Hope you are having a great time in Texas. Did my end of the "Run Focused" 5k this morning. Drum roll please;
Tah Dah..........
03/21/2015 5K
Avg. pace 09:41
HR 165
Time 00:30:04. That's a 2:30 minute PR for the distance.
vDOT 30.
Mile 1 10:13
Mile 2 09:51
Mile 3 09:50 Last mile is a 1% uphill grade. Fun times
Moving to the Beginner Get Faster plan next week. Here is my question. I have my half marathon May 5th. I haven't signed up yet. Should I do the half marathon? Do I have time to safely and gradually work up to the distance in 5 weeks? Should I continue with the run focused plan due to my pneumonia and losing 3 weeks?
"LET"S DO IT!" I did not join EN to play it safe! How the hell did I become a motivated runner!
Question #1- Continue Run Focused block or change to the Get Faster block? Coach Rich has me ending the Get Faster on my 1/2 marathon. The farthest i have run so far is 8 miles. That was before run jail in December. I have been averaging 4-5 miles with 10:30 to 11:00 pace since my bout of pneumonia. I haven't felt strong and steady yet. Time I suppose.
I have lost about 15 watts on my bike test from the end on the NOS. FTP is only 249. But I am riding outdoors more now. I seemed to respond to the run stress of the NOS well. I lengthened my run distance a LOT and my speed. I was starting to hit the mid 8's by December and I felt GOOD. The achilles tendonitus predated the NOS. Since run jail in December I haven't been able to get my run mojo going. But I think that was because I was getting sick a lot longer than I realized.
Ok Coach! Time to wave your magic wand and work your magic! I'll do the work I just need some fairy dust and maybe a crown. One with sparkles.
Thank you, Sir. I really, really, really do appreciate your help. Couldn't do it without you.
I would love to email you with good news. When I had pneumonia I was coughing so hard that I dislocated several ribs in my back. One of those ribs innervated my left deltoid. Went to the chiro. because my shoulder was really sore. Started ultrsound and lazer. He adjusted my shoulder today and he thinks I may have frozen shoulder syndrome. Needless to say swimming is out for a couple weeks. He also doesn't want me riding in aero or out on the road. That's no big deal. I have my trainer. Boy is my shoulder sore. I've had a lot of injuries to my left shoulder from bike crashes over the years. I'm not just a pretty face. I've ate dirt on most of the major mtb trail systems on the west coast. Why do you think i'm a roadie now!
Thursday I have a massage and us treatment again. He will decide if I need to go to PT or not.
No matter how careful I am I seem to always be nursing something. Running and biking are fine. Just no aero.
Well, just returned from my sports doc. Good news. No frozen shoulder! I still have to stand down for another week or two from swimming and riding aero but should heal just fine. Feels MUCH better. I can raise my arm!
Update: I'm in the BGF plan week 3. Ran last night 2x1mi" z4. Total mileage 4.6. According to strava improved my pace on that route, last ran 2/18/15, by 01:30 per mile. Over all pace 11:35/mi. Which is a z2-3 effort. Trying to focus more on pace than heart rate.Average HR 137. Max 158.
Mile 1 : 09:48
Mile 2: 09:40. I guess if it feels like crap then your running faster!
Legs feeling good. Right calf tight again. Rolling multiple times a day. New Hokas are great. After that run no back tightness at all. I'm getting there. Don't give up on me yet!
How did you live with those ribs? I did one over a year ago and was a BABY!!!
I like get faster to end on the Half, but don't crush yourself on the intervals...we still want to make sure that you can absorb the work. Since you aren't swimming, that should give you more time to recover (not add in more running!!!).
Our goal is to get your long run to 10 miles (maybe 11) by mid April. So my thoughts are to have you run "long" on your mid week run (extend it) and your Sunday Run (already long). So 2 x 8 and 2x9miles, etc. If we can get you to 2x10 by mid april, you'll be all set.
Please continue with FTP work but don't worry about pushing the Saturday ride intervals too hard...we have some running to focus on.
I work on Sunday and Mondays. Can I run medium on Wednesday and then long on Saturday with Friday off or a recovery spin? I am concerned about recovery. I am a notoriously poor recoverier.
I had a new experience today. You'll LOVE this. I actually crawled out of bed at 0530 to go run because I was taking my girl to the beach today and didn't want to miss my run. What have you done to me????
Thanks, Sir.
Have a great day watching the Team kick it California style.
Your going to love this. Weather 73 degrees 90% humidity. I forgot sun block. Picked a route out of town along the river but that meant small, rolling hills. I was tired of stop light running and wanted to just cruise. Could have gone down the big hill first but decided to not thrash my quads and ran up it at the end. I did walk a little at the top to catch my breath. It's a steep hill!
Total time 01:37:39
Distance 8.5 miles, Avg pace 11:33. Lots of small hills and one big right at the end. Average heart rate 140-150. HR was misbehaving at first. Ran by pace not HR.
Mile 1 10:57
2 12:08
3 10:58
4 11:19 Right calf finally opened up.
5 12:13
6 10:51
7 12:35 BIG hill
8 11:40
Nutrition: 500 ml camel back with double strength skratch, 1 tube shock blocks (6 blocks).
Calories-360, NA-820mg, K-120meq and Magnesium/calcium. No cramping or GI issues. Would have liked more liquid volume. Getting a slightly larger camel bak soon.
Plan on running the same route next Saturday and adding on a mile to the end of it. How do I look Coach? Feel pretty good just tired.
Thank you for your advice. To achieve the goal you set for me, run 11 miles by mid April, I am going to keep running the same route but add on 1 mile each time. I'm hoping to smooth out the variability in pace even with the hills by my half mary. I had never run that course and was a little conservative with attacking the hills. I was more concerned with going the distance.
Here's a little personal history. 4 years ago when I came off the mountain and started to ride roadie, this route was my LONG ride route!! Now i'm RUNNING the route. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, long run #2 in the bag. Went up to Eugene and ran on the Prefontaine trail. Unfortunately, only able to get 8 miles done. Ran out of time and SAU's. We were up there to purchase a new camp trailer. IM AZ is becoming more real all the time. Here's how the numbers stacked out;
Time 01:27;18 MILE 8 Avg pace 10:55 Avg HR 147
Mile 1 10:41
2 10:58
3 10:41
4 11:06
6 11:09
7 11:09
8 10:48
Now, that is the most consistent pacing I have ever done! It was a z2-3 by pace. It was a beautiful day. The trail is a wide bark chip trail that was really sponge. Took a little bit to get used too. I thought the sponge would be easier on my back and legs. Spot on for nutrition as you suggested.
Question: I have started using Hoka bondi's. Can my new shoes change the way I run to such an extent that I am working different muscle groups?! I'm pretty sore. Even my lower abs. No booboo type discomfort. Just muscle soreness. Especially glutes and hamstrings. This run felt so much stronger and smoother than last week. Doing lots of self care.
Thank you Sir. Have a great week fending off Easter Candy!
Jacklyn -- great job on that run!!! I love the pacing. New shoes might do that, but probably more the surface than anything else. Let me know if t doesn't fade on you...
Thanks!!!! The soreness has faded. Lower back continues to be tight. I really need to get in the pool but still unable to due to my left shoulder. Plan to do long run Friday instead of Saturday. Going back to get the new trailer. Have no idea how long that will take.
So planning a 10 mile run Friday. I'm a little nervous. I'll let you know how it goes.
Well, PR'd my 10k by 4 minutes. Not to bad for a girl whose goal last year was to run 1 mile without stopping. Only problem is that I think i'm taking in to much sodium. My hands started to swell and I got really thirsty for water by mile 9. I think I will reduce the concentration of skratch to normal instead of double strength. My skin was very salt crusty too when I got done.
Ok. Confession time. I read an article in this months Triathelete mag. It was about a running couch that had his athletes with poor run durability, that's me, walk 30 seconds every mile on their long runs. Basically walking the aide stations so to speak. Reasoning behind it was fatigue, decreased RPE, and over time a significant reduction in injury. He also found that his runners where consistently podiuming and having faster splits even with the walking. So I tried it today. I didn't see how it could hurt. It made eating and drinking much more consistent. I'm sitting here typing this hours later, i'm not totally cooked, and i'm going to go do laps at the pool. So maybe there is something to it.
So I made the 11 mile goal. My half mary is May 2nd. Do you want me to continue to push the distance or stay about here for 2 more weeks?
Have a great weekend. I am. I ran 12 miles, i ran 12 Miles. WOOT WOOT!!!
Great run!! Yes to the normal concentration...let's try that and make sure you are hydrated before you start, etc.
FYI RnP invented the walk 30" thing -- it's in our Four Keys stuff from 2007 and you _do_ do that in your RaceSim run, but you are welcome to do it on all the runs now!!
Let's stay at 11-is the next two weeks, sounds great!
Haaa! Schooled again. I have watched the 4 keys but the walk thing didn't hit my radar. Gee. Should have known I wasn't reinventing the wheel.
Sounds good. I was pretty stiff and sore Sunday. The day after my run. It was better than the week before. I guess i'm just breaking in new muscles. No ouchy type stuff. My run route was a one way from my house to an awesome vegan bakery. My husband drove up behind me about mile 11 and told me that I looked like a real runner! My gait was nice and smooth and I was leaning forward! I was smiling too!
Thank you, Sir. I really appreciate your support and help getting me this far. I still can't imagine running a full marathon. But i'm sure that will come with time too.
Office hours last night was great. I tried to send you a question. Not sure I did it right. It had to do with the run/walk technique. Next Saturday is my half mary. Should I use the run/walk during it? Or use it for training to protect my poor running durability or both?
I am hoping to save a little in the gas tank to be able to speed up in the last couple miles. I have no illusions that I have a chance at a podium.
Today was my last long run before my half mary next Saturday. Here's the stats from today. I re ran an earlier route with lots of rolling hills.
Total time 02:02:48 Distance 10.9 miles, Average speed 11:17 per mile Avg. HR 141 bpm!
Mile 1 11:10
2 10:57
3 12:05 Had to stop due to coughing fit.
4 10:52
5 11:26
6 10:51
7 11:26
8 11:28
9 11:26
10 11:04
11 11:28
PR 10k pace 11:10 improved by almost a minute per mile.
PR 15k 11:45
PR 10 mile 11:46
Today was a tough run. Heavy wind. Lots of hills. Lots of excuses to stop. Limited the 30 sec. walk to every other mile today. Feel pretty good. Hip flexors are SORE and I have a pain in my butt! . Doing lots of rolling. Did the dynamic warm up. That's pretty cool. Still can't do the last one right. Poor coordination.
So here I go. Going to taper this week and keep it short and slow.I'm going to shut it down on Thursday. Rest Friday. Kick butt on Saturday. Nutrition better. Didn't feel like a walking salt lick this time and I didn't get super thirsty.
Have a great week! ~ Jacklyn
P.S Please see previous post for a question about race execution. Thanks.
Just came back from a family dinner. My in-laws, bless their hearts, forgot to inform us when the annual family trip to Ashland for a play was. Drum roll..... You guessed it! Next Saturday. The day of my half mary. Sometimes I really hate their senior memories. SO i'm looking for another half mary somewhere else but it's hard to find events on Saturdays that don't entail a whole day of driving. I do have a locale 10k at the end of May. I might just have to settle for that and actually "race" it. HMMMMM
So I guess never mind on the taper next week. It's business as usual and then switch to Short Course next Sunday. I know that the work i've done and the nutrition and pacing practice haven't been lost but I am so disappointed! This was my first "legit" run event with good distance. My next official event isn't until July.
Thank you for your help and support.
PS please see my last post for long run info. I'm kinda proud of it!
Yes you should! If you have a plan that you have been following, then great. If not I am a fan of walking at every mile. Or you can say 9' run / 1' walk, for example.
Camp sounded great! I was thrilled to see some women there! Nice. Someday. So down to business.
I have been a BAAAADDD dobee. I totally went off reservation last week. Took the whole week off and felt sorry for myself. I actually got a lot of "To Do List" stuff done. Spring cleaning etc....I was feeling really beat up and super tired. Feel much better. I didn't even log on to EN for the week. Last week was test week. I'm moving into the "Beginner Short Course" this week.
Problem. I'm dropping into week 5 which is not a test week. I'm usually dropping into a test week so I didn't worry about missing last week. Dumb me. So, being a self coached super stud EN athlete My thought is to do the standard test protocol and plug it into this week. OK??????????????????
Thank you. Enjoy your recovery!
PS- On the long runs I have been walking 30 sec. every mile. My Garmin is set to buzz every mile. Seems to work well.
SST (Super Speedy Trimom) -- looks like Spring Cleaning make you faster! Way to listen to your body and recover to get back on track. Testing this week is fine; if you hit another test week on Week 8, just repeat your week 7 using the drop down menu then jump to week 9.
Sounds good. I thought about waiting but I was total stocked to do the run test! My paces had gotten too easy and I didn't want to waste time at an easier level. Just my 0.02. I took my new zip code out for a run with my husband on Saturday. Mr. speedy was having trouble keeping up on the 1/2 mile and 1 mile intervals. He kept asking me ," What are you doing?!" Reply " Passing you."
Have a wonderful time in Texas. We will be rooting for you and the team. ~Jacklyn
Howdy from hot, muggie Oregon. I FINALLY broke the 30 min. barrier!!!!!!!
5k run test done. Stats as follows;
Distance 5k TIme 27:45
avg HR 153 bpm
Pace 08:57/ mile .
Vdot : 33! THAT'S A 3 PT BUMP!!!!!
Test done faster with a 10 pt lower heart rate. OK! I guess I like long runs.
Thanks Coach. Couldn't of done it with out you. ~ Jacklyn (aka super speedy Trimom)
I wanted to say WOOHOO! I remember 18 months ago when I finally ran my first sub 30 minute 5k since High School..... I'm 44 now so it's not as easy as it used to be. I also can't wait to run another sub 30 minute 5k as now I am recovering from two bad seasons and knee surgery. It's amazing how much regular running and listening to your body pays off. I'm impressed by your consistency and perseverance. Congrats!
Thank you Anthony! I really appreciate your encouragement. I hope your knee gets it's act together and allows you to run. I am always babying some sort of booboo. Right now it's my left shoulder. Looking like PT again. Glad I like my PT. ~Jacklyn
WOOT WOOT! It's almost race day. Fair winds and cool temps Coach!
Well, i'm in swim jail. Left shoulder is acting up again. Just came back from an xray of my shoulder. If it doesn't show anything than an MRI. Sports doc thinks it's some kind of tear from an old injury. Don't know if it will be PT or ortho. We'll see. I'm shooting for PT.
Question 1: In the BSC plan I work on Sundays which is the long run. When I was doing the GF plan, I did the long run on Saturday instead of Sunday and skipped the long bike. ShouId I continue to skip the long bike on Saturday and focus on my long run? I do try and make Thursday or Friday the long bike outside when I can. In the short course plan, Friday only has a swim. So I sometimes bike then. Depending on weather because my daughter goes to a supervised event at the YMCA for 2 hours.
Thanks for the atta boy earlier. Really appreciate it. Jacklyn
I hope you are enjoying your ice cream! Left shoulder update. xray clear. No MRI. Off to P.T. The only problem is that I can't start P.T for 2 weeks. Oh well. I've got until the end of July for my Oly.
Question #1: I am in the Beginner Short Course week 7. Is it more important for me to ride long or bike long on Saturday? I work on Sunday. I have been trying to sneak a long bike in on Thursday or Friday. Hasn't been a consistent thing yet. It won't be until school is out. My running is still my weakness in both durability and pace. Average distance per run during the week is 5.4 miles. I read an article you wrote, I think, about how weak runners just don't get enough base miles. We put in the time but because we are SLOW. We don't get the mileage in. So I have been spending time in z2 just putting in base miles. I exceed the time limit usually ordered for the days run. I'm more interested in mileage than time right now. I have no idea if i'm thinking right or not.
Q#2 Because i'm not swimming, what do you think about me running 5x per week instead of 3? Short runs 3-4 miles low zone stuff.
Have a great day soaking in the love from your family and friends! Thanks Coach. Jacklyn
Congrats on the numbers progression, that's awesome!!!
Good Morning!
Hope you are having a great time in Texas.
Did my end of the "Run Focused" 5k this morning. Drum roll please;
Tah Dah..........
03/21/2015 5K
Avg. pace 09:41
HR 165
Time 00:30:04. That's a 2:30 minute PR for the distance.
vDOT 30.
Mile 1 10:13
Mile 2 09:51
Mile 3 09:50 Last mile is a 1% uphill grade. Fun times
Moving to the Beginner Get Faster plan next week. Here is my question. I have my half marathon May 5th. I haven't signed up yet. Should I do the half marathon? Do I have time to safely and gradually work up to the distance in 5 weeks? Should I continue with the run focused plan due to my pneumonia and losing 3 weeks?
Thank you for your time and advice!
You can do the half marathon but it won't be about racing, but rather an exercise in pacing and nutrition.
What say you?
I say.....
"LET"S DO IT!" I did not join EN to play it safe! How the hell did I become a motivated runner!
Question #1- Continue Run Focused block or change to the Get Faster block? Coach Rich has me ending the Get Faster on my 1/2 marathon. The farthest i have run so far is 8 miles. That was before run jail in December. I have been averaging 4-5 miles with 10:30 to 11:00 pace since my bout of pneumonia. I haven't felt strong and steady yet. Time I suppose.
I have lost about 15 watts on my bike test from the end on the NOS. FTP is only 249. But I am riding outdoors more now. I seemed to respond to the run stress of the NOS well. I lengthened my run distance a LOT and my speed. I was starting to hit the mid 8's by December and I felt GOOD. The achilles tendonitus predated the NOS. Since run jail in December I haven't been able to get my run mojo going. But I think that was because I was getting sick a lot longer than I realized.
Ok Coach! Time to wave your magic wand and work your magic! I'll do the work I just need some fairy dust and maybe a crown. One with sparkles.
Thank you, Sir. I really, really, really do appreciate your help. Couldn't do it without you.
Coach P.,
I would love to email you with good news. When I had pneumonia I was coughing so hard that I dislocated several ribs in my back. One of those ribs innervated my left deltoid. Went to the chiro. because my shoulder was really sore. Started ultrsound and lazer. He adjusted my shoulder today and he thinks I may have frozen shoulder syndrome. Needless to say swimming is out for a couple weeks. He also doesn't want me riding in aero or out on the road. That's no big deal. I have my trainer. Boy is my shoulder sore. I've had a lot of injuries to my left shoulder from bike crashes over the years. I'm not just a pretty face. I've ate dirt on most of the major mtb trail systems on the west coast. Why do you think i'm a roadie now!
Thursday I have a massage and us treatment again. He will decide if I need to go to PT or not.
No matter how careful I am I seem to always be nursing something. Running and biking are fine. Just no aero.
Thanks, Jacklyn
Please see previous email.
Good Morning,
Well, just returned from my sports doc. Good news. No frozen shoulder! I still have to stand down for another week or two from swimming and riding aero but should heal just fine. Feels MUCH better. I can raise my arm!
Update: I'm in the BGF plan week 3. Ran last night 2x1mi" z4. Total mileage 4.6. According to strava improved my pace on that route, last ran 2/18/15, by 01:30 per mile. Over all pace 11:35/mi. Which is a z2-3 effort. Trying to focus more on pace than heart rate.Average HR 137. Max 158.
Mile 1 : 09:48
Mile 2: 09:40. I guess if it feels like crap then your running faster!
Legs feeling good. Right calf tight again. Rolling multiple times a day. New Hokas are great. After that run no back tightness at all. I'm getting there. Don't give up on me yet!
Have a great day, Sir.
~ Jacklyn
P.S. Please read the previous 2 posts. Thank you
I like get faster to end on the Half, but don't crush yourself on the intervals...we still want to make sure that you can absorb the work. Since you aren't swimming, that should give you more time to recover (not add in more running!!!).
Our goal is to get your long run to 10 miles (maybe 11) by mid April. So my thoughts are to have you run "long" on your mid week run (extend it) and your Sunday Run (already long). So 2 x 8 and 2x9miles, etc. If we can get you to 2x10 by mid april, you'll be all set.
Please continue with FTP work but don't worry about pushing the Saturday ride intervals too hard...we have some running to focus on.
Please keep me posted on the shoulder!!!!
Thank you Coach.
I work on Sunday and Mondays. Can I run medium on Wednesday and then long on Saturday with Friday off or a recovery spin? I am concerned about recovery. I am a notoriously poor recoverier.
I had a new experience today. You'll LOVE this. I actually crawled out of bed at 0530 to go run because I was taking my girl to the beach today and didn't want to miss my run.
What have you done to me????
Thanks, Sir.
Have a great day watching the Team kick it California style.
Sunday Long run done.
Your going to love this. Weather 73 degrees 90% humidity. I forgot sun block.
Picked a route out of town along the river but that meant small, rolling hills. I was tired of stop light running and wanted to just cruise. Could have gone down the big hill first but decided to not thrash my quads and ran up it at the end. I did walk a little at the top to catch my breath. It's a steep hill!
Total time 01:37:39
Distance 8.5 miles, Avg pace 11:33. Lots of small hills and one big right at the end. Average heart rate 140-150. HR was misbehaving at first. Ran by pace not HR.
Mile 1 10:57
2 12:08
3 10:58
4 11:19 Right calf finally opened up.
5 12:13
6 10:51
7 12:35 BIG hill
8 11:40
Nutrition: 500 ml camel back with double strength skratch, 1 tube shock blocks (6 blocks).
Calories-360, NA-820mg, K-120meq and Magnesium/calcium. No cramping or GI issues. Would have liked more liquid volume. Getting a slightly larger camel bak soon.
Plan on running the same route next Saturday and adding on a mile to the end of it. How do I look Coach? Feel pretty good just tired.
Thanks, Jacklyn
Happy Monday morning!
Thank you for your advice. To achieve the goal you set for me, run 11 miles by mid April, I am going to keep running the same route but add on 1 mile each time. I'm hoping to smooth out the variability in pace even with the hills by my half mary. I had never run that course and was a little conservative with attacking the hills. I was more concerned with going the distance.
Here's a little personal history. 4 years ago when I came off the mountain and started to ride roadie, this route was my LONG ride route!!
Now i'm RUNNING the route. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a great day, Sir. Talk soon.
Good Morning Super Coach,
Well, long run #2 in the bag. Went up to Eugene and ran on the Prefontaine trail. Unfortunately, only able to get 8 miles done. Ran out of time and SAU's. We were up there to purchase a new camp trailer. IM AZ is becoming more real all the time. Here's how the numbers stacked out;
Time 01:27;18 MILE 8 Avg pace 10:55 Avg HR 147
Mile 1 10:41
2 10:58
3 10:41
4 11:06
6 11:09
7 11:09
8 10:48
Now, that is the most consistent pacing I have ever done! It was a z2-3 by pace. It was a beautiful day. The trail is a wide bark chip trail that was really sponge. Took a little bit to get used too. I thought the sponge would be easier on my back and legs. Spot on for nutrition as you suggested.
Question: I have started using Hoka bondi's. Can my new shoes change the way I run to such an extent that I am working different muscle groups?! I'm pretty sore. Even my lower abs. No booboo type discomfort. Just muscle soreness. Especially glutes and hamstrings. This run felt so much stronger and smoother than last week. Doing lots of self care.
Thank you Sir. Have a great week fending off Easter Candy!
Thanks!!!! The soreness has faded. Lower back continues to be tight. I really need to get in the pool but still unable to due to my left shoulder. Plan to do long run Friday instead of Saturday. Going back to get the new trailer. Have no idea how long that will take.
So planning a 10 mile run Friday. I'm a little nervous. I'll let you know how it goes.
Thank you for your time~ Jacklyn
Good Friday Evening!
Long run #3 in the bag and right on schedule.
Distance 12.2 miles average pace 11:13 Avg HR143
Mile 1 11:01
2 10:54
3 10:49
4 11:09
5 11:37 (bathroom break)
6 11:09
7 10:43
8 11:16
9 11:46
10 11:08
11 11:23
12 11:48
Well, PR'd my 10k by 4 minutes. Not to bad for a girl whose goal last year was to run 1 mile without stopping.
Only problem is that I think i'm taking in to much sodium. My hands started to swell and I got really thirsty for water by mile 9. I think I will reduce the concentration of skratch to normal instead of double strength. My skin was very salt crusty too when I got done.
Ok. Confession time. I read an article in this months Triathelete mag. It was about a running couch that had his athletes with poor run durability, that's me, walk 30 seconds every mile on their long runs. Basically walking the aide stations so to speak. Reasoning behind it was fatigue, decreased RPE, and over time a significant reduction in injury. He also found that his runners where consistently podiuming and having faster splits even with the walking. So I tried it today. I didn't see how it could hurt. It made eating and drinking much more consistent. I'm sitting here typing this hours later, i'm not totally cooked, and i'm going to go do laps at the pool. So maybe there is something to it.
So I made the 11 mile goal. My half mary is May 2nd. Do you want me to continue to push the distance or stay about here for 2 more weeks?
Have a great weekend. I am. I ran 12 miles, i ran 12 Miles. WOOT WOOT!!!
Thanks, Coach.
FYI RnP invented the walk 30" thing -- it's in our Four Keys stuff from 2007 and you _do_ do that in your RaceSim run, but you are welcome to do it on all the runs now!!
Let's stay at 11-is the next two weeks, sounds great!
So pumped.
Haaa! Schooled again.
I have watched the 4 keys but the walk thing didn't hit my radar. Gee. Should have known I wasn't reinventing the wheel. 
Sounds good. I was pretty stiff and sore Sunday. The day after my run. It was better than the week before. I guess i'm just breaking in new muscles. No ouchy type stuff. My run route was a one way from my house to an awesome vegan bakery. My husband drove up behind me about mile 11 and told me that I looked like a real runner! My gait was nice and smooth and I was leaning forward! I was smiling too!
Thank you, Sir. I really appreciate your support and help getting me this far. I still can't imagine running a full marathon. But i'm sure that will come with time too.
Good Morning!
Office hours last night was great. I tried to send you a question. Not sure I did it right. It had to do with the run/walk technique. Next Saturday is my half mary. Should I use the run/walk during it? Or use it for training to protect my poor running durability or both?
I am hoping to save a little in the gas tank to be able to speed up in the last couple miles. I have no illusions that I have a chance at a podium.
Have a great day.
Today was my last long run before my half mary next Saturday. Here's the stats from today. I re ran an earlier route with lots of rolling hills.
Total time 02:02:48 Distance 10.9 miles, Average speed 11:17 per mile Avg. HR 141 bpm!
Mile 1 11:10
2 10:57
3 12:05 Had to stop due to coughing fit.
4 10:52
5 11:26
6 10:51
7 11:26
8 11:28
9 11:26
10 11:04
11 11:28
PR 10k pace 11:10 improved by almost a minute per mile.
PR 15k 11:45
PR 10 mile 11:46
Today was a tough run. Heavy wind. Lots of hills. Lots of excuses to stop. Limited the 30 sec. walk to every other mile today. Feel pretty good. Hip flexors are SORE and I have a pain in my butt! . Doing lots of rolling. Did the dynamic warm up. That's pretty cool. Still can't do the last one right. Poor coordination.
So here I go. Going to taper this week and keep it short and slow.I'm going to shut it down on Thursday. Rest Friday. Kick butt on Saturday. Nutrition better. Didn't feel like a walking salt lick this time and I didn't get super thirsty.
Have a great week! ~ Jacklyn
P.S Please see previous post for a question about race execution. Thanks.
Just came back from a family dinner. My in-laws, bless their hearts, forgot to inform us when the annual family trip to Ashland for a play was. Drum roll..... You guessed it! Next Saturday. The day of my half mary.
Sometimes I really hate their senior memories. SO i'm looking for another half mary somewhere else but it's hard to find events on Saturdays that don't entail a whole day of driving. I do have a locale 10k at the end of May. I might just have to settle for that and actually "race" it. HMMMMM
So I guess never mind on the taper next week. It's business as usual and then switch to Short Course next Sunday. I know that the work i've done and the nutrition and pacing practice haven't been lost but I am so disappointed! This was my first "legit" run event with good distance. My next official event isn't until July.
Thank you for your help and support.
PS please see my last post for long run info.
I'm kinda proud of it!
Let me know what you think!!
Good Morning and Congrats on Blue Ridge.
Camp sounded great! I was thrilled to see some women there! Nice. Someday. So down to business.
I have been a BAAAADDD dobee. I totally went off reservation last week. Took the whole week off and felt sorry for myself. I actually got a lot of "To Do List" stuff done. Spring cleaning etc....I was feeling really beat up and super tired. Feel much better. I didn't even log on to EN for the week. Last week was test week. I'm moving into the "Beginner Short Course" this week.
Problem. I'm dropping into week 5 which is not a test week. I'm usually dropping into a test week so I didn't worry about missing last week. Dumb me. So, being a self coached super stud EN athlete My thought is to do the standard test protocol and plug it into this week. OK??????????????????
Thank you. Enjoy your recovery!
PS- On the long runs I have been walking 30 sec. every mile. My Garmin is set to buzz every mile. Seems to work well.
Howdy from hot, muggie Oregon. I FINALLY broke the 30 min. barrier!!!!!!!
5k run test done. Stats as follows;
Distance 5k TIme 27:45
avg HR 153 bpm
Pace 08:57/ mile .
Vdot : 33! THAT'S A 3 PT BUMP!!!!!
Test done faster with a 10 pt lower heart rate. OK! I guess I like long runs.
Thanks Coach.
Couldn't of done it with out you. ~ Jacklyn (aka super speedy Trimom)
Nice work!!
Good Morning Texas Bound Coach,
Sounds good. I thought about waiting but I was total stocked to do the run test! My paces had gotten too easy and I didn't want to waste time at an easier level. Just my 0.02. I took my new zip code out for a run with my husband on Saturday. Mr. speedy was having trouble keeping up on the 1/2 mile and 1 mile intervals.
He kept asking me ," What are you doing?!" Reply " Passing you." 
Have a wonderful time in Texas. We will be rooting for you and the team. ~Jacklyn
Thank you Anthony! I really appreciate your encouragement. I hope your knee gets it's act together and allows you to run. I am always babying some sort of booboo. Right now it's my left shoulder. Looking like PT again. Glad I like my PT.
WOOT WOOT! It's almost race day. Fair winds and cool temps Coach!
Well, i'm in swim jail. Left shoulder is acting up again. Just came back from an xray of my shoulder. If it doesn't show anything than an MRI. Sports doc thinks it's some kind of tear from an old injury. Don't know if it will be PT or ortho. We'll see. I'm shooting for PT.
Question 1: In the BSC plan I work on Sundays which is the long run. When I was doing the GF plan, I did the long run on Saturday instead of Sunday and skipped the long bike. ShouId I continue to skip the long bike on Saturday and focus on my long run? I do try and make Thursday or Friday the long bike outside when I can. In the short course plan, Friday only has a swim. So I sometimes bike then. Depending on weather because my daughter goes to a supervised event at the YMCA for 2 hours.
Thanks for the atta boy earlier. Really appreciate it. Jacklyn
Good morning Super Speedy Texas Coach!
I hope you are enjoying your ice cream!
Left shoulder update. xray clear. No MRI. Off to P.T. The only problem is that I can't start P.T for 2 weeks. Oh well.
I've got until the end of July for my Oly.
Question #1: I am in the Beginner Short Course week 7. Is it more important for me to ride long or bike long on Saturday? I work on Sunday. I have been trying to sneak a long bike in on Thursday or Friday. Hasn't been a consistent thing yet. It won't be until school is out. My running is still my weakness in both durability and pace. Average distance per run during the week is 5.4 miles. I read an article you wrote, I think, about how weak runners just don't get enough base miles. We put in the time but because we are SLOW. We don't get the mileage in. So I have been spending time in z2 just putting in base miles. I exceed the time limit usually ordered for the days run. I'm more interested in mileage than time right now. I have no idea if i'm thinking right or not.
Q#2 Because i'm not swimming, what do you think about me running 5x per week instead of 3? Short runs 3-4 miles low zone stuff.
Have a great day soaking in the love from your family and friends! Thanks Coach. Jacklyn