put in 3x 12' (1') of really aggressive DWR, focus on technique.
def gonna work this into my weekly routine even after this calf heals and I'm back doing TP work on dry land.
also, picked up some orthotics that claim to spread the pressure around as opposed to how my weight/pressure loads up on my heels and metatarsals. Injuries have a way of helping you become open minded and willing to give anything a shot, ya know?
@Matt: Actually the 1.5% incline is a compensation for lack of wind resistance on the treadmill. Since you are running in place on the treadmill, the effort at 0% grade is similar to running slightly downhill. So, adding in the incline brings the effort back to level ground when running outside. And I think that HR is elevated indoors vs. out because of the increased temperature and lack of cooling, although I'm not positive about this. It would be a good experiment to control for ambient temperature and see if HR and effort are more similar.
@Kim: Running on a treadmill does use your muscles differently, since the ground is moving rather than you moving over stationary ground (as when outside). If you are not used to a treadmill, it wouldn't surprise me if you have soreness in some muscle groups. And adding in the incline may also cause soreness, since we don't run uphill for x minutes continually outside.
@Matt: Actually the 1.5% incline is a compensation for lack of wind resistance on the treadmill. Since you are running in place on the treadmill, the effort at 0% grade is similar to running slightly downhill. So, adding in the incline brings the effort back to level ground when running outside. And I think that HR is elevated indoors vs. out because of the increased temperature and lack of cooling, although I'm not positive about this. It would be a good experiment to control for ambient temperature and see if HR and effort are more similar.
@Kim: Running on a treadmill does use your muscles differently, since the ground is moving rather than you moving over stationary ground (as when outside). If you are not used to a treadmill, it wouldn't surprise me if you have soreness in some muscle groups. And adding in the incline may also cause soreness, since we don't run uphill for x minutes continually outside.
2x - That are exactly the facts why running on a treadmill can NEVER EVER replace an outdoor running workout fully!!
Additionally we should keep in mind that when running on the mill you don't have that kind of "hard" impact on each step as when running on the road and our muscles should get used to deal with that kind of impact.
Therefore I would generally suggest everyone to perform the speed workouts and the long runs outdoor on the asphalt or concrete (not on a trail in the woods - the risk of an injury is significatly higher there).
You're absolutely right about yesterday's run. Did trend downhill during the "work" intervals.
The unfortunate reality (as per my post) was that this was where I had to run if I wasn't going to stop. It's a 3 mile loop (almost exactly), but I admit the "no traffic" area trends downhill! (The east/west part on Lincoln way goes up and down like crazy, but crosses campus escape intersections that are busy ~5 pm)
I try to make it a little more even handed most of the time.
I'd been having major chafing and transmission issues and almost given up on the whole HR business until we had all that hot weather last summer and I started messing around with it again.
My gym bag has a squeeze bottle of Chamois cream, a tube of Body Glide, and this gel. I get in and out of the habit of using the gel, but you don't need to gel yourself. Just put a little bit on the two electrodes of the strap before putting it on. It's actually less hassle to do that than to spit in your hand and stick your hand up your shirt and under the strap...
He says the bandaid stays on. That's not my experience. I run a piece of white cloth athletic tape across the same area, but extend it further out on both sides. Maybe 6-7 inches total. It does get loose with sweat, but if you're a good person and lay the strap out to dry a bit, rather than crumpled in the gym bag, the adhesive re-sticks just fine as it dries.
Even with a treadmill flat, I feel like it's a harder workout. I don't think anyone is saying to use the treadmill as a replacement, but it serves a purpose when needed. When trying out new paces I like it as it forces me to hold the pace with no variation. Along with no worries about dogs, traffic, etc. Then when I go outside it's typical feels easier to hold the equivalent pace. I understand the detailed science of it all, but I also think people get caught up in that. Just do the work and it'll sort itself out.
Feel pretty good 2 weeks in. Got my 2x1.5 mile TP run in last night. Nice way to burn off some work stress.
@Kim- you mentioned your 5K pace was 9:50 and your z4 is supposed to be 10:02. Is that correct? They seem very close together? I did a quick calculation and your Z4 is closer to 10:18 pace. Maybe that is why the pace felt really hard?
@Carrie- You're right! I entered my new 5k time but don't think I saved it. I thought those paces seemed a lot like last years! Yup, 10:18 it is. Well, yeah for me on getting through my last 2 FTP runs at the higher pace. Looking forward to Sunday run at new "leisurely pace".
Thanks again! I thought I was actually starting to suck MORE at running than I already do!
I confirmed that my lousy (for me) vdot is accurate. Wed is usually the only TM run. Its hot, feels a little funny when first starting out, but its dam convenient and easy to set your intervals. Got 5.5 miles in in 43 min.
I am completely off the specific run program until I can get my legs and lungs to cooperate post flu. I hope I am offering some guidance and encouragement on how to be kind to yourself if you end up getting sick too. Yesterday was my rest day.
Tuesday I posted about my 45 min steady run with coughing fits.
Today was run #2 of the week. Ran 7 miles in 1:02 including 7 big hill repeats with 6 of my teammates. On Fridays one team member started hosting this hill run which is a loop along a ridge and you run up and down each off street along the route. HOLY STEEP!! The group included me and 6 boys who are FAST. All 3:00 marathoners. They were awesome and never left me. We ran together the whole time and I just took longer to get up the hills. I love having teammates with no ego. What a great start to the day. As far as my body. Much less coughing. My legs in general feel tender and tight in the calves. I guess from 5 days in bed and then jumping back into training. Therefore no speed for me until the calves feel normal and springy.
Hoping next week my legs will allow me to run the Z4 intervals at the track group I host.
Carl and I were in the same boat... Just too nice outside.
I moved my Sunday run to today, but kept it to an hour since it was between Thu and Sat. Will rest on Sun, when the weather is 10 deg, windy, and snowing, instead of 45 and clear.
I ended up running almost entirely well after sunset, which made for a little adventure here and there. Got in the 2 x 1.5 at TP, but they were a LOT of work, especially the second one. Will post the link Saturday. (And Matt, I went a different route. Less traffic, less light...no downhill miles :-) )
As usual I've done the run session in the early afternoon (as my son is taking a nap at that time) and it was still ridiculously cold (-5degC at my door) and also my feet felt somehow strange. I can't exactly describe the feeling but they just felt not right. Anyhow I started the session as planned and after about 20min I was running so smoothly AND fast and I almost felt no fatigue at all Crazy thing but the session just turned out perfect and I'm awaiting my good-night bike session so I can initially try out my new toy (Garmin 910XT) yeeehaaa
I hope the weather doesn't get that bad as the forecast just told me otherwise I will get VERY wet ...
I did the run today instead of the brick as I had less time to train. I did it between an 8 mile run, felt very doable and certainly not impossible. so feeling good about the whole thing. One thing off my to do list on a busy saturday! have a great weekend everyone ...
OK, so as I confessed, I did the Sunday run on Friday, because of weather. (Good on Friday. Projected major sucky on Sunday). I confess I also swam on Friday at noon..and I was feeling really good, so I swam pretty hard, and it was about 4 hours before. I know. Do as I say, not as I do.
Anyway, here is the link to the "Sunday" run on Friday. Two 1.5 mi segments, the first 6:32, the second 6:23. They were in the dark, so I was guessing on pace. The second one was killer, and I guess the faster pace is why.
@William - did you recognize that the Garmin Connect system gave your awesome workout a "Training Effect" rating of 5.0
Mine looks pretty similar http://connect.garmin.com/activity/263966861 Actually I planned to run a little longer but the rain set in and I was a little scared about black ice because it was very cold the last days ... anyway ... felt pretty good getting that week finished strong
Classic Chicago winter run…17 degrees and low single-digit wind chill. But the lakefront path was far from empty and there were several running groups and individuals who were similarly dedicated to getting in a workout this morning.
At this point I'm pretty convinced my VDOT is understated…I'm hitting the training paces I was hitting last year at this time and the RPE feels right. I'm also down about 7lb from when I tested my VDOT in the New Year's Day 5k.
Once again the HR data for the first half of the run is totally messed up due to going into the strong wind with a technical shirt that causes bad static and distorts the HR measurement. The data for the second interval looks right and seems to get up to about 181…quite low for me for z4 running (usually I'm up around 185-187), but then again it was damn cold.
Overall 7.06 miles in 50:02, 7:05 pace. Current VDOT 48.5 (z4 – 7:01, z3 – 7:10, z2 – 7:26)
Stefan- I recently noticed "Training Effect" on my Garmin. I started a thread on it a few weeks back as I was curious about it. Bummed my run today only gave me a 3. LOL But its still "improving". (Spin classes usually get me a 5!)
Matt- Nice (cold) run! BBBRRR We had a fairly warm day here so I took advantage of not having to run on the 'mill.
Brenda- Good job hittin today's run after yesterday. Nice riding "with" you guys!
Chris- Glad to hear about the calf!
Decent run today running around the neighborhood. Actually able to get outside but it was a windy be-otch
Target pace: 10:18
1/2mi @ 9:43 pace (more flat and downhill portion) 1mi @ 10:23 pace 1mi@ 10:35 pace
My neighborhood is quite hilly so hitting the targeted pace is challenging but I'll get it with practice. (I usually run on the rail trail which is flat.) Any tips on managing that? I tried to maintain a steady effort so paces varied from 8:30 on the downhills to 13:30 on the steeper portions. My first race of the season has a crazy hilly run so practicing around the 'hood will be very helpful.
Instead of doing the FTP intervals today, I ran a local 5K yesterday. It was TRADITION. Due to having to watch my wife off on her 1/2-marathon, I did not get in the warmup that I normally do, so my HR started out a lot lower than normal, which was reflected in an avg HR 4 bpm lower than my 5k test two weeks ago.
Overall I am moderately pleased with the race. I did take 1st in AG (since two others rolled up into Master's Overall). I started WAY, WAY too fast even though I was trying to hold back. I was hoping to break 21minutes, but it was not to be. I did earn an extra 0.5 VDOT points....so that is nice.
@ Joe - congrats on your AG win and to your wife for sub-2 HM.
@ chris - good news on the calf. Be sure to continue to get good rest as the pain may be gone, the muscle is still fragile. suggest you give it another week of no pain before you really push it.
Good work everybody.
I did the Sunday run yesterday. Ran with ENer Claudia Langarica who is racing the New Orleans marathon end of Feb. I ran 6 miles with her to keep her company on her 3 hour run (she ran 22 miles in 2:58 & is ready to smoke the marathon). I didn't do the intervals as I'm still letting my heel get better. I did 6 miles @8:22 pace with HR 140-145 range. Good news is that the heel felt fine. And I did the run after 2 hours on the bike including hitting all the bike intervals.
Today I did a mini tri. Swam 1500 meters, including a new PR for a 200 meter sprint. then did a 90' spinervals class, then ran 2 EZ miles @ 8:50 pace with 6 x 30" strides at the end. Heel felt fine and seems to be finally coming along.
I will keep an eye on my upcoming workouts when upload them to Garmin Connect ... would be funny if they would create something like 6 = Freaking awesome EN stuff
@ Bruce, will do, will probably do light short runs with accels this week and then slide into Week 1's first weekend next Saturday. And, of course, anything that resembles a twinge is reason enough to abort the effort.
@ Matt - yep, I think your VDOT is understated, especially if you've lost 7 pounds since your test. Maybe another test is in order. Any local 5k races in your neighborhood in the next couple of weeks? I'm signed up for the Cupid 10K in Highland Park in 3 weeks. Maybe you could do that if you can't find a 5k race (since I recall you prefer to use a race as a test).
Chris- I am so happy to read about your pain free calf. What a relief.
Joe- Congrats on your AG win. Tell your wife she is inspiring and congrats on her race.
Matt- definitely looks like your vdot is at least 52. No question. Way to go on hitting all of these workouts with such consistency.
Captain William- glad you got to run in the warmth
Kim- no need to "hit paces" on a hilly course- will only set you up for injury and exhaustion. Go by perceived exertion.
Thank you all for posting and helping others keep their mojo alive.
I ran today on my favorite 10 mile trail run on Mount Diablo. 2500 feet of climbing. Very steep. Beautiful run. MY FAVORITE RUN of all my runs!!! I just wanted to get my body out there to run. No set pace. The hills provide the killer efforts. SO OUT OF BREATH. My lungs were great and I ran my usual pace so I am back!! 10 miles in 1:37. I hosted a group of 8 so it was really fun and lots of regroups. So fun to share this lifestyle with others.
Next week will try to do all the prescribed run workouts. Back to Z4's. I will guess that I can run a 20:00-20:30 5K. I think that puts Z4 at 6:50ish. I have been running those paces for months now. I'll see how that feels Tuesday at track.
Crummy run. 910 battery was dead when i fired it up, so no HRM, no pace, no timer. Ran based on RPE and distance on a track. Not really sure about RPE at Z4-5, so it was likely an inefficient training effort.
Lesson learned - when Garmin sez 50% charge, it means charge me now!
def gonna work this into my weekly routine even after this calf heals and I'm back doing TP work on dry land.
also, picked up some orthotics that claim to spread the pressure around as opposed to how my weight/pressure loads up on my heels and metatarsals. Injuries have a way of helping you become open minded and willing to give anything a shot, ya know?
@Kim: Running on a treadmill does use your muscles differently, since the ground is moving rather than you moving over stationary ground (as when outside). If you are not used to a treadmill, it wouldn't surprise me if you have soreness in some muscle groups. And adding in the incline may also cause soreness, since we don't run uphill for x minutes continually outside.
2x - That are exactly the facts why running on a treadmill can NEVER EVER replace an outdoor running workout fully!!
Additionally we should keep in mind that when running on the mill you don't have that kind of "hard" impact on each step as when running on the road and our muscles should get used to deal with that kind of impact.
Therefore I would generally suggest everyone to perform the speed workouts and the long runs outdoor on the asphalt or concrete (not on a trail in the woods - the risk of an injury is significatly higher there).
Try to use shoes with less damping.
Point well taken! You caught me!
You're absolutely right about yesterday's run. Did trend downhill during the "work" intervals.
The unfortunate reality (as per my post) was that this was where I had to run if I wasn't going to stop. It's a 3 mile loop (almost exactly), but I admit the "no traffic" area trends downhill! (The east/west part on Lincoln way goes up and down like crazy, but crosses campus escape intersections that are busy ~5 pm)
I try to make it a little more even handed most of the time.
@ Matt #2:
I'd been having major chafing and transmission issues and almost given up on the whole HR business until we had all that hot weather last summer and I started messing around with it again.
My gym bag has a squeeze bottle of Chamois cream, a tube of Body Glide, and this gel. I get in and out of the habit of using the gel, but you don't need to gel yourself. Just put a little bit on the two electrodes of the strap before putting it on. It's actually less hassle to do that than to spit in your hand and stick your hand up your shirt and under the strap...
As to the bandaid, here's the link: http://www.dcrainmaker.com/2012/08/how-to-fix-heart-rate-strap-chaffing.html
Here's the key image:
He says the bandaid stays on. That's not my experience. I run a piece of white cloth athletic tape across the same area, but extend it further out on both sides. Maybe 6-7 inches total. It does get loose with sweat, but if you're a good person and lay the strap out to dry a bit, rather than crumpled in the gym bag, the adhesive re-sticks just fine as it dries.
However, I can say that I use the incline in large part to get my stride/gait feeling closer to right more than worrying about the wind.
Feel pretty good 2 weeks in. Got my 2x1.5 mile TP run in last night. Nice way to burn off some work stress.
Thanks again! I thought I was actually starting to suck MORE at running than I already do!
Tuesday I posted about my 45 min steady run with coughing fits.
Today was run #2 of the week. Ran 7 miles in 1:02 including 7 big hill repeats with 6 of my teammates. On Fridays one team member started hosting this hill run which is a loop along a ridge and you run up and down each off street along the route. HOLY STEEP!! The group included me and 6 boys who are FAST. All 3:00 marathoners. They were awesome and never left me. We ran together the whole time and I just took longer to get up the hills. I love having teammates with no ego. What a great start to the day. As far as my body. Much less coughing. My legs in general feel tender and tight in the calves. I guess from 5 days in bed and then jumping back into training. Therefore no speed for me until the calves feel normal and springy.
Hoping next week my legs will allow me to run the Z4 intervals at the track group I host.
Couldn't pass up a run outside today with a friend who is getting into working out. Was a blast to just run and talk!!
I moved my Sunday run to today, but kept it to an hour since it was between Thu and Sat. Will rest on Sun, when the weather is 10 deg, windy, and snowing, instead of 45 and clear.
I ended up running almost entirely well after sunset, which made for a little adventure here and there. Got in the 2 x 1.5 at TP, but they were a LOT of work, especially the second one. Will post the link Saturday. (And Matt, I went a different route. Less traffic, less light...no downhill miles :-) )
Anyhow I started the session as planned and after about 20min I was running so smoothly AND fast and I almost felt no fatigue at all
Crazy thing but the session just turned out perfect and I'm awaiting my good-night bike session so I can initially try out my new toy (Garmin 910XT) yeeehaaa
I hope the weather doesn't get that bad as the forecast just told me otherwise I will get VERY wet ...
I did the run today instead of the brick as I had less time to train. I did it between an 8 mile run, felt very doable and certainly not impossible. so feeling good about the whole thing. One thing off my to do list on a busy saturday! have a great weekend everyone ...
Anyway, here is the link to the "Sunday" run on Friday. Two 1.5 mi segments, the first 6:32, the second 6:23. They were in the dark, so I was guessing on pace. The second one was killer, and I guess the faster pace is why.
Mine looks pretty similar http://connect.garmin.com/activity/263966861
Actually I planned to run a little longer but the rain set in and I was a little scared about black ice because it was very cold the last days ... anyway ... felt pretty good getting that week finished strong
At this point I'm pretty convinced my VDOT is understated…I'm hitting the training paces I was hitting last year at this time and the RPE feels right. I'm also down about 7lb from when I tested my VDOT in the New Year's Day 5k.
Once again the HR data for the first half of the run is totally messed up due to going into the strong wind with a technical shirt that causes bad static and distorts the HR measurement. The data for the second interval looks right and seems to get up to about 181…quite low for me for z4 running (usually I'm up around 185-187), but then again it was damn cold.
Overall 7.06 miles in 50:02, 7:05 pace. Current VDOT 48.5 (z4 – 7:01, z3 – 7:10, z2 – 7:26)
Warmup: 8.5' @ 7:17, 3.5' @ 7:58
2x 1.5 miles – 6:37, 6:31
(2x 4' recoveries 8:33, 7:52)
Remainder time 10' @ 6:59
with 0 calf pain!
notes...used compression, used newtons, with SuperTopSecret Pressure Distributing Orthotics in them, 2 hills.
this was a test run, not the schedule.
1st mile very ez over the hill
then 2x .5miles at TP (based on pre-injury vdot)
then 3rd mile home, nice and ez over that hill.
calf felt absolutely fine, will take a week or two to get running legs back, not the same as DWR.
will still treat the calf as if it's hurt (rest it often, stretch it, ice it, compression, elevate it often) for a couple of more weeks.
I will post with you guys in the current weeks but I'm gonna slide back to week 1 runs (minus the test) and just go from there.
so glad this has been a 3 week injury, instead of a 6-8 weeker like in the past 2 years!
Matt- Nice (cold) run! BBBRRR We had a fairly warm day here so I took advantage of not having to run on the 'mill.
Brenda- Good job hittin today's run after yesterday. Nice riding "with" you guys!
Chris- Glad to hear about the calf!
Decent run today running around the neighborhood. Actually able to get outside but it was a windy be-otch
Target pace: 10:18
1/2mi @ 9:43 pace (more flat and downhill portion)
1mi @ 10:23 pace
1mi@ 10:35 pace
My neighborhood is quite hilly so hitting the targeted pace is challenging but I'll get it with practice. (I usually run on the rail trail which is flat.) Any tips on managing that? I tried to maintain a steady effort so paces varied from 8:30 on the downhills to 13:30 on the steeper portions. My first race of the season has a crazy hilly run so practicing around the 'hood will be very helpful.
Happy Rest Day tomorrow!
Instead of doing the FTP intervals today, I ran a local 5K yesterday. It was TRADITION. Due to having to watch my wife off on her 1/2-marathon, I did not get in the warmup that I normally do, so my HR started out a lot lower than normal, which was reflected in an avg HR 4 bpm lower than my 5k test two weeks ago.
Overall I am moderately pleased with the race. I did take 1st in AG (since two others rolled up into Master's Overall). I started WAY, WAY too fast even though I was trying to hold back. I was hoping to break 21minutes, but it was not to be. I did earn an extra 0.5 VDOT points....so that is nice.
Splits were:
And here is the photo of The Major Award --
@ Joe - congrats on your AG win and to your wife for sub-2 HM.
@ chris - good news on the calf. Be sure to continue to get good rest as the pain may be gone, the muscle is still fragile. suggest you give it another week of no pain before you really push it.
Good work everybody.
I did the Sunday run yesterday. Ran with ENer Claudia Langarica who is racing the New Orleans marathon end of Feb. I ran 6 miles with her to keep her company on her 3 hour run (she ran 22 miles in 2:58 & is ready to smoke the marathon). I didn't do the intervals as I'm still letting my heel get better. I did 6 miles @8:22 pace with HR 140-145 range. Good news is that the heel felt fine. And I did the run after 2 hours on the bike including hitting all the bike intervals.
Today I did a mini tri. Swam 1500 meters, including a new PR for a 200 meter sprint. then did a 90' spinervals class, then ran 2 EZ miles @ 8:50 pace with 6 x 30" strides at the end. Heel felt fine and seems to be finally coming along.
I will keep an eye on my upcoming workouts when upload them to Garmin Connect ... would be funny if they would create something like
6 = Freaking awesome EN stuff
@ Joe, congrats!
@ Bruce, will do, will probably do light short runs with accels this week and then slide into Week 1's first weekend next Saturday. And, of course, anything that resembles a twinge is reason enough to abort the effort.
@ Matt - yep, I think your VDOT is understated, especially if you've lost 7 pounds since your test. Maybe another test is in order. Any local 5k races in your neighborhood in the next couple of weeks? I'm signed up for the Cupid 10K in Highland Park in 3 weeks. Maybe you could do that if you can't find a 5k race (since I recall you prefer to use a race as a test).
Chris- I am so happy to read about your pain free calf. What a relief.
Joe- Congrats on your AG win. Tell your wife she is inspiring and congrats on her race.
Matt- definitely looks like your vdot is at least 52. No question. Way to go on hitting all of these workouts with such consistency.
Captain William- glad you got to run in the warmth
Kim- no need to "hit paces" on a hilly course- will only set you up for injury and exhaustion. Go by perceived exertion.
Thank you all for posting and helping others keep their mojo alive.
I ran today on my favorite 10 mile trail run on Mount Diablo. 2500 feet of climbing. Very steep. Beautiful run. MY FAVORITE RUN of all my runs!!! I just wanted to get my body out there to run. No set pace. The hills provide the killer efforts. SO OUT OF BREATH. My lungs were great and I ran my usual pace so I am back!! 10 miles in 1:37. I hosted a group of 8 so it was really fun and lots of regroups. So fun to share this lifestyle with others.
Next week will try to do all the prescribed run workouts. Back to Z4's. I will guess that I can run a 20:00-20:30 5K. I think that puts Z4 at 6:50ish. I have been running those paces for months now. I'll see how that feels Tuesday at track.
Crummy run. 910 battery was dead when i fired it up, so no HRM, no pace, no timer. Ran based on RPE and distance on a track. Not really sure about RPE at Z4-5, so it was likely an inefficient training effort.
Lesson learned - when Garmin sez 50% charge, it means charge me now!