thanks for passing on coach P's advice, Tomer. I can ride (trainer only, staying in aero) - and have been subbing in elliptical for long runs the past 2 weeks. I'm hoping to get in the pool once the stitches come out - to try to pool run or use a kickboard (if I can hold the board in the first place). I'm not sure when I'll have any hand strength to swim.
I'm on week 2, biking only... excited to have some fellow catcher-uppers next week. Stitches come out tomorrow... hope that means PT will follow soon so I can start to feel like I'm making progress.
I hope everyone is feeling good! I'm sending good karma and healing thoughts your way!
Tomer- what zone did Coach P suggest doing the bike when substituting run?
Glad to hear people are getting better.
becky- Hopefully since stitches are out, you will be able to get more action. Hang in there
Glad I went to ortho Doc yesterday. Got a shot of cortisone/local anesthetic into the Bursa/ Hamstring tendon insertion point. The numbing medication elimination some of the tenderness was kind of diagnostic. need to rest it a few days, then can get back into it. the ortho docs also gave the ok to get rid of the custom orthotic if I thought it was aggravating it, which I do. Prior to the foot tendonitis and stress fx, and custom orthotics, I was doing stairs, lunges squats plyometics without me knee hurting. I am hoping the shot is what I need to get over the hump. If not will need repeat MRI. They really don't think it is meniscal tear, but more superficial- ie tendons, the Pes anserine tendons/bursa. Anyway, patience name of game.
@Tracy - I'm sending healing thoughts your way... hope you're back at it sans ortho inserts!
Re: adding a bike for the long run: I posted a thread on the coaches "I need feedback" forum -- coach said add a bike day (which Tomer already said) and to repeat an interval workout, dropping to Z3 when/as needed. Cool... I'm gonna try to build my running base back up - provided my hand does throb... and, with any luck be doing the long runs in 2 weeks (so my running will only be a month behind my biking - I'm finishing week 2 now).
Good news, sort of, stitches came out today doc is happy with the healing, and PT will start next week. I can get the hand wet (so I will try pool running or using a kick board one of these days). The bummer news is that the doc says I may not have full/normal use of my hand for 6 months... not being able to make a fist will definitely make outdoor riding tricky. Worst case: I may have to scratch Columbia and Eagleman and pick it up in June to prep for IMFL. I might, if things progress well enough, scratch Columbia (hilly - will need 2 fully functional hands for that ride) but do EM since it's flat as a pancake and I'll be in aero the whole time... we'll see. I can guarantee I'll be an A++++ student for the therapist, so I can get myself back at it!
All this from a cat bite. Ridiculous. Speaking of which, anyone want a black and white cat, he's been fixed and is on meds!
Hope everyone is feeling good and has a good weekend. Looking forward to the beginning of the February Catch Up club!
Wow Becky- I never knew this warm fuzzy happy kitty keeping my lap warm could be such a danger to my training!!! I'm sure you'll be an excellent TP student and I hope you can savage the race at Eagleman!
hey all! will be starting week 3 on the bike... and really need to get some running time in - but with the crazy cold weather (and snow) I haven't even been doing the bricks. Hopefully this week... I got in the pool Sunday - mostly kicking, but did try a few normal freestyle laps thrown in sporadically -I was wearing the brack to isolate my hand. Not great but it's better than nothing since my pool doesn't have a deep end. I'm hoping to start the running OS next week (and be one month behind my biking) - we'll see how that goes. I think there will be a lot of treadmill time in my future - the last thing I need is to trip outside. (Nemo - I'm still shocked, the little cutie that sits at the front wheel of my bike when I ride the trainer totally derailed me... maybe he was jealous of my pain cave time).
I'll start a February catch up week one thread in a sec!
Hope everyone is healing well and didn't get too bogged down in this past weekend's crazy weather!
It's been helpful reading everyone's stories and statuses here. I didn't expect to find myself posting in this thread, but turns out I need to take a little time off due to a lumbar disc herniation that's compressing my L4 nerve root. I've had SI joint problems on & off, but usually keep it under control through core strengthening and paying close attention to my running form. But starting some time in December I started getting a 'heavy' feeling in my left leg when I ran. Almost felt numb, but more just heavy, and then progressed to painful. After postponing for a few weeks, thinking I just needed to put more effort into my SI pain prevention strategy, I finally went to see my favorite sports med MD, who suggested I get a lumbar MRI to rule out disc pathology. Sure enough, it was very clear on MRI that the outer layer of the disc is actually torn and the herniation is compressing the nerve.
So, in addition to working on specific exercises, I decided to take his advice and get a steroid injection right away, to help me get back to training as soon as possible (key will be the exercises and getting out of the aero position frequently on the bike, though, so I don't make the problem worse). Kinda funny (odd, not haha) that the only pain I usually had was during running (and then more recently during biking), but now after the injection yesterday my back is really sore! Should just be temporary though. Hopefully can start easing back into workouts next week. Keeping fingers crossed!
Keep up the patience and good work everyone! I'm right here with you...
No, surgery is NOT anywhere on the radar. Thank goodness! Really it's the exercises and being careful with my spine position/posture that will make all the difference. The injection is just intended to hurry along the process by reducing the nerve root irritation in the short term.
Alright injured friends, this will tell you just how sick in the head we all are (ok, well, at least that I am!). It's gonna be raining & blowing monsoon weather here tomorrow. There's no way in hell I'll be able to ride outside and be safe. But I don't care! I'm actually EXCITED about the fact that tomorrow, for the first time in I can't remember when, I'm actually going to do an honest to God Workout!!! Yup, I've got Z4 and Z3 intervals in my "week 1" plan and I'm gonna be hopping on the trainer tomorrow morning with the biggest dumb ass smile on my face!!! I just can't wait!
So maybe this injury has been good for me, 'cause I can finally really appreciate my bicycle and the bike workouts. It always took a back seat to my running, and now, I'm lovin it!!
So hang in there everyone! We'll all get through this together, and maybe we'll even appreciate all that we can do so much more when we finally get there.
Michele good luck with the injections and you are right they do make your back sore, I had 3.Take it easy and give it time to heal.I had a L5 herniated disc that started giving me problems back in June and I lost the feeling in my right foot.Ended up with surgery at the end of Oct and got back into the game in Dec.Make sure you listen to your body.
Nemo: Totally agree with you about appreciating the ability to do workouts now that we're all injured. I haven't been able to really run for 8 months. I got mad at running (hence the excessive mtb riding this summer), then made peace with it. Now every pain-free run is a gift.
Nemo, you are right that we are sick in the head. I had some Z4 intervals in my run this morning and the last few were in some nice hills. When I got home my wife asked how my run was, "It was great a threw up after my last interval". After not being able to run from June to November, I enjoy any run. Hang in there everyone!
It's been 8 weeks of absolutely no running. Yesterday, I laced up the shoes, threw on the winter run gear, collared up the dog (wow, was she ever excited!) and put together a nice 30' run/walk.
Results: no more deep groin pain, no pelvic pain, some moderate tightness/cramping/aching pain in the left hip flexor as I was running.
I'm a little concerned about the hip flexor pain since I've been very diligent about core strengthening and stretching (especially the hip flexors) during my 8 week hiatus. Hopefully this will work itself out as I progress with more easy runs over the next couple weeks. I also ran on the road yesterday - it probably makes more sense to do these first few workouts on the treadmill or soft ground (that should be impossible for a while since I don't see the snow melting any time soon).
I may post something in the Medical Help forum later today to get advice on the hip flexor stuff and whether I should continue to simulate the OS plan run workouts (Z4 intervals) on the elliptical or in the deep water while doing these easy run/walks other days. Any thoughts from my fellow injured ENers?
Jim- I'm so glad to see you making it back again! Checking in with the WSMMs (wicked smart medical members) is a good idea for sure. My thoughts would be to gradually start running outside again for short/easy stuff- but keep doing the intensity stuff either in the pool or on the elyptical until you have built back up to being able to run on the roads without any trouble. When I finally can run again- I'm thinking I'll keep running "intervals" in the pool, and I'll just do that 20 min Brick run outside in the real world.
Jim-I agree with Nemo...take it easy with returning to running and just continue to do easy jogs on road/treadmill until you are 100%. If something still truly doesn't feel right, I'd back off and get back in the pool/elliptical for a couple of weeks.
Michele-sorry to hear about your back. So often herniations can be asymptomatic, and then one day something changes and you've got pressure on the nerve root, which is very uncomfortable. The pilates stuff, as you know, is absolutely key as your core can stabilize the SI joint. Just don't be too aggressive yet with the core stuff...allow the injection time to settle in and ease back.
Glad to see so many of you making some great strides, so to speak. I thought I was one of those people as I did a very easy jog last Monday with very little pain in my left hip from where I crashed. The frustrating part was that my chronic injury on my right side flared up instantly when I went from walk to jog, and that was after 12 weeks of no running. However, I was ELATED to jog and thought I was on the right track. But then tried to run Wednesday, same deal, very easy jog on treadmill and instantly felt pain in my hip that was not right. It hasn't been same since then, honestly. And so I thought maybe my shoulder was ready to had been almost a month since the bike crash. Got in the water last Friday and had a lot of shoulder pain almost instantly. So I have an appointment with an ortho doc next week to get checked out again. In the meantime, I'll keep biking as much as I can and remind myself to be thankful that I can at least bike!!!!
Mel- I'm right there with ya. I went for a walk/hike in the woods with hubby over the weekend. I jogged for something like 20 steps (just to demonstrate something) and instantly felt the calf tighten up and become unhappy. I know I'm still a looooong way from running again. But I continue to be happy for the things I CAN do! Staying focused on the positive is tough, but it helps.
Good news here. I am officially taking myself off the injured roster! My hip has not bothered me at all for the last 2 weeks. I'm still easing my way back into it but am running completely pain free with no tightness afterwards! Woo Hoo! I was injured in mid-October, so this is very exciting news.
Hang in there everyone and this will happen to you too!
@ Jim - I am so there! Can't wait to get back in shape and hit those races!
@ Kit - I have no plans at this time. I'm taking it slowly. I'm planning on building up to 5-6 runs a week of 30 minutes at LRP. Once I get three solid weeks of those under my belt, I'll start adding some intensity. I'm getting that right out of Daniel's book. So, a VDOT test is a ways off right now. Works out well that I'm not on a schedule.
Quick update: lately. I've been doing all my runs on the treadmill with no problem. Last week I tried to run outside - first day 30 min brick and following day 30 min outside following 60 min on treadmill.
This attempt was bad & sent me back for the deep water "running course"
This week I already did 60 min on treadmill and I feel fine. hopefully with some massage and my new TP toys, I'll be able to run outside again soon.
Congrats, Matt!!! I'm 90% there myself, but I think the last 10% may be a while -- still can't close my hand. Fortunately I can ride my trainer so being able to actually ride my bike isn't necessary for the time being.
Be careful, Tomer!
My update -- I was scheduled to start PT last Friday but the office closed early so folks could beat the storm home. I rescheduled for tomorrow, but I'm not optimistic that appt will hold as DC/NoVa is covered in snow and the govt (and all schools) are closed again tomorrow. We'll see... I REALLY want to at least have my eval so I can get started and know what I can do in my time at home. Good news is I've been either on my trainer or at the gym every day... everything else is closed but XSport.
Good news! The PT office opened at noon - my appt was scheduled for 12:30, so I got in and got started. Got a few different exercises to work on and have been directed to self massage a few times a day to try to minimize scar tissue damage to the tendon. Depending on how things go, I may be in PT for 8 weeks, but the CHT confirmed what my doc told me, I may not have "normal" use of my hand for 6 months... I'll wait til April to figure out if Columbia and/or Eagleman are doable (can't race if I can't hold my bike). We'll see. You can bet I'll be doing my homework!
I used to do the elliptical machine and recently discovered the deep water running
I like the deep water running better cause it is easier to do intervals work and get your heart rate really nice & high
Now that I'm "running" again, I do 20' elliptical and 30-40' on the treadmill
Also, per coach P advise, if you can ride your bike w/o aggravating you injury, then it is better to replace long run days with a bike ride
thanks for passing on coach P's advice, Tomer. I can ride (trainer only, staying in aero) - and have been subbing in elliptical for long runs the past 2 weeks. I'm hoping to get in the pool once the stitches come out - to try to pool run or use a kickboard (if I can hold the board in the first place). I'm not sure when I'll have any hand strength to swim.
I'm on week 2, biking only... excited to have some fellow catcher-uppers next week. Stitches come out tomorrow... hope that means PT will follow soon so I can start to feel like I'm making progress.
I hope everyone is feeling good! I'm sending good karma and healing thoughts your way!
Tomer- what zone did Coach P suggest doing the bike when substituting run?
Glad to hear people are getting better.
becky- Hopefully since stitches are out, you will be able to get more action. Hang in there
Glad I went to ortho Doc yesterday. Got a shot of cortisone/local anesthetic into the Bursa/ Hamstring tendon insertion point. The numbing medication elimination some of the tenderness was kind of diagnostic. need to rest it a few days, then can get back into it. the ortho docs also gave the ok to get rid of the custom orthotic if I thought it was aggravating it, which I do. Prior to the foot tendonitis and stress fx, and custom orthotics, I was doing stairs, lunges squats plyometics without me knee hurting. I am hoping the shot is what I need to get over the hump. If not will need repeat MRI. They really don't think it is meniscal tear, but more superficial- ie tendons, the Pes anserine tendons/bursa. Anyway, patience name of game.
@Tracy - I'm sending healing thoughts your way... hope you're back at it sans ortho inserts!
Re: adding a bike for the long run: I posted a thread on the coaches "I need feedback" forum -- coach said add a bike day (which Tomer already said) and to repeat an interval workout, dropping to Z3 when/as needed. Cool... I'm gonna try to build my running base back up - provided my hand does throb... and, with any luck be doing the long runs in 2 weeks (so my running will only be a month behind my biking - I'm finishing week 2 now).
Good news, sort of, stitches came out today doc is happy with the healing, and PT will start next week. I can get the hand wet (so I will try pool running or using a kick board one of these days). The bummer news is that the doc says I may not have full/normal use of my hand for 6 months...
not being able to make a fist will definitely make outdoor riding tricky. Worst case: I may have to scratch Columbia and Eagleman and pick it up in June to prep for IMFL. I might, if things progress well enough, scratch Columbia (hilly - will need 2 fully functional hands for that ride) but do EM since it's flat as a pancake and I'll be in aero the whole time... we'll see. I can guarantee I'll be an A++++ student for the therapist, so I can get myself back at it!
All this from a cat bite. Ridiculous. Speaking of which, anyone want a black and white cat, he's been fixed and is on meds!
Hope everyone is feeling good and has a good weekend. Looking forward to the beginning of the February Catch Up club!
I got in the pool Sunday - mostly kicking, but did try a few normal freestyle laps thrown in sporadically -I was wearing the brack to isolate my hand. Not great but it's better than nothing since my pool doesn't have a deep end. I'm hoping to start the running OS next week (and be one month behind my biking) - we'll see how that goes. I think there will be a lot of treadmill time in my future - the last thing I need is to trip outside.
(Nemo - I'm still shocked, the little cutie that sits at the front wheel of my bike when I ride the trainer totally derailed me... maybe he was jealous of my pain cave time).
I'll start a February catch up week one thread in a sec!
Hope everyone is healing well and didn't get too bogged down in this past weekend's crazy weather!
Hey all,
It's been helpful reading everyone's stories and statuses here. I didn't expect to find myself posting in this thread, but turns out I need to take a little time off due to a lumbar disc herniation that's compressing my L4 nerve root. I've had SI joint problems on & off, but usually keep it under control through core strengthening and paying close attention to my running form. But starting some time in December I started getting a 'heavy' feeling in my left leg when I ran. Almost felt numb, but more just heavy, and then progressed to painful. After postponing for a few weeks, thinking I just needed to put more effort into my SI pain prevention strategy, I finally went to see my favorite sports med MD, who suggested I get a lumbar MRI to rule out disc pathology. Sure enough, it was very clear on MRI that the outer layer of the disc is actually torn and the herniation is compressing the nerve.
So, in addition to working on specific exercises, I decided to take his advice and get a steroid injection right away, to help me get back to training as soon as possible (key will be the exercises and getting out of the aero position frequently on the bike, though, so I don't make the problem worse). Kinda funny (odd, not haha) that the only pain I usually had was during running (and then more recently during biking), but now after the injection yesterday my back is really sore! Should just be temporary though. Hopefully can start easing back into workouts next week. Keeping fingers crossed!
Keep up the patience and good work everyone! I'm right here with you...
my fingers are crossed for you! I hope the shot will do the trick and no surgery is in your future! hang in there!
Alright injured friends, this will tell you just how sick in the head we all are (ok, well, at least that I am!). It's gonna be raining & blowing monsoon weather here tomorrow. There's no way in hell I'll be able to ride outside and be safe. But I don't care! I'm actually EXCITED about the fact that tomorrow, for the first time in I can't remember when, I'm actually going to do an honest to God Workout!!! Yup, I've got Z4 and Z3 intervals in my "week 1" plan and I'm gonna be hopping on the trainer tomorrow morning with the biggest dumb ass smile on my face!!! I just can't wait!
So maybe this injury has been good for me, 'cause I can finally really appreciate my bicycle and the bike workouts. It always took a back seat to my running, and now, I'm lovin it!!
So hang in there everyone! We'll all get through this together, and maybe we'll even appreciate all that we can do so much more when we finally get there.
Nemo, you rock... and I share your mental illness!
Hope you had a great workout yesterday and get to the pool for deep water running today!
Nemo, you are right that we are sick in the head. I had some Z4 intervals in my run this morning and the last few were in some nice hills. When I got home my wife asked how my run was, "It was great a threw up after my last interval". After not being able to run from June to November, I enjoy any run. Hang in there everyone!
It's been 8 weeks of absolutely no running. Yesterday, I laced up the shoes, threw on the winter run gear, collared up the dog (wow, was she ever excited!) and put together a nice 30' run/walk.
Results: no more deep groin pain, no pelvic pain, some moderate tightness/cramping/aching pain in the left hip flexor as I was running.
I'm a little concerned about the hip flexor pain since I've been very diligent about core strengthening and stretching (especially the hip flexors) during my 8 week hiatus. Hopefully this will work itself out as I progress with more easy runs over the next couple weeks. I also ran on the road yesterday - it probably makes more sense to do these first few workouts on the treadmill or soft ground (that should be impossible for a while since I don't see the snow melting any time soon).
I may post something in the Medical Help forum later today to get advice on the hip flexor stuff and whether I should continue to simulate the OS plan run workouts (Z4 intervals) on the elliptical or in the deep water while doing these easy run/walks other days. Any thoughts from my fellow injured ENers?
Hope you guys are all progressing well!
Jim-I agree with Nemo...take it easy with returning to running and just continue to do easy jogs on road/treadmill until you are 100%. If something still truly doesn't feel right, I'd back off and get back in the pool/elliptical for a couple of weeks.
Michele-sorry to hear about your back. So often herniations can be asymptomatic, and then one day something changes and you've got pressure on the nerve root, which is very uncomfortable. The pilates stuff, as you know, is absolutely key as your core can stabilize the SI joint. Just don't be too aggressive yet with the core stuff...allow the injection time to settle in and ease back.
Glad to see so many of you making some great strides, so to speak. I thought I was one of those people as I did a very easy jog last Monday with very little pain in my left hip from where I crashed. The frustrating part was that my chronic injury on my right side flared up instantly when I went from walk to jog, and that was after 12 weeks of no running. However, I was ELATED to jog and thought I was on the right track. But then tried to run Wednesday, same deal, very easy jog on treadmill and instantly felt pain in my hip that was not right. It hasn't been same since then, honestly. And so I thought maybe my shoulder was ready to had been almost a month since the bike crash. Got in the water last Friday and had a lot of shoulder pain almost instantly. So I have an appointment with an ortho doc next week to get checked out again. In the meantime, I'll keep biking as much as I can and remind myself to be thankful that I can at least bike!!!!
Cheers to speedy recoveries!
Good news here. I am officially taking myself off the injured roster! My hip has not bothered me at all for the last 2 weeks. I'm still easing my way back into it but am running completely pain free with no tightness afterwards! Woo Hoo! I was injured in mid-October, so this is very exciting news.
Hang in there everyone and this will happen to you too!
@ Jim - I am so there! Can't wait to get back in shape and hit those races!
@ Kit - I have no plans at this time. I'm taking it slowly. I'm planning on building up to 5-6 runs a week of 30 minutes at LRP. Once I get three solid weeks of those under my belt, I'll start adding some intensity. I'm getting that right out of Daniel's book. So, a VDOT test is a ways off right now. Works out well that I'm not on a schedule.
Quick update: lately. I've been doing all my runs on the treadmill with no problem. Last week I tried to run outside - first day 30 min brick and following day 30 min outside following 60 min on treadmill.
This attempt was bad & sent me back for the deep water "running course"
This week I already did 60 min on treadmill and I feel fine. hopefully with some massage and my new TP toys, I'll be able to run outside again soon.
Congrats, Matt!!! I'm 90% there myself, but I think the last 10% may be a while -- still can't close my hand. Fortunately I can ride my trainer so being able to actually ride my bike isn't necessary for the time being.
Be careful, Tomer!
My update -- I was scheduled to start PT last Friday but the office closed early so folks could beat the storm home. I rescheduled for tomorrow, but I'm not optimistic that appt will hold as DC/NoVa is covered in snow and the govt (and all schools) are closed again tomorrow. We'll see... I REALLY want to at least have my eval so I can get started and know what I can do in my time at home. Good news is I've been either on my trainer or at the gym every day... everything else is closed but XSport.
Happy healing everyone!
thanks, Nemo!
Good news! The PT office opened at noon - my appt was scheduled for 12:30, so I got in and got started. Got a few different exercises to work on and have been directed to self massage a few times a day to try to minimize scar tissue damage to the tendon. Depending on how things go, I may be in PT for 8 weeks, but the CHT confirmed what my doc told me, I may not have "normal" use of my hand for 6 months...
I'll wait til April to figure out if Columbia and/or Eagleman are doable (can't race if I can't hold my bike). We'll see. You can bet I'll be doing my homework!