me too... never know what's gonna come up, but I love it!
here's a pic of my "llama" I'm toying with a name... kinda stuck on one, but will need to have it and ride it first... as I told Beth, I've never named a bike, but have always named my cars... I think that the first weekend out (which won't be until after IMWI ) might help me pick one, if not then, hopefully at the AV (my first RR). I may not be super fast, but I'll look super fast (faster than riding a pack animal, that's for sure)... Although the EN HR training has done wonders for me this year (I can't complain with the great strides I've made without a PM), owning this machine will definitely drive me to get the PM so I can learn to ride him to the best of my ability - and feel like I deserve this sweet ride! OMG I am so excited. My first real bike!!!
And Barb... can't wait for the report - and again, glad you're okay! IM Moooooooooooooo 2011 is calling you!
Kristen -- I forgot to tell you from before -- none of my good friends were at my college reunion either. I ended up having a great time hanging out with all the bio majors. But it was a little odd, and very unlike the fifth reunion, which had all my friends.
Me - Insert gossip about boys here.
Maybe we should start a new sport with llamas. Maybe Pentathalon 3.0?
@Beth.... LoL too funny! But my llama will have a better haircut! maybe sport a chica pink visor! And yes, a sport with llamas (and maybe pink bunnies) is definitely in order!
bouncy pouncy trouncy flouncy fun fun fun fun fun.... aaaaannnnndddd the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is I'm the only one! Iiiiiiiii'mmmmmm the only one. hoo hoo hoo hoo.
FWIW I had thought about a tiger-ish sort of name (and I think it's particularly fun, in an I'm bizarre kind of way, that I was born in the year of the tiger).
I'm sort of toying with the name "Crush" now. For orange crush... the soda, the song... not to mention it sort of goes with Dash, his cuz.... and on it I'll feel like I can "crush" the competition (while the reality of that may not be the case... I can feel super speedy on it, can't I?) But I have to ride him to see what comes to me. Crush the llama just doen't ring well. I do like Jackson, but I'm not sure if I want that image of Samuel Jackson in my head every time I go out for a spin.
Sweet bike, Becky! I'm thinking "Il Falco"...Italian for The Falcon (which was Paolo Salvadelli's nickname because he could descend so fast). Kestrel's are small falcons. There's a couple of pairs that nest and hunt in the fields around my house. Everytime I see one and tell my DH he asks,"An Airfoil or Talon?"
Seriously, can you IMAGINE if we could ride llamas at IM? We'd start the run with fresh legs and could throw down 3-hour marathons! So they spit...Meh. We'd save alot of TSS with those llamas I tells ya. Just sayin'.
I don't know, Nemo. "Tigger" sounds neither fierce nor fast - it sounds like a comfort cruiser that one might ride around town. I do like "Crush", though, for crushing the competition. That's a beautiful bike, Becky! I have never named a car or bike before until I got my new car, and I immediately dubbed it "The Beast". It just fits!
Love the llama with the 'fro! I had forgotten about that whole llama spitting thing. They kick, too. When I was in vet school we had to go treat some llamas on someone's farm and these were the biggest, meanest llamas I had ever seen! I spent the afternoon dodging spitballs and feet.
Kitima, that scarf needs to be pink :-) Oh, and do ya think a llama would wear a visor?
Just wanted to check in with you ladies to let you know that things are getting a little tense around here. We are watching Earl very closely and are hopeful the majority of tracks will hold true so that it goes east of us. However, there is a significant possibility that we'll have to evacuate and board up the house. And if we have to evacuate, well, I can't guarantee when we can get back and that kinda screws with IMWI a little. So just keep your fingers and toes crossed.
One final note. We are safe and we will continue to be safe. So you do not have to worry about us. If they call for an evacuation we will bug out with Otto and Lilly, we will not attempt to ride out a Cat 3 hurricane. If it's a direct hit, yes, our house could be at risk- but that's a risk we accepted when we moved down here- it's just stuff. (oh- and PS, Fiona is being shipped to Madison today- so she will also be safe!)
IMMOO Ladies, I will not be able to attend IMWI.. Honestly, money is in very short supply right now. And, Louisville expenditures added to that. I am truly bummed out that I will miss all of the festivities and meeting and cheering aloud, in person, for all of you! You can bet that I will be tracking all of you on race day! Hopefully WTC won't have the web problems they did for IMLOU. Certainly there will be lots of pictures taken, so we all can see what fun you had! I know that you all will rock the race!!!
Bummer Barb, I was looking forward to meeting you in person. But of course we all understand and we know you'll be cheering for us at home (along with Carrie C and several other Chicas who can't be there in person).
me too... never know what's gonna come up, but I love it!
here's a pic of my "llama" I'm toying with a name... kinda stuck on one, but will need to have it and ride it first... as I told Beth, I've never named a bike, but have always named my cars... I think that the first weekend out (which won't be until after IMWI
) might help me pick one, if not then, hopefully at the AV (my first RR). I may not be super fast, but I'll look super fast (faster than riding a pack animal, that's for sure)... Although the EN HR training has done wonders for me this year (I can't complain with the great strides I've made without a PM), owning this machine will definitely drive me to get the PM so I can learn to ride him to the best of my ability - and feel like I deserve this sweet ride! OMG I am so excited. My first real bike!!!
And Barb... can't wait for the report - and again, glad you're okay! IM Moooooooooooooo 2011 is calling you!
Becky - Maybe your bicycle's name is Samuel?
Kristen -- I forgot to tell you from before -- none of my good friends were at my college reunion either. I ended up having a great time hanging out with all the bio majors. But it was a little odd, and very unlike the fifth reunion, which had all my friends.
Me - Insert gossip about boys here.
Maybe we should start a new sport with llamas. Maybe Pentathalon 3.0?
@Beth.... LoL

too funny! But my llama will have a better haircut! maybe sport a chica pink visor! And yes, a sport with llamas (and maybe pink bunnies) is definitely in order!
Given the colors, I'd probably name it something like Tigger ('cause Tiggers are a wonderful thing).
FWIW I had thought about a tiger-ish sort of name (and I think it's particularly fun, in an I'm bizarre kind of way, that I was born in the year of the tiger).
I'm sort of toying with the name "Crush" now. For orange crush... the soda, the song... not to mention it sort of goes with Dash, his cuz.... and on it I'll feel like I can "crush" the competition (while the reality of that may not be the case... I can feel super speedy on it, can't I?) But I have to ride him to see what comes to me. Crush the llama just doen't ring well. I do like Jackson, but I'm not sure if I want that image of Samuel Jackson in my head every time I go out for a spin.
Sweet bike, Becky! I'm thinking "Il Falco"...Italian for The Falcon (which was Paolo Salvadelli's nickname because he could descend so fast). Kestrel's are small falcons. There's a couple of pairs that nest and hunt in the fields around my house. Everytime I see one and tell my DH he asks,"An Airfoil or Talon?"
Seriously, can you IMAGINE if we could ride llamas at IM? We'd start the run with fresh legs and could throw down 3-hour marathons! So they spit...Meh. We'd save alot of TSS with those llamas I tells ya. Just sayin'.
And we could dress them up in scarves...
Love the llama with the 'fro! I had forgotten about that whole llama spitting thing. They kick, too. When I was in vet school we had to go treat some llamas on someone's farm and these were the biggest, meanest llamas I had ever seen! I spent the afternoon dodging spitballs and feet.
Barb, I can't wait to read your race report!
Just wanted to check in with you ladies to let you know that things are getting a little tense around here. We are watching Earl very closely and are hopeful the majority of tracks will hold true so that it goes east of us. However, there is a significant possibility that we'll have to evacuate and board up the house. And if we have to evacuate, well, I can't guarantee when we can get back and that kinda screws with IMWI a little. So just keep your fingers and toes crossed.
One final note. We are safe and we will continue to be safe. So you do not have to worry about us. If they call for an evacuation we will bug out with Otto and Lilly, we will not attempt to ride out a Cat 3 hurricane. If it's a direct hit, yes, our house could be at risk- but that's a risk we accepted when we moved down here- it's just stuff. (oh- and PS, Fiona is being shipped to Madison today- so she will also be safe!)
Barb- Sorry to hear you can't make it, but completely understand!!