Well I purchased the Desoto 400 mile bike shorts and the Tri shorts last week. I got them yesterday and went out for a 4 hour ride in them today. The bike short is awesome ! No discomfort using something new as matter of fact I was very very comfortable in them. I didn't feel the need to re-adjust things no numbness ZERO taint issues. I had a 20 min brick follow up too, I changed into the Tri short, they are slightly a little snug. I'm 5' 10" 178. I purchased the large size in both pairs. The snugness wore off quickly and they just became support with being comfortable.
desoto tribib. great support for bike and run. halfway through the regensburg marathon, felt a bit warm. while running, took off my shirt, took off bib straps, put shirt back on. able to run fine with straps hanging at side. rich and all, tribib should be fine for all temps.
Rich- I have been training and running in my Kswiss bibs all summer....LOVE EM!!!!! I am having a hard time finding a pair of tri shorts to ride in for WISC. Starting to freak out!!!! Matt A. told me about the Zoot shorts and I think Coach P wore them for his last race. I have been reading about the Desota shorts. Please let me know what you are thinking. I might have to change into the bibs after the swim in Wisc but don't really what my T times to be over 5 minutes each. Hmmmmm the longest I have ran in the bibs is 10 miles. They are very cool and the straps dont bother me. I pull them down and let them hang to the sides.
Can someone explain to me, as a long course newbie here, why the dilemma of how you can have a comfortable pad to support your butt throughout 112 miles, but not lug the pad around for the swim and/or run, and not waste time changing, isn't solved by putting the pad on the saddle? I realize there must be a logical answer to this and I'm just ignorant here...
I have been training and running in my Kswiss bibs all summer....LOVE EM!!!!! I am having a hard time finding a pair of tri shorts to ride in for WISC. Starting to freak out!!!! Matt A. told me about the Zoot shorts and I think Coach P wore them for his last race. I have been reading about the Desota shorts. Please let me know what you are thinking. I might have to change into the bibs after the swim in Wisc but don't really what my T times to be over 5 minutes each. Hmmmmm the longest I have ran in the bibs is 10 miles. They are very cool and the straps dont bother me. I pull them down and let them hang to the sides.
Carl, try the DeSoto bibs. If you don't like them he takes them back free of charge! Don't know how you can pass that up?
Also, I agree with Robin on taking the bibs down. I got hit with some GI issues in CDA and felt like the tri-bibs were really compressing my lower stomach. Took my top off and lowered the straps and problem solved.
I ran 5 this morning in the bibs and a t-shirt. I like the compression of the shorts and wasn't bothered too much by the waist, etc of the bibs, though I could see myself stripping the singlet off and taking the straps down while running in a hot race.
I then rode about 2hrs in the bibs, with the singlet, my new Captain American race helmet, and no gloves, my first time riding in tri kit in over 3yrs . Everything seemed to work fine, though I felt like a total tool on the bike path with the helmet
Can someone explain to me, as a long course newbie here, why the dilemma of how you can have a comfortable pad to support your butt throughout 112 miles, but not lug the pad around for the swim and/or run, and not waste time changing, isn't solved by putting the pad on the saddle? I realize there must be a logical answer to this and I'm just ignorant here...
James - About the skinny pad thing. Here’s my experience, theory, and recommendations.
I’ve been racing IMs, and training for them in skinny pad DeSoto trisuits and bibs since 2004. Personally, I get more chaffing and diaper rash issues, both on the road bike and the TT bike, in the thicker padded kit than in the tri-specific stuff.
Why would that be? For one thing, in the TT position, less weight is carried on the saddle, and more on the arms via the aero pads, thus less pressure in the area to begin with. More important, the significant forward tilt of the TT position produces both less pressure and less bony pressure in the nether regions. Try this little experiment. Sit in a chair, on your hands. Try to find the points of your “sit bones”, those bony protuberances of your pelvic bones. Rock back and forth a bit to get the sensation of how those bones can be rubbing from the inside, squeezing your skin between them and the saddle (your hands). Now, without moving your hands, lean forward as if getting into a TT position. You should feel two things. Your sit bones seem to move towards the back; and they seem to apply less pressure against your skin.
So that’s our little secret for getting away with skinny pads in a 6 hour +/- bike ride. But not just any pad. Tri-suits are a really high tech piece of equipment, even more so than a wet suit. DeSoto is run by a fanatical triathlete, who has been in the business for 20 years, and is CONSTANTLY improving his product. I’m on a bike trip right now, and have 4 different DeSoto suits/bibs with me dating from 2004-2011. The difference is striking in both the character (“support” of the thighs, in particular) of the fabric and the nuances of the pad. That may be why so many people are big DeSoto fans - they care about quality and performance, from a triathlete’s perspective.
Several thoughts about this: saddle height, tilt, and fore-aft position are critical to minimizing the pressure on your skin. (E.g., I change my saddle height routinely by about 5 mm or so depending on the thickness of the pad I am wearing.) You still need Body Glide or chamois butter to counter act the friction which is still present. And, there is no substitute for training this part of your body, just like any other.
James - I just re-read your question, and see that I didn't really answer it at all. Consider my previous post as useful background.
Short answer - the saddle doesn't move, and your bottom does.
Longer answer - the tri suit Rich (and others) are talking about fits so sungly that the pad really doesn;t move in relation to your body. Your bottom is constantly making micro and macro shifts in realtion to the static saddle. Thus there is always friction between the suit and the saddle. The pad is like a sock - it moves with your foot not the shoe, and helps prevent blisters for that reason. You want the thing which is reducing pressure on your skin to be moving with the skin, so it doesn't cause friction all on its own.
@Al: thanks for the response. I'll look to get the Desoto suits that seem to be the choice of the haus. And thanks for the explanation on the seat vs suit question.
I like ordering directly from Desoto because, although I pay sales tax in CA, everything is always in stock, basically arrives to me in 2 days, and I want DS to get more money .
I just placed an order last night? Should I cancel that order, and wait for you to get back with us or let it float?
Up to you. Give me your email address and I'll ask Emilio if he can apply any discount to your order. Everyone else...please don't do the same if you've placed a recent order. Would be cheesy to ask him for a discount then submit a list of names to give money back to. FWIW, I've paid retail for all of my stuff.
Everyone: hold off on the Desoto's. I'll contact Emilio today and see if I can hook up a discount.
That would be awesome. I usually buy my Desoto gear from Trisports to get the 10% discount but I'd rather give that money to Emilio directly if he could give EN a discount.
I realize I'm jumping into this thread kinda late, but wanted to say that I tried out the new TYR Carbon's at IMLOU and found them quite comfortable. Wore them for everything, all day.
Might want to amend/remove your post and share with team members via email. Read #12 in instructions from Emilo concerning posting on club websites/forum. Also at the bottom it reads that violating these rules may result in revoking the discount.
Timely, an article on DeSoto 400 milers...
The one thing about DeSoto gear is you like you are ready to be cut up like beef.
I had a 20 min brick follow up too, I changed into the Tri short, they are slightly a little snug. I'm 5' 10" 178. I purchased the large size in both pairs. The snugness wore off quickly and they just became support with being comfortable.
Both items are not cheap but I'd recommend them.
desoto tribib. great support for bike and run. halfway through the regensburg marathon, felt a bit warm. while running, took off my shirt, took off bib straps, put shirt back on. able to run fine with straps hanging at side. rich and all, tribib should be fine for all temps.
I have been training and running in my Kswiss bibs all summer....LOVE EM!!!!! I am having a hard time finding a pair of tri shorts to ride in for WISC. Starting to freak out!!!! Matt A. told me about the Zoot shorts and I think Coach P wore them for his last race. I have been reading about the Desota shorts. Please let me know what you are thinking. I might have to change into the bibs after the swim in Wisc but don't really what my T times to be over 5 minutes each. Hmmmmm the longest I have ran in the bibs is 10 miles. They are very cool and the straps dont bother me. I pull them down and let them hang to the sides.
Carl, try the DeSoto bibs. If you don't like them he takes them back free of charge! Don't know how you can pass that up?
Also, I agree with Robin on taking the bibs down. I got hit with some GI issues in CDA and felt like the tri-bibs were really compressing my lower stomach. Took my top off and lowered the straps and problem solved.
I ran 5 this morning in the bibs and a t-shirt. I like the compression of the shorts and wasn't bothered too much by the waist, etc of the bibs, though I could see myself stripping the singlet off and taking the straps down while running in a hot race.
I then rode about 2hrs in the bibs, with the singlet, my new Captain American race helmet, and no gloves, my first time riding in tri kit in over 3yrs
. Everything seemed to work fine, though I felt like a total tool on the bike path with the helmet 
It's more than the helmet, it's the whole package. Might regrow the mustache to make it complete
James - About the skinny pad thing. Here’s my experience, theory, and recommendations.
I’ve been racing IMs, and training for them in skinny pad DeSoto trisuits and bibs since 2004. Personally, I get more chaffing and diaper rash issues, both on the road bike and the TT bike, in the thicker padded kit than in the tri-specific stuff.
Why would that be? For one thing, in the TT position, less weight is carried on the saddle, and more on the arms via the aero pads, thus less pressure in the area to begin with. More important, the significant forward tilt of the TT position produces both less pressure and less bony pressure in the nether regions. Try this little experiment. Sit in a chair, on your hands. Try to find the points of your “sit bones”, those bony protuberances of your pelvic bones. Rock back and forth a bit to get the sensation of how those bones can be rubbing from the inside, squeezing your skin between them and the saddle (your hands). Now, without moving your hands, lean forward as if getting into a TT position. You should feel two things. Your sit bones seem to move towards the back; and they seem to apply less pressure against your skin.
So that’s our little secret for getting away with skinny pads in a 6 hour +/- bike ride. But not just any pad. Tri-suits are a really high tech piece of equipment, even more so than a wet suit. DeSoto is run by a fanatical triathlete, who has been in the business for 20 years, and is CONSTANTLY improving his product. I’m on a bike trip right now, and have 4 different DeSoto suits/bibs with me dating from 2004-2011. The difference is striking in both the character (“support” of the thighs, in particular) of the fabric and the nuances of the pad. That may be why so many people are big DeSoto fans - they care about quality and performance, from a triathlete’s perspective.
Several thoughts about this: saddle height, tilt, and fore-aft position are critical to minimizing the pressure on your skin. (E.g., I change my saddle height routinely by about 5 mm or so depending on the thickness of the pad I am wearing.) You still need Body Glide or chamois butter to counter act the friction which is still present. And, there is no substitute for training this part of your body, just like any other.
James - I just re-read your question, and see that I didn't really answer it at all. Consider my previous post as useful background.
Short answer - the saddle doesn't move, and your bottom does.
Longer answer - the tri suit Rich (and others) are talking about fits so sungly that the pad really doesn;t move in relation to your body. Your bottom is constantly making micro and macro shifts in realtion to the static saddle. Thus there is always friction between the suit and the saddle. The pad is like a sock - it moves with your foot not the shoe, and helps prevent blisters for that reason. You want the thing which is reducing pressure on your skin to be moving with the skin, so it doesn't cause friction all on its own.
@Al: thanks for the response. I'll look to get the Desoto suits that seem to be the choice of the haus. And thanks for the explanation on the seat vs suit question.
If not, Sportsbasement.com has generally had discounted priced on DeSoto gear...
I like ordering directly from Desoto because, although I pay sales tax in CA, everything is always in stock, basically arrives to me in 2 days, and I want DS to get more money
I just placed an order last night? Should I cancel that order, and wait for you to get back with us or let it float?
Up to you. Give me your email address and I'll ask Emilio if he can apply any discount to your order. Everyone else...please don't do the same if you've placed a recent order. Would be cheesy to ask him for a discount then submit a list of names to give money back to. FWIW, I've paid retail for all of my stuff.
That would be awesome. I usually buy my Desoto gear from Trisports to get the 10% discount but I'd rather give that money to Emilio directly if he could give EN a discount.
I missed it, how do I get the DeSoto discount? Sorry!
Might want to amend/remove your post and share with team members via email. Read #12 in instructions from Emilo concerning posting on club websites/forum. Also at the bottom it reads that violating these rules may result in revoking the discount.
Probably why R&P emailed the info vs posting.