JM, glad to hear it's not "that bad" for you...I say that you get in frequent runs during the week but that you still get in a longer ride (with brick) on Sat. Those long rides are good for mental toughness and body composition...totally worth the time there!
Did a local 10k this morning. WOOT WOOT. Pr'd my 5k and Pr'd my 10k. Dropped my pace by 38 sec per mile since February.
10k stats
Time 01:00:39 ( 1 hour goal. Oh soooo Close)
Pace 09:53 HR 153 Z3-4 pace effort.
Mile 1 09:32 z4
2 10:09 ( BIG HILL TO CLIMB) Passed a bunch of walkers! z2
3 10:08 Top of big hill
4 09:57 z3
5 10:06 z2
6 09:21 z4-5
0.11 01:23
Nutrition: 8 oz scratch, 3 shot blocks.
Lesson learned: Need to work on pace confidence. When I opened up in the last 1.5 miles it was great. Yes. I was sucking wind but I could have done that earlier. Maybe last 2 miles. Plenty of work to do. Never a shortage of *WORK*.
I am loving on the long runs with hills. Plan to keep them weekly. Starting to find some really cool out and backs. My HIM in September is ALL about hills. It's either up or down. No flats.
Left shoulder P.T update. Posterior left shoulder weak, scapula not tracking right d/t weakness. Fix. LOTS of band work. But ROM intact. Still pretty sore with reaching up. ETA for pool @ 2 weeks. Just in time to go to Hawaii. Yep. I said it. 2 weeks in Kona. June 18th through June 25th. Only way i'll ever see Kona. I even have a new swim suit! None of my suits from last year fit anymore. Darn NOS! Planning on mostly running while there. We are planning on renting bikes and riding some of the Queen K. Mostly we are there to PLAY!
Long runs going well. Still having trouble with my right calf tightening up. Loosens when I stop and stretch. It comes and goes. Warm up doesn't seem to matter. As I am getting faster I am running higher up on my fore foot. I think i'm just using my calves more. Being careful and stretching as needed.
Body Comp. doing well. Weight down 4.5 pounds this month. I'm not brave enough to be part of JW's weight loss or else plan.
Of course there will be pictures. I just got a new phone today just so I can take lots of photos.
"I" impress and inspire "YOU"? Thank you.
I am really starting to enjoy running. Critical review time. How am I doing? I feel really good. My distance has increased sooo much it's amazing to me. Mostly because i have the depth to pace now. I don't even blink at running 8 miles. I seem to have a sweet spot now of 09:30 to 10 minute miles. I'm good with that, for now. I want durability more than speed. My problem is one of confidence. I still can't imagine hooking together all 3. I've got 7 weeks before I have to put my money where my mouth is.
Yes, you go! You are breaking new ground DAILY; that's serious stuff. And I like how you reflect on your journey frequently; so important.
Putting them all together is all about process (execution!) not fitness. You have already proven you are smart enough and tough enough. Now to put the finishing touches on your equipment (tune up pre race), nutrition (practice the race version of it the next 6 weeks) and your Race Plan!
Thank you for the cheer leading! Every time I do an event it is both fantastic and humbling. I then start thinking about how to put it together at the HIM and IM distance. CRAP! I guess I won't know until I try.
When I am in Kona, I was thinking that it would be a great time to do a run focused pop d/t it's much easier to throw my shoes in the trunk than my bike. I am in week 9 of the Short Course. I will be in week 11 when I go. We will be staying in the Kona World Mark. Do you have any runs that you really like? I really like sunrise runs.
When I get back I am hoping to be back in the pool. Because I have 4 weeks to bingo time.
Run bump is great. I like consistent runs 45' a day....just find new places, etc. Maybe go on strava and do the segment search...then click on the folks who have done it to see their run when they ran it...kinda nice to find some new places. Just bring that fuelbelt!!! Hydrate baby!
Guess what? I looked at my TSR and I have graduated! I started the Beginner HIM plan at week 8. You know what that means right???
BIG HIM DAY! Had to do it today, Thursday, due to family logistics. Here's how it rolled out.
Can't swim yet due to shoulder.
Breakfast- Strawberry yogurt smoothy and 1/2 c. coffee black.
BIKE- Out of bed 0600. On the road 0630. Temp 56 degrees. No wind. Had to cut bike short by 30' because my hubs got called into work. There were 2 different lengths for the ride on my training plan. So i took it as a range of 150-180 minutes. My plan was 180 minutes.Planned a flatish ride so I could really relax and stay aero. Worked pretty well.
10 minute cool down and refill on torpedo. Turned around. The next 45 minutes z4 135-141bpm. Felt comfortable. RPE moderate. Could have pushed harder but kept saying to myself. " Remember, you still have to run. Keep to the plan." Added on another 45". Went and found a couple hills to climb.
Drank 30 oz of skratch. Started out with caffeine in first bottle, then moved to regular. 1 honey stinger and 1 blueberry lara bar. Tried to eat and drink every 15 minutes.
Run- Came home. Grabbed gear. Checked on daughter who was very put out that I was home "early". She's my biggest pusher out the door.
Time 46:58 Distance 4mi average pace 11:44 Average HR 130 bpm. Max 150bpm.
Mile 1 12:03 Oh baby did that suck. I expected the stiffness and the awkwardness but still.
2 11:44
3 11:00
4 10:49
Goal pace z2 +30"= 10:45 to 11:15. Walked 30 steps on mile 3 and 4.
Even though the cosmos was trying to keep me from completing everything I did manage to get MOST of it done. Good news, I have been cleared to swim. Swam 5 laps tonight. Shoulder fatigued really fast. But I did get my butt kicked during therapy today too!
Things to work on.
1. Work on getting more comfortable eating on the bike. Open wrappers BEFORE leaving. DUHHHH.
2. I am not going to be ready for an OLY swim by the end of July. I think i am going to down grade to the Sprint and rock it. Just to take the pressure off my shoulder. Tri at the Grove is a B race. My A race is the HIM in September.
I will be in Hawaii for weeks 10 and 11 of the HIM plan. Planning on running and very carefully swimming in the pool. Yes, I have already packed my fuel belt and Skratch.
I am really excited to explore Kona by running. I am fit enough to do it! WOOT WOOT.
I did not pee on the bike. I did when I got home. I also had to pit stop it at a grocery store half way through my run. I did the sweat test last week. I am a terrible sweater! I only lost a half pound. That is probably why I turn into a salt lick and get REALLY thirsty for water. I am taking in way to much salt. I'm still playing with that.
Very intimidated by the HIM plan. Taking the advice of my OOOHHH so smart team mates and taking it one interval at a time.
My left shoulder is still a problem. Only able to do 5 laps last week. Fitness is there. It's just sore. Talked with my PT and she recommended that I don't do Tri at the Grove. It's a B race. She wants me to focus on my HIM instead.
I never thought, seriously, that I would ever graduate to a big girl plan. Thanks.
I am so stoked! I just got back from my yearly physical. I made a deal with my PCP a year ago. I had just started with EN. He agreed to give me a year to change my ways. My Triglycerides have dropped into the low range, my cholesterol has dropped and, drum roll please. My glycohemaglobin has dropped too. Glycohemaglobin is an indicator of increasing insulin resistance and future diabetes. My weight hasn't changed but he's fine with that. Their scale lies anyhow. Mine says a 6 lb loss.
Here's to another year of health and vitality!!!!! Thanks EN.
Long time no talk. Trip to Kona was great. Swam with the Dolphins and ate shave ice. NICE! I have been hacking the HIM plan due to my trip. I am finally back on track and recovered from the jet lag. I thought I was going crazy and was totally worthless. Nope.
First thing, I went on Trainer road today to do Saturdays ride today and did not find a 2015 beginner HIM ride for wk12. Found an intermediate and advanced. Ended up hacking two different plans to total a 2.5 hour ride with a collective IF 0.89, 38 miles, Avg HR 138. It amazes me that I can ride z2 at 17 mph for an HOUR! By the way, I went for a husband ride on Wednesday and totally smoked him on a 2 mile flat sprint. Max speed was 32 mph. No tail wind. I won the Tour de France socks. There hanging in my pain cave.
Second thing. I have been released to swim from my P.T. It's been about 2 weeks. This week started doing the perscribed swim work. Wednesday I did almost all the speed work except the 400. My shoulder was telling me I was done. Today, I swam, after a run and bike, had no pain no soreness. First time since February. WOOT WOOT! I am back. Stroke is strong and smooth. I am swimming as fast as when I finished last year. I just have to get the distance down.Swam 1500 yards today. Decided to not due my Oly tri in 2 weeks because of my shoulder. Instead, I am going to Bend, OR and paddel boarding. Wanna go?
According to the wk12 plan I should be testing, I decided to do some of my missed work because I tested 3 weeks ago. Before I left for Hawaii. Figured I would be worthless when I got back and I was right. Bike and run haven't changed. There is plenty of work at the current zip code. Till the next NOS that is. Some of us have to get ready for our first iron distance next year. Maybe still chewing on that. Was looking at Vineman full tonight. Have family near by. Hmmmm.
I think those socks should be in your signature space. Congrats!!!
Awesome trip and glad you liked beautiful there. Can you tell me what workout you want? Ususally we only put mid-week Race Prep rides into TR, not the weekends...but let me know.
And as for the swim, just easy...allow your shoulder to dictate what you are doing so you don't over do it! No testing needed....ONWARDS!!
Well HIM RR #1 in the bag. Some success and some failure.
SWIM: Done Thursday evening.
Distance: 1.2 miles
Speed: 1.7 mph. Stroke long and smooth. No shoulder issues. Fastest swim to date. Not aggressive off the wall.
BIKE: Friday morning. Start 0730. Total time 3:47:53 weight in am 176. Weight after 175.
Distance: 53.7 mi Speed: 14.1 mphElevation:1,791 Calories used 1400Avg. HR 126
Nutrition: Gel hourly. Calories 100 x4= 400Sodium= 240
Power bar bites x1 = 20030mg
Hydration: Skratch 3x24oz=72 oz
calories= 120 per bottle total calories= 360 Sodium= 1620 mg
So for the bike: Total ride calories in 960, sodium 1890 mg. Felt tired but good on the ride. No stomach issues. Left calf started to cramp just a little about 5 miles from home. Was trying to decrease the moving the parts in the nutrition. I think I got it too lean. I normally eat solid food and bloks on my rides. Was never hungry. I concentrated on riding smooth. I'm a steady climber not aggressive. I had a hard HR limit of 150 bpm for climbing. Other wise 135 or less. Staying as aero as much as possible. 14.1 mph is an average pace for this loop for me. HR profile showed a steady HR other than short spikes for climbing. No increasing trend over time.
T2- Pee'd volume and light color. 2 salt tabs because of the left calf twanging. 1 gu . Out the door 10 minutes.
Here's where everything falls apart. I used my marathon camel pak. It was filled by my well meaning husband. I did not realize that he filled it with plain water. I had skratch mixed in the fridge. My original plan was to drink skratch and take a clif shot blok every other mile. Which is what I do on my long runs. So to compensate for plain water I took a blok every mile. No big deal right? Oh boy. Here's the how it played out.
RUN: Total time 58:00 Distance 4.8 mi Avg. pace 12:00 Avg HR 135 bpm
It took about a mile to work all the kinks out. My perceived effort was pretty high. Goal pace was 10:30 to 11:00. Walking 30sec per mile to eat and drink. Was feeling pretty good mile 2 and 3. Pace increased. As long as I was under 11:00 I was happy. At the 4 mile mark I developed a fierce headache. That's never happened before and my stomach turned up side down. I stopped sweating and got REALLY hot. I have had the stop sweating and hot before. I usually stop running, find some shade and drink. I'm usually ok after that. Luckily I was close to home. Finished running at the drive way and went straight into a cool shower. As soon as I stopped moving I was dripping with sweat. Literally dripping and really gritty! Took 2 tylenol. A day later my stomach is still up side down.
I have been trying to trouble shoot the stop sweating and hot problem for several months. Usually doesn't happen on shorter runs under 5 miles. Kinda cool that I think a short run is 5 miles. My thought was that I was getting too much sodium because in the sweat test I only dropped a 1/2 pound. I have repeated the protocol 3 times with same results. Which equals only 16 oz of liquid per hour for replacement. I did stop to pee twice on the run. Which is an improvement.
All these products I have used. Other than the salt tabs. They are new to me. Coach, I am totally lost. I thought I had a good plan. I guess I took you literally when you said this RR was for mistakes.
Is it time for a phone call? Thanks for your help. I hope you are having fun in Placid.
After long periods of retrospective thinking and knowing that my daughter has been sick all week and how I am feeling today. I think I was getting sick and am sick.
Now, does nutrition need to be tweeked? Oh ya. The numbers looked much better when I did them before the RR. So work to do.
JM, sorry for the delayed reply! Calories aside, you did a great job managing the keep that in mind. Also, you don't mention the weather but I assume that was a factor too...
So, I think you need more sodium (minimum of 1,000 mg per hour, you are at 680-ish). So let's bump that up (another salt stick pill?).
Also, I think that on hotter days you might need more fluids in that first 1.5 bottles, etc. So I would plan for that eventuality by upping hour one to that now in your longer rides.
Finally the heat comes on in the transition from bike to run. I think we have some of this in the Wiki under Race Execution / Heat Management. But on hotter days, your body is effectively cooled when riding, but moving to the run the ambient temp goes from 85 minus 16mph (aka 69) to 85+X degrees (b/c running is harder) and you go into shock.
So, race day strategies when it's warm include getting wet at the last bike aid station and first 1-2 run aid stations...this will help keep the core temps does that sound?
Happy to talk any time! My schedule is online here: -- Please remember to include your phone number.
No worries Coach. That run put me in a hurt locker and scared me a lot. I've never felt that bad.
Have started upping both calories with GU and salt. Started taking a salt stick prior to every workout. I have base salt coming. Might be easier to swallow on the bike. The sticks aren't bad when i'm running. Haven't had a chance to trial more salt on a long run due to air quality. I've had to run on a TM and it's 105 degrees out.
The temp. was actually great. Started out at 54 degrees on the bike. By the time I got out on the run it was 79. I did wet down at the house and at the YMCA. I also ran with that white hat that you used at Texas. I'm trying to find that neck cooler thing. I might end up using just a bandana. I do know that my HIM has a cooling tent on the way out of T2. I am going to be running with my camel bak marathon with iced elixir in it. I think I do need more fluid volume on the bike. I'm still not peeing. The problem is my gut isn't liking the volume. Sigh. Training your gut is as labor intensive as swim/bike/run.
SO to combat the "shock" of changing to the run I need to pump up the volume on the bike? Check. My goal is 2 24oz bottles per hour. I'm not sure I can do it. That's a lot. The bigger challenge is carrying that volume. If I can clear that volume it covers me well for both salt and calories. The on course nutrition is Hammer and Heed. No go. There will be water so I can mix my own. Not ideal.
Thanks to my wonderful, super, genius team mates, who have been helping me with this jig saw puzzle. These are the changes they have decided I need to make. How does this look for a damage control plan?
JM, looks like a great plan...and yes, training the gut is actually a lot of frikkin work. Ugh.
Note that my neck thing is actually an arm cooler that I ties around my neck and hat. Arm coolers by Zoot I order 2 pairs one for your actual arms and the other to use one for your neck!
Just an FYI. My mom is sick. I'm having to commute 6 hours each way. Not sure what's going to happen training wise. Will know more in a couple days. I'll just piece it together as best I can.
Well Coach what a horrible week. My mom is doing great. I'm back home but my HIM attempt in September is over. There is always next year. I'm going to be commuting to my parents weekly for awhile. There's still a lot of heavy lifting to do. Mom starts chemo and radiation in a couple weeks. My problem is I don't do well with no training plan. I'm really at loose ends. I've run once in 2 weeks. But i feel like i'm in recovery mode from a big race. The good news is i've lost 9 pounds. I thought i was doing pretty well on the nutrition end of taking care of myself. But obviously I wasn't. I wonder if you can loose weight from crying?
I've lost some fitness. That's for sure. I hope Coach Rich is going to drop me into the NOS. But until then what do I do? I can keep plugging away at the beginner HIM plan week ? until I complete it for the experience. The bike is going to be the biggest challenge. Just logistics.
Thanks for the update. I think it's important to keep you on some kind of schedule for you, for your sanity...but we can't afford to be aggressive. I honestly think the Run Durability 1 program will be great. It's a precursor to the OS and it month one (of 3) where we lay a good healthy foundation for next season. It's usually reserved for more advanced athletes, but I think it fits well for you vs doing any kind of multi-sport focused or intensity-driven plan...what say you?
I'm not willing to give up on my HIM pipe dream just yet. I'm in week 17 of the beginner. I missed week 16 completely and most of week 17. When I ran today I was tired. My pace was good but I feel like i'm in recovery. When I rode yesterday I had the power, I just couldn't hold it for long. My energy is returning though. I am hoping that the hay is in the barn and I can just keep the ball rolling. I am not going up to my parents next week. So I can get a full week 18 of training in. I have no illusions of a podium. All I want to do is start and finish. My husband is really encouraging me not to let this go. This has been a big deal for my mom too. She doesn't want me to miss this either.
Even if I have to travel to moms I can be creative with my training. The retirement community they are moving into has a 25m salt water pool. It's pretty warm though.
Jackie, I agree have LOTS of fitness...and momentum. And all you need to do now is keep it rolling. You can use the workout codes to figure out which sessions are the most me, it's all about consistency. If we can get you doing "something" each day, it will add up.
Step 1 is "clearing the fog" of time off....
Step 2 is "getting in the zone" as in being able to do what you are supposed to be doing when working out...instead of not being present.
Step 3 is thinking about your race -- your pacing plan, nutrition plan, the time #1 and #2 ^above^ are done you'll need to be on your race plan...
We can do this!!
Ps if you swim in that pool just bring lots of fluids as you can overheat!
Good Morning!
Did a local 10k this morning. WOOT WOOT. Pr'd my 5k and Pr'd my 10k. Dropped my pace by 38 sec per mile since February.
10k stats
Time 01:00:39 ( 1 hour goal. Oh soooo Close)
Pace 09:53 HR 153 Z3-4 pace effort.
Mile 1 09:32 z4
2 10:09 ( BIG HILL TO CLIMB)
Passed a bunch of walkers! z2
3 10:08 Top of big hill
4 09:57 z3
5 10:06 z2
6 09:21 z4-5
0.11 01:23
Nutrition: 8 oz scratch, 3 shot blocks.
Lesson learned: Need to work on pace confidence. When I opened up in the last 1.5 miles it was great. Yes. I was sucking wind but I could have done that earlier. Maybe last 2 miles. Plenty of work to do. Never a shortage of *WORK*.
I am loving on the long runs with hills. Plan to keep them weekly. Starting to find some really cool out and backs. My HIM in September is ALL about hills. It's either up or down. No flats.
Thanks, Coach. Had a blast.
Good afternoon! Training/Life summary.
Left shoulder P.T update. Posterior left shoulder weak, scapula not tracking right d/t weakness. Fix. LOTS of band work. But ROM intact. Still pretty sore with reaching up. ETA for pool @ 2 weeks. Just in time to go to Hawaii. Yep. I said it. 2 weeks in Kona. June 18th through June 25th.
Only way i'll ever see Kona. I even have a new swim suit! None of my suits from last year fit anymore. Darn NOS! Planning on mostly running while there. We are planning on renting bikes and riding some of the Queen K. Mostly we are there to PLAY!
Long runs going well. Still having trouble with my right calf tightening up. Loosens when I stop and stretch. It comes and goes. Warm up doesn't seem to matter. As I am getting faster I am running higher up on my fore foot. I think i'm just using my calves more. Being careful and stretching as needed.
Body Comp. doing well. Weight down 4.5 pounds this month. I'm not brave enough to be part of JW's weight loss or else plan.
Please see prior post for 10K race report.
Thanks for everything Coach. Your the best!
~ Jacklyn
Pack a fuelbelt or hydration system for Da Big Island...and have fun out there. And I expect some pictures!!!!
Of course there will be pictures. I just got a new phone today just so I can take lots of photos.
"I" impress and inspire "YOU"? Thank you.
I am really starting to enjoy running. Critical review time. How am I doing? I feel really good. My distance has increased sooo much it's amazing to me. Mostly because i have the depth to pace now. I don't even blink at running 8 miles. I seem to have a sweet spot now of 09:30 to 10 minute miles. I'm good with that, for now. I want durability more than speed. My problem is one of confidence. I still can't imagine hooking together all 3. I've got 7 weeks before I have to put my money where my mouth is.
Thanks Coach for everything!
Putting them all together is all about process (execution!) not fitness. You have already proven you are smart enough and tough enough. Now to put the finishing touches on your equipment (tune up pre race), nutrition (practice the race version of it the next 6 weeks) and your Race Plan!
Thank you for the cheer leading! Every time I do an event it is both fantastic and humbling. I then start thinking about how to put it together at the HIM and IM distance. CRAP! I guess I won't know until I try.
When I am in Kona, I was thinking that it would be a great time to do a run focused pop d/t it's much easier to throw my shoes in the trunk than my bike. I am in week 9 of the Short Course. I will be in week 11 when I go. We will be staying in the Kona World Mark. Do you have any runs that you really like? I really like sunrise runs.
When I get back I am hoping to be back in the pool. Because I have 4 weeks to bingo time.
As always, Thank you.
Hey Coach!
Guess what? I looked at my TSR and I have graduated! I started the Beginner HIM plan at week 8. You know what that means right???
BIG HIM DAY! Had to do it today, Thursday, due to family logistics. Here's how it rolled out.
Can't swim yet due to shoulder.
Breakfast- Strawberry yogurt smoothy and 1/2 c. coffee black.
BIKE- Out of bed 0600. On the road 0630. Temp 56 degrees. No wind. Had to cut bike short by 30' because my hubs got called into work. There were 2 different lengths for the ride on my training plan. So i took it as a range of 150-180 minutes. My plan was 180 minutes.Planned a flatish ride so I could really relax and stay aero. Worked pretty well.
TIME: 02:24:41 Distance 35.5miles Avg speed 14.7 Elevation 1,148ft
First hour z3 128-134 bpm.
10 minute cool down and refill on torpedo. Turned around. The next 45 minutes z4 135-141bpm. Felt comfortable. RPE moderate. Could have pushed harder but kept saying to myself. " Remember, you still have to run. Keep to the plan." Added on another 45". Went and found a couple hills to climb.
Drank 30 oz of skratch. Started out with caffeine in first bottle, then moved to regular. 1 honey stinger and 1 blueberry lara bar. Tried to eat and drink every 15 minutes.
Run- Came home. Grabbed gear. Checked on daughter who was very put out that I was home "early".
She's my biggest pusher out the door.
Time 46:58 Distance 4mi average pace 11:44 Average HR 130 bpm. Max 150bpm.
Mile 1 12:03 Oh baby did that suck. I expected the stiffness and the awkwardness but still.
2 11:44
3 11:00
4 10:49
Goal pace z2 +30"= 10:45 to 11:15. Walked 30 steps on mile 3 and 4.
Nutrition: 80z skratch, 2 shot blocks, 1 honey stinger while changing.
Even though the cosmos was trying to keep me from completing everything I did manage to get MOST of it done. Good news, I have been cleared to swim. Swam 5 laps tonight. Shoulder fatigued really fast. But I did get my butt kicked during therapy today too!
Things to work on.
1. Work on getting more comfortable eating on the bike. Open wrappers BEFORE leaving. DUHHHH.
2. I am not going to be ready for an OLY swim by the end of July. I think i am going to down grade to the Sprint and rock it. Just to take the pressure off my shoulder. Tri at the Grove is a B race. My A race is the HIM in September.
I will be in Hawaii for weeks 10 and 11 of the HIM plan. Planning on running and very carefully swimming in the pool. Yes, I have already packed my fuel belt and Skratch.
I am really excited to explore Kona by running. I am fit enough to do it! WOOT WOOT.
Thanks Coach. Your tops!
My only question is around fluids...did you have to pee on the bike? Remember our #1 nutrition goal is that you have to pee!!!
Hey Super Coach P.
I did not pee on the bike. I did when I got home. I also had to pit stop it at a grocery store half way through my run. I did the sweat test last week. I am a terrible sweater! I only lost a half pound. That is probably why I turn into a salt lick and get REALLY thirsty for water. I am taking in way to much salt. I'm still playing with that.
Very intimidated by the HIM plan. Taking the advice of my OOOHHH so smart team mates and taking it one interval at a time.
My left shoulder is still a problem. Only able to do 5 laps last week. Fitness is there. It's just sore. Talked with my PT and she recommended that I don't do Tri at the Grove. It's a B race. She wants me to focus on my HIM instead.
I never thought, seriously, that I would ever graduate to a big girl plan. Thanks.
MR. Coach P.,
I am so stoked! I just got back from my yearly physical. I made a deal with my PCP a year ago. I had just started with EN. He agreed to give me a year to change my ways.
My Triglycerides have dropped into the low range, my cholesterol has dropped and, drum roll please. My glycohemaglobin has dropped too. Glycohemaglobin is an indicator of increasing insulin resistance and future diabetes. My weight hasn't changed but he's fine with that. Their scale lies anyhow. Mine says a 6 lb loss.
Here's to another year of health and vitality!!!!! Thanks EN.
Good evening Sir,
Long time no talk. Trip to Kona was great. Swam with the Dolphins and ate shave ice. NICE! I have been hacking the HIM plan due to my trip. I am finally back on track and recovered from the jet lag. I thought I was going crazy and was totally worthless. Nope.
First thing, I went on Trainer road today to do Saturdays ride today and did not find a 2015 beginner HIM ride for wk12. Found an intermediate and advanced. Ended up hacking two different plans to total a 2.5 hour ride with a collective IF 0.89, 38 miles, Avg HR 138. It amazes me that I can ride z2 at 17 mph for an HOUR! By the way, I went for a husband ride on Wednesday and totally smoked him on a 2 mile flat sprint. Max speed was 32 mph. No tail wind.
I won the Tour de France socks. There hanging in my pain cave.
Second thing. I have been released to swim from my P.T. It's been about 2 weeks. This week started doing the perscribed swim work. Wednesday I did almost all the speed work except the 400. My shoulder was telling me I was done. Today, I swam, after a run and bike, had no pain no soreness. First time since February. WOOT WOOT! I am back. Stroke is strong and smooth. I am swimming as fast as when I finished last year. I just have to get the distance down.Swam 1500 yards today. Decided to not due my Oly tri in 2 weeks because of my shoulder. Instead, I am going to Bend, OR and paddel boarding. Wanna go?
According to the wk12 plan I should be testing, I decided to do some of my missed work because I tested 3 weeks ago. Before I left for Hawaii. Figured I would be worthless when I got back and I was right. Bike and run haven't changed. There is plenty of work at the current zip code. Till the next NOS that is. Some of us have to get ready for our first iron distance next year. Maybe still chewing on that. Was looking at Vineman full tonight. Have family near by. Hmmmm.
Have a great day, Sir. Till next time.
aka " Winner of the Green sprint socks."
Awesome trip and glad you liked beautiful there. Can you tell me what workout you want? Ususally we only put mid-week Race Prep rides into TR, not the weekends...but let me know.
And as for the swim, just easy...allow your shoulder to dictate what you are doing so you don't over do it! No testing needed....ONWARDS!!
OOOOOHHHHH! Nice idea. I posted it on Strava.
No worries on the TR HIM thing. I didn't know that. First wack at this HIM thing.
I'll hack my way through it. Don't do extra for me.
I am loving being me right now! The lower intensity is totally loving me. PPRRRRRR.
Well HIM RR #1 in the bag. Some success and some failure.
SWIM: Done Thursday evening.
Distance: 1.2 miles
Speed: 1.7 mph. Stroke long and smooth. No shoulder issues. Fastest swim to date. Not aggressive off the wall.
BIKE: Friday morning. Start 0730. Total time 3:47:53 weight in am 176. Weight after 175.
Distance: 53.7 mi Speed: 14.1 mph Elevation:1,791 Calories used 1400 Avg. HR 126
Nutrition: Gel hourly. Calories 100 x4= 400 Sodium= 240
Power bar bites x1 = 200 30mg
Hydration: Skratch 3x24oz=72 oz
calories= 120 per bottle total calories= 360 Sodium= 1620 mg
So for the bike: Total ride calories in 960, sodium 1890 mg. Felt tired but good on the ride. No stomach issues. Left calf started to cramp just a little about 5 miles from home. Was trying to decrease the moving the parts in the nutrition. I think I got it too lean. I normally eat solid food and bloks on my rides. Was never hungry. I concentrated on riding smooth. I'm a steady climber not aggressive. I had a hard HR limit of 150 bpm for climbing. Other wise 135 or less. Staying as aero as much as possible. 14.1 mph is an average pace for this loop for me. HR profile showed a steady HR other than short spikes for climbing. No increasing trend over time.
T2- Pee'd volume and light color. 2 salt tabs because of the left calf twanging. 1 gu . Out the door 10 minutes.
Here's where everything falls apart. I used my marathon camel pak. It was filled by my well meaning husband. I did not realize that he filled it with plain water. I had skratch mixed in the fridge. My original plan was to drink skratch and take a clif shot blok every other mile. Which is what I do on my long runs. So to compensate for plain water I took a blok every mile. No big deal right? Oh boy. Here's the how it played out.
RUN: Total time 58:00 Distance 4.8 mi Avg. pace 12:00 Avg HR 135 bpm
It took about a mile to work all the kinks out. My perceived effort was pretty high. Goal pace was 10:30 to 11:00. Walking 30sec per mile to eat and drink. Was feeling pretty good mile 2 and 3. Pace increased. As long as I was under 11:00 I was happy. At the 4 mile mark I developed a fierce headache. That's never happened before and my stomach turned up side down. I stopped sweating and got REALLY hot. I have had the stop sweating and hot before. I usually stop running, find some shade and drink. I'm usually ok after that. Luckily I was close to home. Finished running at the drive way and went straight into a cool shower. As soon as I stopped moving I was dripping with sweat. Literally dripping and really gritty! Took 2 tylenol. A day later my stomach is still up side down.
I have been trying to trouble shoot the stop sweating and hot problem for several months. Usually doesn't happen on shorter runs under 5 miles. Kinda cool that I think a short run is 5 miles. My thought was that I was getting too much sodium because in the sweat test I only dropped a 1/2 pound. I have repeated the protocol 3 times with same results. Which equals only 16 oz of liquid per hour for replacement. I did stop to pee twice on the run. Which is an improvement.
All these products I have used. Other than the salt tabs. They are new to me. Coach, I am totally lost
. I thought I had a good plan. I guess I took you literally when you said this RR was for mistakes.
Is it time for a phone call? Thanks for your help. I hope you are having fun in Placid.
RR part 2!
After long periods of retrospective thinking and knowing that my daughter has been sick all week and how I am feeling today. I think I was getting sick and am sick.
Now, does nutrition need to be tweeked? Oh ya. The numbers looked much better when I did them before the RR. So work to do.
Thank you!
Coach P.,
Please see my previous RR report. Starting to feel better. Stomach is still touchy but energy is better.
So, I think you need more sodium (minimum of 1,000 mg per hour, you are at 680-ish). So let's bump that up (another salt stick pill?).
Also, I think that on hotter days you might need more fluids in that first 1.5 bottles, etc. So I would plan for that eventuality by upping hour one to that now in your longer rides.
Finally the heat comes on in the transition from bike to run. I think we have some of this in the Wiki under Race Execution / Heat Management. But on hotter days, your body is effectively cooled when riding, but moving to the run the ambient temp goes from 85 minus 16mph (aka 69) to 85+X degrees (b/c running is harder) and you go into shock.
So, race day strategies when it's warm include getting wet at the last bike aid station and first 1-2 run aid stations...this will help keep the core temps does that sound?
Happy to talk any time! My schedule is online here: -- Please remember to include your phone number.
No worries Coach. That run put me in a hurt locker and scared me a lot. I've never felt that bad.
Have started upping both calories with GU and salt. Started taking a salt stick prior to every workout. I have base salt coming. Might be easier to swallow on the bike. The sticks aren't bad when i'm running. Haven't had a chance to trial more salt on a long run due to air quality. I've had to run on a TM and it's 105 degrees out.
The temp. was actually great. Started out at 54 degrees
on the bike. By the time I got out on the run it was 79. I did wet down at the house and at the YMCA. I also ran with that white hat that you used at Texas. I'm trying to find that neck cooler thing. I might end up using just a bandana. I do know that my HIM has a cooling tent on the way out of T2. I am going to be running with my camel bak marathon with iced elixir in it. I think I do need more fluid volume on the bike. I'm still not peeing. The problem is my gut isn't liking the volume. Sigh. Training your gut is as labor intensive as swim/bike/run.
SO to combat the "shock" of changing to the run I need to pump up the volume on the bike? Check. My goal is 2 24oz bottles per hour. I'm not sure I can do it. That's a lot. The bigger challenge is carrying that volume. If I can clear that volume it covers me well for both salt and calories. The on course nutrition is Hammer and Heed. No go. There will be water so I can mix my own. Not ideal.
Thanks to my wonderful, super, genius team mates, who have been helping me with this jig saw puzzle. These are the changes they have decided I need to make.
How does this look for a damage control plan?
Thank you, Sir.
Note that my neck thing is actually an arm cooler that I ties around my neck and hat. Arm coolers by Zoot I order 2 pairs one for your actual arms and the other to use one for your neck!
Thanks Coach P.
Your the cherry on top of the sundae.
I'll let you know how this is shaking out. My next learning challenge is to figure out how to rescue myself IF I start getting into trouble.
So much to learn. So little time.
Hey Coach,
Just an FYI. My mom is sick. I'm having to commute 6 hours each way. Not sure what's going to happen training wise. Will know more in a couple days. I'll just piece it together as best I can.
Thanks, Jacklyn
Well Coach what a horrible week. My mom is doing great. I'm back home but my HIM attempt in September is over. There is always next year. I'm going to be commuting to my parents weekly for awhile. There's still a lot of heavy lifting to do. Mom starts chemo and radiation in a couple weeks. My problem is I don't do well with no training plan. I'm really at loose ends. I've run once in 2 weeks. But i feel like i'm in recovery mode from a big race. The good news is i've lost 9 pounds.
I thought i was doing pretty well on the nutrition end of taking care of myself. But obviously I wasn't. I wonder if you can loose weight from crying?
I've lost some fitness. That's for sure. I hope Coach Rich is going to drop me into the NOS. But until then what do I do? I can keep plugging away at the beginner HIM plan week ? until I complete it for the experience. The bike is going to be the biggest challenge. Just logistics.
Thank you, Jacklyn
Thank you for getting back to me.
I'm not willing to give up on my HIM pipe dream just yet. I'm in week 17 of the beginner. I missed week 16 completely and most of week 17. When I ran today I was tired. My pace was good but I feel like i'm in recovery. When I rode yesterday I had the power, I just couldn't hold it for long. My energy is returning though. I am hoping that the hay is in the barn and I can just keep the ball rolling. I am not going up to my parents next week. So I can get a full week 18 of training in. I have no illusions of a podium. All I want to do is start and finish. My husband is really encouraging me not to let this go.
This has been a big deal for my mom too. She doesn't want me to miss this either.
Even if I have to travel to moms I can be creative with my training. The retirement community they are moving into has a 25m salt water pool. It's pretty warm though.
What do you think?
As always, Thank you!
Step 1 is "clearing the fog" of time off....
Step 2 is "getting in the zone" as in being able to do what you are supposed to be doing when working out...instead of not being present.
Step 3 is thinking about your race -- your pacing plan, nutrition plan, the time #1 and #2 ^above^ are done you'll need to be on your race plan...
We can do this!!
Ps if you swim in that pool just bring lots of fluids as you can overheat!