Great weather here in NorCal this weekend so far! Great tri expo at a local shop today, had a great time and met some great people. For those looking for a way to contribute check this out: Basically they contribute money to the charity of your choice based on how much activity you do (swim, bike, run).
Looking forward to a run at the dish at Stanford tomorrow AM. Feel like the mojo is coming back, just in time for a 48 hour drive in the car.
@ Dana we are planning on leaving the 13th and driving straight through if possible. Are you in for the Lake Placid training camp in May? We will be glad to be settled for a few months anyway
Hi girls! Great conversation going on here! Linda H., you are not the only over 50 chicka in the Chicka Haus! I'm 51! Welcome to the group! Friend me up on F.B. too! This group is awesome! I had hoped to join the girls at IMMOO camp but am doing Muncie Endurathon, so must miss out on all of that fun! I do plan however, to volunteer at IMMOO as an EN Sherpa! Waiting for IMWI to open the volunteer sign up!
Linda P., as for the IM bag, I understand where you're coming from, as I feel the same way. But you know what? With age comes hell with anyone who gives you a hard time about it! Do you really care what someone you don't know thinks? It's a BAG! In the big scheme of life, this is nothing, nada, zip! The older I get, the less I worry. And believe me, I have spent my entire life worrying about what other people think! I wouldn't mark out anything! Girl, you ARE an IM! So what if it says Kona. I loved Linda H.'s take on it, esp. about that loud mouth, low self-esteem woman who went to a race begging for attention and verification, by making sure EVERYONE knew what she had done! Yes, I'm into my 70.3 stuff (since I have yet to do my IM), but I dont' wear it to intimidate, nor to a sprint! I don't wear marathon gear to a 5K. I wouldn't take an elephant gun to hunt a mouse...get the picture? Am I being overly dramatic? Don't mean to be. But, I cannot STAND people who have this entire 'aire' about them because 'they' have done an Ironman! So what? Do I respect that they have? Absolutely! But I do not respect anyone looking down their nose at anyone else, because of what they have yet to do, or they 'think' they have yet to do. There are certain people in my Master's swim group who, upon hearing I am doing IMLOU, look at me and say, "you are? Wow." with THAT tone. EEEWWWW, it fries me!!! Like, so? Sorry, don't mean to get on a rant here, but you know the type! Just makes me want to slap them and say "wake up! Get over yourself!" Really? Guess that hit a nerve... Sorry! I'm in a good mood, really! Just had to get that off my chest! Ha, I went to type chest, and it originally came out cheest! guess I'm in the IMMOO mode, even though I'm not doing it! And you wanna know what?? Twice now, people have asked me what I"m training for, and I've slipped and said IMWI!!!!! I'm doing IMLOU!!!! Gees!!! We better find some other Chickas doing IMLOU! I know Robin is!! And, we IMLOUers need all you IMMOO girls to throw us some MOJO and come out and sherpa if ya can!!! I belong to iamTRI. Bob, who runs the blog, organizes group rides and has SAG for those of us riding the LOU course! Anyone interested? I will post the dates here. Sign up for iamTRI, there are groups galore, and of course, the IMLOU group. He has the dates there. Would LUV for some of you to ride the course with me!!! Good hill practice for you MOO girls!
Barbara- I've done IMLOU the past 2 years and live right off the bike course (and work on it too). I have had such a great time- the course is beautiful (not that I am prejudice or anything) and the time trial swim start is a DREAM! I've meet Bob several times as our group has been out quite often during his rides. It is a great thing that he does for folks and this year I think he is racing as well. I was following the I am Tri group last year more closely and am signed up there as well. IMLOU is only 2 weeks b4 IMMOO so it'll be like one big group anyways! I did Muncie last year as well. Check out the IMLOU group and there are a couple of chickas posting on there too. Let me know when you come in- maybe we can grab lunch or dinner!
Linda - think you have the purfect idea (as usual!) A well placed sharpie is indeed a stroke of genius!
Off to enjoy the sunshine!! YAHHHHHH!!! My first ride outside since.. hmmmm.. I don't remember.. YIKES! What to wear??
Kris-Sounds great! I plan to come down atleast once, if not twice, this summer, to ride the course with Bob and group, so I'll have to let you know when! I'd like to go down for May 22nd, the first ride. Will have to see if I can or not. Where would be a good place to book a room for the weekend? Same choices as IMLOU?
I had to reread your post because I thought I had wrote it - I could write the same thing word for word, except I do know what IM MOO was. I'm 55 and I could care less what my VDOT is. I don't have a garmin and am clueless on this power stuff. I have/had a bad knee ( check your IT BAND!) and just did a 2:54 half marathon. I have years and years of negative talk weighing my brain down.
So, just remember that something inside of you made you decide that you were going to take on this challenge. You just want to do this, for whatever reason. You will love Kona and it will make you happy.
I wish we had a thread on mental toughness. I met Lisa Bently one time and her saying is 'throw your heart over the hill and your body will follow" - I guess that works both ways. I can't get over that hill when I'm beating myself up all the time.
girls!!!! no time to read and catch up but I am back home after getting home at midnight..what a great book in my life, more than a chapter. I took 1000 pics and so did others take pics!!! anyways.... the scenery was gobstock awesome!! and I think I made up that word!!! Guatemala is ultra friendly, warm and loving people and so appreciative!!! beautiful mountains and yesterday I saw some cyclists on the road from Antigua to Guatemala city!!! wow... and oh the hills????? you gotta be in shape over there!!! doubt if I lost weight as it seemed like I ate way more than at home!!! I have so much about the trip... that I might be one of those that says "read my blog" !!! so don't be offended cuz you wouldn't believe it but this past week I rode in the back of a pick up truck, 26 hours total!!! going to and fro 2 - 3 hours each way to get up in the mts to 5 diff villages!! dirty roads, windy, potholes, bumps, rivers, imagine four wheel drive and actually using it!!! slipping and sliding in the back and boy did my backside hurt but in each village we fed a dinner of 150 - 350 people and two nights, especially I stood in fron tof the large pot of food and looked at the long line and specifically prayed to God and so were others... Lord, let there be enough food! the miracle.. not only were there enough for all of the people. but then our team members and thenleftovers!!! I know.... y'all know i have five kids and in the kitchen a lot and there really wasn't enough food..... you woulda had to been there to see it with your own eyes... but God provides!!! totally awesome to be at the top of the mountains with these wonderful people with some hot food!! chicken thick soup with carrots and vegs, rice and tortillas!!! well gotta scoot, more later... and yes I did miss y'all cuz y'all wouldlove Guatemala!!! m
@Barb - I hope to be able to do Muncie, but don't have any plans to do Louisville. I live nearby though and will be there cheering everyone on!! If you let me know when you are coming to ride the course I will be happy to try to meet you over there.
My boys had their last swim meet of the winter yesterday and I have to admit I am glad it's over. Jack, won 3 of his four event in his heats, which put him about in the middle of his AG, which is fine since he is 9 and swimming against 10 year olds too. It was really good for his confidence to think he really "won"! At 9 years old he has the most beautiful butterly stroke! Amazing. Kevin, did pretty well too and won one of his heats, but had a lot of trouble on the turns. Going from swimming 25's to 50's is a big step up. He even swam a 100 free!
I am stealing a little time I really don't have right now so keeping it short. I hope everyone had a great weekend and is looking forward to a good week!
Ooops, sorry Robin! For some reason I thought you were doing IMLOU! I hope you do Muncie! Let me know! And Marianne, welcome back!!! Can't wait to read your blog and see your pics!
Well, I did back in the pool officially today, with Master's! Tiring, but felt good! Soooo glad I am getting in now, as I have to knock off some rust!
okay for some reason the add reply is not working for me so can't post a pic... so here is blog: sorry. doing laundry... scooting.. m
Linda: I like you solution to your bag problem. It is a really cute bag. I would struggle too between feeling self-conscious about not having done/qualified for Kona and thinking who gives a rip what other people think.
Marianne: Welcome back! So glad you're home and safe---can't wait to hear about your adventures.
Speaking of adventures, I finally sorted through my vacation pics last night. Argentina report coming soon--even if I have to file an extension to file my taxes to get it done. Ha!
Kitima- Sounds like you have your priorities straight. Pictures and vacation report done before taxes! Marianne- Welcome back. Need to find time to read your blog. Saturday I did my BRick run in shorts and was chilly. Sunday rode in knickers and felt awesome in the gorgeous sunshine. I don't mind winter, but I am a huge fan of spring and summer sunshine.
okay laundry still whirring and sunny outside so I have my swimsuit on and coverup!!! heading outside! too tired to actually do anything else and kids home in 15'.... really did go to store, PO and dry cleaners.... okay one funny thing, you gotta put your TP in the trash can to the side of the toilet and NOT flush it..... will clog up the sewer... took me days to get that right!!! and well good thing I am a runner due to the bushes and porta potties/outhouses and one favorite outside bathroom had a shower curtain for a door and chickens running around in it!! yep... really. now that I am at home, I appreciate the little things like hot water, their showers are freezing cold, and being able to flush toilet paper....... more later. m
Thought I'd share this video. Some good stretches for those tight hips. Personally this is one of my weaker areas. I've been doing Karen's Flexible Warrior series for the past few months when I ramped up the run for marathon. That, along with some other changes, have really helped me to stay healthier and happier. I have Vol 1 and just bought Vol 2. I do the flexibility sequence (which has all these stretches incorporated). I have also been trying to do the energy sequence before morning runs and I feel so much better. There are also some other videos on You Tube as well. Gotta go check them out!
Welcome home Marianne! It sounds like you had a great experience over there. I will hope for some time over the next few days to sit with your blog.
Busy times with the ramp up for SG. Yesterday I bagged my run and today I'm bagging my swim so that I can get that run in from yesterday. I just had to do it. Needed the extra rest after the big weekend. And you know what, I feel better for it! I still would have rather slept in this AM than got up, but with each day the days of getting up early get ever so slightly fewer!
Olivia- I tell you- it was all I could do to work out, eat, work, and sleep during the last 8-10 weeks of IM build (20 week plan). And I was still chronically cranky. But I have a serious aversion to after work exercise- until the last 2 weeks, and that is only to get me adjusted to running later in the day when it's hotter. It's morning for me otherwise, the workout doesn't get done. No makeups is generally the rule. If you needed the rest, you needed it. Good for you to be smart enough to take it.
Just want to whine a moment. My upper and mid back is so achy. I was super tight and spasmy the last 2 weeks. Massage last night worked wonders, but I can feel it all trying to cramp again. NSAIDs aren't helping and I am at work, so no heat or ice. Needs more massage and stretching. Can not wait to get home and work on this. OK- I'm better now. Thanks for listening.
Can I come play with you ladies? You're much more fun than the guys. Two new thingies for me - Zensah Sports Bra - so comfortable and then a new exercise for my poor back - lay in bed (yes!)on your back and put a pillow between your legs, push your knees together for 10 seconds, release, 10 seconds, etc. until you get tired. It pulls apart your SI joints and makes your back happy.
Welcome Donna! Of course you can come play with us! I'm gonna try that pillow squeeze thing tonight, my SI joints are always looking for a little TLC!
Olivia- I second what Michele said. Some days ya just gotta listen to your body, sleep in, and let it go. There's a point before IM (I can't remember, I think it's about 4-6 weeks out) where I turn into a total emotional basketcase. I'm on edge and could either cry or bite your head off at the drop of a hat. Ya just gotta warn your friends and family about it so when it happens (cause it will) they don't take it personally!
okay add reply doesn't work, is it because this thread is too big??? just wondering, briefly skimmed these posts so if I roll on and somehow forget it just say "hey I did that while you were gone..." well I have uploaded about 900 pics and videos yesterday and today and trying to journal too... as some of the team members are relying on my pics and another gals!! and I laid outside today... great weather here and although windy and I can't nap, my shoulders and neck just ache so and somehow I got a bruise on my left upper thigh?? anyways I chilled outside. for a bit....I am still outta it admittedly. myheart is still back in guatemala though so I need to get with the program by tomorrow when Joe comes home from outta town!!! hope to sleep tonight, normally crash after epic trip on Thurs but hate to do that to Joe!!! lol. Linda, keep the bag!!! girl..... "oh yeah, I got this bag cuz my goal is to get to Kona and this reminds me" "yep I haven't gone to Kona yet!", "I plan on aging up and getting faster to get there." "my friend went there and this bag reminds me of some great friends that I have.".... "or the truth!! , well see I ordered this great bag and it has Kona on it and I just love the functionality on it!" Linda, shink. yep I have showed up to a tri to discover intimidating women and basically it is just their nerves, cuz after the race they are so much nicer!!! check it out next time! had it happen to me at a 1/2. and now that Linda P has a bag that says Kona...?? oh no, she might be the one at IMMOOO>>>> kidding of course!!! ha ha. and yep I have peeps look at me "you have done 4 IMs as I am the last one to finish a 1 hour swim!!!"" ha ha ha.and that is why my blog is called "If I can, anybody can!" and yep I will never forget somebody asking me as I was registering onsite for my 2nd mt bike race "you are racing this?" i just laughed and threw it right back at him. "why don't I look like I know how!!!" and then just to make things worse I got my lip gloss out!!! ha ha ha. great fun I tell ya. now since I can't do add reply then no pics and yes I will do an EN vacay reportI feel like I have done "Ironman Guatemala" and I ache and dont wanna run or ride or nothin' not even eat!!! but this morning I ran into a handicapped guy on my return with Rudy running but by an office building and he said he works on teh 4th floor and thanks for running with the dog as the dog is such a joy to run through the fields!! he is now in a motorized wheelchair and just now doing that after doing a cane for years.... I encouraged him to continue exercising for mental sanity and he admitted that he was pool running and lifting weights but he had gained 50 lbs and then I told him he needed to get the wheelchair outside and go on the rivertrail on lunch! yesterday I saw a cyclist commuting to work whom I knew and he admitted gaining weight during the winter but he was back at it!!! spring feels good here and I see my daffs that I planted!!
Hi Marianne!!!! Welcome back, everyone missed you, can't wait to see your pics. Have been reading all your funny stories. I know it is soooo hard getting back from a trip and trying to settle back in. I swear there must of been about 10 or more posts of girls who missed you. Now you have had a nice WARM shower, a nice potty, a nice meal, grocery shopping, sleeping in your own bed, and all the small luxuries we take for granted. Again, welcome home + Nemo, I did all my "tests" and entered the data, my lil Vdot is 29 (I used my 5k time from last weekend) and I am very slowing integrating the massive data from EN, so many wonderful folks in this group I can't believe it and it continues to amaze me. I googled the whole "knee replacement thing" on the internet and found astoundingly great reports ( a guy did ultra marathons and much more) and then others that can never run again. I get my nucleur bone scan next Monday which will give some true answers..... After all is said and done I am just gonna "enjoy", I say that and then get back in the worry mode if I don't check in on this forum and learn to laugh about things that I get way too serious about. Did pick up some new cute duds for my Tucson training camp, love the shopping part of this whole TRI thing. I got my first aero helmet, and like the other Linda, I worry a bit about what people are going to think (e,g, she is really a poser or she must be really fast if she bought that kind of helmet), but it is really cute and solid white and "goes with everything" so what the hey!!! OK girls have a great night. PS Going to log on to the 1 hour conference call tomorrow night at 6:00 with Patrick, did it last month and it was pretty neat!!
Oh, Shrink, I totally hear you on the aero helmet. But we are not posers! We are respecting the sport by showing up pro. I clipped this quote for the pain cave the other day:
"It's hard to lead a cavalry charge if you think you look funny on a horse." (Adlai Stevenson)
I think it is going to be my mantra for the first time out with the aero helmet.
I do not look funny on my horse.
I do not look funny on my horse.
I look awesome on my horse.
I look awesome on my horse!
Marianne -- I can't wait to settle in with a good cup a tea and read all about Ironman Guatamala.
I've been trying out Robin and Gina's saddles. A bit more testing to do, but I'm thinking it is time to order a v-flow. Although I'm thinking Selle really knows how to make a good road bike saddle.
Beth- what saddles are you testing out right now? Hobbs needs a new saddle and I'd like to try out a few options. Maybe I can get you to send Gina & Robins saddles to me next to try out once you make a decision?
I have an aero helmet too!! and dont' you know I look like a very fashionable dork!!! but yes I felt faster! really. No I really will be honest with you, the dork is the dude with aero helmet, zipp wheels and all carbon bike, sporting a few extra pounds SITTING up on the bike!!! while toting numerous water bottles and other heavy gear....or standing up grinding up the hill!!! buy the stuff to make you more aero but get down real low with it!! and ditch the extra ballast. hey just sayin'...... smile.
I have had now four cups of coffee and some BBQ chips!!!! while writing my EN vacay report. think I will resume healthy tomorrow as I need to go to the store!!! girls thanks for thinking of me and I thought of you too!!! so now Tracy and Kitima write yours!! calling you out girls! love to all...... m
Okay, how do you all fit in the during the week training? I have to leave the house at 7:30 and get home at 7:30 - I have about an hour's commute each way. I have a 90 minute run scheduled tomorrow - I'e been getting up at 4:30, run 5:30 to 7, then 30 minutes to eat shower change. But that 4:30 is getting tougher when I have to do it several days in a row.
I started this week laying out all my clothes for the entire week, any other hints?
Donna, you are sure to get tons of great advice! Laying out clothes for the week is a good start.
You say you get up at 4:30 and run at 5:30 - could you cut down that time at all? It helps me to make lists of everything I might need, and keep them posted somewhere. For instance, for a run: clothes, shoes, hat, garmin, road id, pepper spray.
Try to prepare your foods ahead of time, even on the weekend. Have breakfasts, lunches, and snacks individually portioned and ready to grab and go. Know what you are going to eat/drink immediately before and after your workout and have those things ready to go.
I print out each week of workouts ahead of time, rearrange if I have to, and look at the big picture at least once a day. It just helps me to mentally organize them and to be ready. Also, can you rearrange your workouts to days that might better suit your schedule? RnP have created the "optimal" schedule for us, but, let's face it, life gets in the way, and we are all self-coached. For instance, Tuesdays are a day off from work for me, so I do my long run there.
That's all I can think of right now, but everyone else should chime in shortly.
Marianne, I haven't had time to read your Guatemala posts, but I'm looking forward to it!
I love my aero helmet, even though I feel like a poser! Must repeat Beth's mantra...
Donna...hi! I'm with ya on the early stuff. Here's some other things I do:
Coffee pot is on a timer, so I get it all set up at night. Travel mug is out, lunch is ready in the fridge (just needs packed) and breakfast is ready to go, too. I have a short commute to work, so usually eat when I get to work.
I get my daughter's stuff ready the night before as well (sometimes my husband's, too...insert wink, here!). I guess I'm saying what Kristen said above...EVERYTHING gets done the night before so that I can roll out of bed, throw my clothes on and go.
And also as Kristen said, I print my workouts way in advance and keep them in my calendar book-thing. (I call that my "brain" has everything I ever need!) That way I can reference them constantly as my schedule changes. I'll write more as I think of more...I'm tired tonight!
@Beth...I also ran with naked calves this weekend! It was awesome! Naked ears, too! It was something to celebrate!
Marianne, so glad you are back! Love hearing the stories and can't wait to read the reports. And yes, being runners gets us prepared to "go" anywhere!
And girls, my DH bought me an aero helmet for my bday in January...I have the same reservations you do! It's all black and he's all excited to put some cool stickers on it. I'm all, yeah, but really, I feel like a poser. Beth, I'm also taking your mantra on this one!
Oh- the "bumps" on my feet turned out to be cysts...4 of them. 2 near my achilles, 1 on my big toe and 1 on top of my foot. He drained the one on the top and thinks it may be the kind that grows in the joint. Sinovial? Is that right? Just have to keep an eye on that one. Anyway, they don't hurt and it's fine, so it's all good!
Great weather here in NorCal this weekend so far! Great tri expo at a local shop today, had a great time and met some great people. For those looking for a way to contribute check this out: Basically they contribute money to the charity of your choice based on how much activity you do (swim, bike, run).
Looking forward to a run at the dish at Stanford tomorrow AM. Feel like the mojo is coming back, just in time for a 48 hour drive in the car.
@ Dana we are planning on leaving the 13th and driving straight through if possible. Are you in for the Lake Placid training camp in May? We will be glad to be settled for a few months anyway
Hi girls! Great conversation going on here! Linda H., you are not the only over 50 chicka in the Chicka Haus! I'm 51! Welcome to the group! Friend me up on F.B. too! This group is awesome! I had hoped to join the girls at IMMOO camp but am doing Muncie Endurathon, so must miss out on all of that fun! I do plan however, to volunteer at IMMOO as an EN Sherpa! Waiting for IMWI to open the volunteer sign up!
Linda P., as for the IM bag, I understand where you're coming from, as I feel the same way. But you know what? With age comes hell with anyone who gives you a hard time about it! Do you really care what someone you don't know thinks? It's a BAG! In the big scheme of life, this is nothing, nada, zip! The older I get, the less I worry. And believe me, I have spent my entire life worrying about what other people think! I wouldn't mark out anything! Girl, you ARE an IM! So what if it says Kona. I loved Linda H.'s take on it, esp. about that loud mouth, low self-esteem woman who went to a race begging for attention and verification, by making sure EVERYONE knew what she had done! Yes, I'm into my 70.3 stuff (since I have yet to do my IM), but I dont' wear it to intimidate, nor to a sprint! I don't wear marathon gear to a 5K. I wouldn't take an elephant gun to hunt a mouse...get the picture? Am I being overly dramatic? Don't mean to be. But, I cannot STAND people who have this entire 'aire' about them because 'they' have done an Ironman! So what? Do I respect that they have? Absolutely! But I do not respect anyone looking down their nose at anyone else, because of what they have yet to do, or they 'think' they have yet to do. There are certain people in my Master's swim group who, upon hearing I am doing IMLOU, look at me and say, "you are? Wow." with THAT tone. EEEWWWW, it fries me!!! Like, so? Sorry, don't mean to get on a rant here, but you know the type! Just makes me want to slap them and say "wake up! Get over yourself!"
Really? Guess that hit a nerve... Sorry!
I'm in a good mood, really!
Just had to get that off my chest! Ha, I went to type chest, and it originally came out cheest! guess I'm in the IMMOO mode, even though I'm not doing it! And you wanna know what?? Twice now, people have asked me what I"m training for, and I've slipped and said IMWI!!!!! I'm doing IMLOU!!!! Gees!!! We better find some other Chickas doing IMLOU! I know Robin is!! And, we IMLOUers need all you IMMOO girls to throw us some MOJO and come out and sherpa if ya can!!! I belong to iamTRI. Bob, who runs the blog, organizes group rides and has SAG for those of us riding the LOU course! Anyone interested? I will post the dates here. Sign up for iamTRI, there are groups galore, and of course, the IMLOU group. He has the dates there. Would LUV for some of you to ride the course with me!!! Good hill practice for you MOO girls! 
Linda - think you have the purfect idea (as usual!) A well placed sharpie is indeed a stroke of genius!
Off to enjoy the sunshine!! YAHHHHHH!!! My first ride outside since.. hmmmm.. I don't remember.. YIKES! What to wear??
I had to reread your post because I thought I had wrote it - I could write the same thing word for word, except I do know what IM MOO was. I'm 55 and I could care less what my VDOT is. I don't have a garmin and am clueless on this power stuff. I have/had a bad knee ( check your IT BAND!) and just did a 2:54 half marathon. I have years and years of negative talk weighing my brain down.
So, just remember that something inside of you made you decide that you were going to take on this challenge. You just want to do this, for whatever reason. You will love Kona and it will make you happy.
I wish we had a thread on mental toughness. I met Lisa Bently one time and her saying is 'throw your heart over the hill and your body will follow" - I guess that works both ways. I can't get over that hill when I'm beating myself up all the time.
Welcome back Marianne!
@Barb - I hope to be able to do Muncie, but don't have any plans to do Louisville. I live nearby though and will be there cheering everyone on!! If you let me know when you are coming to ride the course I will be happy to try to meet you over there.
My boys had their last swim meet of the winter yesterday and I have to admit I am glad it's over. Jack, won 3 of his four event in his heats, which put him about in the middle of his AG, which is fine since he is 9 and swimming against 10 year olds too. It was really good for his confidence to think he really "won"! At 9 years old he has the most beautiful butterly stroke! Amazing. Kevin, did pretty well too and won one of his heats, but had a lot of trouble on the turns. Going from swimming 25's to 50's is a big step up. He even swam a 100 free!
I am stealing a little time I really don't have right now so keeping it short. I hope everyone had a great weekend and is looking forward to a good week!
And Marianne, welcome back!!! Can't wait to read your blog and see your pics!
Well, I did back in the pool officially today, with Master's! Tiring, but felt good! Soooo glad I am getting in now, as I have to knock off some rust!
Hi ladies! Quick check-in on Monday morning.
Welcome back Marianne!
Okay, Andy Schleck and Georgie are just going to have to duke it out for me.
Condi is visiting today! And she's on my floor. Yeah. I'm totally fangirl at work today.
And, happy international women's day!
Best part of the weekend? I ran with naked calves! It was finally warm enough to trade the tights in for knickers.
M--SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK! Can't wait to hear about it. Truly missed you!
Linda: I like you solution to your bag problem. It is a really cute bag. I would struggle too between feeling self-conscious about not having done/qualified for Kona and thinking who gives a rip what other people think.
Marianne: Welcome back! So glad you're home and safe---can't wait to hear about your adventures.
Speaking of adventures, I finally sorted through my vacation pics last night. Argentina report coming soon--even if I have to file an extension to file my taxes to get it done. Ha!
Marianne- Welcome back. Need to find time to read your blog.
Saturday I did my BRick run in shorts and was chilly. Sunday rode in knickers and felt awesome in the gorgeous sunshine. I don't mind winter, but I am a huge fan of spring and summer sunshine.

" />Thought I'd share this video. Some good stretches for those tight hips. Personally this is one of my weaker areas. I've been doing Karen's Flexible Warrior series for the past few months when I ramped up the run for marathon. That, along with some other changes, have really helped me to stay healthier and happier. I have Vol 1 and just bought Vol 2. I do the flexibility sequence (which has all these stretches incorporated). I have also been trying to do the energy sequence before morning runs and I feel so much better. There are also some other videos on You Tube as well. Gotta go check them out!
Busy times with the ramp up for SG. Yesterday I bagged my run and today I'm bagging my swim so that I can get that run in from yesterday. I just had to do it. Needed the extra rest after the big weekend. And you know what, I feel better for it! I still would have rather slept in this AM than got up, but with each day the days of getting up early get ever so slightly fewer!
Just want to whine a moment. My upper and mid back is so achy. I was super tight and spasmy the last 2 weeks. Massage last night worked wonders, but I can feel it all trying to cramp again. NSAIDs aren't helping and I am at work, so no heat or ice. Needs more massage and stretching. Can not wait to get home and work on this. OK- I'm better now. Thanks for listening.
Absolutely loving the sunshine today!
Can I come play with you ladies? You're much more fun than the guys. Two new thingies for me - Zensah Sports Bra - so comfortable and then a new exercise for my poor back - lay in bed (yes!)on your back and put a pillow between your legs, push your knees together for 10 seconds, release, 10 seconds, etc. until you get tired. It pulls apart your SI joints and makes your back happy.
Olivia- I second what Michele said. Some days ya just gotta listen to your body, sleep in, and let it go. There's a point before IM (I can't remember, I think it's about 4-6 weeks out) where I turn into a total emotional basketcase. I'm on edge and could either cry or bite your head off at the drop of a hat. Ya just gotta warn your friends and family about it so when it happens (cause it will) they don't take it personally!
Linda, keep the bag!!! girl..... "oh yeah, I got this bag cuz my goal is to get to Kona and this reminds me" "yep I haven't gone to Kona yet!", "I plan on aging up and getting faster to get there." "my friend went there and this bag reminds me of some great friends that I have.".... "or the truth!! , well see I ordered this great bag and it has Kona on it and I just love the functionality on it!"
Linda, shink. yep I have showed up to a tri to discover intimidating women and basically it is just their nerves, cuz after the race they are so much nicer!!! check it out next time! had it happen to me at a 1/2. and now that Linda P has a bag that says Kona...?? oh no, she might be the one at IMMOOO>>>> kidding of course!!! ha ha. and yep I have peeps look at me "you have done 4 IMs as I am the last one to finish a 1 hour swim!!!"" ha ha ha.and that is why my blog is called "If I can, anybody can!" and yep I will never forget somebody asking me as I was registering onsite for my 2nd mt bike race "you are racing this?" i just laughed and threw it right back at him. "why don't I look like I know how!!!" and then just to make things worse I got my lip gloss out!!! ha ha ha. great fun I tell ya.
now since I can't do add reply then no pics and yes I will do an EN vacay reportI feel like I have done "Ironman Guatemala" and I ache and dont wanna run or ride or nothin' not even eat!!! but this morning I ran into a handicapped guy on my return with Rudy running but by an office building and he said he works on teh 4th floor and thanks for running with the dog as the dog is such a joy to run through the fields!! he is now in a motorized wheelchair and just now doing that after doing a cane for years.... I encouraged him to continue exercising for mental sanity and he admitted that he was pool running and lifting weights but he had gained 50 lbs and then I told him he needed to get the wheelchair outside and go on the rivertrail on lunch! yesterday I saw a cyclist commuting to work whom I knew and he admitted gaining weight during the winter but he was back at it!!! spring feels good here and I see my daffs that I planted!!
Now you have had a nice WARM shower, a nice potty, a nice meal, grocery shopping, sleeping in your own bed, and all the small luxuries we take for granted. Again, welcome home +
Nemo, I did all my "tests" and entered the data, my lil Vdot is 29 (I used my 5k time from last weekend) and I am very slowing integrating the massive data from EN, so many wonderful folks in this group I can't believe it and it continues to amaze me. I googled the whole "knee replacement thing" on the internet and found astoundingly great reports ( a guy did ultra marathons and much more) and then others that can never run again. I get my nucleur bone scan next Monday which will give some true answers.....
After all is said and done I am just gonna "enjoy", I say that and then get back in the worry mode if I don't check in on this forum and learn to laugh about things that I get way too serious about.
Did pick up some new cute duds for my Tucson training camp, love the shopping part of this whole TRI thing. I got my first aero helmet, and like the other Linda, I worry a bit about what people are going to think (e,g, she is really a poser or she must be really fast if she bought that kind of helmet), but it is really cute and solid white and "goes with everything" so what the hey!!!
OK girls have a great night.
PS Going to log on to the 1 hour conference call tomorrow night at 6:00 with Patrick, did it last month and it was pretty neat!!
Oh, Shrink, I totally hear you on the aero helmet. But we are not posers! We are respecting the sport by showing up pro. I clipped this quote for the pain cave the other day:
"It's hard to lead a cavalry charge if you think you look funny on a horse." (Adlai Stevenson)
I think it is going to be my mantra for the first time out with the aero helmet.
I do not look funny on my horse.
I do not look funny on my horse.
I look awesome on my horse.
I look awesome on my horse!
Marianne -- I can't wait to settle in with a good cup a tea and read all about Ironman Guatamala.
I've been trying out Robin and Gina's saddles. A bit more testing to do, but I'm thinking it is time to order a v-flow. Although I'm thinking Selle really knows how to make a good road bike saddle.
I have had now four cups of coffee and some BBQ chips!!!! while writing my EN vacay report. think I will resume healthy tomorrow as I need to go to the store!!! girls thanks for thinking of me and I thought of you too!!! so now Tracy and Kitima write yours!! calling you out girls! love to all...... m
I started this week laying out all my clothes for the entire week, any other hints?
You say you get up at 4:30 and run at 5:30 - could you cut down that time at all?
It helps me to make lists of everything I might need, and keep them posted somewhere. For instance, for a run: clothes, shoes, hat, garmin, road id, pepper spray.
Try to prepare your foods ahead of time, even on the weekend. Have breakfasts, lunches, and snacks individually portioned and ready to grab and go. Know what you are going to eat/drink immediately before and after your workout and have those things ready to go.
I print out each week of workouts ahead of time, rearrange if I have to, and look at the big picture at least once a day. It just helps me to mentally organize them and to be ready. Also, can you rearrange your workouts to days that might better suit your schedule? RnP have created the "optimal" schedule for us, but, let's face it, life gets in the way, and we are all self-coached. For instance, Tuesdays are a day off from work for me, so I do my long run there.
That's all I can think of right now, but everyone else should chime in shortly.
Marianne, I haven't had time to read your Guatemala posts, but I'm looking forward to it!
I love my aero helmet, even though I feel like a poser! Must repeat Beth's mantra...
Coffee pot is on a timer, so I get it all set up at night. Travel mug is out, lunch is ready in the fridge (just needs packed) and breakfast is ready to go, too. I have a short commute to work, so usually eat when I get to work.
I get my daughter's stuff ready the night before as well (sometimes my husband's, too...insert wink, here!). I guess I'm saying what Kristen said above...EVERYTHING gets done the night before so that I can roll out of bed, throw my clothes on and go.
And also as Kristen said, I print my workouts way in advance and keep them in my calendar book-thing. (I call that my "brain" has everything I ever need!) That way I can reference them constantly as my schedule changes. I'll write more as I think of more...I'm tired tonight!
@Beth...I also ran with naked calves this weekend! It was awesome! Naked ears, too! It was something to celebrate!
Marianne, so glad you are back! Love hearing the stories and can't wait to read the reports. And yes, being runners gets us prepared to "go" anywhere!
And girls, my DH bought me an aero helmet for my bday in January...I have the same reservations you do! It's all black and he's all excited to put some cool stickers on it. I'm all, yeah, but really, I feel like a poser. Beth, I'm also taking your mantra on this one!
Oh- the "bumps" on my feet turned out to be cysts...4 of them. 2 near my achilles, 1 on my big toe and 1 on top of my foot. He drained the one on the top and thinks it may be the kind that grows in the joint. Sinovial? Is that right? Just have to keep an eye on that one. Anyway, they don't hurt and it's fine, so it's all good!
Ok, off to bed!
crap, Crap, CRAP!!!! No time toreally reply, but got to read quickly..... Marianne looked at your blog briefly - great pics and so inspiring!
Beth send my saddles to Nemo if she wants to try! Maybe send Gina's to me and then I'll send to her! Better than a chain letter ;-)
No aero helmet for me.... not until I graduate to a tri bike
You busy full time working commuting mommy Iron Ladies are AMAZING!
Back to counting money from the school book fair.... my last year as PTO treasurer