Home Group Discussion-OutSeason November 2010

Week 3 bike and brick



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     Thursday's bike today on my schedule, adv called for 2 x 10'(3')

    I bumped my FTP up 8 watts(242 to 250) to make Bill Happy  then went out and crushed dreams. 

    25' @ 97% 

    2 X 10 @ 1.00 and 1.03 

    Entire workout (221 watts):

    Duration:   57:41

    Work:       769 kJ

    TSS:       86.4 (intensity factor 0.948)

    Norm Power: 237

    VI:         1.07


    Did 2 x 20" all out but I was gassed. Will try my CX workout tomorrow before I leave for Baltimore for a wedding. Highly motivated by CX State Champs and I really like chasing those numbers. 

    Keep at it OS gang




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    Hayes, You are crushing it!

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    as bad as yesterdays run was the bike today was the exact opposite. I had a hard time keeping the power low enough during the 2x10 intervals. the following 25' of Z3 was boring but not hard. It helps that I just started watching the show "Dexter" on netflix. really helps the time go by in Z3 on the trainer.

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    Decided to bump things up a little in the 2X10' (3') and see how things felt going a little harder. Warmup around a very Hayes-like .89 to .90 and then 1.04 and 1.03 for the 2X10's then finished off with 10' at .86 for a total of .90 for the hour. Felt pretty good to get it all in and not blow up trying to go a little harder since Tues. and Wed. felt like crap.
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    @ Trent - Nice work!

    Good ride for me hitting all the targets:

    Entire workout (214 watts):

        Duration:           1:00:47

        Work:                778 kJ

        TSS:                  78.4 (intensity factor 0.883)

        Norm Power:    226

        VI:                     1.06

        Pw:HR:             n/a

        Pa:HR:              n/a

        Distance:          21.454 mi

                                  Min     Max    Avg

        Power:              0         316     214     watts

        Cadence:          33       186     87       rpm

        Speed:              0         25.7    21.1    mph
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    Team OS, Gangsters, Brother and sisters-

    I am a person who likes to dig deep into numbers and understand them....This WKO stuff must be for a professor or I am just not getting the hang of it. I want to know what is the best charts, graphs, numbers, etc to look at to see improvements. I have now read two books and still the scatter graph and analysis, ATL, CTL stuff blow me away. I know I am needing help on the bike and that is why I jumped into this program but also for some education and how to better coach myself.

    If someone has the time could they please seriously assist me. Because right now I am not buying what WKO is telling me. I feel like I am getting stronger but WKO wants to tell me something else.

    Better yet what is the best thing to look at......
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    Got home late last night and was pretty tired so not feeling optimistic -- 5 hours in the airport in Philly will do that -- but felt good from the start today. Finally claweded my way back above the Halligan Line* for the intervals. 304 and 303. .93 for the ride.

    * Halligan Line - 1. 300 watts, 2. Also the point at which it is acceptable to capitalize "Power". Halligan - The fire breathing, power producing, beast from the east scaring the children of NH since the late sixties. :-)
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    Great work all...I had to do my 3 x 1 mile last night, so the 4:45am wake up call was tough. I got in 2 x 10' at 301 and 303, then 26' at .81...for .86 for the hour. Feeling good so far...now if I just didn't want to eat everything that wasn't moving...
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    I've been feeling like something was off with my Computrainer since my test. I rode it a few times at the end of October, never doing more than 5 minute intervals. On those I was hitting 265-270 watts. Not sustainable for 40 minutes but not red line. So, then I test and comeup with 220 watts. Didn't seem right. I've been doing my workouts a bit higher but still struggling to hit 235-240. My CT and PT numbers have been almost identical.

    On a whim I decided to take my PT wheel (with trainer tire) off and mount the new wheel I got with my new road bike. It's a Mavic Ksyrium Elite with a Red cassette. Felt much better from the start, like I asn't fighting against the trainer. I hit my first 10 minutes at 254 watts! It felt just as hard as 230 has been feeling the last couple weeks. I dialed it back to 237 on my second one. So, I'm thinking I'm somewhere in between these numbers.

    I'm not sure what to attribute this to. Maybe it had nothing to do with the wheel or tire. Maybe it was just the mounting. Either way, I like these numbers much better.

    New Range #1:

        Duration:      10:00

        Work:          151 kJ

        TSS:           19.4 (intensity factor 1.105)

        Norm Power:    254

        VI:            1

        Pw:HR:          n/a

        Pa:HR:          n/a

        Distance:      3.865 mi

            Min    Max    Avg

        Power:           143    290    253     watts

        Speed:           18    25.5    23.2     mph

        Pace             2:21    3:20    2:35     min/mi

    New Range #2:

        Duration:      9:58

        Work:          142 kJ

        TSS:           17.6 (intensity factor 1.03)

        Norm Power:    237

        VI:            1

        Pw:HR:          n/a

        Pa:HR:          n/a

        Distance:      3.714 mi

            Min    Max    Avg

        Power:           122    288    238     watts

        Speed:           21.3    23.4    22.4     mph

        Pace             2:34    2:49    2:41     min/mi

    Entire workout (206 watts):

        Duration:      31:16

        Work:          386 kJ

        TSS:           49.1 (intensity factor 0.978)

        Norm Power:    225

        VI:            1.09

        Pw:HR:          n/a

        Pa:HR:          n/a

        Distance:      10.782 mi

            Min    Max    Avg

        Power:           0    290    206     watts

        Speed:           0    25.5    20.7     mph

        Pace             2:21    0:00    2:54     min/mi


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    Well, that went better than expected, even better than Tuesday. I'm increasingly optimistic that the Week 1 FTP test (my first ever) was low.
    18' warmup
    10' @ 224W, IF 1.08, 86RPM
    10' @ 226W, IF 1.09, 87RPM
    18' @ 181W, IF 0.87, 89RPM
    Total bike 60' @ 190W, IF 0.92, 86RPM, TSS 85.2
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    Great ride today! Overshot targets, but felt great. Right hamstring seems okay to bike, didn't feel anything there. Tried a slightly more aero position, raising the seat and moving it forward.

    10' @ 168W, IF: 1.027

    10' @ 171W, IF: 1.043

    15' @ 146W, IF: 0.892

    Total workout: 1:00:00 @ 146W, IF: 0.892

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    Like others (I have always been susceptable to peer pressure) I had a bit of a spicy breakfast... hopefully no heartburn later:

    1 X 10: 238W (1.047)
    1 X 10: 240W (1.059)
    1 X 32: 195W (.864)

    Total workout 1:00:04, 212W (.935)
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    Good ride. Tried to push harder than what I've done so for and I was able to but it sure did hurt.

    58:05, 189W(.899)
    1st 10: 217W (1.035)
    2nd 10: 215 W( 1.023)
    85%: 14:25 169W(.806)
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    Nice work everyone!

    My body so did not want to get out of bed this morning and I hit the snooze button once. But after that I got down to the cave and got it done. As punishment for hitting snooze I did the both 10' intervals and 15' @.85 in the aerobars... that sucked.

    Thanks to ERG everything was exactly as written for 51' @ .9. No brick though since I snoozed and had to get to work.

    The best part is for the first time in over two month my quads hurt walking up the stairs at the train station this morning. I love that pain and knowing I got a good workout. Whats the saying... Pain is Speed Entering the Body
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    Okay I have now spent over 10 hours in three days in and out of the WIKI and am almost done reading Training and Racing with a Power Meter, 2nd edition. Great book and way in depth.....Lots of physiology and math formula's. Finished the chapter today on CTL, ATL, etc.....now better understand of the ATL drives the CTL and visa versa. Thanks for all who took a moment of their time to answer my questions and told me to keep digging into the Wiki. I am slowly converting 100% to the EN training. It has been hard for me to get out of the weight room and pool but starting Monday it is a done deal. I have noticed on the bike I just don't feel recovered at all and relate that to the extra work I have been doing in the gym.

    Again Thanks
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    Finally claweded my way back above the Halligan Line* for the intervals. 304 and 303. .93 for the ride.

    * Halligan Line - 1. 300 watts, 2. Also the point at which it is acceptable to capitalize "Power". Halligan - The fire breathing, power producing, beast from the east scaring the children of NH since the late sixties. :-)


    Who is this man you speak of?    I've been lurking in here watching you guys get it done.  Very inspirational.

    I'll have to do a 2x20' to see if I can hold myself up to the levels you describe.  Haven't done a true 2x20' since last March. 

    Keep up the good work.


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    Posted By David Halligan on 18 Nov 2010 03:34 PM

    Finally claweded my way back above the Halligan Line* for the intervals. 304 and 303. .93 for the ride.

    * Halligan Line - 1. 300 watts, 2. Also the point at which it is acceptable to capitalize "Power". Halligan - The fire breathing, power producing, beast from the east scaring the children of NH since the late sixties. :-)


    Who is this man you speak of?    I've been lurking in here watching you guys get it done.  Very inspirational.

    I'll have to do a 2x20' to see if I can hold myself up to the levels you describe.  Haven't done a true 2x20' since last March. 

    Keep up the good work.


    Wow a Halligan sighting.  Good to have you back.  Way to get it done.

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    Had a hard time dragging myself onto the trainer this morning. Too many beers last night. Only had time for the work portion then a quick 2 miles.

    1st 10' @ 1.01
    2nd 10' @ 1.003
    Ran 2 miles in 17'. Felt good pushing the booze out.
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    Got my schedule worked out. Up at 0450 and was able to get a solid hour in and get to work by 0730!

    The wko: 15' wup/ MS: 2X10" (3') was AVHR 146/153 and in Z4. Took a while to get into Z4 on the first set, but it seems to be getting easier. I'm looking forward to the next test!

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    2x10 261, 269 (whew where did that second one come from?)
    19 minutes @ Z3
    Not a bad workout

    Entire workout (220 watts):
    Duration: 54:40 (55:28)
    Work: 723 kJ
    TSS: 74.1 (intensity factor 0.91)
    Norm Power: 235
    VI: 1.06
    Pw:HR: n/a
    Pa:HR: n/a
    Distance: 24.432 mi
    Min Max Avg
    Power: 0 405 220 watts
    Cadence: 30 150 88 rpm
    Speed: 0 32.9 26.8 mph
    Pace 1:49 0:00 2:15 min/mi
    Crank Torque: 0 715 212 lb-in
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     Rode the tri bike outside around noon. Decided that I should be paying attention to getting my cadence up. Did the 2x10' - .984 @ 89 rpm and .993 @ 85 rpm.


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    Jumping into the group. I skipped ahead a week to catch up today. Lots of learning to do. New to EN and the power world. Loving all of the info and peoples willingness to put it out there. A little embarrassed about where I'm at at the moment, but getting back on a plan feels awesome.

    2x10 minutes at 219 and 217
    25 minutes at 178

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    Posted By Rob Allen on 18 Nov 2010 08:56 PM

    Jumping into the group. I skipped ahead a week to catch up today. Lots of learning to do. New to EN and the power world. Loving all of the info and peoples willingness to put it out there. A little embarrassed about where I'm at at the moment, but getting back on a plan feels awesome.

    2x10 minutes at 219 and 217

    25 minutes at 178

    You made the right choice Rob, November is the best group.

    No need to feel bad.  Only place to go is up.

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    Welcome Rob. No need to be embarassed. It's all relative. I started much lower than that. There are many people around here who have gone fast in races with FTPs in your current range, myself included.

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    @ Joe, nice work.... but I dont know how everyone gets up so early... I need to wait till evening for my 'happy time'.

    Its been a good week. Been trying to get my intervals (bike and run) to be right on the top edge of my zones without going over. Well, maybe a little. Also squeezing a few extra minutes into the zone 3 sessions too. My AM heart rate remains low and stable, legs feel the work but not fatigued. Day off tomorrow will be good.

    Targets: 200, 170

    2x10 @ 202, 204

    40:02 @ 171

    Entire workout (164 watts):

    Duration: 1:24:06 (1:24:22)

    Work: 826 kJ

    TSS: 104.2 (intensity factor 0.867)

    Norm Power: 173

    VI: 1.06

    Run Strong my friends


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    I was feeling spunky tonight. So following Rich's advice I decided to go a little harder, rather than a little longer. 58 minutes total.

    10 min @ 244 (IF 1.04)
    10 min @ 260 (IF 1.10) OK, I thought 250 would be really cool, but I started a little high in case...and closed it out hard.
    23 min @ 212 (IF 0.90)

    Overall NP 221 IF 0.94.

    Not bad.
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    Tired tonight and still not feeling great. Increasingly think it's a sinus infection as if a patient came with my symptoms I would likely write for the amoxicillin. Anyway the numbers said otherwise. Didn't watch anything just listened to iPod.

    FTP 146, 2 X 10 at NP 166, 167 IF 1.138, 1.142 and then 13' at 138, IF 0.94. The 60" was IF 0.962. Oops but reading through the thread many others had the same "problem"

    Welcome Rob. See my power numbers are much lower and I would be ecstatic to have yours.

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    Posted By William Jenks on 18 Nov 2010 10:04 PM

    Not bad.

    Not bad at all!

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    Struggled last night on the bike. Had to work my a$$ off to get to the floor of the target zones. Not sure why...late at night? No headbanging tunes? Long day at work? Too big of a gear (have found myself mashing more than spinning lately)?

    Try again Saturday....
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