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IMTX May 6th-12th

12 days to go...   Official taper mode....  Hit the local YMCA here in the Woodlands for 2700yds , 500 wu , 10 x 200 everyone at 2:57 except the last one I dropped down to 2:58 (rest 1:03) .... couple cool down..  they have Masters classes mon-fri,  twice a day at 6am and 11am... Would kill for that back home...  Weighed in and just hit race weight 120lbs!

Nothing we can do to get faster , but lots we can do to get slower.... Be smart... Be safe... Stay focussed for 12 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • @Tim- Did you get into the tri there? ...and congrats on race weight!!

    I had an excellent RR yesterday (moved due to rain) and feel really good and confident in all three phases with 12 days to go. I am 0.2 lbs away from race weight...definitely going to hit it.

    Will be in the pool tonight and look forward to the IMTX webinar tonight. Anyone else joining?
  • @Dwight I could have got in if I wanted to but temps in the 40's that day.. Heck the temp was 50 this am on my way to the pool WTF over? Congrats on your RR and body comp goals.... I'll be at the webinar tonight!
  • Just a run for me today....Whats the situation with swimming in the lake there?...can we get in prior to formal sessions?


  • No swimming in the lake... Except practice swim Friday... Tell ya the truth the water is not that appealing LOL ... I said the same about IMLOU and actually did not mind it .. But coming from a Lake in NH I'm used to nice clear water. Anyway I'll be doing the practice swim just for a few minutes to check it out ahead of time.

    Maybe we could meet at the practice swim for a TEAM PIC!
  • What Tim said - no swimming in the lake until Friday before the race. You'll need to make sure you've checked in and have your wrist band before they will let you in the water on Friday.
  • @Tim-- Love the idea of a team pic at swim practice...I'm only going to be able to make post-race high fives so won't see anyone until then. I've swam Tempe Town Lake, the Ohio River, and the Hudson River. I'm definitely "crap water" trained!
  • @ Dwight...LOL...I have had the pleasure of crystal clear NH Lake water (Liquid Ice at time though)....and the mighty Murky Ohio river @ Louisville...so i guess this will kinda be a mix of the two...Murky Lake...

    Frankly...I'm kinda lookin forward to warm..


  • @ Joseph-- I'm guessing the same and I'm jealous of your swim venue in NH. I'm with you on the warm. I live in Atlanta and this has been the wettest, coldest, "spring" I can ever remember. Honestly I've trained in nothing but rain so if it rains in Houston I'm OK with that.

    Looking at weather.com the forecast for May 16 is high of 82 and a low of 64 with 10% chance of precipitation. That's as far out as they forecast. I'd take that weather RIGHT NOW.
  • Ahhhhh, taper madness. Time to obsess about every little detail, "Am I losing fitness by not running that extra 0.01 mile today", "Can I save a 0.3 watts by shaving off the edges of the lid to my water bottle", "Hey, did you see that sweet new carbon-aero bike special needs bag? Got to get one of those!!!!"

    But seriously, focusing on good nuitrition, lots of sleep, and not letting work interfere with my positive mental mojo these last two weeks (really only one as I'm only working one day next week). Treadmill today with 4 miles in 30 minutes with 2x1 mile at TP. Felt like I barely broke a sweat before it was time to get off. Pool tonight if I can break away.

    Stay sane everyone! Make good decisions focused on getting to the starting line fresh and healthy.
  • Can I save a couple of watts by getting a haircut and shaving my underarms...done!

    6miles today....7:30 avg....3 miles warming up...miles 4&5@ 6:55...backed off and cooleddown final miles @ 7:39....felt a little sluggish...but generally okay...................

    Hey...whattyall do if you have to ship your tribike...before this final weekend ride?...I have a roadbike I will ride...but really not metrics (ie. no powermeter)....so how should I ride? RPE? HR?...just ride and be happy?

  • @Joe. My bike is gone on Friday. I may do long ride Wednesdsy and trail ride my mountain bike Saturday.
    Swim: 3000 m in pool. Swam for first time with xterra speed suit. Felt somewhat constricting on chest but overall not bad. Probably do next long swim
    Will bike tonight and run tomorrow
  • What do people put in bag that you ship out with tri bike trans?
  • @Joe, I ride the road bike to RPE. I also ride less popular spots/times so that I won't run into as many other cyclists and have to fight the biological urge to show them a clean set of wheels.

    @John, be careful if you hop on fat tires and hit single track. Lots of badness can jump up and grab you a week out.

    No pool for me. We cooked a monster good dinner (salmon with corn, tomatoes, & avocados mix) and now I'm fat and happy. I'll cue up the webinar! Hopefully see ya'll there.
  • @Roy. Will probably do single track no hops or jumps. Started MTBing about 1 1/2 years ago. Managed to fracture 2 ribs, hurt a knee and slam face into ground. The neck one scared me. Snapped my neck back and caused me to lay motionless on ground until I was sure my spinal cord was not injured
  • For Friday swim, I'd recommend a little longer swim. If I remember correctly I think they let you swim out 500-1000 yards and back. I'd practice sighting, looking for things to watch for race day. The water is definitely a little murky, but as noted above, no worse that some other courses.
  • How do you feel about wkos this week? How important/relative important to do...say the bike & run brik today v breaking it up into two separate wkos?......I hate the tapering doubts......ugh...I feel good...but even after a couple of years of this...these last few weeks drive me nuts.

  • @Joe I think your fine breaking it up... You have another opportunity to do the same brick on Saturday..... I was planning on breaking mine up today since I'm going to do a longer bike than called for this afternoon I'm gonna go ahead and run this am...

    As far as importance of wko's RnP have em prioritized pretty good. As long as we reduce time but still include some intensity I think that is all that matters. The way its written looks like 1-2miles Z4 and 3 x6 FTP..... for the real work...
  • How was the webinar last night. I was bummed about missing it
  • @John...the webinar was good...very informative...its recored you should watch/listen...the bike recon is worth it...

    @Tim- thanks....but I ended up .."just gettin it done" all in the am as a brick and I'mglad I did...felt very good...1hr. ride 20mph avg...got in the 3x6 z4 and  rode the rest as z3...hopped off and only had time for 3miles (8:10,7:19,7:06)...good enough.

    Cheers all.

    BTW- I wrote an RR report with some race execution questions in the race execution forum...if ya get a chance to view and comment I'd appreciate it...thanks.

  • Generally fine here.

    Don't plan on the friday swim or race meeting. Doesn't work for my race zen. Will walk/run the swim angles though. Will swim once in lake conroe to recheck swim gear.

    Just working on sleep and not catching stuff from the patients.

    Bike to tribike. Nice to work the road bike in the meantime.

    Have a relaxing week all.

    Regarding workouts now, for me, time does not matter. Just throw in bits of intensity for the next week.
  • I here you Robin. Between, kids, wife and patients, I get nervous I'm gonna catch something right before race day
  • x2 the Webinar was VERY informative and really picked apart the bike course. I'm looking forward to reviewing it again. Can someone provide the link? I can't find it or maybe Patrick hasn't posted it yet.

    Just turned in my bike to my LBS for final tunes and tweaks. Ordered new pads for my aerobars and shipping her out Friday. Hitting spin class tonight followed by 45 mins on the treadmill.
  • Ditto Dwight...bike at LBS....will turn it over to TriBikeTransport on Friday morning.....looking forward to getting to TX now......

  • Run WKO 1-2 miles @ z4. Mind said to do 2 but I decided during taper time I'll do the opposite. So I did 1@z4. Now time to stretch.
  • What do people put in the bags they purchased for TBT
  • With rainy weather, it was all indoors for me. 35 minutes on the stationary with 3x6 @ FTP and then hopped on the treadmill for 3 miles in 22 with 1 @ TP.

    Like most, I don't really pay attention to time requirements in any wko between now and race day. I just try to get in some/all of the assigned intensity. At this point, recovery is more important to me. As long as the body moves at some point in the day, I'm happy.

    @John, wrt bags, I didn't get one, but if I did, I would probably put my tools in it and other odds and ends that I wouldn't want in my bags (CO2 comes to mind). Personally, I put my shoes, pedals, and helmet into my carry on and pack everything else in my checked luggage. In an extreme case, I could probably replace any lost luggage items in the overpriced expo.
  • Best I can tell from the Texas info, we do NOT need to wear number on person on the bike. 
  • On the course review one thing that Coach P did not mention is that on 1486 around mile 689 the road gets very rough.  This is a relatively new section of chip and seal.  I refer to it as chip, no seal.  I starts at the Montgomery County Line and extends for about 4.2 miles.  It is physically a little tough, However just know that it is short and focus on the fact that you will be through it pretty quick.  

    Can't wait to see everyone.  Penny will be at the Memorial Herman tent starting on Wednesday.  I will be in the Woodlands starting on Thursday.

  • @JP I concur on that rough pavement... There is also a sweeping right hand turn that has a good amount of gravel on it... Today was cleaner than it has been and there is actually a sign before you get there "loose gravel" not exactly sure of the location but I think its 1486 mile 71-72...

    Finally got some heat today 88 when started my bike and 87 when ended.... Still no humidity though and light winds ... Rode 53 miles ABP on the north loop of the course... ran a few miles this am in the cold!
  • For the roads I found the best thing to do was to stay off the shoulder if at all possible. The surface is much better/faster 18 inches in. Stay there all day if you can!
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