Ladies, thank you for expressing yourselves regarding my situation with IMLOU. I fully realize that I am not as prepared as I was last year, and have been stressed out about it. I appreciate your support. Due to that, and more importantly, my Mom's fragile health, I have made the tough decision not to do IMLOU. My time is better spent here at home, with my Mom. Now that I have made my decision, I feel more at peace. Will I attempt another Ironman? I have no idea. Maybe, maybe not. It is clear to me however, that now is not the time. I have enjoyed my 2 years as a member of EN, met a lot of incredible people, and learned a lot. I am taking a hiatus from EN at the end of August. I have no idea how long I will be gone, but it is time for a break. Many of you are on Facebook, and are 'friends' with me. I appreciate keeping in touch with me, if you choose to do so. I wish you all the best of luck with your training, your races, and life in general. @Becky, bless your heart kiddo. You too, have had a tough, tough, year. I am so happy for you, going to Africa!!! I wish I could go with you and do the race with you! Please email me and let me know how you are doing, and how the race goes!! We are definately soul sisters! We seem to have the same timing with our ups and downs! Big hugs to you!! My email is I'll still be on here until after IMLOU. Have a great day, everyone.
Ladies, thank you for expressing yourselves regarding my situation with IMLOU. I fully realize that I am not as prepared as I was last year, and have been stressed out about it. I appreciate your support. Due to that, and more importantly, my Mom's fragile health, I have made the tough decision not to do IMLOU. My time is better spent here at home, with my Mom. Now that I have made my decision, I feel more at peace. Will I attempt another Ironman? I have no idea. Maybe, maybe not. It is clear to me however, that now is not the time. I have enjoyed my 2 years as a member of EN, met a lot of incredible people, and learned a lot. I am taking a hiatus from EN at the end of August. I have no idea how long I will be gone, but it is time for a break. Many of you are on Facebook, and are 'friends' with me. I appreciate keeping in touch with me, if you choose to do so. I wish you all the best of luck with your training, your races, and life in general. @Becky, bless your heart kiddo. You too, have had a tough, tough, year. I am so happy for you, going to Africa!!! I wish I could go with you and do the race with you! Please email me and let me know how you are doing, and how the race goes!! We are definately soul sisters! We seem to have the same timing with our ups and downs! Big hugs to you!! My email is I'll still be on here until after IMLOU. Have a great day, everyone.
Barb, major kudos to you for making what I know was a very hard decision. You give back so much to the triathlon community (starting up a new club, helping newbies, etc) and I hope you will stay involved with triathlon. Perhaps a year of doing some sprints & olys will help you stay involved, active, and yet allow you to balance the needs of your family (specifically your mom). Hubs Barb!
@Barb - I know that had to be a tough decision to make, but am so glad you made it and own it. FWIW, I think it's the right thing to do not only taking care of your body but being there for your mom - there are lots of races in the sea, you only have 1 mom! I'll be racing with you in mind... so my finish is your finish and I'll try like heck to actually finish. That's the nice thing about the EN Chicas, we're definitely one for all and all for one. As Beth said, we'll always be here for you whether you come back to EN or not, once a chica always a chica!
Skipped the run on the schedule today and I'm totally okay with that! I'm supposed to swim too, but since tomorrow is my telework day it's a lot easier for me to do it then... I will try to run in the morning and if I can go an hour I will (but not testing). We'll see. Coincidentally "deals for deeds" (like groupon) had a deal for half off a 1 hour thai foot massage. I snatched that up and left a message to see if I can get in next week!
@Jennifer, wish I lived closer bc that sounds like fun (granted, I'm planning on CDA in June and the NYC marathon in Nov - would love to have those bike races to keep me on the bike). . pretty sure I can't keep hitting Michele and Jonnie up for a bike and a place to stay. Maybe for the HHH, though, I totally want to do that!
@Barb--the peace and relief that comes with that--can't put a price tag on it. It says it all. It's a courageous decision and an honor to yourself and your life situation. That rates a "you go girl!" with deep sincerity. Hope you return to the IM quest, and reach that goal. Until then, fight the good fight, stay strong, and rock on.
I am, again, inspired and humbled by the wisdom and courage of all of you! Barb, such a hard decision but so courageous! It's the right thing to do. I made the wrong decision when my mom was a country away but close to stepping out of time and into eternity. I missed being there for that moment with her and you will never regret your time. My aunt used to tell me, "People feel guilty about enough things when a loved one is gone. Life is filled with regrets. Don't make more." You will always have IM waiting for you, not your mom. So proud to see you make this hard choice! Also, inspired by Linda's words of wisdom. Thank you all for this forum!
Lots pf physicals to do at work (rather than injury management) on Monday and Tuesday.
Wednesday off- which I will get to next.
Back to work Thursday and I walk into my office and there is the obvious presence of a man's belongings. Uh-oh, did my boss forget that I only had 1 day off? But "he" is no where around. As I am going to see my first patient, in walks a guy I have never met. Turns out we hired a physician's assistant and he is spending the day following me around. Only no one told me. OK... make the best of it. Nce guy. Once he is up to speed, I won't have so much trouble gettnig a day off.
Friday is a slow day at work and I am also working on my Dad's estate (and now playing).
So on Wednesday I went to the same gait analysis folks (Pursuit Athletic Performance) that have helped Linda Patch and are helping Tracy Wood, Steve Ford, and several other EN folks. Since I don't have an injury I was a bit skeptical that I would get very much benefit. And then I saw the video of me running. All those things I thought I had fixed...oh boy. If I made an improvement from the past, then I was really f'd up in the past. I have some serious work to do. But they kept saying, "I can't believe you are not injured. It's just a matter of time".
I get home and tell Max, he starts nodding his head with the "I told you so" look on his face. SO now I have all this great exercises.
Basically, if I strengthen some key muscles, I can improve my run form and go faster. Considering I have not been able to bump up my run pace or bike watts since peaking in 2009, this was huge. May be I can go faster.
My point- if you can spend the $$ and get to Connecticut, go for it.
Less than 9 days til Timberman and my mom is visiting this weekend.
I feel you all may appreciate this - I wrote a letter to the editor to Outside Magazine and it got published! The jist was, they profile this guy Tim Ferriss "Secrets of a Superhuman" - he is rethinking fitness and life, yadda yadda (I don't still have the magazine, oh well). I would put him in maybe a cross-fitness style outlook, getting more from doing less. He had some decent points, but not really my style. Then he makes a remark about how unnatural endurance events are, giving an example of 100-mile runs. He explains that they are unnatural and unhealthy because for one - their impact on female reproductive systems. Umm, ok. Any other reasons? Nope, that's the only example of unhealthy, and the only mention of women, of course. So I wrote:
"As a longtime female endurance athlete, I'll match Tim Ferriss's concern for my reproductive health with the completely unfounded opinion that he should be very careful not to suffer a hernia while lifting heavy weights. His reasoning that women endurance athletes can suffer reproductive issues is lazy at best - 100-mile runs do not represent a typical endurance event - and sexist at worst. It appears that snappy soundbites are his style, but it might behoove him to dial down the confidence and consider the impact of some of his more glib statements."
They named my letter "Battle of the Sexes" Ha! Maybe they gave this guy a bad edit, but I do get a little annoyed by the often overwhelming "dude" vibe of Outside. I guess they asked for it, b/c they've been sending it to us for free.
Fun adrenaline boost for the start of the weekend - I'm heading out running!!
Sheryl, thank you for sharing your story about your Mom. So very tough. I am so at peace with my decision right now, it is ridiculous! Thanks again to all of you for your support, and yes Linda, for the kick in the ass... My brother and sister-in law, as well as my Mom's caretaker, were visibly relieved when I told them that I was not going to Louisville. My Mom seemed to be, as well. Did go do a short afternoon beer tasting just over the line in Michigan with two friends yesterday. Was a nice distraction for a few hours. @ Aimee, you ROCK sister!! Way to dish it out to them! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!
Barb- Meant to chime in sooner, but kudos for making a really hard decision. Sounds like you feel good about it, which must mean you made the right decision for you!
Aimee- Nice! Reminds me of a guy I dated a few years ago that "mentioned" that if we were serious I'd have to stop doing endurance stuff for my "reproductive health" After I stopped laughing I ended it right there
I am fighting some mental burn out. It's been quite a long summer, and there have been quite a lot of family commitments and stresses that seem never ending. I'm glad I signed up for another race, but I will also be glad when that's over too. I am looking forward to September/October just being a little all about me and hopefully de-stressing a bit.
@Michele - Linda just recommended PAP to me and I emailed Tracy about it, too. There's a place in Charlottesville at UVA that Nemo mentioned to me this past spring( ... they seem to be similar in concept - and I can drive to UVA in a few hours. Planning to check it out for sure when I get back from Africa and if I don't think it was super I'll go to PAP in CT.
With that in mind, ladies, I am now totally on the fence about IMWI. I was thinking I'd be able to do a run/walk and finish - even if a few hours after my projected 14. But as I thought about it more I came to the conclusion that's not the finish I want for myself. Not that I'm gonna win, but I want to go in knowing I've done my best. If something happened while I was out there and I had to walk, then finishing would be a huge accomplishment as I rolled with the punches and I'd be proud of myself. But I don't want to go in knowing it will be a sub par day. Make sense? I know folks whose strategy is to walk the entire marathon. Maybe I'm a snot, but that's a total cop out as far as I'm concerned.
I'm really torn. Part of me wants to go even if I walk because I've put up with so much this year and I've trained, putting in all the time and checking all the boxes (well, I skipped some swims...) and went to WI twice to train. I know I can do it and I do think I can finish even with my stupid foot... but part of me wants to wait til I'm healthy and can really see what I can do.
Most importantly, I'm not sure if I should, physically speaking. I ran for 30 minutes yesterday (not having run since Thursday, when I only ran 20) and I limped for the rest of the day and this morning (after 2 rounds of stretching it's feeling somewhat better now). I've been assured that I have the fitness to not run from now til race day and can make it... but I'm not sure what I'd be doing long term by running or walking on a less than healed foot (I've already signed up for CDA next June and will finally get into NYC marathon in Nov). I will be talking to the ART therapist about it this week when I see him. I've also scheduled an appt with a sports rehab PT person and will talk to her about it (unfortunately her first appt is 8/29 - not much time to decide after that). The TBT bike drop off date is 9/5. Unless a doc tells me between now and then "absolutely NO" I suspect I will decide that weekend... I can tell you I won't be running AT ALL between now and then. Stretching, rolling, icing, etc... and swimming and biking. Although my motivation to go home and swim is pretty low. Might skip it. And pray I can dig deep to do the bike test tomorrow.
thanks for all the kind words on FB and in emails. will keep you posted. oh, and plantars fasciitis totally stinks! I changed my gait last spring after reading Born to Run and wanting to be injury free and efficient... apparently I'm not doing it right. i've since read (and talked to my ART guy) that a lot of folks who do that end up exactly where I am - injured. Hmm... so a trip to UVA or CT is in order for me.
Becky- you are totally making sense and these are the right questions to ask yourself. I totally forgot you have NYC Marathon in November. To me, that sorta settles the choice. If you do IMWI, you seriously could risk not being able to do NYC (or having to walk it.....again). And then that sets you up for further problems going into IMCDA. You've gotta decide if it's worth that risk.
Also- FWIW, yes, I did the Speed Clinic at UVA and while I have NOT done PAP, based on what I've heard from Linda and others, the feedback you are going to get on the functional strength and stride analysis is going to be very similar. Both groups will identify your weaknesses and recommend exercises and routines to build that functional strength. It seems to me that the difference between the two lies in the follow-up after that initial visit. PAP seems to have some formal process for following up with folks and re-evaluation. UVA pretty much is more of a one-time deal (unless I guess you set up an arrangement to work with their PT).
I personally had the best results after getting my evaluation from UVA and then immediately starting PT sessions (much closer to home) where the PT used the information provided by the UVA clinic to develop a program for me. That worked. Going to UVA, getting the analysis, and then going home with a list of workouts to do on my own, well, didn't work :-( I'ts my own fault- I simply didn't do the work. I frankly hate doing that work, and, well, I guess I gotta pay someone to make me do it!
Anyway- what I'm saying is this. If you think you'll really follow up the analysis with the work the UVA folks tell you to do, then I think it's worth saving airfare and hotel rooms fees. (or at least trying it first) But if you think the follow-up that PAP provides will keep you on task, then it might be worth going that route.
Oh, Becky. I don't envy you that decision. You have a good head on your shoulders and I'm sure will proceed wisely. If you decide to not do Wisconsin, I warn you, I will try to recruit you for the pink bikini/tutu cheer squad.
Becky- I've got to say- if your heart is with NYC, then skipping IMWI is a better choice. I just have a feeling that an IM will spell the end of running for a while, even if you walk, albeit disheartened, the entire marathon. PAP is excellent. When I went, they were surprised that I was coming to get faster, not because of injury. Most of the folks have an injury and need to figure out why they are injured, how to fix it, and how to move forward from there. I am planning f/u in October or so, but I know the exercises are already making a difference.
Wanna hear something crazy... in my IM quest for 2012, I just saw the IMSG run is changed for 2012 only. For some odd reason, that makes me want to do that race, even though training would be hellacious in NE, and I hate cold water. I must be losing my marbles.
thanks Nemo - good info about UVA. I sent PAP an email asking more about the remote follow up and even asking point blank about UVA as it seemed similar.
At this point I'm going to keep training, sans running, and wait and see. If my ART guy and/or the PT I see on 8/29 says that doing the IM will jeopardize my 2012 season, well, then I'm out. If they say I can walk or run/walk on a partially healed foot (having taken 4 weeks off) and, by taking the entire next month off (which I will be bc of my trip), I'll be okay to start rehab in the fall, I'm in. So, tonight is a bike test for me. Tomorrow I'll swim instead of run. Sat will be the RR, which I'll do without the run (maybe walk 30-60 if I can). Sun I'll do the RR swim in a 50m pool in DC.
@Beth - if I scratch I'll stay home. I'll save at least a couple grand that way (hotel, food, etc) - only be out the registration and airfare (which I might be able to transfer, but prolly not without spending as much on transfer fees as the ticket is worth).
Will keep you all posted. I'm feeling better about things today. Went home last night, skipped the swim, bought a Strassberg sock (not realizing I got the wrong size til I put it on, oh well), and made dinner while drinking wine... I was hoping to not drink through the race, but I was just feeling mopey yesterday and decided the heck with it. :-)
I hope all the Timberman folks are excited and ready!!! I had a great time there last year, fun race! Beth, hope you ROCK the swim!
Michele- isn't this the second such crazy plan? I think this is better than the 3 IM season you were proposing. I think whatever you decide 2012 is going to be EPIC for you :-)
Um, I was thinking IMSG in May... Vineman in July... and IMFL in November. (Had to drop Rev3 Cedar Point as it pushed things close together.) Current plan has 12-14 weeks between races, plenty of down time. But this would be like a final hurrah as I am planning to go back to school for my doctorate in 2013.
And Nemo- I am losing my marbles. I don't know why I am doing this. But I know after IMWI and even Plymouth in 2008, I wanted to do more and there was nothing to do, it was the end of the season, but I wasn't mentally ready. I think that after 3 races, I will be very mentally ready to do nothing.
Gonna talk to Max this week. Good thing last night I was buttering him up with how I was planning vacation next July, for after Vineman, to do romantic drive on Cali coast to Big Sur, then maybe over to Yosemite. May be fly to Yellowstone after. How can he say no to 3 races if I am still planning our vacation as agreed? (HAHAHA- crack myself up)
wow, Michele, that will be an epic season. can't wait to hear what Max says! Would love to have you join me and Nemo (and kate green) in CDA in June - but that would definitely mess up your schedule.
Spoke to Max about my crazy plan and... HE IS IN!! Of course promising vacation after IMSG and Vineman was part of the package. For IMSG, I promised Zion, Bryce, and the Grand Canyon! I love those places, so it will be heaven for me. Now I have to get up the nerve to actually sign up. I am just concerned about the water, but the normal temp is mid 60s,which I know I can tolerate. I figure- if Greg Van can train for CdA in Montana, on the trainer for everything, then I have a better chance. Usually I can ride outdoors on weekends by mid March, even if only part of the ride is outside..
@Becky- CdA doesn't make my list because of the high risk of cold water. I have swam in that lake and even in August I was really cold. Also it messes with my favorite local 1/2. If I ever move away from here, maybe I would consider it- if wetsuits have progressed far enough in technology that I would be OK. But I wear a 5 mm diving in 82 degree water and I get cold by 1 hour.
So I am racing Timberman this weekend. Now, mind you, I rarely take HIM seriously. I mean I do all of the training, but I don't usually worry about DNF or finishing time. But ever since Steve Ford posted that if you finish under 6 hours you see Chrissie Wellington. Well now I have a serious goal! I would love to have a pic with her! I'd be more gaga over her than my pro tour BF!
Oh Becky- have you seen the recent reports about colonics not being good for you and not doing what they promise. I suspect that you already figured that out first hand.
Hi Chicas! THought I better get on here and say hi, before I go on a 2 month hiatus from the "Haus". Michele, you are downright crazy, and I LUV IT! Good for you, getting Max to agree! So excited for you! Becky, so sorry you have a tough choice to make. I TOTALLY know where you're coming from! I'm sure whatever you decide, will be the right thing for you. I have not for one minute, or second, regretted my decision regarding not doing IMLOU. My Mom really needs me right now, and I've been there for her. I have been there for her prior, but even moreso now that I'm totally focused on her. She is still very ill. Congestive heart failure, as well as 19% kidney function... My right foot is not healing from the plantar's faciaits, even with a rx for anti-inflammatory, and wearing my night splint.(Okay, not always wearing my night splint!) I may not end up running Chicago Marathon if this doesn't heal FAST. I will however, go to cheer on my teamates and look for my EN teamates, to cheer on! Will you be wearing your EN tri tops, Nemo and Beth??? I have to meet you girls!! Sending love and light to all EN Chicas and guys, and hope everyone is doing well. I have 2 more days of freedom before I go back to work. School starts again on Monday.
Wow Michele! That is quite a year. Can't wait to hear about all your races (and corresponding travels ).
Barb- Enjoy your hiatus!
I am personally looking forward to a hiatus of my own from training. My life was much busier than I expected this summer, and even though I have a race in less than two weeks, I'm excited more to have it over with. Since it's a HIM, I know I have the fitness, but I'm just so burned out that my day-to-day happiness is suffering a bit. I'm looking forward to doing whatever workout I want, hiding away in my apartment for a few weeks to do some projects I've been wanting to finish (I'm becoming a home decorator junkie), and basically trying to find my inner calm so to speak. Plus I love the fall, so I'm hoping to get out and bike some just for fun. And nothing beats a good fall run after work, that I cannot wait for.
What about you ladies? What are your plans for the fall?
My email is
I'll still be on here until after IMLOU.
Have a great day, everyone.
My email is
I'll still be on here until after IMLOU.
Have a great day, everyone.
Oh, Barb! EN and triathlon will be waiting for you. This had to be a tough decision. Hugs and go do something nice for yourself -- with feet up.
@Barb - I know that had to be a tough decision to make, but am so glad you made it and own it. FWIW, I think it's the right thing to do not only taking care of your body but being there for your mom - there are lots of races in the sea, you only have 1 mom! I'll be racing with you in mind... so my finish is your finish and I'll try like heck to actually finish. That's the nice thing about the EN Chicas, we're definitely one for all and all for one. As Beth said, we'll always be here for you whether you come back to EN or not, once a chica always a chica!
Skipped the run on the schedule today and I'm totally okay with that! I'm supposed to swim too, but since tomorrow is my telework day it's a lot easier for me to do it then... I will try to run in the morning and if I can go an hour I will (but not testing). We'll see. Coincidentally "deals for deeds" (like groupon) had a deal for half off a 1 hour thai foot massage. I snatched that up and left a message to see if I can get in next week!
@Jennifer, wish I lived closer bc that sounds like fun (granted, I'm planning on CDA in June and the NYC marathon in Nov - would love to have those bike races to keep me on the bike). . pretty sure I can't keep hitting Michele and Jonnie up for a bike and a place to stay.
Maybe for the HHH, though, I totally want to do that!
@Barb--the peace and relief that comes with that--can't put a price tag on it. It says it all. It's a courageous decision and an honor to yourself and your life situation. That rates a "you go girl!" with deep sincerity. Hope you return to the IM quest, and reach that goal. Until then, fight the good fight, stay strong, and rock on.
@ becky You can hit me up for a place to stay when you are here but you will have to borrow the bike from Michele.
I am, again, inspired and humbled by the wisdom and courage of all of you! Barb, such a hard decision but so courageous! It's the right thing to do. I made the wrong decision when my mom was a country away but close to stepping out of time and into eternity. I missed being there for that moment with her and you will never regret your time. My aunt used to tell me, "People feel guilty about enough things when a loved one is gone. Life is filled with regrets. Don't make more." You will always have IM waiting for you, not your mom. So proud to see you make this hard choice! Also, inspired by Linda's words of wisdom. Thank you all for this forum!
Hi! Such a busy week, but in a good way.
Lots pf physicals to do at work (rather than injury management) on Monday and Tuesday.
Wednesday off- which I will get to next.
Back to work Thursday and I walk into my office and there is the obvious presence of a man's belongings. Uh-oh, did my boss forget that I only had 1 day off? But "he" is no where around. As I am going to see my first patient, in walks a guy I have never met. Turns out we hired a physician's assistant and he is spending the day following me around. Only no one told me. OK... make the best of it. Nce guy. Once he is up to speed, I won't have so much trouble gettnig a day off.
Friday is a slow day at work and I am also working on my Dad's estate (and now playing).
So on Wednesday I went to the same gait analysis folks (Pursuit Athletic Performance) that have helped Linda Patch and are helping Tracy Wood, Steve Ford, and several other EN folks. Since I don't have an injury I was a bit skeptical that I would get very much benefit. And then I saw the video of me running. All those things I thought I had fixed...oh boy. If I made an improvement from the past, then I was really f'd up in the past. I have some serious work to do. But they kept saying, "I can't believe you are not injured. It's just a matter of time".
I get home and tell Max, he starts nodding his head with the "I told you so" look on his face. SO now I have all this great exercises.
Basically, if I strengthen some key muscles, I can improve my run form and go faster. Considering I have not been able to bump up my run pace or bike watts since peaking in 2009, this was huge. May be I can go faster.
My point- if you can spend the $$ and get to Connecticut, go for it.
Less than 9 days til Timberman and my mom is visiting this weekend.
So all you ladies- have a great weekend.
Hi chicas!
I feel you all may appreciate this - I wrote a letter to the editor to Outside Magazine and it got published! The jist was, they profile this guy Tim Ferriss "Secrets of a Superhuman" - he is rethinking fitness and life, yadda yadda (I don't still have the magazine, oh well). I would put him in maybe a cross-fitness style outlook, getting more from doing less. He had some decent points, but not really my style. Then he makes a remark about how unnatural endurance events are, giving an example of 100-mile runs. He explains that they are unnatural and unhealthy because for one - their impact on female reproductive systems. Umm, ok. Any other reasons? Nope, that's the only example of unhealthy, and the only mention of women, of course. So I wrote:
"As a longtime female endurance athlete, I'll match Tim Ferriss's concern for my reproductive health with the completely unfounded opinion that he should be very careful not to suffer a hernia while lifting heavy weights. His reasoning that women endurance athletes can suffer reproductive issues is lazy at best - 100-mile runs do not represent a typical endurance event - and sexist at worst. It appears that snappy soundbites are his style, but it might behoove him to dial down the confidence and consider the impact of some of his more glib statements."
They named my letter "Battle of the Sexes" Ha! Maybe they gave this guy a bad edit, but I do get a little annoyed by the often overwhelming "dude" vibe of Outside. I guess they asked for it, b/c they've been sending it to us for free.
Fun adrenaline boost for the start of the weekend - I'm heading out running!!
More later chicas! It's my countdown to IM LOU
My brother and sister-in law, as well as my Mom's caretaker, were visibly relieved when I told them that I was not going to Louisville. My Mom seemed to be, as well.
Did go do a short afternoon beer tasting just over the line in Michigan with two friends yesterday. Was a nice distraction for a few hours.
@ Aimee, you ROCK sister!! Way to dish it out to them!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!
Aimee- Nice! Reminds me of a guy I dated a few years ago that "mentioned" that if we were serious I'd have to stop doing endurance stuff for my "reproductive health" After I stopped laughing I ended it right there
I am fighting some mental burn out. It's been quite a long summer, and there have been quite a lot of family commitments and stresses that seem never ending. I'm glad I signed up for another race, but I will also be glad when that's over too. I am looking forward to September/October just being a little all about me and hopefully de-stressing a bit.
Aimee, you are my hero for calling out Tim Ferriss.
@Aimee- that's awesome! Congrats.
@Nemo - yay for your new bike.
@Michele - Linda just recommended PAP to me and I emailed Tracy about it, too. There's a place in Charlottesville at UVA that Nemo mentioned to me this past spring( ... they seem to be similar in concept - and I can drive to UVA in a few hours. Planning to check it out for sure when I get back from Africa and if I don't think it was super I'll go to PAP in CT.
With that in mind, ladies, I am now totally on the fence about IMWI. I was thinking I'd be able to do a run/walk and finish - even if a few hours after my projected 14. But as I thought about it more I came to the conclusion that's not the finish I want for myself. Not that I'm gonna win, but I want to go in knowing I've done my best. If something happened while I was out there and I had to walk, then finishing would be a huge accomplishment as I rolled with the punches and I'd be proud of myself. But I don't want to go in knowing it will be a sub par day. Make sense? I know folks whose strategy is to walk the entire marathon. Maybe I'm a snot, but that's a total cop out as far as I'm concerned.
I'm really torn. Part of me wants to go even if I walk because I've put up with so much this year and I've trained, putting in all the time and checking all the boxes (well, I skipped some swims...) and went to WI twice to train. I know I can do it and I do think I can finish even with my stupid foot... but part of me wants to wait til I'm healthy and can really see what I can do.
Most importantly, I'm not sure if I should, physically speaking. I ran for 30 minutes yesterday (not having run since Thursday, when I only ran 20) and I limped for the rest of the day and this morning (after 2 rounds of stretching it's feeling somewhat better now). I've been assured that I have the fitness to not run from now til race day and can make it... but I'm not sure what I'd be doing long term by running or walking on a less than healed foot (I've already signed up for CDA next June and will finally get into NYC marathon in Nov). I will be talking to the ART therapist about it this week when I see him. I've also scheduled an appt with a sports rehab PT person and will talk to her about it (unfortunately her first appt is 8/29 - not much time to decide after that). The TBT bike drop off date is 9/5. Unless a doc tells me between now and then "absolutely NO" I suspect I will decide that weekend... I can tell you I won't be running AT ALL between now and then. Stretching, rolling, icing, etc... and swimming and biking. Although my motivation to go home and swim is pretty low. Might skip it. And pray I can dig deep to do the bike test tomorrow.
thanks for all the kind words on FB and in emails. will keep you posted. oh, and plantars fasciitis totally stinks! I changed my gait last spring after reading Born to Run and wanting to be injury free and efficient... apparently I'm not doing it right. i've since read (and talked to my ART guy) that a lot of folks who do that end up exactly where I am - injured. Hmm... so a trip to UVA or CT is in order for me.
Also- FWIW, yes, I did the Speed Clinic at UVA and while I have NOT done PAP, based on what I've heard from Linda and others, the feedback you are going to get on the functional strength and stride analysis is going to be very similar. Both groups will identify your weaknesses and recommend exercises and routines to build that functional strength. It seems to me that the difference between the two lies in the follow-up after that initial visit. PAP seems to have some formal process for following up with folks and re-evaluation. UVA pretty much is more of a one-time deal (unless I guess you set up an arrangement to work with their PT).
I personally had the best results after getting my evaluation from UVA and then immediately starting PT sessions (much closer to home) where the PT used the information provided by the UVA clinic to develop a program for me. That worked. Going to UVA, getting the analysis, and then going home with a list of workouts to do on my own, well, didn't work :-( I'ts my own fault- I simply didn't do the work. I frankly hate doing that work, and, well, I guess I gotta pay someone to make me do it!
Anyway- what I'm saying is this. If you think you'll really follow up the analysis with the work the UVA folks tell you to do, then I think it's worth saving airfare and hotel rooms fees. (or at least trying it first) But if you think the follow-up that PAP provides will keep you on task, then it might be worth going that route.
Oh, Becky. I don't envy you that decision. You have a good head on your shoulders and I'm sure will proceed wisely. If you decide to not do Wisconsin, I warn you, I will try to recruit you for the pink bikini/tutu cheer squad.
Wanna hear something crazy... in my IM quest for 2012, I just saw the IMSG run is changed for 2012 only. For some odd reason, that makes me want to do that race, even though training would be hellacious in NE, and I hate cold water. I must be losing my marbles.
At this point I'm going to keep training, sans running, and wait and see. If my ART guy and/or the PT I see on 8/29 says that doing the IM will jeopardize my 2012 season, well, then I'm out. If they say I can walk or run/walk on a partially healed foot (having taken 4 weeks off) and, by taking the entire next month off (which I will be bc of my trip), I'll be okay to start rehab in the fall, I'm in. So, tonight is a bike test for me. Tomorrow I'll swim instead of run. Sat will be the RR, which I'll do without the run (maybe walk 30-60 if I can). Sun I'll do the RR swim in a 50m pool in DC.
@Beth - if I scratch I'll stay home. I'll save at least a couple grand that way (hotel, food, etc) - only be out the registration and airfare (which I might be able to transfer, but prolly not without spending as much on transfer fees as the ticket is worth).
Will keep you all posted. I'm feeling better about things today. Went home last night, skipped the swim, bought a Strassberg sock (not realizing I got the wrong size til I put it on, oh well), and made dinner while drinking wine... I was hoping to not drink through the race, but I was just feeling mopey yesterday and decided the heck with it. :-)
I hope all the Timberman folks are excited and ready!!! I had a great time there last year, fun race! Beth, hope you ROCK the swim!
And Nemo- I am losing my marbles. I don't know why I am doing this. But I know after IMWI and even Plymouth in 2008, I wanted to do more and there was nothing to do, it was the end of the season, but I wasn't mentally ready. I think that after 3 races, I will be very mentally ready to do nothing.
Gonna talk to Max this week. Good thing last night I was buttering him up with how I was planning vacation next July, for after Vineman, to do romantic drive on Cali coast to Big Sur, then maybe over to Yosemite. May be fly to Yellowstone after. How can he say no to 3 races if I am still planning our vacation as agreed? (HAHAHA- crack myself up)
@Becky- CdA doesn't make my list because of the high risk of cold water. I have swam in that lake and even in August I was really cold. Also it messes with my favorite local 1/2. If I ever move away from here, maybe I would consider it- if wetsuits have progressed far enough in technology that I would be OK. But I wear a 5 mm diving in 82 degree water and I get cold by 1 hour.
So I am racing Timberman this weekend. Now, mind you, I rarely take HIM seriously. I mean I do all of the training, but I don't usually worry about DNF or finishing time. But ever since Steve Ford posted that if you finish under 6 hours you see Chrissie Wellington. Well now I have a serious goal! I would love to have a pic with her! I'd be more gaga over her than my pro tour BF!
Oh Becky- have you seen the recent reports about colonics not being good for you and not doing what they promise. I suspect that you already figured that out first hand.
Thanks for reading my crazy plan!
Becky, so sorry you have a tough choice to make. I TOTALLY know where you're coming from! I'm sure whatever you decide, will be the right thing for you.
I have not for one minute, or second, regretted my decision regarding not doing IMLOU. My Mom really needs me right now, and I've been there for her. I have been there for her prior, but even moreso now that I'm totally focused on her. She is still very ill. Congestive heart failure, as well as 19% kidney function...
My right foot is not healing from the plantar's faciaits, even with a rx for anti-inflammatory, and wearing my night splint.(Okay, not always wearing my night splint!)
I may not end up running Chicago Marathon if this doesn't heal FAST. I will however, go to cheer on my teamates and look for my EN teamates, to cheer on! Will you be wearing your EN tri tops, Nemo and Beth??? I have to meet you girls!!
Sending love and light to all EN Chicas and guys, and hope everyone is doing well. I have 2 more days of freedom before I go back to work. School starts again on Monday.
Barb- Enjoy your hiatus!
I am personally looking forward to a hiatus of my own from training. My life was much busier than I expected this summer, and even though I have a race in less than two weeks, I'm excited more to have it over with. Since it's a HIM, I know I have the fitness, but I'm just so burned out that my day-to-day happiness is suffering a bit. I'm looking forward to doing whatever workout I want, hiding away in my apartment for a few weeks to do some projects I've been wanting to finish (I'm becoming a home decorator junkie), and basically trying to find my inner calm so to speak. Plus I love the fall, so I'm hoping to get out and bike some just for fun. And nothing beats a good fall run after work, that I cannot wait for.
What about you ladies? What are your plans for the fall?