Weekly Run Thread 10/4/10 (aka Weekly Run Rehab or Don't Eat Sausages Then Do A Long Run Thread)
Ran 6 days in a row last week and racked up 298 run TSS. Down a bit from 324 TSS the previous week but I had a long run that week. Then lead a Cub Scout fall campout all weekend. I swear I ran a marathon around the camp site. Was crazy. I love being out with the boys hiking, etc. Kids ROCK!
Got up this morning and wanted to run longer to work off the extra calories from the campout. So instead of the scheduled :45 I went to and ran :73 with most on very hilly trails. I felt AWESOME! The last 2 miles were almost all up a nice grade and I just pushed it. I can tell my run fitness is going up. Nice way to start the week.
@John: you're awesome man. good work. Yea, I did nothing again, I'm just tired, but today the weather is bad so here's another excuse!
Actually feel kinda bad for those doing FTP tests on the trainer this week. Been meaning to take the race wheels off the tri bike not to mention clean the blood off it for a couple weeks but have not gotten around to it. Maybe next week I will clean it up and put it on the trainer.
My tri-bike sat for weeks after LP with sticky Ironman Perform all over it. For some reason, almost every bottle I got on the bike did not have the cap screwed on very tight, so when I went to drink it, halfof it splashed all over me and the bike. Took a lot of scrubbing to get all that crap off.
So true. I got home from my 70.3 and hung my bike up. That was 3.5 weeks ago. Haven't been on it since. The race number is still on it and the Infinit spillage is still on it. Guess I need to clean my bike also. But I am in no hurry.
Nicely done, I'm sure the cub scout weekend was a blast!
One question I do have is related to calculating TSS for running. I searched the forums but didn't see anything , can you share how you have calculated this for running?
Appreciate any info you can share.
Alright, I ran for 35 EASY minutes today with my team. Luckily we have a square shaped high school so the halls form a track about 265 meters. I jogged while they did 200 repeats!!!
Dan The Man is moving! Good work!
Also, I guess I'm ahead of the group here (I've had a little extra time recouping from chemo treatments around home) and have got the pain cave all cleaned up and organized and the bike sparkling clean and on the trainer ready for the coming PAIN!!!
@Trent: That's great dude! Happy to hear you are feeling it. Keep it up brother!
@Patrick: I think I have you beat on time of run today, but NOT distance!!!
Nice everyone! My bike is still sitting in the living room, uncleaned. I took off one of the IMWI race stickers.
But there was running today! How far? Um, no idea. Four-five miles? This week is all about running for love instead of time. Yoga and standing done seriously seems to be paying off. My legs feel like happy, tender veal and not knotty oak trees of gristle.
Bike is now "parts" and frame is somewhere between here and Tenessee, on the way for ABG repair and homecoming. Which makes a 'run focus' much easier.
Good work everyone. I am sensing some mojo building with many of you! Good to see and keep it going!
Dave: following your lead and now gonna ping a local coach for 1:1 help with run form, stride, etc.
Ran a very hilly local loop this morning for 1:02. Felt really good but a couple of the ascents were pretty steep (see below) and had me crawling. Total of 1,480 feet of climbing, avg. pace was 9:33 with WKO NGP of 8:46. Last mile was downhill and let the legs go and dropped into low 7's. That is uber-fast for me.
TSS already this week after two runs is 209! Was 298 over 6 run days last week. Gonna tempo run Wednesday and Thursday and take Friday and Saturday off to recover for my 5k TT on Sunday.
John.... I'm going to come move in with you. Would love to have that kind of stuff to run and ride in.
John - I do use WKO but only for cycling. I will go look now and see if will calculate TSS for running as well.....
@ Steve: I am not a WKO guru. I am also running only so I am not adding any bike stuff to the WKO data so all the TSS that shows in the Athlete Home tab is all running. Not sure how you break out TSS for running from the bike data? Maybe one of the WSM's in here can help with that. Just called Tom Glynn and he is gonna pipe in shortly.
In the meantime . . . .
In WKO in the Athlete Home tab you will see the Power Training Zones box at the top - choose Options/View Pace Zones. Choose TODAYS date and then put in your last 5k TT per mile pace in the Threshold Box (what you put in the EN Data tool). Hit enter on your keyboard. Now you have your run pace in WKO. Just like the FTP # you have for the bike stuff in WKO.
I use a Garmin 310XT and after every run I download to Garmin Training Center software. I then export that days run file to my desktop. Then in WKO I choose the Calendar tab and drag that file over the calendar and drop it into WKO. You will get a pop-up box and follow the instructions. It is really easy to do.
So if you do this you can have your weekly TSS for your bike and you runs that week. Very cool.
Separately, I also slug in my swim info. If you got to File and choose Manual Workout Entry a pop up box shows up. I choose Swim, plug in my time in the pool and plug in a number for for my IF, usually .8. Then I get a TSS number. Then click OK. This isn't perfect by any means, but it is consistent so I at least get TSS credit for my time in the pool or lake. :-)
More than you wanted to know, I guess.
Hope this helps.
You can modify a graph already there or create your own. To create one, under options, create custom periodic chart. Name the graph in the General tab. Details tab, select add and under content select Training Stress then pick color/format as desired. Under Sport tab, pick your sport. I'd create one graph for running and one for biking.
Keep up the good work guys...I'll run tomorrow. I promise.
Alright, 2 days in a row for me!! Even in the rain. Jogged a XC course with my team for their warm up. 4K, who cares about time?!
Is it okay that I lay of the technology for a bit? I'm happy just getting out and running for the fun of it.
5 mile warm up @ 8:25
10 x 900' hill repeats on 5% grade
first repeat @ 1:33
slowest @ 1:36
last @ 1:27
My long lost 2009 IM CdA rommie, Bill Russell, has popped into this thread! Thought we lost you to some 1,000k bike event around South Africa or something, Bill.
Hope all is well on Martha's Vineyard my friend.
@ Steve - Good work!
@ Dan - WOOHOO! 3 days in a row?
@ Olivia - Life gets in the way sometimes. Hope to see a post today from ya.
As for me . . . .
I absolutely, positively, 1000% did NOT want to run today. Knew it the moment I woke up. I have been staying up late and getting up early the past few days so think I am a bit sleep deprived. All I know is my attitude SUCKED! I kept telling myself before I was to go out, "I don't HAVE to run, I GET to run." And when this happens I hear something in the back of my head Carrie Chavez told me years ago when I started doing this endurance stuff, "Go run 1 mile. After that mile if you wanna go home, do it. But I bet you keep going." I think I can count on one hand how many times over the years I have turned around after one mile.
So I went out and took a slow start for the first couple of miles. 10:00 pace. Then picked it up a bit more, then a bit more. Then the last two miles I went tempo with a nice steady grade part of the way and down into Trent's post-chemo, no training for two months, meds haven't kicked in yet, stupid slow low 8's which is my stupid fast pace. (You are amazing, Trent) So ended up running :44 minutes at and average of 9:07's. Felt great when I was done!
So I guess the moral of the story is if you set you expectations really, really low it is really easy to exceed them.
Well, don't get ahead of me, today will be 3! I got all excited for a minute there. No rain=run with xc kids again! Sam Adams tonight.
Its official, 3 in a row. 36 minutes with my pops today.