23km today with 4 hills. Felt good. Rest tomorrow, run test Tuesday, rest Wed, run test Thur, rest Fri and then back into a full training schedule as per EN style. Hope your half marathon was good today Carrie. Steve - run?
Thursday I ran 6 before the bike then only did the MS and no FTP. Friday I swam, all pull. And yesterday I went for a long ski. Did 16 miles in all, mostly flat but accumulated just over 1000' of uphill.
I need to get some chores done today but may jump on the deadmill tonight during the game. If I do it will be one of those "go at what ever pace till you feel like your done" kind of runs....
Not sure if I'm ready to get back to it... I like playing hooky and doing fun stuff!
EPIC weekend for us! Phew! We are driving home now from the race! We did surprisingly well considering spinning for 4 plus hours EN style yesterday at the spin a thon. We woke up feeling half way decent.
Tons of friends and teammates there. My little group did a poor job seeding for the start. Like pathetic. It took us over 20 sec to get to the line and then it was a sea of slower folks running all over. After 2 miles we were clear of the madness.
Wicked WINDY day and quite warm for Feb. Mid 60's. Wow!
Stats for Team Chavez: we each WON our AG's!!! Steve 1:19:01(6:04 pace), Carrie 1:31:37( 6:59 pace!!) we do a family challenge, he gives me a minute per mile handicap so I WIN!!!!!!
Just really can't believe I could run a time like that with legs from yesterday! I WILL take it!!!
Congrats Brenda on your run! Good luck on your tests this week!
Thank you Matt! Never ever would I have tried to run 7:00 pace for a run today. No way. So to do it in a race with my peeps is just so cool and a confidence builder for sure! Great great training for Boston!
A true race paced, tapered race would have been faster for sure but not nearly as rewarding and fun! Just the perfect morning!
Sometimes life gets in the way of training. Other times, life crushes your training. After a satisfying pancake breakfast for my daughter's skating club, I spent 7 hours shoveling rain-soaked snow and busting 7-8 inch thick ice. My upper body is dead. My legs are cramped. I'm itching to get out and run, but there is no chance of that happening. I'm currently shuffling around like Quasimodo, unable to get completely upright. Maybe I'll just write today off as a vigorous core workout.
Guess I'm going to have to improvise with the hack this week. Tomorrow's rest day will probably turn into 14-16 miles, Z1/Z2. Can't sit around feeling sorry for myself when the rest of you are out crushing the OS/hack. Keep tearing it up Boston folks!
@ Justin - then Californians don't know what their missin' ... I spend 2 hours yesterday after my ski chopping ice 'cause our garage was beginning to flood. Today I did another 2 hours ... x2 on the core-upper beat down!
@ Carrie - Totally awesome weekend. From the fundraiser spin to smashing the half, not to mention dusting your Steve! Congrats to all who participated!
My rogue deadmill session took me from the second quarter to the end of the third quarter. Didn't wrap the calf and figured if it gives me trouble I'd stop to get some compression on it. Well, never bothered me. I knew it was there but no pain or discomfort at all. Makes me happy to be able to run without pain or compression.
Started at 8:49 for a mile then to 8:34 for 2 more. At mile 4 I bumped it up to 8:20 and left it there for the duration. Ran 14 miles in 1:58, averaged 8:26, which is about 15 seconds slower than my goal pace for Boston.
Feels good to be able to run and not hurt, and not feel the kind of fatigue that has dogged me the past couple of weeks. I think I am on my way back.... finally.
STEVE!!! Great news about your run. WOW!! Makes my heart happy. Thanks so much for posting it.
I am grateful for this little Boston Marathon group and want to thank you all for encouraging me and giving me feedback. I look forward to meeting you all in Boston.
I woke up today expecting my legs to be barking from the EPIC weekend. They are actually not that bad. Normal amount of Monday morning calf stiffness. Quads no pain at all. This is very encouraging to be able to run 7 min pace for 13 miles and be basically fine the next day. Onward to BOSTON!
@ Carrie - When running fast feels better than running slow, I'd say that you've arrived!
Today was a wedge workout. Couldn't get the long run in yesterday, but didn't get enough rest to call it a day off. Rather than overcooking today, I "wedged in" an 11 mile run - one of my go-to workouts that I call the 4:3:2:1. Pretty basic formula: start with an easy warmup, finish with an easy cooldown, and descend the set with 4-3-2-1 (miles) at Z2-Z3-Z4-Z5 (pace). Hitting that 5k pace after banking a solid 15k is no laughing matter, and it's great training for that final kick.
During my ultra training last fall, a friend of mine asked me why I was still doing threshold and interval work 2x a week rather than a full 6-7 days of LSD and light tempo. A legitimate question, I guess. After all, how much 5k speed do you need in a 50-mile race? Then, I showed him some of my splits during the mountain descents (5:00-5:15 range) and, more notably, my 5:45 and 5:50 splits during the last 3 miles of a race that earned me 2nd place O/A (by a very slim 40-second margin). After 7 hours of running, 40 seconds is like reaching into your pocket for a $20 and pulling out pocket lint.
So, as you're suffering through your next set of Z4/Z5 intervals on heavy legs, just remember that the attic is not where you stow your junk - it's where you win races. Keep pushing team!
Nice work everyone, and huge props to Steve for staying focused and being smart!!! My boston miles are rackign up and starting to hurt my bike! I did 13 of the scheduled 14 on the dreadmill on Sunday, including the 3 x 2 miles at threshold...holy ouch that hurt. I suffered through this AMs bike session and hope I bounce back soon! Keep it up!
Since improving my biking is my main focus for this year I have chosen to make my long run all MP. I do the other two assigned workouts as is but no speed work in the long run. Just do not have it in me, especially since I only have 1 rest day which means that my long run is followed the next day by a hard bike. Keep up the good work everyone. Thanks for checking in Coach P.
@ Justin - love your post. Thanks for the words of encouragement and the direction provided re: attic and roof :-)
@ Coach P - Didn't you just bump your FTP recently? The added intensity + marathon mileage probably has you overheating a bit, but not by much if I had to guess. The 2 x 20' is no joke - even on fresh legs. With the marathon mileage you've banked, I doubt that shorting this week's Z1/Z2 volume will have any real impact. Quality contributes to quantity, but not vice versa. You're getting it done!
@ Brenda - My philosophy on races longer than 1/2 marathon is that your performance is limited by the ability to absorb changes in pace. The threshold and interval work you're doing in your shorter workouts is giving you the ability to apply greater relative speeds (namely uphill and downhill) and return to your steady MP with less fatigue. You're smart to keep the speed work in your pocket on long days. It will allow you to push the bike sessions harder, more often. Congrats on your FTP bump!
Hi Coach P. The new FTP of yours I am sure is making it hard to hit your numbers. Don't forget the workout says 95-100%( remember?!?!). You don't always need to hit 100 plus%.
BRENDA!!!! Congrats on your 8W bump this morning in FTP! AWESOME!
I ran TRACK this morning and it was GREAT! I rested since Sundays Half Marathon and rolled my legs out really well. When I started the warm up my legs were fine. I was shocked.
2 mile w/up, drills then main set 2x ( 4 x 800 @ 10K pace with 200 recoveries) 5:00 between sets easy. I ended up being able to hit that pace or faster after using first one to " get" going.( 3:18, 3:10, 3:06, 3:10.... 800 easy....3:10, 3:10,3:10, 3:07!!). The fitness is truly building. I can't believe I can do workouts like this after the weekend I had.
Continuing to focus on recovery and rolling and compression ,oh, and eating clean( that is the hard one).
Tomorrow is my longish ride with Tom Glynn and a brick. We chose a hilly course which will make getting FT work in easy(er). I find FT work on the flats to be torture.
Thanks for all the congrats on my FTP bump. Happy for sure. Rest tomorrow and then run test on Thursday.
@ Carrie, I know you said you wish you could be there beside me to push me, so I will keep your picture in my head when I want to give in. I think I can pull off a good test if my leg holds out. I will do lots of stretching tomorrow and before the test and let the cards fall where they may.
@ Justin, thanks for your comments on my decision on how to run my long runs for Boston. It makes me feel much better about the decision.
Jason...the 2011 race sold out in 8 hours (compared to a few months last year I believe), so unless you qualify before the entry date it's possible, but otherwise you are out of luck. I qualified on 11/6, but won't be able to go until 2012 as the race had already filled up prior to my qualifying time.
Jason, I qualified at the Washington Marathon (Marine Corp) in October, so no it is not to late, but I would that this year and then take the day off when registration opens up, because it filled up in 8 hours just like Jeremy said.
@ Justin – I’ve been doing something like your 4:3:2:1 for a while but never knew how to describe it. Typically I’d run it as my Wednesday mid-distance tempo workout on a 10 mile out and back. I’d go a mile to warm-up then hit my comfy pace (Z2) till the turn around when I would pickup the pace (Z3). Every hill I would hold my pace going up and maintain the effort till the next bump. By the last mile I’d be going all out. It’s my favorite run but it requires a fair amount of base (frequency and miles) before I can get there. Similar version works on shorter runs of 6 & 8 miles too.
@ Coach P – Nice work on the 3x2’s…. I’m not ready for any Z4 yet but I did get 1x1 and 1x2 @ Z3 last night before the bike. Felt great too! I finally feel like I have my run-legs back.
@ Brenda – I’m not sure if it is my age, genetics, or just a lame excuse but I can’t live on a straight diet of run intervals. What works for me is a balance of LSD (long steady distance) at about goal pace + 20 to 30 seconds; mid-distance tempo runs kinda like Justin’s 4321; and speed work of either Yasso 800’s or hill repeats. Not big on easy pace except for injury rehab like my past 2 weeks.
@ Carrie – If Energizer Battery Company ever needed to find a replacement for the bunny, you’d be a great candidate. I get worn out just reading about all your super fast run work on top of the killer bike sessions! To be honest, I can’t even think as fast as you can run……
@ Jason – what race were you thinking of using for BQ? I’m not certain but I think that if you qualify in October before registration opens, you can use that race for 2 runs at Boston because of the 18 month window for valid race times. I qualified at Sugarloaf in May then again at MDI on October so I think I am set for 2012 as well.
So last night I ran before the bike to make sure I didn’t get a flat in my calf…. Ran 7 miles in 58 minutes, ave pace 8:18. Started easy and upped it to 8:34. Miles 4, 6 & 7 were @ 7:30 / Z3. Was a good run, no calf pain or discomfort. I think my recovery has been a success, yipeee!
The bike was tough but I managed to get the 2x20 done. Didn’t have enough left for the 85% though.
Good 2 hour workout – 58 running, 59 on the bike.
Looking at 10 miles tonight, not ready for a full on temp run but will get some fast miles in…
@Jeremy - Thanks for the response, I was trying to figure out what Marathon to do, so it would be before the time registration opened. My race would be Oct. 17th
@Brenda - I was looking at doing the Marine Corp Marathon, since its a quite larger field did you find it more difficult to run your pace? As for taking the day off, I built the computers at my work so I can use them at will,. I got a quarq, joule 2.0, and garmin 310xt, while " working".
@Steve - Its the Atlantic City Marathon, new owners they adjusted the course, not as many loops and you run around the newer casinos. If I can run on the boardwalk it makes it a little easier than a solid pavement course, you get a nice little bounce.
Got my 10 on the deadmill tonight.... was thinking about Justin's 4321 and did a progression by upping the speed by 0.2 every mile. Started at 6.8 (8:49) and was at 8.2 (7:19) by mile 8 and held that for 2 miles. The last mile was mostly around 8:20 to cool down a little.
Overall run 1:20 @ 8:00. Sure feels good to be able to run again.....
@ Jason - I haven't been back to NJ in decades but was born and raised in Middletown, over the river just north of Red Bank.... a little development we called Sunken City.... Atlantic City sounds like a flat one.... ever concider a hilly course like MDI? It is the same weekend as your ACM. I've run MDI 7 times so far - it was my first and I measure all other races by it. I love the challange.
I am just getting in here now. BRENDA - how did you do on the run test?????? Maybe it is posted elsewhere? Been thinking of you and sent you some extra energy.
Steve- your rehab to your calf sounds complete! Very nice! Your gut has been telling you to up your mileage and go with less TP work. Will you try that? The plan I am following seems to be similar to what you used to do.
As far as the energizer bunny- well I don't know. I am all about consistency and build over time. I have absolutely built myself up to this. Each week my workouts are more and more tolerable.
Today Tom Glynn and I rode a hilly 48 miler in 2:46 ride time. Our goal was to ride more steady, near 1/2 IM pacing and some near FT work on long hills. We practiced holding back on the hills to at FT and not over which is hard to do. We finished feeling really strong. At one point I was pulling and he came up and said I thought we were riding easier and I said how do you spell easy?!?! HAMMER!! We were flying. Then he took the front and tried for 15 minutes to DROP me. I kept yelling you can't drop me and he said but I am going to try!!!
Then we did a 4 mile brick run!! We both felt amazing. The fitness is building. He has IMTX in May. He broke his pelvis/ hip socket in July 2010. His comeback is amazing. Each run he gets faster and faster. We ran sub 8's today!! So proud of him!
Tomorrow 12 miles with 2 x 15 tempo. I feel great now so hoping it goes well
During my run today I had a moment briefly of " power outage " and figured it was Brenda borrowing some of my energy for her test! I hope it went well girl!
Just finished my 12 miler with tempo. I totally bonked at 9.5 miles and had to stop and take a gel. I waited to long to take one. We were in the last part of our second 15 min tempo interval and whammo- bonk. I rallied though and finished strong.
12 miles in 7:50 avg by the end. First 5 were around 8:30 pace so we were flying to pull that pace down!!!
@ Carrie, I did draw upon your energy today, but unfortunately my VDot did not change. I did however work through my leg problem without having to stop (positive) and I also had a lower HR avg for the run compared to last time, so not to disappointing. I am going to work with my optional plan of running my TM runs at 1.5% for the month of Feb and 2% for Mar and hopefully that will make a difference.
Hi Brenda- Congrats on doing the test and for validating your current Vdot and having a lower HR doing it. I have NEVER done a test alone. Always in a race or on the track with my friends pacing me. So you are hard core. Period.
I rode another 3 hour ride with Tom Glynn today. It is so NICE here. 65-70 degrees and sunny. Sorry you snow bound folks. I feel for you. I grew up in Ct. I could never see snow again and be fine. I was thrilled to have strong legs after the big week and this am's 12 mile run. I had the last 2 days off because I work this weekend. It was fun to get outside.
At the end of our ride my friends were riding me home and my girlfriend was in front of me about 15 feet or so and her tire caught a groove and she started to go down to the left but she hit the breaks hard and it flipped up her back wheel and she did a sideways summersault into major traffic going across 2 lanes of a 3 lane( really 6 lanes with both direction) on a busy road. I was screaming at the top of my lungs and so was she as she flew. No cars hit her, they swerved and stopped. IT WAS A FRICKIN MIRACLE. We got her out of the street, tons of cars stopped asking if we needed a phone etc. A lady walking by stopped and offered my friend a ride home which she took. So far she is banged up on all sides but ok. I cannot get the image out of my head. All we kept saying was how did she not get run OVER. It is a super busy road. I am so thankful and have been praying and thanking God. My girlfriend had just said I think I'll turn off up ahead to get home early. She has 3 kids and needed to get all their gear for swim practice and snacks set up and then whammo she went down. OMG. So grateful those kids have their mommy tonight.
Going to have a nice quiet evening with my family and have some cuddle time. I need it.
Glad your legs felt good. Mine were not so hot after yesterday's bike!
One question, two run tests this week? Is that on the EN plan? Or just one of your variations?
Good luck on your tests!
Thursday I ran 6 before the bike then only did the MS and no FTP. Friday I swam, all pull. And yesterday I went for a long ski. Did 16 miles in all, mostly flat but accumulated just over 1000' of uphill.
I need to get some chores done today but may jump on the deadmill tonight during the game. If I do it will be one of those "go at what ever pace till you feel like your done" kind of runs....
Not sure if I'm ready to get back to it... I like playing hooky and doing fun stuff!
Good luck on your tests!
EPIC weekend for us! Phew! We are driving home now from the race! We did surprisingly well considering spinning for 4 plus hours EN style yesterday at the spin a thon. We woke up feeling half way decent.
Tons of friends and teammates there. My little group did a poor job seeding for the start. Like pathetic
Wicked WINDY day and quite warm for Feb. Mid 60's. Wow!
Stats for Team Chavez: we each WON our AG's!!! Steve 1:19:01(6:04 pace), Carrie 1:31:37( 6:59 pace!!) we do a family challenge, he gives me a minute per mile handicap so I WIN!!!!!!
Just really can't believe I could run a time like that with legs from yesterday! I WILL take it!!!
Congrats Brenda on your run! Good luck on your tests this week!
Just looked at temp outside of car- 81!!!! OMG
Have fun watching the superbowl!!
Team Chavez Rocks! Congratulations on your wins!
A true race paced, tapered race would have been faster for sure but not nearly as rewarding and fun! Just the perfect morning!
Sometimes life gets in the way of training. Other times, life crushes your training. After a satisfying pancake breakfast for my daughter's skating club, I spent 7 hours shoveling rain-soaked snow and busting 7-8 inch thick ice. My upper body is dead. My legs are cramped. I'm itching to get out and run, but there is no chance of that happening. I'm currently shuffling around like Quasimodo, unable to get completely upright. Maybe I'll just write today off as a vigorous core workout.
Guess I'm going to have to improvise with the hack this week. Tomorrow's rest day will probably turn into 14-16 miles, Z1/Z2. Can't sit around feeling sorry for myself when the rest of you are out crushing the OS/hack. Keep tearing it up Boston folks!
@ Carrie - Totally awesome weekend. From the fundraiser spin to smashing the half, not to mention dusting your Steve! Congrats to all who participated!
@Jeff - meant bike test on Tue and run test on Thur. Thanks for clearing that up.
@ Carrie and Steve - wow, wow, wow. Nice work you two. Very, very impressive
@ Steve W - going rogue is not always a bad thing
@ Justin - what you did is a hammer fest, but in a different way. Hope that back loosens up for you.
I will catch up with you guys later, and Carrie - slow down will ya
Started at 8:49 for a mile then to 8:34 for 2 more. At mile 4 I bumped it up to 8:20 and left it there for the duration. Ran 14 miles in 1:58, averaged 8:26, which is about 15 seconds slower than my goal pace for Boston.
Feels good to be able to run and not hurt, and not feel the kind of fatigue that has dogged me the past couple of weeks. I think I am on my way back.... finally.
I am grateful for this little Boston Marathon group and want to thank you all for encouraging me and giving me feedback. I look forward to meeting you all in Boston.
I woke up today expecting my legs to be barking from the EPIC weekend. They are actually not that bad. Normal amount of Monday morning calf stiffness. Quads no pain at all. This is very encouraging to be able to run 7 min pace for 13 miles and be basically fine the next day. Onward to BOSTON!
Next up track tomorrow...hard to believe.
@ Carrie - When running fast feels better than running slow, I'd say that you've arrived!
Today was a wedge workout. Couldn't get the long run in yesterday, but didn't get enough rest to call it a day off. Rather than overcooking today, I "wedged in" an 11 mile run - one of my go-to workouts that I call the 4:3:2:1. Pretty basic formula: start with an easy warmup, finish with an easy cooldown, and descend the set with 4-3-2-1 (miles) at Z2-Z3-Z4-Z5 (pace). Hitting that 5k pace after banking a solid 15k is no laughing matter, and it's great training for that final kick.
During my ultra training last fall, a friend of mine asked me why I was still doing threshold and interval work 2x a week rather than a full 6-7 days of LSD and light tempo. A legitimate question, I guess. After all, how much 5k speed do you need in a 50-mile race? Then, I showed him some of my splits during the mountain descents (5:00-5:15 range) and, more notably, my 5:45 and 5:50 splits during the last 3 miles of a race that earned me 2nd place O/A (by a very slim 40-second margin). After 7 hours of running, 40 seconds is like reaching into your pocket for a $20 and pulling out pocket lint.
So, as you're suffering through your next set of Z4/Z5 intervals on heavy legs, just remember that the attic is not where you stow your junk - it's where you win races. Keep pushing team!
@ Justin - love your post. Thanks for the words of encouragement and the direction provided re: attic and roof :-)
@ Coach P - Didn't you just bump your FTP recently? The added intensity + marathon mileage probably has you overheating a bit, but not by much if I had to guess. The 2 x 20' is no joke - even on fresh legs. With the marathon mileage you've banked, I doubt that shorting this week's Z1/Z2 volume will have any real impact. Quality contributes to quantity, but not vice versa. You're getting it done!
@ Brenda - My philosophy on races longer than 1/2 marathon is that your performance is limited by the ability to absorb changes in pace. The threshold and interval work you're doing in your shorter workouts is giving you the ability to apply greater relative speeds (namely uphill and downhill) and return to your steady MP with less fatigue. You're smart to keep the speed work in your pocket on long days. It will allow you to push the bike sessions harder, more often. Congrats on your FTP bump!
Loving all the discussions!
Hi Coach P. The new FTP of yours I am sure is making it hard to hit your numbers. Don't forget the workout says 95-100%( remember?!?!). You don't always need to hit 100 plus%.
BRENDA!!!! Congrats on your 8W bump this morning in FTP! AWESOME!
I ran TRACK this morning and it was GREAT! I rested since Sundays Half Marathon and rolled my legs out really well. When I started the warm up my legs were fine. I was shocked.
2 mile w/up, drills then main set 2x ( 4 x 800 @ 10K pace with 200 recoveries) 5:00 between sets easy. I ended up being able to hit that pace or faster after using first one to " get" going.( 3:18, 3:10, 3:06, 3:10.... 800 easy....3:10, 3:10,3:10, 3:07!!). The fitness is truly building. I can't believe I can do workouts like this after the weekend I had.
Continuing to focus on recovery and rolling and compression ,oh, and eating clean( that is the hard one).
Tomorrow is my longish ride with Tom Glynn and a brick. We chose a hilly course which will make getting FT work in easy(er). I find FT work on the flats to be torture.
Talk soon,
@ Carrie, I know you said you wish you could be there beside me to push me, so I will keep your picture in my head when I want to give in. I think I can pull off a good test if my leg holds out. I will do lots of stretching tomorrow and before the test and let the cards fall where they may.
@ Justin, thanks for your comments on my decision on how to run my long runs for Boston. It makes me feel much better about the decision.
@ Steve O - what up?
@ Coach P – Nice work on the 3x2’s…. I’m not ready for any Z4 yet but I did get 1x1 and 1x2 @ Z3 last night before the bike. Felt great too! I finally feel like I have my run-legs back.
@ Brenda – I’m not sure if it is my age, genetics, or just a lame excuse but I can’t live on a straight diet of run intervals. What works for me is a balance of LSD (long steady distance) at about goal pace + 20 to 30 seconds; mid-distance tempo runs kinda like Justin’s 4321; and speed work of either Yasso 800’s or hill repeats. Not big on easy pace except for injury rehab like my past 2 weeks.
@ Carrie – If Energizer Battery Company ever needed to find a replacement for the bunny, you’d be a great candidate. I get worn out just reading about all your super fast run work on top of the killer bike sessions! To be honest, I can’t even think as fast as you can run……
@ Jason – what race were you thinking of using for BQ? I’m not certain but I think that if you qualify in October before registration opens, you can use that race for 2 runs at Boston because of the 18 month window for valid race times. I qualified at Sugarloaf in May then again at MDI on October so I think I am set for 2012 as well.
So last night I ran before the bike to make sure I didn’t get a flat in my calf…. Ran 7 miles in 58 minutes, ave pace 8:18. Started easy and upped it to 8:34. Miles 4, 6 & 7 were @ 7:30 / Z3. Was a good run, no calf pain or discomfort. I think my recovery has been a success, yipeee!
The bike was tough but I managed to get the 2x20 done. Didn’t have enough left for the 85% though.
Good 2 hour workout – 58 running, 59 on the bike.
Looking at 10 miles tonight, not ready for a full on temp run but will get some fast miles in…
@Jeremy - Thanks for the response, I was trying to figure out what Marathon to do, so it would be before the time registration opened. My race would be Oct. 17th
@Brenda - I was looking at doing the Marine Corp Marathon, since its a quite larger field did you find it more difficult to run your pace? As for taking the day off, I built the computers at my work so I can use them at will,. I got a quarq, joule 2.0, and garmin 310xt, while " working".
@Steve - Its the Atlantic City Marathon, new owners they adjusted the course, not as many loops and you run around the newer casinos. If I can run on the boardwalk it makes it a little easier than a solid pavement course, you get a nice little bounce.
Overall run 1:20 @ 8:00. Sure feels good to be able to run again.....
@ Jason - I haven't been back to NJ in decades but was born and raised in Middletown, over the river just north of Red Bank.... a little development we called Sunken City.... Atlantic City sounds like a flat one.... ever concider a hilly course like MDI? It is the same weekend as your ACM. I've run MDI 7 times so far - it was my first and I measure all other races by it. I love the challange.
I am just getting in here now. BRENDA - how did you do on the run test?????? Maybe it is posted elsewhere? Been thinking of you and sent you some extra energy.
Steve- your rehab to your calf sounds complete! Very nice! Your gut has been telling you to up your mileage and go with less TP work. Will you try that? The plan I am following seems to be similar to what you used to do.
As far as the energizer bunny- well I don't know. I am all about consistency and build over time. I have absolutely built myself up to this. Each week my workouts are more and more tolerable.
Today Tom Glynn and I rode a hilly 48 miler in 2:46 ride time. Our goal was to ride more steady, near 1/2 IM pacing and some near FT work on long hills. We practiced holding back on the hills to at FT and not over which is hard to do. We finished feeling really strong. At one point I was pulling and he came up and said I thought we were riding easier and I said how do you spell easy?!?! HAMMER!! We were flying. Then he took the front and tried for 15 minutes to DROP me. I kept yelling you can't drop me and he said but I am going to try!!!
Then we did a 4 mile brick run!! We both felt amazing. The fitness is building. He has IMTX in May. He broke his pelvis/ hip socket in July 2010. His comeback is amazing. Each run he gets faster and faster. We ran sub 8's today!! So proud of him!
Tomorrow 12 miles with 2 x 15 tempo. I feel great now so hoping it goes well
Talk soon!
Just finished my 12 miler with tempo. I totally bonked at 9.5 miles and had to stop and take a gel. I waited to long to take one. We were in the last part of our second 15 min tempo interval and whammo- bonk. I rallied though and finished strong.
12 miles in 7:50 avg by the end. First 5 were around 8:30 pace so we were flying to pull that pace down!!!
Have a great day peeps!
I rode another 3 hour ride with Tom Glynn today. It is so NICE here. 65-70 degrees and sunny. Sorry you snow bound folks. I feel for you. I grew up in Ct. I could never see snow again and be fine
At the end of our ride my friends were riding me home and my girlfriend was in front of me about 15 feet or so and her tire caught a groove and she started to go down to the left but she hit the breaks hard and it flipped up her back wheel and she did a sideways summersault into major traffic going across 2 lanes of a 3 lane( really 6 lanes with both direction) on a busy road. I was screaming at the top of my lungs and so was she as she flew. No cars hit her, they swerved and stopped. IT WAS A FRICKIN MIRACLE. We got her out of the street, tons of cars stopped asking if we needed a phone etc. A lady walking by stopped and offered my friend a ride home which she took. So far she is banged up on all sides but ok. I cannot get the image out of my head. All we kept saying was how did she not get run OVER. It is a super busy road. I am so thankful and have been praying and thanking God. My girlfriend had just said I think I'll turn off up ahead to get home early. She has 3 kids and needed to get all their gear for swim practice and snacks set up and then whammo she went down. OMG. So grateful those kids have their mommy tonight.
Going to have a nice quiet evening with my family and have some cuddle time. I need it.