Wow! Looks like a hardcore day throughout the hack group. Well done one and all!
Our baby girl is sick, so my schedule got shuffled a bit. Ended up doing Saturday's main bike set on Friday night and getting in a total rest/family day yesterday. I even logged a 3 hour nap in the middle of the day with the kids. First time ever (as far as I can recall). I've been good about the main sets, but short on the Z3 bike work. I feel like adding a weekly post-long-run Z3 set just to get the work done. I think that 100-120 minutes of running roughly replicates the fatigue of a solid main set - so no real loss.
I was committed to a long run today, but the sun and 60degF of Friday has been replaced by snow, wind, and 10degF. So, the treadmill it was. I can tolerate 2 hours, so that's what I did. Kept it steady between Z2 and Z3, but avoided the urge to push Z4. Finished the 2 hours right at 30k (that's 18.6 miles for the rest of the non-metric folks) for an avg pace of 6:27 (slightly faster than MP). Jogged easy for 1/2 mile giving a total of 19.1 miles in 2:05.
I have to say that the pleasant weather last week did a number on my patience for the gym and the treadmill. I don't often mind winter, but this year it has really worn out its welcome. My trails are solid ice and won't be run-worthy for at least another month. As long as we can get clear roads in Boston, I guess I'll be a happy camper.
@ Jeff – glad to hear your 16+ went well but let us know how your PF is tomorrow. I’m rootin’ for ya. We all want to see you at Boston – healthy!
@ Carrie – what can I say, your running exploits are an incredible motivator….you definitely picked good parents to get big dose of fast run genes. I was in a different line at the gene pool….
@ Jane – with an 18 miler and 8 more weeks to go, I’d say your in a good place and will do awesome at Boston.
@ Brenda – did you get hypothermia? Frostbite? Great gosh all mighty – you are one tough lady! Seriously! Me – I’m a wimp, I can’t long runs in that cold – especially the wind. Part of the problem is sweat and the other part is Reynaud’s Syndrome. Got it in both hands….. 8 fingers and 1 thumb. Once I start to fatigue, blood supply to the arms is reduced and hastens the process.
My run was entirely uninteresting and uneventful. Constant 58*, fan on medium, incline set to 1%. First 2 miles were 8:49 then the rest were at 8:34 (7 mph). I watched the second half of The Matrix, all of The Matrix Reloaded, then the first half of Matrix Revolutions – right up to the part were the ‘diggers’ breach the Dock.
Before I started I preloaded by guzzling a 20oz Gatorade. During the mindless deadmill shuffle I drank 3 20oz waters and another 20oz Gatorade along with 2 Gu. Ending weight same as starting – That’s over 6 pounds of water……. Imagine if I were outside in sub-zero airtemps……Brrrrr!
All these huge mileages and paces are making me feel way undertrained and slow too! Not really, I find it very motivational and I gotta be careful I dont try too hard to catch up. Thanks!
Did my half marathon today. I was a good boy and did not race. I went back to my training log to add up my miles and came up with 40 miles in last 10 weeks of which essentially all of it was last 3.5 weeks and 18 was last week. Ran the first 2 miles in the 8:20 range, next 9 in the 8-8:10 range, mile 12 was 7:45 , and mile 13 was 7:35. Ok so I couldnt help it and raced last 2 miles. 1:46:58 @ 8:10 pace. My average HR was 165 which puts me in my top of zone 3 or bottom zone 4. I'm sure I was solidly in Z3 before my last 2 miles. I don't train with HR much and never race with it. Would really love to know what my av HR has been on some of my PR races. I am truly amazed at my knee recovery and also how much fitness I have retained just by doing the EN bike workouts. My run training starts in earnest this week! Who knows maybe just maybe I have time to actually re BQ on 4/18 would have to go 10 sec faster than today and double the distance but its seeming more possible. Should probably lose a couple pounds now! LOL
Wow some quality long runs in the house! I am especially impressed with anyone who got it done on the treadmill.
I did yesterday's bike today and the first interval was rough but by the second one my legs woke up. The brick run was slow. Now a snow storm has started. Glad I am done for the weekend! It looks like like I have some testing to do next week. i will need to juggle the schedule a bit though.
Amazing work BQ Squad! from low temps to high spirits, we have it all here! I got in 18 today in 2:13 for 7:25 pace...last 6 at 6:52 so felt good about that. I am shattered now and wondering if I am going to eat my own hand or try to get off the sofa to eat something from the fridge!
OH MY GOSH, you guys killed it today. I am speachless. My run today went great! I stayed warm, my fluid did not freeze, and I felt great through out. I think yesterdays fail on the bike might of been an anomoly. No paces to report, because it is just embarassing compared to you cheetahs, but it was comfortably numb. Tomorrow is Family Day in Ottawa so I am not working, so I think I will sleep in and then tackle Tuesdays bike. Tonight is hot bath and sleep :-)
@ Steve - You win hardcore award of the day. 3+ hours on the treadmill is a mighty accomplishment under any circumstance. At least it sounds like you had some decent entertainment.
@ Tim - Way to knock down a solid HM. That's some good pace management, there. BTW, it's alright to race the last 2 miles of ANY run.
@ Coach P - I love your line about eating your hand or getting up to go to the fridge. After an ultra last fall I plopped down on a patch of grass, totally drained. The post-race meal/shower was in a building about 50 yards away. I was so desperate to eat - but not get up - that I actually retrieved a disgusting, half-used gel from my pocket and choked it down. It was as awful as you would expect.
@ Brenda - Glad you had a good run. You know that this is one of the few places where you can post anything and not receive an earful of ridicule. I'm just glad we're not posting swim workouts What was your hydration strategy? I've used everything from 5-ounce flasks to a camelbak and the only solution I've found is to consume all liquids within the first 30-40 minutes. Not an ideal strategy.
Love this group! We are all over the place location wise and pace wise yet we are all able to train " together" for Boston.
@ Brenda- feel free to post any of your times. They are YOUR times, special to you and as you reach milestones we are here to celebrate with you! Congrats on your run. I really can't imagine how cold it was for you. My group was freezing at 32 degrees F!!! I told them about you. They stopped complaining.
@Tim - HOLY COMEBACK!! Congrats on your HM. That is a long run with your given recent history. WOW!! Baby steps to Boston. Recover well.
@ Steve- I bow down to your 3 plus hour TM run. TV really helps. I once stayed on the TM 1 hour extra to finish a movie once. Your mental toughness is inspiring.
@ Justin- OK- WHAT?!?! 6:30 something pace. I love it. My husband ran his run 22 miles in 7:20 pace this am. He has never run a marathon but runs a 3:30 at Kona. 1:16-1:18 HM. Looking forward to seeing what he can do in Boston. We are thinking maybe 2:50, but who knows? He has been running his long runs slowly for him. Not sure what is going on there. He is having trouble getting going. He is 53 years old and needing more rest each year. He is good about not overdoing it.
@ Patrick- nice job on 18 miles! Nice 6:52 pace on last 6. Perfect training for your goal at Boston.
@ Jane- tough to do long run Sat and bike Sun. You are tough. I once tried to do a hard bike session after a 5K race( same day). BRUTAL! Power outage would be putting it mildly.
Just booked a babysitter so I could swim tomorrow. Have not swam in 3-4 weeks. It has been heavenly as swimming is a buzz kill for me. But I need to get back in there. Keep fighting. Don't let it win, you know?
Just off the bike. Legs were sore this morning from 28km/17.4 miles yesterday, so I was not sure what I was going to be able to do, but I managed to nail it on the head. Workout called for 75 min ride with MS as 3 x 12 @ 95-155% of FTP. I pulled out 2 x .98 and 1 x .97. Happy dance going on in my house right now, especially after the failed attempt on Saturdays bike ride. Tomorrow is an interval run. Off to have a shower, get some food in me, clean the house (ugh) and meet a friend for some hot cocoa. It is -15c in Ottawa today with sun but with the windchill it is a balmy -26c, so hot cocoa is in order today!!!! Cheers everyone. Can't wait to hear what you are all up to today on your President Day - correct?
I am racing a 5K this Sunday in a Couple's Relay. Women first, do a 5K loop around a lake in Oakland and then the men go. Course is a bit long and slow as it is on sidewalks and the course is not closed so people are biking, walking their dogs, pushing babies in strollers etc. It is a big race for our team as we all pair up and race HARD to beat eachother, ha! Lots of smack talk happening now. Very fun! Steve and I were first team from FMRC last year by only 11 seconds!! Steve had to catch the guy and nearly killed himself to do it. This year we have a lot more teams and stiff competetion!! We call it " our World Championships!!!". Age groups are your combined age. So we are in the 80-99AG!! 3 teams in front of us last year were in 20-39 and 40-69 AG! Classic!
Then March 13 we are racing another 5K. This is where I hope to FLY and get a good time!
Hey Tim, I was the house just before mile 3 with the music cranking, the motivational signs and my family cheering with our cow bells.
Looked like all you guys were having a great time. A little windy but over all a great day to run. That course is what I do most of my runs on, some beautiful scenary, hope you liked it.
I have done that race 3 times and remember your house exactly each time. Thanks to you and your family it makes the race even better! Yes it was cold and windy yesterday I like it much more in Oct!
@ Tim - I've looked into this before... looks like a great one - just not this year. I really liked the 2 week interval between halfs (did em both last year). I think of them like catered speed work events. Between them, I'll likely do a 20+ long run leaveing me 2 weeks to taper.
@ Carrie - I've only run 1 5K in my life - at Disney. I actually ran longer in the parking lot before the race than I did after the gun! I dont get short races.... there is no time to think. The gun goes off and you run your ass off and its over.... although the Couples race you and Steve are doing sounds fun just for the pedestrian factor! But watch out for the old guy with the walker!!!
@ B - Around the Bay looks pretty cool - lots of people too (10,000+). I like the 1 lap loop. I ran one like that in Schroon Lake NY. Starts and ends in town with a single lap around the lake.
@ Steve- 5K's are awesome. 3 mile warm up, drills, stretch and then RUN like you are being chased by a dog. Finish, cool down a little maybe 2-3 miles, get 9 miles in and call it a day! Killer workout and you still have tons of energy all day. Plus with all the long stuff I have been doing it is a nice change and chance to boost my fitness! Makes marathon pace seem doable!!
@ Steve - it is the second time I am doing that race. The last time I did it I was training for my first marathon. My coach told me to take it easy in the first 15km and then pick the pace up. Little did I know that the last 15km is all hills. Ugh. Anyway, it is a good race in prep for Boston because of where the hills are placed in the race. I am trying to do that in my training as well. Placing the hills in the later half of the runs. This coming weekend though I am going outside of our flat valley about 30 minutes and running out in Manotick which has a great 21km loop of rolling hillls. I will add on another 12km in between to call a 33km run(at least I hope so). It all depends on the weather. It is wide open out there, and if it is windy and really cold, I will stay in town.
@ Carrie - I think 5K's are like crack for you.... gotta go fast!! Me, I'm more of a 'run for a few hours and see where I am' kind of guy... Besides, getting chased by a dog sounds scary. That in it self is probably one of the biggest reasons you will finish Boston 45 minutes before me...... I still think you are the Energizer Bunny - just without the costume.
@ B- I havent done much in the way of hills yet but plan to during March and Aprill. From my house it is just under 1K to a hill - the only way to and from my house on the Penobscot River. It is about 300 m long and about 4-5% grade. Awesome place to do hill repeats. I'll do a 4 mile warm up then the repeats. I'll start with 4 or 5 and work my self up to 10 or 12 before race day. This time I will spend more focus on the downhill recoveries - maintaining a good pace to really work the quads.
My weekend long run is being replaced this week with a ski trip to Baxter State Park. Will be 5 days skiing with a full pack (35lbs if I'm smart) covering a total of 65miles. 35 will be on ungroomed snowmobile trail, the other 30 will be on hiking/ski trails. Should be an awesome time.... and a great workout.
Tuning 53 this week. Yippeeeeee! One step closer to being a geezer =:-]
Happy Birthday WEEK Steve!! 53 is a great age. You are FIT and Fabulous! No geezer status at all.
I somehow ran track this morning. I was seriously doubtful that my legs would allow it. How is it possible to run 23 miles Sunday and then run speed on Tuesday??? Well, I guess the training program we are on has gradually built our fitness up and we are able to manage the work load. My legs felt NORMAL. No pain, no weird areas that were concerning me. I actually tossed and turned last night worried i would hurt myself by trying to run track this am. ( we host the weekly track set so go there no matter what). I am pleasantly surprised by my fitness.
3 x ( 800/600/400/200) @ 5-10K pace with 200 recoveries and 800 between sets
I ended up negative splitting the sets, 6:20-6:30 pace, set 1, 6:20 pace set 2, 6:00-6:15 pace set 3
Thank God for compression sleeves, trigger point roller tools and my Steve for massaging my calves!!
@ Carrie - you are a rock star. You forgot to mention your good genes. Crap you are fast!!!
Run for me today was good. I did not do as the hack prescribed but decided to do a progressive run ending with Z4 work. I started out at my LP for about 10 minutes and then moved in my MP for 10 minutes, then 15 minutes at HMP and then worked up every 5 minutes until I hit Z4 and held that for the last 10 minutes of the run. I started with sore legs from Sundays 28km run and yesterdays 3 x 12min Z4 bike ride, but my legs worked themselves out within about 5 minutes. I had no left leg issue at all this run - not at all - ya hoo.
I followed this run up with 45min of core and weights and then finished the day off with a massage.
Wow Brenda! Amazing what your body is able to do! You just did 3 or more SOLID days. Now time to absorb all that work. Good for you on getting a massage.
Great job Jeff and Justin on your FT bumps. Just incredible what our bodies can do when we try.
Thanks Carrie. Today is another bike and tomorrow is swim/run/weights and then Friday is my only day off. Get a bit tired when it hits Wed, but I know I only have two days of workouts left before my rest so it always seems to work out. I also did a yoga flow class on Monday which was fabulous and will be doing that again this coming Monday.
@ Brenda- I like to think of my body as a sponge and my training as the water. I can only absorb so much water(training). I eventually need to wring out the sponge( rest) to be able to absorb more work. I trust you are listening to your body. Just because a rest day is Friday does not mean you need to wait until Fri to recover. Just saying this because I want you to stay strong and focused. The OS and the hack are no joke. You are doing great. I am just your friend from afar encouraging you.
@ Carrie - That's an excellent analogy. A sponge will only absorb as much as it has room for. If it's full, then the puddle will accumulate. Wring it out all at once, and it will stil only absorb as much as it can hold. This is why high volume training is not necessarily effective early in the season. Sure, the work is easier, but most people's bodies aren't yet prepared to absorb the steady accumulation, and there's not enough downtime to "wring out the sponge."
@ Brenda - You haven't crashed yet, so it sounds like you're managing your "absorption" well. The regular maintenance (massage, yoga, etc.) enhances your recovery, so stick with it and the training load shouldn't be an issue.
You are right Justin. Brenda is absolutely managing the workload. Impressive indeed. It is truly amazing what we can accomplish when we try. ALL of you continue to motivate me. When I get tired or think I can't possibly do the intervals I think of all of you and how you are all doing so well with your workouts! So thank you for that.
Today is my day off work and I rode with Tom Glynn and my girlfriend Tanya 50 miles and then we did an easy 8 mile brick.On the bike I sat in and let Tom pull us all over the place. He was riding so strong. We got to an infamous 15 minute climb and I know how he "rolls" . He loves to HAMMER this section. So as he took off Tanya and I sat on him and every few minutes he would look back and we were THERE!!! In last 5 minutes he was moaning and gasping for air and we stayed on!!! He was so impressed. He was well over 300W and we stayed on!!! Girl Power!!! In the last mile of the run I thought of you guys busting out your fast intervals at the end of your workouts so I put the hammer down and ran a sub 7 in the last mile. It felt good to do that when the rest of the run kinda felt sluggish. I truly think running fast feels better. More invigorating!
Tomorrow is an 8 miler with 2 x 20 @ tempo pace( around marathon goal pace). Looking forward to it.
Then I need to somehow rest up my legs Fri and Sat to bust out a killer 5K at the Couple's relay Sunday!! Not sure how rested I will be. There is lots of fatigue in these legs.
Carrie/Justin - you two sound like my mom and dad :-). Thanks for your support. I really appreciate it. Swimming was a no go today. I guess there is a swim meet there today. Would of be nice to know when I was there last week, but oh well. Run today was awesome. It was a 80 minute run with 3 x 5min @ MP, 3 x 5min @ TP, 3x 5min LP. I finished off the last 15 min at MP. My leg is feeling so good. I followed that up with 40 minutes of core/strength exercises. Tomorrow is rest day. Absorption complete. YES!
@ Carrie - sounds like you and your galfriend gave Tom a run for his money up that hill. Nice work, but not surprised. You are a machine. I have PM'd you about something that I can not discuss on this board. Oh ya, and love the anology up above. I totally agree with you and Justin.
Hey Gang just checking in to say I have been on an unplanned leave... leading up to my little 5 day ski trip. I had totaly planned to run a 10 Justin Progression last night but got all stressed out about what to pack for the weekend. Swapping base layers, different mid layers. Extra this and that... No, no thats too much... start pulling things out...
At one point last night I was going around in circles about hats.... I want a beanie for hard sweating in cold conditions, a warm dry hat for camp, something for my face and neck if it is windy... so 1 of 3 different beanies; lycra balaclave or turtle fur gaiter or all-in-one fleese hat/balaclave.... but I still want the dry one for camp... Can you see where this is going?
So, no run last night and dito for tonight. At least I can say I did manage to finalize my gear and got a preliminary weight of 26 lbs not including 7 lbs water. I had hoped to keep my pack under 35 lbs and I am very happy to say I am in with 2 or 3 pounds to spare.
I may get a run or swim in tomorrow but after that I will be skiing full pack for the following 5 days for a total of 65 miles (16, 19, 9, 8, 13).
Stay focused and health - I'll catch up with you all next Thursday or Friday.
@CC Let me be the first to say WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy your ice. I sure did...brrrrr
Wow! Looks like a hardcore day throughout the hack group. Well done one and all!
Our baby girl is sick, so my schedule got shuffled a bit. Ended up doing Saturday's main bike set on Friday night and getting in a total rest/family day yesterday. I even logged a 3 hour nap in the middle of the day with the kids. First time ever (as far as I can recall). I've been good about the main sets, but short on the Z3 bike work. I feel like adding a weekly post-long-run Z3 set just to get the work done. I think that 100-120 minutes of running roughly replicates the fatigue of a solid main set - so no real loss.
I was committed to a long run today, but the sun and 60degF of Friday has been replaced by snow, wind, and 10degF. So, the treadmill it was. I can tolerate 2 hours, so that's what I did. Kept it steady between Z2 and Z3, but avoided the urge to push Z4. Finished the 2 hours right at 30k (that's 18.6 miles for the rest of the non-metric folks) for an avg pace of 6:27 (slightly faster than MP). Jogged easy for 1/2 mile giving a total of 19.1 miles in 2:05.
I have to say that the pleasant weather last week did a number on my patience for the gym and the treadmill. I don't often mind winter, but this year it has really worn out its welcome. My trails are solid ice and won't be run-worthy for at least another month. As long as we can get clear roads in Boston, I guess I'll be a happy camper.
Keep up the good work, team!
@ Carrie – what can I say, your running exploits are an incredible motivator….you definitely picked good parents to get big dose of fast run genes. I was in a different line at the gene pool….
@ Jane – with an 18 miler and 8 more weeks to go, I’d say your in a good place and will do awesome at Boston.
@ Brenda – did you get hypothermia? Frostbite? Great gosh all mighty – you are one tough lady! Seriously! Me – I’m a wimp, I can’t long runs in that cold – especially the wind. Part of the problem is sweat and the other part is Reynaud’s Syndrome. Got it in both hands….. 8 fingers and 1 thumb. Once I start to fatigue, blood supply to the arms is reduced and hastens the process.
My run was entirely uninteresting and uneventful. Constant 58*, fan on medium, incline set to 1%. First 2 miles were 8:49 then the rest were at 8:34 (7 mph). I watched the second half of The Matrix, all of The Matrix Reloaded, then the first half of Matrix Revolutions – right up to the part were the ‘diggers’ breach the Dock.
Before I started I preloaded by guzzling a 20oz Gatorade. During the mindless deadmill shuffle I drank 3 20oz waters and another 20oz Gatorade along with 2 Gu. Ending weight same as starting – That’s over 6 pounds of water……. Imagine if I were outside in sub-zero airtemps……Brrrrr!
Entire workout (158 bpm):
Duration: 3:10:37 (3:15:22)
Work: n/a
rTSS: 230.3 (0.798)
NGP: 8:37 (186.8 m/min)
Distance: 21.964 mi
Min Max Avg
Heart Rate: 77 174 158 bpm
Cadence: 43 91 82 rpm
Speed: 0 7.3 6.9 mph
Pace 8:15 0:00 8:41 min/mi
Did my half marathon today. I was a good boy and did not race. I went back to my training log to add up my miles and came up with 40 miles in last 10 weeks of which essentially all of it was last 3.5 weeks and 18 was last week. Ran the first 2 miles in the 8:20 range, next 9 in the 8-8:10 range, mile 12 was 7:45 , and mile 13 was 7:35. Ok so I couldnt help it and raced last 2 miles. 1:46:58 @ 8:10 pace. My average HR was 165 which puts me in my top of zone 3 or bottom zone 4. I'm sure I was solidly in Z3 before my last 2 miles. I don't train with HR much and never race with it. Would really love to know what my av HR has been on some of my PR races. I am truly amazed at my knee recovery and also how much fitness I have retained just by doing the EN bike workouts. My run training starts in earnest this week! Who knows maybe just maybe I have time to actually re BQ on 4/18 would have to go 10 sec faster than today and double the distance but its seeming more possible. Should probably lose a couple pounds now! LOL
I did yesterday's bike today and the first interval was rough but by the second one my legs woke up. The brick run was slow. Now a snow storm has started. Glad I am done for the weekend! It looks like like I have some testing to do next week. i will need to juggle the schedule a bit though.
@B Glad you had a good run and your fluids did not freeze. (!!!!!!!!)
@coachP Please go to fridge. Much harder to swim w/ only one hand.
Great runs by all today. 8 weeks tomorrow (if my math is correct) to go and everyone is looking good!
@ Steve - You win hardcore award of the day. 3+ hours on the treadmill is a mighty accomplishment under any circumstance. At least it sounds like you had some decent entertainment.
@ Tim - Way to knock down a solid HM. That's some good pace management, there. BTW, it's alright to race the last 2 miles of ANY run.
@ Coach P - I love your line about eating your hand or getting up to go to the fridge. After an ultra last fall I plopped down on a patch of grass, totally drained. The post-race meal/shower was in a building about 50 yards away. I was so desperate to eat - but not get up - that I actually retrieved a disgusting, half-used gel from my pocket and choked it down. It was as awful as you would expect.
@ Brenda - Glad you had a good run. You know that this is one of the few places where you can post anything and not receive an earful of ridicule. I'm just glad we're not posting swim workouts
What was your hydration strategy? I've used everything from 5-ounce flasks to a camelbak and the only solution I've found is to consume all liquids within the first 30-40 minutes. Not an ideal strategy.
@ Brenda- feel free to post any of your times. They are YOUR times, special to you and as you reach milestones we are here to celebrate with you! Congrats on your run. I really can't imagine how cold it was for you. My group was freezing at 32 degrees F!!! I told them about you. They stopped complaining.
@Tim - HOLY COMEBACK!! Congrats on your HM. That is a long run with your given recent history. WOW!! Baby steps to Boston. Recover well.
@ Steve- I bow down to your 3 plus hour TM run. TV really helps. I once stayed on the TM 1 hour extra to finish a movie once. Your mental toughness is inspiring.
@ Justin- OK- WHAT?!?! 6:30 something pace. I love it. My husband ran his run 22 miles in 7:20 pace this am. He has never run a marathon but runs a 3:30 at Kona. 1:16-1:18 HM. Looking forward to seeing what he can do in Boston. We are thinking maybe 2:50, but who knows? He has been running his long runs slowly for him. Not sure what is going on there. He is having trouble getting going. He is 53 years old and needing more rest each year. He is good about not overdoing it.
@ Patrick- nice job on 18 miles! Nice 6:52 pace on last 6. Perfect training for your goal at Boston.
@ Jane- tough to do long run Sat and bike Sun. You are tough. I once tried to do a hard bike session after a 5K race( same day). BRUTAL! Power outage would be putting it mildly
Just booked a babysitter so I could swim tomorrow. Have not swam in 3-4 weeks. It has been heavenly as swimming is a buzz kill for me. But I need to get back in there. Keep fighting. Don't let it win, you know?
Recover well everyone!
New Bedford Half in MA on 3/20
Great Bay Half in NH on 4/3
Done both before and really like them.... Even met Team Hoyt 2 years ago at GBHM. What an inspiration!
So what is everyone else doing?
Steve just did the Hampton half. Doing the Run for the Border 20 miler on 3/27 check it out Me to Ma thru NH. Tim
I am racing a 5K this Sunday in a Couple's Relay. Women first, do a 5K loop around a lake in Oakland and then the men go. Course is a bit long and slow as it is on sidewalks and the course is not closed so people are biking, walking their dogs, pushing babies in strollers etc. It is a big race for our team as we all pair up and race HARD to beat eachother, ha! Lots of smack talk happening now. Very fun! Steve and I were first team from FMRC last year by only 11 seconds!! Steve had to catch the guy and nearly killed himself to do it. This year we have a lot more teams and stiff competetion!! We call it " our World Championships!!!". Age groups are your combined age. So we are in the 80-99AG!! 3 teams in front of us last year were in 20-39 and 40-69 AG! Classic!
Then March 13 we are racing another 5K. This is where I hope to FLY and get a good time!
Hey Tim, I was the house just before mile 3 with the music cranking, the motivational signs and my family cheering with our cow bells.
Looked like all you guys were having a great time. A little windy but over all a great day to run. That course is what I do most of my runs on, some beautiful scenary, hope you liked it.
I have done that race 3 times and remember your house exactly each time. Thanks to you and your family it makes the race even better! Yes it was cold and windy yesterday I like it much more in Oct!
@ Tim - I've looked into this before... looks like a great one - just not this year. I really liked the 2 week interval between halfs (did em both last year). I think of them like catered speed work events. Between them, I'll likely do a 20+ long run leaveing me 2 weeks to taper.
@ Carrie - I've only run 1 5K in my life - at Disney. I actually ran longer in the parking lot before the race than I did after the gun! I dont get short races.... there is no time to think. The gun goes off and you run your ass off and its over.... although the Couples race you and Steve are doing sounds fun just for the pedestrian factor! But watch out for the old guy with the walker!!!
@ B - Around the Bay looks pretty cool - lots of people too (10,000+). I like the 1 lap loop. I ran one like that in Schroon Lake NY. Starts and ends in town with a single lap around the lake.
@ B- I havent done much in the way of hills yet but plan to during March and Aprill. From my house it is just under 1K to a hill - the only way to and from my house on the Penobscot River. It is about 300 m long and about 4-5% grade. Awesome place to do hill repeats. I'll do a 4 mile warm up then the repeats. I'll start with 4 or 5 and work my self up to 10 or 12 before race day. This time I will spend more focus on the downhill recoveries - maintaining a good pace to really work the quads.
My weekend long run is being replaced this week with a ski trip to Baxter State Park. Will be 5 days skiing with a full pack (35lbs if I'm smart) covering a total of 65miles. 35 will be on ungroomed snowmobile trail, the other 30 will be on hiking/ski trails. Should be an awesome time.... and a great workout.
Tuning 53 this week. Yippeeeeee! One step closer to being a geezer =:-]
Happy Birthday WEEK Steve!! 53 is a great age. You are FIT and Fabulous! No geezer status at all.
I somehow ran track this morning. I was seriously doubtful that my legs would allow it. How is it possible to run 23 miles Sunday and then run speed on Tuesday??? Well, I guess the training program we are on has gradually built our fitness up and we are able to manage the work load. My legs felt NORMAL. No pain, no weird areas that were concerning me. I actually tossed and turned last night worried i would hurt myself by trying to run track this am. ( we host the weekly track set so go there no matter what). I am pleasantly surprised by my fitness.
3 x ( 800/600/400/200) @ 5-10K pace with 200 recoveries and 800 between sets
I ended up negative splitting the sets, 6:20-6:30 pace, set 1, 6:20 pace set 2, 6:00-6:15 pace set 3
Thank God for compression sleeves, trigger point roller tools and my Steve for massaging my calves!!
@ Carrie - you are a rock star. You forgot to mention your good genes. Crap you are fast!!!
Run for me today was good. I did not do as the hack prescribed but decided to do a progressive run ending with Z4 work. I started out at my LP for about 10 minutes and then moved in my MP for 10 minutes, then 15 minutes at HMP and then worked up every 5 minutes until I hit Z4 and held that for the last 10 minutes of the run. I started with sore legs from Sundays 28km run and yesterdays 3 x 12min Z4 bike ride, but my legs worked themselves out within about 5 minutes. I had no left leg issue at all this run - not at all - ya hoo.
I followed this run up with 45min of core and weights and then finished the day off with a massage.
Great job Jeff and Justin on your FT bumps. Just incredible what our bodies can do when we try.
Recover well peeps!
@ Carrie - That's an excellent analogy. A sponge will only absorb as much as it has room for. If it's full, then the puddle will accumulate. Wring it out all at once, and it will stil only absorb as much as it can hold. This is why high volume training is not necessarily effective early in the season. Sure, the work is easier, but most people's bodies aren't yet prepared to absorb the steady accumulation, and there's not enough downtime to "wring out the sponge."
@ Brenda - You haven't crashed yet, so it sounds like you're managing your "absorption" well. The regular maintenance (massage, yoga, etc.) enhances your recovery, so stick with it and the training load shouldn't be an issue.
Today is my day off work and I rode with Tom Glynn and my girlfriend Tanya 50 miles and then we did an easy 8 mile brick.On the bike I sat in and let Tom pull us all over the place. He was riding so strong. We got to an infamous 15 minute climb and I know how he "rolls" . He loves to HAMMER this section. So as he took off Tanya and I sat on him and every few minutes he would look back and we were THERE!!! In last 5 minutes he was moaning and gasping for air and we stayed on!!! He was so impressed. He was well over 300W and we stayed on!!! Girl Power!!! In the last mile of the run I thought of you guys busting out your fast intervals at the end of your workouts so I put the hammer down and ran a sub 7 in the last mile. It felt good to do that when the rest of the run kinda felt sluggish. I truly think running fast feels better. More invigorating!
Tomorrow is an 8 miler with 2 x 20 @ tempo pace( around marathon goal pace). Looking forward to it.
Then I need to somehow rest up my legs Fri and Sat to bust out a killer 5K at the Couple's relay Sunday!! Not sure how rested I will be. There is lots of fatigue in these legs.
@ Carrie - sounds like you and your galfriend gave Tom a run for his money up that hill. Nice work, but not surprised. You are a machine. I have PM'd you about something that I can not discuss on this board. Oh ya, and love the anology up above. I totally agree with you and Justin.
At one point last night I was going around in circles about hats.... I want a beanie for hard sweating in cold conditions, a warm dry hat for camp, something for my face and neck if it is windy... so 1 of 3 different beanies; lycra balaclave or turtle fur gaiter or all-in-one fleese hat/balaclave.... but I still want the dry one for camp... Can you see where this is going?
So, no run last night and dito for tonight. At least I can say I did manage to finalize my gear and got a preliminary weight of 26 lbs not including 7 lbs water. I had hoped to keep my pack under 35 lbs and I am very happy to say I am in with 2 or 3 pounds to spare.
I may get a run or swim in tomorrow but after that I will be skiing full pack for the following 5 days for a total of 65 miles (16, 19, 9, 8, 13).
Stay focused and health - I'll catch up with you all next Thursday or Friday.