What It Takes...August 2011
Can't believe it's already August, the summer is just flying by!
Ooohhh I like the sound of a Lighthouse Ride.
Completed the Muddy Buddy with my sister yesterday which was a lot of fun. It was her first real race, and first finisher's medal, so she was pretty excited. She did pretty well too! Right now I'm trying to plan out the coming weekend as I'm thinking of doing a big bike weekend. I really want to start ramping up my bike fitness and I can't do that unless I get in the saddle
How was everyone's weekened?
I did well at the impromptu Olympic race over the weekend. I managed to take home 1st in my Age Group (11th woman overall) which is pretty cool even if it is a small hometown kinda race. With the 90-100 degree temps and 80% + humidity, my plan was basically to go as fast as I could handle 'cause the sooner I got to the finish line the sooner I'd be able to sit in the shade! Splits looked like this:
Swim: 31:44. 1500 meters, no wetsuit, bath water temps-ugh and a wave of roughly 70 women- but somehow I ended up in this middle place with no feet to follow.
Bike: 1:06:33, 23 miles, flat with a few small rollers, lots of fish to pass. VI 1:03, NP 127, IF .87 (although I haven't tested in a long time, so that's pretty suspect). HR was redlining towards the end so I shut things down in the last 3 miles to bring the HR down a bit before starting the run.
Run: 53:37, 6.2 miles, mostly flat with 1 bridge (the only hill) you cross 4 times. I started a little fast and slowed a small bit, but not too bad considering the conditions.
Pretty happy with the results and mostly, just had a great time with my local tri buddies. Got to be there when one of them finished their very first triathlon- that was cool.
Nemo- Congrats on your race! 1st is 1st in my book. I'm contempating doing some more short course next year to help boost the mojo a bit.
It was a lot of fun! And great to do a little something outside of triathlon. It was unique. We had to ride a mtn bike, which I haven't done in years and my arms and legs were killing me. My forearms still hurt A LOT today, it's hard to type! Here's my sister and I after the race
So sorry that I have not been on here, even lurking. I think about everyone often, but have been in final training for IMLOU, and posting mostly on F.B. Need to change that, as I miss the comraderie of this forum! I hope all have been well, and training/races are going well.
Have to say that my swimming has improved a lot this year, and I am so pleased! I just pray that I can uphold that new pace during IMLOU. My goal is to finish sub 1:50, (good for me!) so I have more time for the bike. I have stuggled mightily this year, on the bike. I don't know to what to attribute this. Could be the back issues I've had, that have robbed my legs of some valuable strength. Last year I felt so solid on the bike. Running has been sporadic at best. However, I have done 12 marathons, and I do Galloway Run/Walk, so I suppose I can pull out a marathon, although it won't be pretty.
Going to get my arse in the pool this afternoon, so I better get going! Virtual hugs to all of you!
Bye for now,
I took a 2 month hiatus and have decided tocome back and stay with EN another year.
But I will likely join Marathon Nation for relay run prep.
I am hitting "Mark all read" and starting over. So this is the only thread I have read, cause it's short.
Nemo- Congrats on the win! Great job!
Jennifer- That is an excellent picture! Looks like you had a great time. I hope your sister has the racing bug now!
Barb- This has been a challenging training season for you. I am sorry about your mom and all the stress. I'm not sure when Morocco happens, but maybe you want to change your focus and pass on IMLOU. I am sorry to say this, but I would hate for you to have another demoralizing race.
My training has been OK. Since my father died, I have had a lot of stress. But training helps get me out of my head. It will take a long time to process.
Anyway, it's good to be back.
That is a great pic! I have to admit though, those muddy races hold no interest to me at all.
Michele-nice to see you back. You still planning on Timberman? Will see you there if you are.
My focus now, is to FINISH IMLOU, as an OFFICIAL finisher, and hopefully not have to utilize the medical tent! I am anxious to get this done, and move on with my life for awhile.
Everyone have a great day!
Wow... sounds like we've had a busy week and weekend!
Congrats to Nemo - I only dream of a podium finish someday... might have to be in a smaller race than the one you did, though.
Jennifer how fun... and great pic! please send congrats to your sister, too!
Penny - so sorry to hear about your dad. very glad you were able to be there with him and for him. hang in there.
Michele & Barbara - welcome back! Barbara, you're not the only one who's struggling this season... my luck has been pretty bad the last year or so, it seems like I can't cut a break but I keep plugging away at it.
So, camp was fun! I'm starting to develop PF in my right foot now (the L foot is finally okay and I've been running pretty well). Seriously, why me? Michele taped me up while I was there and showed me some stretches to do in addition to the ones the doc showed me this winter. So, I'm working on that. I did the 102 (stick, 2 loops, then back to Michele's) on Sat followed by a very slow 30 minute jog at the proscribed Z1+30" pace. It hurt but I'm glad I could do it. After that it was time to clean up, stretch, and get to the Clarion for the debrief (which, I might add, was not exactly enlightening... don't get me started...Sat night wasn't any better) and EN dinner at Roman Candle Pizza. Sat I did about 84 miles (2 loops) then caught a ride back to Michele's with her (she did a different ride) and ran 35 minutes at the same just run along pace. I dropped my chain once each day. On Fri that included a tip over... ouch... because I was still in the big ring and couldn't get going up the hill. Sat the dropped chain was just stupid. I launched my cue sheet once, several water bottles... all super annoying and added time to the ride. And on the run Sunday I managed to trip on an uneven sidewalk (despite the spray paint warnings)... guess I was too tired to pick up my feet. I was definitely not looking down, just dreaming of turning around and being done. I tripped about 30 seconds before I was finished. Seriously... My right side is so bruised and battered... ugh.
All in all, though, the camp was a huge success. Very glad I got more exposure to the course. (5 loops total under my belt now, between now and May). Good to see folks, too! I took Sun off - the group met to do a half mary. I knew my foot couldn't handle it, not to mention my quads were beat and I had a plane to catch. I also took yesterday off. I slept in both days and fell asleep before 10 last night. Hopefully I can manage a run tonight after work and I'll try to get back on the program tomorrow with the hour bike and 30 minute brick. We'll see. I definitely need to work in the swims as I was only able to swim once last week.
Going to Louisville this weekend, to ride the course. I am going to shoot for the 112. I must. Praying I'll finish it, and in one piece. I am working numbers over, to see what paces I must keep in bike and run, to finish within prescribed time. I'm getting 'analysis paralysis'! And a very nervous stomach...
Well, time to get ready to take my cat to the vet for blood work! That is always a treat! NOT! If they needed a stool sample, I know she can supply that! She always does, on the way there and the way back...Nuff said. What is it with cats and going to the vets?
Barb- good luck with your ride in Louisville this weekend. I know you have struggled with your training this year with many starts and stops. That ride should give you good input on how much the training you have been able to do has prepared you to meet the cutoffs on race day.
As for me, I'm so glad I'm not doing Ironman (or really anything else super serious) this year. The heat this summer has been very un-motivating and I'm really glad to not have any "must" workouts on my plate! Pretty nice to be able to roll over in bed and just decide "nope, not today" every now and then. The mental break is much needed and will be greatly appreciated when I do start ramping up again for IMCDA next year!
@Michele: I'm using MN for my NY training. I have been very happy with the plan so far.
@Nemo: Congrats on the race finish! Glad you had a good time.
@Barb: Glad to hear you have made some choices that are right for you. It can be hard, but once the decision is made it can really take a weight off your shoulders.
@Becky: Take care of that foot. PF can be a bear to deal with (or so I hear).
@Barb: I read about your ride on FB. We all have those days. Hope all is OK with your cat.
My Dad is doing OK. He now has pneumonia and a UTI. But, I think they caught it early. He is running out of Medicare days (they only pay 100% for up to 20 days) this week. We are working on getting him moved home Thursday. Lots of coordination and working with my family members to get things done to get him home. I think home will be better for him, but we'll see. He has an appointment with oncology Thursday. I wouldn't be surprised if they admitted him back to the hospital because we don't want the infections to get out of control.
John and I came out to San Diego yesterday and will be here through Monday. He is taking a training class today, tomorrow, and half of Friday. That gives me a couple of days to kick around, rest, knit, read, and re-focus. I really lost focus on what I wanted to do work-wise with everything going on the last month. I need to start thinking through my work-related goals again and what I need to do to get them done. But, my #1 priority is rest. I am looking forward to running out here. In Houston, it is 80 degrees at 5AM. That is the high here and they are having a "heat wave." I am a bit stressed being away from Dad and all that is going on, but the family needs to step up and get it done to get him home. There really isn't any difference in being here or there other than the time difference.
I'm working on knitting my first sweater - the "February Lady Sweater." http://www.flintknits.com/blog/?p=151. It is coming a long well. I'm also working on my first pair of toe-up socks. These are socks you knit starting at the toes up to the leg. They are turning out well, but a little big. Knitting really helps me relax. Put in an audiobook, pick up my project and go.
OK - need to go run. 10 hill repeats. Take care everyone!
@Barbara - yikes, what a day... glad you made it through! The way I see it, better now than on the IM course. We're do for a break and some good luck, right?! Hope the ride goes well this weekend. Hang in there! And my kitties aren't big fans of the vet but at least they don't supply stool samples coming and going... ugh. What an ordeal!
@Penny - glad you'll have the time for some R&R and to refocus. Good luck with that and with your dad.
@Nemo - jealous! I've taken that attitude this week, though. I'm definitely feeling better about the Moo course now... I did 2 loops Fri and I felt awful. I did 2 more loops Sat with tired legs and got through it having a better ride... I think the hay is in the barn as far as riding goes. I definitely need to get serious about swimming and do what I can as far as running goes. Sadly, after this weekend I calc'ed my expected finish time at 14-14.5 hours. it's gonna be a long day.
Coach P weighed in that we can recover and get our ducks in a row as long as we're able to do theTh, Sat, Sun workouts. So I decided to skip the run last night (giving my foot another day of rest). Once again I was asleep super early and when the alarm went off at 6 I decided... eh... it can wait til after work. I'll do the ride on the trainer when I get home. It's only 3x5x30/30s. I think I can handle that. And hope I can do the long run tomorrow (will tape my foot) and a swim during lunch.
Penny- that sweater is adorable. I look forward to seeing how it turns out!
Barb - Sounds like a good, but tough decision about Morocco. Be safe and smart at Louisville. That race sounds like it is going to require lots of smarts and being on game for everyone with the high heat.
Penny - Love the sweater! Very Mad Men!
Carly - I'm doing Timberman, too!
@Jennifer, I want to do a muddy buddy!!! Glad you had fun!!!! I’ll put you on the maybe list for the Lighthouse ride? J I LOVE your picture!!!
@Nemo, Great job on the race. So nice to do some smaller feel good races that just end in a nice finish and a great dinner!!
@Barb, Sorry you are struggling on the bike. Hope things improve. Swim sounds awesome. You have inspired me to get back on the outseason swimming plan!!!
@Michele, Welcome back!! Sorry about your dad! It’s difficult and takes time. Three years out I still think about calling him when something happens. It’s hard. Praying you find some comfort! BTW..how far are you from me? We are in Freeport, ME now.
@Barb, wow…sorry you had so many issues over the camp weekend!!! Hope things improve. So looking forward to cheering you on at IMWI!!! You will conquer!!
@Penny, Hoping your dad got home ok yesterday! Navigating Medicare and all it’s requirements is crazy! Ohhhh knitting!!!! Good for you! I’m starting this winter when the weather turns bad!
So my personal drama this week is the townhouse we rented in Freeport! It smells sooooo bad!!! Whoever lived there before apparently had a dog that just peed wherever he wanted. We have about decided that it will be money well lost if we just can that place and find somewhere else to live. The landlord cleaned the carpet but it still just reeks. I sprayed it liberally with Spot Shot last night but spousal unit told me this morning that it’s awful!!! Ugh. I HATE confrontation and since I was the nitwit that picked this place I think it is going to fall to me to straighten it all out. OK…deep breath and call the landlord!
Have a great weekend. Husband checked out kayaks from the “Use Room” at L L Bean Employee store and we are taking my daughter back to airport tomorrow then headed to Rockland harbor to kayak all day tomorrow. Should be great!!!
2 weeks until Timberman!
Barb- how was your race rehearsal ride over the weekend?
Becky- Did you do a RR this past weekend too- or is that coming up this weekend? And how is that foot doing?
Of course, if my Mom gets worse, that is a no-brainer...I wouldn't leave her for all the tea in China.
I may not become an Ironman on August 28th, but I'm one tough chick, and I won't quit before I start...Otherwise, my time has been for naught...
Thank you for asking.
Sorry, Barb, but I don't agree with you here. You've worked "hard" you say, but have only ridden 70 miles ONCE? You have PT in your feet, and your back is in pain? A non-refundable situation is NOT a reason to toe the line. This situation has nothing to do with not being a "quitter." IMO, the only sensible thing to do to HONOR AND RESPECT yourself, your body, the stress you've been through, and the gosh darn distance of the race itself is to NOT start. That would be real courage, and a true testament to the spirit and the TRUTH of the situation you are in. I think you owe it to the race, to the distance, to all that Ironman is supposed to be to toe this line another day when you are truly ready. It is clear you are far from it.
I know you have a lot of supporters giving you the rah-rah, "you can do anything," "go for it" speech. I doubt you'll see my words above in the spirit of truth and support as they are intended. That's OK, some people have different definitions of "cop out" and "quitter." I think trying to parse the training you've done into something that even resembles the ability to start the Ironman is fallacy at best, dangerous to your body, mind and spirit at worse. Your time has not been for naught if it leads to learning that the "training" you've done is not what gets you to Ironman. Bitter pill, but it's the truth.
And lest you don't think I understand the stress you're in with your mother--for the record, I've lost both of my parents to long and horrible illnesses caretaking both. I get it.
Barb- I'm so sorry to hear things did not go well. It seems this has not been your year, nearly every big/important training day or race has been stalled by some event or another. With so much going on, and trying to put Ironman training on top of it certainly could have have been easy. Sometimes life simply gets in the way and other things have to take priority.
I'd encourage you to consider Linda's advice with an open heart and mind. It's often a much harder and more courageous decision to decide not to do something if you know you are not well prepared, than it is to go on autopilot and do something because everyone expects you to do it. Consider the number of people here within EN who have put out the "I'm backing out of race X" post and all the support they got from fellow athletes who knew how hard it was for them to say "I'm not ready". When you read those posts I'm sure your heart sank a little for them, knowing how tough a choice it was, but you nodded and gave them the encouragement validation that they made a good choice. I know it's hard because I had to post that same message once.
I was gearing up to do my first Half Ironman (Eagleman). I had all my friends and family excited for me, ready to track me on the day, with post-race celebrations already planned. But life (work) got in the way and I was unable to prepare for the race sufficiently. My run was fine, but my swimming and bike prep were minimal and Eagleman has a notoriously rough swim. I knew in my heart that I wasn't really ready, and worse, I knew that failure (I had DNFed at races previously) would be a devistating blow- possibly enough to keep me from doing Triathlons ever again. So I sent out "the note" to friends and family, and waiting for the notes of disapoinment. Instead I received tons of support and encouragement. I could not back out of the hotel room and so my husband said we would go for a weekend get-a-way instead. Thankfully for me, the hotel was not super close to the race site as I couldn't bring myself to go down and watch the race. Instead we did the tourist thing and avoided the race entirely. It turned out to be a special weekend for us. The next year I raced Eagleman- and was much better prepared for it. You bet I partied damn hard after that one!
Anyway- I just don't want to see you get hurt by attempting something you aren't ready for AND I don't want to see you face another disapointing DNF from Ironman. Going into the race knowing you are not likely to finish is not a great feeling. I'd like to see you toe the line with confidence, knowing in your heart and soul that you have built the fitness it takes to get through the day.
Hugs Barbara!
@Sheryl - good luck with the landlord. Despite being an ENTJ who has no problem standing up for myself (and getting altogether too lippy at times), I don't actively seek out confrontation... but you have to do it if it's an unlivable situation and it sounds like it is. My advice, prepare what you want to say in advance. Then put it away for a few hours or a day, then revisit it to be sure it's calm, cool, and collected. Take it with you when you talk to the LL... to keep you on track. You'll be okay!
@Barbara - ugh. I'm sorry you're having a tough time... what a crazy season it's been. But, to respond, I'm all over the map. I am all the chica's biggest fans, but I'm also not one who wants to see someone hurt themselves bc their too stubborn to say enough is enough. I know it's hard to no-show a race, especially after training and really focusing on it. After my bike crash a few years back I couldn't swing my arm... I did an 18 mile run (training for the Nike Women's Marathon) in a brace holding my arm and shoulder bc I was determined to do the race bc I'd registered, paid, and had women who were rooming with me in San Fran (I got a great room rate bc my mom is a Marriott employee)... at the end of the day I had to back out and let 3 other people down as well as myself. It was the first time I've scratched and it was the right decision. Running was killing the rest of my body bc my gait was all f'ed up. Then this past winter/spring I DNF'ed 3 or 4 running races bc of my PF. I wasn't happy about it but it had to be done. I say all this even though I'm still grappling with a recurrence of PF now, 5 weeks out from IMWI, and I am definitely going and racing. I've done everything in my power to train and have done all the riding and running I can (even doing the first 2.5 hour run). I feel totally comfortable toeing the line bc I know I can get through 2/3 of the race without a problem (knock on wood). The run will be what it will be. Do I want to finish? Absolutely! Do I think I can? Yes. But, it will be what it will be. If it hurts, I'll slow down. If it still hurts, I'll walk. If it still hurts, I'll drop out. That will totally suck... but I have all the time in the world to race in the future and I can't do that if I don't listen to my body now and take care of myself.
@Nemo-no RR for me last weekend. Our first was when we were in WI and I did the ride and a 30' run w Michele (with a taped foot) supervising me. The second RR is next weekend... this weekend I'll do the long ride Sat and my annual OLY Sun (if I have to walk, well, I'll walk) in Northeast, MD.
I had such fun at Timberman last year... jealous my timing is off a year with you ladies. At least I'll be racing CDA with Kate and Nemo next year (and I think a few others, too).
At this point I'm officially more excited about Africa than the IM. In fact, to be really honest, I'm not really all that excited about the IM at all. I think, deep down, it's because I'll be solo. Sure I'll know ENers and some DC Tri folks who will be there, but I won't have my own support network or cheering section which is kind of a bummer. My brother is going, but his GF is racing so he's really there more for her than me. I know I should get my head out of my ass. Race week isn't really a time to be spending quality time with anyone and I'll have so much going on (on top of wanting to rest, etc)... but I'm a solophobe and I hate being alone... it will be a tough week for me mentally/emotionally... on top of the mental/physical toughness of the actual race.
As for happier things: I got most of my shots last week for the trip and had my first Hep A shot yesterday. I hit REI for a few things (well, more than I needed but it was fun) yesterday and may go back Thursday for a few more. It's been so long since I've shopped for something that didn't consist of spandex or carbon! And, really importantly, I just got an amazing digital camera (fortunately 6 mos interest free on Amazon), canon sx30IS... woo hoo.... it's going to be soooo amazing!!
@Becky - AFRICA! Amazing. I have so many set of cool Africa photos on my desk at work. Such a beautiful place. Hooray, adventure. And I'll be there in my pink bikini. And so will Jennifer.
@Barb - Ugh. That's a tough training/racing call. I wish I knew how to take all the emotions living in the world create and turn them into race fuel, but it never seems to work that way. Take care of you. And your mom. I hope whatever you do, it leaves you safe and with enough fire in your belly to keep playing this game. It is a good one.
Me. I'm pink bikini shopping. And planning a fundraiser, along with many creative projects. I've also been figuring out Twitter, under a snarky pseydonym and actually making lots creative friends. Good times!
Barb- I don't envy you one bit in trying to decide what's best. I do know that you mentioned how bad you were feeling after Muncie, and that's only a HIM. Would hate to see something serious happen by you pushing Lville. So please be careful if you decide to do it!
Michele- Glad that you're back! Hope the coming months are more stress free for you.
Sheryl- I'm totally down for a Lighthouse Ride.
Think 2012 is going to be a biking season for me since I need to learn to love the bike. I'm usually happy once I get out there, but if I have the choice (or an excuse!) I'll run instead. Gotta change that if I'm going to do another IM. There's the Wisconsin Triple Crown that I'm considering doing next year to keep my mojo going all summer (basically three races ranging from 50K to 300K and if you do all of them without decreasing your distance you completed the "triple crown"). Think it will be good for me. I'm sure I'll toss in a short course or two, but I think I'll have to vow not to do anything longer than an OLY.
Oh yeah, Beth, we need to talk about the whole bikini thing. Can't say I'd be very excited to run around the IMWI course with just the two of us in pink bikinis. I have another idea which I think will be just as good. Let's talk soon and I'll spill my idea (don't want to spoil the surprise with our lurkers