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WK 9 IMTX Runnin' Down a Dream



  • @ Annie....you are amazing.  The IMTX bike course is gonna be a piece of cake after all those ridiculous/insane long trainer rides (which are harder than outdoors physically to me, not mention the mental suck).  Furthermore, to create your own wet sauna for 5hr on the drainer is simply incredible.  I shall not complain about the weather henceforth! (I rode outside in warm/hot/beautiful conditions this weekend). 

    Could only manage to get 2.5hrs for the ABP today....too much family stuff going on.  Amazing how much better I felt this weekend on the bike compared to last.  I guess it was the difference in the long run?  That 60' Z2 --> 30' Z3 (attempt) was absolutely torture and I think I just couldn't recover.  My front derailleur was not cooperating on the way back home....figured out the cable is severely frayed.  I was gonna take it to the shop for a tuneup this week or next, but looks like it'll be this week.....just a little reminder, in case your bike needs anything.  


    One more tough week?  And then try not to regain all the weight right?  


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