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WK 9 IMTX Runnin' Down a Dream

Week 9 is upon us!  Very long run this week so respect the lower volumes up front in the week!

Some ABP trainer work last night for me: http://www.strava.com/activities/132434919  felt I was very tired mentally.....

Swim mostly with buoy this morning: http://www.strava.com/activities/132615821

Make sure your name is on the Bib lists just posted on IMTX website......

Good luck this week!



  • @SS nice training work.... and way to keep us going Captain....

    Pretty tired today... Hit the pool for 4000yds but it was all easy and mostly with toys... I was amazed at how tired my arms felt having not swam for a week.... Goes to show how much you use them while running LOL.... Still dealing with my plumbing issues at the house and found more (dishwasher) .... Getting an education... But it sure is giving me a headache and certainly don't need this crap... Oh well watching the Boston Marathon and waiting for a plumber!
  • Thanks SS. Just saw my number. It is real now. Cant decide if I feel sick or wish the race was tomorrow. Maybe both.
  • @ JA....I count 506 in our AG.  Mind-boggling for me.  

  • @JL, no worries.  You just need to beat 501 of them to get to Kona.  And I'm sure only a few in that group are former pros, are currently on PEDs or plan to draft on the bike.

    Looks like SS, RS and I only have to tangle with 322 in our more advanced/experienced AG.

  • @JL -
    With a swimcap and goggles on, they all look the same. Once you are on the bike you will be too busy passing people, trying not to draft and looking at girls (sorry ladies 112mi is a very long way). On the run, you wont be sure what lap they are on and after a while they will get kinda blurry anyway. Count on 40 of them not to start the race and another 50 not to finish.

    Had a really great pool session today. No speed records were set. But I felt like I had some energy and agression in the water for the first time in a long time. I am partial to the 50 sprint / 50 recover format for 100M repeats because that is how I tend to swim them anyway...

    Now to be a value added employee for a few more hours.
  • 186 in the M50-54 last year listed but I think only about 150ish showed up.... So you can count on 10-15% DNS at least LOL.... Looks like 180+ in the M50-54 again this year.... The more in your AG the more slots the AG gets!
  • Bib#225...

    Finished my Camp Weekend today (Friday-Mon)..with 15 solid & progressive (8:45-7:45) miles on the TM...feeling much better than I would have expected....



  • John kitchen also 45-49. But no longer en?
  • Monday swim done.  That sucked.  I hate 50/50's and 25/25's because they take me forever with all the required rest b/w sets.  3800 yds in 1:28.  Really starting to dread the pool .

    What is the point of the FTP test tomorrow?  Having a hard time getting motivated for it.  Don't feel like there is any way I can go but down from last test.  Is that the point?....to require me to reset my goal watts?  I feel like I know what I can safely ride at.  I guess it's a good FTP session regardless of the results?   

  • Posted By robin sarner on 21 Apr 2014 09:50 PM

    John kitchen also 45-49. But no longer en?

    I saw last fall when he "signed off".  Not sure why.  His sign-off was cordial and he mentioned he'd look for us (not me!) at IMTX.  

  • Fri. 4x1000m. Swim. Felt good. No blanking reason to not beat my texas race time.
    Sat with 5 hr kickr and 6 mile run. Hard to practice 60 oz per hour of fluids when not 90 degrees.
    Sun. Fast 13 miles.

    Last long long run this sun. 20 continuous planned.

    Work it all. Not too much. Not too little.
  • Personally testing not useful for me currently. I am working race goal watts and can tweat this.
  • Jeff- I'm just one person but I'm not changing my watts. Even if I were to test higher I would t try and race higher at this point. And testing lower wouldn't lower my target race watts either.
    I am running tomorrow but when I do my interval bike session on Wednesday I don't plan to test.
  • @ RS...thanks.

    @ JA....that's kinda what I was thinking too.  

  • Just IMHO...I'm not retesting either...and have not tested at this point in the plan over 4 seasons...I'm a week behind y'all anyway on the schedule and will skip to week 18 next week leading up to RR#2......I'm working off my long ride and RR Watts....though...I am going to try and push the Watts up on my RR#2...and see how it feels......then decide on my Race day targets.................



  • @Jeff L.... x4 on not testing.... for me its all about race specificity at this point.... concentrating on longrides/longruns and RR's.... I still do intensity intervals.... but I even back off those a bit so I can absorb the longstuff better....
  • x5 on not testing...especially when your PM isn't calibrated correctly...

    hopped on my bike this morning ready to test. didn't expect much of a change in results, but wanted to work the mental muscle, as I had difficulty motivating myself to test outside to OS last year

    started out the 5' set feeling good, but became discouraged when my average power started trending to my goal for the 20' section of the test. i pushed as hard as I could, but mentally I was defeated. at some point, I remembered that during my long ride this weekend, the PM didn't turn on immediately and came on mid-ride. i was having real trouble hitting my goal watts for the intervals and should have put 2 & 2 together on Saturday, but it finally clicked this morning that I might have to re-calibrate my PM...

    i did so and finished out 20' at ~0.85. was also able to sync up my RPE with wattage and HR, so feeling much better about my race day plans on the bike. was good for me to read the comments about specificity from Tim, as that's what it's all about at this point

    all in all, not a bad wko and looking forward to the swim+run tmw and LR on Thursday
  • Wow.  I thought I was the only one skipping the bike test.  I've spent the last several weeks honing my 112-mile pacing.  Not gonna let a 20-minute estimate on fatigued legs create artificial doubt at this point.  I'll just do the typical 2x15 @Z4 tomorrow morning on the Maiden.

    Slept a lot the last two nights.  A little tired again this morning, which is great because it means last week's big volume (for me) worked.  But I still got a nice 6-mile run in this morning, with 2x1 Z4 thrown in.  Surprisingly, they were pretty easy.  First one into the wind (6:42), second one with it (6:28).  Can't keep pace with all the run speedsters here.  Hell, I can't even run with Simmons any more.  But it's good for me 3.5 weeks out.

  • FTP Test: http://www.strava.com/activities/132962610/laps

    Level set the FTP for  Long Course execution - not fun at 5:30 a.m. w/fatigue but decided to just see what would happen and I believe the intensity is good regardless......

    Came out with 290 NP (95%) for the 20' about 10 down from last test but expected that given the slow twitch base I have been building over the last several weeks and I believe that is more aligned with my IM Execution FTP if you will........

    .......day by day at this point peeps.......



  • oh mike, don't you know that there is always someone slower?

    1:40 run. 10.86mi with 2 x 1/2 mi intervals at 7:54 and 7:34 paces and then a mile at z4 pace 8:09. I am going to grab another 40 to 60 min of running later in the day. I am really excited about this split run thing that I have tripped over. Last week I covered 39mi. Which is the most ever for me by 5mi. I have been slogging thru marathons since 2009 and never covered that much ground. And it only took 6 hrs of running to get it done. It may have gotten too late in this train up for the effects to really take hold but I will get to this schedule faster next time.
    Sooo I plan to replicate last weeks running and attempt to bike harder / longer around it before I start cutting back next week.
    Im also not doing the 3 hr run test. I've done plenty of them. Instead I am going to focus on hitting my target paces and hitting that 40th mile this week.
  • Nice work, Jimmy.  That's a lot of time/miles on the feet, and I'm sure it'll pay big dividends.  40 miles/wk is just about my threshold, so I get pretty cautious around that mileage mark.  This week is definitely a down week on the run per the schedule (I'll get in 30 or so), which I definitely need after last week's 43.  Then Wk 18 is back up to around 40.   So, if you're targeting 40 this week and next week, after last week's 39, that's a lot of mileage back-to-back-to-back, especially if you're in unchartered waters.  Stay healthy at all costs.
  • thx mike. if YOU are questioning my vol, then I might be over reaching. Next week will be a down week for sure in terms of running. Im looking at last week and this week as the big vol weeks. Next week will drop back to 5hrs max. Then taper.
    I will keep my eyes open this week for signs of fatigue and there will be no more z5 heroics.
  • In college used to run doubles/split workouts all the time...75-100mile weeks...don't know why I don't consider them now...interesting both Jimmy and Tim utilize them to increase volume safely....rigth now in the cylce I don't feel like I need the additional volume....but....if I did...I'm glad y'all raised it ...I guess its a bit of an aha moment for me...thanks...and X2 on the importance of staying healthy from this point in....hash on!

  • They say there is more than one way to skin a cat! I believe that applies here in our EN guided but self coached model..... The EN plans are designed a specific way for a specific reason and they work! BUT its important to do what works for the individual and not follow plans into brick walls..... I see and hear a lot of individual thinking and adapting going on.... Reference testing etc.... I really like the way Mike Roberts has explained things.... I will be modeling my IMTX target strictly off my known 5hr rides and NEVER off an FTP test...

    Feeling pretty trashed yesterday afternoon even after a swim only day off the legs day.... So this am I picked a TR ride with sweetspot work 88-95% intervals and then I added some extra warm up to it.... Found it extremely difficult to hit the intervals and backed off even more on the last couple but slowly ramped them up as time went on... 4 mile brick run on the TM finished up an inside wko day..... Feeling much better now....

  • Well, I was the odd man out and opted to do the test. And I’m glad I did…I think? I’ve been cursed with really botching the last three tests, so I knew my results were a bit skewed and I might have been unintentionally sandbagging some?

    Here are my tests since the beginning of the year:

    1/21/14 – 216
    2/18/14 – 218
    3/18/14 – 223 (Felt weak during test. Either fatigued or improperly fueled, or both)
    4/16/14 - 230 (On the second set of Z4 work after 15 minutes, I decided to go as hard as possible
    for 5 additional minutes. The result was 20 minutes with a NP of 243. I knew my
    FTP could be even higher, so I planned to test today.)
    4/22/14 – 253

    I am going to take the advice already given here and base my race upon numbers which I have already been able to achieve comfortably in practice. However, I am going to test the new FTP over this weekend’s rides just to see how I feel.

    Last Saturday’s 5hr ride, I had an NP of 179 watts and I was pretty well spent. That was .78IF based upon an FTP of 230. 179w would only be .71IF at 253. Based upon that, there is no way if I were racing today that I would have a good run following 179 watts/.71.
  • Good discussion on testing. I too opted not to test. I am a HR trainer anyway so not having power I sort of don't see the advantage at this point, besides I felt like I was hit by a truck this morn, so glad it was a run only day for me. 2x1 at 7:30 and 7:10. Kept it at 6 miles total due to the long run coming up Th. I may be in the damn tm again! We have actually had some nice days lately, but with a real feel of 40, windy, rainy and thunderstorms in the forcast for Th, I feel like I would just be better off sweating buckets on my tm in a more controlled enviornment. Besides, what's 1 more mile anyway? Did 17 last week. The true sign that I have completely lost my mind!!! lol!

    Yesterday was 60 min on trainer as z1 and 10x1 at z4/5 just to get the legs going and heart rate up.
    3800 yrd swim avg 1:47 as intervals of 200-400.
    5 mile IM pace run at night with my run club.

    Tomorrow is bike and swim.

    Keep up the good work peeps! I can't believe we only have a couple weeks left! Yee-haw!!!
  • CK - congrats on the bump! It looks like you were already riding to your new number.

  • Posted By <a href='http://members.endurancenation.us/ActivityFeed/tabid/61/userid/2859/Default.aspx' class='af-profile-link'>jimmy augustine</a> on 22 Apr 2014 02:24 PM
    CK - congrats on the bump! It looks like you were already riding to your new number.

  • @ CK...congratulations!  That is a hefty bump (and any bump up right now is impressive, regardless of your prior tests).  

    3700 yd swim done.  I sooo much prefer the longer tempo sets to those 50/50's.  I tend to kick too much when 'sprinting' and get really fatigued.  

    Run went surprisingly well.  I didn't think I'd be able to do 2 x 1mi Z4, but it really wasn't any more difficult than usual.  


    Dreading the FTP sets tomorrow though.  I'm having some serious 'mind-over- matter' issues right now.  Unfortunately, work is really stressful right now....don't they know I'm trying to train! 

    Question for you vets.....I've heard "don't leave anything your bike or run SN bags....you aren't guaranteed to get it back".  Is that true?...or likely?  I'm thinking I need to have a dry pair of shoes/socks in my run SN bag.  I have new Newton's and a pair that is ready to retire (same exact shoe).  I don't mind losing the old ones, but not the new ones!  They aren't cheap.  I guess I should start with the old ones, then change at RSN....if I never see the old ones again, no loss?  Advice?


  • @Jeff L... That is correct .... Usually SN are not returned.... Socks and shoes are something to make you more comfortable.... At the halfway point in the IM the slight discomfort I am feeling in my socks and shoes is nothing... A hot race like Texas you will start the Marathon trying to keep your feet dry at the aid stations , by mile 13 your feet will be soaked from ice and water over your head, down your pants , your back , etc.... you will no longer care about keeping your feet dry only trying to keep your core cool.... Then if you stop and put dry socks and shoes on OH YES they will feel good and Comfortable UNTIL mile 14.... Just saying.... I don't use any SN anymore.... Tried it several times and never used them.... Anything I really really need is in T2 and comes with me from the beginning of the run.... YES it would still be nice to have NEW shoes halfway thru but its a choice of comfort , time, and losing SN items!
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