What am I doing this fall.....hmmmm. have I mentioned Cyclocross yet? :-)
Jennifer- day-to-day happiness is super important. Do whatever you gotta do to get it back!
I had a blast in New Hampshire this past weekend. Sprint on Saturday/HIM on Sunday- totally fun (except that part about getting up at 3:00am to get a parking spot- ugh).
Ahhh yea! I forgot about your new bike! Very exciting Glad to hear you had a good time at Timberman- I can't believe you did both days, what a rockstar!
how did it go in NH/Timberman? Can't wait to hear about it!
@Barbara - good for you, glad you've made peace with your decision.
I'm still struggling with mine. (oh, I should point out, NYC will be in 2012, not this year). Anyway, the race stress/decision stress is getting to me - not to mention all the flippin money I'm throwing at it to try to fix it. It's insane. Really insane. A couple hundred bucks a week at this point (ART 2x and acupuncture now, also 2x at least this week it will be). I don't have that kinda disposable cash. Granted I get a percentage back (for ART, not sure about acupuncture bc I haven't tried yet), but it's a small percentage. Shit, I need to figure out what I'm gonna do. At this point I feel like I should go bc I'm spending so much frickin money to get myself to be able to race. But to be honest, my heart isn't in it at this point: the thought of going alone and being alone there (without a cheering section or sherpa - not counting the EN supporters) is a real bummer, the fact that my marathon will be less than stellar, and all the flippin money I'll be spending to be there (when I booked I expected to be there with Dan and have someone to help me defray costs.... then Mike said he'd go...). I don't know, a big part of me just wants to go to Africa then go to the UVA lab and try again next year.
My head is all over the place. I've been eating too much (crap), drinking when I shouldn't... just going with the flow - kind of resigned to be a normal person again. I need a goal to keep me on track and now that's shot to hell and I'm sabatouging myself with ice cream and wine. Feeling sorry for myself isn't very pretty.
ok ladies, Mary Larson is AWESOME! I will have a spare bedroom to sleep in... which will save me prolly 1500k! (sadly, that's probably what I'll spend between now and then on my foot therapy). I can make my own b'fast and lunch... saving big money on meals out... so in the grand scheme of things I'll only spend a couple of hundred on dinners out (and perhaps a few momentos). OMG, what a huge relief. Now I can go and won't feel guilty about all the I'm spending to be there to have a so-so race. I can just enjoy being there and finishing come what may. It's still shocking how much money I've spent on docs, therapists, etc on my foot this year... but I'm resolved to get to a lab after the race so that next year (knock on wood), I won't have to spend money to fix problems... time to try to prevent them! Granted, all of this is reliant on what the PT/rehab doc I see Mon says. The ART/Graston guy gave me the green light on Monday - and is optimistic I'll be able to run/walk it. Worst case he said I might tear something and need 8-12 weeks to recover. I'll have that post race (but he doesn't think anything like that will happen).
Hey guys. I've been lurking and following by email. I just haven't had the energy to check in. Things have been kind of screwed up. A couple of weeks ago, I took a swan dive down the stairs at work and banged up my knees pretty bad. I couldn't run for a while and haven't run since. They are still bruised and holding some fluid. So, I haven't run for a couple of weeks. And, we moved my Dad back home a couple of weeks ago and admitted him to hospice. He was doing great until last week when he started going downhill pretty fast. I went up Friday and stayed until Monday. I am lucky because we talked a lot, particularly when he was in the hospital. We had a great relationship. I say "had" because he passed away today. My dad was a cowboy - a true cowboy who grew up on a ranch outside of Albuquerque, NM. Apparently yesterday he started talking to his gran-dad. I had been talking with my step-mom and Aunts (dad's sisters) daily. On Tuesday, the hospice nurse said he was OK. This morning, I got a call from the hospice nurse who said his passing was imminent. John and I were going to head up tomorrow (he lives about 4 1/2 hours from Houston). This afternoon he started talking to his grand-dad about getting the horses saddled up. And, he passed on. I guess he and his gran-dad went for a ride. I'm relieved because he wouldn't want to live bed-bound and in pain. I'm glad it was fast. I don't have any unfinished business and told him to not hang around for me before I left Monday. I'm not sure what the plans are right now.
I'm hoping that I can start running this weekend. I think it will help work through this.
I know a couple of you guys have parents who are in failing health. My advice - clear the air. Say what needs to be said. Remember that each person has their own perception and reality of events. (I've had a lot of fun listening to my two aunts talk and hear "you were the smart one?" "what? I barely made it out of high school. you got straight A's!" Sometimes when people do something we think was intentional, it wasn't and they are clueless that it hurt. Work things through. And, when time is close, tell them you love them and tell them it is OK for them to go when they are ready. You don't want to have any regrets when they are no longer around.
Had a blast at Timberman. Took 2 days off to sleep in and recover. I have been swimming in the morning for the past 3 days. Local group that heads out and swims for an hour. Goofy folks. They call me "Weiner lady" cause when I swim alone a trail a sausage shaped orange buoy so rowers can see me. Water is getting colder. I'll have to start wearing a wetsuit soon.
Becky- Sounds like you are going to have a great time after all. Good luck and take care. Hope the foot heals. Gait lab will help for sure.
oh Penny, so sorry to hear the news. But glad you were able to spend some time with him before his passing. And very sorry to hear about your accident. Take care of yourself.
I had another round of visits yesterday, acupuncture and Graston. Man does graston hurt... will see the rehab/PT doc Mon for another opinion. Then I'll really, really decide. It's so strange that I'm feeling so low key about it all. But last year I was so wound up for FL, maybe this is a good thing. Even if I was in perfect health and the best shape of my life I wouldn't KQ, so perhaps my perspective is shifting a bit (well, ok, a lot) this year. it needs to be what I want to do and it needs to be fun. hanging out with all my EN friends will definitely be fun - having made so many more this year (jonnie, michele, mary, included) this year has been great.
Hi Ladies, I did read Penny's post on F.B. and sent her a message. So sorry for your loss, hon! BIG HUGS to you!!! I hope you are starting to feel a little better. Hopefully you can run. That certainly helps! And sorry to hear about your accident, as well!! Becky, you sound so much like me it is ridiculous! I had the same attitude about IMLOU, and I know how much the wavering in your decision is stressing you out!! Been there, done that!!! Hang in there. There is light at the end of the tunnel. My Mom is doing way better than she was last weekend. We thought we were going to lose her last Sunday, as she was unresponsive. Also thought we were signing her up for Hospice. Well, she got so much better, we didn't sign her up for Hospice! As a matter of fact, my brother and sister-in-law are having her and her caretaker over to their house this afternoon, for a change of scenery! We have been blessed. It is unbelieveable! Trying to keep track of EN peeps doing IMLOU, and going to check on my iamTri friends doing IMLOU, as well. Have a wonderful day everyone. Barb
Oh my, Penny, I'm so sorry for your loss. I've been a little distracted these past few days and haven't really kept up on Facebook or EN. I'm so glad you had the time with your Dad in the end and that he seemed to pass peacefully. Nonetheless, it is not easy to lose a parent, and seems we have so many of those losses around here as of late. Hugs to you.
Barb- great news about your mom. I'm so glad to hear she is doing better.
Michele- Hugs, and more hugs for you.
Becky- Ugh, man what a rough decision. But it sounds like you've got a decent plan in place to make the best out of this situation. I'm looking forward to racing along side you at IMCDA next year!
so I'm in. The ART guy said I could do it and even thinks I can run more of it than I think I can. Met with a rehab PT yesterday and she was cool with it, agreeing that if I could tolerate the pain I wouldn't be doing any serious or long term damage. So, that's a huge relief. I can go and do my best and try to finish. Not ideal, but still pretty cool insofar as I'm healthy and able to even consider it. I think this rehab place may do similar stuff as the PAP and UVA places. She had me do a bunch of different mobility and strength exercises to see how things are working biomechanically. The only thing I didn't do was run bc I was pretty sore after ART/Graston - and inflamed. So, for the next week, til I leave, she's gonna work on helping me get to the line. When I get back from Africa we'll do the whole running exam. When doing single leg squats she noticed that my ankles move well to a point but then my arches collapse which pushes my knee in, which then effects my glutes/hips and IT band as I try to compensate to keep my balance... so that could be a major factor. Gotta strengthen the foot, the glutes, etc so I stay in proper alignment when I fatigue. It was really interesting. Then I went to see the acupuncturist... and I iced where the PT told me to when I got home (as I worked on my race lists for IMWI). today it feels pretty good. I rode this morning and will swim after work...
so, I think my head is on and I'm feeling pretty at peace. Wish I hadn't sought the comfort of wine and ice cream so often the last few weeks... but hey, this race is about fun. I'm hoping to be a lean, mean, fighting machine for CDA (although I might want to be not so lean to survive the cold water). Thanks for putting up with my whining and indecision, ladies. (Barb, this finish is for us both)
@Nemo - how are you? Is everything ok in NC. I saw your FB posts and glad to read you and Joe are okay. I hope the damage wasn't toooooo awful.
We are OK. Evacuated before the storm and pulled everything we could up from under the house to the first floor (which is well above the flood line). The sound flooded many homes (including ours) and all the enclosed spaces under our house (including the garage, a storage area, and my office/pain cave) were flooded with approx 2 feet of water. When the water left, it left behind 2 inches of mud everywhere. We lost benches and steps to our dock, but the dock itself is still standing. We lost a lot of dirt/soil/sand from behind the bulkhead and that is a bit scary- BUT we did not lose the bulkhead (which is great). Then there's the usual shingles, siding, screen windows, etc etc stuff that comes with big windy storms.
In the end, we have a lot of cleanup work to do and some repairs to make, but nothing time & $$ can't fix. We are safe, and we have a home to live in. Others in our area aren't as fortunate as many folks here on the sound side of the island have lost businesses and homes. Oh- and the national media folks are idiots. While they were all on the ocean side of the island trying to sensationalize the winds because nothing was really happening over there- they missed the REAL story which was the flooding over on the sound side. Thankfully local news & radio knew what the real story would be and we were able to get good reports from them while we were sitting in Raleigh waiting out the storm. Oh- and the Droid I bought earlier this year? TOTALLY WORTH EVERY CENT!!! Seriously, that thing kept us connected to people who really knew what was going on with the evacuation via facebook, email, txt, etc. MUCH better than trying to rely on TWC and Jim Cantore!
Becky, glad you have made your decision, and you are going for it! I will be cheering for you! Thanks for including me in your thoughts when you finish IMWI! As of midnight, I'm on hiatis from EN for a couple of months. I'll be following everyone on F.B. and IM website. Nemo, of course, I have followed you on F.B., and commented how happy I am that you are safe! So sorry for the mess you have to cleanup. My thoughts go out to you and everyone on the East Coast, who were in the path of Irene. I won't be running Chicago Marathon, due to severe pain in right foot, yet, from plantar's faciaitis. I may volunteer though. My Mom is one amazing woman! I really think that my insistance on her getting anti-biotics, helped her to get better! I helped her care-giver with giving her a shower yesterday, and today, she went to the beauty shop to get her hair cut, washed, and permed! If it isn't too hot on Saturday, and she is doing okay, I am taking them to a European Market in a local town, for about an hour, just to get her out, and she loves shopping!! What a difference from having Hospice referral two weeks ago!!!! Take care everyone, and I'll see most of you on Facebook! My plan is to workout with weights, swim, and lose a good deal of weight, prior to next season. Then, I will do short distance races and half IM's. I definately plan to train for a full IM in 2013. Wherever I decide to race, I AM FINISHING IT! Hugs to all of you! Barb
Nemo- it's amazing how important smartphones have become so useful in so many situations. Glad to hear that the cleanup has started and that you guys were lucky.
Becky- glad you got some positive news!
It's the last month of our fiscal year at work and we have been given overtime opportunities to boost some productivity numbers in the coming weeks. I feel lucky at the opportunity because I really need the money, but a little sad because it becomes a huge energy and time suck. I'm still planning to head up to WI to cheer, but likely will only be able to stay for part of the day. This bums me out a lot because I wanted to give back on all the awesome support I received last year.
I'm prepping for my own final race of the season on Saturday. It's in the middle of Illinois and the projected temps are around 95 degrees! So much for my cooler race But I have a lot of family coming down, and I have a race tracker ordered so that they can keep track of me. I'm hoping to execute well and come in somewhere around 6 hours. Can't say my training has been stellar as I'm ready for structured training to end, but I'm prepared and confident that I can come in somewhere near that. Fingers crossed!
@Michele - hope things have stabilized up east for you!
@Jennifer - how was the race? I hope you had a great time (literally and figuratively)
I can't believe it's race week. Seriously... this is nothing like IMFL last year although I started getting race dreams last week when the decision was finally made. I wasn't able to ride outside again this weekend because of bad weather. Bizarre that I had no weather ride issues all season (except one weekend when I chose to stay in bc it was already 90 at 5am and code red)... and my last 2 weekends of riding ended up on the drainer. Oh well... the real kicker was that Sunday was predicted to be the far worse day and it was absolutely fine. I could have gotten a ride in and gotten my bike to the shop for drop off in time. That's life.
I feel pretty okay about the race. I "ran" 2x last week for 20 minutes the first time and 30 the next - both doing 3/1's which I think is how the IM run will be - perhaps after the first 6 miles in my Z1+30" pace. That's my plan for now. Yesterday was the first day I can remember in a while that I walked without a limp... I was walking back from the pool and it occurred to me that I was walking at a normal pace. Woo hoo! Good omen! I've been doing the few exercises I did at the PT place last week every day and I also ordered a set of Yamuna Foot wakers and have been doing the chair routine every day (and the standing routing once or twice). I can't say what I attribute my finally being able to walk to - not running for a month and a half, all the ART, the acupuncture, and now the arch exercises... who knows, but I'll be darn glad when the race is done to stop spending all the money on rehab! I'm glad the PT takes insurance. Hopefully she'll show me what I need and that will help... so a trip to PAP is temporarily on hold to see how it goes, but I did decide on PAP over UVA for the follow up TLC. I do know I can attribute the 5 lbs I've put back on since July to the not running and the feeling sorry for myself. No worries, I'll get my act back together.
Bike and gear bag are gone, which is a relief. Having to get that out the door Sunday gave me a chance to get organized early. I've got my 12 page packing list and race plan printed and have been through it - what a huge help, really (having done one last year was a bit help - only took a little while to modify). I have some other stuff set aside for packing, which I'll finish tomorrow night. Heck, I've already set stuff aside for Africa, too... and I took a trip to the bookstore Sunday (how nice it was to have a non-training day). Got the Long Run for inspiration this week. I also picked up the Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest and World Without End (Pillars of the Earth was absolutely amazing) to take to Africa.
I may have a job transfer to look forward to when I get back, too.... last week really was a crazy week. Had a project at work (finally), another job lead materialized, I finally made the call about the race. And you know, I felt really at peace and calm. The first time in a long time. When I get back from Africa things may be very different for me, but I'm excited about the changes. I think I'll try to throw my hat back in the dating arena then, too. Now that I'm finally feeling myself again. Have a few home improvement projects I want to work on (want to order a wooden rack to hang my bikes, since they're in my condo - conde free standing 4 bike rack) and build a table to fit in a random space in my LR where my bike currently sits on a trainer... I want the place to look like a grown up lives there, not a jock with too muck junk and clutter... not having my bike on the trainer in the middle of my LR has made such a difference the past 2 days, it looks like a totally different place and I like it.
Sorry, I'm babbling on my lunch break.
I just want to thank you all for the advice and support again this year... the Dan break up, the Mike indecision, the Mike break up, the plantars, and the race worries... you're all my one thing!
Jennifer- day-to-day happiness is super important. Do whatever you gotta do to get it back!
I had a blast in New Hampshire this past weekend. Sprint on Saturday/HIM on Sunday- totally fun (except that part about getting up at 3:00am to get a parking spot- ugh).
how did it go in NH/Timberman? Can't wait to hear about it!
@Barbara - good for you, glad you've made peace with your decision.
I'm still struggling with mine. (oh, I should point out, NYC will be in 2012, not this year). Anyway, the race stress/decision stress is getting to me - not to mention all the flippin money I'm throwing at it to try to fix it. It's insane. Really insane. A couple hundred bucks a week at this point (ART 2x and acupuncture now, also 2x at least this week it will be). I don't have that kinda disposable cash. Granted I get a percentage back (for ART, not sure about acupuncture bc I haven't tried yet), but it's a small percentage. Shit, I need to figure out what I'm gonna do. At this point I feel like I should go bc I'm spending so much frickin money to get myself to be able to race. But to be honest, my heart isn't in it at this point: the thought of going alone and being alone there (without a cheering section or sherpa - not counting the EN supporters) is a real bummer, the fact that my marathon will be less than stellar, and all the flippin money I'll be spending to be there (when I booked I expected to be there with Dan and have someone to help me defray costs.... then Mike said he'd go...). I don't know, a big part of me just wants to go to Africa then go to the UVA lab and try again next year.
My head is all over the place. I've been eating too much (crap), drinking when I shouldn't... just going with the flow - kind of resigned to be a normal person again. I need a goal to keep me on track and now that's shot to hell and I'm sabatouging myself with ice cream and wine. Feeling sorry for myself isn't very pretty.
Now I can go and won't feel guilty about all the I'm spending to be there to have a so-so race. I can just enjoy being there and finishing come what may. It's still shocking how much money I've spent on docs, therapists, etc on my foot this year... but I'm resolved to get to a lab after the race so that next year (knock on wood), I won't have to spend money to fix problems... time to try to prevent them!
Granted, all of this is reliant on what the PT/rehab doc I see Mon says. The ART/Graston guy gave me the green light on Monday - and is optimistic I'll be able to run/walk it. Worst case he said I might tear something and need 8-12 weeks to recover. I'll have that post race (but he doesn't think anything like that will happen).
I'm hoping that I can start running this weekend. I think it will help work through this.
I know a couple of you guys have parents who are in failing health. My advice - clear the air. Say what needs to be said. Remember that each person has their own perception and reality of events. (I've had a lot of fun listening to my two aunts talk and hear "you were the smart one?" "what? I barely made it out of high school. you got straight A's!" Sometimes when people do something we think was intentional, it wasn't and they are clueless that it hurt. Work things through. And, when time is close, tell them you love them and tell them it is OK for them to go when they are ready. You don't want to have any regrets when they are no longer around.
Had a blast at Timberman. Took 2 days off to sleep in and recover. I have been swimming in the morning for the past 3 days. Local group that heads out and swims for an hour. Goofy folks. They call me "Weiner lady" cause when I swim alone a trail a sausage shaped orange buoy so rowers can see me. Water is getting colder. I'll have to start wearing a wetsuit soon.
Becky- Sounds like you are going to have a great time after all. Good luck and take care. Hope the foot heals. Gait lab will help for sure.
I had another round of visits yesterday, acupuncture and Graston. Man does graston hurt... will see the rehab/PT doc Mon for another opinion. Then I'll really, really decide. It's so strange that I'm feeling so low key about it all. But last year I was so wound up for FL, maybe this is a good thing. Even if I was in perfect health and the best shape of my life I wouldn't KQ, so perhaps my perspective is shifting a bit (well, ok, a lot) this year. it needs to be what I want to do and it needs to be fun. hanging out with all my EN friends will definitely be fun - having made so many more this year (jonnie, michele, mary, included) this year has been great.
I did read Penny's post on F.B. and sent her a message. So sorry for your loss, hon! BIG HUGS to you!!! I hope you are starting to feel a little better. Hopefully you can run. That certainly helps! And sorry to hear about your accident, as well!!
Becky, you sound so much like me it is ridiculous! I had the same attitude about IMLOU, and I know how much the wavering in your decision is stressing you out!! Been there, done that!!! Hang in there. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
My Mom is doing way better than she was last weekend. We thought we were going to lose her last Sunday, as she was unresponsive. Also thought we were signing her up for Hospice. Well, she got so much better, we didn't sign her up for Hospice! As a matter of fact, my brother and sister-in-law are having her and her caretaker over to their house this afternoon, for a change of scenery! We have been blessed. It is unbelieveable!
Trying to keep track of EN peeps doing IMLOU, and going to check on my iamTri friends doing IMLOU, as well.
Have a wonderful day everyone.
Barb- great news about your mom. I'm so glad to hear she is doing better.
Michele- Hugs, and more hugs for you.
Becky- Ugh, man what a rough decision. But it sounds like you've got a decent plan in place to make the best out of this situation. I'm looking forward to racing along side you at IMCDA next year!
I think this rehab place may do similar stuff as the PAP and UVA places. She had me do a bunch of different mobility and strength exercises to see how things are working biomechanically. The only thing I didn't do was run bc I was pretty sore after ART/Graston - and inflamed. So, for the next week, til I leave, she's gonna work on helping me get to the line. When I get back from Africa we'll do the whole running exam. When doing single leg squats she noticed that my ankles move well to a point but then my arches collapse which pushes my knee in, which then effects my glutes/hips and IT band as I try to compensate to keep my balance... so that could be a major factor. Gotta strengthen the foot, the glutes, etc so I stay in proper alignment when I fatigue. It was really interesting.
Then I went to see the acupuncturist... and I iced where the PT told me to when I got home (as I worked on my race lists for IMWI).
today it feels pretty good. I rode this morning and will swim after work...
so, I think my head is on and I'm feeling pretty at peace. Wish I hadn't sought the comfort of wine and ice cream so often the last few weeks... but hey, this race is about fun. I'm hoping to be a lean, mean, fighting machine for CDA (although I might want to be not so lean to survive the cold water). Thanks for putting up with my whining and indecision, ladies. (Barb, this finish is for us both)
@Nemo - how are you? Is everything ok in NC. I saw your FB posts and glad to read you and Joe are okay. I hope the damage wasn't toooooo awful.
Nemo- I still don't have power and can't check FB. Hope you are OK. I see the road to Hatteras is washed out, so not sure where you are these days.
We are OK. Evacuated before the storm and pulled everything we could up from under the house to the first floor (which is well above the flood line). The sound flooded many homes (including ours) and all the enclosed spaces under our house (including the garage, a storage area, and my office/pain cave) were flooded with approx 2 feet of water. When the water left, it left behind 2 inches of mud everywhere. We lost benches and steps to our dock, but the dock itself is still standing. We lost a lot of dirt/soil/sand from behind the bulkhead and that is a bit scary- BUT we did not lose the bulkhead (which is great). Then there's the usual shingles, siding, screen windows, etc etc stuff that comes with big windy storms.
In the end, we have a lot of cleanup work to do and some repairs to make, but nothing time & $$ can't fix. We are safe, and we have a home to live in. Others in our area aren't as fortunate as many folks here on the sound side of the island have lost businesses and homes. Oh- and the national media folks are idiots. While they were all on the ocean side of the island trying to sensationalize the winds because nothing was really happening over there- they missed the REAL story which was the flooding over on the sound side. Thankfully local news & radio knew what the real story would be and we were able to get good reports from them while we were sitting in Raleigh waiting out the storm. Oh- and the Droid I bought earlier this year? TOTALLY WORTH EVERY CENT!!! Seriously, that thing kept us connected to people who really knew what was going on with the evacuation via facebook, email, txt, etc. MUCH better than trying to rely on TWC and Jim Cantore!
Nemo, of course, I have followed you on F.B., and commented how happy I am that you are safe! So sorry for the mess you have to cleanup. My thoughts go out to you and everyone on the East Coast, who were in the path of Irene.
I won't be running Chicago Marathon, due to severe pain in right foot, yet, from plantar's faciaitis. I may volunteer though.
My Mom is one amazing woman! I really think that my insistance on her getting anti-biotics, helped her to get better! I helped her care-giver with giving her a shower yesterday, and today, she went to the beauty shop to get her hair cut, washed, and permed! If it isn't too hot on Saturday, and she is doing okay, I am taking them to a European Market in a local town, for about an hour, just to get her out, and she loves shopping!! What a difference from having Hospice referral two weeks ago!!!!
Take care everyone, and I'll see most of you on Facebook! My plan is to workout with weights, swim, and lose a good deal of weight, prior to next season. Then, I will do short distance races and half IM's. I definately plan to train for a full IM in 2013. Wherever I decide to race, I AM FINISHING IT!
Hugs to all of you!
Nemo- it's amazing how important smartphones have become
Becky- glad you got some positive news!
It's the last month of our fiscal year at work and we have been given overtime opportunities to boost some productivity numbers in the coming weeks. I feel lucky at the opportunity because I really need the money, but a little sad because it becomes a huge energy and time suck. I'm still planning to head up to WI to cheer, but likely will only be able to stay for part of the day. This bums me out a lot because I wanted to give back on all the awesome support I received last year.
I'm prepping for my own final race of the season on Saturday. It's in the middle of Illinois and the projected temps are around 95 degrees! So much for my cooler race
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
@Michele - hope things have stabilized up east for you!
@Jennifer - how was the race? I hope you had a great time (literally and figuratively)
I can't believe it's race week. Seriously... this is nothing like IMFL last year although I started getting race dreams last week when the decision was finally made. I wasn't able to ride outside again this weekend because of bad weather. Bizarre that I had no weather ride issues all season (except one weekend when I chose to stay in bc it was already 90 at 5am and code red)... and my last 2 weekends of riding ended up on the drainer. Oh well... the real kicker was that Sunday was predicted to be the far worse day and it was absolutely fine. I could have gotten a ride in and gotten my bike to the shop for drop off in time. That's life.
I feel pretty okay about the race. I "ran" 2x last week for 20 minutes the first time and 30 the next - both doing 3/1's which I think is how the IM run will be - perhaps after the first 6 miles in my Z1+30" pace. That's my plan for now. Yesterday was the first day I can remember in a while that I walked without a limp... I was walking back from the pool and it occurred to me that I was walking at a normal pace. Woo hoo! Good omen! I've been doing the few exercises I did at the PT place last week every day and I also ordered a set of Yamuna Foot wakers and have been doing the chair routine every day (and the standing routing once or twice). I can't say what I attribute my finally being able to walk to - not running for a month and a half, all the ART, the acupuncture, and now the arch exercises... who knows, but I'll be darn glad when the race is done to stop spending all the money on rehab! I'm glad the PT takes insurance. Hopefully she'll show me what I need and that will help... so a trip to PAP is temporarily on hold to see how it goes, but I did decide on PAP over UVA for the follow up TLC. I do know I can attribute the 5 lbs I've put back on since July to the not running and the feeling sorry for myself. No worries, I'll get my act back together.
Bike and gear bag are gone, which is a relief. Having to get that out the door Sunday gave me a chance to get organized early. I've got my 12 page packing list and race plan printed and have been through it - what a huge help, really (having done one last year was a bit help - only took a little while to modify). I have some other stuff set aside for packing, which I'll finish tomorrow night. Heck, I've already set stuff aside for Africa, too... and I took a trip to the bookstore Sunday (how nice it was to have a non-training day). Got the Long Run for inspiration this week. I also picked up the Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest and World Without End (Pillars of the Earth was absolutely amazing) to take to Africa.
I may have a job transfer to look forward to when I get back, too.... last week really was a crazy week. Had a project at work (finally), another job lead materialized, I finally made the call about the race. And you know, I felt really at peace and calm. The first time in a long time. When I get back from Africa things may be very different for me, but I'm excited about the changes. I think I'll try to throw my hat back in the dating arena then, too. Now that I'm finally feeling myself again. Have a few home improvement projects I want to work on (want to order a wooden rack to hang my bikes, since they're in my condo - conde free standing 4 bike rack) and build a table to fit in a random space in my LR where my bike currently sits on a trainer... I want the place to look like a grown up lives there, not a jock with too muck junk and clutter... not having my bike on the trainer in the middle of my LR has made such a difference the past 2 days, it looks like a totally different place and I like it.
Sorry, I'm babbling on my lunch break.
I just want to thank you all for the advice and support again this year... the Dan break up, the Mike indecision, the Mike break up, the plantars, and the race worries... you're all my one thing!