Jacklyn 2015 Zero Calorie, Super sized Micro ;)
Good Morning Super Speedy Kona Coach!
Long time no talk. Kona was awesome to watch. It was my daughters 10th birthday party so I got to introduce all my iron sherpas to Kona. You got a lot of cheering when you crossed. Having read your report, i'm even more impressed considering the trials you faced.
I've sorta taken the last month off, since Best in the West. Both my achilles have been really sore. So I took 2 weeks off totally at the beginning of September and reached out to the Haus for help. I've been doing exercises as perscribed by Satish. They are helping. Still sore when I get up in the am but goes away soon after getting moving. Still doing his exercises. Been running and riding as the weather allows. No metrics. Just doing it and going by how i'm feeling. I just felt like I needed some down time before the OS to get my MOJO back and do some SAU's. I've kept my perceived suffering to a minimum. Having fun with my fitness.
I've taken up Caoch R's challenge on body comp and i'm starting to focus on intake. Goal of 15+ pounds by next May. Went for what was supposed to be a 6 mile run but I ended up bonking a little at 4 miles, so cut it short and went home. I haven't focused on run nutrition before. Put out a help wanted request and now I have some tools to start playing with. Always something to learn, right? It sucked because I was feeling good! At 3 miles I was still smiling and high fiving other runners on the bike path.
I'm in the Beginner Get faster run plan. I'm supposed to test this week. But i'm also supposed to test next week too. Can I wait until next week at the beginning of the OS?
I am SOOOO excited for the OS to start. Bring it ON!
Remember that while you are focusing on body composition, you still want to fuel your workouts properly. Feel free to focus on the calories, but keep that to your nonwork out windows.
Message received LOUD and clear.
When I confessed my folly to my team mates I heard a few choice reminders about nutrition and training. But in my defense, as you know, I truly have never run this far or this fast. Nutrition during the run has never, other than liquids, hit my radar. I went back and re read the body comp. challenge thread. There is some great advice hid in there.
So, being on the 3+ year development plan. My wonderful husband is busily researching power and associated tech. for deployment this fall/winter including trainer road. I actually have a pain cave! With wireless network and a lap top for trainer road and movies. The best part, 2 huge windows so I can freeze myself. Hey, just being a good do bee.
I know that you don't recommend swimming in the OS. But I am planning on continuing a weekly swim. It really helps to keep my back loose. I also really enjoy the tranquility of the water too. My daughter is at swim team practice in the other pool. So no real logistical issue. It also gets me Daughter SAU's. She loves having me swimming. She likes to compare distance to see who swam farther. LOL. But she says she's not competitive.
Problem. I seem to have trouble with the mental recovery aspect. Physical I do ok. But mental is another story. I'm starting to recognize the signs of impending doom. I'm getting better at cutting it short or pulling the plug all together and taking a nap. This winter's flu season is going to be rough. Which means I have to be very careful about emotional fatigue building up from both training and work. I didn't do well last winter and ended up pretty cooked by June. I'm a really good liar because i'm a nurse and mom. The work must get done therefore push on and on and on.
So, here's to my first November OS. May I survive injury free this time and still smiling by January. Oh, and need smaller pants.
Be proactive as you can regarding your wellness this winter. That means frequent and sanitization, excellent hydration, and good sleep. Sleep is the wonder drug!
Thanks for the reply last night. I am a little confused about your statement " humble about my limitations." I do like not being invincible. Hopefully that means I won't get hurt as often.
I have a debate going with the hubs as we are finalizing our race/life schedule for next year. I need your advice. I am planning on doing;
1. Beaver Freezer- sprint in April
2. Tri at the grove- OLY in July
3. Best in the West in- September.
Here's the debate , at the Best in the West, do I do the HIM or the OLY? Or do I wait to do my first HIM until 2016 which is hopefully my first IM year too? I'll suck it up and not wine too much if you say OLY. I really have no other reason to do the HIM other than I want to. I'm feeling full of myself. You haven't killed me in the OS yet.
Next Coachy thing. This winter I am focusing on capturing metrics. Now that I have been around for awhile i'm starting to figure it out some. One of the things I would like to do is a weekly email to you on how i'm doing, what i'm planning and how i'm performing. IS that too much?
Thanks for the, " loving on you" that was cool. Have a great day Sir. I went for a run in the the rain on purpose. It was great!
You are right to focus on the metrics, that's with the magic is. Email is deathly not the way to reach me – you get lumped in with spam, emails from my mom, and other stuff. You're more than welcome to post here with a weekly summary post, or involve the team and create some sort of weekly accountability thread as well. I'm happy to participate in either of those.
I'm sorry. I meant here on my micro. Sorry. I got nailed by the lingo and didn't realize it.
I've started using Davids spread sheet but honestly, I don't have a clue at what i'm looking at. I guess trends will become apparent eventually. Thank you so much for everything.
Bike test went awesome! My husband decided to try and do a bike test too. He thought he would do better than I did. NOPE! I beat him by over 4 mph. HAHAHAH. He needs to work harder if he wants to beat me.
Good Morning Coach!
Problem: Because I work on Sunday's I was going to alternate Saturday and Sundays work out every other Saturday. Last OS I didn't even try and pick up the Sunday run. I don't want to completely miss Sunday all the time. So tomorrow I would do Sunday's long run instead. Cool?
But, I just got all my power stuff up and running and you just ok'd me into Trainer Road. Should I do the power test tomorrow and do the Bike work out to start getting the feel for the system. I really want to play with my new toy but to keep to my plan I should do the long run. Should I even do the power test or wait until the test comes around per the OS?
Just to let you know- The OS is officially kicking my butt! My husband felt so sorry for me he got me an hour long massage yesterday.
Have a great day. Talk soon.
Please let me know what you decided. At the very least, I would try to double down on that Saturday work out, as in if you are doing the bike, then you should plan for a run off of it of say 2 to 3 miles. If you are planning to do the run, then maybe you warm-up for 30 minutes on the bike. Let me know what you think.
Ok. You officially have me speechless. You gave me your cell phone number! WOW. I can't imagine ever texting you.Is there something in the wiki on when to text you. I honestly didn't expect a response until Monday or so. Just wanted to start a conversation. I've been a little slow in the advanced planning stuff. I had a family death this week. A bit distracted. It would have to be very important. I guess I don't take this tri stuff as seriously as others. I respect your time with your family too much. Thank you.
Plus, aren't you teaching me to be a " self coached" athlete. HAHAHAH
Well this is what I did. I did the beginner OS Sunday run on Saturday. Legs felt great. I stuck to my plan instead of wimping out and playing with my toys. Managed 4.5 miles. Now, Z1 interval sucks. I swear you have to have the patience of Job to do it without shooting yourself. How do you do Z1 without walking?
My thought behind alternating the Saturday and Sunday workouts was to give my back a longer run every other week and then rest, so to speak, for 2 days before doing more. I am hoping that with that longer rest after the long run that my range increases slowly and that my back can absorb the work. Cardio I can run much farther. My limiting factor is my back. Currently it starts to tighten around 5 miles. That's a big improvement over last spring when I was stuck at about 3. My back likes bricks too. So riding some before is fine.
I love to brick. Seriously. But I was wondering what the longer run would feel like on fresher legs. I wanted to focus on form without having to say " shut up legs". I also wanted my abs/obliques rested so that my back didn't end up doing more work than necessary. I hope i'm making some cents $ 0.02.
Good night SIr and Thank you.
Grasshopper signing off.
Ps - so sorry to hear about your loss. If there's anything we can do please let us know.
On Par with everything else, you have read my mind. I like the Wednesday/Saturday schedule for the long run! Good idea.I wasn't thrilled with waiting 2 weeks between but didn't realize I could do that. Oh ya, that's why your the Coach!
Grasshopper officially schooled.
Question about Trainer road. Should I do the bike test this week, maybe Thursday, or just ride with the presets until we test naturally? I haven't had a chance to play with it yet. That's today. I need tech support to be home (hubs).
@P.S. Thank you. She was 21. She was killed in a hunting accident. The hardest part is watching her Dad fade away and there is nothing I can do but wait. Hugs just don't fix somethings. That's why I tell my little family " I love you" multiple times a day. If I ever end up road kill I want their last memory of me to be " I love you".
Have a wonderful Veterans Day. My husband is marching in the Color Guard.
Thank you for your help~Jacklyn
DId the FTP test on TR today instead of the scheduled ride. Numbers as follows;
VO2 max FTP
TSS 17 TSS 53
NP 285 NP 251
Power 289 Power 251
HR 132 HR 138
w/KG 3.58 W/KG 3.11
How's that for a first time? Could have gone harder on the VO2 but was concerned about the FTP test. I think my IF was 1.10. Now I have to figure out what these numbers actually mean.
Good Morning,
Referring back to the last 2 posts. I did the TR beginner week 3 ride yesterday. TR auto adjusted my z5 to 230 watts. That was not a z5 effort. Rachel recommended that I adjust my z5 level to 285 watts. Which is my VO2 max. Is there a setting I don;t have set right in TR that it would only have me at 230 watts? Or am I supposed to adjust the levels. No offence, but that ride was EASY!
I have been diving into the wiki power resource. I haven't read it all yet. It's going to take awhile.
Thanks for helping me suffer! Jacklyn
That suggested the VO2 zone is 105% to 120% of your FTP, which should be right...so set that FTP. Worst case you can either ride to the number you KNOW is right or use the up/down arrow in the live workout display (usually set at 100%) to bump it up to 110% or 120% -- that adjusts the workout levels as a percentage increase over your entered FTP value!
Ahhhh! Thank you.
This week I plan on taking your suggestion and doing last Sunday's run on Wednesday. I think I will switch Thursday and Friday. So that I get a rest before Saturdays Long run. We will see how this goes. Switching days also gives me a day off with my parents. So win-win.
With the two long runs happening this week, only days apart, self care is going to have to be critical. So here's a toast to a huge test for my back durability.
May I come out of this better off. 
P.S- If my back is barking on Saturday, I will change to the normal Saturday bike/run.
Yes. It makes sense. Thank you. I will stick to the normal Saturday beginner wk4 bike/run. Thank you.
Yesterdays run netted me 8 miles. An official distance PR. My farthest before was 5.1 miles.
I kept singing yesterday," I ran 8 miles, I ran 8 miles..." My mom thought it was pretty funny. This morning my back feels great! No problem coach.
I am planning on taking today, Thursday, off then doing today's bike tomorrow. I get SAU's and a new stove today. Plus my legs are officially cooked!
Thank you again. Have a great day.
BOOM baby! Weekly update on how the long runs are feeling.
Not bad. Definitely feeling the longer distance. But not in my back. I have 3 long runs under my belt and feeling good. I think the 10 day between long runs is a good thing. I am not good at recovery. With the slow development of my running fitness and confidence that I can go the distance, I am looking forward to longer runs.( Remind me of that statement later when i'm complaining) I am working hard but feeling very comfortable in the 6 mile world. With the power i'm putting out on the bike and my run distance improving next year is going to be very cool.
I love, love, love Trainer Road!
My achilles are still occasionally sore but resolves with exercises and ice. My chiro. thinks 2 more ultra sound treatment to my knees should do the trick. I have not been in run jail. I have a "pleeka" in my right knee that causes my patella to pop. Weird feeling but not major. Unless I don't do something about it.
Thank you Coach. Your the Bomb!
OH! By the way. How the heck do YOU run that fast! Seriously!
Fast is relative!
Ha! Relative to what? Correct me if i'm wrong but isn't a mile the same distance on the East coast as the West?
I can't even image what someone running 6 min miles even looks like! No one I run with can move that fast. Your economy of movement must be amazing. Work Works!
Bike today wasn't bad. But not great either. Legs are starting to feel the work. Pretty tired. Started to fade a little towards the end. I think it was more from saddle sores than anything. Wore Tri shorts instead of bike bibs. Thought i'd go run after.
2x10 IF 0.99 NP 230 watts TSS 97.7 HR 112bpm.
Looking forward to the next test. I have a feeling the power numbers are going to go way up. I don't think I tested very well with the first power test. I was a tad timid.
I allowed the power numbers to scare me a little and pulled back. Not the next time.
Pulled the plug on the run because my left great toe hurts. Started Sunday. Better each day. Thought i'd heal one more day then go for it tomorrow. I don't want this to turn into PF.
Thanks Coach. Grasshopper signing off and going to make cookies. ( Not for me!)
Good call on the running...explore the bike as you are smart about the run health. We are on the big picture plan here!!!
Happy Holidays!
Well, good news and bad news. I think i'm in run jail. NUTS! My achilles are absolutely in rebellion along with my big toes. I've been fighting the achilles since September. The toes just the last 2 weeks.
SO I bagged the Run/ride today. I am icing,stretching,rolling,exercising and resting like a champ.
I haven't run or rode since Wednesday. I am planning on resting until Wednesday and see about testing then. We will see. Health before anything. From what i'm reading i'm not alone in run jail. Seriously, all I did was rake leaves. Running doesn't bother me. What the heck!
I hope everything is going well for you and yours. I've got my shopping done. All I have to do is wrap. Easy, peezy, lemon, squeezey!
~ Jacklyn
Merry Christmas!
Just returned from my sports doc. No running or riding this week. I'm scheduled for US 1 more this week and 2 next week. Lots of homework. He doesn't see any reason I shouldn't be able to jump into the JOS fresh and ready to go. So that's my plan.
I'm really proud of the work i've done so far. More than I ever dreamed I could. This is just another bump in the road. More opportunity to learn pre hab stuff. Just bummed that I didn't get to test and see what the numbers are.
Let me know if there's anything else I should be doing. I am allowed to go swimming. So off to the pool tonight.
Thank's for everything. I really appreciate it. ~ Jacklyn
Thank you. Don't be fooled. I am very concerned that I don't have the durability to do the work. I'm hoping that none of these injuries are severe enough to end this little dream. That I can learn from them and prevent further booboos. I have a pretty good system of pre hab already, obviously I need to learn more.
Thank you, once again, for your faith in me. Jacklyn
Happy New Year!
Good news!!!! I am out of run jail! Ta DAh!
Went for a 2 mile, SLOW, run with my dogs yesterday. Felt good but very awkward with no power but I had killed myself on the trainer earlier in the day. I didn't expect to get told go forth and RUN.
Question #1- Now what? How do I hack the next couple weeks worth of runs to keep it low and gentle? I'm in week 10 of the beginner NOS.
Question #2- I have a choice to make for later in the season. In May, I have a choice between The Beaver Freezer sprint Tri OR The Eugene half Marathon. I know I can do the sprint with my eyes closed but I haven't done a half marathon before. With my new found running mojo, which one would you recommend? I really want to do the 1/2 marathon. I am going for a HIM in September so I thought doing the run alone would be a good experience for pacing and nutrition testing.
Have a great New Years. Chat soon.
Good Morning,
I am in NOS wk 11. Today calls for brick run with hills and strides. I don't think that's a good idea for my achilles. I propose, seeing as how I haven't done a brick in 3 weeks, that I just accumulate the 35 minutes at z2-3 effort. My achilles are feeling good. Just a small amount of residual soreness in the morning. I'm self limiting myself to 2-3 miles for now.
Question 1- SHould I just keep hacking the run until I feel like i'm up to speed again? Then get back to you?
Question 2- In May I have a choice between The Eugene half marathon and the Beaver Freezer sprint. Seeing as how i'm shooting for a HIM in September, I thought the half mary would be a chance to do the distance and trouble shoot nutrition and pacing. What's your thought?
Thank you once again.