@Suzanne - I love being on birth control break. My body definitely feels and acts differently when not chemically altered.
@Virginia - I've had a few friends get married early for health insurance at city hall and then had their real wedding later. Paperwork is paperwork. They just treated it like getting one item off the wedding "to-do" list really early and didn't consider themselves "married" until their planned ceremonies later.
A few pics of my sister and I from Disney.
Working so hard, running the Donald 1/2 with my sister, Jo.
And then we found Princess Tiana and had to stop another time. We repeated this practice quite often, especially when spotting a particularly cute Bert with Mary Poppins.
@Beth - great pics! Glad you and Jo had fun... hope you're spendin quality time with Dash now!
@Suzanne - LMaO - watch where you're pointing that thing. Seriously, good luck with the condo board and congrats on getting things working again. I'm actually having all sorts of issues in thta regard now, too. After years and years of zippo (potentially related to my physique - which isn' what it used to be), this past summer I started spotting like every 2 weeks. It's annoying as hell. Not to mention getting breakouts and stomach cramps monthly. It's like being back in high school and I am not a fan. The doc changed my RX, thinking that might do the trick. We shall see. I wonder if a break from the pill (it's been years and years) might be a good idea. But my periods were so tremendously awful that I just shudder to go back.
@Virginia - hang in there. I know a handful of folks who did the JOP thing for various reasons and then had a ceremony and reception, and count that as their wedding day. I/m sorry you won't get to enjoy being engaged for longer, but just think, with 2 weddings you can be a newlywed twice!
Still doing well with the cleanse. Energy is fine for workouts now that I've added protein powder to my morning smoothie. The lunches are awesome. The soups I've chosen for dinner so far are okay, but last nights was pretty good. I haven't noticed any major differences as far as surges in energy or glowing skin... but i'm not sure if I would notice my skin anyway. I'm just glad I didn't have any withdrawal symptoms that seem to plague people's first week on the program. From what I've read week 2 should be when I start noticing a difference. Hopefully so. I started elimination week at 138. 8 and I weighed in today at 133.4 - been hovering around 133 the last few days. I know weight loss was only a part of what I'm doing this for, but I am somewhat surprised with the limited calories that I'm not lower. Hmm... no complaints though. I'm not hungry, I'm not headachy or grumpy. It's all good.
I am officially calling ouch! My hamstrings have been acting up a lot lately, and I've been trying to be careful running, but today I went to put my legs up on the wall to stretch (one of my favorite yoga moves) and I could barely keep them up there for 2 minutes! I definitely have ton of work to do. Right now I'm just focusing on the main sets of both running and biking and making sure to control my environment (no outdoor riding or running for me) so that I hopefully can get this worked out soon.
On a happier note, my plan to workout in the mornings so that I can come home from work and do whatever I want has been working out beautifully. All I have to do in the mornings when I'm struggling to get up is think about how much I like coming home to do whatever or being able to go out and do whatever that it motivates me to get up and get going.
Now I just have to patiently wait for my tax deposit to come so I can spend a huge chunk of it on a new SRAM shifting system will be very excited to upgrade my tri bike finally!!! (And since I have a sweet coupon code, I'm getting a new bike rack for my new car too so I can cart all my local ENers out to the burbs for riding once the summer comes!)
Virginia- Throw another vote in for courthouse quickie marriage is just paper. My bro and his now wife found out they were prego. She had teens from first marriage and this did not set a good example. They were already planning a vacation in Italy and decided to get married while there. Days before leaving, they found out that all ducks were not in a row and that Italy marriage would not be honored in USA. They hustled down to the courthouse and got married before leaving. So we had a pretty wedding and lots of fun in Rome. I found out all of the details after the fact.
Beth- those are awesome pics of you and Joe on the run.
More snow, then ice, then rain today. During the worst of the storm I drove 1 hr 40 min to Worcester from Boston area. Had a class. Took same amount of time to drive back. In the mean time, the doc that was supposed to cover the clinic- forgot. So all his patients waited for me. I was almost an hour late. I worked flat out to get them all seen- his and mine. Thank goodness nothing was serious. I'm not mad about it. Stuff happens.
My boss was supposed to drive out to my clinic in the afternoon to talk to me. He cancelled because of weather. I was supposed to attend a meeting in Worcester after work. Told the boss that I couldn't bear the thought of making the drive again. He was fine (I guess). Here is the kicker- admin sends out an email that the after work meeting is still on because they didn't realize the weather would be so bad. And I am screaming at my computer- this is EXACTLY what was predicted. How could you NOT KNOW it would be so bad. IDIOTS!
I then filled out a the anonymous survey they sent me- asked me what I thought of working there. I gave it LOW marks.
@Jennifer - ouch, take care of that hammie! And congrats on the transition to mornings! That is definitely a goal of mine but I want to get through the cleanse first - and then will try for real... since I'm supposed to fast for 12 hours between dinner and breakfast I'm holding off ... I like to wake up and have a half banana or granola bar or something pre-workout... so when I can do that I will do my very best to get back into it. Heck, since one of these days I'll re-enter the world of dating, I'm hopeful I'll want my nights free.
@Michele - argh. Sorry about the frustration. Vent away!
I need to do my run after work and as of right now I'm not feeling it. No particular reason, just not feeling it. I wish I'd brought my stuff to work to run at lunch as it's not terribly cold (around 40), but I didn't realize how much better the weather is today until after I stepped outside to head to the metro. Such is life. Hopefully I'll hit the mill (as much as I hate it... running in the dark when it's cold and potentially icy is not my thing.. on the up side, I definitely hit my pace zones) and then make apple butternut squash soup. Which, now that I think about it, is probably a perfect recovery dinner.
Checking in quickly just to say Hi. No time to read or catch up. I'm in Dallas at the company annual kickoff with meetings scheduled from 8am through10pm, UGH. Just getting enough sleep while I'm on the road will be a challenge. Oh- and keeping away from the damn break cookies!
Posted By Jennifer Burbatt on 18 Jan 2011 03:38 PM
! (And since I have a sweet coupon code, I'm getting a new bike rack for my new car too so I can cart all my local ENers out to the burbs for riding once the summer comes!)
@Jennifer- do tell! Needing to invest in a bike rack. Too short for a roof rack (me- can't reach) so looking at one for the back of car, probably end up putting trailer hitch on. Looking for any good recommendations/sweet deals!
@ Becky- I definitely find that once you get used to it, especially for the weekday workouts, it's pretty easy to finish without having breakfast beforehand. Might be worth a try!
@ Kris- I'm planning on getting my stuff from discounttrisupply.com. You get 20% off your first order with them (FIRST is the coupon code). Think I'm going to get the Saris Bones 3 bike rack. It got really good reviews on Amazon. I'm also gonna use the code to buy the new shifting system. I know that the website had a bunch of other ones too, might want to check those out too since the 20% is good on everything.
Just want to double-check, if I'm replacing everything, I don't "need" to replace my braking stuff too right? I am trying to save money, and my brake system works fine, so I'd prefer to get just the shifting stuff if possible.
@ Suzanne: Glad things have finally worked themselves out! Good luck with the condo association
@ Beth: Love the Disney pics. I had so much fun stopping with all the characters to get pics...granted it wreaked havoc on the idea of pacing lol.
@ Becky: Awesome to hear the cleanse is still going well. Hopefully you'll get that surge of energy soon.
@ Jennifer: Yay for successfully switching to morning workouts! I tried that the other day but didn't get up early enough and had to cut it a little short. Take care of that hammy. Also, I have a Saris Bones 2 for the civic and I love it. Lately I've just been stealing the hubby's truck for ease of transport but when I can't use the truck I go back to the trusted Bones.
@ Everyone: Thanks for all the kind words and advice on the whole JoP thing. I've been offline for a few days with all of the craziness but we had the ceremony yesterday at the courthouse. My stepdad drove down from Michigan for it even though we told him not to (he said my mom would haunt him forever if he wasn't here) and Ken's entire immediate family (this is his hometown) showed up as well. My best friend made a bouquet for me and boutinears (I know that is spelled horribly wrong lol) for Ken, his parents and my stepdad. She also made me do my hair up and I wore a dress (I am very NOT a dress girl). The weather also proved to be beautiful so we had it outside in the lawn at the courthouse. It actually turned out really nicely and even though it was all a huge whirlwind I'm glad we did it that way. We're still having a biggish wedding in April for everyone but I've already changed my name and we've decided 1/19 is going to be our anniversary. In the end it all worked out well (though it still hasn't completely sunk in). Thanks for letting me vent in here! It helped keep me sane in those few days leading up to everything. Missed my run yesterday but I was a little preoccupied lol. Off to jump on the bike while dh grills dinner...I could get used to this lol.
Hey all. I've been sick this week w/ strep. No training. Just meds, rest, chicken noodle soup. I was wondering when you aren't able to train due to illness, do you make up the week the following week??? Since, I've not trained any this week, do I re-do this week next week??? Should I ask this to the coaches or is there a standard response to this question. Thanks! Kel
Eh, I wouldn't worry about it. Sorry to hear about the strep - yucky yucky. But sounds like you've been taking care of yourself. I had my own week 'o illness earlier this month and I just jumped back into the plan with modifications. You have a couple of options depending on what feels right/most appealing. You could start back on the workouts but just eliminate all intensity for a few sessions until you feel 100% (so, if it's a 60 minute bike session, just spin for that amount, or if it's a 45 minute run, just run easy). Or, you could add in some intensity, but cut it down to about half of the official workout (so if it's 2 x 15, do 1 x 15 or 2 x 7.5). One week off will not make much of a dent in your fitness, so I wouldn't stress about what you've missed. If anything, a week's rest will probably do you better in the long run. Take one week to ease back in, listen to your body, and back off if you feel unusually pooped. You'll know when you're ready to start hammering again.
I've been lurking - reading everyone's posts in email and thinking "I gotta respond." I'm pooped, so just a couple of things. ..
@Virginia: Congratulations! Sounds like the day turned out special even though it wasn't exactly what you wanted. Enjoy your time together! The ring is beautiful!
@Nemo: Here's to getting home and back to a regular schedule.
I should start the new job next week. It is so funny. Already having to deal with all the bureaucracy. I was talking with HR on Tuesday who said I had to start on a Friday. They submitted my background work and it would be 3 - 5 days, then I'd have to do the physical and drug test, then I could attend "Culture Day" which is the official start day and is on a Friday. I told her that I couldn't do next Friday because I was working and speaking at the Marathon Expo. So, she said I couldn't start until 2/4. Sent an email to the guy who hired me and voila within 30 minutes I had an email from HR saying they could do it backwards but I had to get my physical/drug test done this week so I could start next Monday or Tuesday. I went and had blood drawn and peed in the cup (I always have problems peeing on command - sorry if that is TMI), and got my TB test done. Go back tomorrow to finish it. Then, off to another office to meet with HR and go over paperwork, picture for badge, etc. More stuff going on, but at least I can laugh about it.
School started this week, too. My sports class is HUGE! 155 students. I think it will be a good semester though.
I'm really tired. Need to workout tomorrow since I haven't worked out in a couple of days. I finally got a training plan showing up in EN. Need to look at it more closely. I won't follow the run workouts until I'm through the return to running program from my PT. Gotta take care of the knee!
I'm bummed because my weight is UP! Quite a bit. Not sure if the thyroid meds have anything to do with it. I do know that when I eat carbs, they attach to my stomach, hips, butt, and thighs. John loves carbs and they don't bother him. We were talking tonight that we may end up cooking separate meals for a while so we can both meet our own needs. I've got to focus on this. I heard they may be doing some commercials for the re-launch of the Institute (new job). No idea if staff will be included, but I want to look and feel good going into this new gig. Sigh.
@ Virginia- Congrats! So glad to hear that the day was a happy success for you.
@ Kelly- Get better soon. x2 on what Suzanne said- there's plenty of weeks in the OS, no need to repeat a week (I've actually already missed a week and a half due to sickness and injury). Just move forward!
@ Penny- I feel your pain about the weight, it seemed that all of a sudden in the last couple of months my body stopped handling processed carbs well. I too am making a very conscious effort to avoid most of the things I've been cooking with regularly for years (pasta being the #1). I'm finding it incredibly hard and frustrating, and I am sooooooo tired all the time. I'm hoping that my body will start to adjust. Note, I haven't cut out everything, I'm at an 80/20 divide probably, but considering the ratio before I'm sure my body is like WTF! Keep us posted!
Hamstrings are doing just ok. Still really tight even though I've really been focusing on them. Gonna do the OS Tuesday bike and run today and see how I feel, keeping my fingers crossed that I can start back to regular running soon.
In other fun news, I'm going with my best friend tomorrow to pick up the engagement ring for his GF. Super excited to see it and really happy that he is content and happy in his relationship (it was a very rocky beginning, including some jealousy on her part because of me- luckily her and I have talked about it and have become friends in the last year). So it should be a fun day!
@Virginia - sounds like a wonderful day! So glad it went well and you had family and friends with you to celebrate!
@Penny - glad everything got straightened out with the job situation. Maybe your HR people should talk to Michele's HR people about compromise. I totally know what you mean about starches... they kill me (but I love them so). When I went paleo last summer (and started the elimination diet pre-cleanse), I dropped weight and that was just because I was cutting out all the white/processed stuff. Good luck!
I'm a day off on my week - took Wed off as I just wasn't feeling a run after work. I ran yesterday and will bike tonight. The cleanse is still going well although my weight was up today from yesterday, which I thought was odd because I think I actually ate less yesterday and I ran. Who knows. I am worried about my elimination... and talked to the colon hydrotherapist to see if she could recommend a fiber supplement (the one I started the cleanse with has psyllium, which apparently sometimes blocks people up)...so I'm trying something new now. Oh, and I decided to do another colonic and that will be tomorrow. If I'm gonna do this thing, I might as well embrace all the suggestions. So, colonic followed by an oxygen sauna treatment. Interesting. The protocol also recommends massage (to help flush the bad stuff out), so I scheduled one for next Thursday (the start of week 3), during my lunch break. This stuff isn't cheap so I'm trying to spread it out... still no yay or nay yet... but I am down pounds and inches (about 1.5 - hips and waist) and my jeans aren't so tight in my thighs anymore... I think my skin looks better but it's hard to say for sure.
Penny, that new job admin stuff is always crazy. But the job itself still sounds exciting. You must be a great prof. With such a popular class! Jennifer, what a fun day ahead for you. Must be interesting to see the whole engagement thing from the boys side. Becky, be careful with the cleanse.
I am at DFW waiting for my flight home. I will probably sleep all weekend. Good business trip, but I am exhausted.
@Penny- The Goofy is an absolute blast! Not to mention the bling (check out the pics on my FB page). Highly recommend it as a fun (not time focused) race. Just too much you'd miss by zoning in on time!
@ Kris and Jennifer, I just bought this rack by Kuat. Actually haven't used it before and had some major issues getting it to fit on my hitch, but I think it is all good now. I was tired of my bikes getting scratched up from the Thule rack I had before. It is NOT cheap though.
Just sent my malfunctioning Garmin back to get serviced (hopefully get a new one). So back to HR for the bike ride tomorrow AM. No big deal. I'm anxious to get the Garmin back though. Such a small watch to depend on it nearly 2x day.
@ Suzanne good luck with condo association
@ Becky, you are brave with the cleanse and another colonic. Would make me so nervous!
@ Nemo, I hope you made it home safe your adventurous trip to Dallas
@ Penny, job still sounds great, I'm sure you will get the details ironed out with HR
@ Kris I don't live that far from you-1 hr or so depending on where in Louisville you are. I used to drive down to ride the course in the summer. My husband and I go to louisville all the time. We did our graduate work there he at UL me at Spalding, and loved living there. We love it there!!! Good luck w/ training. What IM are you doing.
I'm home!!! Oh, so good to be home. Yeah, the King bed at the hotel was big & comfy, but I sleep so much better on my Queen bed curled up on the corner between two cats and a hubby.
I took yesterday as a complete rest day. Slept late, stayed in PJs most of the morning, then just ran some errands with Joe and hung out on the sofa watching stupid TV all evening. It was heaven and I really needed the rest. I'll take today as a pretty quiet day too- then back to work on Monday.
Jennifer- that's the style of bike rack that one of the two SAG vans at TOC had last year. It was amazing how much faster it was to put bikes on that thing than the other traditional style race that was on the other van. I'd say totally worth the extra $$. If I ever go with a hitch rack system, it's gonna be one like that.
@Beth Love the pictures of the race. So cute and awesome. Love the fact that you shared the race w/ your sister. How memorable!! That's so touching.
@Thanks to everyone for the well wishes! Trying to get better! I've done 1 bike this week. That's just how it goes.
@ I have a quick question for those who do strength training in the off season. I'm going P90X ab ripper; TRX band-upper body-nothing too intense I don't think. I'm trying to think of ways to strengthen my hip abductors to prevent recurring ITband injury-any ideas?. How many of you do strength training in the off season? What all do you do and what do you recommend for the IT band stuff. I've been strengthening my hamstrings b/c those were weak. I've done a good job w/ that. Ideas/advice welcomed. Thanks girls!! love ya!! Kel
Kelly - I've been doing a simple set of exercises with Therabands for over a decade and it never fails me. I don't even think of it as "strength training", more like regular core work. I've got the attachment that you close in a door to anchor the band and then I wrap it around my ankle. I swing my leg in all four directions: pulling forward by kicking the leg straight out in front of me; kicking backward by pushing the leg straight out behind me; kicking the leg out to the side to work the abductors; and pulling the leg inward across my midline to work the adductors. Keep the movement steady and controlled. Right now I'm doing 1 x 20, but I've done 2 x 10 or 3 x 10 as well. Up to you. I find this series cures a multitude of sins, including IT band problems and runner's knee pain.
Posted By Jennifer Burbatt on 18 Jan 2011 03:38 PM
! (And since I have a sweet coupon code, I'm getting a new bike rack for my new car too so I can cart all my local ENers out to the burbs for riding once the summer comes!)
@Jennifer- do tell! Needing to invest in a bike rack. Too short for a roof rack (me- can't reach) so looking at one for the back of car, probably end up putting trailer hitch on. Looking for any good recommendations/sweet deals!
Posted By Jennifer Burbatt on 20 Jan 2011 01:23 PM
Just want to double-check, if I'm replacing everything, I don't "need" to replace my braking stuff too right? I am trying to save money, and my brake system works fine, so I'd prefer to get just the shifting stuff if possible.
You may have to replace your shifter/brakes as they are kinda all together.
I live right off the IM course in Oldham County. Doing Canada this year (same day as IMLOU so I can train with all my local peeps doing the race this year- yeah!) Let me know if you make it down this summer and want to ride!
Posted By Jennifer Burbatt on 20 Jan 2011 01:23 PM
Just want to double-check, if I'm replacing everything, I don't "need" to replace my braking stuff too right? I am trying to save money, and my brake system works fine, so I'd prefer to get just the shifting stuff if possible.
You may have to replace your shifter/brakes as they are kinda all together.
Hahaha sorry! On my tribike I definitely need to replace the rear derailleur, as that's what was clearly the main problem during IMWI. Originally I had just decided to replace the whole shifting system (rear D, front D, crank, cassette, and aero shifters) with SRAM parts and go to a 10 speed. I did not think I needed to replace the brake levers or the front and rear brakes since they were not connected, even though they are Shimano. Am I wrong? If I replaced the shifting stuff with SRAM would I have to replace the brake stuff too? I am confused only because all the parts "bundles" that are out there include the brake stuff too (my assumption was just that most people would like to have all their parts the same throughout the bike, but that could be my mistake).
morning! Hope everyone had a great weekend... mine was very uneventful, but bc of the cleanse I didn't do much trying to get out and about. So, I suppose it's all good. I think the fact that I'm single is finally setting in and it's kind of a bummer...even if we didn't have "fun" weekend plans it was nice to have company. Oh well... I'll get past it. The second colonic was much less traumatic than the first, I'm happy to report. But definitely not something I would ever consider doing outside of a cleanse (or unless I was having serious problems). So far the weight is down and holding kinda steady which is fine. I'm really amazed I haven't lost more considering what I'm eating - but, at the same time, I always feel full and I've been able to work out and hit my zones. This is the week I'm supposed to start feeling the changes and, to be honest, I'm not. I'm supposed to feel more energetic and notice my skin... I wonder if it's the sadness. I do have the energy to knock out my workouts but I'm not jumping out of bed before the alarm (thank goodness I'm finally falling asleep more easily, so that is a definitely improvement - my brain is shutting off!). I think the sadness of the breakup and the boredom at work, which are definitely energy suckers might be counteracting the positive of the cleanse. We'll see.
@Kelly, I do strength train in the off season, too. I go for one day a week. Heck, I will try to do it up to the HIM, but I can't fit it in with IM training. Usually it's just a quick circuit hitting everything once and throwing in some plyo (i.e., jumping jacks or something like that). I have a few bands in my office and if need be, during my lunch hour I knock out a 35 minute total body workout. Not ideal, but it definitely does the trick. The exercises Suzanne mentioned are great. I also do clamshells to work on my hips. Lie on your side with knees bent out at about a 45 degree angle. Keep heels together and raise the top leg knee... then keep knees together and raise the top leg's ankle/foot. Raise the top leg so it's parallell, without moving that knee, raise the ankle/foot higher. The, move the knee/leg back and raise the ankle. Little movements, but they help a lot (a PT showed me those).
@Suzanne - I love being on birth control break. My body definitely feels and acts differently when not chemically altered.
@Virginia - I've had a few friends get married early for health insurance at city hall and then had their real wedding later. Paperwork is paperwork. They just treated it like getting one item off the wedding "to-do" list really early and didn't consider themselves "married" until their planned ceremonies later.
A few pics of my sister and I from Disney.
Working so hard, running the Donald 1/2 with my sister, Jo.
And then we found Princess Tiana and had to stop another time. We repeated this practice quite often, especially when spotting a particularly cute Bert with Mary Poppins.
@Beth - great pics! Glad you and Jo had fun... hope you're spendin quality time with Dash now!
@Suzanne - LMaO - watch where you're pointing that thing. Seriously, good luck with the condo board and congrats on getting things working again. I'm actually having all sorts of issues in thta regard now, too. After years and years of zippo (potentially related to my physique - which isn' what it used to be), this past summer I started spotting like every 2 weeks. It's annoying as hell. Not to mention getting breakouts and stomach cramps monthly. It's like being back in high school and I am not a fan. The doc changed my RX, thinking that might do the trick. We shall see. I wonder if a break from the pill (it's been years and years) might be a good idea. But my periods were so tremendously awful that I just shudder to go back.
@Virginia - hang in there. I know a handful of folks who did the JOP thing for various reasons and then had a ceremony and reception, and count that as their wedding day. I/m sorry you won't get to enjoy being engaged for longer, but just think, with 2 weddings you can be a newlywed twice!
Still doing well with the cleanse. Energy is fine for workouts now that I've added protein powder to my morning smoothie. The lunches are awesome. The soups I've chosen for dinner so far are okay, but last nights was pretty good. I haven't noticed any major differences as far as surges in energy or glowing skin... but i'm not sure if I would notice my skin anyway. I'm just glad I didn't have any withdrawal symptoms that seem to plague people's first week on the program. From what I've read week 2 should be when I start noticing a difference. Hopefully so. I started elimination week at 138. 8 and I weighed in today at 133.4 - been hovering around 133 the last few days. I know weight loss was only a part of what I'm doing this for, but I am somewhat surprised with the limited calories that I'm not lower. Hmm... no complaints though. I'm not hungry, I'm not headachy or grumpy. It's all good.
On a happier note, my plan to workout in the mornings so that I can come home from work and do whatever I want has been working out beautifully. All I have to do in the mornings when I'm struggling to get up is think about how much I like coming home to do whatever or being able to go out and do whatever that it motivates me to get up and get going.
Now I just have to patiently wait for my tax deposit to come so I can spend a huge chunk of it on a new SRAM shifting system
Glad you are back too !!
. Can't wait to see my gals @ ;Lovin the Hills!!
Beth- Love the pics of you & Jo. Sooo cool that you guys did that together
Jennifer- SRAM is da BOMB. I have it on both road & tri bikes. Nice, nice gear.
Barb- Heading back to L'ville?? Hats off to ya girl.
Neems- How is the leg???
Virginia- Throw another vote in for courthouse quickie marriage is just paper. My bro and his now wife found out they were prego. She had teens from first marriage and this did not set a good example. They were already planning a vacation in Italy and decided to get married while there. Days before leaving, they found out that all ducks were not in a row and that Italy marriage would not be honored in USA. They hustled down to the courthouse and got married before leaving. So we had a pretty wedding and lots of fun in Rome. I found out all of the details after the fact.

Beth- those are awesome pics of you and Joe on the run.
More snow, then ice, then rain today. During the worst of the storm I drove 1 hr 40 min to Worcester from Boston area. Had a class. Took same amount of time to drive back. In the mean time, the doc that was supposed to cover the clinic- forgot. So all his patients waited for me. I was almost an hour late. I worked flat out to get them all seen- his and mine. Thank goodness nothing was serious. I'm not mad about it. Stuff happens.
My boss was supposed to drive out to my clinic in the afternoon to talk to me. He cancelled because of weather. I was supposed to attend a meeting in Worcester after work. Told the boss that I couldn't bear the thought of making the drive again. He was fine (I guess). Here is the kicker- admin sends out an email that the after work meeting is still on because they didn't realize the weather would be so bad. And I am screaming at my computer- this is EXACTLY what was predicted. How could you NOT KNOW it would be so bad. IDIOTS!
I then filled out a the anonymous survey they sent me- asked me what I thought of working there. I gave it LOW marks.
There I feel better.
@Jennifer - ouch, take care of that hammie! And congrats on the transition to mornings! That is definitely a goal of mine but I want to get through the cleanse first - and then will try for real... since I'm supposed to fast for 12 hours between dinner and breakfast I'm holding off ... I like to wake up and have a half banana or granola bar or something pre-workout... so when I can do that I will do my very best to get back into it. Heck, since one of these days I'll re-enter the world of dating, I'm hopeful I'll want my nights free.
@Michele - argh. Sorry about the frustration. Vent away!
I need to do my run after work and as of right now I'm not feeling it. No particular reason, just not feeling it. I wish I'd brought my stuff to work to run at lunch as it's not terribly cold (around 40), but I didn't realize how much better the weather is today until after I stepped outside to head to the metro. Such is life. Hopefully I'll hit the mill (as much as I hate it... running in the dark when it's cold and potentially icy is not my thing.. on the up side, I definitely hit my pace zones) and then make apple butternut squash soup. Which, now that I think about it, is probably a perfect recovery dinner.
@Jennifer- do tell! Needing to invest in a bike rack. Too short for a roof rack (me- can't reach) so looking at one for the back of car, probably end up putting trailer hitch on. Looking for any good recommendations/sweet deals!
@ Kris- I'm planning on getting my stuff from discounttrisupply.com. You get 20% off your first order with them (FIRST is the coupon code). Think I'm going to get the Saris Bones 3 bike rack. It got really good reviews on Amazon. I'm also gonna use the code to buy the new shifting system. I know that the website had a bunch of other ones too, might want to check those out too since the 20% is good on everything.
Just want to double-check, if I'm replacing everything, I don't "need" to replace my braking stuff too right? I am trying to save money, and my brake system works fine, so I'd prefer to get just the shifting stuff if possible.
Hope everyone is training or recovering well!
@ Suzanne: Glad things have finally worked themselves out! Good luck with the condo association
@ Beth: Love the Disney pics. I had so much fun stopping with all the characters to get pics...granted it wreaked havoc on the idea of pacing lol.
@ Becky: Awesome to hear the cleanse is still going well. Hopefully you'll get that surge of energy soon.
@ Jennifer: Yay for successfully switching to morning workouts! I tried that the other day but didn't get up early enough and had to cut it a little short. Take care of that hammy. Also, I have a Saris Bones 2 for the civic and I love it. Lately I've just been stealing the hubby's truck for ease of transport but when I can't use the truck I go back to the trusted Bones.
@ Everyone: Thanks for all the kind words and advice on the whole JoP thing. I've been offline for a few days with all of the craziness but we had the ceremony yesterday at the courthouse. My stepdad drove down from Michigan for it even though we told him not to (he said my mom would haunt him forever if he wasn't here) and Ken's entire immediate family (this is his hometown) showed up as well. My best friend made a bouquet for me and boutinears (I know that is spelled horribly wrong lol) for Ken, his parents and my stepdad. She also made me do my hair up and I wore a dress (I am very NOT a dress girl). The weather also proved to be beautiful so we had it outside in the lawn at the courthouse. It actually turned out really nicely and even though it was all a huge whirlwind I'm glad we did it that way. We're still having a biggish wedding in April for everyone but I've already changed my name and we've decided 1/19 is going to be our anniversary. In the end it all worked out well (though it still hasn't completely sunk in). Thanks for letting me vent in here! It helped keep me sane in those few days leading up to everything.
Missed my run yesterday but I was a little preoccupied lol. Off to jump on the bike while dh grills dinner...I could get used to this lol.
Hope everyone has had a great week!!
Hi Again!
I've been lurking - reading everyone's posts in email and thinking "I gotta respond." I'm pooped, so just a couple of things. ..
@Virginia: Congratulations! Sounds like the day turned out special even though it wasn't exactly what you wanted. Enjoy your time together! The ring is beautiful!
@Kelly: Hope you get better soon!
@Carol: Good luck on the job move! Keep us posted!
@Kris: Welcome back!
@Suzanne: I almost fell off my chair laughing about your weapon!
@Beth: Thanks for posting the pics! John and I are talking about the Goofy in 2012!
@Becky: Glad the cleanse is going well. Keep us posted.
@Jennifer: How's the hammy?
@Nemo: Here's to getting home and back to a regular schedule.
I should start the new job next week. It is so funny. Already having to deal with all the bureaucracy. I was talking with HR on Tuesday who said I had to start on a Friday. They submitted my background work and it would be 3 - 5 days, then I'd have to do the physical and drug test, then I could attend "Culture Day" which is the official start day and is on a Friday. I told her that I couldn't do next Friday because I was working and speaking at the Marathon Expo. So, she said I couldn't start until 2/4. Sent an email to the guy who hired me and voila within 30 minutes I had an email from HR saying they could do it backwards but I had to get my physical/drug test done this week so I could start next Monday or Tuesday. I went and had blood drawn and peed in the cup (I always have problems peeing on command - sorry if that is TMI), and got my TB test done. Go back tomorrow to finish it. Then, off to another office to meet with HR and go over paperwork, picture for badge, etc. More stuff going on, but at least I can laugh about it.
School started this week, too. My sports class is HUGE! 155 students. I think it will be a good semester though.
I'm really tired. Need to workout tomorrow since I haven't worked out in a couple of days. I finally got a training plan showing up in EN. Need to look at it more closely. I won't follow the run workouts until I'm through the return to running program from my PT. Gotta take care of the knee!
I'm bummed because my weight is UP! Quite a bit. Not sure if the thyroid meds have anything to do with it. I do know that when I eat carbs, they attach to my stomach, hips, butt, and thighs. John loves carbs and they don't bother him. We were talking tonight that we may end up cooking separate meals for a while so we can both meet our own needs. I've got to focus on this. I heard they may be doing some commercials for the re-launch of the Institute (new job). No idea if staff will be included, but I want to look and feel good going into this new gig. Sigh.
Have a great Friday everyone!
@ Kelly- Get better soon. x2 on what Suzanne said- there's plenty of weeks in the OS, no need to repeat a week (I've actually already missed a week and a half due to sickness and injury). Just move forward!
@ Penny- I feel your pain about the weight, it seemed that all of a sudden in the last couple of months my body stopped handling processed carbs well. I too am making a very conscious effort to avoid most of the things I've been cooking with regularly for years (pasta being the #1). I'm finding it incredibly hard and frustrating, and I am sooooooo tired all the time. I'm hoping that my body will start to adjust. Note, I haven't cut out everything, I'm at an 80/20 divide probably, but considering the ratio before I'm sure my body is like WTF! Keep us posted!
Hamstrings are doing just ok. Still really tight even though I've really been focusing on them. Gonna do the OS Tuesday bike and run today and see how I feel, keeping my fingers crossed that I can start back to regular running soon.
In other fun news, I'm going with my best friend tomorrow to pick up the engagement ring for his GF. Super excited to see it and really happy that he is content and happy in his relationship (it was a very rocky beginning, including some jealousy on her part because of me- luckily her and I have talked about it and have become friends in the last year). So it should be a fun day!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Morning! Lots of fun stuff going on!
@Virginia - sounds like a wonderful day! So glad it went well and you had family and friends with you to celebrate!
@Penny - glad everything got straightened out with the job situation. Maybe your HR people should talk to Michele's HR people about compromise. I totally know what you mean about starches... they kill me (but I love them so). When I went paleo last summer (and started the elimination diet pre-cleanse), I dropped weight and that was just because I was cutting out all the white/processed stuff. Good luck!
I'm a day off on my week - took Wed off as I just wasn't feeling a run after work. I ran yesterday and will bike tonight. The cleanse is still going well although my weight was up today from yesterday, which I thought was odd because I think I actually ate less yesterday and I ran. Who knows. I am worried about my elimination... and talked to the colon hydrotherapist to see if she could recommend a fiber supplement (the one I started the cleanse with has psyllium, which apparently sometimes blocks people up)...so I'm trying something new now. Oh, and I decided to do another colonic and that will be tomorrow. If I'm gonna do this thing, I might as well embrace all the suggestions. So, colonic followed by an oxygen sauna treatment. Interesting. The protocol also recommends massage (to help flush the bad stuff out), so I scheduled one for next Thursday (the start of week 3), during my lunch break. This stuff isn't cheap so I'm trying to spread it out... still no yay or nay yet... but I am down pounds and inches (about 1.5 - hips and waist) and my jeans aren't so tight in my thighs anymore... I think my skin looks better but it's hard to say for sure.
Jennifer, what a fun day ahead for you. Must be interesting to see the whole engagement thing from the boys side.
Becky, be careful with the cleanse.
I am at DFW waiting for my flight home. I will probably sleep all weekend. Good business trip, but I am exhausted.
@Penny- The Goofy is an absolute blast! Not to mention the bling (check out the pics on my FB page). Highly recommend it as a fun (not time focused) race. Just too much you'd miss by zoning in on time!
@ Kris and Jennifer, I just bought this rack by Kuat. Actually haven't used it before and had some major issues getting it to fit on my hitch, but I think it is all good now. I was tired of my bikes getting scratched up from the Thule rack I had before. It is NOT cheap though.
Just sent my malfunctioning Garmin back to get serviced (hopefully get a new one). So back to HR for the bike ride tomorrow AM. No big deal. I'm anxious to get the Garmin back though. Such a small watch to depend on it nearly 2x day.
@ Suzanne good luck with condo association
@ Becky, you are brave with the cleanse and another colonic. Would make me so nervous!
@ Nemo, I hope you made it home safe your adventurous trip to Dallas
@ Penny, job still sounds great, I'm sure you will get the details ironed out with HR
@ Kris I don't live that far from you-1 hr or so depending on where in Louisville you are. I used to drive down to ride the course in the summer. My husband and I go to louisville all the time. We did our graduate work there he at UL me at Spalding, and loved living there. We love it there!!! Good luck w/ training. What IM are you doing.
I took yesterday as a complete rest day. Slept late, stayed in PJs most of the morning, then just ran some errands with Joe and hung out on the sofa watching stupid TV all evening. It was heaven and I really needed the rest. I'll take today as a pretty quiet day too- then back to work on Monday.
Jennifer- that's the style of bike rack that one of the two SAG vans at TOC had last year. It was amazing how much faster it was to put bikes on that thing than the other traditional style race that was on the other van. I'd say totally worth the extra $$. If I ever go with a hitch rack system, it's gonna be one like that.
@Thanks to everyone for the well wishes! Trying to get better! I've done 1 bike this week. That's just how it goes.
@ I have a quick question for those who do strength training in the off season. I'm going P90X ab ripper; TRX band-upper body-nothing too intense I don't think. I'm trying to think of ways to strengthen my hip abductors to prevent recurring ITband injury-any ideas?. How many of you do strength training in the off season? What all do you do and what do you recommend for the IT band stuff. I've been strengthening my hamstrings b/c those were weak. I've done a good job w/ that. Ideas/advice welcomed. Thanks girls!! love ya!! Kel
I live right off the IM course in Oldham County. Doing Canada this year (same day as IMLOU so I can train with all my local peeps doing the race this year- yeah!) Let me know if you make it down this summer and want to ride!
Jen- Guess I should ask WHAT your are replacing/upgrading??
@Kelly, I do strength train in the off season, too. I go for one day a week. Heck, I will try to do it up to the HIM, but I can't fit it in with IM training. Usually it's just a quick circuit hitting everything once and throwing in some plyo (i.e., jumping jacks or something like that). I have a few bands in my office and if need be, during my lunch hour I knock out a 35 minute total body workout. Not ideal, but it definitely does the trick. The exercises Suzanne mentioned are great. I also do clamshells to work on my hips. Lie on your side with knees bent out at about a 45 degree angle. Keep heels together and raise the top leg knee... then keep knees together and raise the top leg's ankle/foot. Raise the top leg so it's parallell, without moving that knee, raise the ankle/foot higher. The, move the knee/leg back and raise the ankle. Little movements, but they help a lot (a PT showed me those).