What it takes.........January 2011!
As always, our story continues! This time in a new year!
This thread pics up where THIS ONE left off...
@Penny- your nail polish lasts 1-2 days? I'm lucky to get 1-2 hours out of it! The only time I had better luck was waaaaaay back in the day when I would have acrylics put on top first. But that kinda maintenance is just too much hassle for me these days.
@Gigi- great advice! and OUCH, snapping that thing in your sleep, that did NOT sound fun!
@Becky- I'll be interested in hearing about your cleanse. I've never really put much faith in those things beyond them being a good shake up to your routine so you can rid yourself of bad habits. But my sister and her husband do them every year and swear by them. Having the journal and photos will be a nice touch to share with folks.
@Beth- You are confusing me! What the heck is a meat eating vegan ????
@Beth - same question as Nemo!
I'll keep you posted re: the cleanse... with pics and thoughts etc...
just logged my miles in the chart - schedule called for an hour, I did 1:05 knocking out 7 miles - with wu, cd, and the 5x20 strides. Looks like chicas are back in 4th... darn those Nor Cal folks...
Hope you all had a great NYE and will have a wonderful year!
I'm back in EN! Had a 2 month hiatus. It was good in that I really took a mental break from triathlon. Bad because I gained 10 lbs and body comp went to hell, so it feels like more than 10.
I was doing the Get Insanity DVDs, not running much, riding on the trainer without a PM, occasionally getting on the Computrainer, but without a benchmark and using the road bike not the TT bike, the numbers really meant nothing. I was more into racing the computer guy.
But as I began to fear the OS 1st test, I started to force myself to ride "intervals". Again, no PM, just can I hold it for 2x12' (that was 2 weeks ago). This week I forced 2x15' (4'). All I could think was "it's not a 4' RI during the test".
But I am really looking forward to Timberman and getting the gang all together.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Everyone!
Welcome back Michele!!!! Your body comp will be back in no time. Sounds like fun low key training which is needed from time to time
Becky- I think Carrie Chavez did some kind of cleanse as well, may want to PM her , she may have good ideas/suggestions if it were the same. She mentioned it in a 5 k race report
Penny- Glad to see you here, now that you have time post dissertation! I'm with nemo on nail polish on my fingers lasting about an hour. May have to look into that stuff
OK- posted in run forum also. I did a 5k !. My foot felt ok for the most part. Huge smile. Will probably do another one wed morning for my Vdot test. lets see, I overdressed, couldn't get paces under control, kept trying to slow down, was nervous about foot hurting at 2.5 miles, and only slept 4 hrs after working a busy night last night. I call DO OVER
I get style points too!. Blue long sleeve top somewhat form fitting( not flattering IMO), Pink en chickas rule visor, black capri tights, black CEP compressions sleeves, black socks, orange running shoes. I left the house with a bright yellow jacket, but did not wear during run- Thank god. It would be a Glamour don't black tape over the face kind of picture. need to work on those running style points Haha
Anyway, just happy that I did a 5k. 2011 is going to be a good year for me( knock on wood)
As for the nail polish talk, I've been busy doing my own nails during my "time off". I use Essie brand nail polish and Seche Vite as the top coat. Essie is a little thinner in consistency making it dry hard and fast (although you may need a few coats) then the Seche Vite top coat speeds up the drying time even more. It's amazing how my nails have been able to grow when not constantly training, working on my bike and having them nicely painted all the time.
Tracy, congrats on your 5K! Looks like you're recovering very nicely...hooray!
Happy 1/1/11 chicas!
Kev and I finally took some skate ski lessons---many Aha! moments for me. The skinny ski fun has come to a screeching halt this weekend with this mid-winter thaw and all that wonderful snow melting. Boo! All of my riding has been the mtb on snow. I better find my Joule as Jan OS is starting soon. Also doing some night mtb riding too---doing my first 24 hour race this year.
Happy New Years, Chicas!
Back too! Never left, but bascially backed off.
TRACY--BEST NEWS OF THE DAY!!!! Yay! Onward and upward girl.
Doing great here! Will have to refocus a bit and will likely not be posting as much. I got two new, very gratifying clients in December. My work load has gone through the roof. This is my year to rebuild my body and my biz. Something's gotta give, and it's going to be a bit of playtime on the computer. You guys know where to find me!
YAY TRACY!! Great news!
Don't torture yourself with a do- over. Running a race is always better than running a 5k alone (IMHO).
@Becky I want to hear about the cleanse. I start the biggest loser comp at our core studio next week. Winner gets a full day at the spa. I really wanna win
I got the new job. I'm so excited except for the commute. I'll have to get some pod casts and books on tape. My husband talks to his folks every day on the phone when he drives to work. Maybe we could all conference. I go In the opposite direction so no carpooling.
Just added my numbers for the week. I ran 5 everyday except yesterday. By yesterday my foot was shredded and I did 3 in the cold. I think we are in 2nd now.
Have a great week!!!
Sounds like a lot of good energy in all of your voices! It is awesome! Now go kick some January OS booty!
Happy New Year! I loved 2010. Had a great year. Lots of fun. Raced fast, cleansed, traveled, spent lots of time with friends and watched Madison learn to read and do her first swim meet!
2011 we are IM free for the first time in 12 years!! 34 IM's between Steve and I in 12 years. OMG! Our next adventure is racing the Boston Marathon together in April with a ton of friends from our team here(30 in all!). It will be Steve's first open Marathon. The dude qualified at Kona. He will be in a slow corral for him at the start but he will just zoom past everyone and enjoy his day.
Glad to hear you are all doing well. Michele- the weight will come off. Not to worry. Tracy- congrats on your 5 K. Linda- congrats on the 2 clients!
Tracy- Congrats on finishing the 5k! Sounds like you are well on your way back.
Glad to see everyone back too! I am super glad the holidays are over, and woke up this morning to test for the start of the OS and had a sore throat and a dead PT computer. DOH! Hopefully I feel better during the day and can test tonight after picking up a new battery. It was mightly difficult to come back to work today after a week and a half off. But I desperately need some structure back in my life, so hopefully I can get back on track from the excessive splurging I've been doing. Hope everyone enjoys the first week of the new year!
Sheryl- good luck with the new job and the Big Looser challenge too! I think what you are remembering is Linda's commitment to not buy any cloths for a whole year. Pretty cool.
Carrie- watching your kid learn to read has gotta be an amazing experience! Enjoy your IM Free year. You two really deserve it!
Carrie, HOLY SMOKES GIRL!!! 12 years of IM, w/34 between the two of you??? Enjoy your year off! Wow!! Enjoy Boston too! Hi Kitima, Carie, Olivia, Linda, Nemo, Becky, and Jennifer! Becky, way to go on that 7 miles girl!! Woo HOO!! And Linda, so happy for you that your business has really picked up!!
@ Michele, I feel your pain with the weight gain!! I posted in the JOS forum that I am a F.A.S.T. member: Fat and Sassy Teamate! Body comp. focus will be MAJOR for me this year, in order to successfully KICK BOOTY in IMLOU!!!! Feelin' the Chica MOJO here this a.m. and soaking it up! Started my year out right, by getting back to the pool with my Master's team this morning. Was a Kick @$$$ workout, and felt good. Gotta work on the speed, as I have one, and it is S L O W!
Exicted to be in Year 2 with EN. Still can't afford the PM, but I plan to work twice as hard as I did last year, and believe me, I worked hard!! MOJO CITY!!!
So good to see everyone back! I'm thrilled to be part of an amazing group of dynamic women!
@Sheryl: I use Audible. Great, great audiobooks get me all over town. Currently listening to The Kitchen House. Unbroken was also amazing!
@Carrie: I could never get Seche Vite to work for me. I always ended up with a mess on my fingers.
Rode for the first time in months yesterday - with the new PM. We started off and was in the big chain ring on the front. Try to shift and get nothing! Nothing! Rode for the planned hour. Bike goes to the shop tomorrow. I'm feeling that ride today. Plan to head to the gym to continue the return to running program. I get to do five sets of walk 1 minute, run 1 minute today! Starting the second phase of the program.
I was optimistic on the 1 - 2 day nail polish estimate. Realistically, it was hours. Have a job interview Thursday. Need to get the polish changed before then. Any suggestions on a "professional" color? Or should I just go clean and buffed? My nails I mean. :-)
Stepped on the scale this morning. YIKES! I know part of it is from all the eating out over the weekend.
Hope everyone has a great day!
Quickly - Meat eating vegan = my best definition of eating Paleo. Lots of plants, some meat, back to soy milk land. And less beer.
It's sooooo great to hear from you all... yay! the chicas are back!
I had a hard time sleeping last night so switched my telework day. will be hopping on my trainer soon for my first ever FTP test with power. very nervous, but what the heck, it will be painful but a good pain, right? what is bugging me is I can't do a manual zero on the joule. but, per Al's advice in another thread (in response to someone else's Q, as long as it reads zero when I'm not pedaling it's good, right?)
weight is up... grr... but habits have been bad. Will start the cleanse soon enough (and will def keep you posted). Carie, what did you think of the one you did? I'm reading "Clean" now and will follow that, starting with an "elimination week" - of kicking bad foods/habits.
@Tracy - congrats on the 5k! GREAT news!! and your ensemble sounds amazing to me... we can't always be color coordinated so who the heck cares.
Hi Girls, after Penny's posting to "give back" . I decided not to take a break from EN. I posted a long post on the wrong page (the December women's forum but it was Jan. 1)
. So no biggy but I am going to hang around and work on the "giving back". I posted a?? in the General Training forum on HELP ON GETTING BACK TO TRAINING and got some really good feedback. So going to GI doc today (and hopefully my ortho this week too) to hopefully get some good news and then gonna slowly get myself ready for my big bike week mid March. Its a long story so don't want to repeat myself here. In a nutshell my son and I are going to a Bike Camp in Tucson mid March for 4-5 days (riding 70 miles per day), last year I went and got a lot stronger and a lot more confidence. Al's gave me some great advice on that forum of how to go about that. So just saying again that I am staying and want to be more interactive this new year and learn a lot while hopefully giving something back. It will take me a while to catch up with all your stories and although I have been an EN member for a year I only "know" a few of you. Gonna work on it!! The very day Penny posted back (along with many of your goodwill wishes) I had an immediate uplift in spirits by just staying involved.
Really glad all the holidays are over too, weird Monday as it is POURING raining like crazy here in So Cal . We have never had so much rain. Will post later what my doc says, keeping my fingers crossed that I get a little good news for a change
and can come back slowly, while also reading books, doing more for family and friends and stop focusing on the negatives. There are also a lot of positives. My daughter is getting married late April and I have a new grandbaby coming (my TRI son's first) in late June. So my life is going to have a lot more fullness in it and hopefully more balance.
all of this is compounded by my having a pretty poopy night of sleep and a lot on my mind... so all in all, I'm okay with it. I am worried about my 5k test though. I'm sure it won't be as fast as pre-IM, but I hope it will be faster than my first test last OS...
it's so nice to be hearing from all the other chicas, back from their post IM breaks!
And it looks like the chicas are in 2nd for the holiday run challenge... if you haven't logged your miles, hop on it!
Hi ladies. Just added my runs to the challenge tracker. Hopefully it will boost the team up.
Not much to add, good to have some of the ladies back and spice this thread up again!
1/2 way through the OS, working hard. Off to Disney on Thursday!
Penny- again congrats on the dissertation finish. For the interview, go with clean, clear and buffed. That way any thing that happens on the way will not cause you to be self conscious. Like chipping a nail opening the car door. Hope the bike comes back working well.
Becky- I was well versed in PM language by the time I got mine, simply because I read everything on EN when someone posted. That said, my first test came out at 131. I was shocked. But doing the work, I rapidly went up to 178 through the 16 week OS (now 20 weeks).
Barb- Good luck to all of us with body comp and work.
We are going to rock da haus again this year!
Just wanted to toot Tracy's horn... not only did she run a 5k, but she ROCKED her FTP test! Woo Hoo!
I'm excited about this power thing. I added PNorm to my joule view and that's what I'll be watching for my various intervals to be sure I'm hitting my numbers. Along with cadence - never focused on it before (but now that I can see it I want to pay attention to how I feel at different cadences and what happens to my power). Kinda cool that I'm gonna end up being a numbers geek.
And on an unrelated note - and forgive my brevity (which is very unlike me) - things with Dan took a bad turn Sunday afternoon. I don't know what's going on but I think I know where it's headed. Hard to talk about it because I'm still processing and thinking things through, but yesterday was a weepy day (why I didn't sleep well and why I stayed home). Thank you for all your support this past few months as I tried to figure it all out.
Becky- Thanks for the shout out, especially when you are going through a bad time! You have been questioning the status of the relationship of the status for a while now. It is not always easy to break up if that is what is happening, but is the relationship- or just being in a relationship worth the stress and tears that you have been having. Big Hugs, we are here for you
Hooray Tracy!
Becky -- Hooray for PM! My first test was also weird. The pacing is so different it took me a bit of staring at graphs to figure out how to do them properly. I'm still learning.
I"m sorry for not fun stuff with Dan. =-( Take care of you. And remember, we all know you are fantastic. =-)
I have one nasty, terrible, drippy cold. This is not great for the upcoming half mary, so tapering today is going to involve napping in the digital studio instead of running and taking in lots of vitamin c.
Tons of fun road tripping and New Year's eve outings with my sister. And a few super fun dates. There's texting. In the middle of the day. Who does that besides me and teenagers? ;-)
Penny: Congratulations on your PhD! Dr. Penny---I love it!
Carly: Are you doing the Disney marathon or sherpa-ing for Michelle?
Linda H: Hope you're feeling better soon---especially with the GI stuff!
Sheryl: Congrats on your new job. So good to hear you're out of that toxic environment of your old job.
As many of you know, Kevin (my DH) and I have alot of mock/joking arguments about favorite authors, artists, etc. So I'm a huge fan of Wyeth paintings---all of them! NC Wyeth, Andrew Wyeth, and my favorite: Jamie Wyeth. I'm all googly-eyed over some Jamie Wyeth painting when Kev looks over my shoulder, rolls his eyes LOUDLY, and says,"Good GAWD, another dismal Wyeth painting of a brown wheat field!" Wah???!!! I'm going on and on about how they are the great American painters, their brilliant composition, poignant subject matter, blahblahblah. He listens and says,"Oh, my favorite Wyeth painting is called "Man in Wheat Field in 300 shades of Ecru". I said,"No, there's shades of Taupe in it too!" We had a good belly laugh over it. Goofy, I know.
I'm gonna attempt my bike test here soon. I think that I shall likely be 300 shades of PAIN. Ha!