DONE! i can't believe i've been actually doing my trainings now that I'm "on my own" as I trained with a team for the past 2 years.
I did the 3 x .5 and 1x1 but found that I was going a bit faster than the prescribed pace and was able to maintain it with the 2' rest. So I am happy. I mean, I was tired but not dying.
I am also enjoying the shorter workouts than what I am used to and sleeping in a little more since I leave from my house and dont have to drive anywhere to meet up with anyone. But if I look too far ahead I think "will I be able to keep this up?" I don't know about tomorrow, but today I kept it up. One workout at a time.
Today's WO is in the books! Prescribed pace for 3 x 0.5 and 1x1 was 7:44 per mile. Mine came in at 7:10, 7:25 and 7:30 and the mile was 7:32. They didn't feel very tough and I stuck with my recovery pace during the 3' between interval periods. 25 degrees this morning as I headed out.
Today's WO is in the books! Prescribed pace for 3 x 0.5 and 1x1 was 7:44 per mile. Mine came in at 7:10, 7:25 and 7:30 and the mile was 7:32. They didn't feel very tough and I stuck with my recovery pace during the 3' between interval periods. 25 degrees this morning as I headed out.
Raining and miserable morning in Nova so workout done on the treadmill. Hit my numbers, ate, (did not stretch..bah), now to start the working day. Have a great workout everyone!
Run done for the day! What a difference a week makes. While, you were all testing I was doing this workout. Last week I had to keep slowing down and ended up 20+ seconds fast for each 1.5 mile repeat. This morning was the opposite, I had to speed up a little at the end of each of these repeats to hit my times. Its done! 6 miles in the 45 mins. 10:05 and 10:04 for the repeats.
Quick do you get the info bar at the bottom of post with races and stuff?
How much slower should the active recovery be between intervals? I tried slowing 1 min/mile, but I'm having a hard time making the 3-4 intervals. Is it better to slow active recovery to maintain pace of intervals, slow the pace ofintervals down to make the number of intervals, or some combo I haven't thought of? Ps couch to OS so I know some of this is to be expected.
The beginning of a recovery for me is usually a jog ~2mins slower than my z4 interval just completed, but within about a minute I'm up to somewhere in the 1-1:30 range slower. By the time I'm about to start the next interval I'm at about 30-45 seconds slower. I do this based on RPE...not actually looking at or targeting the paces. My body naturally speeds up as it recovers.
Got the run done this morning. Thanks again to Joe for sharing the garmin workout template thingy - I used it and it worked well. 3 x 1/2 mi @ 7:05 pace with 3' walk/easy pace. I walked the first minute and then back to EP for the last 2 minutes. I am thinking, though, that given my pace for the 1/2 miles that I should shorten the recovery to maybe 2'? Didn't feel completely recovered after the 3', but probably could have gotten by with 2' for a 3.5min on/2' off. Did the 1x1mi at the 7:05 pace as well. Also did the "official" EN run warmup and felt that went well.
Got the run done this morning. Thanks again to Joe for sharing the garmin workout template thingy - I used it and it worked well. 3 x 1/2 mi @ 7:05 pace with 3' walk/easy pace. I walked the first minute and then back to EP for the last 2 minutes. I am thinking, though, that given my pace for the 1/2 miles that I should shorten the recovery to maybe 2'? Didn't feel completely recovered after the 3', but probably could have gotten by with 2' for a 3.5min on/2' off. Did the 1x1mi at the 7:05 pace as well. Also did the "official" EN run warmup and felt that went well.
Dave - you don't want to feel completely recovered between the run sets. Mostly recovered? Sure. Completely? Not yet. When we ge to the VO2 run work, then Yes. There was a good discussion in the "Vets advice on The OS" thread about this....will look for the link and edit if I can find it.
Total brain failure this morning. I should have done MS: 5 x 800 (4') @ TP/10:34/Hard. What I actually did was 0.8 miles followed by a 1 minute walk where it dawned on me that 800m does not equal 0.8 miles and that my fingers were going numb. 1 mile at 10.18 followed by a brief walk and then 1 mile at 10.25 to get back to our flat as quickly as possible for a hot shower. Not quite what was planned but it will do. Running on frozen ground made a nice change to the mud.
No extra work or overachieving here. My intervals this afternoon were all +/- 2 seconds of desired Lap Pace. Two notes: - I am having to work for the Z4 intervals. Guess I tested pretty accurately - First run with a PODRUNNER 180bpm playlist. Made it super duper EZ to hit 90 cadence.
Now to get back to taking care of sick wife and sick daughter.....
wko done early AM before work-30 degrees and clear in Scottsdale, dressed perfectly. 1 mile w/u with 30 stridesx3. .5mi x 3 at 8:30 which is closer to my old VDOT pace. 1mile at 8:50 closer to new VDOT pace. Dogs happy. I think I am going to look into how you program wkos/paces in garmin as I spend a lot of effort in the dark pushing buttons to see the garmin and lose focus. @Carrie-sorry to hear about your flu and then house drama too! I had it bad around new years and the reactive airway cough (Vdot tested last week with the cough). I highly reccomend trying to get some alubuterol inhaler medicine if it continues-I had to add inhaled steroids to really get it under control
@Helen: Hysterical! Most of us have had similar lapses when hypoxic, cold, or both. Something like that is a, "What was I thinking?" moment and always good for a laugh later. Someone once asked me why I have so many funny stories to tell when it comes to triathlons. Today might be one of those for you. Just enjoy that you did some work today and reload for tomorrow!
I managed to get out this afternoon for a run from my office. It was overcast and I used the new yellow lenses I ordered for my sunglasses…cool! It was also extremely windy, reported as 19 gusting 24mph from the SW. I ran a north/south route along the lakeshore path and wisely chose to go southbound into the wind first.
I really exceeded my z4 targets again, but I think my VDOT is understated a bit since I'm essentially hitting the training paces I was hitting last year at this time.
HR data for the first half of the run is totally messed up due to going into the strong wind with a technical shirt that causes bad static and distorts the HR measurement.
Overall 6.50 miles in 45:03, 6:56 pace. Current VDOT 48.5 (z4 – 7:01, z3 – 7:10, z2 – 7:26)
Caught up today after yesterday's ice washed out the run after the bike intervals. Ran an easy 3 this morning with the dog. Then just finished the afternoon with the 3 x 1/2 and 1 x 1. On a per mile pace basis, it ended up 8:03, 8:07, 8:00 and 7:55, on an 8:12 target. Tired on the last, 1 mile interval (as it should be). Ran home to a chocolate milk treat.
HR data for the first half of the run is totally messed up due to going into the strong wind with a technical shirt that causes bad static and distorts the HR measurement.
I was all planning to run first thing in the morning today until I saw the weather report that said it would get up to freezing by late afternoon! (That would be a relief from 15 and very windy from the last week or so.) I went out, dressed like it was freezing, and it turned out to be about 40! Pulled off the hat and just sweated a lot. :-)
I "had" to run a longer recovery because the round-the-university 3-mile loop I ran at around 5 pm actually has a little (gasp!) traffic at that time, and there's only about 2/3 of it that you can plan on running without hitting lights set for the commute or a bejillion undergrads going to a bar.... :-) Not the best time to run this route, but life is life, and it WAS warm!
(I have tried that gel, Joe recommends too, and it helps. And while I'm at it...I have found that DC Rainmaker's 'bandaid' solution works ok, but I've been a lot more successful with white athletic tape than with a bandaid. Maybe I'm a bit more sweaty than DCR!)
Just got done my week 2 run. First interval was easy - second and third were fine - fourth was really hard - the fifth just wan't happening. Hopefully I'll do better next week. May need to test again. The vdot that I was using was from a test at the end of my run focussed block just before Christmas. But I didn't do much over the holidays and I gained six pounds. So maybe I lost a little fitness and with the added weight...
Why, if I can do a 5k at a 9:50 pace, does 2.5mi of Z4 intervals suck so bad? (Slightly rhetorical question) Target pace 10:02. 3 x 1/2 mi, 1 x 1 mi. All targets hit except 1mi was 10:07. I did 3 x 1/2 mi at 1% incline, 1mi @ .5 incline. I walked the rest in between but cut it to 2min vs. 3.
Lately, my lower glutes hurt. (Not sure of the "real" name for this muscle) the area right under my butt. Part of hamstrings? Anyway, could that be from the slight incline? Perhaps I am using my glutes more in cycling or running which is a good thing? I tried some foam rolling tonight but that area is hard to get enough pressure on. I may back off the incline a bit as this is new for me this year. (Last year, did an occasional .5% incline, but I really need to start working on hills but want to work up the incline slowly) Remaining injury free is #1 goal and I have had "back of the leg issues" in the past. (Calf, hammies) I can post this in the Medical forum as well but figured I'd get some good input from my JOS family!
Great job in week 2 everyone! I did my bike VO2 on Mon. so tomorrow is FTP brick for me....
(I have tried that gel, Joe recommends too, and it helps. And while I'm at it...I have found that DC Rainmaker's 'bandaid' solution works ok, but I've been a lot more successful with white athletic tape than with a bandaid. Maybe I'm a bit more sweaty than DCR!)
I'll check out the gel but really "gelling" myself before an OS workout just doesn't seem worth it. We gotta draw the line somewhere! I did the DC Rainmaker approach of using a Polar strap with the Garmin transmitter and it works really well...but I have 2 HR monitors and that strap is in my basement for bike and brick workouts at the moment.
Can you send me the line to the 'bandaid' method...I've never heard of it and can't find it on DCR's site.
Did the interval set as (big head winde on last interval):
>1.5 mi @ NGP of 6:36 (2:38 recovery)
>1 mi @ NGP of 6:41 (2:14 recovery)
>1/2 mile @ NGP of 6:58.
Anyone modifying the recovery intervals? They seem long for the interval distances and I am assuming one of two things; they are written that way so they apply to all and/or they consider the fatigue we are accumulating from the bike work outs etc. Jack Daniels recommends a 1 minute inteval for every 5 minutes of threshold pace work to ensure blood lactate levels do not decrease significantly prior to the next interval.
Matt- This year, I actually did a real-life 5k this year.
In that case Kim the trouble hitting paces may have a lot to do with trying to hit outdoor paces on a treadmill. There have been several threads on this topic as recently as last week if I remember correctly.
One example is that last week I ran my mile intervals at 6:55 or so (barely z4) on a hotel treadmill and hit an HR of 196 (essentially my max). It was brutal. Today I ran 2x 1.5mi outdoors in 30-degree cold at ~6:30 pace and my HR just squeeked over 180.
Anyone modifying the recovery intervals? They seem long for the interval distances and I am assuming one of two things; they are written that way so they apply to all and/or they consider the fatigue we are accumulating from the bike work outs etc.
The latter. It's the "triathlete version". The Daniels' cruise intervals can be really brutal with those short recoveries!!
Lately, my lower glutes hurt....Anyway, could that be from the slight incline?
I doubt it. Regarding the incline, I'll defer to the people who REALLY know the physiology but my understanding is that a 1.5% or so incline actually is a better reproduction of the physiology of outdoor running. I default to 1.5% for every treadmill workout.
Matt- interesting.... I always thought the opposite. ie trying to hit treadmill test paces outdoors was harder (that was the case last year). Oh well. It sucked, I did it though so I hope they'll feel easier soon!
DONE! i can't believe i've been actually doing my trainings now that I'm "on my own" as I trained with a team for the past 2 years.
I did the 3 x .5 and 1x1 but found that I was going a bit faster than the prescribed pace and was able to maintain it with the 2' rest. So I am happy. I mean, I was tired but not dying.
I am also enjoying the shorter workouts than what I am used to and sleeping in a little more since I leave from my house and dont have to drive anywhere to meet up with anyone. But if I look too far ahead I think "will I be able to keep this up?" I don't know about tomorrow, but today I kept it up. One workout at a time.
Have a great day everyone!
Run done for the day! What a difference a week makes. While, you were all testing I was doing this workout. Last week I had to keep slowing down and ended up 20+ seconds fast for each 1.5 mile repeat. This morning was the opposite, I had to speed up a little at the end of each of these repeats to hit my times. Its done!
6 miles in the 45 mins. 10:05 and 10:04 for the repeats.
Quick do you get the info bar at the bottom of post with races and stuff?
The beginning of a recovery for me is usually a jog ~2mins slower than my z4 interval just completed, but within about a minute I'm up to somewhere in the 1-1:30 range slower. By the time I'm about to start the next interval I'm at about 30-45 seconds slower. I do this based on RPE...not actually looking at or targeting the paces. My body naturally speeds up as it recovers.
Ms: 2x1.5 miles at 6:40 pace
Ran remainder in z3
Dave - you don't want to feel completely recovered between the run sets. Mostly recovered? Sure. Completely? Not yet. When we ge to the VO2 run work, then Yes. There was a good discussion in the "Vets advice on The OS" thread about this....will look for the link and edit if I can find it.
[ EDIT] Here is the link:
Two notes:
- I am having to work for the Z4 intervals. Guess I tested pretty accurately
- First run with a PODRUNNER 180bpm playlist. Made it super duper EZ to hit 90 cadence.
Now to get back to taking care of sick wife and sick daughter.....
.5mi x 3 at 8:30 which is closer to my old VDOT pace. 1mile at 8:50 closer to new VDOT pace. Dogs happy.
I think I am going to look into how you program wkos/paces in garmin as I spend a lot of effort in the dark pushing buttons to see the garmin and lose focus.
@Carrie-sorry to hear about your flu and then house drama too! I had it bad around new years and the reactive airway cough (Vdot tested last week with the cough). I highly reccomend trying to get some alubuterol inhaler medicine if it continues-I had to add inhaled steroids to really get it under control
I really exceeded my z4 targets again, but I think my VDOT is understated a bit since I'm essentially hitting the training paces I was hitting last year at this time.
HR data for the first half of the run is totally messed up due to going into the strong wind with a technical shirt that causes bad static and distorts the HR measurement.
Overall 6.50 miles in 45:03, 6:56 pace. Current VDOT 48.5 (z4 – 7:01, z3 – 7:10, z2 – 7:26)
Warmup 10' @ 6:58
2x10.5' – 6:35, 6:32
(2x 4' recoveries 7:52, 8:11)
Remainder time 6' @ 6:58
Caught up today after yesterday's ice washed out the run after the bike intervals. Ran an easy 3 this morning with the dog. Then just finished the afternoon with the 3 x 1/2 and 1 x 1. On a per mile pace basis, it ended up 8:03, 8:07, 8:00 and 7:55, on an 8:12 target. Tired on the last, 1 mile interval (as it should be). Ran home to a chocolate milk treat.
@Matt -- you gotta get yourself some of this: Ever since I started using that stuff, as recommended by DCRainmaker, I have not had any tech-shirt issues.
I "had" to run a longer recovery because the round-the-university 3-mile loop I ran at around 5 pm actually has a little (gasp!) traffic at that time, and there's only about 2/3 of it that you can plan on running without hitting lights set for the commute or a bejillion undergrads going to a bar.... :-) Not the best time to run this route, but life is life, and it WAS warm!
First 1.57 mi at 6:26
Second 1.57 mi at 6:33
Overall 6.5 at a little faster than 7:30. The 7:30 contains a couple of unfortunate but necessary stops.
I am jealous of Matt A's total inability to run slow. :-)
Lately, my lower glutes hurt. (Not sure of the "real" name for this muscle) the area right under my butt. Part of hamstrings? Anyway, could that be from the slight incline? Perhaps I am using my glutes more in cycling or running which is a good thing? I tried some foam rolling tonight but that area is hard to get enough pressure on. I may back off the incline a bit as this is new for me this year. (Last year, did an occasional .5% incline, but I really need to start working on hills but want to work up the incline slowly) Remaining injury free is #1 goal and I have had "back of the leg issues" in the past. (Calf, hammies) I can post this in the Medical forum as well but figured I'd get some good input from my JOS family!
Great job in week 2 everyone! I did my bike VO2 on Mon. so tomorrow is FTP brick for me....
I'll check out the gel but really "gelling" myself before an OS workout just doesn't seem worth it. We gotta draw the line somewhere! I did the DC Rainmaker approach of using a Polar strap with the Garmin transmitter and it works really well...but I have 2 HR monitors and that strap is in my basement for bike and brick workouts at the moment.
Can you send me the line to the 'bandaid' method...I've never heard of it and can't find it on DCR's site.
Kim, stupid question but is the 5k done on a treadmill?
Hey, do you always do the intervals on the downhill parts? BUSTED!!!!!!!!!!
I'm just poking're a fast dude uphill and down!!
Got the run in this morning.
Did the interval set as (big head winde on last interval):
>1.5 mi @ NGP of 6:36 (2:38 recovery)
>1 mi @ NGP of 6:41 (2:14 recovery)
>1/2 mile @ NGP of 6:58.
Anyone modifying the recovery intervals? They seem long for the interval distances and I am assuming one of two things; they are written that way so they apply to all and/or they consider the fatigue we are accumulating from the bike work outs etc. Jack Daniels recommends a 1 minute inteval for every 5 minutes of threshold pace work to ensure blood lactate levels do not decrease significantly prior to the next interval.
In that case Kim the trouble hitting paces may have a lot to do with trying to hit outdoor paces on a treadmill. There have been several threads on this topic as recently as last week if I remember correctly.
One example is that last week I ran my mile intervals at 6:55 or so (barely z4) on a hotel treadmill and hit an HR of 196 (essentially my max). It was brutal. Today I ran 2x 1.5mi outdoors in 30-degree cold at ~6:30 pace and my HR just squeeked over 180.
The latter. It's the "triathlete version". The Daniels' cruise intervals can be really brutal with those short recoveries!!
I doubt it. Regarding the incline, I'll defer to the people who REALLY know the physiology but my understanding is that a 1.5% or so incline actually is a better reproduction of the physiology of outdoor running. I default to 1.5% for every treadmill workout.