@ Steve - Way to put a little salt into those legs before the bike. Hope your 10-miler goes well. The bike-run brick is often the triathlete's choice for fitting in both disciplines in a single day. I think a big motivator for the brick is that raceday mentality of bike-then-run. Frankly, I prefer the opposite (run-then-bike) because it's easier to execute a solid bike workout on tired legs.
@ Carrie - I'm totally envious of your play days. Mine are sweaty, but not nearly as carefree.
I'm still pretending that the effects of last weekend's illness are behind me. I'm also a tad nervous, finishing my workouts 2-3 lbs below race weight. I planned to ride conservatively last night by dropping my main set of 2x20' down to 2x12' and staying at the low end of Z4. I ended up riding 2x15' @ 1.04/1.02, with 20' @ 0.90. I didn't necessarily feel like riding at that level, I just happened to ride at that level - with my fair share of fatigue and discomfort.
Today, I expected a nice, leisurely 7-8 miles of mixed Z2/Z3 on the treadmill. After a solid mile warmup at Z1, I decided to descend single miles through Z5, ascend 1/2 miles back down to Z1, then descend 1/2 miles back up to Z5. In all, 9.6 miles in 63'. You won't find that workout in the hack (maybe for good reason). It's one of a dozen that I keep in my bag of improv workouts. My plan says to run - and I stuck to my plan.
Carrie and Justin - what do you guys eat to get that fast????? Congrats on some awesome workouts.
I just finished the 75min ride with 2 x 15 at .98 and 100% of my new FTP and then followed that up with 15 min at .83. I am happy with that. My nervousness lies in the Sat workout. 5 x 2.5 at 120% of my NEW FTP which will now be 215w. Good god. Hope I have it in me. I found 205 challenging. I am going out for sushi after and carbing up, so hopefully that combined with rest will give me somewhat fresh legs for my 28km run on Sunday which will be followed by brunch. Keep up all the good work kids.
@ Brenda- I love how you post your runs in KM's and I have to do the math to figure out how many miles that is!! Are we really the only country not using the metric system?
I just received a personal invitation/concern/update on my training for Boston from Brenda! Thanks for thinking about me Brenda.
Anyway its going great. Ran 7 miles on the dreadmill after a warmup swim yesterday. Not even so much as a twinge. Heck my problem knee now feels better than my good knee. Don't laugh but gonna taper down to 5 tomorrow and then after a couple days rest (besides my sat os bike moved to fri) am going to run a 1/2 marathon at Hampton Beach NH on sunday. Going to tape up the knee and wear a brace and no racing, my PR there this fall was 1:33 and I am anticipating 1:50ish nice and easy. If all goes well from there I will start more of a training regimine with 5 weeks to get ready for the run for the border 20 miler I am registerd for on March 27th. That will be my long run and will gimme a couple weeks to Boston. I dont think I will partake in any EN running until after Bos will stick to my old standbye's of tempo and long easy. What originally seemed like not enough time feels like more than enough. I know it may seem I am ramping up too fast for some but I really think the OS biking has more than held my fitness and I did more running last year than I ever had must kept some of that fitness. Heck my long run before my first half marathon was 7 , then longrun after that for my first HIM was 7, and longrun before first Marathon was 14. I know I know I sound overly optimistic but believe me I am reeling myself in a little bit but I am very excited and never in a million years woulda thought I would fee this good after just a few weeks after dealing with it myself for a couple months
Ok enough babbling thanks for asking Brenda and I'll drop in with an update on Sunday.
Great to hear from you Tim. Sounds like you have a plan and are working it. Can't wait to hear how the half mary goes.
Carrie - same goes for you guys. When you enter your races in miles I have to convert, and I think you would agree I am doing more converting than you guys, but I still have problems. Did I mention math is not my strong suite.
@ Carrie - I agree with Justin about your play dates (days).... 99.9% of my training for the past 8 years has been solo....
@ Brenda - I enjoy the KM conversion too. I always try to do it in my head, then confirm with a calculator that I can't do head-math.....
@ Justin - you inspired me to put out my best run effort since Christmas.... Thanks for the inspiration.
Wow – I had a great run, especially for a deadmill session!
A big part of my run tonight was inspired by Justin – thanks for the simple, flexible design for doing tempo runs – I love it.
I have often run mid distance as a negative split but never really analyzed how I did it. It was more like first half easy as I feel I need then start to pick up the pace on a continuous ramp till I got back home.
But now using miles, zones, and thinking about the run as a “Justin Progression”, it just makes sense to me. Tonight was one of my most enjoyable run I’ve had in a while. I was focused, relaxed and pain free……
Trying to hold a Z5 pace at mile 10 was hard. My average HR for that mile was 182. I was seeing red for almost half a mile and the clock seemed to pause on every second.
Yes – I’m back for sure! Awesome run! Too bad every run cant be so intense and enjoyable…….
My first warmup race is New Bedford Half Marathon on 3/20. Ran it last year and loved the course. Second warmup race is Great Bay Half Marathon on 4/3. Done that one several times and one of my favorites.
Steve - congrats on the excellent 11.26km/7mile run tonight. I agree with you - that Justin is very motivating. Thanks everyone for keeping this thread a float. Did everyone see the new regs/rules from the BAA? Glad I am doing it this year. I had to work hard to qualify, but I am a multisport athlete so that stands to reason. Running is just one of the three sports I do. Any thoughts?
@ B - thanks but it was 10 miles / 16 Km .... normally I wouldnt say anything but I am so pleased with my effort and outcome last night that I cant give up those last 3 miles.... they were the hardest of all...
I think the BAA did a good job coming up with a performanced based rolling registrateion. I have heard a lot of people who were very qualified didn't get in because how busy the servers were and how fast it closed. Toughter standards for 2013? ....Hey, its only 5 minutes..... took me 14 marathons and 6 years to qualify the first time.... but was able to repeat that a second time in the same year. Just my miopic view I guess....
It is not really fair for me to comment on the new Boston standards/ registration policy. I have already run it 3 times and this time qualified by over 20 minutes. So for me I feel lucky. If I choose to race Boston again I might have a fighting chance to go again if I can requalify this year. Again, that is the hard part. Each marathon is an amazing accomplishment and I know I might crash and burn in my next race and miss qualifying or not do it by 20 minutes. I get it. I have been blessed with running legs. I was a fat kid though and inactive. So there was definitely work involved. Now it is maintaining that this 42 year old body is trying for. My sensitive being feels bad for those who are trying desperately to qualify by seconds. The new standards will crush many peoples goals. Just this am though a friend said it just fires him up to train harder and meet the new standards.
I ran my middle longish distance run today - 12 miles( ~20KM ) in avg 8:10 pace in the rain with my friends. It was tempo day but I was tired so a few of us just ran steady and chatted. I needed that! Always good to listen to your body. Again- I just want to make it to Boston healthy and excited to run. Yesterdays bike session left my legs pooped out.
Our training plan has our longest run this weekend. 22-23 miles. Yowza. We are going to run easy with no tempo. Just time on feet. We picked a course through Livermore wine country. It will be beautiful. I am so grateful to have a huge group to train with.
Hello everyone! Brenda sent me a message and told me about this thread. Thanks Brenda! I am going to Boston this year. It will be my 6th time. I am running for fun like I usually do. Yes if you want to call fun beating yourself up on the Boston course! Its all good! This year I am recovering from a foot injury last fall and just happy to be running. I am in week 7 of JOS adding extra running miles and sneaking some swimming in. This is making me very tired! Soon I will drop all swimming. Anyway i am up to 39 miles run last week with a 16 mile long run that was not done quite the way the hack specifies. The weather has been a challenge this winter here in Michigan and I really hate the treadmill. I can't figure out why I am ok with the bike trainer but can't stand being on the treadmill. Oh well! I am just happy to be runing injury free.
It is great to hear about everyone's training for Boston.
@Jane Welcome aboard. I'm new to EN this year and started JOS 1/3/11 and I also feel like the OS bike is wearing me down a bit and I'm a stronger cyclist than runner. So you're not alone. I also am running Boston this year for fun as my wife qualified and wanted to run it. But like you said, not sure how much "fun" running 26.2 at Boston can be! Last year I tried to race it and was dying the last few miles! I need some more downhill training.
Hope your weather turns better up there and you stay injury free! Jeff
@Carrie You're a studette and I see you crushing Beantown this year! Say hi when you blow past!
@ Steve - crude, how did I screw that up. Oh I know, I read how fast you were running and remembered that number. Sorry dude. Well then, congrats on your 10miler/16km run run. Sounds like it was good.
@ Carrie - wow qualified for beantown this time by 20minutes. Amazing. So I guess the new standards are not scaring you any.
@ Jane - really great to hear from you. Wow Beantown x 6. I think I am in a haus of runners. Just out of curiosity, what time goes with just running it for fun?
@ Jeff - thanks for helping us welcome Jane to the thread.
Ya, me to. Would love to run the event with someone, so I was fishing a bit. Everyone is soooo fast in the forum. Not sure if that is a thing you would want to do, but I am a slower runner (3hr52min to qualify for 4 hour).
Brenda I qualified with a 3:50 so we might be able to start together. I am old! My qualifing time was 4:15. I am going to see how my training goes and then set a goal.
That would be awesome if you girls could run together. It helps so much to run with someone. All my friends who I run with qualified in 3:08-3:20 range. I did not train for my qualifier and had decided not to do it due to fatigue and burnout in Aug. Race was Oct. The Tues before the race I decided to just run it and see if I could qualify since all my peeps were racing Boston. I managed a 3:27. I was shocked. No long runs since early Aug and those were not pretty. So anyway, my point is I have no friends to race with as they are in corrals ahead of me. I will need to use my charm at the start and make a friend quickly. My husband actually starts behind me as he qualified in Kona with a 3:29. Weird. He will fly by and have to muscle his way through the crowd. He is fast and could likely run a 2:50ish. Not sure it is possible for him with how crowded it is there. He is not worried about it.
I was so tired yesterday after my run. Like WHOOPED! Total rest day today. I would be an idiot not to. Need to avoid being overdone and thrashed. It ruins the rest of your life: work, family, sleep, mood! I already feel better just knowing I am resting today!
Carrie Good for you resting today! You deserved it. I am taking a rest day too. Just a suggestion. Maybe one of your friends could jump back to your starting corral and run with you. I have a friend who does that to start with me every year. We usually run 6-9 miles together. She is faster and eventually speeds up and finishes ahead of me. This year she will be in the first wave start and I am in the second start so we won't do that this year.
Brenda it is a strong possibility that we could run together. If not there will be plenty of people around to run with.
Good on you to rest @Carrie...may your wisdom trickle down to the rest of us. I have 18 this weekend then a Half Marathon next weekend. Trying to decide how hard to run the race...if my legs are as tired then as they are now, I think I'll have an answer before I hit the first mile marker!!!
@ Brenda- I read your dashboard post about your workout. No worries girl. The new FT and then still doing 120% work is coo-koo-ca-choo. No matter what you hit some BIG numbers. Not sleeping is also a total drain. Take care of you!
@ Patrick- your bike numbers are HUGE!! Just last May you were in my house learning how to walk again. Incredible.
Everyone else- I hope you are doing well and staying positive. That can be the hardest part in trying to improve our fitness. This stuff is HARD.
For Team Chavez today- It was raining all last night and this morning up until it was time to leave for our group ride. We decided to stay in and instead of a group 3.5 hour ride we did 60 minutes on the trainer,-HA!! showered and back in jammies!!! Now to do housework and rest up for tomorrow's 22 mile Run-YIKES!!! It feels good to change it up. Now we won't worry if we did too much today. We should be good to go for tomorrow! ( I HOPE).
I just ran a comnfidence booster 18 miler today. It was cold and windy here in MI. My foot felt fine! I am feeling much better about Boston. I guess the EN training schedule works! Tomorrow I will do the bike workout.
Brenda I am feeling more confident about breaking 4 hours at Boston. We should run together.
Good luck to anyone else running long this weekend!
@ Carrie - thank you for kind words. I am feeling a bit beat up. I am confident that next week I will kick those VO2 intervals in the butt @ Jane - I am excited for you. So glad to hear that your run went so well together. Lets keep in touch and it would be soooo cool to run with you at Boston.
Awesome Jane!! Big big confidence boost! So happy for you.
We have had a hugely productive day. Pouring rain out and we are still in jammies( post workout). Not planning to go anywhere so what the heck!! We gutted my daughters bedroom. Planning an EXTREME MAKEOVER in a few weeks. She turns 7 on March 2nd. She is due for a big girl room. We are planning it out now. But for now all baby stuff, toddler stuff and pre -K things OUTTA there!! Scrubbed and washed! Big Job!! Phew!
Feels good to rest exercise wise with a short ride and have energy to get projects done!
All packed and ready for my run tomorrow. I CAN DO IT!!
-23 in Ottawa today with the windchill. 28km scheduled with two running buddies. Goals - have a solid run, try not to freeze and hopefully manage to keep my fuel from freezing as well. Will check in with you all later. Happy training Boston buds.
-23 in Celcius is what in F???? Help me with translation. Sounds pretty darn cold to me. We are up getting ready for our run. It is 34 degrees F. I will guess much warmer than -23C. I won't complain.
Going to roll my legs and get ready. 22 miles( ~37K?- ha!) here I come!!
@Carrie Hope your 35.4KM went well! You're going to crush Boston I just know!
I ran 16.5 mi today as I'm running 1 week behind on the hack. Got my Z1/Z2/Z3/Z1 done but the last 2 mi at Z4 were Z3 at best. They were very hilly at least. Yesterday's double knocked my legs for a loop. Glad I got a good run today and longest I've run since Boston last year. My PF started aching a bit towards end of run but getting some ART tomorrow.
Hope everyone else had a successful day today. Jeff
Oh- my- Goodness!!!! I did it!!! We ended up running 23 miles in 2:59:30!!! My peeps wanted 3 hours so we added on. Avg pace 7:48!! GET OUT!!! I really can't believe it. Our last 3 miles were the fastest ones! Heading home to take an ice bath.
As a group there were 8 peeps in my group. Maybe 15 others out there. My 8 stayed together chit chatting for 17 miles or so until we hit a big 2 mile climb. Then it was just 3 of us off the front, me and 2 other ladies. We kept cheering eachother on! GIRL POWER!
The power of training buddies is awesome!
@ Jeff - thanks for your encouragement! Glad your run went well. Nice job on the up tempo!
@ Steve - Way to put a little salt into those legs before the bike. Hope your 10-miler goes well. The bike-run brick is often the triathlete's choice for fitting in both disciplines in a single day. I think a big motivator for the brick is that raceday mentality of bike-then-run. Frankly, I prefer the opposite (run-then-bike) because it's easier to execute a solid bike workout on tired legs.
@ Carrie - I'm totally envious of your play days. Mine are sweaty, but not nearly as carefree.
I'm still pretending that the effects of last weekend's illness are behind me. I'm also a tad nervous, finishing my workouts 2-3 lbs below race weight. I planned to ride conservatively last night by dropping my main set of 2x20' down to 2x12' and staying at the low end of Z4. I ended up riding 2x15' @ 1.04/1.02, with 20' @ 0.90. I didn't necessarily feel like riding at that level, I just happened to ride at that level - with my fair share of fatigue and discomfort.
Today, I expected a nice, leisurely 7-8 miles of mixed Z2/Z3 on the treadmill. After a solid mile warmup at Z1, I decided to descend single miles through Z5, ascend 1/2 miles back down to Z1, then descend 1/2 miles back up to Z5. In all, 9.6 miles in 63'. You won't find that workout in the hack (maybe for good reason). It's one of a dozen that I keep in my bag of improv workouts. My plan says to run - and I stuck to my plan.
I just finished the 75min ride with 2 x 15 at .98 and 100% of my new FTP and then followed that up with 15 min at .83. I am happy with that. My nervousness lies in the Sat workout. 5 x 2.5 at 120% of my NEW FTP which will now be 215w. Good god. Hope I have it in me. I found 205 challenging. I am going out for sushi after and carbing up, so hopefully that combined with rest will give me somewhat fresh legs for my 28km run on Sunday which will be followed by brunch. Keep up all the good work kids.
I just received a personal invitation/concern/update on my training for Boston from Brenda! Thanks for thinking about me Brenda.
Anyway its going great. Ran 7 miles on the dreadmill after a warmup swim yesterday. Not even so much as a twinge. Heck my problem knee now feels better than my good knee. Don't laugh but gonna taper down to 5 tomorrow and then after a couple days rest (besides my sat os bike moved to fri) am going to run a 1/2 marathon at Hampton Beach NH on sunday. Going to tape up the knee and wear a brace and no racing, my PR there this fall was 1:33 and I am anticipating 1:50ish nice and easy. If all goes well from there I will start more of a training regimine with 5 weeks to get ready for the run for the border 20 miler I am registerd for on March 27th. That will be my long run and will gimme a couple weeks to Boston. I dont think I will partake in any EN running until after Bos will stick to my old standbye's of tempo and long easy. What originally seemed like not enough time feels like more than enough. I know it may seem I am ramping up too fast for some but I really think the OS biking has more than held my fitness and I did more running last year than I ever had must kept some of that fitness. Heck my long run before my first half marathon was 7 , then longrun after that for my first HIM was 7, and longrun before first Marathon was 14. I know I know I sound overly optimistic but believe me I am reeling myself in a little bit but I am very excited and never in a million years woulda thought I would fee this good after just a few weeks after dealing with it myself for a couple months
Ok enough babbling thanks for asking Brenda and I'll drop in with an update on Sunday.
Carrie - same goes for you guys. When you enter your races in miles I have to convert, and I think you would agree I am doing more converting than you guys, but I still have problems. Did I mention math is not my strong suite.
@ Carrie - I agree with Justin about your play dates (days).... 99.9% of my training for the past 8 years has been solo....
@ Brenda - I enjoy the KM conversion too. I always try to do it in my head, then confirm with a calculator that I can't do head-math.....
@ Justin - you inspired me to put out my best run effort since Christmas.... Thanks for the inspiration.
Wow – I had a great run, especially for a deadmill session!
A big part of my run tonight was inspired by Justin – thanks for the simple, flexible design for doing tempo runs – I love it.
I have often run mid distance as a negative split but never really analyzed how I did it. It was more like first half easy as I feel I need then start to pick up the pace on a continuous ramp till I got back home.
But now using miles, zones, and thinking about the run as a “Justin Progression”, it just makes sense to me. Tonight was one of my most enjoyable run I’ve had in a while. I was focused, relaxed and pain free……
Short version 10 miles @ 7:48 total time 1:18:00
3@Z1 8:40; 8:20; 8:20
2@Z2 7:53; 7:53
4@Z3 7:30; 7:30; 7:30; 7:30;
1@Z5 6:53
Trying to hold a Z5 pace at mile 10 was hard. My average HR for that mile was 182. I was seeing red for almost half a mile and the clock seemed to pause on every second.
Yes – I’m back for sure! Awesome run! Too bad every run cant be so intense and enjoyable…….
My first warmup race is New Bedford Half Marathon on 3/20. Ran it last year and loved the course.
Second warmup race is Great Bay Half Marathon on 4/3. Done that one several times and one of my favorites.
Timeing is perfect: 13.1 > 2 weeks > 13.1 > 2 weeks > 26.2
Anyone else running either of these races as tune ups to Boston?
I think the BAA did a good job coming up with a performanced based rolling registrateion. I have heard a lot of people who were very qualified didn't get in because how busy the servers were and how fast it closed. Toughter standards for 2013? ....Hey, its only 5 minutes..... took me 14 marathons and 6 years to qualify the first time.... but was able to repeat that a second time in the same year. Just my miopic view I guess....
It is not really fair for me to comment on the new Boston standards/ registration policy. I have already run it 3 times and this time qualified by over 20 minutes. So for me I feel lucky. If I choose to race Boston again I might have a fighting chance to go again if I can requalify this year. Again, that is the hard part. Each marathon is an amazing accomplishment and I know I might crash and burn in my next race and miss qualifying or not do it by 20 minutes. I get it. I have been blessed with running legs. I was a fat kid though and inactive. So there was definitely work involved. Now it is maintaining that this 42 year old body is trying for. My sensitive being feels bad for those who are trying desperately to qualify by seconds. The new standards will crush many peoples goals. Just this am though a friend said it just fires him up to train harder and meet the new standards.
I ran my middle longish distance run today - 12 miles( ~20KM
Our training plan has our longest run this weekend. 22-23 miles. Yowza. We are going to run easy with no tempo. Just time on feet. We picked a course through Livermore wine country. It will be beautiful. I am so grateful to have a huge group to train with.
It is great to hear about everyone's training for Boston.
@Jane Welcome aboard. I'm new to EN this year and started JOS 1/3/11 and I also feel like the OS bike is wearing me down a bit and I'm a stronger cyclist than runner. So you're not alone. I also am running Boston this year for fun as my wife qualified and wanted to run it. But like you said, not sure how much "fun" running 26.2 at Boston can be! Last year I tried to race it and was dying the last few miles! I need some more downhill training.
Hope your weather turns better up there and you stay injury free! Jeff
@Carrie You're a studette and I see you crushing Beantown this year! Say hi when you blow past!
@ Carrie - wow qualified for beantown this time by 20minutes. Amazing. So I guess the new standards are not scaring you any.
@ Jane - really great to hear from you. Wow Beantown x 6. I think I am in a haus of runners. Just out of curiosity, what time goes with just running it for fun?
@ Jeff - thanks for helping us welcome Jane to the thread.
I was so tired yesterday after my run. Like WHOOPED! Total rest day today. I would be an idiot not to. Need to avoid being overdone and thrashed. It ruins the rest of your life: work, family, sleep, mood! I already feel better just knowing I am resting today!
Brenda it is a strong possibility that we could run together. If not there will be plenty of people around to run with.
Hi Boston peeps,
@ Brenda- I read your dashboard post about your workout. No worries girl. The new FT and then still doing 120% work is coo-koo-ca-choo. No matter what you hit some BIG numbers. Not sleeping is also a total drain. Take care of you!
@ Patrick- your bike numbers are HUGE!! Just last May you were in my house learning how to walk again. Incredible.
Everyone else- I hope you are doing well and staying positive. That can be the hardest part in trying to improve our fitness. This stuff is HARD.
For Team Chavez today- It was raining all last night and this morning up until it was time to leave for our group ride. We decided to stay in and instead of a group 3.5 hour ride we did 60 minutes on the trainer,-HA!! showered and back in jammies!!! Now to do housework and rest up for tomorrow's 22 mile Run-YIKES!!! It feels good to change it up. Now we won't worry if we did too much today. We should be good to go for tomorrow! ( I HOPE
Happy to be training with all of you.
Brenda I am feeling more confident about breaking 4 hours at Boston. We should run together.
Good luck to anyone else running long this weekend!
@ Jane - I am excited for you. So glad to hear that your run went so well together. Lets keep in touch and it would be soooo cool to run with you at Boston.
We have had a hugely productive day. Pouring rain out and we are still in jammies( post workout). Not planning to go anywhere so what the heck!! We gutted my daughters bedroom. Planning an EXTREME MAKEOVER in a few weeks. She turns 7 on March 2nd. She is due for a big girl room. We are planning it out now. But for now all baby stuff, toddler stuff and pre -K things OUTTA there!! Scrubbed and washed! Big Job!! Phew!
Feels good to rest exercise wise with a short ride and have energy to get projects done!
All packed and ready for my run tomorrow. I CAN DO IT!!
Going to roll my legs and get ready. 22 miles( ~37K?- ha!) here I come!!
-23 C is -9F.....WTheck!!!!! You are hard core.
22miles is 35.4 KM
phew, thanks goodness for apps
@Carrie Hope your 35.4KM went well! You're going to crush Boston I just know!
I ran 16.5 mi today as I'm running 1 week behind on the hack. Got my Z1/Z2/Z3/Z1 done but the last 2 mi at Z4 were Z3 at best. They were very hilly at least. Yesterday's double knocked my legs for a loop. Glad I got a good run today and longest I've run since Boston last year. My PF started aching a bit towards end of run but getting some ART tomorrow.
Hope everyone else had a successful day today. Jeff
PS: I meant 26.7 KM for @B
As a group there were 8 peeps in my group. Maybe 15 others out there. My 8 stayed together chit chatting for 17 miles or so until we hit a big 2 mile climb. Then it was just 3 of us off the front, me and 2 other ladies. We kept cheering eachother on! GIRL POWER!
The power of training buddies is awesome!
@ Jeff - thanks for your encouragement! Glad your run went well. Nice job on the up tempo!
ON THE F#@&ING DEAD MILL ................................................
at least it was 58 degrees instead of single digit wind chill and 20+ mph winds.......