Josh- I'm enraged just reading your post! Grrrrrrrrrrrr. How freakin rediculous!!! Hang in there buddy, we'll be here to support you!
My calf is doing quite well. I actually have a little tight tug in my hamstring which I need to work on, but I don't think it's anything serious. Just gotta school myself some more with Leigh's fantastic website. If you haven't checked it out yet, be sure you do!
Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't been in here for a bit. Josh, I hope you are doing okay. That really does suck! Tracy, I hope the knee is doing better. Yeah for happy calves, Nemo! I too, still have my hammie problem. I"ve been rollering, and I have acupuncture and massage again tomorrow. I hope they can get the kink out of the hammie, right at the insertion point, as it hurts! And, I have the Indy Mini on May 8th. It isn't an A race, but still, I'd like to do well. And, I have Muncie in July, so kinda need the hammies and piriformis, and everything else, in order to train! Becky, I hope your hand continues to improve, and you hammie too! Dare I make the joke that we are a bunch of tight-assed athletes?? Literally!!?? Hope I didn't miss anyone! I hear you about the mojo waning. My pillow was more attractive to me this morning than the Master's swim I was all packed and ready to do! I am so mad at myself! Now I have to go at 6:30 tonight, after working until 6:00. Not my most energetic nor productive time of day. I need a swift kick in the butt from the team, to stop eating like a Sumo Wrestler, and get up and moving!!! Please feel free to give a huge kick! I need it!!!!! It's like I'm sabbotaging myself!!! Why, I have no clue!
Tracy, sorry I missed you! I was reading back through and saw that I did miss someone! I'm glad to hear that your massages are helping. That's what I'm counting on in my case as well. And they sure do hurt! YIKES! But the results are worth the discomfort!
Barbara... you're not the only one who preferred the company of a pillow to a workout this morning... I do have to swim tonight, but will need to make up this morning's run tomorrow. Ugh.
And, as you know, I've strugged with the eating/weight gain (particularly bc of injury - but it's been a lifetime struggle)... it's tough to knock out the bad habits (or get back into the good ones). I listened to the nutrition webcast and had an ah-ha, kick myself in the ass moment... I definitely still struggle, but not having the crap food in my house helps as does packing my lunch (which is now a lot more salad with protein) - so my choices are good because there is no other choice and the portion is controlled (really, that's my biggest struggle). But you have to want to make the change to your lifestyle (I do not use the word "diet" because that's not what it is, it's about making "right" lifestyle choices) because YOU want it... not because you should or it's good for you, or someone tells you to... that will never stick. I know it's hard... I'm rooting for you!
@Tracy and everyone else... (sorry I didn't take notes) - hope you're all on the mend. I know there are some calf issues, some knee issues (and apparently Barbara and I have pains in the ass - not to be confused with Barbara and I being pains in the ass).
Trying to add some positive thinking to all those injured out there. Quick bio, I've been injured for about 4 years. Torn meniscus in the right knee, led to almost total loss of articular cartilage, which led to my second surgery of microfracture. I will say that I thought my running days were lost. I did IMLP last year with LSD and felt terrible for every run. After hooking up with a few weeks of EN OS plans, leaving da haus for a couple of months, making up my own plans based on what I had, and rejoining, I will tell you that persistence, consistency, and speed work has really turned me around (that and a lot of ice). Now, I won't lie, I'm only averaging 2x's a week and will bump it up to 3 this week, but I have dropped from a 8:44 mile to easily completing 2 7 minute miles tonight with a little bit of effort. What I am saying is that your body will find a way to adapt and your spirit will certainly makeup for the rest. Now I have no illusions of running low 6's or into the 5's and don't care, the fact that I am running what I am right now has me completely stoked. So, keep at it, use a lot of ice, and be patient by listening to your joints. If your not feeling it, swim or bike instead, but I promise that consistency will catch up and you'll be back on your feet.
thanks for the pep talk, Dan - what a nice note! And congrats on the great running... I'm able to do sub 9's comfortably again (not quite at my half mary PR pace yet, but getting back into it), but the thought of 2 7s, well... I'm not there yet! Good to keep it all in perspective and to keep our attititudes healthy, too!
As for my, my hand is getting there - but after riding sat I was stiff, stiff, stiff... my range of motion and ability to grip has improved a lot but it's not easy or painless... and my bike mojo is still low... but I'm definitely thankful for what I can do - which is just about everything... I'm not in my old shape, but I'm well along on the comeback trail!
update: I saw the CHT/OT for, possibly, the last time last week (I see the hand doc today) and she said I tested in the "functional" range in all areas and, with passive pressure, I was in the "normal" range for everything! That's good and made her happy - she thinks over time I'll be A-OK. What I care about is (1) that I can ride without much pain (still gets stiff during the ride and I have to remember to stretch it out)... and it recovers from a long ride so much better than a few weeks ago and (2) I can swim without any problems ... all good news! I think I'm clear to take myself off injured reserve! Columbia is this weekend... I think I could have done it, but in all honesty I'm glad I scratched. Did my first hilly ride last weekend. The hand did okay on the work up the hill and the breaking/white knucking on the one steep descent down (most of the hills were okay/fun... one was long and curvy and I did not enjoy it at all)... but my mojo on descents just isn't there (that's a factor of my crash last Aug, not my hand surgery)... but the handling skills are slowly coming back...
How is everyone else?
Barbara? How did the 5/8 race go? how are your hammies?
Tracy - how are the knees?
Nemo - I know your doing ToC and have made huge strides with your calves...
Josh - hope you have a new surgery date (that isn't too far away)! And I hope you're keeping your chin up... waiting stinks!
anyone else? I'm sure I'm forgetting lots of folks...
Great news Becky! Hope visit with hand surgeon is just as good!
I am having a better week with my knee this week, last week was pretty achy, but some good stretching, feels better. Just got back from my chiro/ART guy, feels better. I really need to keep up with the massages to keep things well oiled ( Some days when i gt up, I feel like the tin man ) I still pan to do Columbia this weekend . Last saturday, I was having my doubts, but a better day on Sunday riding on the course, felt better so I'm going for it. My times will be slow i'm sure, but to do it will make my day. Then maybe I can come off injured list with caution
Just a quick update - I don't want to jinx myself but I've been doing really well from an injury management standpoint. I had the epidural steriod injection for a herniated disc back in February. That didn't really resolve all the issues, but that along with lots of time off from running/biking, plus lots of hip strengthening exercise and lots of work from a manual therapist on my SI alignment and a massage therapist on my muscles, all of that has made a big difference. I rarely have any symptoms (pain/tingling/numbess in buttock and down leg), and it's not at all limiting my training. Lots of other things in life are limiting my training, but at least not the injury!
Josh - I'm so PISSED at your insurance company. They suck. Are you good to go now, with a new date for surgery? Becky - sounds like things are really progressing well. just try to not focus on the internal suture issue...keep it positive! Barb - those piriformis issues can be really chronic...keep taking good care of it. A good PT or massage therapist should be able to really get at the deep tissues, but also have to be careful so that the manual work doesn't further aggravate it. But might want to have someone check out your SI alignment, which is often a contributing factor. Glad to hear the acupuncture helped so much! Tracy - how's the knee doing after the bike fit? Nemo - nice work getting the calf healthy again! sorry if i missed anyone...
I have a slow healing ankle sprain and have started deep water running. Do you substitute your regular run work-out for DWR and just use perceived effort and duration? Like 2 x 1.5 mile (5')?
@George, I will defer to Nemo and some of the other folks who had to do a lot of pool running ... but there is a wiki on the subject with lots of cool links (I wasn't able to do it when I had a bum ankle because my pool doesn't have a deep end). Good luck, here's to recovery!
After my swim last night, I did 2 sets of 6x 1:30 hard, 30 sec east with 2 min recovery between sets. It gives you a good workout . So i will use the chart above to get ideas on what to do. You probably could go for the time it would take you do 1.5 miles. i find I like the shorter interval times, but maybe higher numbers of reps because I hold my from and concentration better for shorter ones. then try to make my time equal what it would if I were outside running. I tend to go by perceived exertion also
Check out the wiki on pool running, some good stuff
My knee does like my new fitting better! It was a great investment! overall knee doing better. The beginning of my ride sunday, things were achy for about 20-25 min- seemed more patella, then my Pes. I still need work in my hips both flexibility and strength. I also think I need to do some patella mobilizations. I just saw my ART guy and things were tight in SI area, which was probably throwing off my chain on R. It just goes to show, i need to stay on top of the massages. they help the most. Overall, I am heading in right direction. Up to about 40-45 minutes of running. On my long run days, I do a mix of running and pool running. I am also getting on treadmill to work on my fast walking
@Michele - woo hoo, good news. I'm sending good karma your way...
@Tracy - double woo hoo! sa-weet! looking forward to seeing you at Columbia! I plan to wear the red 4 keys shirt and be milling around... never been to a race to cheer before, should be fun! I agree with regular massages and chiropractic care to keep things well lubed and working smoothly! So glad your knee is cooperating!
Oh, and the hand doc spent practically no time with me yesterday (annoying) but is happy - doesn't think PT is necessary, and doesn't want to see me for another 4 months at which point she'll order more x-rays. She did say that she is really amazed at my progress, and that she was sure I'd need a second surgery for the repair... and that my recovery was a testament to my hard work (not her surgical skills). Woot!
Achilles tendon update: I went jogging yesterday for the first time since the injury four weeks ago. 1.5 miles at a slow 8:30 pace, slight pain during the run though it didn't interfere with my range of motion. Iced it immediately afterward, had a slight limp for a few hours but by the evening I was fine. I'm going to start extending the distance now, but no speed work until I can run pain-free. I'm hopeful I can complete the 4-mile run leg at my next sprint tri in 2 weeks. Maybe by the next event at the beginning of July I'll be back to full speed?
Though the injury was to my right tendon, PT is finding the issues are actually with my left leg and foot: flattened arch, overpronation, harder foot strike, relative weakness. It seems the leg length difference is more functional than structural. He suspects the weak left leg is showing up on the bike as well, setting me up for an eventual repetitive injury as my right leg compensates. The good news is, as a solution he recommended that I get a CompuTrainer for the SpinScan feature. A prescription for a CT, that's the ticket!
Thanks to all of you who gave me support and treatment recommendations - I've recovered faster than I expected, thanks to you, and hope to actually come out of this stronger.
Well, after all this great mojo I've been trying to give, I'm out of commission right now. My back went out yesterday morning, everything was painful but manageable. This morning, I was literally screaming with pain for 45 minutes, a trip to the ER, some good drugs, and a diagnosis of disc disease in my lower lumbar region. Next, Dr., MRI, specialist. I have no idea how long I'll be out for... hopefully not forever. Keep hammering everyone and send me what mojo you can spare.
@Kevin - love that Rx...good luck. Also love that your slow run is 8:30... that's my Z3. Ha ha. Although I've improved, so much so that a 9mm is a very comfortable pace for me. Anyway, please please please don't push it too much. Come back slowly to be sure you're ready!
@Dan - oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that. Glad you got to a doc right away and I hope it's a quck fix. A guy I dated a few years ago back went out. All he could do was lay flat on his back on the living room floor - until surgery. He had a discetomy or something like that and he was walking pain free after he woke up... it was amazing. Good luck and hang in there!
also reporting good news: shoulder/arm pain finally went away with a steroid shot, antiinflamm and also PT. Massage yesterday proves that it is "still there" but is manageable. will swim today. piriformis/IT is also manageable. and my running was 26 miles last week. you can poke on it and make me scream! but honestly so much better and I can sit in the car without wiggling about. so right now..? I have had 4 weeks of solid training and cut out anything that doesn't feel right. I started trying to get fixed back in September 09! so thru May 10!
Hay guys... I had to turn of EN for a few months so i could focus on NOT being a triathlete, but a good recovering patient. Thanks for all of your well wishes and support during this advanture.
After long VERY aggressive dialoging with the insurance company I finally received approval the 4 procedures; Sports Hernia, labral tear repair, hip impingement de-boneing and an adducter release. PICS to come. The surgeon said that there was a significant tear and couldn't believe that the insurance company fought with me. The sports hernia was also significant but the insurance company approved that procedure almost immediately. funny... but its over now. I have made it through the dark time and am on my road to recovery...
The recovery is going well. I took over 3 weeks off from work and most of that was at our cabin. Has anyone heard of "Game Ready?" ( Its a compression/iceing garment that works GREAT!!! I lived in mine for 3 weeks and helped immensely with my recovery. If any one has an opportunity to use one spend the $ DO IT!!
I began running last week and I was BLAZING fast (12:15 min/mile) pace for 1/8 mile and walked the rest for a total of 1 mile. LOL..Bottom line, I am running and totally taking it easy. The tri bike in beautifully mounted on the wall and my Road bike is getting some sweet action. After taking almost 5mo off from all endurance activities (besides long Z3 conversations with the insurance company), ridding for more then 60 min is a challenge. On a good note, on a casual ride to church at 5am my 40 min PNORM was 224. That's only a 11W drop from my FTP in JAN 09' so there is hope!!
Besides focusing on recovery, work has dominated my life and my kids are going to bed before me. (When i was in FULL ON mode i was going to bed the same time if not before my kids.) I am looking for ward to meeting some of the new team members and re-connecting everyone else. se ya around!!!
BTW if want the latest Video from me, go to my face book page and look for "nurf gun tooth extraction."
Thanks for the update Josh- been following you on FB and very happy to see you are progressing with the recovery! BTW- that tooth extraction vid was the bomb!
My calf is doing quite well. I actually have a little tight tug in my hamstring which I need to work on, but I don't think it's anything serious. Just gotta school myself some more with Leigh's fantastic website. If you haven't checked it out yet, be sure you do!
Becky, I hope your hand continues to improve, and you hammie too! Dare I make the joke that we are a bunch of tight-assed athletes?? Literally!!??
Hope I didn't miss anyone! I hear you about the mojo waning. My pillow was more attractive to me this morning than the Master's swim I was all packed and ready to do! I am so mad at myself! Now I have to go at 6:30 tonight, after working until 6:00. Not my most energetic nor productive time of day. I need a swift kick in the butt from the team, to stop eating like a Sumo Wrestler, and get up and moving!!! Please feel free to give a huge kick! I need it!!!!! It's like I'm sabbotaging myself!!! Why, I have no clue!
Barbara... you're not the only one who preferred the company of a pillow to a workout this morning... I do have to swim tonight, but will need to make up this morning's run tomorrow. Ugh.
And, as you know, I've strugged with the eating/weight gain (particularly bc of injury - but it's been a lifetime struggle)... it's tough to knock out the bad habits (or get back into the good ones). I listened to the nutrition webcast and had an ah-ha, kick myself in the ass moment... I definitely still struggle, but not having the crap food in my house helps as does packing my lunch (which is now a lot more salad with protein) - so my choices are good because there is no other choice and the portion is controlled (really, that's my biggest struggle). But you have to want to make the change to your lifestyle (I do not use the word "diet" because that's not what it is, it's about making "right" lifestyle choices) because YOU want it... not because you should or it's good for you, or someone tells you to... that will never stick. I know it's hard... I'm rooting for you!
@Tracy and everyone else... (sorry I didn't take notes) - hope you're all on the mend. I know there are some calf issues, some knee issues (and apparently Barbara and I have pains in the ass - not to be confused with Barbara and I being pains in the ass).
Trying to add some positive thinking to all those injured out there. Quick bio, I've been injured for about 4 years. Torn meniscus in the right knee, led to almost total loss of articular cartilage, which led to my second surgery of microfracture. I will say that I thought my running days were lost. I did IMLP last year with LSD and felt terrible for every run. After hooking up with a few weeks of EN OS plans, leaving da haus for a couple of months, making up my own plans based on what I had, and rejoining, I will tell you that persistence, consistency, and speed work has really turned me around (that and a lot of ice). Now, I won't lie, I'm only averaging 2x's a week and will bump it up to 3 this week, but I have dropped from a 8:44 mile to easily completing 2 7 minute miles tonight with a little bit of effort. What I am saying is that your body will find a way to adapt and your spirit will certainly makeup for the rest. Now I have no illusions of running low 6's or into the 5's and don't care, the fact that I am running what I am right now has me completely stoked. So, keep at it, use a lot of ice, and be patient by listening to your joints. If your not feeling it, swim or bike instead, but I promise that consistency will catch up and you'll be back on your feet.
thanks for the pep talk, Dan - what a nice note! And congrats on the great running... I'm able to do sub 9's comfortably again (not quite at my half mary PR pace yet, but getting back into it), but the thought of 2 7s, well... I'm not there yet! Good to keep it all in perspective and to keep our attititudes healthy, too!
As for my, my hand is getting there - but after riding sat I was stiff, stiff, stiff... my range of motion and ability to grip has improved a lot but it's not easy or painless... and my bike mojo is still low... but I'm definitely thankful for what I can do - which is just about everything... I'm not in my old shape, but I'm well along on the comeback trail!
Thank you Becky, hope any little bit helps. Hope your hand is on the up and up... we'll all get there!
How is everyone else?
Barbara? How did the 5/8 race go? how are your hammies?
Tracy - how are the knees?
Nemo - I know your doing ToC and have made huge strides with your calves...
Josh - hope you have a new surgery date (that isn't too far away)! And I hope you're keeping your chin up... waiting stinks!
anyone else? I'm sure I'm forgetting lots of folks...
Great news Becky! Hope visit with hand surgeon is just as good!
I am having a better week with my knee this week, last week was pretty achy, but some good stretching, feels better. Just got back from my chiro/ART guy, feels better. I really need to keep up with the massages to keep things well oiled ( Some days when i gt up, I feel like the tin man
) I still pan to do Columbia this weekend . Last saturday, I was having my doubts, but a better day on Sunday riding on the course, felt better so I'm going for it. My times will be slow i'm sure, but to do it will make my day. Then maybe I can come off injured list with caution
Hope everyone else is doing well
Josh- any news on new date?
Just a quick update - I don't want to jinx myself but I've been doing really well from an injury management standpoint. I had the epidural steriod injection for a herniated disc back in February. That didn't really resolve all the issues, but that along with lots of time off from running/biking, plus lots of hip strengthening exercise and lots of work from a manual therapist on my SI alignment and a massage therapist on my muscles, all of that has made a big difference. I rarely have any symptoms (pain/tingling/numbess in buttock and down leg), and it's not at all limiting my training. Lots of other things in life are limiting my training, but at least not the injury!
Josh - I'm so PISSED at your insurance company. They suck. Are you good to go now, with a new date for surgery?
Becky - sounds like things are really progressing well. just try to not focus on the internal suture issue...keep it positive!
Barb - those piriformis issues can be really chronic...keep taking good care of it. A good PT or massage therapist should be able to really get at the deep tissues, but also have to be careful so that the manual work doesn't further aggravate it. But might want to have someone check out your SI alignment, which is often a contributing factor. Glad to hear the acupuncture helped so much!
Tracy - how's the knee doing after the bike fit?
Nemo - nice work getting the calf healthy again!
sorry if i missed anyone...
I have a slow healing ankle sprain and have started deep water running. Do you substitute your regular run work-out for DWR and just use perceived effort and duration? Like 2 x 1.5 mile (5')?
I use this workout guide
After my swim last night, I did 2 sets of 6x 1:30 hard, 30 sec east with 2 min recovery between sets. It gives you a good workout . So i will use the chart above to get ideas on what to do. You probably could go for the time it would take you do 1.5 miles. i find I like the shorter interval times, but maybe higher numbers of reps because I hold my from and concentration better for shorter ones. then try to make my time equal what it would if I were outside running. I tend to go by perceived exertion also
Check out the wiki on pool running, some good stuff
@ Michele- Glad things are working again.
My knee does like my new fitting better! It was a great investment! overall knee doing better. The beginning of my ride sunday, things were achy for about 20-25 min- seemed more patella, then my Pes. I still need work in my hips both flexibility and strength. I also think I need to do some patella mobilizations. I just saw my ART guy and things were tight in SI area, which was probably throwing off my chain on R. It just goes to show, i need to stay on top of the massages. they help the most. Overall, I am heading in right direction. Up to about 40-45 minutes of running. On my long run days, I do a mix of running and pool running. I am also getting on treadmill to work on my fast walking
@Michele - woo hoo, good news. I'm sending good karma your way...
@Tracy - double woo hoo! sa-weet! looking forward to seeing you at Columbia! I plan to wear the red 4 keys shirt and be milling around... never been to a race to cheer before, should be fun! I agree with regular massages and chiropractic care to keep things well lubed and working smoothly! So glad your knee is cooperating!
Oh, and the hand doc spent practically no time with me yesterday (annoying) but is happy - doesn't think PT is necessary, and doesn't want to see me for another 4 months at which point she'll order more x-rays. She did say that she is really amazed at my progress, and that she was sure I'd need a second surgery for the repair... and that my recovery was a testament to my hard work (not her surgical skills). Woot!

Though the injury was to my right tendon, PT is finding the issues are actually with my left leg and foot: flattened arch, overpronation, harder foot strike, relative weakness. It seems the leg length difference is more functional than structural. He suspects the weak left leg is showing up on the bike as well, setting me up for an eventual repetitive injury as my right leg compensates. The good news is, as a solution he recommended that I get a CompuTrainer for the SpinScan feature. A prescription for a CT, that's the ticket!
Thanks to all of you who gave me support and treatment recommendations - I've recovered faster than I expected, thanks to you, and hope to actually come out of this stronger.
Well, after all this great mojo I've been trying to give, I'm out of commission right now. My back went out yesterday morning, everything was painful but manageable. This morning, I was literally screaming with pain for 45 minutes, a trip to the ER, some good drugs, and a diagnosis of disc disease in my lower lumbar region. Next, Dr., MRI, specialist. I have no idea how long I'll be out for... hopefully not forever. Keep hammering everyone and send me what mojo you can spare.
@Kevin - love that Rx...good luck. Also love that your slow run is 8:30... that's my Z3. Ha ha. Although I've improved, so much so that a 9mm is a very comfortable pace for me. Anyway, please please please don't push it too much. Come back slowly to be sure you're ready!
@Dan - oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that. Glad you got to a doc right away and I hope it's a quck fix. A guy I dated a few years ago back went out. All he could do was lay flat on his back on the living room floor - until surgery. He had a discetomy or something like that and he was walking pain free after he woke up... it was amazing. Good luck and hang in there!
Hay guys... I had to turn of EN for a few months so i could focus on NOT being a triathlete, but a good recovering patient. Thanks for all of your well wishes and support during this advanture.
After long VERY aggressive dialoging with the insurance company I finally received approval the 4 procedures; Sports Hernia, labral tear repair, hip impingement de-boneing and an adducter release. PICS to come. The surgeon said that there was a significant tear and couldn't believe that the insurance company fought with me. The sports hernia was also significant but the insurance company approved that procedure almost immediately. funny... but its over now. I have made it through the dark time and am on my road to recovery...
The recovery is going well. I took over 3 weeks off from work and most of that was at our cabin. Has anyone heard of "Game Ready?" ( Its a compression/iceing garment that works GREAT!!! I lived in mine for 3 weeks and helped immensely with my recovery. If any one has an opportunity to use one spend the $ DO IT!!
I began running last week and I was BLAZING fast (12:15 min/mile) pace for 1/8 mile and walked the rest for a total of 1 mile. LOL..Bottom line, I am running and totally taking it easy. The tri bike in beautifully mounted on the wall and my Road bike is getting some sweet action. After taking almost 5mo off from all endurance activities (besides long Z3 conversations with the insurance company), ridding for more then 60 min is a challenge. On a good note, on a casual ride to church at 5am my 40 min PNORM was 224. That's only a 11W drop from my FTP in JAN 09' so there is hope!!
Besides focusing on recovery, work has dominated my life and my kids are going to bed before me. (When i was in FULL ON mode i was going to bed the same time if not before my kids.) I am looking for ward to meeting some of the new team members and re-connecting everyone else. se ya around!!!
BTW if want the latest Video from me, go to my face book page and look for "nurf gun tooth extraction."
As for me, i'm trying to rehab some tendon tenderness in my knee...going slower than I would like.