Tri Shorts
I'm looking to buy a new pair and would like recommendations from ya 'all. Currently I'm using 2xu and I'm not digging the pad. My last 4 hr test was painful . Any suggestions ?
I'm looking to buy a new pair and would like recommendations from ya 'all. Currently I'm using 2xu and I'm not digging the pad. My last 4 hr test was painful . Any suggestions ?
x a million on the DeSoto - awesome gear and the best support on the planet.
I am a big fan of Zoot Ultra Tri Shorts...reasonably priced, great length, bad is as good as any. + great pocket locations.
But I also get a 50% discount on their stuff off the website, because I'm one of their Brand Ambassadors. I'm sure that helps!
What Bob said. Desoto Forza. 4 deep pockets, and the chamois rocks. I have two pairs and have had then for 2+ years now. They also have GREAT customer service. I had a seam tear (my fault) and Desoto had me send them back, they re-sewed it AND put in a new chamois. All for free. Highly recommend.
+3 on DeSoto's TriSuit - I've raced 10 IMs in them in wind, rain, heat and cold, and never had and skin chafing problems anywhere. They come in bibs, shorts, and full body trisuit. I have 4 in my closet right now, and another two which I sacrificed after they got torn in falls. (John, as good as I know DeSoto's customer service to be, I didn't think to send them the ones which got cut off of me in the ER!)
@ Scott with a 50% discount seems like your opinion might be a little jaded.
EN Tri shorts seem, after reading about them, that they are too short.
Wanna guess what company I'm going to recommend?
x 4 on DeSoto. I have six pairs - seriously. Different "equipment" considerations obviously but I do wear the men's... Good Luck!
I'm also trying to sort this out. After riding in bibs and running in running shorts for so long, I'm having a big probably with cycling in shorts. I've ordered 4 different pairs of Desoto shorts, including the tri bibs, to try them all out. Leaning towards the bibs.
Any experience in running in the tri bibs? Do the straps bother you? Are the sides hot? I haven't seen them yet, ordered on Friday, so no idea.
I used them years before I even got the discount. But the discount doesn't hurt now to continue my appreciation.
I'll be looking into some of the desotos tho, just for a change. Prob not this season tho.
Thanks. I basically ordered the entire line of men's tri shorts, about $400 worth, and will do a fit session in the livingroom
I'm also a fan of the DeSoto shorts. I have been wearing the Zoot Ultra CompressRX Tri Shorts this year and love them. I will be wearing them at IMOO.
I have never thought about wearing bibs during a race. Huh? I have some Desoto 400 Mile bibs (thanks for the reco, Matt Sullivan) and I LOVE them. But the chamois is plentiful. May not be the best to run in.
Is this the tri bib you guys are talking about?
Yes, those are the ones, but apparently they have a triathlon-type chamois vs a cycling pad. Love the EN bibs...but wouldn't want to swim or run in them.
I felt the same way before I used the Desoto 400-Mile bike shorts. I don't think that way anymore.
Mike, I think I'm sold on these as well for the race, though I haven't ridden or run in them yet
. I'm 5'9", about 153-54lb right now and they are pretty snug going on. I think that might the compression feature of the fabric? What's your experience?
Yes, mine are pretty tight as well. I'm 5'10 182ish, and wear a medium. Mine are like compression tights on the bottom, but not really tight from the waste up. I talked to Emilio and verified that's how they should fit.
I have bibs from Castelli and Giordana, and neither of those have the same level of compression. I am a fan of the compression, but you're right...they fit different from the normal bike bib. I doubt the compression helps with performance, but they sure stay put. One less thing to mess with/tug on/etc.
Too tight for me. I had to buy one size bigger and they fit much better. Especially at the bottom on the leg.