Home Group Discussion-OutSeason November 2010

Nov OS Week 1 VDOT: Did you puke?



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    Vdot is 33.57.  However, i miscalculated my distance using the sidwalk that circles our resevoir.  I ended up doing more than a 5k....just not sure how much more.  could be addtitional 3 tenths.   my vdot for now is probably not very acurate.   AVG HR was 175.  absolutely no gas at the end.  However, did not puke.

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    Jon, make sure the back totally fine before you start pushing.    Lots of training left!

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    Posted By Chris Martin on 04 Nov 2010 08:53 PM
    Posted By Tucker McKeever on 04 Nov 2010 05:31 PM

    So did my Vdot test this afternoon. I am not happy at all with the result. Low 40s, driving rain, 15+mph winds not the ideal conditions to test in but others tested in crap weather so I had to do it as I am not sure when my next open date would be.

    So I geared up and drove to a local track so I would have a nice flat course where I can repeat over and over. Out of the car and as I went through the gate i stepped right into a puddle. So right away my right foot was soaked. Lovely. As I complained about that I stepped in another puddle with my left foot. Not a good start. 3 lap warm up and felt pretty decent. I had adjusted the watch to just show distance and HR so I wouldn't know how fast I was going as in the past when I had seen 6:20 mile splits I panicked and thought "I can't go that fast" and promptly slowed down.

    So I just started running. Felt ok going out. Glanced at the watch a couple times to see HR but other than that I just cruised. Cruised appears to be the optimal word. Not sure what happened but ran a 20:55 for a Vdot of 47. Ugh. Average pace of 6:44. Was hoping for 6:30ish. Looking at my HR of 176 I am thinking I didn't push hard enough. My first mile was 6:40 which is slower than usual for me. maybe better paced but I had more at the end. Left a lot on the table. We'll see what happens on the next test. But I am not happy with the result. Happy I did it in less than ideal conditions so I have that going for me.

    3 lap warmup in those conditions?  I ran at a similar temp, but no rain, did almost 3 miles to warmup, and still didn't feel ready.  I would have pulled something with only 3 laps!  


    Hey you quoted properly!  As for the warm up, I felt pretty good.  Maybe I could have done another 3 laps but it was cold and miserable.  Oh well it happens.  In hindsight I should have swapped the run and bike test when I saw the long range forecast.  I thought about it but don't realize why I didn't so it.

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    Ok. You guys that are out there doing this in driving rain and high winds are tough! Impressive level of commitment for the first test. Here in Denver I had spectacular weather f or mine...low 60s with just a slight wind and awesome sunshine that actually made this thing kind of fun.

    @Trevor - so sorry that you have strep! That sucks! Rest up and kick that crap fast!

    I'm good with my test. Sure my vDot is down from where it has been in the past. But for the last 2-3 months I've only run moderate paces and haven't done any speed work. I felt pretty good though from a pacing perspective, but there were times when I wondered if I should be pulling back a bit on the pace, afraid that I would come apart. That didn't happen though, and I ended up fairly consistent -7:33, 7:44, 7:34. VDot of 41, which is a good place to build from.

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    Eric - I don't know where you are in Milwaukee but I'm pretty sure the Whitefish Bay outdoor track is usually open. There are people there for sure in the mornings. Also, the Pettit is a good indoor track.

    Question - I'm new to EN and did my run test outside. However, because I live in the winter wonderland of wisconsin I will probably do most of my training on a treadmill or indoor track this winter. blah. I typically run faster on the tm and track than outside. Should I test there as well? Seems like an obvious answer but treadmill running seems artificially fast and I don't want to have inaccurate #'s for when I venture outside in the spring.

    I'm also a week behind on my bike testing. Basement flood this past summer = no pain cave yet. Finally have the walls and floor replaced so I can set it up this weekend. I'm going to test on Sat then probably jump into week 2 bike workouts. Or should I go back to week 1?
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    Posted By Gigi Boswell on 05 Nov 2010 06:41 AM

    Eric - I don't know where you are in Milwaukee but I'm pretty sure the Whitefish Bay outdoor track is usually open. There are people there for sure in the mornings. Also, the Pettit is a good indoor track.

    Question - I'm new to EN and did my run test outside. However, because I live in the winter wonderland of wisconsin I will probably do most of my training on a treadmill or indoor track this winter. blah. I typically run faster on the tm and track than outside. Should I test there as well? Seems like an obvious answer but treadmill running seems artificially fast and I don't want to have inaccurate #'s for when I venture outside in the spring.

    I'm also a week behind on my bike testing. Basement flood this past summer = no pain cave yet. Finally have the walls and floor replaced so I can set it up this weekend. I'm going to test on Sat then probably jump into week 2 bike workouts. Or should I go back to week 1?


    Hey Gigi,

    I'm in Franklin...so way south.  A friend told me about a track on 58th and Drexel I'm going to check out.  I go to the Petit in nasty icy weather, otherwise Im outside...sometimes on a treadmill.  I lose the garmin if I go there though.  So that is a problem.  I may get a foot pod for christmas.

    I've also got a good line on some flat paths around Franklin that I could use...they'll be better than my typical route with the hills.

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    @ Trevor - Those antibiotics kicking in yet? Strep sucks, but at least the antibiotics often let you feel a lot better pretty fast. I'm sure you'll actually be a little down on energy for several days, but the worst ends quickly I hope!
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    Posted By Gigi Boswell on 05 Nov 2010 06:41 AM

    Eric - I don't know where you are in Milwaukee but I'm pretty sure the Whitefish Bay outdoor track is usually open. There are people there for sure in the mornings. Also, the Pettit is a good indoor track.

    Question - I'm new to EN and did my run test outside. However, because I live in the winter wonderland of wisconsin I will probably do most of my training on a treadmill or indoor track this winter. blah. I typically run faster on the tm and track than outside. Should I test there as well? Seems like an obvious answer but treadmill running seems artificially fast and I don't want to have inaccurate #'s for when I venture outside in the spring.

    I'm also a week behind on my bike testing. Basement flood this past summer = no pain cave yet. Finally have the walls and floor replaced so I can set it up this weekend. I'm going to test on Sat then probably jump into week 2 bike workouts. Or should I go back to week 1?


    @ Gigi- definitely continue into week 2 for the bike workouts.  there is no reason to go back just for a bike workout.  as far as the running, then you are better off testing where you are running.  if your going to be running on a tm then test on the tm.  i will usually test outside and run the first 8 weeks outside, then think about changing my test to the tm so i can continue with paces for inside.  even though these are not comparable around improvement, i figure as long as i do the week 20 test outside then i have a gauge for my improvement.

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    Well I am a little late doing the run test did alot of overtime at work the past 2 days and did not have time. I ran it in 24:28 with a vdot of 39.2 . The mile split were 7:46, 8:08, 7:47. I think the 2 mile the body was in shock then I realized I had slowed down then I went hard again. Felt good throughout most of the run was a little cold first time I have put on my tights since last winter. I know I should not have but I wanted to catch up from yesterday as well so I did the thursdays bike workout 2 hours after the run test but at least I am caught up now. Now I am off to work this evening not too bad I just have to sit in a tower and make sure nobody escapes. I will for sure be stretching alot since I do not have anything better to do.
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    Keeping up with the 2 day late trend - got my VDOT test completed on the dreadmill. Notes from my log...

    LTHR - 183 (193 max)

    Mile 1 - 7:01 (173/183)
    Mile 2 - 6:56 (185/189)
    Mile 3 - 6:48 (189/193
    Mile .11 - :43 -- 6:40 pace (192/193)

    21:31 - VDOT 45.8

    Kept kicking the TM up .1 after each mile starting at 8.5. Last 1/2 mile kept pushing it and last 1/4 mile up to 9mph. Was a tad afraid of an all out effort less than 3 weeks after the marathon.

    First 3-4 minutes felt pedestrian and glad I didn't push the pace then. Started to get like work after 7-8 minutes. TM sure makes it easier to not have a mental lapse on pace just past halfway.

    Since a TM and wasn't inclined can't really count it a PB. A good test to repeat in 8 weeks, however.

    HR was crazy high. Haven't hit 193 in almost 2 years and started to think HRmax might be under 190 now. Definitely can push that HR when you aren't as heavily trained (like during a marathon build).
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    I did my 5k test yesterday. I am a slow runner. I usually plod along at 9:30 pace and just crank out the miles. Due to my schedule, I did an hour swim workout in the morning and then did my 5K after lunch. Anyways. Here are my results from my Garmin. I'm still looking around to figure out this VDOT and LTHR stuff.

    Mile 1 8:20 173bpm
    Mile 2 8:25 186bpm
    Mile 3 8:12 193bpm

    Total time 25:42
    Max HR 201bpm

    I know this is very slow compared with what I have seen around here. My effort was all out. No where to go but up for me!
    Feel free to comment with vdot, lthr.
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    I was supposed to run the Hot Chocolate 5K this morning but slept through the alarm (or it didn't go off). So, I talked myself out of doing it solo several times. Looked online for some other races in the area. Then I thought to myself "What would Shaughn Simmons do?"

    I got it together and headed to the track. I'm coming off a year of bike focus work. Haven't had my Garmin on for months. I ran frequently but not far and not fast. I was hoping to go 19:30 but was secretly worried I wouldn't go sub-20. My previous best was an 18:40 from April 2009, which was actually the last 5K I ran.

    Mile 1: 5:58

    Mile 2: 6:00

    Mile 3: 6:04

    Mile 4    :35

    Total: 18:38 for a VDOT of 54 and a new PR. WTF?! I felt very sluggish during the warmup and almost talked myself out of it a few more times. I felt great through the first mile then just held on. Still can't believe it.

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