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IMTX May 6th-12th



  • I agree with John and if something goes wrong....there goes Saturday.

    @Rich, I might be able to join up with you for a ride. Leaving town here in a few hours and we'll see what shakes out in Texas.

  • You dont want to leave your IM bike split on the Velodrome!
  • ok. got the message. I know you're all right. Okay it's back to my training plan and swimming and sighting, with a short run.

  • Step back from the ledge Patricia image

    1800 yards in the pool this morning, 30-ish minutes spinning easy on the trainer, and a 90 minute massage. Time to finish packing and nap! Early flight tomorrow.

    If there is anyone looking to ride a bit of recon tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday), I'm going to try to get one in if day light permits. It will be a on-call target depending on how long arrival and admin stuff takes.

    Travel safe everyone/
  • @Roy. I'd be down for Wednesday ride. Need to check and make sure bike works. Here's my cell 301-646-2882
  • I won't see you all till Thursday... getting my relaxing swim in tonight...

    Ok, I'm over the edge!
  • Water temp is 75.8 today...
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