Moo Camp Dates and Hotel Reservations
Hi All,
I'm putting this info in a clean thread so it doesn't get lost.
July 8 - 11
I am planning to arrive on the 7th and leaving on the 11th. I can't stay until Monday. What is everyone else doing?
We're staying at the Clarion Suites. I'm about to book if this is all correct.
There's also a spreadsheet in the old forum for roommates:
I am arriving on Wednesday, July 7 and leaving on Monday. I haven't booked my flight yet, but seeing how the airlines are with bike boxes, I will more than likely ship my tri-bike there.
Sieve brain. I seem to be on constant overload and can't keep anything in my head!
Now I remember it all.
Done. I am reserved at the Clarion.
Hi Michele!
Pick me! Pick me!
I'll take you up on that offer! Thank you so much!
Michele- Me 2 !! Thank you!
I will most likely come for the workouts and social part. Ive already been to a Rick IM Moo camp so will probably skip classroom. Will most likely drive up that Friday morning. Remind fri and sat? Run Sun?
Different format. It's an informal "rally." Doubt there's any classroom. Not sure of the schedule, or if it's even set yet. Nemo to the courtesy phone on that one!
It will be great to meet you!
Oh yeah, there's no "class" stuff. Here's the scoop. The Cowgirl camp is the same weekend as the EN Midwest Rally weekend. We all decided to just dovetail our "girls camp" onto the EN Midwest rally so that we could have some access to Coach R&P, play with the boyz when we wanted to, bring significant others (boyz) and not feel guilty about leaving them behind to do girl only stuff! The EN Rally runs Thurs 7/8 (pm) - Sun 7/11, but most of us decided we wanted more time and will be coming in on the evening of 7/7 and leaving 7/12 so that we have more time to setup/breakdown, and just enjoy!!!
Maybe Camp could gave special guest stars?
1. An ace mechanic to teach us how to MacGyver repairs on the fly? (Like fix a broken spoke, etc.)
2. John Cobb, so he can design us custom saddles?
3. Todd the bikefitter? To do last minute tweaks? Bike fittings?
Hmmm, I have a good friend here in Madison who's a bike fitter. And he's also worked as a mechanic. I'm sure I could somehow convince him to lend his services to a group of women triathletes! Wait, maybe that didn't quite sound right...
We'll have look elsewhere for the saddle design, though.
OK ... I'm stalking the Women's Forum. Is the Moo camp just for the Chikas? Is there a gender-neutral thread out here?
We won't mind interlopers one bit! Keith was going to come too, but he already knows that's deadline time at work so he won't be able to make it.
Mike- I don't know if there's another thread going on the EN Madison Rally yet (the "all gender" rally). The Cowgirl Camp was paired up with the EN Rally so we could play with all you boyz too! I hope lots of you come to the EN Rally!! But we gals know we may want to do some Chica stuff on our own- (like head out for a pedicure or something like that). So we're just using this thread to drum up ideas.
Marianne- I love the Pilates/Yoga idea!!! Don't we have a few instructors amoungst us? That would seem like a pretty easy thing for us to put together with our own resources.
On bike fit- I'm wondering if R&P wouldn't mind giving us and our bikes an inspection and providing some recommendations for things to change/modify before race day. If they ride some of the Friday ride with us-they'd have pleanty of time to give our fit/form a good looksee.
Do any EN'ers teach yoga? If not, I know of a couple of yoga instructors in Madison who are also cyclists, so could try to arrange for that as well.
Hey Marianne,
I'm watching the girls thread since we don't have one for the boys yet.
The clarion is actually on the bike course at about mile 2 and 110. It will be very easy for you guys to see the entire course.
It is about 14 miles to the loop, 42 mile loop (you do it twice on race day), and 14 miles back to the hotel. So about 70 miles and it is easy to add more without having to do another full loop. There are at least 4 gas stations I know of on the loop that you can fill bottles at.
The run is a little of a pain to do because it is within a city, but we can point you to a few key places to check out like observatory hill, mile 18, state street, motivational mile and the finish/turn around. Everything else is pretty boring, except the football stadium which you can only see on race day.
How is everyone shipping their bikes?
I believe you can swim in lake monona anytime, however the coruse will not be marked and there can be boats out and people fishing from shore. Definitely do this in a group, with bight caps, and early if you decide to.
I would not recomend swiming the full actual course, but you can swim along the wall and terrace (but far enough out not to be in the way of the fisherman). This is the first 800m or so of the course.
I have never done this swim other than during events, but I know many that have without issue. Just be safe and smart about it.
It's just under a 2 mile run from the Clarion to the swim start and most of it is along the side of the lake on a path.
Hm. I have some friends who are huge into canoeing and kayaking. Maybe I can find us a guide for our swim?
That would be AWESOME Beth! The lake swim isn't a big deal (temps are OK and there isn't a current to worry about) but I know folks would like to just check it out before race weekend and the thing that scares me most is a mishap with a boater.
Marianne- I'm pretty sure we'll hit almost everything on your list.! Personally- I also would be happy just doing the IMoo bike course several times that weekend. I know the boyz want to do a ride somewhere else that weekend as well- but perhaps that's the day when the IMoo Chica's just decide to do our own thing!
That weekend, just point me in a direction, and I will do what anyone tells me.
I just looked and I am finding direct flights for July and Sept for ~$200! Psych. I think I'll book? Bite nails.
Re shipping bike--I have NO idea about that. I any paid zip attention to those issues here, since I've only ever used TBT. Starting to research that and will post what I find. I would drive, but it's ~18 hours to Madison. No way.