Marianne - Now I know why there are pelotons of doctors and lawyers around here, wearing full pro-team kits are riding serious carbon: If they have the bling and a Quickstep kit, they had better have their game on.
Olivia - Stupid dontists. Think how hott your teeth with look in all future race pictures? You are, at the very least, getting supermodel teeth out of the deal? Or balloon animals? I was at the dentist yesterday and learned the little children always get balloon animals. Adults get them if they ask nicely.
Books - Oh, Nemo! I loved The Hitchhikers series! I have American Wife and Prodigal Summer in the queue -- I need lighter reading after Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
Ok girls, day 2 in B'ham. After night 2 of sleeping on the "brick". The bed in my Mom's guest room is like some medieval torture slab and is causing as much dissension between Su and I as IM training.
Linda- The Elegance of the Hedgehog was Su's favorite book from '09! Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society is rich and I enjoyed every page. Made it a gift to several people last year.
Olivia- I enjoyed Sawtelle, but hated the ending. Adored Animal,Vegetable, Miracle!! I have started The Lacuna, but not too far into it.
Kris- Yes, we are IN for the run challenge.
I am anxiously awaiting the delivery of my "lob-stahs" from Linda's end of the country. Making lobster stock today and other assorted mise en place for tomorrow's surprise dinner.
Oliva- hang in there gal. One step at a time. We are with you! It's just like training for that big race, cept as Beth pointed out, you'll have a wonderful smile to keep forevah!
So happy, happy to have all the gals runnin' ! The only book I'm currently reading is "What it takes" this neat, awesome story of super women spread across the US, brought together by a similar disease called triathlon that has blossomed into soooo much more. After the first of the year, I've got tons of serious books to read (motivation, sports stuff) but want to read Racing in the Rain and 3 cups of Tea books soon.
Off work today (really off- not going to the office, ain't gonna! Ended up working 7:30-3:30 yesterday). Made some awesomely sinful desserts for last nights party (and it's just now dawning on me I shoulda taken a pic). Chocolate Caramel Brownies and Pumpkin Dessert. Got lots of errands to run and things to take care of today so wish me luck!
Oh oh oh... and Athelta has already put some of their stuff on sale.... time for Santa to visit Kris!!! YAHHHH
Okay, I know I don't really post here much (at all?) but I just signed up for the run challenge and assigned myself to the EN Chicas Rule group. Most of mine will be treadmill runs, argh!
WOW, I just can't keep taking several days off before reading this forum again! Too much to catch up on and try to respond to. Will have to try to get back to the at-least-daily checks.
KrisF - LOVED the comment about reading the 'What it Takes' book! Made me laugh out loud here at work! I wish I could/would commit to doing more reading, but have not been successful for a long time. Just now starting Born to Run, so looking forward to getting through that. Lots of other books on my to-read list, but most have been there for years already.
Kitima - Great description of what I, too, feel about the role of triathlon in my life. It's all about balancing priorities, and as long as you've voluntarily chosen what your priorities are, then go out and make them happen and find the enjoyment in them. I do feel pretty strongly that having a strict time goal for an ironman race will only detract from your enjoyment of the race...even if you meet your goal. In my first IMWI, my only goals were to finish and to enjoy the experience as much as possible. Granted, I had an *estimate* of what time I could probably finish in, but I really only considered it an estimate. This last time around, I had a pretty clear idea of what time I *wanted* to finish in, and it was pretty realistic. But I was also aware that anything can happen and you can't base success/failure/enjoyment just on reaching a time goal. Yet, it was still much more of a goal than I had the first time around. During the race this time, I was aware of how much I was focused on my time and almost obsessing with the calculations in my head. About 70 miles into the bike ride, started getting a migraine headache that really forced me back into "just survive and try to enjoy the day" mode. Luckily, had meds with me and after they finally kicked in I just tried to keep the "enjoy the day" attitude and didn't obsess with the time goals any more. I think that actually helped me have a better day, and the icing on the cake was that I DID reach the time goals despite 2 horrible hours of headache on the bike ride. Once you can relax and be present in the moment, everything just goes more smoothly. Easier said than done, though. But going into the event with a casual time goal as a secondary intention is a very healthy outlook.
Also - Kitima - I love how you've been able to incorporate the "fun" stuff like mtn biking and cross into your schedule. After IMCdA next year, I plan to start doing cross stuff, and I am so excited! Lots of skills to learn, but looking forward to it.
Marianne - yes, Michele with one "l"
Olivia - gotta listen to your body. The OS plan is just a template, and you have to figure out how to customize it, to meet your needs. Customize could mean adding or subtracting workouts, increasing/decreasing intensity, or just plain taking some time off when the body tells you to. It's so hard to figure out when you should just suck it up and push harder, vs. listen to the body when it tells you to take it easier. The trick is to try one of those options and then re-evaluate to determine whether or not it was correct...rather than just continuing down the same unsuccessful path.
Posted By Michele Moreno on 22 Dec 2009 05:11 PM It's so hard to figure out when you should just suck it up and push harder, vs. listen to the body when it tells you to take it easier. The trick is to try one of those options and then re-evaluate to determine whether or not it was correct...rather than just continuing down the same unsuccessful path.
Wow. Michele. I love that sentiment. I will be passing it on with full attribution of course! So much wisdom in a nutshell.
I am so saddened to have learned that my friend Sandy died today from a brain aneurysm. Her son Jon and my son Grant played together in the playground as very small boys, and grew up to be very close friends in HS. They share a music passion, and had many incarnations of bands together. Sandy loved her two boys deeply and well. She was a wonderful mother. She was funny, neurotic, a non-stop talker, a worrier--but solid as a rock underneath it all.
So I'm going to take that love and spirit and enjoy my run tomorrow, enjoy every day out in the cold of the run challenge, love Keith and my boys like crazy, and just feel all the gratitude I can for my life, my health, and being able to do what I do--no matter what the outcome. Does all the minutia of a watts and pace and speed really matter? Not the minutia of it all, but the quest it provides, and how alive it makes us feel is the take-away of all we do. So in honor of all of those we have loved and lost, let's make a pact to enjoy our workouts tomorrow, share the energy between us, and revel in all that it good between us here. Love you all.
I've been "off EN" for a couple of days and checking back in realized I probably just need to mark everything "read" and start over.
Just wanted to share and did share over in a Week 12 thread that doing all of this and being involved with all of you as well as the rest of the areas of my life, I feel so blessed. We had our affiliate Habitat for Humanity board meeting/Christmas party last night and have several homeowners with very significant issues, health issues, relationship issues and for sure, financial issues. One has a child with emerging seizure disorder that is caused by a genetic issue. The mother can no longer work and the father has been off without pay and due to a domino effect of layers of bad decisions they are in very bad shape. We are not even sure how they are paying for food. Anyway, not to be a downer but I suddenly realized that I was adopted by a mom and dad who gave me every opportunity and encouragement to move down a path that would help me to succeed at some level and live a ridiculously blessed life. Knowing that I have been given much doesn't make me feel guilty but at another level makes me hope that I never forget to appreciate and give back. Hope you all have a blessed and safe Christmas and the next year brings employment to those who need employment, health to the sick and mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, husbands and wives home from the war. Merry Christmas!
Linda, so sad for your friend's family and friends. Thanks for the reminder to live each day to the fullest. Something I have been pathetically inadequate at for quite some time now. Thanks. I will keep you all in prayer during this time of grief and the time of celebrating her life.
Linda---So sorry about your loss! Tomorrow's ride will be in honor of what's important and precious. Thank you for sharing.
Sheryl---Thanks to you too for sharing. Instead of thinking that there's someone who's thinner, richer, has a higher Vdot/'s humbling to remember that there are more out there with far bigger problems and less riches than ours.
Big hugs to all my gal pals tonight! I'm one lucky girl to be part of this!!
so sorry about Sandy and yes tomorrow, Wednesday whatever we do, let us remember Sandy and others like her... I will also remember my sister in law, died of cancer Oct 08.....
yeah for Carrie coming over to TEAM!
Habitat for Humanity, wow such tales of people, yes we are all lucky and fortunate.!!
I am tired and off to bed, just finished walking Rudy 2 miles, 53 outside and a lovely evening with lights lighting our way.. never walked him in evening so very nice for both of us. but I am dozy.... kids are still up but winding down. I am not eloquent at this time of night so catch up with y'all later!!!
So I'm going to take that love and spirit and enjoy my run tomorrow, enjoy every day out in the cold of the run challenge, love Keith and my boys like crazy, and just feel all the gratitude I can for my life, my health, and being able to do what I do--no matter what the outcome. Does all the minutia of a watts and pace and speed really matter? Not the minutia of it all, but the quest it provides, and how alive it makes us feel is the take-away of all we do. So in honor of all of those we have loved and lost, let's make a pact to enjoy our workouts tomorrow, share the energy between us, and revel in all that it good between us here.
Linda - I am so glad that you and Sandy were able to be a part of each other's lives. And so inspired by your words and your outlook, in the face of grief. Makes me think about one of my fav quotes by Anais Nin regarding how friends not only touch our lives, but open up our eyes to new possibilities: “Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born".
Sheryl - excellent reminder to keep our "problems" in perspective and be grateful for all that is.
I agree with you, Gina, comforting is a good description of how I feel when I check in here.
I am so sorry, Linda, to hear about your friend's passing. It is one of those things that is so difficult to understand and make sense of. It really does sound like Sandy was a good mom, and a good friend. It really doesn't seem right that someone like that should come to such an abrubt end. But alas that is how it happens. I have a friend who survived an
Aneurysm back in April, but just barely. During the month that she was hospitalized her priest had come to give her last rights even. Over the course of the summer she regained her ability to walk, talk, remember things, and work again. Looking at her now you wouldn't know she'd gone through what she did. Last week she told me that it is growing again and that she'll be having surgery again to try to manage it. Ugh! (And to think I'm annoyed and frustrated with the fact that I'm dissatisfied and annoyed with not having challenging assignments or opportunities for growth at work. Sheesh.)
Anyway, I hope that Sandy's family and you and all of the lives she touched find peace in her memory and in the gift that her influence left with you.
Linda- heart and thoughts to you. Many hugs coming your way. Such a sad and painful loss.
Sheryl- You are so very fortunate to be able to see what you have and be grateful. Every day I am thankful for all that I have been given. When Johns Hopkins was building a new school of nursing (my 1st alma mater), I purchased a brick. It says "Thanks Mom". I would never have made it this far without all of her support, much more beyond the financial. It was her strength that was my role model for independence.
You ladies are infectious. I should at least READ the run challenge. Maybe...
Yes on being addicted to a book when reading. That's why I have to "schedule" which books to read. If I know I am busy for a few weeks, I won't start something new.
Spent Sunday cooking and baking for Monday. We had a potluck at work and it was YUMMY! I totally indulged in everything. Worth every moment of taste bud joy.
A balmy morning... raining but warm, my favorite!! and my quads felt a little sore probably from the 40 miles of biking on Monday and normally I would talk myself into a rest day but considering Rudy in the kennel and rain in the forecast decided I would just get dressed in run shoes and overdress a bit to allow for walking and after about 10 steps of that, was running!! teaching him once again to heel and stopping every time he pulled too much or tried to take off after a squirrel!! and thru the puddles on an overcast day and we were the only ones out this mornin. we circled the lake with ducks and geese and credit due to him cuz he was still "heeling" as best he could with a few inches of leash between he and me and my right thigh guiding his head if he tried to cross and with the occasional "right" or "left" when we turned, I "stopped" and looked him in the brown eyes and said "no pullin" and we stood there patiently while squirrels crossed the road to torment him! and up the little wooden bridge into the headwind along the levy of the lake and his fur laid back and I said "good boy" and there for a few minutes we were running with no pullin from him and my head high into the wind.....
and wearing hot pink long sleeved top, pink head band and pink gloves with black tights, I thought of Sandy... this run was dedicated to a woman I didn't know, for a woman I did know but never met.. and I said this prayer... "God, be with Sandy's family today and with her two boys, how tough three days before Christmas to lose their mother... and be with Linda in this special time of grieving for her friend... and my thoughts drifted to my brother celebrating Christmas two times now without Monica... and then to my friend Cindi, two times now without her son Alex....and as I was experiencing a "perfect run" with sweat beading up on me with the effort (and overdressing!), I pondered on "Immanuel" = "God with us".....and I told Him, I thought that was pretty cool......
No Garmin, but we ran around both lakes and the rain picked up and I was wishing for a ball cap and not a headband! and we went back over the slippery bridge and then clever Rudy went LEFT when I said "left" and up the hill we were both panting and good boy several times as he resisted checking out a loose dog on the right, instead he helped me up the hill and "right" back on the sidewalk and with a glare at an oncoming car in my crosswalk, we were back in my 'hood, grabbing my dropped off jacket and ending in our traditional, cooldown walk with a final thanks to God for this day and I asked him to fill me up as I seeked his Love.....
still walking the dog I see my house and together we approach my driveway and "good boy" as I take off his gentle collar and make him sit down patiently......
Rudy then went crazy as I swept out the garage and he was barking frantically at the broom!! I fed him and he prefers if he can see me while he eats! and will stop eating so he can find me!! what a dog.
I finished up with Clamshells with a rubber tubing at my knees until I thought I had to do some Lamaze as they hurt so bad, just 30 on each side, did 28 pushups until I was breathless and couldnt' go on and thought what a weenie I am,!, did wall squats, leg lifts, plank with one leg raised, oucchhee, bridge all to help strengthen the glute/pelvis/hip to help with piriformis!
and the dog??? still soaking wet and so then am training him to stand still while I dry him off and then I say "paw" and I get all of his four paws with the final paw being the hardest!! he is impatient and grabbing the towel!
anyways, back in and chores, wrapping and cooking on slate for me today! I think I covered about 4 miles today without knowing it, so the dog is a bunch of trouble but the miles slip by!! I hope you have a great day today!!! and yes I waffled a bit up there but I did dedicate this morning to Sandy..... Comfort and Peace sent to you. m
Oh my, just now finally getting a chance to check in and filled with emotion as I read all of this.
Linda- I simply can't imagine how painful it must watch the boys of your dear friend go through this loss(especially as a mother yourself). Your perspective on the whole thing and how silly we all are for worrying about small insignificant things is just so on target, but also seems a little clinical to me. Take time to morne the loss of your friend- it's OK to be sad.
In the mean time- I too will take my ride tomorrow as an opportunity to celebrate the life God has given me and will pray for all of you who are dealing with loss during the holidays- it can be such a hard time for many of us.
Marianne- I think we need a clamshell challenge!! I need to get back to my core routine in a serious way when I start the OS or I'm gonna be in big trouble!
HA! A core challenge! That would be great. I have been working on core strength since the end of the race season.
Sometimes I have to demonstrate exercises for patients. Today I demonstrated plank work- front, side, lift 1 leg- all of about 15 seconds. I was already getting hot from the work and the case manager, with jaw on floor, said something about deserving kudos. Truthfully, I was amazed that I managed to side plank with leg lift in good form- guess my work is paying off. But I told her and the patient- my back pain comes back if I don't do the work and I have worked really hard for the past 3 months. (This guy was at a more advanced recovery stage than most of my patients.)
Anyway, I slept in today. I felt a little tired. It was so nice to stay in that warm bed.
Dedicated this morning's run in the dark and the rain to Sandy and all of you super-cool ladies. I read this thread last night and was still thinking about it this morning. I couldn't wait to run out the door at 5:30! I felt so good and happy to be alive and running and healthy. Thank you all for the motivation and support!
So sorry to hear about your friend Linda. Such a sad thing when people go early and unexpected and especially difficult at this time of year.
I wish I had the words to articulate what a special group of women this is and how grateful I am for all of you this holiday season. I often check in, but don't have time to respond too and it's so nice to know - that's ok. I am so excited to be gettting ready to go into 2010 with all you new friends!
I ran my 2nd track session of my life today and have to say I am really enjoying it . I can't go "fast" for very long, but it's fun to get to do it a little. Getting ready for a Jan. 2 5k for my Vdot test to kick off Jan. OS. Hip is feeling pretty good and I am just listening to what it tells me .
Esther is getting BIG and the boys are excited about Christmas!!! Just have a little bit of baking and some wrapping to do before work gets crazy busy lwith lots of dogs coming in later today and tomorrow.
@Beth - Wine and pizza sounds fabulous! Enjoy the skiing
It was one long chain of connection to each other and gratitude today. I knew it would be. Sandy used to run--too fast, poop out, and never did much learn to do it "right." I thought of that today and had a laugh. I'm glad her spirit and Sheryl's wonderful story got us all in a good place today. Super powerful.
I had a great, great test on the treadmill today. I put most of this in the OS thread, but here's my TR (test report)--dedicated to Sandy and all my friends here:
24:13 on the treadmill 7:48 pace. That's a small 20" improvement over the last test, but like my FT, I'm at a pretty strong pace for me these days. Not the best I've been, but in recent memory this is strong running for me. I am hugely pleased with the test today.
I chose indoors today since that's where I'll be running intervals this winter with my friend Rich. He was on one side of me today, Keith was on the other. Lots of motivation. I really wanted to see how close I could get to my husband's pace. (Y'all know I wanted to turn myself inside out and beat him, ) When he started out waaaaaay too fast, I just smiled. He died the worst I've ever seen him, and he was only <1'/mile faster! I've never been that close so it was fun. He really, really died. <img src='' align="absmiddle" border="0" />
I'm thinking of writing up my thoughts on why I HAVE NEVER IN MY FREAKIN' TRAINING LIFE FELT BETTER THAN THIS OS!!!! Week in and week out, I am handling the load, enjoying it immensely, and--for me--doing great! The first OS--we all had to cry uncle. We were doing a 10K test once a month, and doing HM training for the final test at the end. Add that to the bike, and I wonder how I ever survived that first year. This is much, much better, and will be more effective long term, IMO. So happy with the changes RnP have made.
I have some ideas of how it all has come together, and how, over time, I have really learned how to adapt and handle this EN workload. I just shake my head in disbelief at how I am doing these days--but it's disbelief in a good way. Here's hoping the wheels stay on!
It was one long chain of connection to each other and gratitude today. I knew it would be. Sandy used to run--too fast, poop out, and never did much learn to do it "right." I thought of that today and had a laugh
Linda, I did my bike run today and had planned on jumping off the bike and into the car to go run on the treadmill. Providentially, my daughter had taken my access card to the fitness center and I had to run outside. It was a glorious 20 minutes thinking of you, your friend, her family. Thanks for sharing and I was so blessed to be running outside with the crisp cold air before the storm. Praying that there is comfort this season for her family and friends.
Combat shopping, in from cleaners, pharamcy and grocery store.... while in the store, a lady rammed her cart and grazed my knuckles!! that didn't get me down but going outside in tipping rain, in the dark, with my buggy in the crosswalk and I almost got run down by a lady in white suburban on the phone!! I was wearing bright turquoise but "she didn't see me!" my heart was beating fast, it was close. I have food for tomorrow night and for Christmas morning and we are busy cooking while oldest boys are out shopping. I was soaked so now in PJs but shoulda walked the dog while already dripping wet. I have just inhaled some bakery bread with Brie cheese while unloading and also ate some meringue cookies.... weighed in this morng and still holding but this might put me over!!!
Marianne - Now I know why there are pelotons of doctors and lawyers around here, wearing full pro-team kits are riding serious carbon: If they have the bling and a Quickstep kit, they had better have their game on.
Olivia - Stupid dontists. Think how hott your teeth with look in all future race pictures? You are, at the very least, getting supermodel teeth out of the deal? Or balloon animals? I was at the dentist yesterday and learned the little children always get balloon animals. Adults get them if they ask nicely.
Books - Oh, Nemo! I loved The Hitchhikers series! I have American Wife and Prodigal Summer in the queue -- I need lighter reading after Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
Ok girls, day 2 in B'ham. After night 2 of sleeping on the "brick". The bed in my Mom's guest room is like some medieval torture slab and is causing as much dissension between Su and I as IM training.
Linda- The Elegance of the Hedgehog was Su's favorite book from '09! Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society is rich and I enjoyed every page. Made it a gift to several people last year.
Olivia- I enjoyed Sawtelle, but hated the ending. Adored Animal,Vegetable, Miracle!! I have started The Lacuna, but not too far into it.
Kris- Yes, we are IN for the run challenge.
I am anxiously awaiting the delivery of my "lob-stahs" from Linda's end of the country. Making lobster stock today and other assorted mise en place for tomorrow's surprise dinner.
Got ya covered M! But it's up to you to keep the spreadsheet updated with your runs each day from here on out.
Oliva- hang in there gal. One step at a time. We are with you! It's just like training for that big race, cept as Beth pointed out, you'll have a wonderful smile to keep forevah!
So happy, happy to have all the gals runnin' ! The only book I'm currently reading is "What it takes" this neat, awesome story of super women spread across the US, brought together by a similar disease called triathlon that has blossomed into soooo much more. After the first of the year, I've got tons of serious books to read (motivation, sports stuff) but want to read Racing in the Rain and 3 cups of Tea books soon.
Off work today (really off- not going to the office, ain't gonna! Ended up working 7:30-3:30 yesterday). Made some awesomely sinful desserts for last nights party (and it's just now dawning on me I shoulda taken a pic). Chocolate Caramel Brownies and Pumpkin Dessert. Got lots of errands to run and things to take care of today so wish me luck!
Oh oh oh... and Athelta has already put some of their stuff on sale.... time for Santa to visit Kris!!! YAHHHH


WOW, I just can't keep taking several days off before reading this forum again! Too much to catch up on and try to respond to. Will have to try to get back to the at-least-daily checks.
KrisF - LOVED the comment about reading the 'What it Takes' book! Made me laugh out loud here at work!
I wish I could/would commit to doing more reading, but have not been successful for a long time. Just now starting Born to Run, so looking forward to getting through that. Lots of other books on my to-read list, but most have been there for years already.
Kitima - Great description of what I, too, feel about the role of triathlon in my life. It's all about balancing priorities, and as long as you've voluntarily chosen what your priorities are, then go out and make them happen and find the enjoyment in them. I do feel pretty strongly that having a strict time goal for an ironman race will only detract from your enjoyment of the race...even if you meet your goal. In my first IMWI, my only goals were to finish and to enjoy the experience as much as possible. Granted, I had an *estimate* of what time I could probably finish in, but I really only considered it an estimate. This last time around, I had a pretty clear idea of what time I *wanted* to finish in, and it was pretty realistic. But I was also aware that anything can happen and you can't base success/failure/enjoyment just on reaching a time goal. Yet, it was still much more of a goal than I had the first time around. During the race this time, I was aware of how much I was focused on my time and almost obsessing with the calculations in my head. About 70 miles into the bike ride, started getting a migraine headache that really forced me back into "just survive and try to enjoy the day" mode. Luckily, had meds with me and after they finally kicked in I just tried to keep the "enjoy the day" attitude and didn't obsess with the time goals any more. I think that actually helped me have a better day, and the icing on the cake was that I DID reach the time goals despite 2 horrible hours of headache on the bike ride. Once you can relax and be present in the moment, everything just goes more smoothly. Easier said than done, though. But going into the event with a casual time goal as a secondary intention is a very healthy outlook.
Also - Kitima - I love how you've been able to incorporate the "fun" stuff like mtn biking and cross into your schedule. After IMCdA next year, I plan to start doing cross stuff, and I am so excited! Lots of skills to learn, but looking forward to it.
Marianne - yes, Michele with one "l"
Olivia - gotta listen to your body. The OS plan is just a template, and you have to figure out how to customize it, to meet your needs. Customize could mean adding or subtracting workouts, increasing/decreasing intensity, or just plain taking some time off when the body tells you to. It's so hard to figure out when you should just suck it up and push harder, vs. listen to the body when it tells you to take it easier. The trick is to try one of those options and then re-evaluate to determine whether or not it was correct...rather than just continuing down the same unsuccessful path.
Thanks girls!
OK it is official ..I jumped ship from the "EN Nor Cal Baby" Run challenge team to ......"EN Chicas Rule!"
Looking forward to lots of running!
I am so saddened to have learned that my friend Sandy died today from a brain aneurysm. Her son Jon and my son Grant played together in the playground as very small boys, and grew up to be very close friends in HS. They share a music passion, and had many incarnations of bands together. Sandy loved her two boys deeply and well. She was a wonderful mother. She was funny, neurotic, a non-stop talker, a worrier--but solid as a rock underneath it all.
So I'm going to take that love and spirit and enjoy my run tomorrow, enjoy every day out in the cold of the run challenge, love Keith and my boys like crazy, and just feel all the gratitude I can for my life, my health, and being able to do what I do--no matter what the outcome. Does all the minutia of a watts and pace and speed really matter? Not the minutia of it all, but the quest it provides, and how alive it makes us feel is the take-away of all we do. So in honor of all of those we have loved and lost, let's make a pact to enjoy our workouts tomorrow, share the energy between us, and revel in all that it good between us here. Love you all.
I've been "off EN" for a couple of days and checking back in realized I probably just need to mark everything "read" and start over.
Just wanted to share and did share over in a Week 12 thread that doing all of this and being involved with all of you as well as the rest of the areas of my life, I feel so blessed. We had our affiliate Habitat for Humanity board meeting/Christmas party last night and have several homeowners with very significant issues, health issues, relationship issues and for sure, financial issues. One has a child with emerging seizure disorder that is caused by a genetic issue. The mother can no longer work and the father has been off without pay and due to a domino effect of layers of bad decisions they are in very bad shape. We are not even sure how they are paying for food. Anyway, not to be a downer but I suddenly realized that I was adopted by a mom and dad who gave me every opportunity and encouragement to move down a path that would help me to succeed at some level and live a ridiculously blessed life. Knowing that I have been given much doesn't make me feel guilty but at another level makes me hope that I never forget to appreciate and give back. Hope you all have a blessed and safe Christmas and the next year brings employment to those who need employment, health to the sick and mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, husbands and wives home from the war. Merry Christmas!
Much Love, Carrie
Linda, so sad for your friend's family and friends. Thanks for the reminder to live each day to the fullest. Something I have been pathetically inadequate at for quite some time now. Thanks. I will keep you all in prayer during this time of grief and the time of celebrating her life.
Good reminders from both of you to appreciate all I have and to live each day to the fullest. Love to all of you chicas!
Linda---So sorry about your loss! Tomorrow's ride will be in honor of what's important and precious. Thank you for sharing.
Sheryl---Thanks to you too for sharing. Instead of thinking that there's someone who's thinner, richer, has a higher Vdot/'s humbling to remember that there are more out there with far bigger problems and less riches than ours.
Big hugs to all my gal pals tonight! I'm one lucky girl to be part of this!!
so sorry about Sandy and yes tomorrow, Wednesday whatever we do, let us remember Sandy and others like her... I will also remember my sister in law, died of cancer Oct 08.....
yeah for Carrie coming over to TEAM!
Habitat for Humanity, wow such tales of people, yes we are all lucky and fortunate.!!
I am tired and off to bed, just finished walking Rudy 2 miles, 53 outside and a lovely evening with lights lighting our way.. never walked him in evening so very nice for both of us. but I am dozy.... kids are still up but winding down. I am not eloquent at this time of night so catch up with y'all later!!!
Wow, how comforting it is to check in here this evening. The many things that all share here touch me in so many ways.
Linda- so sorry for the sudden loss of a friend. Loss in this manner does always make one's breath catch.
Marainne-I can visualize you walking the pup on a mild December evening, the colors of Christmas lighting your way. Peaceful.
Sheryl- Thanks for reminding us all that there are so many that have need. Not want, but basic, life sustaining need.
Olivia- Redundant and passe', but hang in there.
All for now friends. Sleep well.
Linda - I am so glad that you and Sandy were able to be a part of each other's lives. And so inspired by your words and your outlook, in the face of grief. Makes me think about one of my fav quotes by Anais Nin regarding how friends not only touch our lives, but open up our eyes to new possibilities: “Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born".
Sheryl - excellent reminder to keep our "problems" in perspective and be grateful for all that is.
I agree with you, Gina, comforting is a good description of how I feel when I check in here.
I am so sorry, Linda, to hear about your friend's passing. It is one of those things that is so difficult to understand and make sense of. It really does sound like Sandy was a good mom, and a good friend. It really doesn't seem right that someone like that should come to such an abrubt end. But alas that is how it happens. I have a friend who survived an
Aneurysm back in April, but just barely. During the month that she was hospitalized her priest had come to give her last rights even. Over the course of the summer she regained her ability to walk, talk, remember things, and work again. Looking at her now you wouldn't know she'd gone through what she did. Last week she told me that it is growing again and that she'll be having surgery again to try to manage it. Ugh! (And to think I'm annoyed and frustrated with the fact that I'm dissatisfied and annoyed with not having challenging assignments or opportunities for growth at work. Sheesh.)
Anyway, I hope that Sandy's family and you and all of the lives she touched find peace in her memory and in the gift that her influence left with you .
Linda- heart and thoughts to you. Many hugs coming your way. Such a sad and painful loss.
Sheryl- You are so very fortunate to be able to see what you have and be grateful. Every day I am thankful for all that I have been given. When Johns Hopkins was building a new school of nursing (my 1st alma mater), I purchased a brick. It says "Thanks Mom". I would never have made it this far without all of her support, much more beyond the financial. It was her strength that was my role model for independence.
You ladies are infectious. I should at least READ the run challenge. Maybe...
Yes on being addicted to a book when reading. That's why I have to "schedule" which books to read. If I know I am busy for a few weeks, I won't start something new.
Spent Sunday cooking and baking for Monday. We had a potluck at work and it was YUMMY! I totally indulged in everything. Worth every moment of taste bud joy.
A balmy morning... raining but warm, my favorite!! and my quads felt a little sore probably from the 40 miles of biking on Monday and normally I would talk myself into a rest day but considering Rudy in the kennel and rain in the forecast decided I would just get dressed in run shoes and overdress a bit to allow for walking and after about 10 steps of that, was running!! teaching him once again to heel and stopping every time he pulled too much or tried to take off after a squirrel!! and thru the puddles on an overcast day and we were the only ones out this mornin. we circled the lake with ducks and geese and credit due to him cuz he was still "heeling" as best he could with a few inches of leash between he and me and my right thigh guiding his head if he tried to cross and with the occasional "right" or "left" when we turned, I "stopped" and looked him in the brown eyes and said "no pullin" and we stood there patiently while squirrels crossed the road to torment him! and up the little wooden bridge into the headwind along the levy of the lake and his fur laid back and I said "good boy" and there for a few minutes we were running with no pullin from him and my head high into the wind.....
and wearing hot pink long sleeved top, pink head band and pink gloves with black tights, I thought of Sandy... this run was dedicated to a woman I didn't know, for a woman I did know but never met.. and I said this prayer... "God, be with Sandy's family today and with her two boys, how tough three days before Christmas to lose their mother... and be with Linda in this special time of grieving for her friend... and my thoughts drifted to my brother celebrating Christmas two times now without Monica... and then to my friend Cindi, two times now without her son Alex....and as I was experiencing a "perfect run" with sweat beading up on me with the effort (and overdressing!), I pondered on "Immanuel" = "God with us".....and I told Him, I thought that was pretty cool......
No Garmin, but we ran around both lakes and the rain picked up and I was wishing for a ball cap and not a headband! and we went back over the slippery bridge and then clever Rudy went LEFT when I said "left" and up the hill we were both panting and good boy several times as he resisted checking out a loose dog on the right, instead he helped me up the hill and "right" back on the sidewalk and with a glare at an oncoming car in my crosswalk, we were back in my 'hood, grabbing my dropped off jacket and ending in our traditional, cooldown walk with a final thanks to God for this day and I asked him to fill me up as I seeked his Love.....
still walking the dog I see my house and together we approach my driveway and "good boy" as I take off his gentle collar and make him sit down patiently......
Rudy then went crazy as I swept out the garage and he was barking frantically at the broom!! I fed him and he prefers if he can see me while he eats! and will stop eating so he can find me!! what a dog.
I finished up with Clamshells with a rubber tubing at my knees until I thought I had to do some Lamaze as they hurt so bad, just 30 on each side, did 28 pushups until I was breathless and couldnt' go on and thought what a weenie I am,!, did wall squats, leg lifts, plank with one leg raised, oucchhee, bridge all to help strengthen the glute/pelvis/hip to help with piriformis!
and the dog??? still soaking wet and so then am training him to stand still while I dry him off and then I say "paw" and I get all of his four paws with the final paw being the hardest!! he is impatient and grabbing the towel!
anyways, back in and chores, wrapping and cooking on slate for me today! I think I covered about 4 miles today without knowing it, so the dog is a bunch of trouble but the miles slip by!! I hope you have a great day today!!! and yes I waffled a bit up there but I did dedicate this morning to Sandy..... Comfort and Peace sent to you. m
Oh my, just now finally getting a chance to check in and filled with emotion as I read all of this.
Linda- I simply can't imagine how painful it must watch the boys of your dear friend go through this loss(especially as a mother yourself). Your perspective on the whole thing and how silly we all are for worrying about small insignificant things is just so on target, but also seems a little clinical to me. Take time to morne the loss of your friend- it's OK to be sad.
In the mean time- I too will take my ride tomorrow as an opportunity to celebrate the life God has given me and will pray for all of you who are dealing with loss during the holidays- it can be such a hard time for many of us.
Marianne- I think we need a clamshell challenge!! I need to get back to my core routine in a serious way when I start the OS or I'm gonna be in big trouble!
HA! A core challenge! That would be great. I have been working on core strength since the end of the race season.
Sometimes I have to demonstrate exercises for patients. Today I demonstrated plank work- front, side, lift 1 leg- all of about 15 seconds. I was already getting hot from the work and the case manager, with jaw on floor, said something about deserving kudos. Truthfully, I was amazed that I managed to side plank with leg lift in good form- guess my work is paying off. But I told her and the patient- my back pain comes back if I don't do the work and I have worked really hard for the past 3 months. (This guy was at a more advanced recovery stage than most of my patients.)
Anyway, I slept in today. I felt a little tired. It was so nice to stay in that warm bed.
OK! I signed up for the run challenge! You are an amazing and inspiring bunch of women! I am now looking forward to this.
Oh, Linda. I'm sorry to hear about Sandy. Life, so unfair. But there was good biking this morning in her honor.
Happy Wednesday to you all! I have two bottles of wine at work at a potato rosemary pizza is on its way.
So sorry to hear about your friend Linda. Such a sad thing when people go early and unexpected and especially difficult at this time of year.
I wish I had the words to articulate what a special group of women this is and how grateful I am for all of you this holiday season. I often check in, but don't have time to respond too and it's so nice to know - that's ok. I am so excited to be gettting ready to go into 2010 with all you new friends!
I ran my 2nd track session of my life today and have to say I am really enjoying it
Esther is getting BIG and the boys are excited about Christmas!!! Just have a little bit of baking and some wrapping to do before work gets crazy busy lwith lots of dogs coming in later today and tomorrow.
@Beth - Wine and pizza sounds fabulous! Enjoy the skiing
It was one long chain of connection to each other and gratitude today. I knew it would be. Sandy used to run--too fast, poop out, and never did much learn to do it "right." I thought of that today and had a laugh. I'm glad her spirit and Sheryl's wonderful story got us all in a good place today. Super powerful.
I had a great, great test on the treadmill today. I put most of this in the OS thread, but here's my TR (test report)--dedicated to Sandy and all my friends here:
24:13 on the treadmill 7:48 pace. That's a small 20" improvement over the last test, but like my FT, I'm at a pretty strong pace for me these days. Not the best I've been, but in recent memory this is strong running for me. I am hugely pleased with the test today.
I chose indoors today since that's where I'll be running intervals this winter with my friend Rich. He was on one side of me today, Keith was on the other. Lots of motivation. I really wanted to see how close I could get to my husband's pace. (Y'all know I wanted to turn myself inside out and beat him,
) When he started out waaaaaay too fast, I just smiled. He died the worst I've ever seen him, and he was only <1'/mile faster! I've never been that close so it was fun. He really, really died. <img src='' align="absmiddle" border="0" />
I'm thinking of writing up my thoughts on why I HAVE NEVER IN MY FREAKIN' TRAINING LIFE FELT BETTER THAN THIS OS!!!! Week in and week out, I am handling the load, enjoying it immensely, and--for me--doing great! The first OS--we all had to cry uncle. We were doing a 10K test once a month, and doing HM training for the final test at the end. Add that to the bike, and I wonder how I ever survived that first year. This is much, much better, and will be more effective long term, IMO. So happy with the changes RnP have made.
I have some ideas of how it all has come together, and how, over time, I have really learned how to adapt and handle this EN workload. I just shake my head in disbelief at how I am doing these days--but it's disbelief in a good way. Here's hoping the wheels stay on!
Combat shopping, in from cleaners, pharamcy and grocery store.... while in the store, a lady rammed her cart and grazed my knuckles!! that didn't get me down but going outside in tipping rain, in the dark, with my buggy in the crosswalk and I almost got run down by a lady in white suburban on the phone!! I was wearing bright turquoise but "she didn't see me!" my heart was beating fast, it was close. I have food for tomorrow night and for Christmas morning and we are busy cooking while oldest boys are out shopping. I was soaked so now in PJs but shoulda walked the dog while already dripping wet. I have just inhaled some bakery bread with Brie cheese while unloading and also ate some meringue cookies.... weighed in this morng and still holding but this might put me over!!!
MY PT for Piriformis at home exercises
but put tubing or wide band at knees. 3 x 10,31598.asp
with 2 - 3 ankle weights on 3 x 10
Wall Squats, 3 x 10
Planks: but go ahead and lift one leg, hold for 10', do the other leg, x 10
Bridge: Hold for 10', x 10