2013 November OS Admin Thread
Welcome to the November OutSeason Group!
With over 300 EN athletes participating in the November OS, this will be an unprecendentedly awesome learning, motivation and accountability opportunity for all of you!
This is the official admin thread for the November OS. As we go we will build this thread out with admin details, messages, etc.
The rest of this forum will be filled with weekly mojo and accountability threads. For example, the NovOS Week 1 Thread, or the NovOS Week 1 Bike Thread, where you'll encourage each other, hold each other accountable, and generally support each other as you build your FAST across your 14 weeks together.
Help Wanted: we are looking for a three members to serve as NovOS Captains to create and guide these weekly thread. Bang the drum, basically. You will be rewarded with gold, riches, and accollades beyond your wildest dreams (ie, it would be super groovy and we'll figure out a way to thank you!) Please PM me if you're interested.
Instructions for you:
- Please join/sign into the November OS by introducing yourself by posting below. Please do so in the format below, so we can efficiently consolidate everyone into one list in this post or one of the reserved spaces below. And please post a picture and introduce yourselves! These are the people you'll be training with, virtually, for months and months so it would be great to put faces and personal stories to names and email addresses!
- We recommend that you subscribe to this thread, using the Additional Options dealio visible when you reply to this thread when making your introduction. You'll then recieve an email when updates are made to this admin thread.
- Finally, understand that the Coaches do not actively monitor these Training Group Forums, seaching for training questions and support issues to address. That is, if you have a training related coachy-coachy question, you'll find us in the other forums and specifically in the Micro and Macro Threads!
Thanks! We look forward to seeing what fun and motivation you guys create for yourselves!
Introduction Format:
Picture of you
Name, City, State -- 1st A-race (chronological, A-races only) 2nd A-race, 3rd A-race
OS Goals -- lift my FTP, VDot, achieve body comp goal, get in touch with my feminine side, whatever.
About me -- anything else you’d like to share.
To add a picture:
1) When replying to the thread be sure to use the "Add Reply" up top near the "subscribe to this topic" checkbox.
2) Below the text box where you'd post your message, there's a way to add a file. Choose your file to attach and then hit "Upload"
3) The file name along with size of the file appears below along with 4 icons - click "insert image" and the pic appears in the body of your message. Boom.
This space reserved
This space reserved
About Me:
Pic is loaded.
Kate Kaufer, Washington DC. Born and raised in Germany.
1st A race: Kinetic HIM in Lake Anna, Va, early May (I'm embarrassed to admit that I can't think of the exact date right now);
2nd A raceL IMLOU, August 25, Louisville, Kentucky
OS Goals: 1) Survive; 2) Get stronger; 3) Train with a purpose; 4) Have fun.
About me -- more to follow in the next 14 weeks...
Looking forward to meeting my fellow ENers!
Evan (aka "Ez") Odim, Scotch Plains, NJ -- IMLP, Rev3 Quassy, American Zofingen (maybe)
OS Goals --> to learn something new every single day which will make me a more knowledgeable and well rounded triathlete
About me --> I am one of many Team ReserveAid athletes here on EN drinking the kool-aid!
Evan, how did you post the picture? I after I asked everyone to post a pic I couldn't figure it out (hangs head)
1) When replying to the thread be sure to use the "Add Reply" up top near the "subscribe to this topic" checkbox.
2) Below the text box where you'd post your message, there's a way to add a file. Choose your file to attach and then hit "Upload"
3) The file name along with size of the file appears below along with 4 icons - click "insert image" and the pic appears in the body of your message. Boom.
Hello all, I'm Roy Ezell from Woodbridge, Virginia.
My A races this year are IMTexas and IMLouisville
My Goals for the NOS are 1). Bump that FTP ~10% 2). Run a sub 18:00 5k 3). Feed and feed on the motivation of the NOS group!
Other random stuff: Triathlon is fun, family is life. I try to get this addiction in around being a good husband and dad. Most of the times it works, sometimes it doesn't. But I have the absolute best family support that any of us could ask for. Get after it everyone!.jpg)
Ben Vanmarcke (Mentor, OH) - IM 70.3 St George, IM Wisconsin
OS Goals:
- Lose 10lbs, preferably 15lb
- Bike FTP 340 Watts
- Run vdot 46~47
- Improve my swim technique
About me:
I am a 36 old husband and father of the most awesome 2 year old boy in the world. I've been doing triathlon for the last 3 years, started as a way to get some fitness back after years of unhealthy eating habbits and little exercise (lost approx 55lbs). Did Vineman Full in 2011 (11h37) as my first IM distance race. in 2012 I did IM 70.3 California (5h04') and Ironman St George (14h57' after a day from hell). Short break after IMSG, then my employer announced the closing of our building and a relocation from Southern California to Ohio. Many many things to worry about, many stressfull moments, arrived in Ohio 3 weeks ago. Still living in a hotel at the start of the Out season, don't have a bike, just using fitness equipment at the local gym. Hoping to move into a house early November, start training on my own bike, get a treadmill and develop a new rhythm and life in this new location.
Trevor Garson: Software Engineer, San Diego, CA
(formerly of Cedar Rapids IA, formerly, formerly of Melbourne Beach FL)
2012 Big Races: Escape from Alcatraz!, Wildflower, Ironman Lake Tahoe... and maybe IMAZ
OS Goals:
About me: I talk a lot.
Picture: And lastly... a picture in honor of RnP's celebrated attire at IMWI in 2010, maybe this will just be that little bit of extra inspiration for you to push harder this OS...
Picture from the HyVee 5150 in Des Moines, IA here.
Chad Furlong from Coralville, IA. Doing either Racine or Kansas 70.3 before IMWI
OS goals are to learn, have fun and get fast.
Hello all. I'm a new member here.
Most people call me by my last name - I guess it's catchy. I currently live in Lafayette, LA.
2013 A Races: IM 70.3 Texas (Galveston) in April and IM Texas (Woodlands) in May. After that, no clue.
OS Goals: Where to start. I'm fairly untrained and overweight right now. I figure the OS will help take care of both of those. No quantitative goals. Get stonger, faster and leaner. Stretch goal of sub-12 at IMTX. We'll see. IM PR is 12:54 seven years ago (ugh).
I figure since I'm new, I'll provide a few pictures for my introduction:
My oldest daughter's first race (half mile...though I think we only made it a quarter). This year she came in second in her AG
I enjoy making music (I'm the trumpet player)
Crazy LSU Fan!
Gordon Cherwoniak from Saskatoon Saskatchewan. Part of the great white north in Canada.
Only A race in Lake Placid in July, probably a running race early in March and a late season 1/2 marathon (september)
OS goals. Looking for around 15% bump in FTP assuming a test around 235 so 270 in 14 weeks. Vdot If I ever get my weigh in check a big very big bump but probably 4-5 points from 32-37 give or take. No swimming for me until around 15 weeks out from.
My 4th OS and my main goal is consistency though the 14 weeks.
I'll try to get a picture up later but I just had a hard dirve crash so I'll have to see what I recovered on the tri photo end of things later.
Brian Fenlon West Boylston, MA 43 years old
2013 A races: Rev3 Quassy and Ironman Mt Tremblant
raced at Lake Placid last year for 1st full used EN training plan - this year all in
OS goals: raise FTP to 300 get VDot to 54
Hey y'all!
I'm Andy Musson from Seattle, WA. I grew up in Northern Idaho so I will bring lots of supporters to IM CDA 2013! I'm very excited for my first Ironman and am a relative newbie to long course triathlon (just did my first half distance at Leadman Bend).
2013 OS Goals-
1) figure out my FTP (new to power) and RAISE IT!!
2) Up my Vdot by >2 points
3) Get comfortable with the TeamEN lingo and resources so I can learn as much as possible!
The pic is of me with the reason that I do triathlon. I'm still trying to impress my wife after 7 years together. It was a terrible race for me where I learned a lot but she thought it was awesome and was my biggest fan. She even pointed out that I beat Jordan Rapp by over two hours! Nevermind that he was doing double the distance!
Ryan Miller
Framingham, MA.
1st A-Race is IMLP
2nd A-Race is Rev3 Quassy
OS Goals:
1) Stay injury free
2) Raise my FTP as much as possible (not sure what is realistic), or get my W/kg closer to 3.5
3) Raise my VDOT as much as possible, given winter weather conditions (hopefully we'll have an awesome winter here in the NE like we did last year)
4) Learn a lot about training via EN and other OS folks
5) Set myself up to make a total, utter mockery and disgrace of my 2012 IMLP self
6) Be on the pointy-end of finishers in my AG on a roadie
7) Not have some blowhard ruin my finisher pic:
About me:
Have been doing triathlons for a few years now, but still relatively new to EN. So far I like the high degree of intelligence people bring to the table here. I work in the professional services group for a reseller/integrator of enterprise backup and storage systems, which requires some travel. Hoping that the EN OS will also correspond with a slow time at work to minimize travel, so I don't miss too many workouts.
Also, I think that in addition to everyone having real names, we should all have callsigns - link.
Newbie here and excited to join the Nov Outseason!!
Ann from North Bend Wa.
Peter Wick - Millburn, New Jersey
48 years old, 6'0", 170 lbs.
I joined EN after many discussions with my cousin, and long time EN member, Keith Wick (WSM).
This past season was a rebuilding year after a bike crash shattered my left collarbone. I still did a lot of training and racing though, just not in a very structured way. It's pretty clear that I need a coaching presence of some sort to keep me on track.
My OS goals are:
1) Continue to regain the strength and balance in my arms and shoulders I once had - all in an effort to improve my swim. I need better fitness and technique here.
2) Build my bike fitness up, including learning how to ride steadily during a triathlon instead of like the roadie I've always been. Current FTP=233W; Goal FTP=270 (15% gain).
3) Finally figure out what is going on with my left foot after a stress fracture 2 years ago. Current VDOT=47; Goal=49. I'd like to build my running strength and improve my form. It's currently my weak spot in triathlons.
4) Get some redemption for my epic disaster at IM Lake Placid this past summer. Learn how to execute a race and not sabotage myself. Figure out how to optimize fueling and nutrition while dealing with Type II diabetes.
5) Avoid yet another injury.
Next year's A races are Rev3 Quassy 70.3, NJ State Olympic Triathlon, IM Mount Tremblant and defending my 2nd place overall in the NJ Gran Fondo (Medio route).
Here's an odd photo of me looking like I'm posing for a magazine coming out of the IMLP swim. WTF??
Sweating myself into oblivion on the bike at IMLP
Finally getting home at IMLP. Looking strong but pretty much comatose 4 seconds later...
Name: Mateo Ayala
About me: I'm stationed in Russia until June, 2013, when I'll return Stateside for a long break in the Twin Cities, and then back to the DC area before heading to Whistler. There is a small but vibrant triathlon scene here in Moscow, so I'm hoping to do a couple more races here in the spring before my tour ends.
I did the Kinetic Half in 2010. The swim was fine (a bit warm), the bike was nice and rolling, and the run was like getting beat up by a guy with whiskey breath. Lots of hills, made worse by the heat. But definitely worth it! It's a good idea to book your lodging now. Good luck!
Mateo - thanks for the heads-up. I didn't realize that could be a problem ... Do you have any recommendations for lodging?
Hi everyone,
I am Nathalie Daigle and new this year to TeamEN. Originally from small town in Quebec but now living in Ottawa, Ontario.
Picture below is from the National Duathlon Championships in Toronto, Ontario (July 2012) with 300 yards to go.
1st A-race is HIM Mont Tremblant on June 23rd
2nd A-race is the Age Group World Duathlon Championship in August. (was hoping for more exotic location but last minute changes have landed the race in my backyard of Ottawa...oh, the irony)
I have been doing sprint and olympic distances triathlons and duathlons since 2000 and decided that I needed a new challenge...enter the half-ironman...and subsequently TeamEN to help me along. I have had coaches in the past (2) and self-coached for 10 years however, I felt that I needed more structure to help keep me on track. Plus, I just wanted to execute workouts and not have to spend more time researching and planning than training...that, and somebody to blame shall all the proverbial wheels come off
I trust that I found something very good here and I am willing to do the work which is much easier to execute when you don't have the little bubble of "is this really how I should go about this?" hanging over your head.
OS Goals -- Firstly, I need to figure out the whole FTP thing and then improve on it. Improvements on the VDot would always be welcomed, of course. I really need to get close to my optimal race weight of 113 lbs...which is 10lbs away at this point as I have been a glouton since my last A-race. Get into a training rhythm and then crack on with the rest of the season. Lastly, I need to find a compass to help me navigate this dashboard/forum thing!!
About me -- I love to train. I love hard workouts. I have a tendency to go out hard, sometimes too hard, in races (counting on all of you to keep me in check here).
I also fully intend to resume blogging (been very haphazard since the spring) and document this journey that I am embarking on.
Robin Rodriguez from Chicago
A Races: 2012 Racine 70.3 & (hopefully) Vegas 70.3
Goals: >280w FTP and >55 VDOT
Second OffSeason with EN.
John Holman
San Diego, CA
Races: ITU Oly & San Diego Classic-Oly
Did and easy 2012 coming down from 11 years of IM & 70.3 races.
OS goal to return speed to the body and focusing on intermediate distances
Alex Shapiro (Morganville, NJ)
Eagleman 70.3, Timberman 70.3, IMAZ
OS Goals:
Stay Healthy. AVOID any injury..
- Lose 40lbs, preferably 50lb
- Bike FTP 250 Watts
- Improve Run vdot ??
- Stay Healthy..
I started running to lose weight and so I did. I have lost 100 pound and fell in love with this sport.
I'm married with son, daughter. My son has been diagnosed with autism , so training can be challenging. Always working on mu Spousal approval points, you never know when they come in handy..
I'm obsessed with triathlon and can’t wait to kick ass in 2013.
ps: I’m the yahoo started early..
Steve Perkins from Denver, Colorado.
I've been with EN since the beginning, but I usually keep a pretty low profile. This year, I'm planning to focus on bike racing (time trials, stage races and hill climbs will be my focus) instead of triathlon, so my Outseason will be heavily bike-focused. However, I had a breakthrough running year this past year, and I really don't want to lose all that I've gained, so I plan to integrate lots of running as well, although I probably won't be looking to further improve, just maintain.
My only goal for this Outseason is to bump up the FTP. I hit 325W this past year, and would like to extend my gains with the bike focus Outseason.
I plan to race only the Boulder Peak Triathlon in 2013 because, well... it's the Peak!
My name is Naomi and I am a newbie from Ottawa, Ontario (Canada). I'm sooo looking forward to joining you all for the Nov OS. My aim this year is to IMPROVE. I want to 1) survive the OS and 2) Get faster! The reason I am willingly putting myself thru all of this is to complete my first HIM which will be Tinman in Tupper Lake, NY on June 29, 2013. My photo will come soon, just don't have one on hand right now. Cheers!
Hi everyone - this will be my third November OS, and looking forward to getting started!
2013 A Races - Rev3 Quassy and Ironman Lake Placid
2013 Goals:
From Delmar, NY, just south of Albany. About a 2.5 hour drive to Placid.
Taken just prior to Lake Placid 2011 with my daughter:
George Jordan here from Elizabeth City, NC on the Albemarle Sound. That's me on the far left - TriDuo used my mug for their website. It's from the 2012 Outbanks Half - roofff!
2013 A Races : Shamrock Anthem Half Marathon, Raleigh 70.3, IMLP and IMLou.
OS Goals: Get to race weight of 158 lbs, currently 166 lbs. Improve FTP from 234w to 269w. What ever it takes to setup a vDot 44 to do a sub 4 hour IM marathon and not get injured. Stay married, and don't let my 2 kids forget who what I look like - not in that order
I swam butterfly and IM in college so I am a hasbeen swimmer trying to bike and run. Decided to do triathlon 5 years ago to lose weight when my 5'10" tipped the scales at 204 lbs. Even got my wife and 2 girls to do sprint triathlons and IronKids.
This is my second OS with EN. My first was in 2009 to prepare for my first IM in 2010. I took on a lot this year by signing up for 2 IMs so close together but I did it before in 2010 for my 50th birthday (midlife crisis) - IM France and Vineman. Am usually limited to races in the summer so my kids can participate in IronKids. Cut about 1 hr off my time at Vineman and did not have to go to the medical tent. Cut another hour off at 2011 IM Florida. So, most of the improvement was in the course and tweeking nutrition. For 2012 my A race was Philippines 70.3 and won my AG 50-54. The most fun I have is watching my kids race so I thought IronKids LP was a great opportunity to get them involved.
I went into survival mode after about 5 miles into the Philippins 70.3 run due to the unsufferable heat and humidity and thought there was no way I could get a podium slot. Well, someone told me to check the results online after the race so I went to my hotel room and checked a few miinutes before the award ceremony. Suprise, I won my age group.
Had to run down to get my family and collect my hardware. Goes to show you anything is possible. Lesson learned, don't sell yourself short. Didn't go to the championship in Vegas though. Wish I had just for the t-shirt and swag.
Daniela Williams
North Liberty, Iowa
I live near where Trevor formally did and had a real-life view of his picture.
A races this year: Racine 70.3, Age Group Nationals (as long as it works into my schedule), and either Age Group Worlds, 70.3 Worlds, or spectating IMWI (I dislike that they are all the same weekend!).
OS Goals: This will be my third OS with EN, although I’ve trained in the EN style for a few years.
Pictures: Me and my SO who is semi-retiring from triathlons this year, but is a great Sherpa!
And, headed for the 2011 IMWI finish line for my first (and possibly last) IM..