Hi All -- While it might be boring for Madison-based folks, I would highly recommend all bike rides be on the IM course. It's highly technical and physically demanding and if you are coming from out of town, you'll want to be on the course as often as you can. It's beautiful and scenic.
I know the course with my eyes closed. I live less than an hour away, but if I'm doing IM MOO, then riding that course is a priority for me when I come to Madision...not exploring the rest of the area roads. Hey it's rolling farmland...it all looks the same. Riding that course will put confidence deposits in your mental bank.
The lake is a lake...sometimes rough..sometimes smooth.
What I'm saying is if you are spending the time and money to come to Madison...invest wisely and spend most of your time on the bike course.
Aside from Observatory hill, the run is flat. We can still get in a nice long run going from hotel to capital down state street head to the lake front path out to the turnaround and then come back on the Observatory hill road...back to state street ..capital and hotel.
OK, OK, I gotta look for flights soon so I get a good rate! I'll be shipping the bike- lots of time to sort that detail out. Heck, I'll have shipped Hobbs to Cali in May so I should be "old hat" by then!
I've riden this course a lot, and although, I haven't done all of the North American IM's, it's my understanding that this is the hardest, most technical course. Perfect for an EN execution, Ninja style! If you want to be comfortable with the course, ditch the boyz for the 2nd ride (I'm sure you'll get plenty of them during the weekend anyway, right) and ride the course both days. The loop is more technical and interesting than the stick part. If you're going to train on the course, you might as well take advantage of knowing where the turns are, when to downshift and where the common wind gusts are. So, my recommendation is:
Day #1 - Swim and run to get rid of the cobwebs from traveling Day #2 - Matt's course - stick out, one loop, stick back....about 70 miles...no driving, right from the door of the hotel. You'll probably have a little in the tank for a short trans run. Day #3 - If you have the cars and can swing it....drive to Verona and do 2 loops....about 84 miles.
Shipping your bike: Right now I can not find it, I thought it was on the Fed Ex site, but I have the web address at home. But in another thread we discussed TBT and shipping. The Fed Ex option looked good because you only remove seat post and pedals. Box is otherwise designed for TT bike. I am at work and need to go do stuff, but I will come back...
Larry sounds like a good plan and Pam too thanks for the thoughts.... yep I was just thinking that after driving 11ish hours, I would be in no form to ride... but now swimming sounds appealing..... and then go out to eat... always hungry after swimming.... sounds good on Matt's course too and I like the easy out the door of the hotel.... yep on technical on day 3
note:: my motivation to see the run course, is mental....I just know how I am... me and Heather drove the whole bike and run course of NOLA, before we raced it as we didn't have any other time to ride or run it. I am a very visual person and like to see stuff and create good memories on the course.....so yes all about making the most of the time up there. okay for those of you flying in.... we will just need to get your bikes racked either with the locals... who are showing up and then we do Day #3... I think this should work!! have heard the course is technical and note, from my last IMLP experience, do not ever tell me what speeds you have clocked yourself going downhill!! I don't wanna get psyched out beforehand!! lol. anyways looking forward to it. m
Marianne- don't worry- the route Pam outlined above covers the majority of the run course- you'll see all the key stuff. Just understand that there are parts of the course you simply may not be able to run until race day due to logistics. For example, on race day you run around the track at the U of W field (twice- and frankly once was enough for me). You ain't getting in there before race day. The other logistical issue we may run into is construction. In 2006 we ran the IMWI course at camp but had to take a bunch of detours because many of the roads you run on during race day were closed to construction. I guess what I'm saying is that you'll get to see the key areas and visualize yourself on race day- but you may not see all 26.2 miles of it.
Good news is that because it's mostly a double out & back- you really only have to run 7-9 miles of it to have seen the whole thing.
We need to figure out when folks are arriving & leaving so we can figure out how much time together we actually have. Are most folks using Wednesday & Monday as "travel days" so we have Thurs-Sun together? Or are folks planning to use Thurs & Sun as "travel days" (which means we will only have Fri/Sat for any real training). Here is what I was thinking:
Thurs- Travel/Admin day. Arrive by dinner time and we do some social stuff that evening Fri- Training day (ride the IMoo Course) Sat- Training day (ride the IMoo Course) Sun- Training day (run the IMoo Course, Swim)- some folks may leave that evening or the following day Monday- Travel Day
Personally- I may try to fly in on Wed night if possible so I have some time Thurs morning to put my bike together.
Nemo....roomie... I don't have a flight yet, but I am planning to arrive Wed/ leave Mon. If our room is not booked for Wednesday night, let me know. I will extend it. Car rental is not clear as I don't know logistics for getting to/from airport. Would rather not, but sometimes ya just gotta. Besides, if I ship bike to Michele M as she offered, then I gotta get it! Otherwise time line is good. We should figure out when/where for those that are interested in yoga vs massage vs swimming, etc.
Michele- Our room is booked Wed-Mon! We are covered! I just didn't want to assume that since we were arriving Wed night, that meant folks like Marianne & Gina who are driving would also be there Wed night.
If we can get ourselves to/from the airport/hotel then I don't think we'll need rental cars while we are in town- we'll be walking distance to most everything I think and we can always carpool up with folks driving in for the weekend if we need to drive somewhere.
I'm gonna probably have to be at work on Wednesday, Thursday, and part of Friday that week (will already be off work from June 24 - July 5 for CdA and then a week in portland), but if any of you are flying in on Wednesday or Thurs I'm happy to play chauffer to get you to the hotel. I can see the airport runways from my window at work, so it's really close. As long as I know ahead of time, I can block off the time from my schedule. Depending on when y'all are getting in, it's no problem to make a few trips to the hotel that day.
There are also taxi's available, although you may need to give them a call to pick you up depending on the time of day.
Just became aware of this thread from the weekly e-mail from RnP. I am planning to be there and the plan is that my children will be at the cabin with G'ma and pa, so if anyone needs lodging, I can probably squeeze a few folks at my parents house with me, near west side. Depending on what level of luxury and privacy you are looking for there are 2 extra beds,a futon and a big couch...old house though so limited potties.
Like Pam, I know the bike course like the back of my hand and for a flat-lander, I LOVE IT!! All those ups and downs. Anyway, I recommend highly running the three hills that make up Observatory Drive, preferably as part of a brick. My rookie mistake in '08 was not running that part of the course and it took everything out of me mentally when I hit it on race day - because I grew up in Madison, sledded on Observatory during college (with no help from beer, HA!) it never occurred to me to run it pre-race. Will not make that mistake this year! As for the swim, go and see it, but man, I really wouldn't bother getting in, at the time of this camp that water will be full of seaweed, it's disgusting. If you can follow where the waterskier's perform, you might be ok, but trust me, they have to trim and cut and trim and cut in the days leading up to this race, it's just disgusting (and yes, I'm a self-acknowledged pool rat, I like clean water). ok enough there, finally and most importantly, I am a UW-Alum which means I possess the lifetime membership card that permits you to buy beer at the Memorial union Terrace which is the only place to watch the sunset in town.
As this gets closer, please feel free to reach out for any logistic help, transportation, etc. I will probably drive up from Chicago on Thursday - can give rides up but will be hauling children back.
Gals- not sure if I can make this camp (pending my HIM choice). Would sure love to ride the course and see the venue. Is there anyone out there still looking for a roommate?
Just following up on Heather's swim comments...yep, the lake is disgusting most of the summer. Unless you train in it regularly, have an amazing level of immunity, or wear ear AND nose plugs (which I do all summer), might not be worth the potentially allergy/illness issues. But if you are hoping to do an open water swim that weekend, we could definitely arrange for a group swim with some kayakers at Lake Ripley in Cambridge, or if we're willing to do a 45+ minute drive could head to Devil's Lake or Yellowstone Lake and then ride our bikes back to Madison. I'm happy to coordinate if people are interested.
I know this is 4 1/2 months away, but very exciting to start planning!
I would really like to swim, mainly because I love to swim. Gross lakes don't bother me much, but I'd rather not get sick. Only problem with swim is if we need a wetsuit, and we bike back- 1. enough vehicle support to get all bikes and folks out. 2. vehicle to carry wet gear back But I'd be in!
Not sure if it would work for you guys. I have seen people swim in wetsuits at Firemans Park in Verona, both before and after riding the course. It's a small lake and I don't think I've ever seen a boat out there. I cant recall how big it is, but you would have to do multiple laps.
I typically park in somewhere in this area when I ride the course and I go in the water after my ride just to soak my legs for a few minutes before driving home. You could definitely go without wetsuits as the water will be warm enough in July.
part of the fun of any trip is the planning!!! yep I swim in nasty stuff too so even just a look see at what we are gonna do will be nice. I have lakes here so I didn't need a lake I just wanna see the one we are doing!!! nasty or not. oh gosh you should see me out of the water on some of the nasty stuff,,eww, so I am not for sure if we will have time for a drive to the lake, well I doubt I will but who knows.... you know what I mean? I like the first idea of basically when I drive into town, I check out the lake... maybe not a formal EN thing or just a meet up at said certain time once we figure out peeps travel schedules!!! I think the planning helps with this winter blahs don't you!!???
Michele - I'm in the same boat as you -Ill be out of town for two week for IM CDA but still hope to attend some of this camp/rally - probably will drive up Friday and ride with you all on Saturday. As for swimming in Firemans park - it is doable - they do an Olympic race there every year and we have to do 3 loops to get a mile swim. For those people that are relatively local and want a good swim in the Ironman lake - there is the Madison Open water swim event usually 3 weeks prior to IM MOo and you actually can swim in a race setting the full 2.4 mile loop. Great confidence booster prior to race day!! Looking forward to meeting everyone.
Thurs- Travel/Admin day. Arrive by dinner time and we do some social stuff that evening
Fri- Training day (ride the IMoo Course)
Sat- Training day (ride the IMoo Course)
Sun- Training day (run the IMoo Course, Swim)- some folks may leave that evening or the following day
Monday- Travel Day
Sorry I've been in and out of reading this forum. I'm driving in Friday (I'm 50 mins from hotel site) to meet up for the ride.
Is Rich coming for this i.e. is it like past Wisco camps where he is out driving on course. Oh spped skating on...getting of computer now. Any EN chicas on FB, would love to be "friends." EN chicos too.
Hi everyone, I'm new here so just seeing this thread now. I'm semi-local in that it's only a few hour drive for me to get to Madison but I'm putting it in my schedule now to make the trip up for this. Haven't made hotel reservations yet but will try to do so soon.
@Pam- Rich & Patrick will be at the EN MidWest rally the same weekend. However- they are not doing the old "IMWI CAMP" thing- it's much less structured and more of a self-run training weekend where the coaches will be out riding the course too (vs driving around out on the course to check on folks). I hope we can get the coaches to ride with the Chicas for at least some of the weekend- but I'm also sure I can NOT keep up with them for 2 days of riding!
18 hour drive? OUCH!!!
It is 11ish for me and I am leaning more and more to driving. I just don't want to hassle with shipping the bike. TBD.
Hi All -- While it might be boring for Madison-based folks, I would highly recommend all bike rides be on the IM course. It's highly technical and physically demanding and if you are coming from out of town, you'll want to be on the course as often as you can. It's beautiful and scenic.
I know the course with my eyes closed. I live less than an hour away, but if I'm doing IM MOO, then riding that course is a priority for me when I come to Madision...not exploring the rest of the area roads. Hey it's rolling farmland...it all looks the same.
Riding that course will put confidence deposits in your mental bank.
The lake is a lake...sometimes rough..sometimes smooth.
What I'm saying is if you are spending the time and money to come to Madison...invest wisely and spend most of your time on the bike course.
Aside from Observatory hill, the run is flat. We can still get in a nice long run going from hotel to capital down state street head to the lake front path out to the turnaround and then come back on the Observatory hill road...back to state street ..capital and hotel.
Can't wait to meet everyone.
I've riden this course a lot, and although, I haven't done all of the North American IM's, it's my understanding that this is the hardest, most technical course. Perfect for an EN execution, Ninja style! If you want to be comfortable with the course, ditch the boyz for the 2nd ride (I'm sure you'll get plenty of them during the weekend anyway, right) and ride the course both days. The loop is more technical and interesting than the stick part. If you're going to train on the course, you might as well take advantage of knowing where the turns are, when to downshift and where the common wind gusts are. So, my recommendation is:
Day #1 - Swim and run to get rid of the cobwebs from traveling
Day #2 - Matt's course - stick out, one loop, stick back....about 70 miles...no driving, right from the door of the hotel. You'll probably have a little in the tank for a short trans run.
Day #3 - If you have the cars and can swing it....drive to Verona and do 2 loops....about 84 miles.
Good luck and I hope to see you that weekend.
Right now I can not find it, I thought it was on the Fed Ex site, but I have the web address at home. But in another thread we discussed TBT and shipping. The Fed Ex option looked good because you only remove seat post and pedals. Box is otherwise designed for TT bike.
I am at work and need to go do stuff, but I will come back...
sounds good on Matt's course too and I like the easy out the door of the hotel....
yep on technical on day 3
note:: my motivation to see the run course, is mental....I just know how I am... me and Heather drove the whole bike and run course of NOLA, before we raced it as we didn't have any other time to ride or run it. I am a very visual person and like to see stuff and create good memories on the course.....so yes all about making the most of the time up there. okay for those of you flying in.... we will just need to get your bikes racked either with the locals... who are showing up and then we do Day #3... I think this should work!! have heard the course is technical and note, from my last IMLP experience, do not ever tell me what speeds you have clocked yourself going downhill!! I don't wanna get psyched out beforehand!! lol. anyways looking forward to it. m
I looked at it and am probably going to use that for camp.
That should work better. Sorry.
Good news is that because it's mostly a double out & back- you really only have to run 7-9 miles of it to have seen the whole thing.
We need to figure out when folks are arriving & leaving so we can figure out how much time together we actually have. Are most folks using Wednesday & Monday as "travel days" so we have Thurs-Sun together? Or are folks planning to use Thurs & Sun as "travel days" (which means we will only have Fri/Sat for any real training). Here is what I was thinking:
Thurs- Travel/Admin day. Arrive by dinner time and we do some social stuff that evening
Fri- Training day (ride the IMoo Course)
Sat- Training day (ride the IMoo Course)
Sun- Training day (run the IMoo Course, Swim)- some folks may leave that evening or the following day
Monday- Travel Day
Personally- I may try to fly in on Wed night if possible so I have some time Thurs morning to put my bike together.
Otherwise time line is good. We should figure out when/where for those that are interested in yoga vs massage vs swimming, etc.
If we can get ourselves to/from the airport/hotel then I don't think we'll need rental cars while we are in town- we'll be walking distance to most everything I think and we can always carpool up with folks driving in for the weekend if we need to drive somewhere.
I am always up for massage, but would do yoga too, and swimming.
Can't we all just go tomorrow?
Hey girlz,
I'm gonna probably have to be at work on Wednesday, Thursday, and part of Friday that week (will already be off work from June 24 - July 5 for CdA and then a week in portland), but if any of you are flying in on Wednesday or Thurs I'm happy to play chauffer to get you to the hotel. I can see the airport runways from my window at work, so it's really close. As long as I know ahead of time, I can block off the time from my schedule. Depending on when y'all are getting in, it's no problem to make a few trips to the hotel that day.
There are also taxi's available, although you may need to give them a call to pick you up depending on the time of day.
Just became aware of this thread from the weekly e-mail from RnP. I am planning to be there and the plan is that my children will be at the cabin with G'ma and pa, so if anyone needs lodging, I can probably squeeze a few folks at my parents house with me, near west side. Depending on what level of luxury and privacy you are looking for there are 2 extra beds,a futon and a big couch...old house though so limited potties.
Like Pam, I know the bike course like the back of my hand and for a flat-lander, I LOVE IT!! All those ups and downs. Anyway, I recommend highly running the three hills that make up Observatory Drive, preferably as part of a brick. My rookie mistake in '08 was not running that part of the course and it took everything out of me mentally when I hit it on race day - because I grew up in Madison, sledded on Observatory during college (with no help from beer, HA!) it never occurred to me to run it pre-race. Will not make that mistake this year! As for the swim, go and see it, but man, I really wouldn't bother getting in, at the time of this camp that water will be full of seaweed, it's disgusting. If you can follow where the waterskier's perform, you might be ok, but trust me, they have to trim and cut and trim and cut in the days leading up to this race, it's just disgusting (and yes, I'm a self-acknowledged pool rat, I like clean water). ok enough there, finally and most importantly, I am a UW-Alum which means I possess the lifetime membership card that permits you to buy beer at the Memorial union Terrace which is the only place to watch the sunset in town.
As this gets closer, please feel free to reach out for any logistic help, transportation, etc. I will probably drive up from Chicago on Thursday - can give rides up but will be hauling children back.
Kris - I need a roommate!
I know this is 4 1/2 months away, but very exciting to start planning!
1. enough vehicle support to get all bikes and folks out.
2. vehicle to carry wet gear back
But I'd be in!
I typically park in somewhere in this area when I ride the course and I go in the water after my ride just to soak my legs for a few minutes before driving home. You could definitely go without wetsuits as the water will be warm enough in July.
Michele - I'm in the same boat as you -Ill be out of town for two week for IM CDA but still hope to attend some of this camp/rally - probably will drive up Friday and ride with you all on Saturday. As for swimming in Firemans park - it is doable - they do an Olympic race there every year and we have to do 3 loops to get a mile swim. For those people that are relatively local and want a good swim in the Ironman lake - there is the Madison Open water swim event usually 3 weeks prior to IM MOo and you actually can swim in a race setting the full 2.4 mile loop. Great confidence booster prior to race day!! Looking forward to meeting everyone.
Does anyone need a room @ ;the Clarion? I have 3 reserved and going to cancel what is not needed!
Suddenly had a catch in my throat wondering--did I get a room? I did.
I'm all set!
Nemo I like the schedule you put together:
Thurs- Travel/Admin day. Arrive by dinner time and we do some social stuff that evening
Fri- Training day (ride the IMoo Course)
Sat- Training day (ride the IMoo Course)
Sun- Training day (run the IMoo Course, Swim)- some folks may leave that evening or the following day
Monday- Travel Day
Sorry I've been in and out of reading this forum. I'm driving in Friday (I'm 50 mins from hotel site) to meet up for the ride.
Is Rich coming for this i.e. is it like past Wisco camps where he is out driving on course. Oh spped skating on...getting of computer now. Any EN chicas on FB, would love to be "friends." EN chicos too.
Happy weekend.
Hi everyone, I'm new here so just seeing this thread now. I'm semi-local in that it's only a few hour drive for me to get to Madison but I'm putting it in my schedule now to make the trip up for this. Haven't made hotel reservations yet but will try to do so soon.
OK Gals, I've booked my flights. I'm coming in late Wed night and leaving early (crack of dawn early) on Monday morning.