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Moo Camp Dates and Hotel Reservations



  • Delta out United back or the other way around, I can't remember.
  • Should we share a minivan, or two? With bikes in the back we can seat 4 passengers.

  • Wait a minute--I thought Thurs and Mon were they travel days? What are you all doing? I am about to book Thurs arrival, Mon departure. Yes, no, yes?

    Thurs- Travel/Admin day. Arrive by dinner time and we do some social stuff that evening 

    Fri- Training day (ride the IMoo Course) 

    Sat- Training day (ride the IMoo Course) 

    Sun- Training day (run the IMoo Course, Swim)- some folks may leave that evening or the following day 

    Monday- Travel Day

  • I am driving. Hope to arrive Wed pm, leave Mon early. I have the capacity for 3 bikes and 3 people. Just FYI.


  • I am considering driving too, leaving from baltimore, plan to arrive wed pm, leave monday am.

    Have a subaru outback wagon. can seat 5 people,although  4 is more comfy. Not sure how many bikes cause I need to get a rack, not sure which kind yet. If anyone going from midatlantic and wants to tag along, let me know

  • Linda- I think Thurs is still likely to be an "Admin/Travel" day even for those of us actually traveling on Wed. Folks driving will need a little down time, folks flying will need some time to put their bikes together, etc. We don't need to make Thurs a schedule heavy day even if folks are traveling on Wed. Make sense? I get into Madison close to midnight after a looooong day of work, so I'm gonna sleep in (ha- we all know how well that works) on Thursday, put my bike together, and maybe go for a short "shake-down" ride to be sure it all works OK. So don't worry if you are coming in on Thurs- I don't think your going to miss much!
  • I am booked.  right now... I will leave here early Thurs morning and return home on Sunday night... 3 nights in hotel. I know a little tight but less time away from my kids (and childcare....)  which means... I have Thurs night to swim or see said lake, and eat with Team, Friday to ride the course and then go run some highlights and eat, Saturday to ride the course one more time..... and do some Pilates/Yoga afterwards and eat!!! and Sunday morning ??? whatever the legs have left!!  then drive 11 hours home.  or something like that!!!  m

  • Sheryl and I will be driving in from Minneapolis on Thursday.  We haven't really discussed the details yet, but prolly arrive by early afternoon.  Plans currently are to leave sometime on Sunday so Sheryl can hook up with her Habitat friends for their yearly ride.  If my plans change, we may end up leaving Sat night.  So, our plans as you can see are tentative.  But, for sure we will be there Thurs and Friday and at least some of Sat.  We have a room at the Clarion also.

  • My training partner, Selina, and I just booked a room at the Clarion and we will arrive by Friday evening and will hope to catch up with people Friday night and then ride and whatever on Saturday. We will leave sometime Sunday. Thanks so much for coordinating. We look forward to meeting all of you that will do IMMOO this year - we plan to be up there volunteering and spectating so we will look forward to having EN people we know to cheer for! Don't know how our legs will do for the riding during this weekend after doing IM CDA but we will do our best - image.
  • Awesome, Kris. I have a room reserved Thursday - Sunday nights.

    Of course, we should start working on the food plan. I'll likely arrive Thursday morning.

    Thursday night foodie dinner at Harvest?

    Saturday morning bike ride to end at Farmer's market?

    Friday morning bike ride to begin at Lazy Jane's? Because we will need eggs and scones? (Hm. I wonder if scones are sturdy enough to fit into a jersey pocket?)

    Recovery fozen custard?



  • Beth-  I love the way you think!!! Good food is a MUST!

  • Gina- that's what I was thinking.. down to the important stuff! BTW - if I can work it out to come, happy to put together a yoga workout (specifically for post ride) for the weekend.

    Also been thinking- if pink visors aren't a go, what about pink cowboys hats with the EN with the star on the front. We could be cool like Lindsey Corbin and have one of the crew passing them out at the finish chute?
  • Beth- I just looked ;the menu for Harvest. I am sooooo there!!

  • Beth--I didn't look at the menu, and I am so there!!! image

  • FOOD IS GOOD!! feel sure we can stuff scones in those teensy singlet pockets!!!
  •  For anybody doing IMMoo that has not noticed, there is now a forum thread dedicated to us. This is where  you introduce yourself if you haven't already.


    Lots of guys there too! EN is going to represent HUGE this year! So many people too gawk at Rich!

  • Posted By Michele Moreno on 19 Feb 2010 10:59 AM

    Hey girlz,

    I'm gonna probably have to be at work on Wednesday, Thursday, and part of Friday that week (will already be off work from June 24 - July 5 for CdA and then a week in portland), but if any of you are flying in on Wednesday or Thurs I'm happy to play chauffer to get you to the hotel.  I can see the airport runways from my window at work, so it's really close.  As long as I know ahead of time, I can block off the time from my schedule.  Depending on when y'all are getting in, it's no problem to make a few trips to the hotel that day.

    There are also taxi's available, although you may need to give them a call to pick you up depending on the time of day.

    I'm very excited - I decided to take Thurs/Fri off from work that week!  So I'm still available to play shuttle driver on Wednesday, and then I'm free all day Thurs thru Sunday to ride/run/swim and hang out.  Yippy!  Will also have a friend or two who are interested in joining us.  Looking forward to a fun time!


  • WOOHOO!!! Oh that's fantastic news Michele!!!
  • Yay! Michele!!! Invite everyone! More the merrier!

  • I just stubbled onto this! Tracy: our room at the Clarion is booked from Wed through Monday.
    I'm planning on flying in on Wed night or Thurs morning and leaving Monday morning. The bike will be shipped.
    As for the rest, I'm doing the Linda Plan: point me in whatever direction y'all are going and I shall go!

    This is all very exciting! Can't wait to hang out with all of you!!
  • Hi All!

    Made my flight reservations! Landing at 5:40 Wed evening, and my flight out is on Sunday at 3:40 pm, which still gives me some of the day. I think that will work out great for me! Wish it was next weekend!

  • Nemo and girls, awesome, I am in, will make my reservations and can't wait to meet all of you! I will be done with my "A" race (god-willing) and know I will learn much and hope to contribute some good "shrink" stuff too

  • Very Cool! We now have folks signed up to help with a Pilates class, a Yoga class, and Headcase help!!! Do we need to start scouting out a spa for a group mani/pedi or massage afternoon/evening treat?
  •  Since it will be sandal season-  like mani/pedi idea. Do that in the beginning, then massage toward end for our hard work

    Really can't wait

  • not sure what I have been missing, but sounds like the group has grown!!! Heather and I talked about it today and both looking forward to the camp!
  • 6 months from now is our race!!  did I miss any sign ups anywhere in EN???  if so let me know or sign me up (Nemo!).... yep 6 months!

  •  Marianne- I don't think you've checked in on this thread yet:


    Oh- and anyone else who hasn't done so, be sure you get yourself checked in and on the list!
  •  Ladies- another thought for our camp came to me last night on the Open House call.  Rich thought we said that we'd make him debut the speedo at camp and nearly flipped!   So no go there.  BUT- I think we should try to get our Speedo design finalized, ordered, and delivered in time for camp so we can present it to Rich at one of the dinners!  It will be a hoot!

    Sooo, if you haven't already done so- please check out the Pick Dick's IMWI Swim Suit thread and help us finalize that design!  Oh and of course we can get our matching visor's ordered in time for camp too!  I'll get Rich to whisper his swimsuit size in my ear when we are at TOC in May and we'll place the order then.  I think that should give us enough time.

  •  Ok, booking hotel room for the actual IM week, realized that during Moo camp is Art fair on the Square- July 10-11. Pretty Awesome event from what i can remember for the short time I lived there. Might be something to checkout after the rides?



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