Hey guys,new member here so not sure if this the right place to ask this question as it may have been answered fully elsewhere but here goes, be gentle.
I started the 20 wk OS plan today ending 5/22 as I build for my "A" race of IMC.
I also plan to "semi-race" Boston this year. Last year I focused on Boston and did little to no swimming/cycling for 3 months which killed my summer tri fitness for months and then I blew my nutrition and fell off pace last 8 miles anyway. My wife is racing Boston and we're both signed up. I'd make a terrible spectator so I plan to run it and obviously try hard during the race but don't want to forfeit my S/B fitness for tri season.
Looking ahead on OS plan I see 4 runs weekly but two are short bricks. I downloaded the marathon hack from Coach P and see 3 solid, difficult runs weekly. My question is, how do I overlay the hack onto my OS??? Skip the bricks and insert a quality run on Friday which was originally a day off? I doubt I could do an intense ride and follow it up with one of the interval or tempo type runs on the hack. I need Mondays off due to work but have wide open Wed/Thurs and every other Friday is flexible and low stress.
Jeff, I would post that question in the Macro Thread as it is a big picture question. I am like you. I am running Boston, not racing it, but still would like to feel good doing it, so Coach P told me to take out the bricks and then do the three runs. I am taking Friday as my rest day, and now that I am entering the 5th week of the Marathon hack I have decided that I am moving my 75 min ride to mid week, so here is how I run my week
Monday - Tuesday bike Tuesday - interval run on TM Wed - Saturdays 75 min bike Thur - the first run in the marathon hack of each week (Z1-2 stuff) Friday - rest day Sat - other 60 min bike Sun - long run
Since Monday has to be your rest day you could run it this way Monday - rest day Tuesday - Saturdays bike ride Wednesday - Z1-2/3 run Thursday - shorter bike ride Friday - interval run Sat - shorter bike ride Sun - long run
Thx Brenda, looks interesting and might work. Glad to hear we take out bricks! One stupid question, what is the macro thread and where is it located? Thx again, Jeff
The Macro Thread is where you go to ask questions about your overall program. The micro thread is where you go if you have a question about the schedule in the week that you are training. In your training plan on the right hand side of the screen under IMPORTANT LINKS, you will see Move/Change Your Plan
Need help for THIS Week?
Need Macro-Level Plan Feedback?
Post the question under Macro-Level Plan Feedback and Coach P will get back to you usually within 24-48 hours.
Welcome Jeff! Brenda took great care of you! Awesome.
I have basically stopped following the Nov OS( last week) as I was never planning to do the VO2 stuff while training for Boston and the timing of the VO2 stuff was just as I started my Boston plan. I am following a plan similar to the hack. It is the advanced Boston plan from the BAA. I only run 4 of the 7 days( yikes) the plan calls for.
On 3 other days I am doing :FT intervals on 2 of them and on the 3rd day: ABP 80-85%- outdoor 3 hour ride with friends.
One of the days I combine a bike and run so I can get a rest day in there.
Today was my intervals day on the track. All at 10K pace. 1 mile/2 miles/1 mile, with 3 and 5 minute recoveries. Hit them well, at 6:33, 13:04 and 6:19!!! So far so good. Legs feel great.
FT intervals last night ended up at 96-98%. All I keep telling myself is: JUST MAINTAIN your current FTP. I hope to keep it at 200W through Boston training.
thx Carrie, quick question. do you combine the bike and run as a brick or do you run first then recover and ride later so you get more quality in your run?
Jeff - Carrie is shooting for a 3:15 at Boston. I am just running it and hoping to requalify with a 4 hour, so you can see that we are going to Boston with completely different goals, and I am also dealing with a pinched nerve in my back that affects my running, feeling good coming over the line is my main goal.
I think with the feedback that Carrie and I gave you, you might be able to figure out what works best for you. This week is going to be the first week with Z5 stuff, so I will see how my runs feel and if they start to suffer, I will do what Carrie is doing and I will continue to do Z4 work on the bike and try to hold onto my new FTP number, but I really want to get better on the bike this season, so I would rather not give up the bike rides as they are prescribed. I hope you will keep us posted and let us know what you decide.
Carrie - glad your intervals on the track were good. Damn you are fast!!!!
Brenda- good point. Forgot to mention I want to race Boston. Sorry Jeff if I confused anything. I have been in EN since Feb of 08. I have built up my FT and am sitting about 12-14 watts below my best right now. I feel good where it is and am ok letting it stay there while I focus on Boston. Funny thing is though... I tend to get stronger doing FT stuff. The VO2 max stuff is a slippery slope for me personally. Clobbers my muscles and for me not worth the risk as I build toward Boston.
So ignore what I am doing bikewise and for now do your first 8 weeks of the OS. When VO2 stuff starts up around week 9 or 10, ask the coaches what you should do in the Macro thread like Brenda mentioned.
Hey Boston peeps! Quiet here. How have you been feeling this week? How are your runs?
So far so good here. Track Tues was good, Thurs 6 with some tempo and Fri 9 easy peasy and tomorrow 16. Longest run so far. Hoping it goes well. What are you guys running tomorrow?
I rode 2 long rides this week, 3 hrs Wed ABP and today 4 hours with lots of work. Not confident at all that was a good decision as my legs are toast right now after today's ride. Ooops! Will see tomorrow how the run goes or doesn't go.
Live and learn I guess. But I LOVE to ride with my friends and to ride HARD!
Hellllooo, just in from my 12mile, 5th week marathon hack run. Garmin died on me just after I uploaded the info into it, so I chose a route that I knew the mile markers on. Happy to say that I hit my marks. 10miles in Z1/2mile in Z4.
Cold, sunny and windy in Ottawa, with snow covered tracks, but it was pretty good running conditions. Wind on the way back when I was doing my Z4 work was brutal, but I still managed to do the run as assigned.
I moved my Sat bike to Wed and put in the Wed bike yesterday and just did the warm-up and Z4 work and then called it a day. Think that might of worked. Time will tell once the long runs get longer, but for now I think that is going to be the way things go.
Did the 5km test this week and cut 1min41sec off my previous time, so used new zones on my other run and will see how those new paces feel this week.
Carrie - sounds like you are rockin it out on your workouts - sounds like your body is doing okay with the 4th run. Nice. What about everyone else?
Brenda!!! Great job on smoking your 5K test. 1:41 off!!!! Get out! That is huge.
Also congrats on your long run and nailing it! What a great feeling!
I just got in from my team's long run. Today over 30 people showed up!! Just amazing! We ran in Livermore Wine Country. Beautiful course on paved trails (with dirt on either side which gives you options) and very gentle rolling streets with only a few hills. We all love the course and tend to get lots of folks to run when this route is scheduled.
Ran 16 in 7:40 average!! Started easy for 2 miles and then ran steady around 7:30's for the rest. No tempo, just strong and steady. My body had lots of energy and my legs felt great. I was surprised after yesterdays long bike and feeling like toast yesterday after the ride. Phew! I feel relieved.
Steve and I are truly grateful to have friends to train with who are so nice, motivating and encouraging. Steve ran up front and the ended up averaging 6:45 pace. HolyCrap! Steve 53 years old and hanging with the young guys. Inspiring.
@ Carrie – funny about your Steve…. I will be 53 next month, except I am no where near as fast as him and likely not as hansom =:-]….
@ Brenda – 1:43 margin? Awesome!!!
This has been one mother of a tough week for me……
Tuesday started with 1:05 bike intervals – 4x2.5 @ 120% then 30’ @ 85%. Ending with 4 mile Z3 off the bike.
Wednesday I went 10 miles on the deadmill, 3 miles of Z5 intervals as 400’s and 800’s and 3 miles @ MP. The rest was warm-up and recovery.
Yesterday was 2 hours on the bike doing that week 10 masochistic torture-fest they have the audacity to call a workout! I could barely get 1 mile on the deadmill before I threw in the towel knowing today I had a 15 miler planned. I must say I was a little skeptical about getting all 15 in……
So the plan for today was 10 miles minimum but the goal was 15. No tempo miles, just steady pace with a negative split. The weather was nice (by Maine standards) 29* to start. Wind NW @ 12 and mostly sunny skies. The only issue was the 4” of snow late yesterday still on the walks and shoulders.
The first 4 miles was almost all mashed potato running – too much traffic to run in the travel lane, so I had no choice. After that the temp was up to 32 (bank sign) and the sun was doing its part and footing got much better. I still spent a lot of time in the road avoiding snow/slush patches but it wasn’t as bad. By mile 6 I knew I would make the 15 and felt good about it. Pace at the 7.5 turnaround was 8:46 – my comfy, go all day pace.
Everything was better on the return. The wind was now behind me, sun in my face and the roads were clear where the sun was (still snowy in the shade). I did have to take a quick pause to clean my sunglasses – I had so much road spray that I couldn’t see well. Only took a minute and was well worth it. My last mile I could feel the fatigue creeping up but not enough to slow me down (except on a short 4% hill). A good reminder that I really need to get some volume in to rebuild the fatigue tolerance I am accustomed to. Over all pace 8:32 – pretty much what I was looking for along with a strong negative split of -25 seconds per mile (8:46 out, 8:21 back).
I plan to continue to keep up with the VO2 Max on the bike as long as I can. No immediate plan to drop the Thursday bike either. For now I will leave the bike as written and do my own thing on the run. That should get much easier after we switch back to FTP work in a few weeks.
Great long run Steve! Nice negative split. You had cold, wind, snow and car splattter and you were alone. Wow! Incredible!
Yes, my Steve is freakishly fast for his age. He makes it look easy. Smooth efficient runner. His running crew today was a 25 yr old and a 36 year old! They put the hurt on Steve at the end and brought the pace down to 6:15's. He was hurting but finished!
@ Carrie - all my runs are solo..... except races.... I think in the 10+ years of running, all but about a couple of dozen runs were entirely alone. The few that with someone, it was somebody I met running and either they or I, turned and joined in for a while.... Being a hermit and social moron (just kidding), I kind of like it that way. For me, running alone, especially at night is a great way to look into those dark closets and sweep out the cobwebs! Yes, I do like to run alone in the dark - one of my favorite things.....
Those young bucks are probably jealous of Steve and pushed harder than they wanted to avoid getting ‘Geezered’ LOL.
Wow guys, some great runs. Thanks for the congrats on my 5km test, but I am a slow runner and have lots of room to grow, so a gain that big will get smaller as I get faster, but thanks anyway. I to did the Z5 work this week, but moved the Thur bike to Wed. I will also try to keep up the Z5 work in both the runs and bikes as long as I can. I, unlike you guys are following the EN Marathon hack. I think all of us will do well in our races if we can stay injury free and energetic.
Carrie - I would like you to bottle some of what your Steve has and I will take it so I can keep up with my Steve. To funny. You are married to a Steve, I am married to a Steve and we have a Steve in the Boston Marathon Haus.
Hi there! I have been totally exausted since about 1 hour after the run. Showered, recovery shake and rolled out my legs. Started to get a chill, felt whooped, napped, got up ate a meal, friends visited, another nap, snacking, another meal... Can't stop eating. Have been watching football on and off and have no desire to do anything requiring any energy. THANK GOODNESS Steve is feeling the same and he is not dissappointed that I am a total dud today!
Will need to be more careful with expending my energy.
Take care of yourself Carrie. I hope your rest day is a good one. I on the other hand do not have a rest day. I only get one when I use the marathon hack so it is Friday, and I feel just about the way you feel above by that time, so it sounds like you are do. Happy Day.
Okay, I am back on the run! Lost some momentum thanks to a kick in the pants cold (my first in YEARS!) but got out there and slogged it out. 12 hilly miles at a measely 10' pace. I'll take it. I was cooked after. time to get my frequency back up and start logging some consistent miles.
Leigh, sorry to hear you have been sick. Sounds like you are coming out of it. Looking forward to hearing about your runs. As for stating my pace at particular zones - not gonna happen, as that measely 10' pace you make reference to is not much off my Z1 pace :-)
Great to see your post! Being sick is the pits. Glad you are coming out the other side. Congrats on getting 12 miles in. I got a FB comment from Dave about him being bummed about my stated Boston Marathon goal and worried I would pass him. AS IF!!! That would never happen. I am glad he commented because I forgot you two were racing Boston. I look forward to seeing you again. I qualified in a 3:27 so he will never see me the whole race. From memory he qualified in 3:10, right? I just hope to work my way up through the field. Steve qualified at Kona in a 3:29 so we will be starting near eachother which is cool. He will feel a bit like a caged animal until he can work his way through the crowds.
Feeling good this morning. My calves are a little tight only. The rest of me seems ok.
It is 25 degrees here!!! In NorCal. My plants outside are toast. They are not meant to survive in freezing temps. We covered them but I believe they are gone. bummer.
Carrie if you run a 3:10 or even a 3:15 there is a high probability you are going to beat me It is looking like last years 3:09 qualifying run was an oddity. Well not an oddity, I trained my butt off for it, and so far having a hard time duplicating that effort/motivation LOL
Ran a 3:40 in dallas this year on more or less no fitness, and unless something magically happens with probably run around that for boston. My only saving grace will be that I will be in a corral in front of you so I don't have to actually be passed by you (Steve probably heheheh).
Obviously it is all in good fun, the Boston thing is my dad's gig and he claims it will be his last marathon (I tend to no longer believe him on such matters). So regardless it is going to be an absolute blast with all the folks that we know doing it.
Believe it or not, I thought the worst part of the race was the first 13 miles into Wellesley. So much downhill, my calves were ready to snap they were so tight.
DB- would be cool to actually run the whole thing together. The Corrall thing is a pain if you want to run with friends.
DC- I totally agree. The downhill is the pits. We are specifically training ourselves to tolerate the pounding.
I ran track yesterday and it was tough. The intervals were between 5-10K pace, which is nice and quick. I love that. But from my overdoing on the weekend( long hard Sat bike and 16 miler Sun), I was not yet recovered I guess and as the workout started I could not catch my breath. Felt like I was running at altitude. I muscled through but it was ugly.
I cancelled my group ride today and am home in jammies resting, HA! I don't need a brick to land on my head...I need to rest!
Carrie you can't trust my pacing unfortunately At Dallas this year I moved back a few corrals (they had me up front due to my run last year) and I didn't feel right running as slow as I was going to from there. So anyway complete stranger of a person next to me starts chatting, where you from, how many you done blah blah blah. Turns out it is her second marathon, she ran a sub 4 and this year thinks she can run a 3:40 for a BQ. She asks if I wanted to run with her and help pace her (since you know I have one of them 'fancy watches' LOL). I laughed and figured it wouldn't matter since once the gun goes off it is everyone for themselves. So sorta jokingly agree figuring I will never see her again. However at mile 4 she pops up next to me and asks how we are doing.
Long long (long!) story short, ran more or less what you should, like an 8:23. Since we started in a further back corral the clocks around the course were off. There were a couple of moments that she dropped back and struggled etc, but I was fairly sure we were going to make it. Pushed the last few miles and crossed the line. Look down and we ran a 3:41:24
So she missed qualifying by 25 seconds. Now Leigh tells me all the time that I shouldn't feel bad cause well she asked a complete stranger to help pace her and deserves what she got. Me? I (obviously) am still bummed about it. Don't know her at all, learned a lot about her from running with her, but it still bugs me
Boston is going to be a blast, however I think you will be running quite a bit faster than I at the pace I am going. However it will be great to see you again.
About how many corrals are in the first wave and how big are they in terms of time range and number of runners?
This will be my first major marathon and only the second with corrals. THe Kentucky Derby in 2010 was the other and they only had 3 corrals and the unseeded field.
I qualified with a 3:31 and read somewhere that it is likely that I will be in the frirst wave, but I know there will be 4 times the runners that I have ever seen at a startline. Any way of knowing what to expect at the start?
Hey guys,new member here so not sure if this the right place to ask this question as it may have been answered fully elsewhere but here goes, be gentle.
I started the 20 wk OS plan today ending 5/22 as I build for my "A" race of IMC.
I also plan to "semi-race" Boston this year. Last year I focused on Boston and did little to no swimming/cycling for 3 months which killed my summer tri fitness for months and then I blew my nutrition and fell off pace last 8 miles anyway. My wife is racing Boston and we're both signed up. I'd make a terrible spectator so I plan to run it and obviously try hard during the race but don't want to forfeit my S/B fitness for tri season.
Looking ahead on OS plan I see 4 runs weekly but two are short bricks. I downloaded the marathon hack from Coach P and see 3 solid, difficult runs weekly. My question is, how do I overlay the hack onto my OS??? Skip the bricks and insert a quality run on Friday which was originally a day off? I doubt I could do an intense ride and follow it up with one of the interval or tempo type runs on the hack. I need Mondays off due to work but have wide open Wed/Thurs and every other Friday is flexible and low stress.
Thx and sorry if this was answered in past.
Monday - Tuesday bike
Tuesday - interval run on TM
Wed - Saturdays 75 min bike
Thur - the first run in the marathon hack of each week (Z1-2 stuff)
Friday - rest day
Sat - other 60 min bike
Sun - long run
Since Monday has to be your rest day you could run it this way
Monday - rest day
Tuesday - Saturdays bike ride
Wednesday - Z1-2/3 run
Thursday - shorter bike ride
Friday - interval run
Sat - shorter bike ride
Sun - long run
How does that look?
One stupid question, what is the macro thread and where is it located?
Thx again, Jeff
Need help for THIS Week?
Need Macro-Level Plan Feedback?
Post the question under Macro-Level Plan Feedback and Coach P will get back to you usually within 24-48 hours.
Good luck dude.
P.S. No question is a stupid question.
Welcome Jeff! Brenda took great care of you! Awesome.
I have basically stopped following the Nov OS( last week) as I was never planning to do the VO2 stuff while training for Boston and the timing of the VO2 stuff was just as I started my Boston plan. I am following a plan similar to the hack. It is the advanced Boston plan from the BAA. I only run 4 of the 7 days( yikes) the plan calls for.
On 3 other days I am doing :FT intervals on 2 of them and on the 3rd day: ABP 80-85%- outdoor 3 hour ride with friends.
One of the days I combine a bike and run so I can get a rest day in there.
Today was my intervals day on the track. All at 10K pace. 1 mile/2 miles/1 mile, with 3 and 5 minute recoveries. Hit them well, at 6:33, 13:04 and 6:19!!! So far so good. Legs feel great.
FT intervals last night ended up at 96-98%. All I keep telling myself is: JUST MAINTAIN your current FTP. I hope to keep it at 200W through Boston training.
I think with the feedback that Carrie and I gave you, you might be able to figure out what works best for you. This week is going to be the first week with Z5 stuff, so I will see how my runs feel and if they start to suffer, I will do what Carrie is doing and I will continue to do Z4 work on the bike and try to hold onto my new FTP number, but I really want to get better on the bike this season, so I would rather not give up the bike rides as they are prescribed. I hope you will keep us posted and let us know what you decide.
Carrie - glad your intervals on the track were good. Damn you are fast!!!!
So ignore what I am doing bikewise and for now do your first 8 weeks of the OS. When VO2 stuff starts up around week 9 or 10, ask the coaches what you should do in the Macro thread like Brenda mentioned.
Thanks Brenda for clarifying.
So far so good here. Track Tues was good, Thurs 6 with some tempo and Fri 9 easy peasy and tomorrow 16. Longest run so far. Hoping it goes well. What are you guys running tomorrow?
I rode 2 long rides this week, 3 hrs Wed ABP and today 4 hours with lots of work. Not confident at all that was a good decision as my legs are toast right now after today's ride. Ooops! Will see tomorrow how the run goes or doesn't go
Live and learn I guess. But I LOVE to ride with my friends and to ride HARD!
Cold, sunny and windy in Ottawa, with snow covered tracks, but it was pretty good running conditions. Wind on the way back when I was doing my Z4 work was brutal, but I still managed to do the run as assigned.
I moved my Sat bike to Wed and put in the Wed bike yesterday and just did the warm-up and Z4 work and then called it a day. Think that might of worked. Time will tell once the long runs get longer, but for now I think that is going to be the way things go.
Did the 5km test this week and cut 1min41sec off my previous time, so used new zones on my other run and will see how those new paces feel this week.
Carrie - sounds like you are rockin it out on your workouts - sounds like your body is doing okay with the 4th run. Nice. What about everyone else?
Also congrats on your long run and nailing it! What a great feeling!
I just got in from my team's long run. Today over 30 people showed up!! Just amazing! We ran in Livermore Wine Country. Beautiful course on paved trails (with dirt on either side which gives you options) and very gentle rolling streets with only a few hills. We all love the course and tend to get lots of folks to run when this route is scheduled.
Ran 16 in 7:40 average!! Started easy for 2 miles and then ran steady around 7:30's for the rest. No tempo, just strong and steady. My body had lots of energy and my legs felt great. I was surprised after yesterdays long bike and feeling like toast yesterday after the ride. Phew! I feel relieved.
Steve and I are truly grateful to have friends to train with who are so nice, motivating and encouraging. Steve ran up front and the ended up averaging 6:45 pace. HolyCrap! Steve 53 years old and hanging with the young guys. Inspiring.
@ Brenda – 1:43 margin? Awesome!!!
This has been one mother of a tough week for me……
Tuesday started with 1:05 bike intervals – 4x2.5 @ 120% then 30’ @ 85%. Ending with 4 mile Z3 off the bike.
Wednesday I went 10 miles on the deadmill, 3 miles of Z5 intervals as 400’s and 800’s and 3 miles @ MP. The rest was warm-up and recovery.
Yesterday was 2 hours on the bike doing that week 10 masochistic torture-fest they have the audacity to call a workout! I could barely get 1 mile on the deadmill before I threw in the towel knowing today I had a 15 miler planned. I must say I was a little skeptical about getting all 15 in……
So the plan for today was 10 miles minimum but the goal was 15. No tempo miles, just steady pace with a negative split. The weather was nice (by Maine standards) 29* to start. Wind NW @ 12 and mostly sunny skies. The only issue was the 4” of snow late yesterday still on the walks and shoulders.
The first 4 miles was almost all mashed potato running – too much traffic to run in the travel lane, so I had no choice. After that the temp was up to 32 (bank sign) and the sun was doing its part and footing got much better. I still spent a lot of time in the road avoiding snow/slush patches but it wasn’t as bad. By mile 6 I knew I would make the 15 and felt good about it. Pace at the 7.5 turnaround was 8:46 – my comfy, go all day pace.
Everything was better on the return. The wind was now behind me, sun in my face and the roads were clear where the sun was (still snowy in the shade). I did have to take a quick pause to clean my sunglasses – I had so much road spray that I couldn’t see well. Only took a minute and was well worth it. My last mile I could feel the fatigue creeping up but not enough to slow me down (except on a short 4% hill). A good reminder that I really need to get some volume in to rebuild the fatigue tolerance I am accustomed to. Over all pace 8:32 – pretty much what I was looking for along with a strong negative split of -25 seconds per mile (8:46 out, 8:21 back).
I plan to continue to keep up with the VO2 Max on the bike as long as I can. No immediate plan to drop the Thursday bike either. For now I will leave the bike as written and do my own thing on the run. That should get much easier after we switch back to FTP work in a few weeks.
Yes, my Steve is freakishly fast for his age. He makes it look easy. Smooth efficient runner. His running crew today was a 25 yr old and a 36 year old! They put the hurt on Steve at the end and brought the pace down to 6:15's. He was hurting but finished!
Amazing you are doing Z5 stuff on the bike! Wow!
Those young bucks are probably jealous of Steve and pushed harder than they wanted to avoid getting ‘Geezered’ LOL.
Carrie - I would like you to bottle some of what your Steve has and I will take it so I can keep up with my Steve. To funny. You are married to a Steve, I am married to a Steve and we have a Steve in the Boston Marathon Haus.
Happy training this week everyone.
Will need to be more careful with expending my energy.
Rest day tomorrow. Phew!
Okay, I am back on the run! Lost some momentum thanks to a kick in the pants cold (my first in YEARS!) but got out there and slogged it out. 12 hilly miles at a measely 10' pace. I'll take it. I was cooked after. time to get my frequency back up and start logging some consistent miles.
Great to see your post! Being sick is the pits. Glad you are coming out the other side. Congrats on getting 12 miles in. I got a FB comment from Dave about him being bummed about my stated Boston Marathon goal and worried I would pass him. AS IF!!! That would never happen. I am glad he commented because I forgot you two were racing Boston. I look forward to seeing you again. I qualified in a 3:27 so he will never see me the whole race. From memory he qualified in 3:10, right? I just hope to work my way up through the field. Steve qualified at Kona in a 3:29 so we will be starting near eachother which is cool. He will feel a bit like a caged animal until he can work his way through the crowds.
Feeling good this morning. My calves are a little tight only. The rest of me seems ok.
It is 25 degrees here!!! In NorCal. My plants outside are toast. They are not meant to survive in freezing temps. We covered them but I believe they are gone. bummer.
Have a great Monday!
Carrie if you run a 3:10 or even a 3:15 there is a high probability you are going to beat me
It is looking like last years 3:09 qualifying run was an oddity. Well not an oddity, I trained my butt off for it, and so far having a hard time duplicating that effort/motivation LOL
Ran a 3:40 in dallas this year on more or less no fitness, and unless something magically happens with probably run around that for boston. My only saving grace will be that I will be in a corral in front of you so I don't have to actually be passed by you (Steve probably heheheh).
Obviously it is all in good fun, the Boston thing is my dad's gig and he claims it will be his last marathon (I tend to no longer believe him on such matters). So regardless it is going to be an absolute blast with all the folks that we know doing it.
Believe it or not, I thought the worst part of the race was the first 13 miles into Wellesley. So much downhill, my calves were ready to snap they were so tight.
DB- would be cool to actually run the whole thing together. The Corrall thing is a pain if you want to run with friends.
DC- I totally agree. The downhill is the pits. We are specifically training ourselves to tolerate the pounding.
I ran track yesterday and it was tough. The intervals were between 5-10K pace, which is nice and quick. I love that. But from my overdoing on the weekend( long hard Sat bike and 16 miler Sun), I was not yet recovered I guess and as the workout started I could not catch my breath. Felt like I was running at altitude. I muscled through but it was ugly.
I cancelled my group ride today and am home in jammies resting, HA! I don't need a brick to land on my head...I need to rest!
Hope you are all doing well.
Carrie you can't trust my pacing unfortunately
At Dallas this year I moved back a few corrals (they had me up front due to my run last year) and I didn't feel right running as slow as I was going to from there. So anyway complete stranger of a person next to me starts chatting, where you from, how many you done blah blah blah. Turns out it is her second marathon, she ran a sub 4 and this year thinks she can run a 3:40 for a BQ. She asks if I wanted to run with her and help pace her (since you know I have one of them 'fancy watches' LOL). I laughed and figured it wouldn't matter since once the gun goes off it is everyone for themselves. So sorta jokingly agree figuring I will never see her again. However at mile 4 she pops up next to me and asks how we are doing.
Long long (long!) story short, ran more or less what you should, like an 8:23. Since we started in a further back corral the clocks around the course were off. There were a couple of moments that she dropped back and struggled etc, but I was fairly sure we were going to make it. Pushed the last few miles and crossed the line. Look down and we ran a 3:41:24
So she missed qualifying by 25 seconds. Now Leigh tells me all the time that I shouldn't feel bad cause well she asked a complete stranger to help pace her and deserves what she got. Me? I (obviously) am still bummed about it. Don't know her at all, learned a lot about her from running with her, but it still bugs me
Boston is going to be a blast, however I think you will be running quite a bit faster than I at the pace I am going. However it will be great to see you again.
About how many corrals are in the first wave and how big are they in terms of time range and number of runners?
This will be my first major marathon and only the second with corrals. THe Kentucky Derby in 2010 was the other and they only had 3 corrals and the unseeded field.
I qualified with a 3:31 and read somewhere that it is likely that I will be in the frirst wave, but I know there will be 4 times the runners that I have ever seen at a startline. Any way of knowing what to expect at the start?
Run Strong