Well... every time the phone rang today, I jumped, anxiously awaiting the results. Sure enough, during a BIG meeting, the Dr. called. I excused myself, and listened to every word the that Dr. uttered. Bottom line, labral tear requiring sugary. I'd rather have a hernia, the recovery time is shorter. I have a appointment on Monday3:00 with the surgeon.
Looks like i am taking up residence in this thread for 8-12 weeks of recovery. LETS PARTY!!!!!
Noodle: Labral tear of the hip (not the shoulder), right? Ouch!! Sorry this happened to you. Keep us updated about your treatment. Sending healing vibes your way!!
ugh, Josh. the dreaded labral tear. perspective is so relative isn't it? sports hernia sounded so bad before...
I'll be really interested to hear what the surgeon has to say. It's only recently (relatively speaking) that hip labral tears have been repaired using arthroscopic surgery. Not sure if your surgeon will do it that way or not. I actually know a couple of people who have flown out to Vail, CO to have labral repairs performed by the guy who pioneered the arthroscopic procedure...Dr. Marc Philippon. But it's gotten to be a much more common procedure over the past few years.
I'm sure it feels like such a bummer to find out this unfortunate diagnosis...but hopefully you can at least appreciate the fact that you now know what's causing the pain, and will soon know exactly how it will be fixed! Keep up the positive outlook. Now you have a really good excuse to spend time on core work and anything non-triathlon that's important in your life.
Well Josh, at least we now know what you are up against and can put a plan together to keep you sane during the recovery! Take some time to check out the "What have you read lately" thread and put in a nice big order at Amazon!! We'll be here to help you through.
Noodle, I'm glad you finally got the diagnosis. It may not be the news you wanted to hear but it helps so much to have a game plan to fix the exact problem. FWIW, I've known a couple people who have had sports hernias and had the surgery done to repair them. It took them quite a bit longer than 8 weeks to feel somewhat normal again, several still aren't normal after 6+ months. I haven't known anyone with a labral tear that required surgery but I did a little reading on the subject after I read your post and came across some forums with runners who have had LTs and the arthroscopic surgery. Bottom line...you'll be fine. Many of these runners were healed up enough to run normally within the 8 week timeframe, many sooner than that, and have had no recurrence of symptoms. Below is one such forum post from someone who had the surgery and there were many more like it (this one came from coolrunning.com):
"I had arthroscopic surgery for a torn labrum in November of 2004, and I'm so glad I had it done. It took 2 years to finally get a diagnosis for the hip pain I was having (I can't even tell you how many orthopedic doctors, PT's, chiropractors, etc., not to mention how many MRI's I had), but I finally went to the right doctor who knew right away what it was. The surgery was a breeze. It was day surgery. I was literally walking with ZERO pain in 2 days. The first day after the surgery I was sore, but I could not believe how I felt when I woke up the second day. I was told not to run for 6 to 8 weeks, and that was seriously all it took. I felt like I could have run sooner, but I thought it would be smart to listen to the doctor. During that time I was able to do the elliptical, bike, swim... anything that didn't cause impact."
You're going to fine dude! And you're going to come back stronger than ever.
Jim, thanks for your MOJO. Your post really made my day today and helped me put things in perspective. I did a lot of research last night and even say a video of the sugary. CRAZY STUFF!!! Good thing it only took me 2 doctors to find the REAL problem.
9 weeks post op doc visit: hand surgeon doesn't want to see me for a month (first I was seeing her weekly, and then bi-weekly once the stitches came out)... in that time I can start weaning myself off of the brace (in the next 2 weeks)! She is very happy with how well my finger is flexing and extending considering the nature of the infection and the extent of damage done to the tendon. Her guess is one more month of PT! No mention of the need for a second surgery to scrape the scar tissue or deal with any other issues! Let's hope!
While this is very welcome news, I'm not out of the woods. I've been in PT 4 or 5 weeks now and the OHT said it may be 6 months before normal use . . . but I'm happy with how it's coming along (and she's happy with my progess...I've been doing my PT at home religiously). I'm optimistic I'll be good to go for my first race in May (Columbia), assuming I don't scratch it b/c of HIM training for my A race in June... so continue to send good karma my way... I'm seeing a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. If only I could get off the "drainer" as Nemo put it... sadly, that's not in the cards for me yet... hopefully I can start building on my 250m swimming/kicking routine and start kicking less and less. Dare to dream!
OK, the verdict is in. I have a sports hernia and a labral tear. On a good note, the guy doing the surgery is the surgeon for the Minnesota Vikings. As of now I am scheduled for April 14th. One LONG month away, just enough time for me to gain a few more LBS. Factoring in recovery of at least 12 weeks, my 2010 season is officially over before it started. I am trying to contact the race directors to get some of my $ back from races that I already registered for. Most of them are letting me use the entry for 2011, but you know the policy (NO REFUNDS). Oh well... I have already received a recovery plan from my physical therapist who has been a total Godsend during this entire process. I think that between her and every one here in EN, I'll be in a good place mentally when i come out the other end.
@ Michele, he will be repairing the tear and hernia arthroscopicly.
Becky- you'll absolutely be strong enough for Columbia. You just need a few weeks before hand to get out on real roads so you get the feel of those hills. The reall issue is just being able to hold onto those handlebars for some of those decents (in particular, thinking about that curvy one at the top of the loop right before the dam).
Josh- Hey, 12 weeks doesn't kill an entire season buddy!! You'll have a whole Fall/Winter season of stuff you can do! Might not be Tri's but certainly running, time trials, maybe some cyclecross, and of course skiing again! We're not gonna let this ruin your entire year! Just a little set back.
Nemo, thanks for the vote of confidence The deadline to withdraw was this past Monday. I was really torn, but decided to bag it - even if my hand is A-OK (I hope), I'll need the time to get ready for EM. My beau is racing so I'll be there cheering... and will have to figure out how to get my stuff done that day (whatever it will be). Having a bad hand day today - it's super tight but all in all, it's improved a lot. Only having PT once this week (tomorrow) b/c I couldn't get on her schedule. Time to do it now, over my lunch.
Josh, I second Nemo's sentiments! Hang in there! I'm sending speedy recovery thoughts your way. So glad you've got the best doc possible!
Hi all, it's been a while since anyone has posted here, which I hope means good news for the injured athletes!
Just wanted to give you some happy news/a progress report on the hand:
1) I did my entire swim this past week swimming. I never felt the need to switch to kicking. Granted, I did take a break every 500 but my hand did okay. I'm going to try to do it again tonight, but am bringing the kickboard and zoomers just in case.
2) doing PT on my own last night I was able to bend my finger in and touch my palm for the first time! Granted it was after a heating pad, massage, and while I was doing the glide exercises in warm water - so it was good and warmed up - but I touched my palm (I was so excited I called my beau into the bathroom to look at it). It wasn't without "pain," but I was thrilled. I can't do it when my hand is "cold" - but I do notice the range of motion is improving and the swelling is slightly better - which I think means the massages is getting some of the scar tissue to break down so circulation is improving (slowly). I have another PT session with the therapist tomorrow and she's going to take measurements (first time since my initial eval). Let's hope I can leave the pain cave and get outside on my bike. heck, if this weekend is as nice as last, I just might move my bike to my patio so I can at least pretend to be outside... I'm sure that will make my neighbors wonder what the heck is wrong with me!.
3) my ankle is feeling stronger... wait, my ankle? yes, that was a new problem that came up 1.5 weeks ago. I suspect from doing too much too soon to ramp up for a half mary. I scratched the half mary and haven't run in a few days - resting, icing, doing some stabilization exercises... it's feeling pretty good and I think I'll try a brick tomorrow and, if all goes well, today's run will be Friday.
I hope everyone else is on the mend and doing well!
Becky-> its amazing how happy the little things can make you. Congrats on your progress.
Update: I have had 1 MRI and did a CT. Its confirmed that I have a sports hernia, a labral tear and right hip impingement. Surgery is scheduled for Friday, April 23. The good news is that I have the 2 of the best surgeons in MN doing the procedures at the same time. Something interesting/funny happened while I was scheduling everything. The nurse considered me an ELITE athlete at put me at the top of the list. Apparently, he schedules about 2-3 mo out. I feel loved.
Now its time to focus on not going crazy before and after the surgery. Seeing everyone progress here, is motivating me to get recovered quickly!!
Elite? Oh that must have made you feel warm and fuzzy all over!!! :-)
Just an update from me. I had a little "niggle" in my calf earlier this week which was giving me pause. I was a little worried that things were backsliding again. But good time with the roller, stretching, and rest seem to have done the trick and I'm back making progress again. Tomorrow will be my second 2x15' run with a 1' walk in between. If that goes well I'm going for 2x20 next!
Josh... 4/23, that will be here before you know it then you'll be on the road to recovery. An elite athlete, sweet! No one I've met has called me an elite athlete, I think they think I'm mentally ill when, with a chestnut sized swell on my hand I'm asking when I can swim and bike...
Nemo, how'd the 2x15 go?
My second swim went successfully. I logged 1750m total, with breaks. Not at all a fast pace (ea 500 was about 9:30), but I'm good with that - not too far off my warm up pace from starting off last spring.
@Becky - Happy to hear of your progress! Stay smart.
@Josh - MAN! That hip area is all jacked up. But as an elite athlete with the best surgeons around you're going to bounce back from this quickly. Take that discipline you use in your training and apply it to your family and life's other priorities before the surgery and to healing up properly (rest, good nutrition, listen to the body, heed the doctors' advice) after the surgery.
I feel that I can officially graduate out of the Injured Athletes group now (knock on wood) after a couple weeks of intense running with no ill-effects of the stress fracture. It sounds like many of you are right on my heals. Continue to be smart about coming back slowly. You didn't lose as much fitness as you may think.
Woo hoo- congrats Jim. Fairwell my friend, we llove ya- but I hope you don't return!!!!
Becky- that 2x15 went really well so I was able to test out 2x20 today. That also went well! I'm going to do another 2x20 before I bump it up another notch.
Josh- you are progressing toward a solution, and the road to recovery. Awesome on the Elite athlete status Those OR times can be difficult to book. Glad they could do both at same time.
Jim-great news on graduation
Nemo and Becky- Also great news for you guys. Becky, you are really moving along .Nemo, great news on 2x20. What is your next step?
I also had a "niggle" back down right away. so back at it. Today, my sister video taped me running so I could send to Leigh. So I did about 2 min at a time, no problems. I think I was still doing too much at first, and then running at a faster pace then what I should have. Going over that now for Leigh help me analyze. Unfortunately, because it is a hamstring tendon, sometimes biking will bother it. IM lake placid is only 4 months away now. We shall see. I am also going to do Columbia. Plan to run walk the run. Hopefully by the end of May, will be doing more running than walking. This week I am starting up with Masters swimming. Just can't push myself enough when I am by myself in pool
keep up the good work everyone. Josh, Hang in there. 4/23 will be here before you know it. keep us posted
Thought I'd touch base to see how everyone is doing... Josh, your surgery is right around the corner, please keep us posted. How are you doing?
Tomer, Jim - how are you... from OS it seems like you're kicking tail, Jim!
Looking very forward to meeting you this weekend, Tracy! My first outside ride since last October... I can't wait (but I'm terrified all the same).
So, I saw the hand doc yesterday after a month... here's my update: she took measurements, pictures, and all that jazz. I showed her one sticking point of the scar - and told her that the therapist and I are working like crazy to get the scar tissue to let up (the rest of the scar area is very loose and the scar tissue seems to be gone/no sticking of the tendon to the tissue).. The doc thinks the skin may be held down by an internal stitch... she wants me to get an x-ray so she can see how close to the surface the suture is. Anyway, she said that if that's the problem and it impedes further progess I may need to have surgery to remove the sutures. Actually, she mentioned that I may need to have surgery to remove the sutures anyway b.c they may not hold forever. Apparently she has one patient where a stitch broke and it's sticking out of his hand. That sounds lovely. they're stainless steel - which, I guess, aren't used that much anymore - but she used them because of all the infection going on in the joint, she wanted to be sure the stitch didn't get eaten up by the bacteria, etc. So, anyway, I asked about timing and how long I'd be out of it if I have another surgery b/c I have races coming up... she really didn't answer but said I shouldn't worry about it now. It might hold... and if it does, I should have my summer fun and we can deal with it later. I then informed her my summer "fun" was a HIM in June, one in August and a full IM the first week of November... so, assuming my stitches hold, I'll be going back under the knife in December to remove the steel sutures in my hand. She doesn't think the new scar tissue will be a big issue (like it has been this past few months) because my hand will be mobile the whole time, not restricted or in a brace for 8 weeks.... Great, so now I have something new to worry about...my stitch popping out of my hand. Racing IMFL with that would be sweet... On the up side, she thinks my getting back into my routine (of running, biking, swimming, living) might be the best PT possible - it may just loosen up more on it's own with so much use. The dimple may not cause me any problems at all (I can make a fist when my hand is warmed up...) and the suture may hold for a while...
So, that's that. From a cat bite. Insane. As I noted earlier, I'm finally ready to get outside on my bike. I'll be heading to Cambridge to ride the EM course with some DC Tri club peeps and Tracy (if not others from EN). I'm nervous but excited. Assuming it's not ridiculously windy I should be okay with the hand... haven't ridden in a very long time, hope the legs are ready for 3 hours in the saddle... I hope all this trainer time will convert well...
Becky- the news of another surgery must have just sunk your heart! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you can get through IMFL without going under the knife again!! Good luck with your ride in Cambridge- hopefully the winds won't be too bad!!
How is everyone else doing? Pretty sure most of you have seen that I'm now able to run (really really slow) 1 hour strait. I feel fairly confident that I'll be able to get through Eagleman- it won't be my fastest or prettiest race, but I should be able to finish. I'll take it.
Becky- oh no! Hopefully that stitch will hold out til December. Will send positive thoughts.
I am excited to meet and ride with you this weekend. I am sure you will be fine from the trainer rides! I was inconsistent on trainer, did ok on a 2 hour hilly ride last weekend. It will be fun to have other people around. Getting ready to run 4x 5 min (1), so far it has been going well, no pain. The deep tissue massages I have been getting alst few weeks are making a HUGE difference. The massages Hurt, but it is what is needed
Josh-good luck on surgery next week, keep us posted!
The deep tissue massages I have been getting alst few weeks are making a HUGE difference. The massages Hurt, but it is what is needed
Way to go Tracy! You'll be catching me in no time! I couldn't agree more on the massages. They are NOT my idea of "fun" or "relaxing" but I do believe they are helping me. But expensive I've already set the stage with my guy that I'll back down to once every other week soon and hopefully that will be enough (with me supplimenting with the foam roller and TP ball) to keep me healthy.
@ Nemo-Have a membership at Massage Envy in Columbia, MD. I was forgetting to schedule them so have a bunch built up. The girl that has been doing them goes deep which is what I need. Definitely not a relaxing massage. Have few more then will go every other week until IMLP, then back to monthly.
Need to be more consistent in my rolling and stretching though.
That is great you are now running an hour. I can't wait to be there Off for my 4x5(1) min runs
Hi all! I have read back through the last couple of pages of this forum. So sorry to hear of the surgeries and torn things! But, so happy to hear of the recoveries that are happening, and know that the surgeries will go well, and healing process will begin!
I have been dealing with a nasty piriformis/hamstring for the last month. P.T. hasn't helped a whole lot, since it is so hard to get down deep into that muscle. I have rollered it and didnt' have much success. However, yesterday I went to P.T., where I had my p.t.'s elbow in my piriformis, ice and electrical stim, and stretches. Following that, I had acupuncture for the same problem. The needles were at LEAST 10 inches long. Hurt like hell, getting them into the muscle, but I relaxed and it didn't bother me for the 15 min. or so I had them in. Now, taking them out was another story... Ouch! But, (no pun intended! the huge knot that has been there for a month, feels like it is either gone, or much, much smaller! They also did cupping and moxibustion on me. I can actually walk today, without feeling like my left cheek is holding me back! I have been going to this Chinese Medicine clinic for several years, off and on, and they have helped me with everything I've gone there to get help with. I highly suggest acupuncture from a reputable, licensed acupuncturist, if you have maladies that are not working themselves out! It generally does not hurt, is really relaxing, and most of all, works!
Barbara- glad the acupuncture helps. I had my 1st experience with it in Haiti, the anesthesiologist I worked with my 2nd week did it since i was having a hard time eating and it helped. The needles she used on me were small though.
the massage person i have been seeing seems to get in there, takes some time but she gets in there, would also help. Hope the knot continues to go down/get better
Thanks Tracy and Becky! I hope you are doing well! Happy Friday to all, and I hope everyone is on the mend! I'm doing a 10 miler, hilly, tomorrow. We'll see if my left hammie holds out. It has been whining today. I'm back in next week for the myo facial massage and acupuncture! It's the roller for me tonight! @ Tracy, usually I have the smaller needles too. In all the years I've done acup. off and on, I've never had these long ones! My acupuncturist said they have to use the long ones to get deep into the muscle. It felt like they did too!
Becky, now you know why I hate cats... after reading it sounds like we have one graduate out of this thread and 1 freshman. Barbara, "how you feeling now?"
Here is my summary, I received a phone call 24 hours before my surgery from my insurance company telling me that they are not approving the procedure. I'm not going to go into too much detail here but I went postal. I had arranged to be not working for 2+weeks and told staff they couldn't take a vacations because I was going to be gone. Now when I show up to work tomorrow, I'll have to face them. I know its out of my control. I am in the appeals process and it looks like this are going to happen, but the only problem is the next avail date for surgery is the first week in June. McBummer!!! Looks like Ill be a long-term resident in this thread.
Josh- OMG, 24 hrs prior. I would be postal and then some. What was their reasoning? Hang in there, keep us posted
Barabara- how is the hammie/ piriformis?
My knee continues to tolerate the runs. Today I did 2 x15 min, did a 2 min walk break instead of 1. Tuesday I will do 2x 20 min, Thursday 1x 30 min, may try a 5 k on sat depending on how Thursday goes. Thing need to work on is going out too hard in beginning. need to get my pacing a little better controlled.Knee is doing better, occasional a little sore, but ice and stretching helps. Trying to stay away from NSAIDS. Continuing with massages. I am getting a new bike fitting in person with todd kenyon at TTBikefit 5/7, so hoping that will help some too
Josh, that totally sucks! I'm so sorry... I can only imagine how frustrated you are. Good luck getting the red tape sorted out, smoothing ruffled feathers at work, and getting back on the surgical calendar. What a flippin ordeal! Grr!
I'm doing okay, the hand is the hand... still can't make a fist without warming up first. The hammie is a bit tweaked at the insertion, but I've learned a few stretching techniques and found a new massage therapist who seems pretty knowledgeable. We'll see. Nothing else except my waning mojo is holding me back.
Looks like i am taking up residence in this thread for 8-12 weeks of recovery. LETS PARTY!!!!!
ugh, Josh. the dreaded labral tear. perspective is so relative isn't it? sports hernia sounded so bad before...
I'll be really interested to hear what the surgeon has to say. It's only recently (relatively speaking) that hip labral tears have been repaired using arthroscopic surgery. Not sure if your surgeon will do it that way or not. I actually know a couple of people who have flown out to Vail, CO to have labral repairs performed by the guy who pioneered the arthroscopic procedure...Dr. Marc Philippon. But it's gotten to be a much more common procedure over the past few years.
I'm sure it feels like such a bummer to find out this unfortunate diagnosis...but hopefully you can at least appreciate the fact that you now know what's causing the pain, and will soon know exactly how it will be fixed! Keep up the positive outlook. Now you have a really good excuse to spend time on core work and anything non-triathlon that's important in your life.
"I had arthroscopic surgery for a torn labrum in November of 2004, and I'm so glad I had it done. It took 2 years to finally get a diagnosis for the hip pain I was having (I can't even tell you how many orthopedic doctors, PT's, chiropractors, etc., not to mention how many MRI's I had), but I finally went to the right doctor who knew right away what it was. The surgery was a breeze. It was day surgery. I was literally walking with ZERO pain in 2 days. The first day after the surgery I was sore, but I could not believe how I felt when I woke up the second day. I was told not to run for 6 to 8 weeks, and that was seriously all it took. I felt like I could have run sooner, but I thought it would be smart to listen to the doctor. During that time I was able to do the elliptical, bike, swim... anything that didn't cause impact."
You're going to fine dude! And you're going to come back stronger than ever.
How are you doing with your Recovery BTW?
9 weeks post op doc visit: hand surgeon doesn't want to see me for a month (first I was seeing her weekly, and then bi-weekly once the stitches came out)... in that time I can start weaning myself off of the brace (in the next 2 weeks)! She is very happy with how well my finger is flexing and extending considering the nature of the infection and the extent of damage done to the tendon. Her guess is one more month of PT! No mention of the need for a second surgery to scrape the scar tissue or deal with any other issues! Let's hope!
While this is very welcome news, I'm not out of the woods. I've been in PT 4 or 5 weeks now and the OHT said it may be 6 months before normal use . . . but I'm happy with how it's coming along (and she's happy with my progess...I've been doing my PT at home religiously). I'm optimistic I'll be good to go for my first race in May (Columbia), assuming I don't scratch it b/c of HIM training for my A race in June... so continue to send good karma my way... I'm seeing a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. If only I could get off the "drainer" as Nemo put it... sadly, that's not in the cards for me yet... hopefully I can start building on my 250m swimming/kicking routine and start kicking less and less. Dare to dream!
@ Michele, he will be repairing the tear and hernia arthroscopicly.
@ everyoneelse thanks for keeping my spirits up!!
Josh- Hey, 12 weeks doesn't kill an entire season buddy!! You'll have a whole Fall/Winter season of stuff you can do! Might not be Tri's but certainly running, time trials, maybe some cyclecross, and of course skiing again! We're not gonna let this ruin your entire year! Just a little set back.
Nemo, thanks for the vote of confidence
The deadline to withdraw was this past Monday. I was really torn, but decided to bag it - even if my hand is A-OK (I hope), I'll need the time to get ready for EM. My beau is racing so I'll be there cheering... and will have to figure out how to get my stuff done that day (whatever it will be). Having a bad hand day today - it's super tight but all in all, it's improved a lot. Only having PT once this week (tomorrow) b/c I couldn't get on her schedule. Time to do it now, over my lunch.
Josh, I second Nemo's sentiments! Hang in there! I'm sending speedy recovery thoughts your way. So glad you've got the best doc possible!
Hi all, it's been a while since anyone has posted here, which I hope means good news for the injured athletes!
Just wanted to give you some happy news/a progress report on the hand:
1) I did my entire swim this past week swimming. I never felt the need to switch to kicking. Granted, I did take a break every 500 but my hand did okay. I'm going to try to do it again tonight, but am bringing the kickboard and zoomers just in case.
2) doing PT on my own last night I was able to bend my finger in and touch my palm for the first time! Granted it was after a heating pad, massage, and while I was doing the glide exercises in warm water - so it was good and warmed up - but I touched my palm (I was so excited I called my beau into the bathroom to look at it). It wasn't without "pain," but I was thrilled. I can't do it when my hand is "cold" - but I do notice the range of motion is improving and the swelling is slightly better - which I think means the massages is getting some of the scar tissue to break down so circulation is improving (slowly). I have another PT session with the therapist tomorrow and she's going to take measurements (first time since my initial eval). Let's hope I can leave the pain cave and get outside on my bike. heck, if this weekend is as nice as last, I just might move my bike to my patio so I can at least pretend to be outside... I'm sure that will make my neighbors wonder what the heck is wrong with me!.
3) my ankle is feeling stronger... wait, my ankle? yes, that was a new problem that came up 1.5 weeks ago. I suspect from doing too much too soon to ramp up for a half mary. I scratched the half mary and haven't run in a few days - resting, icing, doing some stabilization exercises... it's feeling pretty good and I think I'll try a brick tomorrow and, if all goes well, today's run will be Friday.
I hope everyone else is on the mend and doing well!
Update: I have had 1 MRI and did a CT. Its confirmed that I have a sports hernia, a labral tear and right hip impingement. Surgery is scheduled for Friday, April 23. The good news is that I have the 2 of the best surgeons in MN doing the procedures at the same time. Something interesting/funny happened while I was scheduling everything. The nurse considered me an ELITE athlete at put me at the top of the list. Apparently, he schedules about 2-3 mo out. I feel loved.
Now its time to focus on not going crazy before and after the surgery. Seeing everyone progress here, is motivating me to get recovered quickly!!
Just an update from me. I had a little "niggle" in my calf earlier this week which was giving me pause. I was a little worried that things were backsliding again. But good time with the roller, stretching, and rest seem to have done the trick and I'm back making progress again. Tomorrow will be my second 2x15' run with a 1' walk in between. If that goes well I'm going for 2x20 next!
Josh... 4/23, that will be here before you know it then you'll be on the road to recovery. An elite athlete, sweet! No one I've met has called me an elite athlete, I think they think I'm mentally ill when, with a chestnut sized swell on my hand I'm asking when I can swim and bike...
Nemo, how'd the 2x15 go?
My second swim went successfully. I logged 1750m total, with breaks. Not at all a fast pace (ea 500 was about 9:30), but I'm good with that - not too far off my warm up pace from starting off last spring.
@Josh - MAN! That hip area is all jacked up. But as an elite athlete with the best surgeons around you're going to bounce back from this quickly. Take that discipline you use in your training and apply it to your family and life's other priorities before the surgery and to healing up properly (rest, good nutrition, listen to the body, heed the doctors' advice) after the surgery.
I feel that I can officially graduate out of the Injured Athletes group now (knock on wood) after a couple weeks of intense running with no ill-effects of the stress fracture. It sounds like many of you are right on my heals. Continue to be smart about coming back slowly. You didn't lose as much fitness as you may think.
Becky- that 2x15 went really well so I was able to test out 2x20 today. That also went well! I'm going to do another 2x20 before I bump it up another notch.
Glad everyone is progressing
Josh- you are progressing toward a solution, and the road to recovery. Awesome on the Elite athlete status
Those OR times can be difficult to book. Glad they could do both at same time.
Jim-great news on graduation
Nemo and Becky- Also great news for you guys. Becky, you are really moving along .Nemo, great news on 2x20. What is your next step?
I also had a "niggle" back down right away. so back at it. Today, my sister video taped me running so I could send to Leigh. So I did about 2 min at a time, no problems. I think I was still doing too much at first, and then running at a faster pace then what I should have. Going over that now for Leigh help me analyze. Unfortunately, because it is a hamstring tendon, sometimes biking will bother it. IM lake placid is only 4 months away now. We shall see. I am also going to do Columbia. Plan to run walk the run. Hopefully by the end of May, will be doing more running than walking. This week I am starting up with Masters swimming. Just can't push myself enough when I am by myself in pool
keep up the good work everyone. Josh, Hang in there. 4/23 will be here before you know it. keep us posted
Thought I'd touch base to see how everyone is doing... Josh, your surgery is right around the corner, please keep us posted. How are you doing?
Tomer, Jim - how are you... from OS it seems like you're kicking tail, Jim!
Looking very forward to meeting you this weekend, Tracy! My first outside ride since last October... I can't wait (but I'm terrified all the same).
So, I saw the hand doc yesterday after a month... here's my update: she took measurements, pictures, and all that jazz. I showed her one sticking point of the scar - and told her that the therapist and I are working like crazy to get the scar tissue to let up (the rest of the scar area is very loose and the scar tissue seems to be gone/no sticking of the tendon to the tissue).. The doc thinks the skin may be held down by an internal stitch... she wants me to get an x-ray so she can see how close to the surface the suture is. Anyway, she said that if that's the problem and it impedes further progess I may need to have surgery to remove the sutures. Actually, she mentioned that I may need to have surgery to remove the sutures anyway b.c they may not hold forever. Apparently she has one patient where a stitch broke and it's sticking out of his hand. That sounds lovely. they're stainless steel - which, I guess, aren't used that much anymore - but she used them because of all the infection going on in the joint, she wanted to be sure the stitch didn't get eaten up by the bacteria, etc. So, anyway, I asked about timing and how long I'd be out of it if I have another surgery b/c I have races coming up... she really didn't answer but said I shouldn't worry about it now. It might hold... and if it does, I should have my summer fun and we can deal with it later. I then informed her my summer "fun" was a HIM in June, one in August and a full IM the first week of November... so, assuming my stitches hold, I'll be going back under the knife in December to remove the steel sutures in my hand. She doesn't think the new scar tissue will be a big issue (like it has been this past few months) because my hand will be mobile the whole time, not restricted or in a brace for 8 weeks.... Great, so now I have something new to worry about...my stitch popping out of my hand. Racing IMFL with that would be sweet... On the up side, she thinks my getting back into my routine (of running, biking, swimming, living) might be the best PT possible - it may just loosen up more on it's own with so much use. The dimple may not cause me any problems at all (I can make a fist when my hand is warmed up...) and the suture may hold for a while...
So, that's that. From a cat bite. Insane. As I noted earlier, I'm finally ready to get outside on my bike. I'll be heading to Cambridge to ride the EM course with some DC Tri club peeps and Tracy (if not others from EN). I'm nervous but excited. Assuming it's not ridiculously windy I should be okay with the hand... haven't ridden in a very long time, hope the legs are ready for 3 hours in the saddle... I hope all this trainer time will convert well...
How is everyone else doing? Pretty sure most of you have seen that I'm now able to run (really really slow) 1 hour strait. I feel fairly confident that I'll be able to get through Eagleman- it won't be my fastest or prettiest race, but I should be able to finish. I'll take it.
Becky- oh no! Hopefully that stitch will hold out til December. Will send positive thoughts.
I am excited to meet and ride with you this weekend. I am sure you will be fine from the trainer rides! I was inconsistent on trainer, did ok on a 2 hour hilly ride last weekend. It will be fun to have other people around.
Getting ready to run 4x 5 min (1), so far it has been going well, no pain. The deep tissue massages I have been getting alst few weeks are making a HUGE difference. The massages Hurt, but it is what is needed
Josh-good luck on surgery next week, keep us posted!
Hope everyone else is doing well
Way to go Tracy! You'll be catching me in no time! I couldn't agree more on the massages. They are NOT my idea of "fun" or "relaxing" but I do believe they are helping me. But expensive
I've already set the stage with my guy that I'll back down to once every other week soon and hopefully that will be enough (with me supplimenting with the foam roller and TP ball) to keep me healthy.
Good luck Josh! We're all cheering for you!
@ Nemo-Have a membership at Massage Envy in Columbia, MD. I was forgetting to schedule them so have a bunch built up. The girl that has been doing them goes deep which is what I need. Definitely not a relaxing massage. Have few more then will go every other week until IMLP, then back to monthly.
Need to be more consistent in my rolling and stretching though.
That is great you are now running an hour. I can't wait to be there Off for my 4x5(1) min runs
Hi all! I have read back through the last couple of pages of this forum. So sorry to hear of the surgeries and torn things! But, so happy to hear of the recoveries that are happening, and know that the surgeries will go well, and healing process will begin!
I have been dealing with a nasty piriformis/hamstring for the last month. P.T. hasn't helped a whole lot, since it is so hard to get down deep into that muscle. I have rollered it and didnt' have much success. However, yesterday I went to P.T., where I had my p.t.'s elbow in my piriformis, ice and electrical stim, and stretches. Following that, I had acupuncture for the same problem. The needles were at LEAST 10 inches long. Hurt like hell, getting them into the muscle, but I relaxed and it didn't bother me for the 15 min. or so I had them in. Now, taking them out was another story...
Ouch! But, (no pun intended!
the huge knot that has been there for a month, feels like it is either gone, or much, much smaller! They also did cupping and moxibustion on me. I can actually walk today, without feeling like my left cheek is holding me back!
I have been going to this Chinese Medicine clinic for several years, off and on, and they have helped me with everything I've gone there to get help with. I highly suggest acupuncture from a reputable, licensed acupuncturist, if you have maladies that are not working themselves out! It generally does not hurt, is really relaxing, and most of all, works!
Barbara- glad the acupuncture helps. I had my 1st experience with it in Haiti, the anesthesiologist I worked with my 2nd week did it since i was having a hard time eating and it helped. The needles she used on me were small though.
the massage person i have been seeing seems to get in there, takes some time but she gets in there, would also help. Hope the knot continues to go down/get better
@ Tracy, usually I have the smaller needles too. In all the years I've done acup. off and on, I've never had these long ones! My acupuncturist said they have to use the long ones to get deep into the muscle. It felt like they did too!
Here is my summary, I received a phone call 24 hours before my surgery from my insurance company telling me that they are not approving the procedure. I'm not going to go into too much detail here but I went postal. I had arranged to be not working for 2+weeks and told staff they couldn't take a vacations because I was going to be gone. Now when I show up to work tomorrow, I'll have to face them. I know its out of my control. I am in the appeals process and it looks like this are going to happen, but the only problem is the next avail date for surgery is the first week in June. McBummer!!! Looks like Ill be a long-term resident in this thread.
Josh- OMG, 24 hrs prior. I would be postal and then some. What was their reasoning?
Hang in there, keep us posted
Barabara- how is the hammie/ piriformis?
My knee continues to tolerate the runs. Today I did 2 x15 min, did a 2 min walk break instead of 1. Tuesday I will do 2x 20 min, Thursday 1x 30 min, may try a 5 k on sat depending on how Thursday goes. Thing need to work on is going out too hard in beginning. need to get my pacing a little better controlled.Knee is doing better, occasional a little sore, but ice and stretching helps. Trying to stay away from NSAIDS. Continuing with massages. I am getting a new bike fitting in person with todd kenyon at TTBikefit 5/7, so hoping that will help some too
Hope everyone else is moving along
I'm doing okay, the hand is the hand... still can't make a fist without warming up first. The hammie is a bit tweaked at the insertion, but I've learned a few stretching techniques and found a new massage therapist who seems pretty knowledgeable. We'll see. Nothing else except my waning mojo is holding me back.