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IMTX Week 2 0f 12



  • Just finished that killer. Last week, it felt like a piece of cake as I was coming off 2 weeks of swim camp + 1 week of swimming. After a week+ of the IM plan, this morning was a different story:

    Interval # / IF / AHR / Last week's AHR (for comparison)

    #1 / 0.96 / 137 / 128

    #2 / 0.97 / 145 / 135

    #3 / 1.10 / 147 / 142

    #4 / 1.10 / 150 / 145

    #5 / 1.10 / 153 / 145

    Had to stand up to hit my target for #5 and probably woke the family with the primal screams coming from the pain cave but it was worth it. Headed out for a quick run now.
  • You guys are funny about the aero helmet and wheels...... I'm that guy all the time..... Why??? because I'm a triathlete NOT a roady.... I ride my tri bike 100% of the time because I dont have a road bike (thinking about one for next season in Tucson) I ride my aero helmet(rudy wingspan) 100% of the time because it has better vision than a road helmet when in aero position.... I ride my race wheels 100% of the time because I am lazy , dont want to own , pay for , maintain, extra wheels for no reason other than to look more like a roady that I am not, those wheel handle differently and the more time I spend on them the better I will be....I even left my disc cover on most of the year last year and just removed it for KONA.... When my FLO disc comes in it will probably live on my bike until KONA again........ SO I AM THAT GUY 100% OF THE TIME! I just smile and say good morning when I go past roadies.... Never hear what they say about me! And couldnt care less.. Although when I got chicked on the descent of Mt. Lemmon on Monday yet again I said nice job, but when I caught her on the flats at the bottom I pulled up and said thanks alot I got chicked again! ;-)

    AS for the camp .... Anyone going should most definitely do everything exactly as they plan to on race day..... Gear , nutrition, intensity , ETC!
  • @ MR - LOL - Ok, Ok I'll use the cover on the back wheel......no need to distract everyone as I am passing by laying down 300+ watts .......

    Bike Hell completed early: http://www.strava.com/activities/117944964/analysis

    Lunch run: http://www.strava.com/activities/117994184 

  • The difference is, when they see folks like me all decked out in race gear, the masses think, "that slow tool clearly has more dollars than sense."

    When they see you, they say, "Holy, crap! I think that was Tim Cronk. Quick . . . I gotta Tweet that."

  • @MR you obviously missed the "I got chicked yet again descending Mt. Lemmon" part..... Really I did! and I was setting a descent PR... Its all good!
  • Well...all I  can say is....I want to be that guy...so Cronk has cleared the way!...lol

    Wow these midweek interval session are tough...as I try to do these all in Aero v OS when I did much of the work- especially the Z5 stuff...semi upright..."in the hoods"...

    so I'm hitting the very low end of Z4 right now in the long sets...and having to break the 5min. Z5 intervals down into 1:30's or 2's with '30 sec. spinning breaks...but staying aero...

    Still fiddling with my bike setup...put a slightly longer stem with a downward angle..to flatten and lengthen the profile...seems good...but all is tentative until I get out on the road...looks like spring is in the near future.

  • bright spot. The bike. Hit all the numbers this morining for the wednesday bike. Went back thru my data from IMFL and found the same workout at the same spot in the plan.
    This time my 10 and 15min sessions were 204w. Last time they were 184. This time I was running an avg hr of 154 vs 132 last time. I'm also a couple of lbs lighter. Looks like I am a little more willing to hurt on the trainer.
    Good good. Going swimming at lunch. Monday the water was so chlorinated that I could taste it. Tuesday the pool was closed all day b/c they found a problem with the chorine pump. Should be back open today.
    walking w/o a limp. I think tomorrow I will move 1/2 the long run time to the bike then keep the run time to z1. I didnt start to hurt yesterday till z4. My thesis is that it has to do with the change in my stride when I try and speed up...
  • Saving my FTP work for a couple of TT comps on friday.... 4miler at 9am and then a 12 miler at 10AM should be fun...

    16min V02 work done as two sets of 2' ON 2' OFF all 1.16-1.25 , 17min @ .87 , 16min @ .78.....

    30min brick run

    Past a string of roadies in the middle of a 2' min V02 set..... course they jumped on my wheel.... when I shut it down at the end of the interval and pulled over I said Hello as they passed... NOTHING LOL.... caught em again on the 3rd one..... passed the back guy that they dropped..... then passed em again during recovery while they waiting..... said Hello again NOTHING.... why be like that???? I just smiled and stuck to MY wko ... I'm sure they were laughing thinking I blew up!
  • @Tim-I probably pass dozens of roadies every weekend (going the other way) that I wave at while passing and I get nothing but stares.  They look right at me eye to eye and don't even nod.  I don't know why they do it unless cycling just attracts a certain kind of person?  The only ones that wave back are the less serious looking cyclists.  The more decked out they are in pro team kits the less likely they will acknowledge my existence.  Oh well, I still wave because I don't want that one in twenty that waves back to think I'm like those other guys.      
  • @Chris.... I'm with you... try to always acknowledge, wave, nod, say hi or something to everybody.... unless I'm really suffering LOL.... Life is too short.... Wanna see a bunch really full of themselves go to KONA.... Game faces everywhere , nobody says hi , or moves out of the way on the side walks..... I'm gonna wear My Little Pony , Hello Kitty , and Care Bears T-shirts in KONA to try and lighten them people up this year!
  • @Tim-I can only imagine.  Hopefully, one day I can experience that for myself
  • @Tim, you're hanging with the wrong crowd in Kona. Avoid those who exit the plane wearing compression socks and carrying bikes. Instead, follow someone like me who's wearing board shorts and carrying a guitar and a blender. We don't do flip turns against the Coffee Boat at T-pace; we bob there for an hour sipping java and diving down to swim with the turtles. We don't watch the Underpants Run with contempt and disdain; we lead it. We hang at Humpy's, not the Expo. The cannon actually wakes us up. And the sound you hear at the Night of Champions dinner is us sitting in with the Clif Bar Band at the K-Swiss or Slowtwitch party. But we both fly home tired and in pain, for two distinctly different reasons. I'll be the one not wearing those socks. And unless my FTP magically jumps 50 points and I learn to run in the next 9 weeks, odds are my role in Kona will be the same this year. Perhaps I should self-appoint myself EN Ambassador to Kona?
  • Pool was closed. So I went for an easy z1 run. 5k or so. No problems during or after.
  • @Jimmy- Great job on the bike improvement from IMFL. That must be uplifting.

    @Tim, @Chris-  I think the guys that don't nod back are just intimidated.  That's their issue. Nothing worse than being a grump. Why are they training in the first place if it isn't to get better and be happier? I get nods back from the less competitive guys, I leave the other guys alone. LOL.

    Did my 100 min run today.  I was torn between staying at my IM pace/ HIM pace for the first 60 mins.  I have Oceanside 70.3 at the end of the month and ran most of the course this morning.  


  • Got the Z4 intervals ok today, but those 5' 110% intervals afterwards I just cannot manage.  Had to rest for 15secs or so twice in each one.  Man those hurt.  


    Had not planned to do the brick run, but after failing on the 110% intervals (again), I looked at Strava to see if some of you did it....saw that others did it, so I did it too!  Surprisingly, it felt great.  Really amazing how RPE goes out the window coming off the bike.  


    It sounds like we will all be "those guys/gals" at camp!  Rain forecast for the weekend here....not sure I can pull a 4hr SS trainer ride!  

  • Just finished today's ride, back on track after some craziness at work , from now on should be able to stay on plan

    The 3x5' felt better today than last week

  • 100min z1 run with no pain! I'm thinking that it must have been a muscle strain not a tendon injury. Anyhow, 10.4 mi in the books. Z1 didn't aggravate it. I didn't even let myself look at pace because I didn't want my ego to get me hurt again. Yahoo!
  • @ Jimmy -- great to hear about your run - congrats!

    my long run this week felt much better than last week in spite of the temps (16F temp, 2F wind chill....brrrr)

    60' @ Z1 pace (8:13/mile)
    30' @ Z2+ pace (6:56/mile) -- legs felt surprisingly great here and was able to hold my target pace into the wind and speed up with the wind at my back
    15' of admin at the end of the run

    Weatherman said we won't see these temps again until Jan-2015 -- woohoo! -- I may even be able to get outside on Saturday for the long bike.

    Solid recovery breakfast afterwards has me feeling fantastic. Good luck all!
  • @Jimmy, very happy to see you back running.  Whenever I'm getting over a nagging running issue, speed work is the thing that typically causes it to flare.  Volume's the key now, so don't fret if you skimp on some of the speed maintenance stuff.  Stay healthy at all costs. 

    Nothing easy at all about our Thursday long runs.  Finishing in Z2 and + is tough, and today I could only manage 7:46's for the final 45 min.  I'll chalk it up to a little residual fatigue from last Sunday's HM.  Drank 8 FB bottles, but still lost nearly 2 lbs in this morning's thick humidity - I've got to get my hydration act together.   But . . . we can all take solace knowing that 95% of those training for IMTX aren't doing long runs that look anything like this. 

  • Some solid Long Run work today Linda, Jimmy, Mike W and Mike R!!!  Way to lead bros!

    My long run: http://www.strava.com/activities/118280112

    Good run considering I went into it tired.   Had to really focus to make it all come together.....

    Glad we have that box checked for Week 2!


  • Great running everyone!! Looks like lots of the nagging injuries are clearing up.

    Ran 100 min today...12 miles. My longest run since Vegas 70.3 in Sept!!!!! Sooooooo happy!! No plantar issues!!!!! Ran with some friends and it was below zero windchill and windy, so just logging the miles was goal enough for me today. This was my first run outside over 4 miles all winter! Yikes! Spring may come yet...

    Keep up all the great posts. I love reading them all!
  • X2 on all the runs coming in with LESS injuries and everyone feeling better!

    1hr easy run, mostly unstructured , just did a 30-40" stride every mile..... the EP or LRP is starting to actually feel good now... kinda getting that floating, gliding, almost effortless feeling at that pace.... Must be all those hard 400's and 800's I been doing for 12 weeks! Couple lbs lighter doesnt hurt either...

    1hr swim WU, few short intervals, then mostly working on some techique
  • 100' run done.  Was able to do the finishing 25' and 15' at Z2 and Z3.  Definitely a serious "push" to finish with Z3 for me....but I did it!  Felt pretty good.  



  • Glad to hear that everyone is feeling better as far as injuries are concern.  Great job on the run everyone!!  I did Sat's 4hr bike ride today.  Sat's are a difficult day to train.  My kiddies have Opening Day this Sat and 3 scheduled games.

    I also tried "Perform" for the 1st time during this ride and it seemed fine.  I had 2 power bars and a banana as well.  When I got home my stomach was a little uneasy.  I'll keep an eye on it and see how it performs during the 3 hr bike ride on Sun.


    @Tim- You keep doing your thing.  You rock!!! 

  • Speaking of Perform, just got this text from the wife: "Ironman delivery parade continues. Today's haul? Jugs of Perform and Endurox, 2 tires with inner tubes apparently built inside, and yet another pair of tri shorts. I'll be at the mall tomorrow while you ride." 

    I probably should have spread those purchases out a little bit.

  • Posted By Linda Medina on 07 Mar 2014 12:04 AM 

    I also tried "Perform" for the 1st time during this ride and it seemed fine.  I had 2 power bars and a banana as well.  When I got home my stomach was a little uneasy.  I'll keep an eye on it and see how it performs during the 3 hr bike ride on Sun.


    Linda....2 whole powerbars and a banana and perform for a 4hr ride?  That sounds like a lot of calories.  Have you done the calculations on your requirements for calories/sodium (spreadsheet thingy)?  I have to drink a lot (heavy sweater) so I get lots of calories in perform, but I'm pretty sure, without even putting those in the spreadsheet, that that would be too many calories/time for me.  I guess if you don't sweat much and therefore don't have to drink as much that it's possible that's the right amount of calories, but it sure sounds high.  

  • ran to the pool and back this morning and got in a good ~1 hour swim. seemed like the EN server was down this morning, so i couldn't pull up the prescribed wko. i simply repeated last Friday's wko and hit the longer intervals faster than T-pace, which is quite an improvement from last week, where I was only holding the intervals at T-pace + 1-3"

    @Jeff/Linda -- during IMCDA last year, I took down 2 bottles of Perform + 2 gu's each hour for ~600 cal / hr without any GI issues. by my calcs, Linda was closer to ~200 cal / hr depending on how much perform she used (i assumed one bottle at 210 cal / bottle), so it's not clear she was over-fueling unless i'm missing something??
  •  2 powerbar (240 calories each x 2) + one bottle perform/hr (175 x 4) + banana (? calories) = 1180cal + banana --> 295cal/hr + one banana.  OK....that's not too much (assuming Linda doesn't weigh 75lbs!)...my bad.   Sorry....  Should have "done the math" before I piped up.  

     @ Mike....2 gu gels + 2 bottles perform = 550calories/hr.  Dang....that is a lot of calories.  Nice gut!  


  • Its one thing to train on the trainer or on the roads with traffic and its another to actually test yourself during a race.... I always test the run with 5k if possible but can never find a bike TT....Didnt use it as a test but certainly got a lot of good data....... Today's wko's were 2 TT events at the "Senior Game Green Valley AZ" The AG's start at 50-54 ..... very small race and they even used a mass start... wasnt much competition but was a lot of fun on a semi close structured course... was able to keep the speed up even thru a couple of 90 degree turns.... Won both events OA and set new course records.... Like I said NO competition... One guy in my AG was grumbling about how he shoulda brought his TT bike etc.... I just chuckled and told him it was all about the engine..... Even had a flat inbetween heats that I had to change....Thats it for today .... I'm cooked and feet up!

    1st TT 9AM 10:11min 4.25 miles 252watts 24.9mph IF 1.09 w/kg 4.56 http://connect.garmin.com/activity/456663894
    2nd TT 10M 31:51min 12.85miles 232watts 24.4mph IF 1.01 w/kg 4.19 http://connect.garmin.com/activity/456663877
  • Have you guys seen the way those Kona types talk which seems to go along with their mood and appearance?  Then there are those really nice, simple guys there to help out and never do much talking but when they race, they speak with results, walk the talk or, in other words, they lead..........Well, that is what Cronk was handing out today by taking OA in both TT on the bike......stick around for the next 10 weeks and I bet you learn some invaluable things!  Way to lead Cronk!

    Swim/Run for me today.....

    Aqua: http://www.strava.com/activities/118478157

    Run: http://www.strava.com/activities/118529181

    Good luck this weekend all!



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