Congrats on all your workouts. I love checking in here. So far we are all healthy( minus blisters and some newly healed calves and knees) and moving forward toward the big day!!
I rested yesterday and it was heavenly. After work lots of family time, helping with homework, baking my daughters birthday cake and cuddling with TV. Very fun.
Today track was phenominal. I felt amazing. No fatigue or tightness. We ran 7 x 1000 with 200 recovery easy. It was supposed to be at 10K pace but we ran a bit fast and were closer to 5K pace by the end. Oh well. My times ended up negative splitting from 6:20 pace to 6:08 pace. 3:53, 3:55, 3;53, 3:53, 3:52, 3:51, 3:50!! My best consistent splits so far on that set.
I also swam in the sunshine today with Steve. Got a few more freckles. I basically took the last 2-3 months off swimming. Maybe went 4 x. I am a terrible swimmer with 2 very restricted shoulders with very little ROM from injuries from lifting heavy patients at work. BOO. So I don't "catch " the water. It hurts to do that correctly. So I just do my best. I swam 50 minutes with tons of resting at the wall. Man, am I out of swimming shape. Pathetic. I'll get it back though. No worries.
Great run CC! Don't worry, your swim will rebound like mine (hopefully!)
I did my first run since I moved my bikes and runs to new days and did my VO2 work at the track. Felt a little better and made paces easily and had to make careful I wasn't too quick. Very consistent pacing and within a second on every interval! Tomorrow's VO2 bike has me a little "concerned" however...
Did my "key workout" this evening... in the dark... in the rain. 2 x (8' at MP, 2' at LRP, 8' at TP, 4' at LRP) did not go as well as I had hoped; I was going to blame it on the conditions, but, compared to the rest of the country, we have had it pretty good in the Pacific NW. Between being sick and life's busy-ness, it has been a rough few weeks. Hopefully, I can regain some of my fitness. I'm hoping to channel some of the mojo from all of the great workouts I have been seeing. Great work everyone!
Came into my run with very sore legs, from a 31km hilly run on Sunday and 75 min bike ride with 3 x 15 @ 95-100% of FTP, but I managed to pull it off. It called for 3 x 1mile repeats at 5km pace. Even followed it up with some core work. Today is an attempt at a 60min bike ride with 2 x 15. If I can you 3 I can 2 - right.
JB - go into that VO2 bike workout not questioning whether you can do it, but saying you can do it. Just try!
Carrie - wow girl, you are doing so well. Finally, someone else in this forum who is a crappy swimmer. No seriously, your athletic abilities are so amazing, I am sure your swimming will come around in now time.
Richard - welcome to the forum. I do not believe I have seen a post from you before. It sounds like you have been sick but are coming back from it. Looking forward to seeing how you progress.
Very fun day here celebrating Madison's 7th birthday! I am truly blessed with a sweet, fun, thoughful little girl. Right now she is dancing around the house singing/recording herself into her I-pod touch! Cracking me up!
Today is my day off and it was supposed to downpour so we planned a group of 4 to spin inside and run a brick after.( it NEVER rained- uuggh). Anyway we got in 2 solid hours. I avg 80% for the 2 hrs. I focused mostly on riding steady near 85% with occasional breaks. It was great. Tom Glynn rode really hard. It is cool to watch EN peeps ride hard. Work is Work and others who don't train like this don't really know WORK. You know what I mean?
Then we ran an 8 mile brick with negative splits. Tom and my girl Tanya were running so strong with me. It got hard for them and they kept pushing!!! They were so excited to be hitting 7:15's by the end. Tom is coming back from his bad injury last year and my friend was sick a few weeks ago. So they were toast when it was over! Tanya just texted that if I blew on her right now she would topple over. We all know that tired legs feeling and can feel for her! She is 4 weeks from a 70.3! She will be ready come race day!! She is a sub 5 hr girl! FAST!
@Carrie, happy belated bday to your baby girl. Sounds like you had fun. It also sounds like you had a great day of training. Looking forward to seeing more entries from you and updates about your gal pal Tara and of course Tom. How is your hubby Steve?
@ Brenda, my Steve is good. Thanks for asking. At track this week he was BACK to running in the front group. He was working hard and his body was letting him!! Very good news! We are both so excited to go back to Cape Cod to see my folks. The marathon can't come soon enough. I miss my family.
Off to run Tempo with my peeps. I think I will just run easy today though. Get some miles in chatting.
Carrie you and your friends are getting quite the excellent workouts in! You are a machine! I enjoy hearing about it and can only dream of being that fast!
I am just getting into Z5 work on the bike and it is a challenge! Tuesday I was shaking when I got off the bike! Good thing it was an easy brick run after!
I got an e-mail from USAT yesterday. I guess I could possibly go to China for worlds in either sprint or oly because of my ranking in my age group. It seems like a long way to go and is very expensive!
Hi guys! Hope everyone is gaining fitness and staying healthy. I'm a week behind on hack so just did the "key" workout of 80 min w/ 3x (5'@Z2/Z4/Z1) and survived it. Not sure how I did it after Tues track session and yesterday's 1st VO2 bike workout. I agree w/ you Jane, the legs are jelly after VO2 work. Surprisingly my legs responded and ran the paces although my HR only got to mid Z3 despite solid Z4 speed! Ughh, tired.
Weather turning bad this weekend so may have to do my tougher bike session day before 18 miler and pretty intimidated about this as I'm running w/ a big group Saturday AM and don't want to crack. Sunday may be a washout here.
@Jane Congrats on the achievement. Even if you do't go to China, it is an honor to be in that elite group!
Got my 80 min "key" run today as well JB. I did 1,500 meter pull session in the pool first, then the 80 min run. Mine called for 2 x 8min MP/2min Z1/8min Z4/4min Z1, so with 16 minutes left I did 6 min Z3/3min Z1 x 2. I followed this up with 30 min of core/weights. Starting to feel the fatigue coming on, but it is the end of the week, so not surprised.
@ Carrie - hope your tempo run went well with your peeps. Did you actually take it easy @ Jane - that is fantastic. I know it is a long way to go, but what about the experience. What an experience it would be. Something to seriously think about.
I've been out of the loop for several days, but it sounds like everyone is still making gains and plugging along. Keep it up!
After Sunday's tiring run, I took Monday off and then traveled to Boston on Tuesday to meet up with some folks from my charity (Boston Chapter of Back on My Feet). Wednesday morning I ran the easiest, but far and away the most enjoyable 3 miles of my life. It was great to see a broad collection of staff, volunteers, and program members, all excited to be out running with each other at 5:45 on a nice brisk March morning. Aside from races, I never participate in group runs, but the experience was amazing and their gratitude toward the Boston fundraising team is endless.
Today, it's back to reality. Tempo run at lunch, and VO2 bike workout this evening. The run felt good, but I was basically 3 days inactive, so I really expected nothing less. Warmup and cooldown were each a mile at a brisk Z1 (~7:15). The middle 6 miles were steadily descending from Z2 beyond Z4 (6:30 down to 5:45). Total of 8 miles, at 52 minutes. Depending on the aftermath of tonight's bike workout, I may shoot for a long run tomorrow and then double up on the bike workouts Sat/Sun. My spring running legs start to get a bit stale when I break from the bike, so I need to stay on top of that.
Hope everyone is holding up well going into the final 4-week push.
Today is rest day # 2, still feeling working on absorbing the weekend.... May try the Thursday bike tomorrow then run long Saturday. My plan is for 19 miles, but will be smart about my goals.
Below is the ski profile of the trip. overnights were in small cabins with bunks and woodstove at miles 16, 36, 45, and 53.
Glad to be back. Kind of scary my first tune-up race is in just over 2 weeks! Yikes!!
Looks like I missed lots of solid training - everyone seems to be bringing thier A game! This is going to be so kewl!
Welcome back Steve!! Do you feel older?, ha!! Great birthday trip! I like how you celebrate!!!
@ Jane- very nice on the China invitation. My Steve got the same call. When he told me we laughed. No way in he$$ we would go there to race. Sorry if that shocks you guys but NO way. We have a list of places we would never race at and that is one of them.
@ Brenda- you are doing so well hitting all the workouts!
@ Justin- that 3 miler in Boston sounded awesome. Your gratitude was nice to read about too. 8 miles in 52 minutes. Wow!
@ JB- don't be scared. Just do what you can. Group long run sounds great!
As for me, I did skip the tempo part of today's run and just ran easy. It was a heavenly 8 miles chatting!
Listening to my body and energy levels is key to not becoming a too tired mommy, wife and athlete! I am glad I am able to back off when needed. So far the legs are feeling good. I even swam today too!! I know... Overachiever, ha!!
@ ;Carrie - yes I do feel older. Still can do it, just need more recovery time after =:-] ..... No, not gutter talk.... fitness stuff LOL!
@ ;Justin - your BOMF run souds very rewarding. Good karma comming your way. Nice. But that tempo run? Wicked fast!!
@ Brenda - have you ever miss a workout? I think not. I wish I had the ability to absorb as fast as you do....
@ ;Jeff - were you able to get your long run in?? I didnt see a post.
@ ;Jane - sweet! Even if you don't go, just getting the invitation is awesome!
So, I had'nt run in 12 days and went for a 18 miler today - mostly to beat the rain but also to tee it up before the weekend bike session. I figured that spending 28 hours with a pack skiing must count for something - yeah.... well no, not for running. Atleast that was my experience today.
First thing I noticed was my HR - it was about 10 beats too high for my pace and RPE - right from the start. It never did settle down. From that, I knew I was going to hurt by the end - and I did. The other thing I noticed wasnt till after I turned around and was heading back - My quads hurt on the downhill. By the end, every little decline made them more sore and the steep declines made them scream.
I had planned to go mid morning - the forecast indicated only a slight chance of showers. Well, it was wrong. I kept watching the NWS radar looking for a 2+ hour window between showers but as the day wore on, it got worse so I had to bite the bullet and go anyway. Temp was 33*, wind S @ 10, and light drizzle when I left at 2PM. It showered off and on the whole way. Unfortunatly, my long runs always head north going out and south comming back - straight into the wind driven rain - yuck fuu! Temp on return was 34* - still cold.
Run stats 18 miles @ ;9:06 - total time was 2:44. First half @ 8:45 as planned, but fell apart at mile 13 for a second half @ 9:27... :-(
I've got 2 weeks to get my quads back in shape before my first tune-up at New Bedford. Also plan to visit Todd at TTBikeFit that weekend too. Cant wait.
@Steve Glad to hear you got in 18 miles despite the weather and quads. I also did 18 w/ a pretty fast group and got about 14 of Z2-4 work. Enough work to crack me in last 2 miles. Ugh. Enjoy your fit w/ Todd and tell him I said hello.
Epic day today at Camp Chavez. Like a fricken IM day. Long and nonstop!
We got up early and rode 55 miles. I ended up at 82% and got in 2 big FT intervals over 20 min @ 210W!!! GET OUT!!!!!! I found my missing watts!
Then- shower, clean house, make food for Madison's party tomorrow, finish decorating sk8r ( skateboard) custom birthday cake! Now it is 4:45pm and I am supposed to be heading to school auction at 5:30!!! Crap. I lay down for 30 minutes to unplug. Get dressed up, do hair and out the door by 5:45!!! Ready in 15 minutes. Very nice transition if I do say so myself.
School auction 6-10. I won the dealor no deal game by choosing # 7( Madison's new age)!! Picked a kick ass Coach purse and wallet. I have not bought a purse in 10 years. I buy tri stuff. That's it!!!
Now going home to sleep. 20 mile run with my peeps at 7 am tomorrow. Then Madison's party at 2. OMG this weekend is insane!
Congrats to Jeff and Steve on your long runs. @ Jeff- wow, your run paces were smoking, z2-4?!?? Yowza! @ Steve- your quads will be back to normal soon.
All DONE!! 20 miles in the RAIN ( again- arrgh). 2:33 with average of 7:41 pace!! Wow- that is my best avg pace on a long run in ages!! Had enough juice left to push the last mile in at 7:00 pace! My legs felt great the whole time. No pains anywhere. I was just a bit winded trying to keep up with my friends. I finally backed off and ran what I felt was more appropriate for me. It was a great great run!
Terrible conditions here today in OTown so went to the TM. Had a good run. Almost all at MP with 8 hills repeats. Thought of Carrie and her gang going up the hills and not holding back so I kept the same pace going up and down the hills. Did some 0% work to simulate downhill running.
Here is what it looked like 20min LRP
5 min @ 1.5% incline 5 min @ 0% incline @ HMP Repeated this x 4, then all the stuff below was at my MP 5 min @ 1.5% incline 2 min @ 3% incline/3 min @ 1.5% incline 2 min @ 4%, 5% and 6% with 3 min @ 1.5% after each and I repeated this x 2. That left me with 15 min which I did 10 min downhill training at HMP and then finished off the last 5min @ MP at 1.5% incline
@B Great TM run! Hang on, better weather has to be coming your way!
@CC Super 20 miler at a nice pace girl! You'll be tearing up beantown soon. My first 20 miler will be next weekend.
I'm planning to go up to my place in Boone, NC to do my 20 miler as there is a great course up and down Rich mountain in Moses Cone park. 8 miles up and 8 miles back down. Then I can finish off on some more rolling terrain. Nothing flat up there. I did my bike today as I wanted to be fresher for my 18 miler yesterday as opposed to running after a tough bike workout.
How did everyone else's weekend go? 6 weeks tomorrow gang!
Brenda Great treadmill run! It has been a nasty weekend here weather wise too. I am hoping it breaks for us soon! Carrie Your workouts amaze me! Great long run pace! You are ready for Boston now! Hope the party went well! Jeff Smart move biking after the long run! Your 20 miler next week will be a challenge! Nice to have a mountain to go to for long run! Steve You got 18 miles in and that is good especially after not running for 12 days. I am sure your next run will feel better.
I looked at the weather forcast and made a last minute decision to get my long run in after I got off work at 3:00 on Friday since Sat morning was going to be cold and rainy. Friday was supposed to be my rest day and now I know why! I was so sluggish on the run but I got 14 miles in. I took Sat off from workouts and just worked all day. I felt tired when the alarm went off today but met with my sunday Bike trainer group. I felt better once I started. Next weekend will be another 20 miler! Jane
I'm feeling overtrained and after reading all the updates feel undertrained LOL.
Do you guys ever rest?
Up to 14 for my longrun slow and easy ,managed to get in some intervals and tempo on the other days, and even a couple easy hills on the bricks. My EN OS bike workouts have gotten much harder all of a sudden. Still slow but feeling good. Lotso time left. Rest glorious rest tomorrow!
Alright, team. Unlike Charlie Sheen, I am most decidedly NOT winning. After a delayed start to my training week, I jumped onto the "let's cram as much into the next 4 days as we can" bandwagon. My bike workouts were 1 hit and 2 misses ..... make that 2 wide misses. I got the first VO2 workout in, but punted and did a Z3 day on Friday, then busted bigtime on yesterday's "75 minute" ride. My Z4 intervals were 92% at best, and after about an hour I didn't even entertain the idea of Z5.
I guess if there's a sterling silver lining, it's that my runs were pretty much on mark. Got my requisite tempo run in on Thursday and my middle distance run in on Friday. Today's long run was a big question mark. I wanted 2+ hours, but was really dragging ass this morning. Naturally, we're in the grips of another heavy snow storm, so it was off to the gym for a treadmill playdate. Bad news out of the gate, I weighed in at race weight before my workout (with my water bottle in hand). By the end of 2 hours, I would easily be 4-5 lbs below race weight, and if it wasn't for the 30 oz of water I downed after running, I would have been. Anxiety from work is killing my appetite.
Anyhow, I got in 2:12 of very steady Z2. Around 19.5 miles (~6:45 pace), but there was little more than fumes left in the tank. Stepped on the scale at home and came in about 2.5 lbs below weight. I'm not going to lie. I was determined - so I ate an entire pizza and a bag of popcorn while lounging on the couch. I'll pay for it tomorrow, but it's my underhanded way of forcing a rest day.
Hope the rest of you are fairing well. BTW - THIS IS YOUR 6 WEEK WAKE-UP CALL!
Good morning peeps! We are getting so close. Just 3-4 more weeks of work and then taper time. I just want to encourage you all to say positive things to yourself about your training. I for one am so impressed with your work ethic and especially your ability and willingness to adjust on the fly as you get fatigued or have weather issues to deal with. I have it easy out here in California. Plus I have a huge group to train with. You guys are mostly solo slogging out your miles. You will all have strong mental 6 packs, that is for sure!
Something I keep telling myself is to not race these long runs NOW. To not put myself into a huge hole of fatigue in a workout. Even the short ones. I encourage you to save it for 4/18. As many of you race in the next month, just be careful not to cook yourself, ok?!?! That is my prayer for all of you. Save some.
I for one am tired today. Good tired. Mostly from being on my feet all day after the 20 miles getting ready for and hosting Madison's party. It rained all day EXCEPT the 2 hours of the party!!! So the kids played outside which was the theme of the party. " Come out and play". They all brought their bikes and scooters, balls, frisbees etc. We had prayed... Pleaded for a break in the rain and WE GOT IT!!! ( if you can't tell already- I believe in prayer!!!).
I plan to rest all day. Roll, stretch, nap, eat, repeat!!! I am so glad I am not working today!
Just know I am thinking of all of you and hoping you feel encouraged and excited for Boston.
@ Carrie - what a lovely post. Thank you so much for your prayers. Enjoy your day off. Lord knows you deserve it. Glad that Madisons BDay was a hit. Back at you with regards to the admiration.
P.S. Coach P put this up in Regional Groups North East, so I thought I would put it up in here, just in case you do not see it.
"We are looking to do a Sunday lunchtime "thang" to pull all the Boston folks together before the race. I hope this works with everyone...last year we had quite the turn out. Please chime in if you think you can / want to join us.
Please note: racers, family and locals are welcome!!"
Runners in the Boston Marathon are seeded based on their qualifying time with the fastest runners starting closer to the front. For the 2011 race, runners who have qualified with a time of approximately 3:22:42 or faster will start in Wave One (red bibs) while those who have a qualifying time of approximately 3:45:56 or faster will start in Wave Two (white bibs). Runners with times greater than approximately 3:45:56 will start in Wave Three (blue bibs). Exact time breaks for the three waves will be ascertained in two weeks when bib numbering of the field occurs.
@B You'll be there w/ my wife Barbara. SHe did a 3:46:12 and was mad she missed 2nd wave by seconds mostly b/c she didn't want to wait in tent city another 20 min. I guess it is only 10 min longer than last year's 2nd wave so no biggie really. You did a great bike today BTW!
Congrats on all your workouts. I love checking in here. So far we are all healthy( minus blisters and some newly healed calves and knees) and moving forward toward the big day
I rested yesterday and it was heavenly. After work lots of family time, helping with homework, baking my daughters birthday cake and cuddling with TV. Very fun.
Today track was phenominal. I felt amazing. No fatigue or tightness. We ran 7 x 1000 with 200 recovery easy. It was supposed to be at 10K pace but we ran a bit fast and were closer to 5K pace by the end. Oh well. My times ended up negative splitting from 6:20 pace to 6:08 pace. 3:53, 3:55, 3;53, 3:53, 3:52, 3:51, 3:50!! My best consistent splits so far on that set.
I also swam in the sunshine today with Steve. Got a few more freckles
Talk soon!
Great run CC! Don't worry, your swim will rebound like mine (hopefully!)
I did my first run since I moved my bikes and runs to new days and did my VO2 work at the track. Felt a little better and made paces easily and had to make careful I wasn't too quick. Very consistent pacing and within a second on every interval! Tomorrow's VO2 bike has me a little "concerned" however...
JB - go into that VO2 bike workout not questioning whether you can do it, but saying you can do it. Just try!
Carrie - wow girl, you are doing so well. Finally, someone else in this forum who is a crappy swimmer. No seriously, your athletic abilities are so amazing, I am sure your swimming will come around in now time.
Richard - welcome to the forum. I do not believe I have seen a post from you before. It sounds like you have been sick but are coming back from it. Looking forward to seeing how you progress.
Very fun day here celebrating Madison's 7th birthday! I am truly blessed with a sweet, fun, thoughful little girl. Right now she is dancing around the house singing/recording herself into her I-pod touch! Cracking me up!
Today is my day off and it was supposed to downpour so we planned a group of 4 to spin inside and run a brick after.( it NEVER rained- uuggh). Anyway we got in 2 solid hours. I avg 80% for the 2 hrs. I focused mostly on riding steady near 85% with occasional breaks. It was great. Tom Glynn rode really hard. It is cool to watch EN peeps ride hard. Work is Work and others who don't train like this don't really know WORK. You know what I mean?
Then we ran an 8 mile brick with negative splits. Tom and my girl Tanya were running so strong with me. It got hard for them and they kept pushing!!! They were so excited to be hitting 7:15's by the end. Tom is coming back from his bad injury last year and my friend was sick a few weeks ago. So they were toast when it was over! Tanya just texted that if I blew on her right now she would topple over. We all know that tired legs feeling and can feel for her! She is 4 weeks from a 70.3! She will be ready come race day!! She is a sub 5 hr girl! FAST!
Keep up the good work folks!
Off to run Tempo with my peeps. I think I will just run easy today though. Get some miles in chatting
I am just getting into Z5 work on the bike and it is a challenge! Tuesday I was shaking when I got off the bike! Good thing it was an easy brick run after!
I got an e-mail from USAT yesterday. I guess I could possibly go to China for worlds in either sprint or oly because of my ranking in my age group. It seems like a long way to go and is very expensive!
Hi guys! Hope everyone is gaining fitness and staying healthy. I'm a week behind on hack so just did the "key" workout of 80 min w/ 3x (5'@Z2/Z4/Z1) and survived it. Not sure how I did it after Tues track session and yesterday's 1st VO2 bike workout. I agree w/ you Jane, the legs are jelly after VO2 work. Surprisingly my legs responded and ran the paces although my HR only got to mid Z3 despite solid Z4 speed! Ughh, tired.
Weather turning bad this weekend so may have to do my tougher bike session day before 18 miler and pretty intimidated about this as I'm running w/ a big group Saturday AM and don't want to crack. Sunday may be a washout here.
@Jane Congrats on the achievement. Even if you do't go to China, it is an honor to be in that elite group!
@ Carrie - hope your tempo run went well with your peeps. Did you actually take it easy
@ Jane - that is fantastic. I know it is a long way to go, but what about the experience. What an experience it would be. Something to seriously think about.
What is up with everyone else?
I've been out of the loop for several days, but it sounds like everyone is still making gains and plugging along. Keep it up!
After Sunday's tiring run, I took Monday off and then traveled to Boston on Tuesday to meet up with some folks from my charity (Boston Chapter of Back on My Feet). Wednesday morning I ran the easiest, but far and away the most enjoyable 3 miles of my life. It was great to see a broad collection of staff, volunteers, and program members, all excited to be out running with each other at 5:45 on a nice brisk March morning. Aside from races, I never participate in group runs, but the experience was amazing and their gratitude toward the Boston fundraising team is endless.
Today, it's back to reality. Tempo run at lunch, and VO2 bike workout this evening. The run felt good, but I was basically 3 days inactive, so I really expected nothing less. Warmup and cooldown were each a mile at a brisk Z1 (~7:15). The middle 6 miles were steadily descending from Z2 beyond Z4 (6:30 down to 5:45). Total of 8 miles, at 52 minutes. Depending on the aftermath of tonight's bike workout, I may shoot for a long run tomorrow and then double up on the bike workouts Sat/Sun. My spring running legs start to get a bit stale when I break from the bike, so I need to stay on top of that.
Hope everyone is holding up well going into the final 4-week push.
Today is rest day # 2, still feeling working on absorbing the weekend.... May try the Thursday bike tomorrow then run long Saturday. My plan is for 19 miles, but will be smart about my goals.
Below is the ski profile of the trip. overnights were in small cabins with bunks and woodstove at miles 16, 36, 45, and 53.
Glad to be back. Kind of scary my first tune-up race is in just over 2 weeks! Yikes!!
Looks like I missed lots of solid training - everyone seems to be bringing thier A game! This is going to be so kewl!
@ Jane- very nice on the China invitation. My Steve got the same call. When he told me we laughed. No way in he$$ we would go there to race. Sorry if that shocks you guys but NO way. We have a list of places we would never race at and that is one of them.
@ Brenda- you are doing so well hitting all the workouts!
@ Justin- that 3 miler in Boston sounded awesome. Your gratitude was nice to read about too. 8 miles in 52 minutes. Wow!
@ JB- don't be scared. Just do what you can. Group long run sounds great!
As for me, I did skip the tempo part of today's run and just ran easy. It was a heavenly 8 miles chatting!
Listening to my body and energy levels is key to not becoming a too tired mommy, wife and athlete! I am glad I am able to back off when needed. So far the legs are feeling good. I even swam today too!! I know... Overachiever, ha!!
@ ;Carrie - yes I do feel older. Still can do it, just need more recovery time after =:-] ..... No, not gutter talk.... fitness stuff LOL!
@ ;Justin - your BOMF run souds very rewarding. Good karma comming your way. Nice. But that tempo run? Wicked fast!!
@ Brenda - have you ever miss a workout? I think not. I wish I had the ability to absorb as fast as you do....
@ ;Jeff - were you able to get your long run in?? I didnt see a post.
@ ;Jane - sweet! Even if you don't go, just getting the invitation is awesome!
So, I had'nt run in 12 days and went for a 18 miler today - mostly to beat the rain but also to tee it up before the weekend bike session. I figured that spending 28 hours with a pack skiing must count for something - yeah.... well no, not for running. Atleast that was my experience today.
First thing I noticed was my HR - it was about 10 beats too high for my pace and RPE - right from the start. It never did settle down. From that, I knew I was going to hurt by the end - and I did. The other thing I noticed wasnt till after I turned around and was heading back - My quads hurt on the downhill. By the end, every little decline made them more sore and the steep declines made them scream.
I had planned to go mid morning - the forecast indicated only a slight chance of showers. Well, it was wrong. I kept watching the NWS radar looking for a 2+ hour window between showers but as the day wore on, it got worse so I had to bite the bullet and go anyway. Temp was 33*, wind S @ 10, and light drizzle when I left at 2PM. It showered off and on the whole way. Unfortunatly, my long runs always head north going out and south comming back - straight into the wind driven rain - yuck fuu! Temp on return was 34* - still cold.
Run stats 18 miles @ ;9:06 - total time was 2:44. First half @ 8:45 as planned, but fell apart at mile 13 for a second half @ 9:27... :-(
I've got 2 weeks to get my quads back in shape before my first tune-up at New Bedford. Also plan to visit Todd at TTBikeFit that weekend too. Cant wait.
@Steve Glad to hear you got in 18 miles despite the weather and quads. I also did 18 w/ a pretty fast group and got about 14 of Z2-4 work. Enough work to crack me in last 2 miles. Ugh. Enjoy your fit w/ Todd and tell him I said hello.
Is eveyone else enjoying their weekend?
We got up early and rode 55 miles. I ended up at 82% and got in 2 big FT intervals over 20 min @ 210W!!! GET OUT!!!!!! I found my missing watts!
Then- shower, clean house, make food for Madison's party tomorrow, finish decorating sk8r ( skateboard) custom birthday cake! Now it is 4:45pm and I am supposed to be heading to school auction at 5:30!!! Crap. I lay down for 30 minutes to unplug. Get dressed up, do hair and out the door by 5:45!!! Ready in 15 minutes. Very nice transition if I do say so myself.
School auction 6-10. I won the dealor no deal game by choosing # 7( Madison's new age)!! Picked a kick ass Coach purse and wallet. I have not bought a purse in 10 years. I buy tri stuff. That's it!!!
Now going home to sleep. 20 mile run with my peeps at 7 am tomorrow. Then Madison's party at 2. OMG this weekend is insane!
Congrats to Jeff and Steve on your long runs. @ Jeff- wow, your run paces were smoking, z2-4?!?? Yowza! @ Steve- your quads will be back to normal soon.
Night night
Now off to finish getting Madison's party set up.
Hope you all had great runs today( or rides).
Here is what it looked like
20min LRP
5 min @ 1.5% incline
5 min @ 0% incline @ HMP
Repeated this x 4, then all the stuff below was at my MP
5 min @ 1.5% incline
2 min @ 3% incline/3 min @ 1.5% incline
2 min @ 4%, 5% and 6% with 3 min @ 1.5% after each and I repeated this x 2.
That left me with 15 min which I did 10 min downhill training at HMP and then finished off the last 5min @ MP at 1.5% incline
All in all a good run and it went by really fast.
@B Great TM run! Hang on, better weather has to be coming your way!
@CC Super 20 miler at a nice pace girl! You'll be tearing up beantown soon. My first 20 miler will be next weekend.
I'm planning to go up to my place in Boone, NC to do my 20 miler as there is a great course up and down Rich mountain in Moses Cone park. 8 miles up and 8 miles back down. Then I can finish off on some more rolling terrain. Nothing flat up there. I did my bike today as I wanted to be fresher for my 18 miler yesterday as opposed to running after a tough bike workout.
How did everyone else's weekend go? 6 weeks tomorrow gang!
Carrie Your workouts amaze me! Great long run pace! You are ready for Boston now! Hope the party went well!
Jeff Smart move biking after the long run! Your 20 miler next week will be a challenge! Nice to have a mountain to go to for long run!
Steve You got 18 miles in and that is good especially after not running for 12 days. I am sure your next run will feel better.
I looked at the weather forcast and made a last minute decision to get my long run in after I got off work at 3:00 on Friday since Sat morning was going to be cold and rainy. Friday was supposed to be my rest day and now I know why! I was so sluggish on the run but I got 14 miles in. I took Sat off from workouts and just worked all day. I felt tired when the alarm went off today but met with my sunday Bike trainer group. I felt better once I started. Next weekend will be another 20 miler!
Do you guys ever rest?
Up to 14 for my longrun slow and easy ,managed to get in some intervals and tempo on the other days, and even a couple easy hills on the bricks. My EN OS bike workouts have gotten much harder all of a sudden. Still slow but feeling good. Lotso time left. Rest glorious rest tomorrow!
Take care all and keep me pumped! Tim,
Alright, team. Unlike Charlie Sheen, I am most decidedly NOT winning. After a delayed start to my training week, I jumped onto the "let's cram as much into the next 4 days as we can" bandwagon. My bike workouts were 1 hit and 2 misses ..... make that 2 wide misses. I got the first VO2 workout in, but punted and did a Z3 day on Friday, then busted bigtime on yesterday's "75 minute" ride. My Z4 intervals were 92% at best, and after about an hour I didn't even entertain the idea of Z5.
I guess if there's a sterling silver lining, it's that my runs were pretty much on mark. Got my requisite tempo run in on Thursday and my middle distance run in on Friday. Today's long run was a big question mark. I wanted 2+ hours, but was really dragging ass this morning. Naturally, we're in the grips of another heavy snow storm, so it was off to the gym for a treadmill playdate. Bad news out of the gate, I weighed in at race weight before my workout (with my water bottle in hand). By the end of 2 hours, I would easily be 4-5 lbs below race weight, and if it wasn't for the 30 oz of water I downed after running, I would have been. Anxiety from work is killing my appetite.
Anyhow, I got in 2:12 of very steady Z2. Around 19.5 miles (~6:45 pace), but there was little more than fumes left in the tank. Stepped on the scale at home and came in about 2.5 lbs below weight. I'm not going to lie. I was determined - so I ate an entire pizza and a bag of popcorn while lounging on the couch. I'll pay for it tomorrow, but it's my underhanded way of forcing a rest day.
Hope the rest of you are fairing well. BTW - THIS IS YOUR 6 WEEK WAKE-UP CALL!
Something I keep telling myself is to not race these long runs NOW. To not put myself into a huge hole of fatigue in a workout. Even the short ones. I encourage you to save it for 4/18. As many of you race in the next month, just be careful not to cook yourself, ok?!?! That is my prayer for all of you. Save some
I for one am tired today. Good tired. Mostly from being on my feet all day after the 20 miles getting ready for and hosting Madison's party. It rained all day EXCEPT the 2 hours of the party!!! So the kids played outside which was the theme of the party. " Come out and play". They all brought their bikes and scooters, balls, frisbees etc. We had prayed... Pleaded for a break in the rain and WE GOT IT!!! ( if you can't tell already- I believe in prayer!!!).
I plan to rest all day. Roll, stretch, nap, eat, repeat!!! I am so glad I am not working today!
Just know I am thinking of all of you and hoping you feel encouraged and excited for Boston.
@ Carrie - what a lovely post. Thank you so much for your prayers. Enjoy your day off. Lord knows you deserve it. Glad that Madisons BDay was a hit. Back at you with regards to the admiration.
P.S. Coach P put this up in Regional Groups North East, so I thought I would put it up in here, just in case you do not see it.
"We are looking to do a Sunday lunchtime "thang" to pull all the Boston folks together before the race. I hope this works with everyone...last year we had quite the turn out. Please chime in if you think you can / want to join us.
Please note: racers, family and locals are welcome!!"
I'll be in wave 2!
Here ya go Brenda
@B You'll be there w/ my wife Barbara. SHe did a 3:46:12 and was mad she missed 2nd wave by seconds mostly b/c she didn't want to wait in tent city another 20 min. I guess it is only 10 min longer than last year's 2nd wave so no biggie really. You did a great bike today BTW!
Who is in waves 1 and 2?