Happy Monday!!! So jealous reading all the workouts (especially those Boston ENrs) they are animals! Jennifer, your questions are way over my head wish I could help. I got a new stem, new aero bars, new seat and new bike fitting this weekend. My knee was just hurting so much after my first ride that I made an appointment with a "guru" in the desert. After two hours he ended up raising my seat about 4-5 fingers higher!!! My knee really responded well but my girly part is not one bit happy (hopefully the new seat will ease this and I just have to tough up down there as it has been too long since I was riding long)! Congratulations to all those who have been posting about the cleanse progress! I had my " cleanse" in the hospital during the holidays (earlier post).
So........I got the go ahead to begin slowly getting back... Did a 35 miler (on bike of course), and then 45 miler and yesterday did a 60 miler. Embarrassed to say it was near 80 degrees at the desert (for all of those who are training in the - degrees!! Pace is really slow, power just not there and woke up this morning with my knee killing me. See ortho surgeon at 1:00 (he may not see my progress as slow). Could only run 3 miles and no swim yet! But I am "back" and really helped me mentally with a long funk kind of like "am I really going to be a triathlete again??"
Becky I have thought of you so many times and just wanted to give you a hug and encouragement for really hanging in there as well as reaching out! Feel free to PM me if you ever feel like it!
Have to really get my butt on trainer and outside (not in the desert this week) my big bike camp is only 6-7 weeks and I am not going to embarrass myself this year (sure hope).
OH!! And on a totally off topic update! I thought I would mention my husband SH and I are taking private pilot lessons!! We have talked about it for years; our New Years Resolution was to finally do it. Requires totally different brain cells as there is a lot of reading but do think it will be fun! So far I have flown only 9 hours and studied about 50!! During my long ride yesterday I was fantasizing about renting a plane to fly to a race. Get this, it is about $145 an hour to rent a plane, and it is about $150 to fly my bike on commercial airlines ! Of course there are a lot of hidden costs but getting a private license is anywhere from $8,000-$15,000 (price of a really good racing bike). Will keep you posted! Going to find out how many bikes can fit in the rear of one of these things!!! We decided to "spend our kids inheritance" while we can still enjoy life!
@Jennifer - So excited for bike racks! If you want to demo a bones rack, I can loan you mine. It is pretty handy for use on multiple cars, but I do worry about the bike getting crunched by all those mean Chicago drivers.
@Becky - Breakups definitely take a toll on energy. After mine last year I was completely useless for the entire month of February. I did 30/30s, because I liked them and just ran when I felt like it. Mostly, I just cried and watched Kate and Leopold a lot. I was totally on "do what you can" for workouts. The cool part is that I read a lot. Running books. Training and Racing with a power meter. Racing Weight. Be kind to yourself and watch out for how the life stress score and how it definitely toll on the TSS. It all worked out.
@Kelly - Yes, to strength training -- but I'm into kind strength training. P90X may be a little too demanding. I go to yoga on Fridays, do exercise videos or stretching/training from Leigh's awesome Athletes Treating Athletes sites on Mondays. My current favorite videos are Carmichael's Core Strength for Cyclists and Triathletes and Stott Pilates anything. I also do a little bit of core work whenever I end up at the gym for a swim or a run. Lots of plank. Lots of BOSU ball.
I also do a little bit of core work whenever I end up at the gym for a swim or a run. Lots of plank. Lots of BOSU ball.
Same here. I've been trying to keep up with some upper body lifting as much as I can. I'm about 98.5% back to normal, elbow-wise. Bearing weight on the arm is important and, now that I can tolerate push-ups, I've recently become obsessed with doing push-ups while my feet are on a balance ball - so I'm sort of inverted downward. I feel like such a bad ass!
In other news, the outside temperature is about 25 degrees and the indoor temperature in my office is about...25 degrees. (Okay, 50.) Our heat is broken, but so is the heat in several other office buildings in the area, so they can't get someone out here to fix it today. I took my laptop to the warmest corner of the office and am currently huddling in my winter coat. Fuh-rozen! It just occurred to me that I have a balance ball here to use as a chair sometimes...I bet I could warm up with some push-ups!
@Suz - oh no... stay warm! That sounds miserable! And you rock, Ms. Badass... I used to be able to do those kinda pushups (actually I would put my hands on an overturned bosy and my toes on a medicine ball... that made me feel like a total rockstar, but that was also when I could do pullups... sadly it all went to pot after the bike crash then hand surgery - essentially a year with zippo upper body training bc once I could train that's all I had time to do to get ready for FL). Hopefully I can join your ranks of bad-ass-ness once again.
@Beth - x2, I definitely try to work in core after a run or ride... at least once or twice a week. I need to be better about it, especially now that I'm running on a mill at the gym more these days - there are lots more ab machines and different gizmos (roman chair, ball, bosu) to use so I can mix it up a bit.
@Linda - congrats on getting back out there... two rides this weekend and a short run! wonderful! take care of yourself and don't do too much too fast! and thanks!
And thanks for the kind words, ladies. I go off and on with totally fine (becasue I did have doubts) and mopey. A friend suggested it could be the timing. Had we split in the spring/summer when it was warm and nice and I could be outside and train or whatever it would probably be a lot easier to cope. Instead it's winter, it's dark, it's cold.. and I've been cleansing and intentionally staying home to get through it (since I can't eat or drink). It will pass... and it's not the end of the world. But I will say, turning 37 and being single is a little bit strange. Not at all where I thought I would be. And it definitely is making me wonder about kids - even if I meet mister right I may be out of time by the time we're on to that stage. Hmm... that's a realization that's hitting me and I'm not sure how I feel about it. 10 years ago getting married and having kids were no-brainers for me. The last few years I've wondered if kids would fit into the equation (as I kinda like my life and training and racing and traveling), but I was still hopeful I'd meet the right guy and we'd figure it out together. Now it may be a decision made for me. I'm not sure how to feel about that. Anyway, it's just a lot to be chewing on as I sit at home catching up on tivo nibbling whatever cleanse food is on the menu. Not where most of my friends are. And my family... well, they think I'm a charity case. Thank goodness there's no family wedding potential in the near future - the last one, 2 summers ago, was truly horrifying - with folks basically asking me what the heck was wrong with me for still being single. It was so terribly uncomfortable.
It's all good. I have great friends. I have hobbies (unlike a few years ago at the law firm). I am very fortunate - job, home, car... I can pay my bills, make ends meet, buy nice things when the mood strikes me. I really don't have anything "real" to complain about. Thanks to you all for your support. Especially when you've been through some really tough times yourself - which makes what I'm going through seem so trivial. A reality check!
Ugh, Becky. I remember that heartache. It's not easy, but it will get better.
Linda H- Pilot lessons sound cool. My hubby has always wanted to get a private license, but it's so freaking expensive! Maybe some day :-)
LPatch- that snow shoeing stuff looks like a blast! I think I might actually enjoy the cold weather if I could do some of that :-) It's much more up my ally than downhill skiing. Romping in the woods is always my idea of fun.
Now to share a funny little story. I usually have the "Today" show on TV as I'm getting ready in the morning. This morning they did a segment around a book that's out called "Cinderella ate my daughter" (or something like that). Anyway, they started out the segment by saying that there is a huge marketing engine around wearing Pink and desiring Princess and sparkly stuff that drives little girls to desire all things pink and sparkly. Joe's ears piped up and he said "really?, I think they need to do a segment on the marketing engine that seems to have my wife wearing nothing but black and desiring bike racing stuff!"
This comes strait on the heals of me finally ordering a North Face fleece hoodie I've wanted for quite some time but couldn't justify buying (I live in the south, right? but with this winter- I think I deserve it!). Anyway, I pulled up the site and asked Joe for his opinion on which color to buy. He said "let me guess, you are waffling between black and charcole grey?" HA HA HA! OK- he had a point, and with that, I ordered the bright green he liked.
Posted By Jennifer Burbatt on 24 Jan 2011 06:50 AM
Hahaha sorry! On my tribike I definitely need to replace the rear derailleur, as that's what was clearly the main problem during IMWI. Originally I had just decided to replace the whole shifting system (rear D, front D, crank, cassette, and aero shifters) with SRAM parts and go to a 10 speed. I did not think I needed to replace the brake levers or the front and rear brakes since they were not connected, even though they are Shimano. Am I wrong? If I replaced the shifting stuff with SRAM would I have to replace the brake stuff too? I am confused only because all the parts "bundles" that are out there include the brake stuff too (my assumption was just that most people would like to have all their parts the same throughout the bike, but that could be my mistake).
Ok, that makes more sense with it being a tri-bike. I was thinking road bike with shifting/brakes all in one !! If it is your tri bike & you just want to change your shifting components, you should be fine. On my tri bike, my drivetrain is all SRAM, but the brake calipers are still Ultergra.
@ Beth- do you have the Bones 3? or the Bones RS (that's supposed to be easier to put on but a little more expensive)?
@ Becky- glad to hear you are moving foward (even if it's slower than you want ) I too have noticed a ton of time after work to do a lot of nothing. It's probably the first time in years that I really have a lot of free time with no school or other after work commitments. I've been dreaming of being able to pick up my other hobbies, now I just need to get my butt in gear and get used to doing them during the week instead of on the weekends!! Re: kids: something that I advocate is considering adopting older kids. When I was in high school and college I did a bunch of tutoring with foster care kids in this age group and how they are overlooked and forgotten is something that's always stuck with me, especially since they are so aware of it at that age. Naturally it can be a little tougher since you are coming into their lives later, but I also think it can be incredibly rewarding to affect a kid at that stage in their life when they need someone the most (IMO). Something to consider
@ Kelly- I do the upper body p90x workouts, they are tough, but the basics that I was doing before just wasn't giving me the results I wanted. But I'd definitely start out with basic upper body stuff and see if that works before going into something as structured and tough as p90x.
@ Linda H- soooooooooo jealous. I actually haven't wanted to learn to fly, but have always wanted to learn to sail (which is incredibly expensive here in Chicago). It's definitely something I've talked about for years, hopefully one day I will finally just do it!
So unfortunately it's looking like I'm not going to be able to upgrade my bike components because of some other life expenses that have come up, such as my health insurance screwing me over for my PT last year so I'll probably just replace my rear derailleur and pray that's all that's broken. I think it should be fine as I replaced everything else, except the front derailleur, last summer in preparation for IMWI. Frustrating, but I do want to be able to do something for my brother for graduation, so I need to save the money for that. Oh well! I'm crossing my fingers for some snow, since now I have a car I can drive out to a local forest preseve that rents XC skis. It's been so long, but I need to get outside, I'm struggling with training indoors and need to do something fun for my fitness!
@Jennifer - that stinks... good luck with your insurance. I really hope it all gets straightened out! How frustrating!!
@Nemo - yes, I gravitate towards black and gray, too... the last few years I've made a very conscious effort to add some color to my wardrobe! It's definitely easier in the spring/summer... in the winter my uniform is pretty darn drab! Good for you for getting the green!
@Linda - how amazing. and how tough. good luck. can't wait to see pictures of you in the cockpit! When you're licensed you could run a charter service just carting us all around to our races... I'd say we'd keep you busy 6-9 months of the year and you could relax the rest of the year!
So I signed up for okcupid a week or so ago and just resigned on match. why not? I hate to complain while doing nothing proactive, so it's a step. In the meantime I'll finish up my cleanse and try my best to transition back to a morning routine! I also signed up for a CSA-esque farm club, which sounds really cool... there's a membership fee but the price of the deal (livingsocial.com) basically covers that with free stuff. So, I'll basically get to shop for produce, meats, cheeses, etc... and get what I want when I want it. No obligation or weekly delivery of stuff I don't necessarily want. And it looks like all the farms are local and use sustainable practices. The farm mentioned in Omnivore's Dilemma (name is totally escaping me) is one of the producers and their model for sustainability! Yay! I've become a total groupon junkie! Love the deals!
Cleanse is now in day 13. Still not noticing any energy surges and I saw a post on the forum about just this very thing... I'm not alone. But, I'm falling asleep more easily (which had only become a problem again post breakup, at which point I upped my medication slightly, I've dropped it back down again) and I'm noticing I don't slump mid-day... so maybe it's helping with that. Not to mention I've done all the proscribed OS workouts with the exception of a few bricks. My weight is up a little from Sunday's low, but today I'm still lower than I was last Tuesday (and, if you average it out, it's been 2lbs per week loss since I started the elimination phase). Hopefully I can drop a touch more. I think the weight may be a factor of how well I'm eliminating... trying to be sure to drink a lot of lemon water and I'm taking a fiber supplement in the morning and evening (as recommended)... Since the second colonic wasn't traumatic and, actually, was quite relieving (due to the elimination problem) not that it was less intense, but it was less uncomfortable, I decided to get a third followed by another oxygen sauna. That will be this Saturday as I head into the home stretch of the cleanse. I think post cleanse I'll continue to follow the eating principles - as they are close to paleo for athletes. Keeping sugar, straches/gluten carbs, and processed foods to a minimum. I definitely think the farm club will help and I'm really excited about that!
@Jennifer - how was ring shopping? Is the ring good? Is there a proposal plan? I overhead a nice boy on the train, talking to people about his proposal plans. So adorable.
AND Bones 3. Now that it is marked, I can get it on the car in five minutes.
@Nemo - Ha! My work wardrobe has all the black and gray, so I hear you. The green sounds pretty! Your pink story does remind me we have bikini shopping to do. ;-)
Me too! I have to consciously order a color rather than going to the old stand by of black or brown. I am better with colors when shopping for vacation.
Work stress has been up and down. My review this week went great. Today- the only patient that I am aware of that has ever written a nasty letter to/ about me- was back on my schedule. This was a HUGE ordeal last year. With the case going into Risk Management and Peer Review. Ultimately I was cleared of wrong doing, but this was someone I never wanted to see again. Clinic told me "Too bad. If he doesn't mind seeing you, you have to see him." Serious anxiety. Why the f*** would he want to see me? He came in, made several references to last year, which I ignored. I had a witness for the entire visit. Hope I never see him again.
Hang in there everyone. Winter training is cold and dark! But spring is coming (says the lady staring down ANOTHER Nor'easter).
Just wanted to share that when I train . . . . in my fantasy mind: I'm super fast, delightfully so. It's so awesome. I fly on the bike, barely touch the ground when I run-prancing so elegantly. Then reality hits when I finish my workouts and I see the results of my efforts. Oh well . . . next workout back to my fantasy and the possibility to fly again. My fantasy to ride like Chrissie and run like Marinda. AAAHHH. Reality will come back soon. . How about y'all??
@Michele - kudos to you for keeping your cool! I wonder why he chose to see you again. How odd... but very good you had a witness so he can't pull any crap again! Hang in there. And I totally agree, shopping for vaca (particually to a warm spot) definitely gets the colors (and even somewhat feminine side of me) out. I bought dresses to take to Mexico last summer... and one was pink (the other was black and white, ha ha, but had a floral pattern)... crazy!
@Kelly - LoL... they say positive imagery is how to get things done on race day, so keep it up! Hmm... maybe I should try it, too...lately I've felt like lead on the bike and not much better on the run. Some positive mental energy would do me some good!
Day 14 of the cleanse... 1 more week! I must admit I'm a bit scared to go off it... from 2 liquid meals to 1, will my weight jump back up? I hope not... heck, I dropped most of my weight in the first week of elimination eating 2 solids - so I think if I keep the clean eating principles I should be okay. Sleeping better which is a huge relief! I'm still doing the workouts, did the brick last night, but the legs are darn tired today.
Not sure what the weather will be later - we're expected to get heavy snow, but not necessarily a lot (but, in this area 2-6 inches shuts everything down, it's comical - although I don't have a 4 wheel drive car, which does make things difficult). I'd hoped to get to the gym to run. But grocery shopping, if I can make it out, might have to happen - in which case I'll do tomorrow's ride tonight post store and run tomorrow (at the gym I can walk to if I can't do it outside).
Kelly- you are not alone! When I was training for a BQ several years ago, I had a few mantras that I used during training and the race. On of them was "you are Heather Fuhr" (I said it was a long time ago!). Anyway, that image always helped me feel strong on the run. I still use it every now and then, although Mirinda would be a more up to date image, her name doesn't quite roll off the tongue as easily :-)
Ring shopping was good. My friend had a simple solitare ring made, very simple, but unique setting. It will be perfect for her hand cause she has tiny hands (i.e. ring size 4). He's still deciding on the proposal setting, they're pretty simple so it won't be over the top, but he has some ideas that incorporate stuff she loves, so I'm sure it will be good. Nice to see him so happy.
I'm leaning toward the Bones 3, just cause the extra $100 for the other doesn't seem very justified when you consider once you've put it on and off a bunch of times the straps will be set.
@Becky- don't worry, I'm sure right now your body thinks you are starving it and it's probably storing energy, once you go back to solid foods I'm sure you'll see some progress. I am trying very hard to stick to my food logging and watching what I'm eating. Trouble is that I have some snacks at my house in preparation for Super Bowl Sunday and have not been able to walk away from them. I will be glad to get them out of my house!
I laughed when I read about everyone's bland outfits. I wear pretty much a rotation of 2 pants and 5 shirts every week to work. With triathlon my weight has been so all over the place - literally- that everything else is either too big or too small in random spots (hello thigh muscles)! Hoping to even that out soon so I can expand my wardrobe.
Hi everyone! I've been lurking this month - was off for Dec after a quickly aborted attempt at Nov OS. I should have known that mentallly there was not way I could start that! I'm doing a bit of Jan OS and starting to feel good
I'm doing a computrainer bike class twice a week taught by Karen Smyers (the coolest! Linda P you know Karen, correct?) and Dede Greisbaur, two pro ironwomen who are really down-to-earth. I've really gotten into the challenge of the class and have even been able to see some improvement since Nov. This is the first time I've trained on the bike so early and I'm really hoping it pays off.
Wow I am so impressed with all the strength-training stretching you all do. I've got to get started on that sometime the Carmichael Core sounds the most appealing to me, thanks Beth!
@Becky - you nailed it with winter being a tough time for a break-up - so fascinated by your progress with the cleanse, you are going to be a lean, mean fighting machine. My friends have had luck on e-harmony
@Jennifer, congrats on the vehicle - we live in the city and don't have a car (love me some Zipcar) one of the main reasons I ever really want one is to be able to get out of the city quickly to ride - jealous!
@Carly and Michele - remember the Super Sunday race on the 6th!!
Nice to see everyone here - 2011 is going to be great!!!
Hi Everyone, just keeping in touch. Well after all those miles and mentioning the "girly part" today is the first day since Sunday that I can even consider getting on the indoor bike. I can not tell you how raw it was. So I did get that huge bike seat lift/adjustment (about 4 fingers) and a new but supposedly better seat. I could barely even wipe (TMI) but think you get the drill.
Thanks for all the comments on the pilot thing. Had another lesson yesterday and feeling really STUPID and the instructor said "well you know there are only 3% of the population seeking pilots liscense in your age group" so you should be really proud and then he said "our brains are just not like they were in our 20's", so I am in my late 50's and I walked away not being sure if it was a compliment or not. Now it is turning kind of competitive between hubby and I because he is SUPER SMART (CEO type), well I did earn a PH.D. years ago ....but have to tell you this memory thing has really been an eye opener. But will continue because it is a goal and I am going to finish it no matter how long it takes.
Have to be honest I am really struggling with "wanting" to train. Yes I knocked it out over the weekend but ever since I just can't get myself to do anything. I DID get a cortisone shot in my knee (doc was really hesitant) but see huge improvement so going to do indoor trainer later and see how it goes.
Becky still super proud of you, I read your posts and you sound really really good, lots going on , I do agree with the "winter timing" but you just wait, there is a man out there that is going to be just what you are looking for and you never know he might have little step kids (that happened to me). I was 38 when I met my sweet hubby, had a horrific abusive relationship prior to him (and I mean the real deal) I finally left when he beat the crap out of me (now that's being honest huh?). So after that, I took my two little kids and left and raised them alone, went back to school, poor as a church mouse and now 20 years later I have the love of my life and a life that most people could die for. Don't get me wrong, we were super poor together for a LONG time, our first christmas we had 4 kids together and couldn't even buy a christmas tree......Just wanted to give you a true picture because most people don't know all that stuff about me. Can't tell you how many nights I cried myselfl to sleep wondering how in the world I was going to get out of that mess, but I just put one foot in front of the other every day and when Greg came along I thought OMG , if I would have stayed in THAT relationship I would have never made it out probably but I certainly would have never met my best friend and wonderful partner, so HANG IN THERE!!
oh Linda, wow... what an inspiration you are! Congratulations to you for saving yourself (and your kids). What amazing strength and courage you must have had (and still do). And thank you for again helping me keep this all in perspective. I have nothing to complain about, really and truly. So I'm going to try to make a more concerted effort to stop complaining, in general (funnily, on the cleanse web site there are links to other pages for information, etc... and one of them was for a 21 no-complaint challenge, that intrigued me so I checked it out. Probably not going to buy the book but I like the concept: http://www.complaintfreeworld.biz/
Funny you and your hubby are getting competitive about the pilot's license. But, hey, if it works, awesome! I can't wait to read you're flying the friendly skies!
And I totally understand the going to the bathroom pain post long rides! Ugh! I've never really had any problems with my Terry saddles (and only used body glide in my chamois a few times last year but can't really say it helped...). I do have an adamo from Todd at TT Bike fit to test... but haven't put it on yet - hoping to get some help - my universal tool is a pain to use because it's so bulky... not to mention watching the video re: proper adjustment seems a little daunting.
@ Becky- I looove the Adamo. Video is pretty easy to handle, you'll be able to get on it and tell how it should feel. Plus Todd will critique that fit too (as he did me re: my hip angle).
@ Linda- thanks for sharing, love hearing how you did what was right for you and got through it. Very impressive.
@Aimee- thanks! I looked into ZipCar, but after a couple months of recon I learned that although there are like 23 vehicles near me it's a beast to find time to use them as they are reserved frequently. The South Loop apparently loves it some ZipCar too!
@Nemo - ooh... I love thumb holes! You rock that green fleece, chica!!
Happy Friday...I'm finally in the last week of the cleanse. My weight has been yo-yoing all week which is annoying, but I'm still down from last week, so I guess that's good (although I'm at my week's high - up from the last few days). I'm sleeping well (except for having to get up to use the bathroom from all the water and herbal tea) and for that I am so happy!
I skipped Wed's run - in part because the weather was super crazy when I got home (it took some people 10 hours to get home - the roads were a mess! Cars were dying, running out of gas or batteries dying. So people were abandoning them. It was the craziest weather pattern I've ever seen). Anyway, I did try to hop on my trainer thinking I'd switch days but my quads were fried. I lasted maybe 3 or 4 minutes and decided that it was not a lead feeling that a warm up would work off. I'm actually glad I nixed it. Ineeded the rest and I actually listened to my body. Yesterday I was torn - make up the run or do my set ride? Running seems to burn me out more so I did the bike and had better luck hitting my zones (perhaps because I extended the warm up from 10' to 15')... then at lunch had a massage. It was heaven! The cleanse recommends regular massages (as well as colonics and infrared sauna)... and since I can't afford it all, I've just had this one. I can't think of the last time I've had a massage that wasn't related to heavy volume training or pre- or post-race damage control. It was awesome! Sure, she hit some tight spots (calves, IT bands) but it was so nice... and I really did feel better afterwards! Typically when I skip a workout I try to make it up on a rest day and I decided to just let it go today... one missed 45 minute run won't kill me... and I'm cleansing and it's winter... it's all good. I did my in-office workout (core, lunges, pushups, etc) and a bit of stretching and that's that. I may hit the sauna tonight after work. Tomorrow will be a brick. I will have one more colonic (although since number 2, and changing the fiber supplement I'm taking, things have been working more smoothly) and another session in the oxygen sauna to bring home my last few days...
Now for other totally off the wall news... I had ... a date (actually I've had 2 dates with the same guy). And it was a nice time. I hadn't planned to try to put myself back out there until post cleanse, but I re-signed up on Match this week and I also signed up for mycupid.com (probably 2 weeks ago) - figuring my experiences in the past have been only so-so... and it always took time to get winks and emails, etc... might as well get the process started. Anyway, a guy on cupid emailed me pretty much right away and after emailing a few times we decided to meet at a coffee shop last Thursday (so I could have tea - he's actually pretty interested in the cleanse and very supportive of the process)... Definitely strange to be out there... and the good bye was totally awkward - he went in for a hug, which I wasn't expecting... and apparently was also moving for a kiss. Heck, I wasn't even expecting a hug ... but a hug I could handle, a kiss on the first date - not so much unless, well, I don't know, but I didn't think the date was THAT good... anyway, he's nice, and energetic, and pretty fun. And, he wanted to see me again so met up again last night at a local gallery that was supposed to have a lecture - but it got canceled bc of weather (not sure why, yesterday was totally fine), so we walked around and then went to a Starbucks (so I could have tea) and chat some more... and I guess I haven't scared him away as we're gonna get together again next Thursday when I can actually eat a meal at dinner time and have a glass of wine... but it's my job to pick a place that will meet my clean eating requirements so my only "cheat" will be the wine (my first re-introduced food). I do still miss Dan and do sort of hope he'll come around and we can talk and try to work it out... but I can't put my life on hold. Who know. Mike seems like a very decent guy, there are a few things about him that are out of my comfort zone (namely 2 kids who he has every weekend - so no weekend dates unless planned in advance, and he can make arrangements with his ex), but I want to be fair and give it a try... hopefully I'll get other nibbles, too... get some mojo back and see what happens.
Thought I should share some fun news for a change! LoL. I said I was gonna stop being mopey and complain-y and look what happens. Still dusting myself off... and keeping my head in check and my feet on the ground!
@ Becky- Hang in there. Sounds like lots of things have been hard-training, dating/relationships, cleansing. Consistency is the key. You don't have to hit it out of the park. Just get on the bike and and run. That consistency will pay off later. Being emotionally drained by what's going on in your personal life will impact your ability to put intensity into your workouts. People always underestimate the emotional drain/energy that life takes and fail to take that into consideration in their lives. Hang in there. You're doing a great job. Smile and be patient. Find a way to make your heart sing. .
@ This weeks workouts sucked w/ pain. Man! God help us. Ladies, we will rock this Spring!
Just a quick check in. I've been reading everything on email. I've been swamped with the new job, school starting, personal clients. I worked the Houston Marathon Expo Friday and Saturday. Got some great headbands that don't slip and some cool earphones. Here's a link for the earphones/earbuds: http://www.yurbuds.com/. Very cool They are comfortable and don't fall out. I'll post a link to the headbands when I find the card.
Hi girls! Me too just a quick check in. Yeah Becky!!! My dreamy husband had two step-kids when we met and he had FULL CUSTODY! Which told me a lot because that is and was extremely rare. But although it was a lot of hard work (I had two of my own) I now have two grandchildren from his son (our son) AND she is pregnant again (that's another Oprah). I am always talking about my son and I don't think I every mentioned that he and his wife are finally PREGNANT. She lost their first pregnancy several months ago which was devastating but she is now 5 months and I am over the moon ( it really is different when the grandchild is your own flesh and blood) Sounds awful but it is true. Anyway, good for you Becky just go slow and give it a chance!
My workouts have been HARD, just doing indoor power cycle and my heart rate is in Zone 5 no matter what i am doing (unless I am in really easy gears) so THAT's how out of shape I have become in 8-9 week lay off. But I have 6 weeks to get ready for the bike camp with favorite son (his last get away before baby).
Studying my brains out (what is left of them) on these pilot lessons but so far have "flown" 5 hours with about 15 hours one-to-one class time. I mentioned this "competition thing" between my husband and I and it is fun, but it is amazing how differently we learn, I need repetitive flash cars and he seems to have "instant memory recall". I hate that (and am extremely jealous) but he is being really supportive of me and continues to tell me I am going to get through this
Happy Monday tomorrow morning will keep checking in, although it has been very quiet for this group
Hi ladies! I still use the old fashioned over the head headphones with my ipod most of the time. They don't hurt my ears, don't fall out, and most importantly, don't block all exterior sound. I like being able to hear when someone or something is coming up behind me. Dorky, yeah, I guess. But it works.
I do use the earbud thingies when I travel (just easier to pack) and they fall out or hurt my ears. So maybe when my current pair dies (they always do!) I'll replace them with the yurbuds.
I had a nice weekend. Totally trashed myself on a ride on Saturday and then went for an afternoon of hiking in the woods with Joe on Sunday. But it's back to the grind!
Oh- and my niece is currently in labor. So send good vibes for a safe delivery for Kaleigh and her baby today, OK?
@Linda: I got the $29.99 ones. That was all they had there. I'm not sure what the difference is between the two other than the cost. BTW - these don't block out all the noise around you. AND, I've found I keep the volume lower than with my other earphones.
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Happy Monday!!! So jealous reading all the workouts (especially those Boston ENrs) they are animals! Jennifer, your questions are way over my head wish I could help. I got a new stem, new aero bars, new seat and new bike fitting this weekend. My knee was just hurting so much after my first ride that I made an appointment with a "guru" in the desert. After two hours he ended up raising my seat about 4-5 fingers higher!!! My knee really responded well but my girly part is not one bit happy (hopefully the new seat will ease this and I just have to tough up down there as it has been too long since I was riding long)! Congratulations to all those who have been posting about the cleanse progress! I had my " cleanse" in the hospital during the holidays (earlier post).
So........I got the go ahead to begin slowly getting back... Did a 35 miler (on bike of course), and then 45 miler and yesterday did a 60 miler. Embarrassed to say it was near 80 degrees at the desert (for all of those who are training in the - degrees!! Pace is really slow, power just not there and woke up this morning with my knee killing me. See ortho surgeon at 1:00 (he may not see my progress as slow). Could only run 3 miles and no swim yet! But I am "back" and really helped me mentally with a long funk kind of like "am I really going to be a triathlete again??"
Becky I have thought of you so many times and just wanted to give you a hug and encouragement for really hanging in there as well as reaching out! Feel free to PM me if you ever feel like it!
Have to really get my butt on trainer and outside (not in the desert this week) my big bike camp is only 6-7 weeks and I am not going to embarrass myself this year (sure hope).
OH!! And on a totally off topic update! I thought I would mention my husband SH and I are taking private pilot lessons!! We have talked about it for years; our New Years Resolution was to finally do it. Requires totally different brain cells as there is a lot of reading but do think it will be fun! So far I have flown only 9 hours and studied about 50!! During my long ride yesterday I was fantasizing about renting a plane to fly to a race. Get this, it is about $145 an hour to rent a plane, and it is about $150 to fly my bike on commercial airlines ! Of course there are a lot of hidden costs but getting a private license is anywhere from $8,000-$15,000 (price of a really good racing bike). Will keep you posted! Going to find out how many bikes can fit in the rear of one of these things!!! We decided to "spend our kids inheritance" while we can still enjoy life!

Great week to all-
@Becky - Breakups definitely take a toll on energy. After mine last year I was completely useless for the entire month of February. I did 30/30s, because I liked them and just ran when I felt like it. Mostly, I just cried and watched Kate and Leopold a lot. I was totally on "do what you can" for workouts. The cool part is that I read a lot. Running books. Training and Racing with a power meter. Racing Weight. Be kind to yourself and watch out for how the life stress score and how it definitely toll on the TSS. It all worked out.
@Kelly - Yes, to strength training -- but I'm into kind strength training. P90X may be a little too demanding. I go to yoga on Fridays, do exercise videos or stretching/training from Leigh's awesome Athletes Treating Athletes sites on Mondays. My current favorite videos are Carmichael's Core Strength for Cyclists and Triathletes and Stott Pilates anything. I also do a little bit of core work whenever I end up at the gym for a swim or a run. Lots of plank. Lots of BOSU ball.
In other news, the outside temperature is about 25 degrees and the indoor temperature in my office is about...25 degrees. (Okay, 50.) Our heat is broken, but so is the heat in several other office buildings in the area, so they can't get someone out here to fix it today. I took my laptop to the warmest corner of the office and am currently huddling in my winter coat. Fuh-rozen! It just occurred to me that I have a balance ball here to use as a chair sometimes...I bet I could warm up with some push-ups!
@Suz - oh no... stay warm! That sounds miserable! And you rock, Ms. Badass... I used to be able to do those kinda pushups (actually I would put my hands on an overturned bosy and my toes on a medicine ball... that made me feel like a total rockstar, but that was also when I could do pullups... sadly it all went to pot after the bike crash then hand surgery - essentially a year with zippo upper body training bc once I could train that's all I had time to do to get ready for FL). Hopefully I can join your ranks of bad-ass-ness once again.
@Beth - x2, I definitely try to work in core after a run or ride... at least once or twice a week. I need to be better about it, especially now that I'm running on a mill at the gym more these days - there are lots more ab machines and different gizmos (roman chair, ball, bosu) to use so I can mix it up a bit.
@Linda - congrats on getting back out there... two rides this weekend and a short run! wonderful! take care of yourself and don't do too much too fast! and thanks!
And thanks for the kind words, ladies. I go off and on with totally fine (becasue I did have doubts) and mopey. A friend suggested it could be the timing. Had we split in the spring/summer when it was warm and nice and I could be outside and train or whatever it would probably be a lot easier to cope. Instead it's winter, it's dark, it's cold.. and I've been cleansing and intentionally staying home to get through it (since I can't eat or drink). It will pass... and it's not the end of the world. But I will say, turning 37 and being single is a little bit strange. Not at all where I thought I would be. And it definitely is making me wonder about kids - even if I meet mister right I may be out of time by the time we're on to that stage. Hmm... that's a realization that's hitting me and I'm not sure how I feel about it. 10 years ago getting married and having kids were no-brainers for me. The last few years I've wondered if kids would fit into the equation (as I kinda like my life and training and racing and traveling), but I was still hopeful I'd meet the right guy and we'd figure it out together. Now it may be a decision made for me. I'm not sure how to feel about that. Anyway, it's just a lot to be chewing on as I sit at home catching up on tivo nibbling whatever cleanse food is on the menu. Not where most of my friends are. And my family... well, they think I'm a charity case. Thank goodness there's no family wedding potential in the near future - the last one, 2 summers ago, was truly horrifying - with folks basically asking me what the heck was wrong with me for still being single. It was so terribly uncomfortable.
It's all good. I have great friends. I have hobbies (unlike a few years ago at the law firm). I am very fortunate - job, home, car... I can pay my bills, make ends meet, buy nice things when the mood strikes me. I really don't have anything "real" to complain about. Thanks to you all for your support. Especially when you've been through some really tough times yourself - which makes what I'm going through seem so trivial. A reality check!
Linda H- Pilot lessons sound cool. My hubby has always wanted to get a private license, but it's so freaking expensive! Maybe some day :-)
LPatch- that snow shoeing stuff looks like a blast! I think I might actually enjoy the cold weather if I could do some of that :-) It's much more up my ally than downhill skiing. Romping in the woods is always my idea of fun.
Now to share a funny little story. I usually have the "Today" show on TV as I'm getting ready in the morning. This morning they did a segment around a book that's out called "Cinderella ate my daughter" (or something like that). Anyway, they started out the segment by saying that there is a huge marketing engine around wearing Pink and desiring Princess and sparkly stuff that drives little girls to desire all things pink and sparkly. Joe's ears piped up and he said "really?, I think they need to do a segment on the marketing engine that seems to have my wife wearing nothing but black and desiring bike racing stuff!"
This comes strait on the heals of me finally ordering a North Face fleece hoodie I've wanted for quite some time but couldn't justify buying (I live in the south, right? but with this winter- I think I deserve it!). Anyway, I pulled up the site and asked Joe for his opinion on which color to buy. He said "let me guess, you are waffling between black and charcole grey?" HA HA HA! OK- he had a point, and with that, I ordered the bright green he liked.
@ Becky- glad to hear you are moving foward (even if it's slower than you want
@ Kelly- I do the upper body p90x workouts, they are tough, but the basics that I was doing before just wasn't giving me the results I wanted. But I'd definitely start out with basic upper body stuff and see if that works before going into something as structured and tough as p90x.
@ Linda H- soooooooooo jealous. I actually haven't wanted to learn to fly, but have always wanted to learn to sail (which is incredibly expensive here in Chicago). It's definitely something I've talked about for years, hopefully one day I will finally just do it!
So unfortunately it's looking like I'm not going to be able to upgrade my bike components because of some other life expenses that have come up, such as my health insurance screwing me over for my PT last year
@Jennifer - that stinks... good luck with your insurance. I really hope it all gets straightened out! How frustrating!!
@Nemo - yes, I gravitate towards black and gray, too... the last few years I've made a very conscious effort to add some color to my wardrobe! It's definitely easier in the spring/summer... in the winter my uniform is pretty darn drab! Good for you for getting the green!
@Linda - how amazing. and how tough. good luck. can't wait to see pictures of you in the cockpit! When you're licensed you could run a charter service just carting us all around to our races... I'd say we'd keep you busy 6-9 months of the year and you could relax the rest of the year!
So I signed up for okcupid a week or so ago and just resigned on match. why not? I hate to complain while doing nothing proactive, so it's a step. In the meantime I'll finish up my cleanse and try my best to transition back to a morning routine! I also signed up for a CSA-esque farm club, which sounds really cool... there's a membership fee but the price of the deal (livingsocial.com) basically covers that with free stuff. So, I'll basically get to shop for produce, meats, cheeses, etc... and get what I want when I want it. No obligation or weekly delivery of stuff I don't necessarily want. And it looks like all the farms are local and use sustainable practices. The farm mentioned in Omnivore's Dilemma (name is totally escaping me) is one of the producers and their model for sustainability! Yay! I've become a total groupon junkie! Love the deals!
Cleanse is now in day 13. Still not noticing any energy surges and I saw a post on the forum about just this very thing... I'm not alone. But, I'm falling asleep more easily (which had only become a problem again post breakup, at which point I upped my medication slightly, I've dropped it back down again) and I'm noticing I don't slump mid-day... so maybe it's helping with that. Not to mention I've done all the proscribed OS workouts with the exception of a few bricks. My weight is up a little from Sunday's low, but today I'm still lower than I was last Tuesday (and, if you average it out, it's been 2lbs per week loss since I started the elimination phase). Hopefully I can drop a touch more. I think the weight may be a factor of how well I'm eliminating... trying to be sure to drink a lot of lemon water and I'm taking a fiber supplement in the morning and evening (as recommended)... Since the second colonic wasn't traumatic and, actually, was quite relieving (due to the elimination problem) not that it was less intense, but it was less uncomfortable, I decided to get a third followed by another oxygen sauna. That will be this Saturday as I head into the home stretch of the cleanse. I think post cleanse I'll continue to follow the eating principles - as they are close to paleo for athletes. Keeping sugar, straches/gluten carbs, and processed foods to a minimum. I definitely think the farm club will help and I'm really excited about that!
@Jennifer - how was ring shopping? Is the ring good? Is there a proposal plan? I overhead a nice boy on the train, talking to people about his proposal plans. So adorable.
AND Bones 3. Now that it is marked, I can get it on the car in five minutes.
@Nemo - Ha! My work wardrobe has all the black and gray, so I hear you. The green sounds pretty! Your pink story does remind me we have bikini shopping to do. ;-)
Work stress has been up and down. My review this week went great. Today- the only patient that I am aware of that has ever written a nasty letter to/ about me- was back on my schedule. This was a HUGE ordeal last year. With the case going into Risk Management and Peer Review. Ultimately I was cleared of wrong doing, but this was someone I never wanted to see again. Clinic told me "Too bad. If he doesn't mind seeing you, you have to see him." Serious anxiety. Why the f*** would he want to see me? He came in, made several references to last year, which I ignored. I had a witness for the entire visit. Hope I never see him again.
Hang in there everyone. Winter training is cold and dark! But spring is coming (says the lady staring down ANOTHER Nor'easter).
@Michele - kudos to you for keeping your cool! I wonder why he chose to see you again. How odd... but very good you had a witness so he can't pull any crap again! Hang in there. And I totally agree, shopping for vaca (particually to a warm spot) definitely gets the colors (and even somewhat feminine side of me) out. I bought dresses to take to Mexico last summer... and one was pink (the other was black and white, ha ha, but had a floral pattern)... crazy!
@Kelly - LoL... they say positive imagery is how to get things done on race day, so keep it up! Hmm... maybe I should try it, too...lately I've felt like lead on the bike and not much better on the run. Some positive mental energy would do me some good!
Day 14 of the cleanse... 1 more week! I must admit I'm a bit scared to go off it... from 2 liquid meals to 1, will my weight jump back up? I hope not... heck, I dropped most of my weight in the first week of elimination eating 2 solids - so I think if I keep the clean eating principles I should be okay. Sleeping better which is a huge relief! I'm still doing the workouts, did the brick last night, but the legs are darn tired today.
Not sure what the weather will be later - we're expected to get heavy snow, but not necessarily a lot (but, in this area 2-6 inches shuts everything down, it's comical - although I don't have a 4 wheel drive car, which does make things difficult). I'd hoped to get to the gym to run. But grocery shopping, if I can make it out, might have to happen - in which case I'll do tomorrow's ride tonight post store and run tomorrow (at the gym I can walk to if I can't do it outside).
I'm leaning toward the Bones 3, just cause the extra $100 for the other doesn't seem very justified when you consider once you've put it on and off a bunch of times the straps will be set.
@Becky- don't worry, I'm sure right now your body thinks you are starving it and it's probably storing energy, once you go back to solid foods I'm sure you'll see some progress. I am trying very hard to stick to my food logging and watching what I'm eating. Trouble is that I have some snacks at my house in preparation for Super Bowl Sunday and have not been able to walk away from them. I will be glad to get them out of my house!
I laughed when I read about everyone's bland outfits. I wear pretty much a rotation of 2 pants and 5 shirts every week to work. With triathlon my weight has been so all over the place - literally- that everything else is either too big or too small in random spots (hello thigh muscles)! Hoping to even that out soon so I can expand my wardrobe.
Hi everyone! I've been lurking this month - was off for Dec after a quickly aborted attempt at Nov OS. I should have known that mentallly there was not way I could start that! I'm doing a bit of Jan OS and starting to feel good
I'm doing a computrainer bike class twice a week taught by Karen Smyers (the coolest! Linda P you know Karen, correct?) and Dede Greisbaur, two pro ironwomen who are really down-to-earth. I've really gotten into the challenge of the class and have even been able to see some improvement since Nov. This is the first time I've trained on the bike so early and I'm really hoping it pays off.
Wow I am so impressed with all the strength-training stretching you all do. I've got to get started on that sometime
the Carmichael Core sounds the most appealing to me, thanks Beth!
@Becky - you nailed it with winter being a tough time for a break-up - so fascinated by your progress with the cleanse, you are going to be a lean, mean fighting machine. My friends have had luck on e-harmony
@Jennifer, congrats on the vehicle - we live in the city and don't have a car (love me some Zipcar) one of the main reasons I ever really want one is to be able to get out of the city quickly to ride - jealous!
@Carly and Michele - remember the Super Sunday race on the 6th!!
Nice to see everyone here - 2011 is going to be great!!!
Hi Everyone, just keeping in touch. Well after all those miles and mentioning the "girly part" today is the first day since Sunday that I can even consider getting on the indoor bike. I can not tell you how raw it was. So I did get that huge bike seat lift/adjustment (about 4 fingers) and a new but supposedly better seat. I could barely even wipe (TMI) but think you get the drill.
Thanks for all the comments on the pilot thing. Had another lesson yesterday and feeling really STUPID and the instructor said "well you know there are only 3% of the population seeking pilots liscense in your age group" so you should be really proud and then he said "our brains are just not like they were in our 20's", so I am in my late 50's and I walked away not being sure if it was a compliment or not. Now it is turning kind of competitive between hubby and I because he is SUPER SMART (CEO type), well I did earn a PH.D. years ago ....but have to tell you this memory thing has really been an eye opener. But will continue because it is a goal and I am going to finish it no matter how long it takes.
Have to be honest I am really struggling with "wanting" to train. Yes I knocked it out over the weekend but ever since I just can't get myself to do anything. I DID get a cortisone shot in my knee (doc was really hesitant) but see huge improvement so going to do indoor trainer later and see how it goes.
Becky still super proud of you, I read your posts and you sound really really good, lots going on , I do agree with the "winter timing" but you just wait, there is a man out there that is going to be just what you are looking for and you never know he might have little step kids (that happened to me). I was 38 when I met my sweet hubby, had a horrific abusive relationship prior to him (and I mean the real deal) I finally left when he beat the crap out of me (now that's being honest huh?). So after that, I took my two little kids and left and raised them alone, went back to school, poor as a church mouse and now 20 years later I have the love of my life and a life that most people could die for. Don't get me wrong, we were super poor together for a LONG time, our first christmas we had 4 kids together and couldn't even buy a christmas tree......Just wanted to give you a true picture because most people don't know all that stuff about me. Can't tell you how many nights I cried myselfl to sleep wondering how in the world I was going to get out of that mess, but I just put one foot in front of the other every day and when Greg came along I thought OMG , if I would have stayed in THAT relationship I would have never made it out probably but I certainly would have never met my best friend and wonderful partner, so HANG IN THERE!!
oh Linda, wow... what an inspiration you are! Congratulations to you for saving yourself (and your kids). What amazing strength and courage you must have had (and still do). And thank you for again helping me keep this all in perspective. I have nothing to complain about, really and truly. So I'm going to try to make a more concerted effort to stop complaining, in general (funnily, on the cleanse web site there are links to other pages for information, etc... and one of them was for a 21 no-complaint challenge, that intrigued me so I checked it out. Probably not going to buy the book but I like the concept: http://www.complaintfreeworld.biz/
Funny you and your hubby are getting competitive about the pilot's license. But, hey, if it works, awesome! I can't wait to read you're flying the friendly skies!
And I totally understand the going to the bathroom pain post long rides! Ugh! I've never really had any problems with my Terry saddles (and only used body glide in my chamois a few times last year but can't really say it helped...). I do have an adamo from Todd at TT Bike fit to test... but haven't put it on yet - hoping to get some help - my universal tool is a pain to use because it's so bulky... not to mention watching the video re: proper adjustment seems a little daunting.
@ Linda- thanks for sharing, love hearing how you did what was right for you and got through it. Very impressive.
@Aimee- thanks! I looked into ZipCar, but after a couple months of recon I learned that although there are like 23 vehicles near me it's a beast to find time to use them as they are reserved frequently. The South Loop apparently loves it some ZipCar too!
2 days without talk might be a record for this thread! Hope everyone is good (and hopefully all you east coasters are surviving the snow storm
OTOH, I am loving my new Polartec Micro Fleece hoodie with the thumb holes, even if it isn't black or brown
OMG - Jennifer, we can't let that happen!
@Nemo - ooh... I love thumb holes! You rock that green fleece, chica!!
Happy Friday...I'm finally in the last week of the cleanse. My weight has been yo-yoing all week which is annoying, but I'm still down from last week, so I guess that's good (although I'm at my week's high - up from the last few days). I'm sleeping well (except for having to get up to use the bathroom from all the water and herbal tea) and for that I am so happy!
I skipped Wed's run - in part because the weather was super crazy when I got home (it took some people 10 hours to get home - the roads were a mess! Cars were dying, running out of gas or batteries dying. So people were abandoning them. It was the craziest weather pattern I've ever seen). Anyway, I did try to hop on my trainer thinking I'd switch days but my quads were fried. I lasted maybe 3 or 4 minutes and decided that it was not a lead feeling that a warm up would work off. I'm actually glad I nixed it. Ineeded the rest and I actually listened to my body. Yesterday I was torn - make up the run or do my set ride? Running seems to burn me out more so I did the bike and had better luck hitting my zones (perhaps because I extended the warm up from 10' to 15')... then at lunch had a massage. It was heaven! The cleanse recommends regular massages (as well as colonics and infrared sauna)... and since I can't afford it all, I've just had this one. I can't think of the last time I've had a massage that wasn't related to heavy volume training or pre- or post-race damage control. It was awesome! Sure, she hit some tight spots (calves, IT bands) but it was so nice... and I really did feel better afterwards! Typically when I skip a workout I try to make it up on a rest day and I decided to just let it go today... one missed 45 minute run won't kill me... and I'm cleansing and it's winter... it's all good. I did my in-office workout (core, lunges, pushups, etc) and a bit of stretching and that's that. I may hit the sauna tonight after work. Tomorrow will be a brick. I will have one more colonic (although since number 2, and changing the fiber supplement I'm taking, things have been working more smoothly) and another session in the oxygen sauna to bring home my last few days...
Now for other totally off the wall news... I had ... a date (actually I've had 2 dates with the same guy). And it was a nice time. I hadn't planned to try to put myself back out there until post cleanse, but I re-signed up on Match this week and I also signed up for mycupid.com (probably 2 weeks ago) - figuring my experiences in the past have been only so-so... and it always took time to get winks and emails, etc... might as well get the process started. Anyway, a guy on cupid emailed me pretty much right away and after emailing a few times we decided to meet at a coffee shop last Thursday (so I could have tea - he's actually pretty interested in the cleanse and very supportive of the process)... Definitely strange to be out there... and the good bye was totally awkward - he went in for a hug, which I wasn't expecting... and apparently was also moving for a kiss. Heck, I wasn't even expecting a hug ... but a hug I could handle, a kiss on the first date - not so much unless, well, I don't know, but I didn't think the date was THAT good... anyway, he's nice, and energetic, and pretty fun. And, he wanted to see me again so met up again last night at a local gallery that was supposed to have a lecture - but it got canceled bc of weather (not sure why, yesterday was totally fine), so we walked around and then went to a Starbucks (so I could have tea) and chat some more... and I guess I haven't scared him away as we're gonna get together again next Thursday when I can actually eat a meal at dinner time and have a glass of wine... but it's my job to pick a place that will meet my clean eating requirements so my only "cheat" will be the wine (my first re-introduced food). I do still miss Dan and do sort of hope he'll come around and we can talk and try to work it out... but I can't put my life on hold. Who know. Mike seems like a very decent guy, there are a few things about him that are out of my comfort zone (namely 2 kids who he has every weekend - so no weekend dates unless planned in advance, and he can make arrangements with his ex), but I want to be fair and give it a try... hopefully I'll get other nibbles, too... get some mojo back and see what happens.
Thought I should share some fun news for a change! LoL. I said I was gonna stop being mopey and complain-y and look what happens.
Still dusting myself off... and keeping my head in check and my feet on the ground!
@ This weeks workouts sucked w/ pain. Man! God help us. Ladies, we will rock this Spring!
Just a quick check in. I've been reading everything on email. I've been swamped with the new job, school starting, personal clients. I worked the Houston Marathon Expo Friday and Saturday. Got some great headbands that don't slip and some cool earphones. Here's a link for the earphones/earbuds: http://www.yurbuds.com/. Very cool They are comfortable and don't fall out. I'll post a link to the headbands when I find the card.
Everything is good. Just busy.
Hi girls! Me too just a quick check in. Yeah Becky!!! My dreamy husband had two step-kids when we met and he had FULL CUSTODY! Which told me a lot because that is and was extremely rare. But although it was a lot of hard work (I had two of my own) I now have two grandchildren from his son (our son) AND she is pregnant again (that's another Oprah). I am always talking about my son and I don't think I every mentioned that he and his wife are finally PREGNANT. She lost their first pregnancy several months ago which was devastating but she is now 5 months and I am over the moon ( it really is different when the grandchild is your own flesh and blood)
Sounds awful but it is true. Anyway, good for you Becky just go slow and give it a chance!
My workouts have been HARD, just doing indoor power cycle and my heart rate is in Zone 5 no matter what i am doing (unless I am in really easy gears) so THAT's how out of shape I have become in 8-9 week lay off. But I have 6 weeks to get ready for the bike camp with favorite son (his last get away before baby).
Studying my brains out (what is left of them) on these pilot lessons but so far have "flown" 5 hours with about 15 hours one-to-one class time. I mentioned this "competition thing" between my husband and I and it is fun, but it is amazing how differently we learn, I need repetitive flash cars and he seems to have "instant memory recall". I hate that (and am extremely jealous) but he is being really supportive of me and continues to tell me I am going to get through this
Happy Monday tomorrow morning will keep checking in, although it has been very quiet for this group
Real Quick, Penny did you get the $29 or the $49 pair, I have had at least 6 different products and they NEVER stay in my ears
I do use the earbud thingies when I travel (just easier to pack) and they fall out or hurt my ears. So maybe when my current pair dies (they always do!) I'll replace them with the yurbuds.
I had a nice weekend. Totally trashed myself on a ride on Saturday and then went for an afternoon of hiking in the woods with Joe on Sunday. But it's back to the grind!
Oh- and my niece is currently in labor. So send good vibes for a safe delivery for Kaleigh and her baby today, OK?
@Linda: I got the $29.99 ones. That was all they had there. I'm not sure what the difference is between the two other than the cost. BTW - these don't block out all the noise around you. AND, I've found I keep the volume lower than with my other earphones.
Here's a link to the headbands. I think I'm addicted: http://sweatybands.com/
Lots of good vibes to your new little "niece", not sure what that would be "grand auntie"? Is it her first and do they know the sex? Congratulations!!