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IMTX May 6th-12th



  • @ Robo ... That does not kill you will make you stronger! Glad its run its course... Eat up!

    Thunderstorms last night and this am here in the Woodlands! Nice day to REST!
  • Bike and bag dropped off
  • Hope stuff doesn't get lost. Bag had pedals, helmet, nutrition wetsuits, bike shoes, pump and misc.
  • @ John-- all that stuff is so overrated...you don't need it.

    jk--i've never heard anyone have any problems with TBT. You're in good hands.
  • Well Bike is off and in the hands of TBT....a couple of hours on the road bike on tap for tommorrow if no lightning....If lightning I may do it on Sunday 

    2700 swim this morning...200wup/5x200/2x250/1x350/250/150/100/50...cooldown...all TP-5...will do a TT on Sunday (unless I ride in which case I will do on Monday am)

    Regarding Chain..."they" say...if you let the chain go too long...it can deteriorate the cassette...and then it is worse to put a new chain on...hence changing the cassette and chain at the same time...but if it isn't too far along...I have read you can change chains up to 5 times on a single cassette...

    Also regarding...gunk/goo/gel/fluids doing damage to the bike...I had an issue when I first got my tri-bike where gel got into the shifter and caused problems...and I always have to wash off my headset/bars after a long ride...from gel/juice mucking up the front end...(one reason I really like the Torpedo Mounted A2...no spill!...

  • Taking a rest day today. Had lunch with the wife and I'm leaving work early(ish). Massage last night was good. Scheduled for one more Tuesday. Swim Skin arrived yesterday (Tyr Elite). Bike is at TBT and I will roll the road bike tomorrow. I'll probably just load it up on the trainer to keep it easy/low family-time impact as tomorrow is de-facto mother's day for us. Wife is working on Sunday to support off time for Texas trip later in the week.

    All in all pretty, I'm pretty darn happy with where I/we are right now and looking forward to next week.
  • Question about next weeks Wko. Under the plan it says if your race is on Saturday drop the Monday Wko and move the rest one day ahead. My small brain is not comprehending what this means
  • @JK I understand it to mean..... remove Monday.... then take tues-sat wko's and move them to mon-fri
  • @Tim that's what I thought but isn't that actually moving them back a day? That's what was confusing me.
  • Yeah but its not Coach RnP's strong point.... Whatever you do dont start adding up the math of the intervals they never add up LOL!
  • LOL...JK...I understood what they wanted a'la Tim's explanation...but also thought the same thing when I read their instructions...


  • Swim done. Tomorrow gonna have to take out MTB. I plan on riding it on the roads to avoid any last minute injuries
  • Made some poor nutrition choices during yesterday's rest day and woke up feeling sluggish this morning. Decided to stretch the legs a bit and loosen up. 4 miles in 29 with 1 mile warm-up and then 3 progressively faster miles. Felt good and with a bit of humidity in the air, I broke a pretty good sweat. Focus on family time today (and a bit of mother's day) since the better half has to work tomorrow. Am going to try to get an hour or so on the trainer this afternoon.

    Good luck everyone! Looking forward to meeting and racing with everyone next week.
  • Bike finished. 1.5 hours on MTB. Didn't really push it. Worked couple hills hard just to remind my legs how to ride. Hope to run this afternoon
  • Well...I took the road bike out for a bit over 2hrs...was painfully reminded of why I have the Adamo Saddle on my Tribike...spotty rain & 94% humidity..., the positional change on the road bike, the saddle, and not having any real metrics other than RPE and HR...kinda made for a weird ride....I overdid it abit in the first hour (high HR...effort + humidity)...kinda backed that down and road the second hour a bit steadier...but I can't say I felt great or as great as I would like to have...but it was okay...42miles/18mph avg....

    On the bike I was considering bagging the brick...but when I finished and hopped off I felt good...so decided I would run a bit...did progressive 5k 7:45 avg. (8:21,7:39,7:23)...I felt really good ...so glad I did the run...made the whole wko ok.

    Resting...resting...resting...swim tommorrow, short bike spin (1hr maybe) on Monday (maybe with short brick.like today)...Tuesday off(or short run if I don't Brick on Monday)/Travel ..Course Recon Ride on Wednesday....short run on Thursday...Swim recon Friday morning......and well we all know what is on Saturday!

  • Just got email. Bike has been shipped
  • 2.5 hr bike and 30 min brick run done..... Its finally humid today! For the first time since I been here I actually had beads of sweat on my forearms in the aero bars , glasses fogged up when getting off the bike to pee, and sweat actually came off my head and down my glasses.... Yep temps only said low 80's but felt like 100!
  • @Tim - what is this humidity you speak of. I have to laugh, I ran into a friend today on my ride. I was in my race kit and he asked, "Aren't you cold?" :-)
  • Nice Race Prep Swim...4000/1:14/1:52...ready-2-go.

  • Mock Oly Tri yesterday with 130 fellow friends and newbies. Murky 70° green water, no power meter and HR batt died @ start too, temp 83-93° with some humidity, cross winds, and all @ RPE. Dip the legs in cold lake water afterwards with a hamburger and large hot dog with a coke waiting on shore....all good. See ya'll later on in the week.


  • Sounds like fun Jay!...

  • Will there be a group me for this race?
  • Nice scare this morning. Out cleaning up my bike, doing some last minute maintenance and I noticed a spot on the frame. Looked like a crack. Took it into the bike shop for them to look over. Just a wierd scratch in the paint job. Whew, I could feel my stress level shooting up.
  • Had crawfish, strawberry shortcake and champaign for Mother's Day. Do you think it's too late to diet?
    Fortunately it was after 42 miles on the bike and 6 mile run! I love Mother's Day!
  • @Jay, nice work!

    Made it to the basement this afternoon since I get skeered to ride outside this close to race day. I went with exactly no metrics besides RPE available and pedaled exactly as long as one episode of Netflix's House of Cards. Felt great to just keep the legs loose. I don't like to work hard during the taper, but my legs feel very stiff if I don't get something each day.

    One day of work, one day of admin/logistics/final packing, and then early airplane ride on Wednesday.
  • Did nothing today except spend time with family. Will start pulling things together for packing. Can't believe it's almost here.
  • OMG....work tommorrow...I'll really be concentrating  

    1hr. of spinning around on the bike+ 10-15min run...scheduled for after work...

    then I gotta pack....makin' a list...checkin it twice....

    Leave Tuesday am...trying to decide whether to swim before my flight...will be the only time to swim until Friday.......



  • ok, here's a question. today is time trial race at the veloway. It is an 8 mile loop and I love doing this monthly race. it is only 23 minutes of all out effort. 20 minutes of warm up and same for cool down. it will give me one more time to test my power.

    should I do this or not?
  • No no and no. Short duration high intensity three days before race not a good idea
  • @Patty save it for the 112 mile time trial on Sat. There is always next month for the veloway.

    All - I'm planning to recon the bike course tomorrow, after I pick up race wheels. Putting out there since I have room for one more bike if anyone is interested.
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