Quick question- finally sat down to map out the year and have a week off to play with.
So when it comes to sneaking in a big tri week- I know the usual answer is 6-8 weeks out but where should I be thinking in regards to the race rehearsals?? cool to go for it the week before the first RR??
Do you mean you do a BTW that ends on Sunday (for example) and your first RR is the following Saturday or whatever? Yes, that's fine. IOW, we don't want you to rest or make changes to your schedule for the first RR, but we don't want you shelled either.
the way my schedule works is that I can do it the week before the first RR, meaning done the sunday before and back to normal schedule for the week leading up to the RR. Or, I can do the BTW the week after the RR.
the way my schedule works is that I can do it the week before the first RR, meaning done the sunday before and back to normal schedule for the week leading up to the RR. Or, I can do the BTW the week after the RR.
does that make more sense?
Either of those is fine. Least preferred is to do an RR at the end of a BTW...which you're not, so you've got that going for you, which is nice.
Ok- work in progress here. Here's the possibilities for me
Jan- OS Start
Feb- 15 mile Trail race
Apr- 10 miler, 1/2 Mary
May- (early) 3 States, 3 Mountains Century Taylorsville Auqabike
Jul- Racine 70.3 (18th) **
Sept- IMWI- A Race
A- Beefing up the OS runs for the 1/2 mary and trail race (still utilizing trails for longer runs along with roads to stay healthy physically & mentally).
B- Concerned about timing and course selection for HIM, Racine would be 8 weeks to the day b4 A race. Too close?
C- RR are 2 and 4 weeks out still in new IM plans? Correct?
D- Toying with thought of EN Chicks Jul camp if I can get away.
I am currently in week 12 of intermediate OS and will go on vacation to Antigua at week 14. I just noticed that week 14 is a test week. I presume I should move the test week to week 13 (next week). Is that correct? My Dec OS plan is pasted below. Couldn't figure out how to get the colors to copy.
Ok- work in progress here. Here's the possibilities for me
Jan- OS Start
Feb- 15 mile Trail race
Apr- 10 miler, 1/2 Mary
May- (early) 3 States, 3 Mountains Century
Taylorsville Auqabike
Jul- Racine 70.3 (18th) **
Sept- IMWI- A Race
A- Beefing up the OS runs for the 1/2 mary and trail race (still utilizing trails for longer runs along with roads to stay healthy physically & mentally).
B- Concerned about timing and course selection for HIM, Racine would be 8 weeks to the day b4 A race. Too close?
C- RR are 2 and 4 weeks out still in new IM plans? Correct?
D- Toying with thought of EN Chicks Jul camp if I can get away.
This looks like a solid year. Beefing up the runs this early in the OS should consist of extending Wed and Sunday after the interval; maybe adding a 45' run on Fridays early in the AM, done. Don't want to put too much time in here otherwise.
Since you are a vet, Racine is okay.
The RRs in the new plans are 3 + 6 weeks out; please download the Season Planning tools from the Train Map Start Station Downloads section, there is a weekly volume tab with info there.
It would be awesome to have you at the chica camp...how do we make that happen???
I am currently in week 12 of intermediate OS and will go on vacation to Antigua at week 14. I just noticed that week 14 is a test week. I presume I should move the test week to week 13 (next week). Is that correct? My Dec OS plan is pasted below. Couldn't figure out how to get the colors to copy.
December OS Start
Map Key
OutSeason (20 wks)
Transition (2 weeks)
General Prep (4-12 wks)
Race Prep (12 wks)
Post Race Transition Time
Vacation: Antigua
Dismal Swamp TT?
Shamrock 1/2 Marathon
General Prep
General Prep
General Prep
General Prep
Race Prep
Washington 1/2 Iron
Race Prep
Big Day
Race Prep
Race Prep
Asheville Camp
Race Prep
Race Sim #1
Race Prep
Race Prep
Race Prep
Race Sim #2
Race Prep
Race Prep
Race Prep
IMF A race
Race Prep
Race Prep
Race Prep
Vineman C race
Race Prep
George, your season looks great to me. Yes to moving testing forward; I would do week 13 as tues as planned, wed light/short/easy run, Thursday bike test, friday OFF, Saturday Run test, Sunday do saturdays bike from week 13. And pics from vacation!
Thanks. We leave for Antigua early Saturday morning. Mon and Wed fit better in my schedule this week for testing. So, I'm taking a rest day tomorrow (Sun).
What's the difference between the new 12 wk IM plans and the 20 wk plans?
I cancelled my plans for a spring IM so my plan at the moment is to do IMWA again in early December. If I do a 20 wk out-season and a 20wk IM plan I would start the outseason next week. If I do the 12wk IM plan then I have 8 more weeks to go and need some sort of filler for now.
I'm done with the OutSeason, 2/21/2010. My A Race is Vineman 70.3, whch gives me a 21 wk gap. I'm racing the 70.3 in Oceanside, March 27 (B race). Using the advice on the wiki, I changed my plan to the HIM Intermediate with March 27 as the end date (jump from OS to the last 4 wks of the HIM plan).
1. Is this the proper way to setup the 2 races?
2. This method starts the HIM plan on week 15 - is this correct? Also, that means a jump to a 2 hr run from where I am now? Or should I take a transition week before starting the race prep?
3. After "Ralph's", I will take a transition week, and then pop back into OS ? or General Prep ? until the last 12 weeks of race prep before Vineman Half? This later part wasn't clear to me after llistening to the screencast - if one has finished the OS, and you have a gap to fill, do you repeat the last x weeks of OS again? Or fill the gap with General Prep.
A bit confused, Patty Harris
2/21/2010 I think this belongs in the Official Season Planning Tool Thread, but I can't figure out how to move this over to that thread...
Sorry RnP, but I tried to switch to the 2.0 Beta, and screwed up my training plans! I should be starting week 17 OS tomorrow, but it shows week 20! HELP! I am sure trying, but am not tech savvy enough to do this without fooking things up! I just want to get back to my old schedule, and I'll worry about it later! Help?
Need to transition to a 12 week HIM advanced or intermediate plan ending May 23rd and starting Monday March 1st. How do I go about that as Beta 2.0 doesn't have 12 wk HIM plan available.
I am looking for some end of the season planning advice. I have my season layed out with the season planner all the way through my "A" race 6/27 HIM. After that though I have no plans until OS starting again. That leaves me about 4 months of down time. I was thinking about doing the Marathon hack to increase my base run fitness and get the enjoyment/ confidence of doing a Full Marathon. Would I be better served just to have general training block, Try to find another HIM and Restart the 12 WK HIM plan, Do the Marathon Hack with some bike in it, or do something I have not said? Would appreciate thoughts on how to round out my Year.
Need to transition to a 12 week HIM advanced or intermediate plan ending May 23rd and starting Monday March 1st. How do I go about that as Beta 2.0 doesn't have 12 wk HIM plan available.
Vince, I just loaded up the 20wk HIM into your account per above. It should work, check it out.
I am looking for some end of the season planning advice. I have my season layed out with the season planner all the way through my "A" race 6/27 HIM. After that though I have no plans until OS starting again. That leaves me about 4 months of down time. I was thinking about doing the Marathon hack to increase my base run fitness and get the enjoyment/ confidence of doing a Full Marathon. Would I be better served just to have general training block, Try to find another HIM and Restart the 12 WK HIM plan, Do the Marathon Hack with some bike in it, or do something I have not said? Would appreciate thoughts on how to round out my Year.
Depends on what your race goals are, are you just training for fun, to get faster, working with a weekly volume cap for personal reasons, etc.
We have/will have General Prep Block 1 and 2 in the new system and you could use this as a base plan. These are weeks 1-4 and 5-8 of the IM plans.
Or you could do the OS running schedule with the bikes and swims from the GP plan above.
Again, I say narrow down your goals (you were kinda all over the place up there, nothing wrong with that) when the time comes. Bottomline though, the OS plan is our best tool for making you faster.
Thanks. One other question thread: I'm not beholden to doing the WTH as none of my training partners are...I'm a little fried from OS and I'm more wanting to do a Sprint in early June followed by the July 18th Vineman. I'd like to join you guys for Stage 1 of the ToC May 16th....play a little with my fitness, drop some lbs...
If I bailed on WTH what would you suggest I do for training from this point onward toward July 18th?
1) any problem with big day week after 1st 70.3 and 1st race sim 1 wk after epic week capped by bullmoose (oly sat and 70.3 sun) 2) should I make 70.3 of epic week = race sim?
RnP...looking for a little advice regarding my transition from Nov. OS to race prep. I'm racing a 7 week TT series starting the first week of April (every Wed. night) and then my 'A' race is IMCDA on 6/27. Depending on how I feel afterward I'll start looking for late season races (perhaps Boulder HIM 8/8). I'll be on a family vacation from 4/22-4/28 where I'll be doing limited workouts as I'll be confined to a hotel/cruise gym. When do recommend I transition out of the OS and start IM training?
Thanks. One other question thread: I'm not beholden to doing the WTH as none of my training partners are...I'm a little fried from OS and I'm more wanting to do a Sprint in early June followed by the July 18th Vineman. I'd like to join you guys for Stage 1 of the ToC May 16th....play a little with my fitness, drop some lbs...
If I bailed on WTH what would you suggest I do for training from this point onward toward July 18th?
VH -
If you bail on WTH, you'll have 21 weeks until Vineman, which is quite a while. I'd still recommend a 12 week build for that, so you could do 1 week easy + 8 weeks of work (or 8 and 1). I personally would do the 8 weeks of the OS again, but you could certainly do the HIM Gen Prep 1 and 2 (each 4 weeks) and sprinkle some volume in there!
1) any problem with big day week after 1st 70.3 and 1st race sim 1 wk after epic week capped by bullmoose (oly sat and 70.3 sun)
2) should I make 70.3 of epic week = race sim?
Thanks again! awesome tools!
JB -
First, check out that Hyannis thread I started. Second I think your plans are fine. Big Day week is fine, and the first race sim after epic week w/ bullmoose is good as long as you recover well for mon/tues/wed then go into race sim weekend ready to go.
Do not make the end of that epic week be a race sim, etc; I think it will prove to be mentally too much!
RnP...looking for a little advice regarding my transition from Nov. OS to race prep. I'm racing a 7 week TT series starting the first week of April (every Wed. night) and then my 'A' race is IMCDA on 6/27. Depending on how I feel afterward I'll start looking for late season races (perhaps Boulder HIM 8/8). I'll be on a family vacation from 4/22-4/28 where I'll be doing limited workouts as I'll be confined to a hotel/cruise gym. When do recommend I transition out of the OS and start IM training?
Aaron -
Thanks for the question. I would look to finishing out the OS as planning and on starting your IM prep the week of 3/28. Between those to points you'll have a week of transition and the opportunity to perhaps do a small volume pop to boost your fitness. Maybe even a road race for fun. But you are 100% on track. And your TT schedule is fine (very cool). I would go 4 weeks of your plan (3/28-4/21), with the last one a bit epic. Then that week of 4/22 a run / core / crossfit focused week, so when you return you can go right into week 8 of your plan...and be on track!
It looks like a later response is that there will be a 12 week HIM race plan soon. That will help with Vineman 70.3 plannning. But it's not clear to me how to get from here to there. In the response regarding Vineman, it was suggested to Vince to do the 8 weeks of OS again - does this mean the last 8 wks, first 8 wks?
I'd still looking for some help with planning upcoming Ralphs and transition to Vineman.
@Vince, yeah, WF and WTH are not "casual" half, as in just show up and do them for fun. WF in particular isn't very fun if you don't have good run legs and are not well rested. That's the race, the weekend is a blast and sometimes that enough. I've never done/seen WTH but know it's a hard race.
I say after you transition, load up the 20wk HIM plan (not sure how/where that all lands on the calendar) and use the first 8wks as a guide. You don't need to be super on the schedule until 10-12wks out, but could use the first 1-8wks of the plan as a guide, picking and choosing as you like.
WTH is the last race I did prior to EN entry. It was ugly. I didn't taper and went out too hard on the bike, walked nearly all the run finishing with a 6+ hour racetime. The other issue was it was 94 degrees in the shade, which was a 15-20 degree jump in 2 days. People were dropping like flies. My training partner beat me by less than 2mins then spent 5 hours on IV and throwing up.
WF was another consideration but my conference scheduling isn't meshing well with all my races. So, I will just have fun and see how Vineman shakes out. Got to drop 15-20 lbs by then....
Do you mean you do a BTW that ends on Sunday (for example) and your first RR is the following Saturday or whatever? Yes, that's fine. IOW, we don't want you to rest or make changes to your schedule for the first RR, but we don't want you shelled either.
the way my schedule works is that I can do it the week before the first RR, meaning done the sunday before and back to normal schedule for the week leading up to the RR. Or, I can do the BTW the week after the RR.
does that make more sense?
Either of those is fine. Least preferred is to do an RR at the end of a BTW...which you're not, so you've got that going for you, which is nice.
Jan- OS Start
Feb- 15 mile Trail race
Apr- 10 miler, 1/2 Mary
May- (early) 3 States, 3 Mountains Century
Taylorsville Auqabike
Jul- Racine 70.3 (18th) **
Sept- IMWI- A Race
A- Beefing up the OS runs for the 1/2 mary and trail race (still utilizing trails for longer runs along with roads to stay healthy physically & mentally).
B- Concerned about timing and course selection for HIM, Racine would be 8 weeks to the day b4 A race. Too close?
C- RR are 2 and 4 weeks out still in new IM plans? Correct?
D- Toying with thought of EN Chicks Jul camp if I can get away.
I am currently in week 12 of intermediate OS and will go on vacation to Antigua at week 14. I just noticed that week 14 is a test week. I presume I should move the test week to week 13 (next week). Is that correct? My Dec OS plan is pasted below. Couldn't figure out how to get the colors to copy.
This looks like a solid year. Beefing up the runs this early in the OS should consist of extending Wed and Sunday after the interval; maybe adding a 45' run on Fridays early in the AM, done. Don't want to put too much time in here otherwise.
Since you are a vet, Racine is okay.
The RRs in the new plans are 3 + 6 weeks out; please download the Season Planning tools from the Train Map Start Station Downloads section, there is a weekly volume tab with info there.
It would be awesome to have you at the chica camp...how do we make that happen???
George, your season looks great to me. Yes to moving testing forward; I would do week 13 as tues as planned, wed light/short/easy run, Thursday bike test, friday OFF, Saturday Run test, Sunday do saturdays bike from week 13. And pics from vacation!
Thanks. We leave for Antigua early Saturday morning. Mon and Wed fit better in my schedule this week for testing. So, I'm taking a rest day tomorrow (Sun).
I cancelled my plans for a spring IM so my plan at the moment is to do IMWA again in early December. If I do a 20 wk out-season and a 20wk IM plan I would start the outseason next week. If I do the 12wk IM plan then I have 8 more weeks to go and need some sort of filler for now.
I'm done with the OutSeason, 2/21/2010. My A Race is Vineman 70.3, whch gives me a 21 wk gap. I'm racing the 70.3 in Oceanside, March 27 (B race). Using the advice on the wiki, I changed my plan to the HIM Intermediate with March 27 as the end date (jump from OS to the last 4 wks of the HIM plan).
1. Is this the proper way to setup the 2 races?
2. This method starts the HIM plan on week 15 - is this correct? Also, that means a jump to a 2 hr run from where I am now? Or should I take a transition week before starting the race prep?
3. After "Ralph's", I will take a transition week, and then pop back into OS ? or General Prep ? until the last 12 weeks of race prep before Vineman Half? This later part wasn't clear to me after llistening to the screencast - if one has finished the OS, and you have a gap to fill, do you repeat the last x weeks of OS again? Or fill the gap with General Prep.
A bit confused, Patty Harris
2/21/2010 I think this belongs in the Official Season Planning Tool Thread, but I can't figure out how to move this over to that thread...
I'd likely have to
A- drop Racine (since it's the week after- too close to be away from home/work) and pick up Kansas- which is a possibility
B- make sure I have enough vaca days. Maybe if I could have a note from the coach that this is a medical necessity (mental health that is)
Thanks for the feedback Coach P!
Vince, I just loaded up the 20wk HIM into your account per above. It should work, check it out.
Depends on what your race goals are, are you just training for fun, to get faster, working with a weekly volume cap for personal reasons, etc.
We have/will have General Prep Block 1 and 2 in the new system and you could use this as a base plan. These are weeks 1-4 and 5-8 of the IM plans.
Or you could do the OS running schedule with the bikes and swims from the GP plan above.
Again, I say narrow down your goals (you were kinda all over the place up there, nothing wrong with that) when the time comes. Bottomline though, the OS plan is our best tool for making you faster.
Okay, I'm answering my own question. I finally pulled my head out of my @$$ and fixed it! DUH! Gees, I am sooo ready for that transition week!
Thanks. One other question thread: I'm not beholden to doing the WTH as none of my training partners are...I'm a little fried from OS and I'm more wanting to do a Sprint in early June followed by the July 18th Vineman. I'd like to join you guys for Stage 1 of the ToC May 16th....play a little with my fitness, drop some lbs...
If I bailed on WTH what would you suggest I do for training from this point onward toward July 18th?
My schedule looks something like the below.
2 questions follow at bottom:
2/15/2010 16
2/22/2010 17 Hyannis 1/2mary
3/1/2010 18
3/8/2010 19
3/15/2010 20
3/22/2010 21
3/29/2010 22
4/5/2010 23 StL 1/2mary
4/12/2010 24
4/19/2010 25
4/26/2010 26
5/3/2010 27 15:35
5/10/2010 28 FL 70.3 15:50
5/17/2010 Big Day 29 13:20
5/24/2010 30 13:50
5/31/2010 31 EPIC WEEK--Bullmoose 16:10
6/7/2010 Race Sim 32 15:55
6/14/2010 33 16:40
6/21/2010 34 15:20
6/28/2010Race Sim 35 16:30
7/5/2010 36 13:10
7/12/2010 37 10:05
7/19/2010IMUSA 38 Race Week
7/26/2010 39
8/2/2010 40
1) any problem with big day week after 1st 70.3 and 1st race sim 1 wk after epic week capped by bullmoose (oly sat and 70.3 sun)
2) should I make 70.3 of epic week = race sim?
Thanks again! awesome tools!
Is there going to be a 12wk HIM plan posted on the new Beta 2.0 or will I need to use the last 12 weeks of a 20wk HIM plan?
VH -
If you bail on WTH, you'll have 21 weeks until Vineman, which is quite a while. I'd still recommend a 12 week build for that, so you could do 1 week easy + 8 weeks of work (or 8 and 1). I personally would do the 8 weeks of the OS again, but you could certainly do the HIM Gen Prep 1 and 2 (each 4 weeks) and sprinkle some volume in there!
JB -
First, check out that Hyannis thread I started.
Second I think your plans are fine. Big Day week is fine, and the first race sim after epic week w/ bullmoose is good as long as you recover well for mon/tues/wed then go into race sim weekend ready to go.
Do not make the end of that epic week be a race sim, etc; I think it will prove to be mentally too much!
Aaron -
Thanks for the question. I would look to finishing out the OS as planning and on starting your IM prep the week of 3/28. Between those to points you'll have a week of transition and the opportunity to perhaps do a small volume pop to boost your fitness. Maybe even a road race for fun. But you are 100% on track. And your TT schedule is fine (very cool). I would go 4 weeks of your plan (3/28-4/21), with the last one a bit epic. Then that week of 4/22 a run / core / crossfit focused week, so when you return you can go right into week 8 of your plan...and be on track!
Amy we are on this...hope to have them up by this Friday. Thanks for your patience!!!
It looks like a later response is that there will be a 12 week HIM race plan soon. That will help with Vineman 70.3 plannning. But it's not clear to me how to get from here to there. In the response regarding Vineman, it was suggested to Vince to do the 8 weeks of OS again - does this mean the last 8 wks, first 8 wks?
I'd still looking for some help with planning upcoming Ralphs and transition to Vineman.
Thanks, Patty
That's what I'll do Patrick. I want to play more so I will take 1 wk easy then do 8 weeks of OS FTP work before starting the 12 wk build.
This way I can meet up with the ToC group for a little volume and intensity on a ride without blowing a race taper.
Thanks for your input.
Thanks for the feedback, I'll follow your advice and keep at it!
@Vince, yeah, WF and WTH are not "casual" half, as in just show up and do them for fun. WF in particular isn't very fun if you don't have good run legs and are not well rested. That's the race, the weekend is a blast and sometimes that enough. I've never done/seen WTH but know it's a hard race.
I say after you transition, load up the 20wk HIM plan (not sure how/where that all lands on the calendar) and use the first 8wks as a guide. You don't need to be super on the schedule until 10-12wks out, but could use the first 1-8wks of the plan as a guide, picking and choosing as you like.
WTH is the last race I did prior to EN entry. It was ugly. I didn't taper and went out too hard on the bike, walked nearly all the run finishing with a 6+ hour racetime. The other issue was it was 94 degrees in the shade, which was a 15-20 degree jump in 2 days. People were dropping like flies. My training partner beat me by less than 2mins then spent 5 hours on IV and throwing up.
WF was another consideration but my conference scheduling isn't meshing well with all my races. So, I will just have fun and see how Vineman shakes out. Got to drop 15-20 lbs by then....