@Tim, excited to hear that you just might make it to Boston. Who knows, maybe that bike fitness you are getting will help you once you start running again.
@Carrie, it looks like our Steve's are all having issues. Mine is still off running. He is heating, stretching, rolling and doing bike workouts. He has has this issue before and to be frank, he could probably run the marathon with just using the OS training plan, but he wants to give the marathon hack a try. I, on the other hand need a focused plan (read between lines - not a natural runner). Glad your speed work went so well. It appears your body is holding up well to the 4 runs a week.
As for me, well I did do the 4 x 1 mile run today as assigned in the marathon hack, but I made a mistake. It was suppose to be a 45minute run, which really only allowed me a 10 minute warm-up which is never enough, but I went for it anyway and low and behold my left leg froze up. I think it is a combination of early morning run, being tight from Mon run and not warming up, anyway, I pulled the plug at 15 minutes into the run, got the rower and rowed for 10minutes and then got back on the mill and kicked it out, as assigned. I have to keep that hip flexor open or I am in trouble. Lesson learned. Hope the rest of the week goes well.
No surprises yesterday or today. Calf is still tight and tender to the touch but not painful unless I stretch it fully. Did my 5x2.5 bike intervals, 25' more at 85% then switched over to the deadmill for some easy miles. No run intervals until I get my run legs back. Ended up with 6 miles at my comfy pace. No pain or twinges - all good.
I have never been fast at anything and doing these VO2 sessions both on the bike and run are really stressfull physically to me. I will finish the bike portion of the OS as written as best I can, but I really need to go back to running the kind of miles that have served me well in recent years. I want to get to Boston strong and run within 10 minutes of the PR that got me qualified. But to do that, I need to be healthy, and recover the durability I have enjoyed in the past.
@ Carrie and Brenda - I wish both Steves well as they work thru their issues. I want to meet and run with them at Boston..... the 3 Steves!!!
Bummed to hear of the nagging injuries for folks. My Steve is fine. He had a great long run Sunday and track Tuesday. It was just bad last thurs, fri and a wee bit on sat. He is training with the young guns as they are his speed and they never have aches and pains. They don't stretch or carry water or gels. It is a crack up. But such is life, we are old, need rolling, stretching, water, food just to survive. But at 53, for him to be running long runs at 6:45 pace is CRAZY. He is truly blessed with the body he has been given. As he ages we are noticing he needs more down time. Or he would say: more play station time- John Madden football to be exact!!
I am heading off for a 3 hour ride with Tom Glynn and John Stark, then a brick with Tom. I LOVE my Wednesdays off. Tom and I have a standing date every Wed. The others who join are more sporadic.
Hoping you are all well.
BTW- I have a 12 miler tomorrow with tempo and my first 20 on Sunday with tempo. This BAA advanced program is aggressive. But so far so good.
Wow - this Boston crew is a lively bunch! I, too, will be part of the EN contingent running in April. As plans go, I will literally be running and not racing, with my only real goal being to re-qualify if the day permits. I qualified in Philly (well after it had filled) and was planning to tackle the race in 2012. Then, in December, my fav charity contacted me and asked me to join their fundracing team. So, I'll be running one of the world's most coveted races, and raising $10k for an awesome cause along the way. Hard to beat that.
As far as training goes, I'm loving the hack (week 5-ish). Coming out of 5 months of ultra training/racing, the speedwork is a mental and physical rejuvenation. Every time I slow down into Z1 or a rest interval, I can feel those demons of LSD runs past coming back to haunt me. I love ultras, but after a while the 4-6 hour training runs at a very modest Z1 pace begin to eat your soul.
Hi Justin- welcome to our little Boston Marathon group. Hopefully we can meet up post race for some Dunkin Donuts!!!
Just a little update - my runs are going well( Thank you Lord!). I did a brick yesterday after my 3 hour ride with Tom Glynn and John Stark. Felt good- easy 4 miles. Knowing that today would be 12 with tempo( yikes- and not even long run of the week- oy!)
Well I am happy to say that I completed the 12 and actually hit the tempo zones for 2 x 15. When I started the run I felt sluggish and short of breath. So I was surprised I could do it. Having friends with you helps! Total Avg for 12 miles in 7:42. First 6 avg was 8:10 average pace so we were smoking in those last 6. Holy Crap!
Legs good so far. Next up 20 on Sunday. Lord have mercy!
Welcome Justin, the three Steves (two who are not on the post but are reported on by Carrie and me), welcome you. Have not heard much from Coach P who is also running with us. Please keep us posted on your progress. I am doing like you, just running the race (not a great runner) and really have no plans of requalifying at the race. Really just want to lap up the amazingness that I hear Boston is. Hope to meet you in Boston. I think Coach P will try to put something together for us.
Hey folks, I am here...just a crazy week in P-land with no Coach R. I got my 12 in on the t-mill as 10 at 7:30, 2 at 6:30, and lost like 8 lbs. Crazy. Off to Milwaukee this weekend for an expo to pimp EN and my book, and will try to get in a 5k test on Sunday...as long as it's warm enough! Keep killing it!
First off BIG Congrats to Patrick for his smoking fast 5K today and AG win. 18:20. 5:55 pace. FAST. So happy for you P.
Steve and I ran 20.05 miles today. Most folks would stop running as the garmin ticks over to 20...not us BECAUSE it was a "pouring freezing raining wet run". JUST Brutal. We sprinted to the car and got in. Could not get undressed to put on dry clothes because our hands would not work. I finished a little over an hour ago and I still feel like crying. It was mentally brutal.
We had a huge group, maybe 20 people. My group was 8 people. But one dear friend was kind of back 30 feet on his own in the second mile so I held back and ran with him. I just felt COLD the whole way. Wore tri shorts, cool max top, arm warmers and rain coat but just froze. We had 3 miles at tempo scheduled in the middle so we eventally caught up to the group and pulled them along for 3 miles @ 7:10 pace. Then we stopped to get water and this is when things went south. I got so cold waiting for everyone. Then the skies started to DUMP rain even more. We had 8 more miles and I was SCARED I would not make it. I just kept running, shivering and legs numb. I made it somehow. OMG. That was some mental six pack training. YUCK. Please I want sun in Boston.
Ended up with 20.05 miles in 2:40:30, just about 8:00 avg pace. ( Steve 2:25, 7:15 avg).The course was a Boston simulator with lots of down in the first 9 and lots of UP in the last 6. Phew.
@ Carrie & Steve - oh man, nasty run. Sounds very similar to running the Sugarloaf Marathon back in 2005. It was 43* and raining at the start and rained most of the way. Never got warm, was a suffer-fest end to end. Wore a rain jacket, gloves, beanie and tights.... worst race so far.
But I have to say, dispite the weather, you guys really rocked it!! I hope you and Steve got some soup or other warm food in you.....
Just got in from my long run - 14.14 miles.... no, I dont stop running till I get back to the exact point where I started, just can't seem to let go... Temp at start 23* with flurries, light breeze at 5 mph from the NW. Flurries stayed for the entire run but didn't really add to road. Some areas had mashed potatoes and I ran in the road to avoid it.
Plan was for an easy run at what ever pace I could manage, it is still a rehab run of sorts. At mile 3.5 I see some runners so I switch sides and join them. They live in the next town over, one is training for Boston and the other is training for some 24 hour relay in Cape Bretton - I cant remember what he called it.... We ran togther for 4 miles than I pealed off - their route would have put me into a 19 mile loop. I knew that was too far for me at this point.
Ended up with an average pace of 9:03 for the 14 miles. No more sore at the end than at the start. Although since my shower, both my achillies are tender.... at the top.... must be from lack of running...
Great job Mr West! Wow! 14 plus miles in freeezing temps with your calf. Yes, both calves will need to rebuild. Hang in there my friend. Very impressive.
I feel a lot better now. A healthy meal, lots of fluids to hydrate and one tiny shot of tequilla. I almost never drink. My husband could not believe It when I told him I just took a shot. He said: " we have tequilla??". I said " apparently- I found it in the back of the pantry!!". Must have been in there 10 years. Classic!
Planned 16 with a half dozen Z4 mile repeats. Apparently, the temperature had another plan. Yesterday's thaw cleared some of the back roads, but the melting snow became today's ice - so no speed outside. Instead, I punted and went for 14 on the TM. Did the middle 6 miles as 2 each at Z2/Z3/Z4, then threw in another 2 at Z4 before calling it a day. 14 miles and change for 1:37. Didn't really need a 14-miler today, but I wanted to get in some fast time on my feet before the day off.
When I hear the stories about miserable runs in awful weather, I almost feel grateful that our weather and road/trail conditions here are SO bad during the winter that it's basically impossible to run (in continuous fashion) without snowshoes. I do like to run in the rain, but I think that's primarily a summer sport. Hats off to the Boston team members that braved the elements, and to all of those that stared down post-Saturday legs to get the work done.
Steve - yes they were outside miles. Weather her to day was good at -21c. Sunny and although the running trails were not clear, they were not bad. We had a very light snow here, but that stopped by 10am and then it was sunny.
I come here for motivation and you folks are doing it! Nice long runs under less than ideal conditions across the board!
I am treating my itbs syndrome/tight lateral retinaculum with 3 pt visits a week consisting of pretty aggressive it massage , foam rollers, exercises, stretches, iontophoresis ,taping the knee when done, not to mention repeating all of it at home and adding advil and volteran. I am becoming a little more optimistic. I had already registered for a 1/2 marathon in feb(3 weeks away probably not) , a 20 miler in march , and then of course Boston. Don't know how its gonna work out but started running (if you can call it that) and so far have done two 1 mile runs and one 2 mile run. Wouldn't say it was comfortable but I wasnt in pain. A long way to go in a short period of time. Interesting side note my PT person is a triathlete and I looked her up on athlinks.com good site if you have never used it before and was pretty impressed several first place finishes at the sprint distance!
Nice work all and hope to report back with some longer runs soon.
@ Tim - I had a very acute, crippling case of ITBS several years ago. It would flare to the point where I started avoided stairs altogether (which is okay if you're in your 70s, but not okay when you're in your 20s). PT worked fairly well (once I found a decent therapist), but I was never able to solve the problem until I focused on strength. More specifically, I focused on lower-core strength - glutes, groins, and hip abductors/adductors. The PT made my IT band and the associated muscles/tissues more pliable, but strengthening corrected the motion. 4-5 years later, I still find myself periodically doing hip strengthening exercises at least 2-3 times a month, or when I sense an imbalance in my gait. Good luck!
Tim- great to hear from you. I hope we see you in Boston.
I am happy to report I am walking without limping today. My legs handled the 20 miles of hills. I definitely feel my legs but not too bad. Phew! Trigger point kit pre work and will do it again after work. Will also spin them " easy" on the trainer( so not EN style but what I need).
Interval run today was good. Left leg is not super happy when I run at my Z5 pace, so I ran just under it but upped by treadmill incline from 1% to 1.5 for the intervals to compensate for not being able to run the intervals at exactly the speed I am suppose to. Have a run test next week so I guess I will see if this strategy paid off in these 6 weeks of VO2 work.
Great job Brenda! Upping the incline gives you most likely the same intensity you were shooting for. Wish I could run your test with you and bring you to a PR!!!
I have a great track set to report on. It is less than 48 hours post 20 miler and my calves were quite tight last night. Steve hooked me up and dug them out!! He takes such good care of me.
I woke up this am to host our group track and rolled, put on compression sleeves and did an easy 2 mile warm up to get the kinks out. Man did I have kinks. Yikes! Then we did drills and cadence practice and I was GOOD to go!!
Set was 3 x ( 800/ 600/ 600@ 5K pace with 200 rec) 5:00 or 800 easy between sets
I somehow was able to hit the numbers. My 5K pace is 6:07 at last test. First set was 6:08's, then 6:04's then 6:00 pace for last set!!! Holy Crap!! My girlfriends and I were a bit in front of our usual boys and we pushed. My friend Tara smoked me hitting 5:45 paces at the end!! Wow!
I am thrilled to be able to train like this. The fitness is building!
Holly shit (oops, sorry about the swearing), you are rockin those intervals out. I have a girlfriend who runs like you and when I run with her I say "good thing you have a great ass Sue, because that is all I see when I run with you". Seems like the boys might of been thinking that today. Chica's rule.
BUSY week here for Steve and I and our FMRC( forward motion race club). I am trying to take it one day at a time.
Last night I hosted a free Trigger Point kit clinic for the club. It was awesome!
Then Saturday....The team is putting on an all day ALS spin a thon, 16.5 hours to raise money for the Blazeman Foundation. The set up is 11 ,90 minute spin classes at $60 a spot per class. Steve and I are co-teaching 2 classes back to back. So we have been busy recruiting and fundraising. We have FILLED both of our classes and now need to organize our music and class format. VERY emotional deal for our team this year( this is our third yesar) as one of our own was diagnosed with ALS last April. CRAP! Totally sucks. So we are all riding for PETE's sake. I cry as I write this. Poor Pete. Amazing triathlete and cyclist who now has trouble walking, and his left arm is dangling and his speech is slurred. WTF!! Steve and I are also signed up to take Leanda Cave's class( she is coming to help us raise money) so in the end we will spin 4.5 hours. Yowza.
Then Sunday we are running in a 1/2 marathon. Stick a fork in me. I will just run the race, not race it.
So far this week is going well. Body holding up. Rode my 3 hour Wed ride with Tom Glynn and 2 others. It was KONA windy. INSANE crosswinds. I could not do it. I got off my bike at one point and started walking. I was scared to get blown off my bike. Then we would turn directions at not pedal for miles and be flying. CRAZY! Finished it off with a 4.5 mile brick.
Tomorrow 12 miles easy.
Praying for a successful week on all fronts. The ALS spin a thon being the most important!
Hope you are all doing well. When in doubt just keep training, consistency will trump intensity. keep moving forward!
Wow Carrie, you have a busy weekend ahead of you. Sounds like the fundraiser is going to be a success. Enjoy your teaching and participating. I was suppose to do a Z5 bike workout yesterday but was just to tired, so it was my rest day.
Today is a swim (just drills) + 75min run. I usually take Friday off, but was going to put my missed bike in there. Will see how it goes. I am coaching our local tri club for 4 hours on Sat, so might put a workout in after that. Sunday run is 14miles.
First off @ Carrie - Wow is right. You are an awesome insiration and a reminder of how far I need to go. Best of luck with the fundraiser and race. Very sorry to hear about your friend Pete.
Well, for me, last night was to be my week 14 5K test but it didn't go as planned. Mid evening when I usually feel my strongest, I was harboring thoughts of weakness. I started easy for a warmup and after about 2 miles I did some fast pickups then started the test. Didn't go too well. My calf was there but not bothering me. Then before I even got to 1/2 mile I started to feel my hamstrings tighen up. Fearing an injury I pulled the plug and went to a walk. I tried to get to an easy pace but it just didn't feel right so I bailed out completely.
I did spend a few minutes stretching and noticed my adductors were tight and tender - not sure why... I didn't really do anything different or new that would bother them.... I'm thinking now that since the OS I have dropped my run volume and frequency below some threshold that I need as a base. If that were the case, I will need to refocus on running. Starting with short easy stuff a minimum of 4 days a week. Gradually increase the volume and try to rebuild the durability I lack now.
It makes me sad to think that the one thing I could do well comming into the OS is the thing that is giving me the most trouble. I guess I have been too focued on pushing my FTP instead of pounding pavement......
I'll get past this in time for Boston... or so I tink......
Steve- what a bummer. In my book, where you are right now, coming back from an "owie", maybe try to focus on consistency and forget intensity for a while. Let your legs get some tolerance back. Not that you asked for advice but I am just trying to help.
Got in a nice steady 12 miles today. Do no harm pace. Felt good. Could have kept running, was just starting to float at 7:30's. Next up 1/2 marathon Sunday. After today's run I think trying run steady At the race between 7:10-7:40 will be a good workout and cause no harm. No need to try and race it on tired legs from the spin a thon. The vdot thingy says my 1/2 pace is around 6:40. Yikes, not gonna happen this week.
Hang in there peeps. Keep listening to your bodies.
I am a HUGE lurker on this thread. I actually check this most often. I think all of you are so amazing for tackling the OS (long course training) as well as not only marathon training but BOSTON! I'm so lucky to have Patriot's Day off this year and will have the opportunity to be out on the course cheering you all on! Keep up the hard work, it is very inspiring to me.
Carly, that is very nice of you to say. Its comments like that, that keep me on track for my training. Our little dynamo Carrie is the one that is super impressive, but thank you anyway. Happy training to you and please tough base with us again as we get closer to Boston. Hope to meet you when I am there. I think Coach P is going to try to organize something of a get together and since you will be on the cheering squad I think you should come.
Hi Carly, thanks for the nice note! We look forward to meeting you in April. Want to meet me at the finish line and then escort me quickly to the nearest Dunkin Donuts?!?! Ha! I plan to eat and drink whatever I want after that race, just sayin'!!
ALS spin a thon today! 5:30am-10PM!! We taught 2 - 90 minute classes...the EN way. OMG my legs are barking now! Format we did was 15 min warm up with some spin ups then 3 x 12 min( kinda near FT)( for the class we based their effort off cadence and varied their cadence every 3 minutes- my power varied 20 watts, I was either just below FT or just above) with 3' rec, then into 4 x 2 min HARD with 2 min recovery, then cool down. So all that we did TWICE! YOWZA!
Our club has raised well over $30,000 and it is still climbing.
We head back in an hour for ANOTHER class! This one taught by Leanda Cave who flew up from Tuscon to teach. Her class costs $100 a bike, all money to Blazeman foundation. Hoping my legs will work
Then 1/2 marathon tomorrow. HA! That will be a hoot!
@Tim, excited to hear that you just might make it to Boston. Who knows, maybe that bike fitness you are getting will help you once you start running again.
@Carrie, it looks like our Steve's are all having issues. Mine is still off running. He is heating, stretching, rolling and doing bike workouts. He has has this issue before and to be frank, he could probably run the marathon with just using the OS training plan, but he wants to give the marathon hack a try. I, on the other hand need a focused plan (read between lines - not a natural runner). Glad your speed work went so well. It appears your body is holding up well to the 4 runs a week.
As for me, well I did do the 4 x 1 mile run today as assigned in the marathon hack, but I made a mistake. It was suppose to be a 45minute run, which really only allowed me a 10 minute warm-up which is never enough, but I went for it anyway and low and behold my left leg froze up. I think it is a combination of early morning run, being tight from Mon run and not warming up, anyway, I pulled the plug at 15 minutes into the run, got the rower and rowed for 10minutes and then got back on the mill and kicked it out, as assigned. I have to keep that hip flexor open or I am in trouble. Lesson learned. Hope the rest of the week goes well.
Steve West - what up with you?
No surprises yesterday or today. Calf is still tight and tender to the touch but not painful unless I stretch it fully. Did my 5x2.5 bike intervals, 25' more at 85% then switched over to the deadmill for some easy miles. No run intervals until I get my run legs back. Ended up with 6 miles at my comfy pace. No pain or twinges - all good.
I have never been fast at anything and doing these VO2 sessions both on the bike and run are really stressfull physically to me. I will finish the bike portion of the OS as written as best I can, but I really need to go back to running the kind of miles that have served me well in recent years. I want to get to Boston strong and run within 10 minutes of the PR that got me qualified. But to do that, I need to be healthy, and recover the durability I have enjoyed in the past.
@ Carrie and Brenda - I wish both Steves well as they work thru their issues. I want to meet and run with them at Boston..... the 3 Steves!!!
Bummed to hear of the nagging injuries for folks. My Steve is fine. He had a great long run Sunday and track Tuesday. It was just bad last thurs, fri and a wee bit on sat. He is training with the young guns as they are his speed and they never have aches and pains. They don't stretch or carry water or gels. It is a crack up. But such is life, we are old, need rolling, stretching, water, food just to survive. But at 53, for him to be running long runs at 6:45 pace is CRAZY. He is truly blessed with the body he has been given. As he ages we are noticing he needs more down time. Or he would say: more play station time- John Madden football to be exact!!
I am heading off for a 3 hour ride with Tom Glynn and John Stark, then a brick with Tom. I LOVE my Wednesdays off. Tom and I have a standing date every Wed. The others who join are more sporadic.
Hoping you are all well.
BTW- I have a 12 miler tomorrow with tempo and my first 20 on Sunday with tempo. This BAA advanced program is aggressive. But so far so good.
Wow - this Boston crew is a lively bunch! I, too, will be part of the EN contingent running in April. As plans go, I will literally be running and not racing, with my only real goal being to re-qualify if the day permits. I qualified in Philly (well after it had filled) and was planning to tackle the race in 2012. Then, in December, my fav charity contacted me and asked me to join their fundracing team. So, I'll be running one of the world's most coveted races, and raising $10k for an awesome cause along the way. Hard to beat that.
As far as training goes, I'm loving the hack (week 5-ish). Coming out of 5 months of ultra training/racing, the speedwork is a mental and physical rejuvenation. Every time I slow down into Z1 or a rest interval, I can feel those demons of LSD runs past coming back to haunt me. I love ultras, but after a while the 4-6 hour training runs at a very modest Z1 pace begin to eat your soul.
Good health, and good training to all!
Just a little update - my runs are going well( Thank you Lord!). I did a brick yesterday after my 3 hour ride with Tom Glynn and John Stark. Felt good- easy 4 miles. Knowing that today would be 12 with tempo( yikes- and not even long run of the week- oy!)
Well I am happy to say that I completed the 12 and actually hit the tempo zones for 2 x 15. When I started the run I felt sluggish and short of breath. So I was surprised I could do it. Having friends with you helps! Total Avg for 12 miles in 7:42. First 6 avg was 8:10 average pace so we were smoking in those last 6. Holy Crap!
Legs good so far. Next up 20 on Sunday. Lord have mercy!
Hi Boston Peeps!
First off BIG Congrats to Patrick for his smoking fast 5K today and AG win. 18:20. 5:55 pace. FAST. So happy for you P.
Steve and I ran 20.05 miles today. Most folks would stop running as the garmin ticks over to 20...not us BECAUSE it was a "pouring freezing raining wet run". JUST Brutal. We sprinted to the car and got in. Could not get undressed to put on dry clothes because our hands would not work. I finished a little over an hour ago and I still feel like crying. It was mentally brutal.
We had a huge group, maybe 20 people. My group was 8 people. But one dear friend was kind of back 30 feet on his own in the second mile so I held back and ran with him. I just felt COLD the whole way. Wore tri shorts, cool max top, arm warmers and rain coat but just froze. We had 3 miles at tempo scheduled in the middle so we eventally caught up to the group and pulled them along for 3 miles @ 7:10 pace. Then we stopped to get water and this is when things went south. I got so cold waiting for everyone. Then the skies started to DUMP rain even more. We had 8 more miles and I was SCARED I would not make it. I just kept running, shivering and legs numb. I made it somehow. OMG. That was some mental six pack training. YUCK. Please I want sun in Boston.
Ended up with 20.05 miles in 2:40:30, just about 8:00 avg pace. ( Steve 2:25, 7:15 avg).The course was a Boston simulator with lots of down in the first 9 and lots of UP in the last 6. Phew.
I need a shot of tequilla I think....
But I have to say, dispite the weather, you guys really rocked it!! I hope you and Steve got some soup or other warm food in you.....
Just got in from my long run - 14.14 miles.... no, I dont stop running till I get back to the exact point where I started, just can't seem to let go... Temp at start 23* with flurries, light breeze at 5 mph from the NW. Flurries stayed for the entire run but didn't really add to road. Some areas had mashed potatoes and I ran in the road to avoid it.
Plan was for an easy run at what ever pace I could manage, it is still a rehab run of sorts. At mile 3.5 I see some runners so I switch sides and join them. They live in the next town over, one is training for Boston and the other is training for some 24 hour relay in Cape Bretton - I cant remember what he called it.... We ran togther for 4 miles than I pealed off - their route would have put me into a 19 mile loop. I knew that was too far for me at this point.
Ended up with an average pace of 9:03 for the 14 miles. No more sore at the end than at the start. Although since my shower, both my achillies are tender.... at the top.... must be from lack of running...
Brenda - You run today?
I feel a lot better now. A healthy meal, lots of fluids to hydrate and one tiny shot of tequilla. I almost never drink. My husband could not believe It when I told him I just took a shot. He said: " we have tequilla??". I said " apparently- I found it in the back of the pantry!!". Must have been in there 10 years. Classic!
Planned 16 with a half dozen Z4 mile repeats. Apparently, the temperature had another plan. Yesterday's thaw cleared some of the back roads, but the melting snow became today's ice - so no speed outside. Instead, I punted and went for 14 on the TM. Did the middle 6 miles as 2 each at Z2/Z3/Z4, then threw in another 2 at Z4 before calling it a day. 14 miles and change for 1:37. Didn't really need a 14-miler today, but I wanted to get in some fast time on my feet before the day off.
When I hear the stories about miserable runs in awful weather, I almost feel grateful that our weather and road/trail conditions here are SO bad during the winter that it's basically impossible to run (in continuous fashion) without snowshoes. I do like to run in the rain, but I think that's primarily a summer sport. Hats off to the Boston team members that braved the elements, and to all of those that stared down post-Saturday legs to get the work done.
@ Carrie - 10 year old tequilla? Must have been good....
@ Brenda - what? doesnt 13K count? It would in my book.... Bet they were outside miles, -6 maybe? was it snowing there too?
I come here for motivation and you folks are doing it! Nice long runs under less than ideal conditions across the board!
I am treating my itbs syndrome/tight lateral retinaculum with 3 pt visits a week consisting of pretty aggressive it massage , foam rollers, exercises, stretches, iontophoresis ,taping the knee when done, not to mention repeating all of it at home and adding advil and volteran. I am becoming a little more optimistic. I had already registered for a 1/2 marathon in feb(3 weeks away probably not) , a 20 miler in march , and then of course Boston. Don't know how its gonna work out but started running (if you can call it that) and so far have done two 1 mile runs and one 2 mile run. Wouldn't say it was comfortable but I wasnt in pain. A long way to go in a short period of time. Interesting side note my PT person is a triathlete and I looked her up on athlinks.com good site if you have never used it before and was pretty impressed several first place finishes at the sprint distance!
Nice work all and hope to report back with some longer runs soon.
@ Tim - I had a very acute, crippling case of ITBS several years ago. It would flare to the point where I started avoided stairs altogether (which is okay if you're in your 70s, but not okay when you're in your 20s). PT worked fairly well (once I found a decent therapist), but I was never able to solve the problem until I focused on strength. More specifically, I focused on lower-core strength - glutes, groins, and hip abductors/adductors. The PT made my IT band and the associated muscles/tissues more pliable, but strengthening corrected the motion. 4-5 years later, I still find myself periodically doing hip strengthening exercises at least 2-3 times a month, or when I sense an imbalance in my gait. Good luck!
I am happy to report I am walking without limping today
Trigger point kit pre work and will do it again after work. Will also spin them " easy" on the trainer( so not EN style but what I need).
I have a great track set to report on. It is less than 48 hours post 20 miler and my calves were quite tight last night. Steve hooked me up and dug them out!! He takes such good care of me.
I woke up this am to host our group track and rolled, put on compression sleeves and did an easy 2 mile warm up to get the kinks out. Man did I have kinks. Yikes! Then we did drills and cadence practice and I was GOOD to go!!
Set was 3 x ( 800/ 600/ 600@ 5K pace with 200 rec) 5:00 or 800 easy between sets
I somehow was able to hit the numbers. My 5K pace is 6:07 at last test. First set was 6:08's, then 6:04's then 6:00 pace for last set!!! Holy Crap!! My girlfriends and I were a bit in front of our usual boys
I am thrilled to be able to train like this. The fitness is building!
Hi friends,
BUSY week here for Steve and I and our FMRC( forward motion race club). I am trying to take it one day at a time.
Last night I hosted a free Trigger Point kit clinic for the club. It was awesome!
Then Saturday....The team is putting on an all day ALS spin a thon, 16.5 hours to raise money for the Blazeman Foundation. The set up is 11 ,90 minute spin classes at $60 a spot per class. Steve and I are co-teaching 2 classes back to back. So we have been busy recruiting and fundraising. We have FILLED both of our classes and now need to organize our music and class format. VERY emotional deal for our team this year( this is our third yesar) as one of our own was diagnosed with ALS last April. CRAP! Totally sucks. So we are all riding for PETE's sake. I cry as I write this. Poor Pete. Amazing triathlete and cyclist who now has trouble walking, and his left arm is dangling and his speech is slurred. WTF!! Steve and I are also signed up to take Leanda Cave's class( she is coming to help us raise money) so in the end we will spin 4.5 hours. Yowza.
Then Sunday we are running in a 1/2 marathon. Stick a fork in me. I will just run the race, not race it.
So far this week is going well. Body holding up. Rode my 3 hour Wed ride with Tom Glynn and 2 others. It was KONA windy. INSANE crosswinds. I could not do it. I got off my bike at one point and started walking. I was scared to get blown off my bike. Then we would turn directions at not pedal for miles and be flying. CRAZY! Finished it off with a 4.5 mile brick.
Tomorrow 12 miles easy.
Praying for a successful week on all fronts. The ALS spin a thon being the most important!
Hope you are all doing well. When in doubt just keep training, consistency will trump intensity. keep moving forward!
Today is a swim (just drills) + 75min run. I usually take Friday off, but was going to put my missed bike in there. Will see how it goes. I am coaching our local tri club for 4 hours on Sat, so might put a workout in after that. Sunday run is 14miles.
Steve - what up with you?
Well, for me, last night was to be my week 14 5K test but it didn't go as planned. Mid evening when I usually feel my strongest, I was harboring thoughts of weakness. I started easy for a warmup and after about 2 miles I did some fast pickups then started the test. Didn't go too well. My calf was there but not bothering me. Then before I even got to 1/2 mile I started to feel my hamstrings tighen up. Fearing an injury I pulled the plug and went to a walk. I tried to get to an easy pace but it just didn't feel right so I bailed out completely.
I did spend a few minutes stretching and noticed my adductors were tight and tender - not sure why... I didn't really do anything different or new that would bother them.... I'm thinking now that since the OS I have dropped my run volume and frequency below some threshold that I need as a base. If that were the case, I will need to refocus on running. Starting with short easy stuff a minimum of 4 days a week. Gradually increase the volume and try to rebuild the durability I lack now.
It makes me sad to think that the one thing I could do well comming into the OS is the thing that is giving me the most trouble. I guess I have been too focued on pushing my FTP instead of pounding pavement......
I'll get past this in time for Boston... or so I tink......
Got in a nice steady 12 miles today. Do no harm pace. Felt good. Could have kept running, was just starting to float at 7:30's. Next up 1/2 marathon Sunday. After today's run I think trying run steady At the race between 7:10-7:40 will be a good workout and cause no harm. No need to try and race it on tired legs from the spin a thon. The vdot thingy says my 1/2 pace is around 6:40. Yikes, not gonna happen this week.
Hang in there peeps. Keep listening to your bodies.
Keep up the hard work, it is very inspiring to me.
ALS spin a thon today! 5:30am-10PM!! We taught 2 - 90 minute classes...the EN way. OMG my legs are barking now!
Format we did was 15 min warm up with some spin ups then 3 x 12 min( kinda near FT)( for the class we based their effort off cadence and varied their cadence every 3 minutes- my power varied 20 watts, I was either just below FT or just above) with 3' rec, then into 4 x 2 min HARD with 2 min recovery, then cool down. So all that we did TWICE! YOWZA!
Our club has raised well over $30,000 and it is still climbing.
We head back in an hour for ANOTHER class! This one taught by Leanda Cave who flew up from Tuscon to teach. Her class costs $100 a bike, all money to Blazeman foundation. Hoping my legs will work
Then 1/2 marathon tomorrow. HA! That will be a hoot!
Talk soon my friends!