Welcome Carol! I remember the CP30 days---Lordy! I read that Coggins Training and Racing with Power book about 3 times before any of it made sense. Have you checked the EN Power Webinar? When I watched it, there were so many Eureka! moments. I paced my first IM according to my CP30 and Gordo Byrn(all pre-EN)---looking back I rode the bike at IF=0.8 and consumed 500+ Cal/hour. It was a miracle I didn't keel over during the run. No worries on a "pitiful start"---everyone has a first day at something. Think of it as boarding a plane or ship on an incredible journey to Cedar Point in Sept. How cool is that?!
A skunk has moved into a burrow under my house. I've been smelling him/her (I've named it Flower---from "Bambi") for the 2 months. At first I thought it was a dead skunk on the road or maybe just a passing spritz of stink near the house. But NOOOOO! It's that skunk stink that fades then comes back in 7-10 day cycles. Then we spotted the hole to Flower's den. Kevin wants to either shoot or poison it which I think is unacceptable (I named it, so it's kinda like a pet now). I want to trap it and release it. There's also the possibility that there's more than one Flower.
Okay ladies, I'm putting this out there. Last week was my first week of OS. Got the 5K done, but none of the biking. Was gone this weekend, and just home tonight. I plan to move on to week 2 tomorrow. Have been working on my body comp. It is up and down. Mojo has been building, and I'm very involved in building a Tri club here in NW IN, as we currently have none. I'm kind of a head mess right now...My Mom is 90, has been in stable health, still living at home, with a 24/7 caregiver. She has been talking less and less over the past year, and pretty much answers in yes and no. Last Thurs. and Fri., she had changes in her brain (she has dementia) that allowed her to speak in clear, concise, complete sentences, show her sense of humor by making jokes, etc., like I haven't seen from her in YEARS. Yesterday while I was out of town, she was fairly unresponsive to her caregiver, who could not get her to 'wake up' or snap out of it. She has consistently been sleeping more and more everyday, and yesterday she was almost catatonic. Today I guess she was more with it, looked better, and answering yes and no questions, but the moments of clarity are gone. I"m not suprised at this, after losing my Dad to dementia. Wanted to see her today, but was exposed to the flu by a 15 year old who was throwing up in the car all the way home during our 4 hour trip today. Therefore, I stayed away from my Mom, as not to give her this. I'm not sure why I'm posting this, other than to share it and let you know what is going on here. I don't know what will happen with my Mom/when....have to meet with my brothers and sister in laws to figure out what we will/won't do, when the time comes to decide when/if we call in Hospice or what... I don't know how I'll do, trying to hit intervals and stay/get on the workouts. I know I'll be working out, but it's a crapshoot for me right now...I want to do IMLOU again this year, but with everything happening fairly quickly here with my Mom, I don't know what I"m doing. Also don't have the $$ to sign up for IMLOU at this moment. What do I do? Kinda stupid to post that question...but thought I would.. I will try to do what I can, when I can. I just don't know what I'm doing right now. Sorry if I'm rambling..am exhausted from my trip, then talking to my sister in law on the phone, regarding all of this. Trying to stick with a Weight Watcher's plan, but I"m in a "I don't give a $h.t mode right now. I know that this focus on IMLOU will help me, regardless of what happens/when. However, I don't know what will happen with my training.... Thanks for listening.
I joined EN a few months ago and was doing the OS with the OCT group, but got sidelined for a month after a knee injury at the Vegas Rock and Roll Marathon in December. This week was my first full week back training and it feels GREAT, but I am exhausted! I am hoping the knee doesn't flare as I start to ramp up again. I have my FIRST IM in June at IMCDA and I am scared/excited/terrified/thrilled, etc.
I started doing triathlons about 4 years ago and was hooked in with a great women's tri training group in Denver, but it completely fell apart last year due to some personal issues with the coaches and the team split up/dissolved, etc. So, I've been trying to hook up with the women here in Denver that I have trained with, but it doesn't work as well as it should...everyone is busy and has different schedules. I miss the girl time!
My big news is that I just bought my first tri bike (really "just"....a few hours ago)! I'm having the crank sent back to have a Quarq installed. Time to download the webinar and learn what this power stuff is all about. I feel really dumb in that arena and am ready to fill the brain.
I am a pediatrician in my real life, working full time and trying to manage two teenage sons who would rather snowboard in the Colorado mountains on the weekend than follow mom around on her training rides. So, winter training is going to be interesting.
Really would love to meet up with you all along the way....hoping that happens!
Welcome, Stephanie! Congrats on the new bike! Sounds like you have your hands full! I'm pretty sure if I lived in Colorado, I'd be looking to hit the slopes on the weekends, too. I'll have to settle for a week-long visit in February! (Keystone) What was the name of your women's tri group? I have a friend who lives in Colorado, and I thought she was part of a women's tri group - maybe the same one? CWW, I think it was?
@Barbara, that's a lot to deal with! My mom is 80, and she's still doing okay, but I fear the day when she starts to go downhill. Hang in that here, and keep doing what you can do! I don't know how much you had your heart set on IMLOU, but if that falls through for some reason, you could always do Rev3 Cedar Point. It's only two weeks later, still pretty close to IN, and a lot less likely to sell out.
@Kitima, I will have to check out the Power Webinar. I was kinda surprised to see that we have to pay for it, though. Just going through a bit of sticker shock, with the monthly cost of the EN membership, and I also need to buy WKO+. Guess it doesn't help to train with power and not know what I'm doing,though.
Stephanie and Carol, welcome to EN and to the ladies' forum. Carol, thanks for your comments. As you can see, we do talk about a lot of subjects in this forum. And it is such a supportive environment. I look forward to getting to know you both, and any other new members whom I have missed in previous posts.
@Stephanie- Welcome! Nice to have some new blood in the group! What kinda bike did you get? What races are on your calendar this year?
@Barbara- Ugh. That's a lot to be going through right now and then to try and balance it all against Ironman training. I'm sure it has some impact on your ability to find the mojo. You need to ask yourself if training for Ironman (or Rev 3- great idea Carol) is gonna be something that GIVES you energy and perhaps a retreat from the stress of your real world, or if it's going to ZAP your energy and make dealing with real world issues more of a challenge. I think the answer to that question is different for all of us. Taking a year off to work on your weight goals and do some shorter races with less training time commitments, might be the way I'd go in your situation.
@Michele- So how's the new treadmill? Are ya lovin it?
@Kitboo- Poor little Flower! Of course you must trap and release her/him (them???). Or maybe Leigh and Dave can loan you all the fox that assisted them with the Tubatha Family?
@Carol and Stephanie - welcome! (and Stephanie, congrats on the bike... I got my first bike on my own recently, rode my cousin's old bike for my first few seasons... how fun!)
@Michele - good luck today with round 2 at work. Fingers crossed.
@Barbara - hugs. I'm so sorry for what you're going through with your mom. How gut wrenching. A friend of mine's mom has alzheimer's and he and his dad decided to put her in a home last year because it was too hard for dad to take good care of her. I know how hard it is for him to visit when most of the time she spends talking about her son Chad to Chad. As for your diet and exercise - I know what you mean - wanting to just say F it, believe me, but you need to take care of yourself, too. Eating well, sleeping well,etc. Time is what it is, if you can't hit your workouts, that's life... but the *insert comfort food of choice* won't make you actually feel better, and it will probably make you feel worse - sluggish, guilty... whatever. Hang in there. I hope everything is okay.
@Sheryl - thanks for sharing and for caring. I would love to hear about your biggest loser/IM training! I started my elimination diet yesterday (not too terribly different from my standard routine, but I am cutting out a few staples) and I think I'll start the cleanse a few days early. I telework Thursdays, so that might be the day. I'll have that day to make my lunch and prep my lunch for Friday (lunch is my only solid food meal during the cleanse)... and I have a 3 day weekend coming up, too... so I think that should there be any stomach discomfort/GI issues related to the cleanse, I'll be home 4 out of the first 5 days... which might be a good idea (if you know what I mean...).
I still go through sad and mad moments... but it is what it is. I wasn't ready to get married but I wasn't at the throw in the towel stage, either. I'm still a bit shocked that we broke up out of nowhere (meaning Dan never shared with me he was having any doubts). I'm not optimistic that things with him will work out, but I am going to try to take my life back. He's traveling this week for work so I wrote him a letter. I have some things at his place so hopefully we can talk when he gets back. I'm not optimistic that anything will change, but I had some things I wanted to get off my chest. I may never get the closure I think I want, but I wanted to at least let him know what I think, how I feel, etc. That's all I can do. And go about my life with my head held high.
Becky, thanks for your kind words. Nemo too. Gina, welcome back!! Becky, I am glad that you are trying to go on about your life with your head held high, and try for some closure as well. You are an awesome lady,who deserves as much awesome-ness in return! As you know, we are all here for you. I hope to get into the pool this evening, to get a workout, and to work out some stress and sadness. Going to visit my Mom first, and see how things are going. Becky is right, that I won't feel better by stuffing myself with crap foods. And I certainly have been doing that! Michele, good luck with work!!
Welcome and welcome back Not too much going on here. I've been recovering from my nasty cold, and trying to decide if I should redo week 1 of the OS or just start with week 2. Probably just start with week 2 since I pretty much have my base numbers from November to use. Other than that I've just been trying to get myself back on a schedule of working, working out, and seeing friends. It's been tough, but I'm hoping to stick to my early morning workout routine, as I find I miss way less workouts when I actually do it. Fingers crossed!
I've also been channeling my inner-Beth and have met quite a few new guys recently, so maybe something will pan out
@ Becky- stay strong, it's hard but you're doing pretty good so far!
@ Barbara- good luck with your mom. It's tough to have to make those kinds of decisions. Try to take care of yourself. I know when I'm having a tough time it can be hard to workout or anything, but whenever I do manage to get out there I'm always glad I did cause it definitely helps with my mood. Keep us posted!
Barb- That is very difficult to deal with and try to train for a significant goal. Since coming back to the east coast, I chose to help my parents with their very elderly parents. 2009 was a non-IM year, and that worked out well. My dad's mom was declining rapidly. I made the 3 hour drive anywhere from every 3rd to every 6th weekend to help with her care or visit her in rehab. When she passed in July that year, I actually did not go down. No point. I could not imagine training for a big race. I pretty much did what I could on the weekend away. A wait and see, but do your best in the mean time, is probably a good idea.
Stephanie- Welcome! I always wanted to live in Denver. Once again I am JEALOUS!!
TRUMPETS PLEASE...... Work DENIED my request for more time off instead of more money. Can I just say, I am totally disgusted. But I have options. That's what is keeping me sane!
I'm going to make a better effort to participate in this forum this year rather than be a lurker.
@Becky: I know how hard it must be for you. But you are a tough and smart woman and adversity builds character. I hope the cleanse works better for you than it did for me. I've done the cleanses twice and lost weight the first time but none the second time. The cleanse did say that if you really don't have weight to lose then it's not going to happen (which I think is bs), but I am still glad I did it as I did feel much better after the cleanse. Kudos to you for doing it while you're on the OS, I don't know if I would have enough energy to do the workouts.
You all are awesome....so glad to be a part of things!
@Carol: the women's tri group was/is CWW here in Colorado. It was great until things fell apart. I think it actually might be good again next year, just not sure they still have enough support. But, it just doesn't meet my needs anymore....EN does!!
@Nemo: I got a Specialized Transition. Really excited. Thought I was going to get a Trek, but the Specialized just fit so much better. I am doing Oceanside 70.3, CDA and IMAZ all this year. My college roommate has been a terrible influence on me. She signs up for things, then sends me an email that I'd "better get signed up soon"! So, she talked me into moving up to the IM distance this year and giving it my best. Really happy to be spending those weekends with her however. Makes me feel young again.
@Becky: good for you on the elimination diet stuff. I need to find the willpower to do better with my diet. My goal this year was to eliminate snacking after 9pm...and so far I am failing miserably at that one!
@Michelle: I love Denver too! I grew up here however, and really can't imagine living anywhere else. Bummer about the time off issue at work. More vacation time would ALWAYS be the benefit that would mean the most to me.
Gots lots of extra exercise time while shoveling snow this weekend. Really need to buy a snowblower!
Hi Ladies! Visited w/my Mom last night for an hour and a half. My brother was there too. She is back to 'normal', being that she answered questions with one word responses, and nods. She looked good too. I know this may sound weird, but normal for me, was reassuring. I miss the vitality and talking that she got for a couple of days last week, but atleast she is not catatonic as she was Saturday. After my visit with her, I went to the Y and worked out for the first time in a week. It wasn't EN protocol for week one or week 2, which I am supposed to be doing right now, but it was a start. I ran 3 miles indoors, on the track, followed by 35 minutes on an ARCH trainer by Precor. I sweat a lot, and felt so much better for having done that! I have a root canal in an hour or so, and have not yet worked out today. Don't know what the rest of the day will bring after that procedure. However, I am feeling better, and hope to get back to EN protocol tomorrow. Thank you all for your support. By the way Stephanie, I too, am a Specialized woman! Mine is a 2009 black/yellow, Specialized Transition Comp! I love her! She is named Queen B! (I'm Barb, and it looks like a bumble bee!) LOL! You'll find that we name our bikes around here! What year, color is yours, and does she have a name?
@Stephanie- Yay Specialized Transition! I have the 2005 version, and I just love the fit of Specialized bikes. My roadie is also a Specialized.
So I opened the fridge last night and peered in and could not believe how much cheese I have in the fridge. Literally 9 different kinds of cheese. I've been pretty firm that if I'm going to change my diet I'm keeping dairy in it, but I think I really need to reconsider my diet refinement plan. I think I am probably getting more than enough dairy, and probably need to cut back on that as well as the grains. It was a sad night with that realization
@ Michele- glad to hear you at least have some options. Since I work for the govt I'm pretty used to not having any choice in the matter (it's probably the only time I am Zen about the lack of choice too!). I hope your options are something that will make you happy!
Morning all, well here I am @ ;home again because of the 8+ inches of snow we received Sunday-Monday. The snow is beautiful, but the roads got very icy overnight, so very little to no travel. Looks like I will straighten out some MORE cabinets today. I am +/- on the forced inside work .
Barb- So glad to hear your Mom is better. It is tough, tough with elderly parents. Often such a fine balance.
Jennifer- What ever happened with all the mechanical bike issues you were plagued by?
Stephanie & Carol - Welcome to the gang! I took a hiatus, but am an old dog here
Becky- From what I can tell, you and Dan have parted ways. Sorry to hear
Michele,Kit, Neems, LPatch - Just good to be back here with you! I lurve you guys
Kathy- So gald you are back too, I know you took a few months out of the Haus
Question for the day- How do you store your water bottles?????? I need something to keep them and the tops orderly.
Gina- I just keep shaking my head every time I see pics of the snow y'all got down south! Atlanta is a mess! Seems to me Snow Miser is kicking Heat Misers ass this year! Enjoy it while ya got it!
The best Bottle arrangement I've seen is a big deep pull-out drawer with all the bottles standing up and lids in a tupperware box. The other fun solution I saw was using a wine rack for the bottles, but I have way too many bottles for that!
Ha- I actually only had mechanical issues with the Transition (not on my roadie) and I'm guessing it's becuase I bought it on ebay and the crash that was mentioned in the post was likely worse than the seller thought (no hard feelings though, I had so many mechanics look at it and fix it to have it go haywire again I'm sure it was similar for them). Just got unlucky unfortunately. But for fit, I love the Specialized. And my road bike parts are still going strong 5 years later. I am currently pricing out SRAM parts to rehaul my shifting system, and I'm actually hoping to somehow bribe a local Chicagoan to show me how to install it cause my local bike shop is...meh.
As for bottles, I keep them all stored standing up on a shelf with the lids partially screwed on. Course you have to make sure they are totally dry, but I always had caps everywhere when I did it any other way.
@Gina - I have a cabinet shelf dedicated solely to all my exercise nutrition stuff - the bottles go in there partially capped (like Jennifer) as well as the infinit, the S!Caps, the fuel belt, the speedfil... it's all in one place.
@Jennifer - wow, that's a lotta cheese. The elimination and cleanse I'm doing is not for you...no dairy! I'm not a huge milk drinker or cheese eater, so I don't think it will be that big of a deal... not to mention it's only 4 weeks total after which I can add stuff back in.
@Joanna, Stephanie - I'm not sure how it will go as far as working out and doing the cleanse. The book says working out is encouraged and helpful and, if necessary, have another drink (smoothie, soup, juice)... but I've decided that instead of forcing myself back to the morning routine now I'm going to wait. One of the big tenets is a 12 hour fast between dinner and breakfast. So I don't see myself getting up at 5, after 10-11 hours from eating, to work out for an hour on a totally empty stomach. I'll wait til after work which is only 4ish hours after lunch. We'll see how it goes. Good thing I'm just beginning OS!
@Barbara - glad your mom is back to normal and kudos to you for getting a workout in... hope it helped releive some stress and clear your mind!
Dan is out on travel this week. Sent him a letter yesterday... he confirmed he got it, but didn't take his laptop so had trouble reading it on his phone... we'll see. I think I'm now past sad and mad. So progress is being made. I did something a bit nutty yesterday... I bought a vitamix (well, ordered it online). The darn thing is crazy expensive (and I got a low end model), but it seems like it can do anything - juice, smoothie, soup, etc, etc... kind of an extravagant purchase when I don't know how the cleanse will go, but I do make smoothies every day and the blender I have now came from my parents... pretty sure they got it in the 70s (it's an Osterizer). Good thing I really don't shop for clothes - the hobbies are defintely keeping my checkbook on E!
Athleta has just come out with a new Yoga Pant that looks sweet. I would have missed it because I put the catalog directly in recycling but I got the announcement via e-mail. Damn them!
oohh.. I love Athleta... and title 9. For some reason I haven't gotten a catalogue in ages - and I'm not complaining. I've spent way too much much money in the last several months on toys and travel... and now a crazy cool blender/juicer (which has already shipped - yippee).
OK I realize this is probably way TMI, but I just scheduled a colonic. Never had one. I am terrified... but if I'm gonna do the cleanse I might as well go for it and give it a try. The program recommends one or more (as well as sauna and massage therapy)... so I spoke with the hydrotherapist and well, I'm gonna try one and see how it goes and how I feel. She also does oxygen saunas (better than the infrared recommend by my program). Crazy. I won't share the details - other than to say yay or nay.
@Joanna- You're ALIVE! I haven't seen you since IMWI. I heard about your day and was so bummed because the times I saw you, you looked good. But IIRC, you were getting into some distress towards the end of the bike? Glad you are still around.
@Gina- Our house has lots of cabinet space and I am not a hoarder. Cabinet near sink for bottles with lids part on. Cabinet near fridge with most drink mixes. Lesser used ones are elsewhere. A small drawer with Gu and gummies. I'm not a big fan of those, so I don't keep much on hand.
As for my job disappointment- I decided that- what I love is taking the best care of my patients that I possibly can. I hate the administrative BS. But I do have a good benefits package. I really can not complain. Just because I did not get my way, it is not the end of the world. Not that it is over for good. I will try again next year. Assuming the administrative BS does not cause me to strangle someone stupid before then.
OK. . . the first step in overcoming a problem is to admit that you have one. . . . Well, I admit I have an addiction to Athleta, Title 9, LuLuLemon, and Lucy. I swear! I cannot look at any of these an NOT buy something! Since I'm considered "in the fitness industry" I do get a discount at Lu Lu Lemon. I have a hard time finding clothes for my curvy body and I can at these stores/sites. One time I ordered a HUGE amount of things from Athleta and warned John. He comes in and says "Did you order $1,000 from Athleta?" "Um, yeah. But, I told you and I'm sure a lot of it will go back. .. ." I did send a lot back, but still. :-) He didn't care, just wasn't expecting to see that kind of money on the credit card I think. Ah. . . retail therapy. . . . .
@Becky: Hang in there. We are all with you. Vitamix was at the ADA conference again this year. I was sooo tempted to buy one. They give a great show discount and you get an extra carafe. Maybe next year. . . .
@Nemo: I deleted the email. I have an order coming from them and Banana Republic. . . .
We keep our bike bottles in a deep drawer with the tops in a clear shoe box in the drawer. Running bottles are kept with tops on in two additional shoe boxes one in the drawer with the bike bottles, the other in another drawer. I like the wine rack idea though.
@Kitma: Can you live trap Flower and relocate him/her?
@Barbara: So sorry to hear about your mom. Be gentle with yourself and treat/talk to yourself like you would your best friend. There are bigger things going on right now than just training/racing. You don't want to look back and have regrets.
Funny blender story. . . . We make food for our dogs. Sometimes they eat better than us. Seriously. Well, I used to use our blender to blend up the stew. One night a put a bunch in there and let it go. It, um, started smoking. Then it wouldn't work. I called Kitchen Aid to see if there was a way to get it fixed. I told them that it was my fault it broken (told her the story including the smoking part), I just wanted to see if I could get it fixed rather than buying a new one. It was like 7 or maybe 15 years old. The lady put me on hold for a L-O-N-G time. She came back on and said they were going to ship me a refurbed one free. I said "but I killed it." And she said, "Yes, but we like to take care of our customers." Another reason I didn't get the Vitamix.
Anyway. . . .still waiting on the $$ offer on the new job. They called and asked me to work their booth at the Houston Marathon Expo, then one of their slots to speak both Friday and Saturday at the expo came open and they asked me to speak! YIPPEE! I told them I'd do both and would, hopefully, be on board by then (the end of the month). I hope we can get this settled this week. I am so dying to tell you guys. It is so COOL! And, I may be able to offer some stuff for those attending the EN IMTX rally. . . . Anyone attending?
School starts next week. It is going to be weird to just teach. I actually forgot to put PhD after my name on the syllabi. LOL! My advisor is pushing me about getting the articles from my dissertation submitted. I know I'm being passive-aggressive about it because she pissed me off at the end of my dissertation stuff. I need to get over it and move on.
Tire and tube are on wheel with PT. Now, John needs to move the cassette over and get me a skewer. I love having a domestique!
It is getting really cold down here - in the 20's tonight. Should warm back up for the weekend. Hoping I can get out and ride on Sunday. So glad I have the electric blanket. . . .
Going to shoot to do a spin class tomorrow then run Thursday. I'll lift either tomorrow or Thursday - see how the knee is feeling. I'm still tinkering with doing Gulf Coast Half. I just want to be sure the knee is going to be happy about it. I don't want to endanger NY Marathon in November (I got in last year and had to defer).
Have a great evening everyone! Stay safe and warm!
As for my job disappointment- I decided that- what I love is taking the best care of my patients that I possibly can. I hate the administrative BS. But I do have a good benefits package. I really can not complain. Just because I did not get my way, it is not the end of the world. Not that it is over for good. I will try again next year. Assuming the administrative BS does not cause me to strangle someone stupid before then.
Been there. . . with my original PhD advisor. If I hadn't switched, one of us probably wouldn't be here. . .
I like the ideas about the bottles. Mine are all on the countertop "drying out" all of the time....quite the mess and clutter for sure. I need to find something new.
Looking forward to hearing the "yeah" or "nay" on the colonic, Becky. The idea of it terrifies me a little!
My new bike: Specialized 2010, red and black. Her name will be Indy....
No worries on a "pitiful start"---everyone has a first day at something. Think of it as boarding a plane or ship on an incredible journey to Cedar Point in Sept. How cool is that?!
A skunk has moved into a burrow under my house. I've been smelling him/her (I've named it Flower---from "Bambi") for the 2 months. At first I thought it was a dead skunk on the road or maybe just a passing spritz of stink near the house. But NOOOOO! It's that skunk stink that fades then comes back in 7-10 day cycles. Then we spotted the hole to Flower's den. Kevin wants to either shoot or poison it which I think is unacceptable (I named it, so it's kinda like a pet now). I want to trap it and release it. There's also the possibility that there's more than one Flower.
I don't know how I'll do, trying to hit intervals and stay/get on the workouts. I know I'll be working out, but it's a crapshoot for me right now...I want to do IMLOU again this year, but with everything happening fairly quickly here with my Mom, I don't know what I"m doing. Also don't have the $$ to sign up for IMLOU at this moment.
What do I do? Kinda stupid to post that question...but thought I would.. I will try to do what I can, when I can. I just don't know what I'm doing right now. Sorry if I'm rambling..am exhausted from my trip, then talking to my sister in law on the phone, regarding all of this. Trying to stick with a Weight Watcher's plan, but I"m in a "I don't give a $h.t mode right now. I know that this focus on IMLOU will help me, regardless of what happens/when. However, I don't know what will happen with my training....
Thanks for listening.
I joined EN a few months ago and was doing the OS with the OCT group, but got sidelined for a month after a knee injury at the Vegas Rock and Roll Marathon in December. This week was my first full week back training and it feels GREAT, but I am exhausted! I am hoping the knee doesn't flare as I start to ramp up again. I have my FIRST IM in June at IMCDA and I am scared/excited/terrified/thrilled, etc.
I started doing triathlons about 4 years ago and was hooked in with a great women's tri training group in Denver, but it completely fell apart last year due to some personal issues with the coaches and the team split up/dissolved, etc. So, I've been trying to hook up with the women here in Denver that I have trained with, but it doesn't work as well as it should...everyone is busy and has different schedules. I miss the girl time!
My big news is that I just bought my first tri bike (really "just"....a few hours ago)! I'm having the crank sent back to have a Quarq installed. Time to download the webinar and learn what this power stuff is all about. I feel really dumb in that arena and am ready to fill the brain.
I am a pediatrician in my real life, working full time and trying to manage two teenage sons who would rather snowboard in the Colorado mountains on the weekend than follow mom around on her training rides. So, winter training is going to be interesting.
Really would love to meet up with you all along the way....hoping that happens!
Welcome, Stephanie! Congrats on the new bike! Sounds like you have your hands full! I'm pretty sure if I lived in Colorado, I'd be looking to hit the slopes on the weekends, too. I'll have to settle for a week-long visit in February! (Keystone) What was the name of your women's tri group? I have a friend who lives in Colorado, and I thought she was part of a women's tri group - maybe the same one? CWW, I think it was?
@Barbara, that's a lot to deal with! My mom is 80, and she's still doing okay, but I fear the day when she starts to go downhill. Hang in that here, and keep doing what you can do! I don't know how much you had your heart set on IMLOU, but if that falls through for some reason, you could always do Rev3 Cedar Point. It's only two weeks later, still pretty close to IN, and a lot less likely to sell out.
@Kitima, I will have to check out the Power Webinar. I was kinda surprised to see that we have to pay for it, though. Just going through a bit of sticker shock, with the monthly cost of the EN membership, and I also need to buy WKO+. Guess it doesn't help to train with power and not know what I'm doing,though.
Good night, all!
@Barbara- Ugh. That's a lot to be going through right now and then to try and balance it all against Ironman training. I'm sure it has some impact on your ability to find the mojo. You need to ask yourself if training for Ironman (or Rev 3- great idea Carol) is gonna be something that GIVES you energy and perhaps a retreat from the stress of your real world, or if it's going to ZAP your energy and make dealing with real world issues more of a challenge. I think the answer to that question is different for all of us. Taking a year off to work on your weight goals and do some shorter races with less training time commitments, might be the way I'd go in your situation.
@Michele- So how's the new treadmill? Are ya lovin it?
@Kitboo- Poor little Flower! Of course you must trap and release her/him (them???). Or maybe Leigh and Dave can loan you all the fox that assisted them with the Tubatha Family?
Hi everybody!! I'm baaackkkk
@Carol and Stephanie - welcome! (and Stephanie, congrats on the bike... I got my first bike on my own recently, rode my cousin's old bike for my first few seasons... how fun!)
@Gina - welcome back!
@Michele - good luck today with round 2 at work. Fingers crossed.
@Barbara - hugs. I'm so sorry for what you're going through with your mom. How gut wrenching. A friend of mine's mom has alzheimer's and he and his dad decided to put her in a home last year because it was too hard for dad to take good care of her. I know how hard it is for him to visit when most of the time she spends talking about her son Chad to Chad. As for your diet and exercise - I know what you mean - wanting to just say F it, believe me, but you need to take care of yourself, too. Eating well, sleeping well,etc. Time is what it is, if you can't hit your workouts, that's life... but the *insert comfort food of choice* won't make you actually feel better, and it will probably make you feel worse - sluggish, guilty... whatever. Hang in there. I hope everything is okay.
@Sheryl - thanks for sharing and for caring. I would love to hear about your biggest loser/IM training! I started my elimination diet yesterday (not too terribly different from my standard routine, but I am cutting out a few staples) and I think I'll start the cleanse a few days early. I telework Thursdays, so that might be the day. I'll have that day to make my lunch and prep my lunch for Friday (lunch is my only solid food meal during the cleanse)... and I have a 3 day weekend coming up, too... so I think that should there be any stomach discomfort/GI issues related to the cleanse, I'll be home 4 out of the first 5 days... which might be a good idea (if you know what I mean...).
I still go through sad and mad moments... but it is what it is. I wasn't ready to get married but I wasn't at the throw in the towel stage, either. I'm still a bit shocked that we broke up out of nowhere (meaning Dan never shared with me he was having any doubts). I'm not optimistic that things with him will work out, but I am going to try to take my life back. He's traveling this week for work so I wrote him a letter. I have some things at his place so hopefully we can talk when he gets back. I'm not optimistic that anything will change, but I had some things I wanted to get off my chest. I may never get the closure I think I want, but I wanted to at least let him know what I think, how I feel, etc. That's all I can do. And go about my life with my head held high.
Becky, I am glad that you are trying to go on about your life with your head held high, and try for some closure as well. You are an awesome lady,who deserves as much awesome-ness in return! As you know, we are all here for you.
I hope to get into the pool this evening, to get a workout, and to work out some stress and sadness. Going to visit my Mom first, and see how things are going. Becky is right, that I won't feel better by stuffing myself with crap foods. And I certainly have been doing that!
Michele, good luck with work!!
I've also been channeling my inner-Beth and have met quite a few new guys recently, so maybe something will pan out
@ Becky- stay strong, it's hard but you're doing pretty good so far!
@ Barbara- good luck with your mom. It's tough to have to make those kinds of decisions. Try to take care of yourself. I know when I'm having a tough time it can be hard to workout or anything, but whenever I do manage to get out there I'm always glad I did cause it definitely helps with my mood. Keep us posted!
@ Kitima- this is why I live in a high rise!!
Welcome back G!
Jennifer-I started in week 3 of OS with no problems...week 2 piece of cake
Becky- You can try for closure.I hope it helps.
Barb- That is very difficult to deal with and try to train for a significant goal. Since coming back to the east coast, I chose to help my parents with their very elderly parents. 2009 was a non-IM year, and that worked out well. My dad's mom was declining rapidly. I made the 3 hour drive anywhere from every 3rd to every 6th weekend to help with her care or visit her in rehab. When she passed in July that year, I actually did not go down. No point. I could not imagine training for a big race. I pretty much did what I could on the weekend away. A wait and see, but do your best in the mean time, is probably a good idea.
Stephanie- Welcome! I always wanted to live in Denver. Once again I am JEALOUS!!
Work DENIED my request for more time off instead of more money. Can I just say, I am totally disgusted. But I have options. That's what is keeping me sane!
I'm going to make a better effort to participate in this forum this year rather than be a lurker.
@Becky: I know how hard it must be for you. But you are a tough and smart woman and adversity builds character. I hope the cleanse works better for you than it did for me. I've done the cleanses twice and lost weight the first time but none the second time. The cleanse did say that if you really don't have weight to lose then it's not going to happen (which I think is bs), but I am still glad I did it as I did feel much better after the cleanse. Kudos to you for doing it while you're on the OS, I don't know if I would have enough energy to do the workouts.
@Carol: the women's tri group was/is CWW here in Colorado. It was great until things fell apart. I think it actually might be good again next year, just not sure they still have enough support. But, it just doesn't meet my needs anymore....EN does!!
@Nemo: I got a Specialized Transition. Really excited. Thought I was going to get a Trek, but the Specialized just fit so much better. I am doing Oceanside 70.3, CDA and IMAZ all this year. My college roommate has been a terrible influence on me. She signs up for things, then sends me an email that I'd "better get signed up soon"! So, she talked me into moving up to the IM distance this year and giving it my best. Really happy to be spending those weekends with her however. Makes me feel young again.
@Becky: good for you on the elimination diet stuff. I need to find the willpower to do better with my diet. My goal this year was to eliminate snacking after 9pm...and so far I am failing miserably at that one!
@Michelle: I love Denver too! I grew up here however, and really can't imagine living anywhere else. Bummer about the time off issue at work. More vacation time would ALWAYS be the benefit that would mean the most to me.
Gots lots of extra exercise time while shoveling snow this weekend. Really need to buy a snowblower!
By the way Stephanie, I too, am a Specialized woman! Mine is a 2009 black/yellow, Specialized Transition Comp! I love her! She is named Queen B! (I'm Barb, and it looks like a bumble bee!) LOL! You'll find that we name our bikes around here! What year, color is yours, and does she have a name?
So I opened the fridge last night and peered in and could not believe how much cheese I have in the fridge. Literally 9 different kinds of cheese. I've been pretty firm that if I'm going to change my diet I'm keeping dairy in it, but I think I really need to reconsider my diet refinement plan. I think I am probably getting more than enough dairy, and probably need to cut back on that as well as the grains. It was a sad night with that realization
@ Michele- glad to hear you at least have some options. Since I work for the govt I'm pretty used to not having any choice in the matter (it's probably the only time I am Zen about the lack of choice too!). I hope your options are something that will make you happy!
Tennessee snowstorm : Day 2 !!
Morning all, well here I am @ ;home again because of the 8+ inches of snow we received Sunday-Monday. The snow is beautiful, but the roads got very icy overnight, so very little to no travel. Looks like I will straighten out some MORE cabinets today. I am +/- on the forced inside work
Barb- So glad to hear your Mom is better. It is tough, tough with elderly parents. Often such a fine balance.
Jennifer- What ever happened with all the mechanical bike issues you were plagued by?
Stephanie & Carol - Welcome to the gang! I took a hiatus, but am an old dog here
Becky- From what I can tell, you and Dan have parted ways. Sorry to hear
Michele,Kit, Neems, LPatch - Just good to be back here with you! I lurve you guys
Kathy- So gald you are back too, I know you took a few months out of the Haus
Question for the day- How do you store your water bottles?????? I need something to keep them and the tops orderly.
The best Bottle arrangement I've seen is a big deep pull-out drawer with all the bottles standing up and lids in a tupperware box. The other fun solution I saw was using a wine rack for the bottles, but I have way too many bottles for that!
As for bottles, I keep them all stored standing up on a shelf with the lids partially screwed on. Course you have to make sure they are totally dry, but I always had caps everywhere when I did it any other way.
I hope you get outside and make some snow angels!
@Gina - I have a cabinet shelf dedicated solely to all my exercise nutrition stuff - the bottles go in there partially capped (like Jennifer) as well as the infinit, the S!Caps, the fuel belt, the speedfil... it's all in one place.
@Jennifer - wow, that's a lotta cheese. The elimination and cleanse I'm doing is not for you...no dairy! I'm not a huge milk drinker or cheese eater, so I don't think it will be that big of a deal... not to mention it's only 4 weeks total after which I can add stuff back in.
@Joanna, Stephanie - I'm not sure how it will go as far as working out and doing the cleanse. The book says working out is encouraged and helpful and, if necessary, have another drink (smoothie, soup, juice)... but I've decided that instead of forcing myself back to the morning routine now I'm going to wait. One of the big tenets is a 12 hour fast between dinner and breakfast. So I don't see myself getting up at 5, after 10-11 hours from eating, to work out for an hour on a totally empty stomach. I'll wait til after work which is only 4ish hours after lunch. We'll see how it goes. Good thing I'm just beginning OS!
@Barbara - glad your mom is back to normal and kudos to you for getting a workout in... hope it helped releive some stress and clear your mind!
Dan is out on travel this week. Sent him a letter yesterday... he confirmed he got it, but didn't take his laptop so had trouble reading it on his phone... we'll see. I think I'm now past sad and mad. So progress is being made. I did something a bit nutty yesterday... I bought a vitamix (well, ordered it online). The darn thing is crazy expensive (and I got a low end model), but it seems like it can do anything - juice, smoothie, soup, etc, etc... kind of an extravagant purchase when I don't know how the cleanse will go, but I do make smoothies every day and the blender I have now came from my parents... pretty sure they got it in the 70s (it's an Osterizer). Good thing I really don't shop for clothes - the hobbies are defintely keeping my checkbook on E!
OK I realize this is probably way TMI, but I just scheduled a colonic. Never had one. I am terrified... but if I'm gonna do the cleanse I might as well go for it and give it a try. The program recommends one or more (as well as sauna and massage therapy)... so I spoke with the hydrotherapist and well, I'm gonna try one and see how it goes and how I feel. She also does oxygen saunas (better than the infrared recommend by my program). Crazy. I won't share the details - other than to say yay or nay.
@Joanna- You're ALIVE! I haven't seen you since IMWI. I heard about your day and was so bummed because the times I saw you, you looked good. But IIRC, you were getting into some distress towards the end of the bike? Glad you are still around.
@Gina- Our house has lots of cabinet space and I am not a hoarder. Cabinet near sink for bottles with lids part on. Cabinet near fridge with most drink mixes. Lesser used ones are elsewhere. A small drawer with Gu and gummies. I'm not a big fan of those, so I don't keep much on hand.
As for my job disappointment- I decided that- what I love is taking the best care of my patients that I possibly can. I hate the administrative BS. But I do have a good benefits package. I really can not complain. Just because I did not get my way, it is not the end of the world. Not that it is over for good. I will try again next year. Assuming the administrative BS does not cause me to strangle someone stupid before then.
@Becky: Hang in there. We are all with you. Vitamix was at the ADA conference again this year. I was sooo tempted to buy one. They give a great show discount and you get an extra carafe. Maybe next year. . . .
@Nemo: I deleted the email. I have an order coming from them and Banana Republic. . . .
We keep our bike bottles in a deep drawer with the tops in a clear shoe box in the drawer. Running bottles are kept with tops on in two additional shoe boxes one in the drawer with the bike bottles, the other in another drawer. I like the wine rack idea though.
@Gina: Stay warm and safe down there.
@Carol: Welcome!
@Kitma: Can you live trap Flower and relocate him/her?
@Barbara: So sorry to hear about your mom. Be gentle with yourself and treat/talk to yourself like you would your best friend. There are bigger things going on right now than just training/racing. You don't want to look back and have regrets.
@Stephanie: Welcome!
I've got to post more often!
@Gina: Welcome BACK!
How do y'all stay on top of all these posts?
@Michelle: Options are always good.
Funny blender story. . . . We make food for our dogs. Sometimes they eat better than us. Seriously. Well, I used to use our blender to blend up the stew. One night a put a bunch in there and let it go. It, um, started smoking. Then it wouldn't work. I called Kitchen Aid to see if there was a way to get it fixed. I told them that it was my fault it broken (told her the story including the smoking part), I just wanted to see if I could get it fixed rather than buying a new one. It was like 7 or maybe 15 years old. The lady put me on hold for a L-O-N-G time. She came back on and said they were going to ship me a refurbed one free. I said "but I killed it." And she said, "Yes, but we like to take care of our customers." Another reason I didn't get the Vitamix.
Anyway. . . .still waiting on the $$ offer on the new job. They called and asked me to work their booth at the Houston Marathon Expo, then one of their slots to speak both Friday and Saturday at the expo came open and they asked me to speak! YIPPEE! I told them I'd do both and would, hopefully, be on board by then (the end of the month). I hope we can get this settled this week. I am so dying to tell you guys. It is so COOL! And, I may be able to offer some stuff for those attending the EN IMTX rally. . . . Anyone attending?
School starts next week. It is going to be weird to just teach. I actually forgot to put PhD after my name on the syllabi. LOL! My advisor is pushing me about getting the articles from my dissertation submitted. I know I'm being passive-aggressive about it because she pissed me off at the end of my dissertation stuff. I need to get over it and move on.
Tire and tube are on wheel with PT. Now, John needs to move the cassette over and get me a skewer. I love having a domestique!
It is getting really cold down here - in the 20's tonight. Should warm back up for the weekend. Hoping I can get out and ride on Sunday. So glad I have the electric blanket. . . .
Going to shoot to do a spin class tomorrow then run Thursday. I'll lift either tomorrow or Thursday - see how the knee is feeling. I'm still tinkering with doing Gulf Coast Half. I just want to be sure the knee is going to be happy about it. I don't want to endanger NY Marathon in November (I got in last year and had to defer).
Have a great evening everyone! Stay safe and warm!
Been there. . . with my original PhD advisor. If I hadn't switched, one of us probably wouldn't be here. . .
Looking forward to hearing the "yeah" or "nay" on the colonic, Becky. The idea of it terrifies me a little!
My new bike: Specialized 2010, red and black. Her name will be Indy....
What is Lululemon???? Uh- OH!!