Home OutSeason (January ‘10)

January OS "Social" Thread

Hi all:

Here we go.  Talk about anything you want.  I'll start.

Well, so much for time off after IMSG.  My ultrarunner friend who helped me train for my first IM and I helped him to his first 50 miller talked me into a 50 mile trail (aka mountain) run in July.  Signed up for the Lake Tahoe Rim Trail 50 miler  http://tahoemtnmilers.org/trt50/.  10,000 feet of climbing over the 50 miles with 1,500 of climbing over just the first 4 frigging miles!  We will get up to 9,600+ feet above sea level at one point along the route.  I am actually very excited.

Am I just nutz?

Hedman, join us?    Gonna sell out this week.

Anyone else have anything "fun with your fitness" on your calendar after you "A" race?



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    I would have signed up and run on that dirt with you, but that is same time as my Vineman 70.3 .
    Keep this thought...... AR50, again, next year.
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    Thanks.  Would love to have ya along.  Will be thinking of ya that Sunday after my run when I am sitting at Harveys with my legs up playing blackjack and trying not cramp. 


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    a few years back, a group of Arkansans go every year to run part of the Lake Tahoe Rim Trail and I got to go, probably a highlight of my whole runnng life and real life too. It wasn't the race and my first trail running, but so beautiful. stunning.
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    John- That sounds like an absolutely amazing and beautiful race! That's the cool thing about ultra-distance running- it's all about the experience & venue!

    On the social side, I'm already looking forward to meeting folks in the TX Sleeper cell next week for breakfast! That's gonna be a blast!
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    Saw your thread about that.  Who will you be meeting?  And take pics and post or it didn't happen. 

    Also saw you NZ vacay post.  I have been to most of those places also.  It is very cool.  Splunking is a blast.  Especially when you turn off all the lights.  Which spot did you like the most?  And the least?


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    That is very cool John! I'm really thinking about making 2011 an Ultra Running year. I love the thought of not worrying about speed - just get out and run and enjoy my environment!

    On the social side for me this week, I've finally decided that 2010 IMWI will be my first race for charity. I've always felt a little selfish for doing these races and focusing only on myself, so I finally took the leap and have entered the Janus Charity Challenge. I've found a local charity whose mission is one that I'm really passionate about. I just had a conversation with the Executive Director - they're really excited and so am I! It gives my training a whole new focus now - great feeling!
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    John- it was so hard to pick a "favorite" place.  I think our favorite hike was the trail going up to the top of the Glacier in Frans Joseph, good challenging hike (not just walking, but some rock scrambling too) and a great view at the end.  But I loved the town of Wonaka with the lake and mountains all around.  Then again, I think we might have picked Tongariro Crossing as the best hike if we'd only had better weather.  What were your favorites?

    I'm pretty sure Carrie, Philip, & Scott will all be at breakfast next Friday.  Small group, but it's so cool that I'll get to see them all!  I only wish I were able to run so we could do more than just eat- but then again...........

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    Thanks John for the videos in other post.. since this is a social response, I have put it here!!!  as I am taking another rest day today.  I am tackling some housework as a three day (no school) weekend means big mess on Tuesday!! 


    and OH, here is John after his bike workout yesterday.. just a California guy.

     Melanie, sorry about your bike wreck, how discouraging as the run was down and now this!!  what does that leave, some sort of yoga without the shoulder!!  ooooh, ABS!!  yep, being injured is no fun and here is some Get Well thoughts for you!


    Nemo and other injured, hang in there... annoying calf, who needs 'em!!!?


    okay gotta get back to work, this was my "tea break"....  still have yet to conquer?  the grocery store and covering up the dog holes!!  and the laundry!  and,... and...and...!!    m



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    Posted By Jim Hansen on 19 Jan 2010 10:09 AM

    That is very cool John! I'm really thinking about making 2011 an Ultra Running year. I love the thought of not worrying about speed - just get out and run and enjoy my environment!

    On the social side for me this week, I've finally decided that 2010 IMWI will be my first race for charity. I've always felt a little selfish for doing these races and focusing only on myself, so I finally took the leap and have entered the Janus Charity Challenge. I've found a local charity whose mission is one that I'm really passionate about. I just had a conversation with the Executive Director - they're really excited and so am I! It gives my training a whole new focus now - great feeling!


    Congrats Jim - What Charity?  I did the IMWI Janus Challenge for Equestrian Connection back in 2007. Excellent way to take all this selfish energy and share it with a worthwhile cause!!

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    That's awesome Jim. I want to know what charity too! I'm still searching for the right Charity and also want to do the Janus thing this year.
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    Can't say enough abt how great it was to work with Janus.  I worked with them my first IM and one thing I thought was neat to raise money if they still do it, they had Headsweats visors that you can buy from Janus at cost.  Sell them at normal store price and the excess money can go to your charity.  Headsweats makes a great product and it's something that most folks will buy anyway during summer months training.  My mom has been volunteering at a camp for children who have had or have cancer called Indian Summer Camp.  The camp is held here locally in KY and it's incredible to see these kids get a week when they can just be kids.  If anyone is looking for a charity- check them out http://www.iscamp.org/home.html.  I have contact info for camp director as well.

    John - just venturing into trail running.  Out of my first 5 X on the trail- 4 were for races (train- who needs to stinkin train- it's just running after all.. right?? boy was I wrong on that count).  Doing a 15 miler here in KY- Lovin the Hills (sorry, no mountains locally here).  There's a 50K option which I will gladly cheer those folks on for.  What a beautiful and demanding thing trail running is!  Hats off to you, Mike and all you other Ultra guys!!


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    I haven't been online lately... had surgery on my hand (severed tendon) and am out of commission for at least another two weeks (and, then, if all goes well, PT will start -- good think swimming isn't part of the OS). So, my head has been in a "bad" place since I'm off the training wagon for at least a little while longer - hopefully not too much, though. I'm finding workarounds (i.e., one handed on the elliptical, speed walking hills) and jogged for the first time this weekend - didn't throb too much. Tonight I will try the trainer over the stationary bike - hopefully an hour in aero won't be too rough (had a shoulder injury this past fall).

    But, I did want to give you all a shout out and say Rock On January OS!!! My head is back and I'm with you in spirit!
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    Hang in there Becky!  Sounds like you're about to break loose and reengage. You haven't missed much, and will definitely come back with some extra MOJO, from what I can read between the lines!

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    Becky- tou are not alone! And come join us over in the Injured Athlete thread for a little Mojo support!
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    Posted By Nemo Brauch on 19 Jan 2010 02:56 PM

    That's awesome Jim. I want to know what charity too! I'm still searching for the right Charity and also want to do the Janus thing this year.

    It's called XXI Century Kids 1st Foundation (www.xxikids1st.org/).  Their mission is in fighting the childhood obesity epidemic by promoting active, healthy lifestyles to kids especially in underserved, low income neighborhoods.  I'm working specifically with their efforts here in the Chicago area (one of the cities with the highest number of obese children).  There are some really great people I'll be working with and some really cool, creative programs I'll be a part of.

    I'm glad to hear the positive experiences Kris and Mike have had with the Janus Charity Challenge.  I've spoken with several others who also had fun with it.

    @Becky - Take care of yourself.  You'll be back at it soon enough.  I really think these forced breaks from our training routines are going to pay off.  Our bodies need these recovery times whether you have an injury that stops you in your tracks or not.  Good luck!

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    Great charity Jim!! That's the kinda thing I've been hoping to find around here- but haven't found it yet. Still searching.
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    Nemo and Becky thought of you today as I was in a mental tuff spot cuz of dang annoying piriformis.....a few hours of pity party, wish y'all coulda joined me!!! lol... instead I texted Heather and she gave me an encouraging word!! so I am passing on encouragement to you.....I am also still trying to nail my nutrition so that any emotional lull is not caused by "bonking" (as I am resisting sugar!!! lol, week 2).. so a stop at Walmart produce helped me! oh and here is this week's stoopid thing.... I took my Element to car wash to get all dog hairs and mud out of it to make room for purchased kennel, vacuuming, wiping, washing, in and out of the car...... I was popping up seats and cinching them tight and the seat pinged up and hit me in the forehead! I thought I had knocked myself out!!! but instead got a goose egg and came home with a throbbing head... so grabbed the first frozen thing I could find... an Eggo Waffle in package and put that on my forehead while finishing up dinner. my son asked me "mom why do you have a waffle on your head??" I now have a large black bruise!! However, I have made room for a portable pop up kennel 32' long!!! I measured him and the space, my bike, and two kids!! one cooler.... just have to rearrange the bike gear!! okay gotta scoot. hope everybody is doing well!! m

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    Ouch M! Hope you are feeling better. Although the waffle on the head is funny. So sorry about the piriformis problem. Hang tough. You are so close.
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    today's funny... I got a bread starter "Amish bread" and you mash the bag every day and on X day you "feed it" with sugar, milk and flour!! well my husband pointed out jokingly that I hadn't fed the starter yesterday...! and I quipped... "okay, I feed the dog and I have the kids fed too... and now a starter!!?? it is too much I tell ya!!" anyways so on my counter I have this little science project and we all mash on it as it bubbles and ferments! yes I am wearing my hair differently to cover up the bruised forehead!!
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    Proud day in the Stark household.  My son came in 3rd place in his den in his first ever Pinewood Derby race.  And he even made to the Sweet 16 in the overall pack races.  And yes, he built almost the whole car himself.  It was so much fun.  And as the den leader it was especially gratifying giving out awards to all my boys!  Cub Scouts ROCKS! 

    The speedy car!

    The happy family!

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    That is one COOOOOOL looking race car! And you both look super proud- as you should be!
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    Did you guys test it in the wind tunnel?   Ha!  It looks faster than me!

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    Very, very cool John! Congrats to Nolan image

    My boys were working on theirs today - our PW Derby is Feb. 6. I have been charged w/ going to the hobby store to pick up decals tomorrow. I doubt they will come up with anything as flash as that machine of Nolan's though!

    Thanks for sharing image
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    Geoff and Robin:

    We simply used a free template here:  http://home.simplyweb.net/bosworth/template.htm

    Not high tech.  And the one take away from the other night is to put all the weight in the very back.  All the winners used that strategy.  Next year they are "going down!" 

    Have fun!

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    You guys rock!!! Thanks so much for the kind words!

    I am going to try to attempt the OS no without the long runs... I can sort of handle aero for a full hour (thank goodness for the recoveries)... and short jogs are okay - I'm just terrifies of tripping (which would be terrible - my hand is still splinted, actually, it's in traction, I'll see how I can upload a picture of it - it's crazy).
    I will be on the injured athlete's forum momentaily for some mojo help.

    Keep training and rocking it!
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    Nemo - I don't see the injured athlete thread... granted I'm a newbie and still learning my way around the site and all this amazing info... thanks
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    Posted By Becky Hirselj on 25 Jan 2010 08:43 AM

    Nemo - I don't see the injured athlete thread... granted I'm a newbie and still learning my way around the site and all this amazing info... thanks


    Here ya go Becky: http://endurancenation.us.dnnmax.co...fault.aspx  Please join us!

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    Hey John - thought this fell more under the category of social so here you go

    This first picture is how the bike was when I bought it - right down to the big ol sofa style foam seat and ancient first generation q-rings. No wonder I had such a hard time turning it over!!! Notice the shifters on the downtube too - that was just downright scary

    Recently I had it "upgraded" to a single speed tso hat I can just jump on and ride around witht the kids, etc. and this is what is looks like now.


    and yes, LOVE Football!! I grew up going to the Redskins games back when they were great - owned by Jack Kent Cooke, played at RFK, Joe Theisman, John Riggins, the Hogs, Super Bowls~~~ anyway, now we have season tickets to the UK football games and love to tailgate and go to the games. Come to think of it, why am I planning to go to Longhorn 70.3??? That falls smack dab in the middle of football season and if I recall correctly training for Augusta last year got in the way of a lot of quality beer drinking, tailgating and football time !

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    again cute bike robin!!! love it! and yep I knew you loved football! your boys are lucky to have you as well as hubby! I saw your name on MiM roster... and I need to decide if I wanna do it!! never done that one before. and why did I thnk about it after the prices went up!!!! ha. will let you know. though we miht be taking a family vacation that week... so now that the prices have gone up I can wait til I know about that!
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    M - That would be soooo great if you come do MIM!!!! I can't imagine a better way to kick off my EN racing year than to be doing a race w/ you . Please come! Yeah, prices went up - bummer but hopefully you will still be able to come.

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