@Penny- a friend of mine gave me a very nice gift certificate to Lucy for Christmas!! I haven't been to the store in quite some time, so this will be a treat, when I can find the time to go!! I'm with Gina, what is LuLuLemon?
@Joanna-the first and last time we met was morning of IMWI, you were waiting with Kate Green. Then later I heard you didn't finish, what happened, I have never heard your story.
I am not responsible for any purchases that come from this link. If you have a local Lu Lu Lemon, they also do free hemming on their yoga pants. I have a pair of their yoga pants. Yes, they are expensive ($100) but so worth it. Soft, comfy, keep their shape. Love, love, love them!
we have a LuLuLemon/Athleta store in G-town... and a Lucy in Pentagon City. Since I've spent so much money on bikes and bike equip... and not a blender/juicer, I think I can safely stay away a little longer until my credit cards stop smoldering! @Penny - the expo gigs sound really cool! @Gina - love the puppy pics in the snow, at least a few "folks" are having fun out there! @Stephanie - the "big day" is tomorrow (my telework day). I'm totally freaked but hey, it is what it is... and it might actually help me feel better!
Welcome Stephanie! There's another pediatrician (soon to be--as I think she's finishing her residency this summer) in Da Haus--Lynnette. Congrats on the new bike! A girl can't ever have enough bikes or comfy clothes.
Welcome back, Kathy and Joanna!
Michele: Oh suck on the vacation denial! That does mean you get a raise instead, right? Vacation time seems scarce for me too---just can't find anyone to cover. So 2011 is mostly taking Friday's off for a long weekend to race and a week off for ToC. Pffft! I'm glad you've found a way to zen out about it. Our profession does have job security for sure.
Barb: Good to hear your mom to doing better.
Penny: Nice steady comeback after the knee surgery!
Becky: A colonic, huh? The cleanse includes ridding your life of all kinds of $hit...Sorry if that was crass! Make sure you really rehydrate after one of those before you workout. No fainting on the trainer!
Jennifer: Have you been to Paris? A cheese-ophile like you would just scream from joy in one of their fromageries.
G: We have a cupboard for our water bottles. The lids get tossed in a big plastic container. Any incompatible/odd lid to bottle combo gets relegated to the bike shop (our basement) where it serves as a squirt bottle for degreaser.
After much discussion about Flower...Kevin wanted to shoot it, but the idea of a dead stinky skunk...yuck! Then he wanted to trap it then DROWN it. Are we dealing with a skunk or Rasputin? I am no way, no how gonna have anything to do with the bad karma of torturing and killing an animal with my own hands. So we've agreed to trap it and I shall strap it to my bicycle (Kev doesn't want it in our cars) and ride dear Flower to a park that's 10 miles away. We need to get this done soon as skunk breeding season starts in Feb. Nuts!
@Kit - I hopeyou find a nice park for Flower... so he can make friends with other woodland creatures... maybe a bunny and a fawn?! and thanks for the tip re the colonic... I plan to do the workout first... and will be sure to hydrate over the course of the cleanse period (3 weeks)... hopefully my workouts will get done, perhaps not as intensely as they should be, but we'll see.
Gina- If you have not become addicted to Lululemon, save yourself while you still can. You have been warned.
Penny- I am so curious about this job. It sounds like you are a lock if they are already asking you to represent. Fingers crossed for you.
Kitima- OK, now I really can't complain about vacation. I am doing TOC, but we are also taking 2 diving trips this year, 2 weeks each. (I always try to carry over some time each year.) I am bummed for you about only getting Fridays for long weekends. But we will have a blast at TOC. As for flower, you will have great karma. Make sure that the box/ cage doesn't allow for you to get sprayed.
I once caught/ guided a 4 foot king snake into a plastic bin and reloacted it from my front step to the treeline/ swamp area 1/4 mile away. I am not afraid of snakes and found it quite fun and challenging. The garbage truck driver and crew that were watching me were shocked that a girl would do something like that. Never occurred to me that anyone would think it was unusual. I thought it was the right thing to do and I didn't want my dog to kill it.
Lots of snow here and work shut down. I was shocked. In my entire healthcare career, I have never been told that I did not need to come to work. I like this.
@Kit: You are definitely going to earn lots of karma points for taking Flower and releasing him. I hope he doesn't spray you!
@Gina: STAY AWAY from Lulelemon! unless you can hit their outlet then go for it.
@Michelle: I'm envious of you going to Palau. I've always wanted to go there and went to every island in that region except for that one. I hear the diving is absolutely AMAZING!
Very slow day at work due to the snow but NYC is doing a much better job today with the snow removal.
I can't wait till I can resume training again; I feel like such a slob.
@Kit, I am just sitting here laughing about the skunk and the thought of you bicycling down to the park with "Flower" in your little basket. Or alternatively, you are Glenda the good witch from Wizard of Oz but you are riding the bike that Toto was in with Flower in the back basket. Either way, the image is great!! Good luck with the operation. Let us know how it turns out. I love Wyeth btw. My in-laws live in Rockland, ME and I love going to the gallery.
Welcome to Carol and Stephanie! It will be fun to hear about your life and training!
@Penny, Yay to new jobs. I would hope to come to the IMTX rally but not sure. I do now have a place to stay if the house doesn't sell right away. My brother kicked the non paying renters out and is putting my folks' house on the market which brings me to Barbara and your mom. So sorry that you are having to go through this sad time. My mom had alzheimer's and we ended up putting her in a little home with five other residents. She had her own bedroom and bathroom and the CNA's were so sweet to her and took such good care of her. Hoping your mom continues to maintain. It's hard
@Carol, Pain Cave...ugh. Mine is one big hairy junk room now. Christmas exploded all over it when we started trying to consolidate and purge old stuff. I'm so frustrated with it!!!
Kris & Jo rocked!! I so want to do that Goofy Challenge. Some day...wistfully said...
@Michelle, I am SOOOOOO mad about your results at work!!! I really thought reason would win. I don't know what is wrong with people! Glad you have options and kind find calm and peace with your patients. So fulfilling on other levels.
Also, Michelle, I am thinking of selling my 1st tri-bike which I'm very emotionally attached to and my too big wet suit to get a treadmill. Is it worth the emotional anguish of seeing my tri bike go out the door???
The big story at our house this past week was that our daughter who is studying to become a nurse and is working as a CNA went in to feed a patient and she had passed. Shelby was very upset and the charge nurse, who is so nice, told her to just take the time to be sad and come back in 1/2 an hour. Shelby heard them calling the family and talking about that the family would be in to see their mother before the funeral home took her so Shelby stayed and bathed her and fixed her hair and cleaned up the room. In all the years I have raised this girl, this is the LAST vocation I would have thought she would choose, but such a proud moment as a parent that regardless of the fact that she gets touchy with us, she has the inside strength to do this. Anyway....just wanted to share since so often I share frustration with the kids and their "kidness"
All the peeps on the East coast, it is official, our oldest daughter, Kelsey, will be at Culinary Institute of America in September. All the paperwork FINALLY came through and she is accepted and starting. So excited and glad that she got it together and is in.
The good news is that when I'm old, Kelsey can cook and puree my food and Shelby can wipe....well you know.
Have a great day!!! One more day of the job from hell, tests at the University Clinic on Friday then on to the new adventure!!! Can't wait!
For now...down to the pain cave for yesterday's workout!!!
Wow, ok, after a 6 day hiatus from EN (and a lot of lurking instead of posting in here before that), I just spent the night getting caught up. So....
@ Barbara: I completely understand where you're coming from. I lost my mom last March and I am still trying to get out of the "I don't give a sh*t" phase. I find that EN is helping me finally get out of it. I'm not sure about IMLOU with all the uncertainty you have ahead. Maybe it should be more of a HIM year for you. Then again, I don't know your racing background so I say just do what you can handle and use EN to help you keep things together.
@ Becky: Sorry to hear about you and Dan but I'm glad that you're starting to move forward. I'm sure you will be fine with time.
On this end, I found myself going thru EN withdrawl while I was in Orlando. Goofy was a good time. I ran the half with my little sister (who didn't train) and found myself pulling her for the last 5k but she finished and I'm proud of her. That afternoon Ken proposed. He wanted to do it at the finishline but 3 different workers wouldn't let him into the finishline. It was still a very cute thing when he did it. All of that excitement led to not sleeping as much as I should have before the full on Sunday but my friend Sin and I survived that too. I don't think I'll be doing another Goofy anytime soon (2 is enough at the moment) but it was still fun. Finally made it back home last night so, needless to say, my OS start has been interesting. I also went back to work today to find out that I got orders (I'm a military girl) to England, leaving in May. That puts a bit of a damper on the wedding planning since he is a military guy. As of now it would appear that we may be getting married very soon so he can get orders too and having a ceremony at some point later. On top of that, moving in May screws with the first part of my season and I can only hope that my new boss will let me fly back for IMFL. Sorry for my rambling but it has been a very turbulant few days and I'm a bit overwhelmed.
Yay! Congrats Virginia! Sounds like lots of very exciting things are happening!
Kit- Totally need to move to Paris since it basically would cover every food group I love = cheese, wine, croissants, and chocolate. It's a life retirement goal
Penny- Excited to hear about the job, fingers-crossed!
I am currently in used car shopping hell. I'm trying to replace the car that died last summer since I (and my family and friends) have determined that I do need one for certain tasks like my one major grocery trip a month, visiting my family for weekly dinners, and triathlon training outside of Chicago. Not tons of stuff, but it has added up. But dealing with my budget and trying to find a good deal and not a lemon is quite trying. I will be very happy when it's all over.
Kit-good luck with Flower. The pic of you riding with a trap on your bike through Victor is amusing to me. Definitely good karma for you though.
Michele-jealous of the treadmill. I am interested in the 5 finger updates. I bought the Saucony's with no cushion and had some trouble. Also sounds like you a good perspective on the job situation.
Penny- good luck with the job, got my fingers crossed for you!
As for me still stuck en route to Boston on the way home from Disney. Hopefully we will get out today. It appears the snow has stopped in Boston now. We are going to look at another apt this weekend. Hopefully we get out of our current lease. Of course it is more $ and location is not as ideal for our jobs. I just can't live in our current place anymore!
Virginia- how exciting!! Congratulations. You must share a picture of the ring with us!
Jennifer- good luck with the car shopping. We keep pushing that task back, but our cars are really old so I know the dreaded car shopping errand is in our future- yuck.
@ Nemo- still in ATL, flight on time so far to get out at 2:30 today. Still amazed by the subtle differences between north and south. Such as we had a smoking room last night, didn't think to ask for non smoking.
Sheryl- as hard as it may be, if you sell your first tri bike to a deserving soul, you will be happy. Not sure if you remember the pics of the young boy that now rides Nemo's original bike, but he looked very happy. I'd say sell it! I am trying to get 4 bikes ready for e-bay sale. I cleaned them and can't decide if I should change the tubes and tires or just sell them as is. Good luck with the new job. Glad you are getting out of that horrible place. Sounds like your daughter is going to make a great nurse. Nursing school is hell and in many ways not tied to reality (IMHO). She will learn much more working. Nursing is not easy but I did (do) find it fulfilling. Now grad school to become an NP was awesome and totally related to everything that I do every day.
Carly- safe travels. Great weather here in Boston. You will miss Florida. Oh, and you won't be able to find your car again. It is REALLY buried this time! As for the 5 fingers, I posted on FB, but since I am such a noob there, who knows if anyone can see it. Basically I wore them around the house every night after work. My feet were cold but otherwise it was fine. I started the TM running and have no pain. I think if I were to run outside on pavement it would be very different. I did the same run Sunday and Wednesday, except Sunday was outside and Wednesday was TM. Sunday I had to do the legs up or they felt dead. Wednesday- felt fine. Running on the TM is so soft. I am sure I could not perform in a race if I ran full time on the TM.
Jennifer- Good luck. I hate car shopping. No advice here.
Virginia- What an exciting proposal, so very sweet! I love those stories. Hope you will enjoy England.
Nemo- Last 2 times I move across country, I waited until I had reached my destination to buy a car. I would recommend that approach. Much less stuff to move.
Virginia, thank you for your comments regarding my Mom. Sorry to hear that you lost your Mom last March...so hard. I am happy to say that when I visited with her last night, she was pretty bright minded, and joking. Always nice to see her having a good day. Each day I am grateful. Congrats on your engagement and pending wedding!
Kitima, so wonderful of you, to save Flower! @Jennifer, ugh to car shopping. I pray daily, that my Saturn holds out for a couple more years...no $$, and it is 10 yrs. old! Penny, good luck with the job!! Carly, hope you get home soon! Hope I have not forgotten anyone here. If so, no intention to.
I did my first bike/brick workout last night, and felt good for having done it. I'm in my 2nd week of OS, but haven't been holding to it, as I've stated before. Now I'm on track again. Running tonight after school. My V-Dot is lowwwww, what it was last season....Gonna work on that! Everyone have a good day. I'll check in later. Hugs!
Good news everybody! I got cleared by my PT to do an hour of light spinning on the bike! I was fast approaching meltdown mode after not being able to do ANYTHING since December 29. That's what happens when you strain your hamstring, piriformis and your bicep! Note to self: No more stair running after biking!
Good news everybody! I got cleared by my PT to do an hour of light spinning on the bike! I was fast approaching meltdown mode after not being able to do ANYTHING since December 29. That's what happens when you strain your hamstring, piriformis and your bicep! Note to self: No more stair running after biking!
@Sheryl - wow, what a great pair of daughters you have!
@Virginia - wow, wonderful news!! Good luck with wedding planning and moving and training.... but such exciing times!
@Joanna - woo hoo, but take it easy... don't overdo it and get yourself back onto the injured reserve list!
@Barbara- glad to hear your holding up in spite of everything! Glad you're getting some workouts in and feeling good! I love the endorphin effect!
@Jennifer - good luck car shopping! Ugh... with all the snow how can you manage? At least you'll get a sense of how it handles in bad weather, but be careful!
@Stephanie - wow, it was intense. I'm not sure yet if it's helped... but I had no idea what to expect... and it was crazy!
So, I started the cleanse today in earnest (down almost 4 lbs from starting the elimination phase on Sunday). I did my bike ride this morning before breakfast and it went okay on an empty stomach, but I skipped the brick (didn't run Ts) bc it was 20 degrees with crazy wind... anyhoo... did the colonic at lunch time. It was an experience. I started off with cramps and nausea, which the therapist said was not uncommon... but eventually (a few minutes) I settled down and felt better... I guess after I got the hang of it so to speak. It was intense. I didn't know what I thought it would be like, but I never would have imagined it, really. I stayed kinda crampy throughout, but it was tolerable. When finished I felt pretty wiped out and weak... but I felt totally fine soon enough... and had lunch when I got home. I don't know if I'll do another one during the cleanse (the protocol recommends we do as many as we can tolerate and afford) we'll see... but I might do one again in my lifetime (i.e., if I do annual cleanses or something along those lines). So, no yay or nay for me yet... jury is still out, but I survived. The first 5 minutes or so were absolutely brutal. I'll spare you the details, but will say that I thought I would explode... truly. Obviously I wasn't doing it right... but I called the therapist in, she helped me out (gave me a cool towel, put some peppermil oil on my wrists to help calm me and soothe me, and fixed my back prop so I was more upright, and she kinda coached me on how to do it - she stayed until I felt comfortable, which was nice, although a little strange - although I was totally covered). I had solid food for lunch (salmon, broccoli, quinoa) and will have a cucumber soup tonight (hopefully the vitamix will be here)... I hope to make up yesterday's run tomorrow, but I'm gonna play the next few weeks by feel... we shall see. I took pics at the start of elim, as well as weighed in and took measurements. I did all of that again today and plan to do that on a weekly basis. I'm also keeping a journal to track the weight, what I eat, what supplements I take, and how I'm feeling... we shall see... this is by far the craziest thing I've ever done. But, I suppose crazy is relative and if it helps me to feel and look better, hooray! I'm happy to answer any questions (maybe via pm) if anyone is considering one and really wants more info... but there was at least one point in time where I thought to myself that I'd rather be doing an ironman. The therapist said usually the first is the worst... so that's comforting.
I live in a small town w/ a fair share of triathletes. My husband and I are doing IMWI. A couple is also doing IMWI, the woman is highly competitive w/ other women-looking up other women's times, splits, etc. She pretends to be my friend only to find out what my workouts are and then does more. I've recommended EN training plans, getting a coach, etc. She doesn't want to spend the money. She has burned some of my real friends by using their training plans, following their plans, doing "extra" and being extra competitive w/ them. I frankly don't care about her or her performance, but the way she is w/ me makes me want to kick her ass. UGH. Just let me be and do my thing!!! Leave me alone. IMWI is special for my husband and I for so many reasons. It's our thing and she wants to make it into a competition btw her and I. Just venting.
@Kelly - that stinks... I would ignore her. Actually, no. I'm tactless and pretty brutally honest, I would probably tell her that I don't care to discuss it with her because her negative energy brings me down (well, I'd be far less tactfull than that, I assure you). But, I realize telling her off in a small town with a small tri community might not fly... perhaps be really vague about your training or say that it's proprietary.. you're paying for the system and you respect the team and the coaches' effort and don't feel it's appropriate that she get the knowledge for free. If she wants it, she can pay for it.
Day 2 of the Cleanse. yesterday was okay, but I was wiped out and ready for bed at 9. I had to get up to use the bathroom once... and was awake before my alarm, but it was cold so I stayed in bed. I got the vitamix and man is that thing cool! My cucumber and mint soup was ready in maybe 5 minutes total, including prep (peeling and seeding cucumber, peeling lemon, etc). I can't say I was necessarily a fan of the soup, but that's not the blender's fault. I'll give it another go tonight (all recipes are for 2). What's super crazy is after 3 minutes in that thing the soup was warm (it was supposed to be served chilled, but I didn't feel like waiting). Per the vitamix instructions, in 5-6 minutes it would have been piping hot. I started with supplements, too... probiotic in the morning, fiber with the morning smoothie/juice, macrobiotic (oil of oregano) in the afternoon, liver support (milk thistle) in the evening... crazy! But apparently these things help with the good flora in my gut now that I'm getting rid of all the toxicity. I hope to run tonight... but we'll see about hitting my zones... I'll try and go by feel.
Becky- take it easy on the workouts during this whole cleanse thing. I imagine your energy is gonnz take a hit before it gets the bounce (of course I've never done a cleanse, but that would be my expectations). Just be smart, OK?
Kelly- I think there's someone like that friend in every group. Always someone who for reasons unknown finds you to be their personal benchmark. I'm pretty passive wtih that stuff and just try to ignore it/ let it roll off my back (not saying I'm always successful, but that's generally how I deal). Oh- and venting here always helps too! :-)
Hopeing for some warmer temps this weekend around the country so we can ALL get outside!
I hope everyone has enjoyed LuLuLemon. Outlet store???? Sounds like we need to make a trip!
@Gina: Hope you guys are safe and digging out up there!
@Kitma: Keep us posted about Flower. I'm not sure about strapping it to the bike and riding. That thing will be flailing around. I wonder if your local animal control would come pick it up and relocate it? Just a thought.
@Michele: You can read about the HUGE snake in my garage adventure here. Hope you are warm, safe and digging out, too.
@Sheryl: Your daughter sounds like she has found her calling. When John's mom had a massive stroke and she was in the hospital waiting to pass, the nurses were such a comfort to us. CAI is amazing! Would love another trip up there (when it is warm).
@Virginia: Way to go with Goofy and getting engaged! Sounds amazing! Congrats!
@Becky: Careful with working out and the cleanse. Honor what your body is telling you.
@Kelly: I'd just play distant & dumb. "Oh, I haven't really looked at my plan in detail. I just look at it right before my workout."
The job is agreed on! They are working out the details of the offer letter. I'll be working part time at the Memorial Hermann Sports Institute in Houston. They are re-launching and focusing on endurance and ultra-endurance athletes. They have a signed agreement, soon to be announced, with a major world class triathlete as well as some other major agreements in the works. This is so amazing! They have a biomechanics person, a sports physiologist, are hiring a strength & conditioning coach, and me as the core team. We get to design the programs! WOO HOO! They have a ton of testing equipment so they can do gait analysis, VO2 max, lactate, cals/hour at different running paces and watts, resting metabolic rate, etc. They have campuses all over the city. I'm going to work with Coach P to see if we can arrange testing sessions for anyone attending the IMTX rally who wants them. YIPPEE! Need to go put the champagne in the fridge! WOO HOO!
I haven't been to the gym in a couple of days. I'm re-learning (again) that I have to do it in the mornings. I'll be at the gym in the morning to do weights and the ride on Sunday (weather permitting). I get to go up to 9 sets of run 1 min, walk 1 minute tomorrow! The knee is feeling great!
School starts next week, too. I hope to start the Memorial Hermann endoctrination next week as well including physical, drug test, screening for nicotine use, etc.
You guys are awesome. Yes, venting helps! Mostly, I just play quiet and dumb/casual. Great advice from all of you. LOVE IT!! Secretly, I'm planning on crushing her. I just had to tell "someone". My husband thinks it's all hilarious. She just gets under my skin. You wouldn't know it to see me-at home I'm a comedy routine gone bad. The tough part is she's a total bad ass on the swim bike. I'm sure that's why she's gunning for me. The OS season is all about increasing my FTP on the bike and VO2 on the run.
Right not my run sucks. I've gotten into the run slow and comfortable-rut for the past year+. It's so much easier and more fun! Today, I really went hard on the run w/ intervals-Holy shit is that hard. I'm committed to becoming faster. Not just b/c of her, mostly to catch my Husband . I imagine Mirinda Carefrae when I run (imagine an elephant prancing!). In my mind, I look GREAT!
@Becky the cleanse sounds dreadful. Is this a new found torture? I admit, I've cut back on my chocolate-2 pieces-small at night. I'm worried about you training and cleansing. You might rupture your colon or dehydrate-just a neurotic random worry from snowy Indiana for you in case you didn't have any of your own. Thought I'd share some of mine. Good luck.
@Penny-Awesome kick ass job-that sounds so cool and fun! Congrats. BTW love Sugarland the band. They get me thru the treadmill runs.
Penny....your new job sounds amazing!!! What a perfect place for you to be. This would be total motivation to go to the IMTX rally if I didn't already have someplace to be that weekend.
Kelly...venting is the way to go. I think some people just have "that" personality. I tend to try to stay away from them as much as possible, it really gets to me as well.
In the mountains this weekend. The kids had a long weekend off school, so I brought the two of them plus a bunch of friends to ski/snowboard. The snow is incredible this year, loving that part of it, but trying not to go too hard to keep from flaring up my knee injury. In the evening I get to play cook/maid/entertainer for all the boys in the condo. Actually, they are good at entertaining themselves, just not too good at cooking for themselves and cleaning up!
Penny, I am sooooo excited for you! What an awesome job!! You are living the dream, girl!! Happy, Happy!! Becky, that cleanse doesn't sound like anything I'd have the guts to do! Good for you, but be careful, dear!! Kelly, I think taking the 'vague' approach to your 'nemesis' like Penny mentioned, is a good way to do it. You aren't divulging info. about your training to this woman, and letting her figure it out for herself! By the way, I'm from Valpo! Nice to see a fellow Hoosier EN peep! Are you by any chance, doing Muncie? Joanna, so happy for you to start your light spinning! Take care of yourself!! I got my arse to the Y this a.m. and did my Master's workout. It was tough and I'm truly slow, but I am working on the swim this year. I must cut back the overall time! Out of curiosity, how many of you plan to watch shows on Oprah's new network? I'm watching previews for them, and there are some awesome topics on there! One of her Fri. evening series will be on Sarah Ferguson, former Dutchess of York, called "Finding Sarah". Sarah herself, says she has lost all self-esteem, and this show will document her journey to regain it. Powerful stuff! I know I've said it before, but I am so thankful for all of you, and this Women's Forum. Helping each other is powerful and empowering!
@Barb I want to do Muncie but it's the same weekend at EN IMWI camp. Lots of our friends are doing Muncie, it would be a tune up race to measure fitness etc. I really want to do the race. I also want to do the Camp. Not sure which to do. I've never done IMWI. My husband did it last year. Muncie would be a great weekend w/ friends doing a tri; camp would be learning weekend w/ EN.
Watching Golden Globes this weekend! Yeah-love to see the fashion. Very lame and superficial, but fun. Good fluffy stuff.
@Penny- a friend of mine gave me a very nice gift certificate to Lucy for Christmas!! I haven't been to the store in quite some time, so this will be a treat, when I can find the time to go!! I'm with Gina, what is LuLuLemon?
@Joanna-the first and last time we met was morning of IMWI, you were waiting with Kate Green. Then later I heard you didn't finish, what happened, I have never heard your story.
@Penny - the expo gigs sound really cool!
@Gina - love the puppy pics in the snow, at least a few "folks" are having fun out there!
@Stephanie - the "big day" is tomorrow (my telework day). I'm totally freaked but hey, it is what it is... and it might actually help me feel better!
Welcome back, Kathy and Joanna!
Michele: Oh suck on the vacation denial! That does mean you get a raise instead, right? Vacation time seems scarce for me too---just can't find anyone to cover. So 2011 is mostly taking Friday's off for a long weekend to race and a week off for ToC. Pffft! I'm glad you've found a way to zen out about it. Our profession does have job security for sure.
Barb: Good to hear your mom to doing better.
Penny: Nice steady comeback after the knee surgery!
Becky: A colonic, huh? The cleanse includes ridding your life of all kinds of $hit...Sorry if that was crass!
Jennifer: Have you been to Paris? A cheese-ophile like you would just scream from joy in one of their fromageries.
G: We have a cupboard for our water bottles. The lids get tossed in a big plastic container. Any incompatible/odd lid to bottle combo gets relegated to the bike shop (our basement) where it serves as a squirt bottle for degreaser.
After much discussion about Flower...Kevin wanted to shoot it, but the idea of a dead stinky skunk...yuck! Then he wanted to trap it then DROWN it. Are we dealing with a skunk or Rasputin? I am no way, no how gonna have anything to do with the bad karma of torturing and killing an animal with my own hands. So we've agreed to trap it and I shall strap it to my bicycle (Kev doesn't want it in our cars) and ride dear Flower to a park that's 10 miles away. We need to get this done soon as skunk breeding season starts in Feb. Nuts!
Penny- you are evil. I did not need to know about yet another good place for yoga pants!
@Kit - I hopeyou find a nice park for Flower... so he can make friends with other woodland creatures... maybe a bunny and a fawn?! and thanks for the tip re the colonic... I plan to do the workout first... and will be sure to hydrate over the course of the cleanse period (3 weeks)... hopefully my workouts will get done, perhaps not as intensely as they should be, but we'll see.
Gina- If you have not become addicted to Lululemon, save yourself while you still can. You have been warned.
Penny- I am so curious about this job. It sounds like you are a lock if they are already asking you to represent. Fingers crossed for you.
Kitima- OK, now I really can't complain about vacation. I am doing TOC, but we are also taking 2 diving trips this year, 2 weeks each. (I always try to carry over some time each year.) I am bummed for you about only getting Fridays for long weekends. But we will have a blast at TOC. As for flower, you will have great karma. Make sure that the box/ cage doesn't allow for you to get sprayed.
I once caught/ guided a 4 foot king snake into a plastic bin and reloacted it from my front step to the treeline/ swamp area 1/4 mile away. I am not afraid of snakes and found it quite fun and challenging. The garbage truck driver and crew that were watching me were shocked that a girl would do something like that. Never occurred to me that anyone would think it was unusual. I thought it was the right thing to do and I didn't want my dog to kill it.
Lots of snow here and work shut down. I was shocked. In my entire healthcare career, I have never been told that I did not need to come to work. I like this.
@Gina: STAY AWAY from Lulelemon! unless you can hit their outlet then go for it.
@Michelle: I'm envious of you going to Palau. I've always wanted to go there and went to every island in that region except for that one. I hear the diving is absolutely AMAZING!
Very slow day at work due to the snow but NYC is doing a much better job today with the snow removal.
I can't wait till I can resume training again; I feel like such a slob.
@Kit, I am just sitting here laughing about the skunk and the thought of you bicycling down to the park with "Flower" in your little basket. Or alternatively, you are Glenda the good witch from Wizard of Oz but you are riding the bike that Toto was in with Flower in the back basket. Either way, the image is great!! Good luck with the operation. Let us know how it turns out. I love Wyeth btw. My in-laws live in Rockland, ME and I love going to the gallery.
Welcome to Carol and Stephanie! It will be fun to hear about your life and training!
@Penny, Yay to new jobs. I would hope to come to the IMTX rally but not sure. I do now have a place to stay if the house doesn't sell right away. My brother kicked the non paying renters out and is putting my folks' house on the market which brings me to Barbara and your mom. So sorry that you are having to go through this sad time. My mom had alzheimer's and we ended up putting her in a little home with five other residents. She had her own bedroom and bathroom and the CNA's were so sweet to her and took such good care of her. Hoping your mom continues to maintain. It's hard
@Carol, Pain Cave...ugh. Mine is one big hairy junk room now. Christmas exploded all over it when we started trying to consolidate and purge old stuff. I'm so frustrated with it!!!
Kris & Jo rocked!! I so want to do that Goofy Challenge. Some day...wistfully said...
@Michelle, I am SOOOOOO mad about your results at work!!! I really thought reason would win. I don't know what is wrong with people! Glad you have options and kind find calm and peace with your patients. So fulfilling on other levels.
Also, Michelle, I am thinking of selling my 1st tri-bike which I'm very emotionally attached to and my too big wet suit to get a treadmill. Is it worth the emotional anguish of seeing my tri bike go out the door???
@Linda, so glad the result wasn't cancer!!!
The big story at our house this past week was that our daughter who is studying to become a nurse and is working as a CNA went in to feed a patient and she had passed. Shelby was very upset and the charge nurse, who is so nice, told her to just take the time to be sad and come back in 1/2 an hour. Shelby heard them calling the family and talking about that the family would be in to see their mother before the funeral home took her so Shelby stayed and bathed her and fixed her hair and cleaned up the room. In all the years I have raised this girl, this is the LAST vocation I would have thought she would choose, but such a proud moment as a parent that regardless of the fact that she gets touchy with us, she has the inside strength to do this. Anyway....just wanted to share since so often I share frustration with the kids and their "kidness"
All the peeps on the East coast, it is official, our oldest daughter, Kelsey, will be at Culinary Institute of America in September. All the paperwork FINALLY came through and she is accepted and starting. So excited and glad that she got it together and is in.
The good news is that when I'm old, Kelsey can cook and puree my food and Shelby can wipe....well you know.
Have a great day!!! One more day of the job from hell, tests at the University Clinic on Friday then on to the new adventure!!! Can't wait!
For now...down to the pain cave for yesterday's workout!!!
@ Barbara: I completely understand where you're coming from. I lost my mom last March and I am still trying to get out of the "I don't give a sh*t" phase. I find that EN is helping me finally get out of it. I'm not sure about IMLOU with all the uncertainty you have ahead. Maybe it should be more of a HIM year for you. Then again, I don't know your racing background so I say just do what you can handle and use EN to help you keep things together.
@ Becky: Sorry to hear about you and Dan but I'm glad that you're starting to move forward. I'm sure you will be fine with time.
On this end, I found myself going thru EN withdrawl while I was in Orlando. Goofy was a good time. I ran the half with my little sister (who didn't train) and found myself pulling her for the last 5k but she finished and I'm proud of her. That afternoon Ken proposed. He wanted to do it at the finishline but 3 different workers wouldn't let him into the finishline. It was still a very cute thing when he did it. All of that excitement led to not sleeping as much as I should have before the full on Sunday but my friend Sin and I survived that too. I don't think I'll be doing another Goofy anytime soon (2 is enough at the moment) but it was still fun. Finally made it back home last night so, needless to say, my OS start has been interesting. I also went back to work today to find out that I got orders (I'm a military girl) to England, leaving in May. That puts a bit of a damper on the wedding planning since he is a military guy. As of now it would appear that we may be getting married very soon so he can get orders too and having a ceremony at some point later. On top of that, moving in May screws with the first part of my season and I can only hope that my new boss will let me fly back for IMFL. Sorry for my rambling but it has been a very turbulant few days and I'm a bit overwhelmed.
Hope everyone is having a good week!
Kit- Totally need to move to Paris since it basically would cover every food group I love = cheese, wine, croissants, and chocolate. It's a life retirement goal
Penny- Excited to hear about the job, fingers-crossed!
I am currently in used car shopping hell. I'm trying to replace the car that died last summer since I (and my family and friends) have determined that I do need one for certain tasks like my one major grocery trip a month, visiting my family for weekly dinners, and triathlon training outside of Chicago. Not tons of stuff, but it has added up. But dealing with my budget and trying to find a good deal and not a lemon is quite trying. I will be very happy when it's all over.
Michele-jealous of the treadmill. I am interested in the 5 finger updates. I bought the Saucony's with no cushion and had some trouble. Also sounds like you a good perspective on the job situation.
Penny- good luck with the job, got my fingers crossed for you!
As for me still stuck en route to Boston on the way home from Disney. Hopefully we will get out today. It appears the snow has stopped in Boston now.
We are going to look at another apt this weekend. Hopefully we get out of our current lease. Of course it is more $ and location is not as ideal for our jobs. I just can't live in our current place anymore!
Jennifer- good luck with the car shopping. We keep pushing that task back, but our cars are really old so I know the dreaded car shopping errand is in our future- yuck.
Carly- where are you stuck?
Sheryl- as hard as it may be, if you sell your first tri bike to a deserving soul, you will be happy. Not sure if you remember the pics of the young boy that now rides Nemo's original bike, but he looked very happy. I'd say sell it! I am trying to get 4 bikes ready for e-bay sale. I cleaned them and can't decide if I should change the tubes and tires or just sell them as is. Good luck with the new job. Glad you are getting out of that horrible place.
Sounds like your daughter is going to make a great nurse. Nursing school is hell and in many ways not tied to reality (IMHO). She will learn much more working. Nursing is not easy but I did (do) find it fulfilling.
Now grad school to become an NP was awesome and totally related to everything that I do every day.
Carly- safe travels. Great weather here in Boston. You will miss Florida. Oh, and you won't be able to find your car again. It is REALLY buried this time!
As for the 5 fingers, I posted on FB, but since I am such a noob there, who knows if anyone can see it. Basically I wore them around the house every night after work. My feet were cold but otherwise it was fine. I started the TM running and have no pain. I think if I were to run outside on pavement it would be very different. I did the same run Sunday and Wednesday, except Sunday was outside and Wednesday was TM. Sunday I had to do the legs up or they felt dead. Wednesday- felt fine. Running on the TM is so soft. I am sure I could not perform in a race if I ran full time on the TM.
Jennifer- Good luck. I hate car shopping. No advice here.
Virginia- What an exciting proposal, so very sweet! I love those stories. Hope you will enjoy England.
Nemo- Last 2 times I move across country, I waited until I had reached my destination to buy a car. I would recommend that approach. Much less stuff to move.
Have a great day all!
I am happy to say that when I visited with her last night, she was pretty bright minded, and joking. Always nice to see her having a good day. Each day I am grateful.
Congrats on your engagement and pending wedding!
Kitima, so wonderful of you, to save Flower! @Jennifer, ugh to car shopping. I pray daily, that my Saturn holds out for a couple more years...no $$, and it is 10 yrs. old!
Penny, good luck with the job!!
Carly, hope you get home soon!
Hope I have not forgotten anyone here. If so, no intention to.
I did my first bike/brick workout last night, and felt good for having done it. I'm in my 2nd week of OS, but haven't been holding to it, as I've stated before. Now I'm on track again. Running tonight after school. My V-Dot is lowwwww, what it was last season....Gonna work on that!
Everyone have a good day. I'll check in later.
YAHOO! Great news Joanna!
@Sheryl - wow, what a great pair of daughters you have!
@Virginia - wow, wonderful news!! Good luck with wedding planning and moving and training.... but such exciing times!
@Joanna - woo hoo, but take it easy... don't overdo it and get yourself back onto the injured reserve list!
@Barbara- glad to hear your holding up in spite of everything! Glad you're getting some workouts in and feeling good! I love the endorphin effect!
@Jennifer - good luck car shopping! Ugh... with all the snow how can you manage? At least you'll get a sense of how it handles in bad weather, but be careful!
@Stephanie - wow, it was intense. I'm not sure yet if it's helped... but I had no idea what to expect... and it was crazy!
So, I started the cleanse today in earnest (down almost 4 lbs from starting the elimination phase on Sunday). I did my bike ride this morning before breakfast and it went okay on an empty stomach, but I skipped the brick (didn't run Ts) bc it was 20 degrees with crazy wind... anyhoo... did the colonic at lunch time. It was an experience. I started off with cramps and nausea, which the therapist said was not uncommon... but eventually (a few minutes) I settled down and felt better... I guess after I got the hang of it so to speak. It was intense. I didn't know what I thought it would be like, but I never would have imagined it, really. I stayed kinda crampy throughout, but it was tolerable. When finished I felt pretty wiped out and weak... but I felt totally fine soon enough... and had lunch when I got home. I don't know if I'll do another one during the cleanse (the protocol recommends we do as many as we can tolerate and afford) we'll see... but I might do one again in my lifetime (i.e., if I do annual cleanses or something along those lines). So, no yay or nay for me yet... jury is still out, but I survived. The first 5 minutes or so were absolutely brutal. I'll spare you the details, but will say that I thought I would explode... truly. Obviously I wasn't doing it right... but I called the therapist in, she helped me out (gave me a cool towel, put some peppermil oil on my wrists to help calm me and soothe me, and fixed my back prop so I was more upright, and she kinda coached me on how to do it - she stayed until I felt comfortable, which was nice, although a little strange - although I was totally covered). I had solid food for lunch (salmon, broccoli, quinoa) and will have a cucumber soup tonight (hopefully the vitamix will be here)... I hope to make up yesterday's run tomorrow, but I'm gonna play the next few weeks by feel... we shall see. I took pics at the start of elim, as well as weighed in and took measurements. I did all of that again today and plan to do that on a weekly basis. I'm also keeping a journal to track the weight, what I eat, what supplements I take, and how I'm feeling... we shall see... this is by far the craziest thing I've ever done. But, I suppose crazy is relative and if it helps me to feel and look better, hooray! I'm happy to answer any questions (maybe via pm) if anyone is considering one and really wants more info... but there was at least one point in time where I thought to myself that I'd rather be doing an ironman. The therapist said usually the first is the worst... so that's comforting.
Day 2 of the Cleanse. yesterday was okay, but I was wiped out and ready for bed at 9. I had to get up to use the bathroom once... and was awake before my alarm, but it was cold so I stayed in bed. I got the vitamix and man is that thing cool! My cucumber and mint soup was ready in maybe 5 minutes total, including prep (peeling and seeding cucumber, peeling lemon, etc). I can't say I was necessarily a fan of the soup, but that's not the blender's fault. I'll give it another go tonight (all recipes are for 2). What's super crazy is after 3 minutes in that thing the soup was warm (it was supposed to be served chilled, but I didn't feel like waiting). Per the vitamix instructions, in 5-6 minutes it would have been piping hot. I started with supplements, too... probiotic in the morning, fiber with the morning smoothie/juice, macrobiotic (oil of oregano) in the afternoon, liver support (milk thistle) in the evening... crazy! But apparently these things help with the good flora in my gut now that I'm getting rid of all the toxicity. I hope to run tonight... but we'll see about hitting my zones... I'll try and go by feel.
Kelly- I think there's someone like that friend in every group. Always someone who for reasons unknown finds you to be their personal benchmark. I'm pretty passive wtih that stuff and just try to ignore it/ let it roll off my back (not saying I'm always successful, but that's generally how I deal). Oh- and venting here always helps too! :-)
Hopeing for some warmer temps this weekend around the country so we can ALL get outside!
Let me see if I can catch up with everyone:
I hope everyone has enjoyed LuLuLemon. Outlet store???? Sounds like we need to make a trip!
@Gina: Hope you guys are safe and digging out up there!
@Kitma: Keep us posted about Flower. I'm not sure about strapping it to the bike and riding. That thing will be flailing around. I wonder if your local animal control would come pick it up and relocate it? Just a thought.
@Michele: You can read about the HUGE snake in my garage adventure here. Hope you are warm, safe and digging out, too.
@Sheryl: Your daughter sounds like she has found her calling. When John's mom had a massive stroke and she was in the hospital waiting to pass, the nurses were such a comfort to us. CAI is amazing! Would love another trip up there (when it is warm).
@Virginia: Way to go with Goofy and getting engaged! Sounds amazing! Congrats!
@Jennifer: Ugh. Car shopping. Ugh. Good luck!
@Carly: Hope you made it back safe!
@Barbara: Hang in there with the training!
@Joanna: YEA! YEA! YEA!
@Becky: Careful with working out and the cleanse. Honor what your body is telling you.
@Kelly: I'd just play distant & dumb. "Oh, I haven't really looked at my plan in detail. I just look at it right before my workout."
The job is agreed on! They are working out the details of the offer letter. I'll be working part time at the Memorial Hermann Sports Institute in Houston. They are re-launching and focusing on endurance and ultra-endurance athletes. They have a signed agreement, soon to be announced, with a major world class triathlete as well as some other major agreements in the works. This is so amazing! They have a biomechanics person, a sports physiologist, are hiring a strength & conditioning coach, and me as the core team. We get to design the programs! WOO HOO! They have a ton of testing equipment so they can do gait analysis, VO2 max, lactate, cals/hour at different running paces and watts, resting metabolic rate, etc. They have campuses all over the city. I'm going to work with Coach P to see if we can arrange testing sessions for anyone attending the IMTX rally who wants them. YIPPEE! Need to go put the champagne in the fridge! WOO HOO!
I haven't been to the gym in a couple of days. I'm re-learning (again) that I have to do it in the mornings. I'll be at the gym in the morning to do weights and the ride on Sunday (weather permitting). I get to go up to 9 sets of run 1 min, walk 1 minute tomorrow! The knee is feeling great!
School starts next week, too. I hope to start the Memorial Hermann endoctrination next week as well including physical, drug test, screening for nicotine use, etc.
Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!
Right not my run sucks. I've gotten into the run slow and comfortable-rut for the past year+. It's so much easier and more fun! Today, I really went hard on the run w/ intervals-Holy shit is that hard. I'm committed to becoming faster. Not just b/c of her, mostly to catch my Husband
Thanks guys!
@Penny-Awesome kick ass job-that sounds so cool and fun! Congrats. BTW love Sugarland the band. They get me thru the treadmill runs.
Kelly...venting is the way to go. I think some people just have "that" personality. I tend to try to stay away from them as much as possible, it really gets to me as well.
In the mountains this weekend. The kids had a long weekend off school, so I brought the two of them plus a bunch of friends to ski/snowboard. The snow is incredible this year, loving that part of it, but trying not to go too hard to keep from flaring up my knee injury. In the evening I get to play cook/maid/entertainer for all the boys in the condo. Actually, they are good at entertaining themselves, just not too good at cooking for themselves and cleaning up!
Becky, that cleanse doesn't sound like anything I'd have the guts to do! Good for you, but be careful, dear!!
Kelly, I think taking the 'vague' approach to your 'nemesis' like Penny mentioned, is a good way to do it. You aren't divulging info. about your training to this woman, and letting her figure it out for herself! By the way, I'm from Valpo! Nice to see a fellow Hoosier EN peep! Are you by any chance, doing Muncie?
Joanna, so happy for you to start your light spinning! Take care of yourself!!
I got my arse to the Y this a.m. and did my Master's workout. It was tough and I'm truly slow, but I am working on the swim this year. I must cut back the overall time!
Out of curiosity, how many of you plan to watch shows on Oprah's new network? I'm watching previews for them, and there are some awesome topics on there! One of her Fri. evening series will be on Sarah Ferguson, former Dutchess of York, called "Finding Sarah". Sarah herself, says she has lost all self-esteem, and this show will document her journey to regain it. Powerful stuff!
I know I've said it before, but I am so thankful for all of you, and this Women's Forum. Helping each other is powerful and empowering!
@Barb I want to do Muncie but it's the same weekend at EN IMWI camp. Lots of our friends are doing Muncie, it would be a tune up race to measure fitness etc. I really want to do the race. I also want to do the Camp. Not sure which to do. I've never done IMWI. My husband did it last year. Muncie would be a great weekend w/ friends doing a tri; camp would be learning weekend w/ EN.
Watching Golden Globes this weekend! Yeah-love to see the fashion. Very lame and superficial, but fun. Good fluffy stuff.