

    15' @ .831

    Not sure what thread was talking about the 80-85% stuff but yes it is more mental than anything.

    @Chris Martin, you can do the 3 sets and it won't kill you, but I wouldn't do them just because they were written that way.

    I did the 3x10 but faded towards the end.  I have a cold so I'm OK with the numbers.  

    3x10 @ 320, 300, 290 then the 30 minute run @ 7:45 pace.  I still haven't really worked out my running HR zones.  

    It's great to see everyone getting it done!  

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    I got in the 2x12s this AM at 301, 303. Not as fresh as last week...the run work is starting to add up for sure. Managed to get 20' run in later on, but that's an exception, not the rule. Now if only I could get the body comp back down!!!
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     @Evan - I'd suggest that you retest as the main set of a Saturday workout but then again I am just a noob.


    Got it done today. It is easiest for me to run in the morning and ride midday so that is what I did.

    3x10' @ .985, .965, and .982. I was in no shape to ride the rest in Z3 so I limped back in Z2. 2x10' would probably have been a better idea - we'll see how tomorrow's run goes.


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    Got it done even though felt like crap in warmup 85% stuff. Thought It was going to be one of those days where you jjust don't have it but ended up coming around and finishing with a pretty good workout.

    1st 12' at .99
    2nd 12' at 1.03
    finished with 18' at .86

    The run at EP felt rediculous easy but just kept it there and enjoyed. Did 6 strides at end and felt good.
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    I am glad I saw that the workout was 2x10' and not 3x10'. That 2nd 10' interval was pretty tough, but I battled through. Interval 1 - 226 W and Interval 2 - 219 W. Both are in the "zone".
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    2 x 12' took some concentration! But got'r'done! Inverse brick due to logistical reasons. 30' run in the dark, rain, 55 degrees. Love winter.
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    Tuesday brick done

    2x10' @ 0.99; 0.986
    30 @ 0.844
    Total bike 1:12 @ 0.859

    total run 35' @ 8:45, 4 miles

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    Completed the 3 x 10' today as i really didn't feel like doing 15' at 85%. It was just much easier mentally to bury my face in the PT for another 10', so then i could justify 5' at 85% as a cool down. Hit all the intervals at IF's of 1.02, 1.02, 1.03 and .866. I think the 20' ride yesterday was helpful as I felt pretty comfortable in my pedal stroke right away. My legs are definitely fatigued, but not heavy. Completed the run a little fast, but felt like it was a jog.
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    Hopefully R&P will NEVER get around to changing that 3x10' mistake. I fell for it last year, and I have to admit I got a good chuckle from reading the posts of the folks who didn't catch Matt's correction. I did 2x12' @ 215 (I've decided that's my FT for now...haven't officially tested yet...might bump it to 220 next week if Saturday goes well) and 17' @ 190. Ran this evening 30' EZ with 4x30" strides...legs feeling a bit tired, so should be fun doing the 3x1 mile tomorrow morning.

    @Evan O. my suggestion would be to go ahead and test either this Saturday or next Tuesday. Since you've never had power, my guess is you'll have a hard time settling in on the right target for the workouts without a real live test. I would start out paying attention to HR as well as power since you've got a pretty good idea where that should be. Good luck and be sure to let us know how it goes. That first test is always a doozy!
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    Done. Zones hit. Leg handled the ez run just fine.

    And with an hour to spare on this Tuesday.

    Maybe I'll just wait an hour and go to the track for Wednesday's run.....
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    Had to peel myself out of bed to take kid to 5:45 a.m. swim practice.  Damn, wish he weren't swimming with the varsity... but that (ironically) pushed the workout to the end of the day.  Getting over a little cold, so i was pleased it went as well as it did, but HR got pretty high.

    12 @  246 W (1.05)

    12 @ 242 W (1.03)

    15' @ 206 in

    58 min total  (IF 0.92 overall)

    then 3+ easy mi run ~8 min pace with some strides.

    Unfortunately, I think I gave myself some kind of small groin tweak that i notice on the run.  About as close to the junk as you can imagine. More discomfort than pain...resolving for now to be careful and keep an eye on it.

    Bike  Run

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    2 X 10 at IF 1.03, 1.01 and then struggled mentally with Z3 for 13" so only ave IF 0.81. Did a nice easy 3.56 mi run after. Probably some residual from 27 hour work shift. Start a new rotation tomorrow and will run after work.
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    Well I'm pulling the plug on the Nov OS.  It's a combination of several things but mainly extra workload and two classes at university as well.  So I don't seem to be getting many SAU's and even missing a couple workouts already. 

    It's not really a huge deal as I can still get in 20 weeks starting in January.  I just wanted to overachieve, that and November OS is the place to be.  I'll be lurking and hitting some of the workouts between now and the start of the January OS. 


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    Sorry to hear that, Gordon. Good luck with everything.

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    Well...ended up doing 3x10 and then 25min on the run (intermediate). All that and traveling too...gotta chuckle. Did the bike on a spin cycle gauging power by HR and RPE (very new to power so was cautious not to push too hard). Felt tiring but great at the end of the run. Looking forward to getting back to the drainer and by CT.

    @Gordon...priorities are spot on. Jan's not that far off!
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    @ Gordon- Sounds like a good plan image Plus getting in workouts when you can vs. feeling like you're not doing what you planned is way less stressful!

    @ William- Careful with that, had a similar experience last OS and turned out to be much worse than I thought and killed the majority of my OS and the start of the in-season.
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    Did the run in the morning and bike in the afternoon.
    Feeling pretty good overall...looking forward to the run tonight.
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    @Gordon- sounds like a good call for the 'Big' picture.  Do what you can, when you can.  C ya soon.

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    Arggh. Went to the track today to get in the run. .5 mile @ Z4 fine, a little fast. Almost finished my first mile repeat when I had to pull up with a strained hamstring. Too much, too soon? I'll keep the running down to Z1-2 for the rest of the week. Blechh.
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    Thursday's bike workout done:

    10' warmup (172W)

    2 x 10' 95-100% FTP(245/249W) with 3' easy(160)

    20' 80-85% FTP(211W)

    4' cooldown (165W)

    RI for entire workout was .88.

    Legs felt a little heavy to begin but warmed up nicely. Easy compared to doing the 3 x10 intermediate plan error on Monday.




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    Did the Thursday bike today, Wednesday early morning on the trainer. Hit the numbers on the Z4 10 minute intervals, but really began to feel it at Z3, almost packed it in at 45 minutes. Turned off NPR, turned on Bruce Springsteen, Darkness on the Edge of Town, and finished it out at .87. Feel the need for my rest day tomorrow.
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    TACX iMagic software went bung on me last night (a European poor-man's Computrainer) and by the time I'd installed 4 updates and re-booted as many times I'd lost the will to live and went to bed.

    But back on song tonight. Did the 12' reps at NP 261W and 262W, bTSS 85 for the 70 min session, plus rTSS 39 for the run.

    Not sure the run was L1 - I feel like I'd topple over at that pace!

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    Some mojo for the Thurs and Sat bikes this week:

    Click on the link and review "The Rules."


    What do ya think?


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     I too have an imagic.  I just found out that the old imagic green(the one I have) is not supported, nor ever will with windows 64 bit machines.  So don't upgrade your computer.  

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