YES, WE CAN!!!! I have been thinking about what you said. It basically boils down to " GET TO WORK!".
I am going up to moms this week. Feels foolish to waste good time with her and Dad. Switched things around this week a little so I didn't have to take my bike with me. Will be doing the Beg. HIM wk 18 with runs weds AM and Thurs PM. The Wednesday run is ONLY an hour. ( The joy of a new toy, ONLY an hour. LOL) Then home Friday so I can swim and get ready for my final race rehearsal. Hopefully it will go better than the last one.
Did the bike today 2x15 at z4. Either I need to test or it's time to toe the line because that was way easy. HR never crossed 130 bpm. I'll be testing that idea Saturday! I understand that I need to be conservative on the bike to set up for a solid run. A solid run for me is 10:30 to 11:00 min/mile.
Will be working on race plan and nutrition for Saturday and doing a lot of reading. 4 keys type stuff.
Thank you for the warm pool swim liquid advice. I hadn't thought of that.
Well I did my "A" race but ended up with DNF at mile 8.5 on the run. So here's the details. Weather was projected to top out at 90+. Ended up being 93 degrees. Slight breeze which we lost on the run.
Swim: 00:52:23. PR the distance by 12 minutes.
T1:00:02:41 Stomach cramping. Smooth transition. No problems.
BIke:04:21:54. Distance 56 miles Ascent 2657 Average speed 13 mph.
T2:06:24.65 Not feeling good. Did the T2 towel pee trick.
Run: 02:17:19 Distance 8.71 miles
Nutrition: Bike Plan Bike didRun planRun did
Started out with my plan of riding slower and letting my heart rate drop. Goal heart rate was low z3 (128-134). I new there was a lot of hills. There was a 17 percent climb at mile 7. Another large climb at mile 25. Honestly there was very little aero due to all the hills. Very rolling. My stomach was cramping coming out of the water. Took in my first hour nutrition per plan. Noted that stomach was getting worse. So I backed off the Gu and salt tabs for 30 minutes and started drinking a lot more. Took another 30 minutes of just liquid and my stomach settled and my heart rate started to drop into zone. Speed was good going out. Average speed going out was 16+. Felt ok. Never felt strong though. Training has been very hit and miss for the last month. Since my Mom's diagnosis my head hasn't been where it needed to be and I knew it. To try and keep my stomach settled I increased my elixir intake. I took in 5 bottles. I stopped taking in the shot bloks because of the increase in sodium from the elixir. I also new that the run was going to be very hot.I kept repeating "Patience, eat for the run". Was able to get in all my Gu and doubled my fluid intake. I was thirsty so I drank. No further problems.
T2- For once I actually peed volume. That's a success. Or so I thought.
Run: I new leaving T2 things weren't good. But I laced up and headed out. Heart rate z2-3(126-140). I wore a marathon camel bak with 67 fluid oz. For heat management I wore an extra sports bra, it's great to have cleavage for holding ice in front. The camel bak trapped ice as well. Wore a white hat that I put ice under. The volunteers were also spraying us down with water. Was carrying all my nutrition/fluid with me. I now in RR I never peed. Well, I fixed that problem. I peed at mile 2,4,6. When I started out of T2 both my calves were tight. Not that unusual for me. Stopped and stretched. Right calf released. Left didn't. This is a very hilly course. There is only one short flat section. It became very apparent that my left calf wasn't going to let me run up hill. Had to walk the ups. Was able to run the downs. Walked the aide stations. Took ice and water for showering at each station. I was actually surprised how quickly the aide stations arrived. I tried to stay relaxed and let the race come to me. It is a 2 lap course. I was on track with my nutrition and fluids. Because it was hot I increased my liquids. I was also concerned about my frequent porta stops. I've never peed like that and I was concerned about the lost volume.
On the second lap, I new I was in trouble. My heart rate started spiking into the 170. With walking my heart rate wouldn't drop below 130. I started to feel really rough. Dizzy, the top of my head started to pound and my left leg cramped up bad! I made a very difficult choice to stop. I cried. I know I made the safe choice. The mile 8 crew drove me back and took me to medical where I spent the next 2 hours. My core temp was elevated. I had the pleasure of having ice packs placed in my groin and arm pits. Oh ya.
Still trying to figure out where things went side ways. I know that I wasn't feeling good before the swim. I was faster on the swim than planned. I was 60 minutes slower on the bike than predicted. My pace was terrible but what I could do. I was all in.
I'm not proud of not finishing but I know that I gave it all I had. I've injured my left calf. 2 days later I can barely walk. Until I did the numbers I didn't realize that by doubling my elixir intake on the bike I increased my sodium that much. If I was ahead in sodium that much why did I cramp up so bad?
I guess I have a while to figure it out. I hope you had a blast in WI! The pictures of everyone were great. I got to meet several team mates that I had only known through Strava.
Thank you for the last years support and encouragement. I really appreciate it.
JM, thank you for the detailed feedback. I feel terrible about your DNF, but I can't think of anyone on the Team who has worked harder (or come further) this year. IOW, that race result in no way encapsulates what you have achieved.
First, let's be clear that the course wasn't exactly built for you. Did you say 17% grade? Seriously? Then add in 93 degrees? Oooooof.
Second, given that your stomach was cramping out of the swim, I think that your nutrition plan was already in trouble. Or rather, the plan we had in place for you was already being short circuited by that. So....
(1) What was your breakfast like? Pre-race meal?
(2) Tell me about the swim...did you drink a lot of the water?
Given the course and temps, I think anyone would have had trouble. But with a stomach under lockdown, I think you were even more compromised. The subsequent failure of your calf...and just overheating, were a function of doing the race under those conditions and without really absorbing the fluids (all that peeing...remember?).
Usually salt helps you absorb, but that logic assumes that you start off in a good place...not with a cramping stomach.
Thank you Coach. I was apprehensive about posting my race report because I was a bit embarrassed. Boy was I wrong! The support and feed back has been over whelming to say the least. Just WOW!
I have no idea what course, other than FLorida, that is made for me. With a tail wind and 65 degrees too. If i'm doing a made to order route. Good to know you have that kind of pull. As for pre race meal here goes.
Up at 0630. 1- 6oz cup of coffee, black. 1- 8 oz orange smoothy. ( yogurt, cocanut milk, ice, OJ. ) It's my go too prior to all big work outs. My stomach doesn't take large volume well at all.
0730- 16 oz elixir, 1 salt tab, 1 rootbeer GU (gross). Porta potty trip.
As for the swim. I didn't swallow much lake water at all. The swim was really nice. I cruised right along. I did get a side cramp that I worked out by changing my stroke style. Water was 70 degrees with fabulous clarity. Swam into the tail end of the guys. If I am completely honest with myself. I felt like crap putting on my wet suit. Nothing specific but not right. It wasn't nerves either.
I hoped when my stomach settled down on the bike that I had rescued myself. I think I did to a point. But not enough to finish. My heart rate kept slowly creeping up and my power faded away. Honestly, if I had been on my game the hills wouldn't have been bad at all. The bike course was an out and back. No more difficult than what I ride around home. The hill you climb is also the hill you get to go down too. 17% grade with no stop at the bottom. BONZI BABY!! I hit 48 mph at the bottom. Nothing about this should have been that hard. I knew it was going to be hot. I have been running in the heat on purpose. I have been running hilly routes. But nutrition had me VERY apprehensive.
I have gone down this bonk road before. Usually my gut shuts down for several weeks after. I end up living on smoothies for weeks. Not this time. No problem. So I did something that protected my gut. I just have no idea what. This is the third time (RR and HIM) trying to put all 3 together at HIM distance failed. Makes a girl a little gun shy.
So far my plan is to switch to Base salt when the NOS fires up. Other than that I have NO clue. Because of my Mom's terminal prognosis I have no idea what to do next year. My thought is to hit repeat and try and actual go to all the local events I had planned, and missed, this year. I just won't sign up until a couple weeks before. Just to be safe. Nothing around here sells out. I don't think it's an IM year yet. I'm still chewing on that.
What say you Super Coach?AM I fixable???
I hope you and Rich have a blast at Kona! ~Jacklyn
Yes, always post. The TEAM is awesome...beyond awesome, in fact, but you have to trust them.
As for the gut, I am not sure if this matters, but we recommend you eat about 3 hours before your race. So for an 8 am wave, that's a 5am alarm and stuff-yo-face! Then you sip some elixir until about an hour to go...then at 15' to go you have a gel with some water.
I think you ate too close to the swim and hadn't really works in training, but on race day you have to go earlier.
Let me know....
As for next year, I say local is the way to go. If you wake up in the middle of the year and want to do something bigger, you'll have the fitness from which to work. But picking something big and then not hitting all the sessions (for whatever reason!) is a level of stress I don't think you need to opt into.
So rest now, recharge...plan on the Nov OS start (10/26) and maybe identify some local running races you might want to do over the winter????!!!
Actually looking forward to another year of local. Run durability here I come. YIPPEEEE. By the NOS I think I will have a better idea of how my Mom is going to fair with chemo.
On the breakfast timing. Maybe. I do not have a morning eating stomach. I hope it's that simple.
Any bets on how far I can go or how fast next year ????
Oh Boy! I think I opened a can of worms with my big mouth.
2014 Total run 137 miles
2015 Total run year to date 326 miles per strava. Hahaha. That's cool!
Garmin connect says i've trained 120 hours and burned 63,331 calories. That sounds like I have room for ice cream or oreo's.
I say i am going to, break 500 miles and end my year, in October 2016, with a 5k pace of 08:30. Current 5k pace 09:40. That's averaging only 10 miles a week/50 weeks.
Other than Starbucks, i'm not sure what to bet. I'm not creative or evil like JW.
Next season planish,
February a 10K -
Early May- Half Mary
May- 10k
July- OLY
August-10k or Half.
September- HIM. This time I will finish!
Various local runs and rides through out the year, for fun.
Looks like I goobered myself at my HIM. Just got back from my sports MD. I have a mild strained left hamstring and the posterior aspect of my left knee is all fired up. So off to ultrasound and laser. Glad I have a few weeks to heal before we get at it in the NOS.
For once, good timing.
Oh as for out bet. Do you like wine? Please see previous post. Trying to think of something, IF i lose, I could mail you. Look up Umpqua valley wines. Yummy
JM, I think that's PERFECT! Time to get out the laptop and edit that signature with your 2016 goals!!!!! Along the lines of withrow, I say that you continue the body composition focus, at least in race season. And choose a "nice" half to play with!
YES, WE CAN!!!! I have been thinking about what you said. It basically boils down to " GET TO WORK!".
I am going up to moms this week. Feels foolish to waste good time with her and Dad. Switched things around this week a little so I didn't have to take my bike with me. Will be doing the Beg. HIM wk 18 with runs weds AM and Thurs PM. The Wednesday run is ONLY an hour. ( The joy of a new toy, ONLY an hour. LOL) Then home Friday so I can swim and get ready for my final race rehearsal. Hopefully it will go better than the last one.
Did the bike today 2x15 at z4. Either I need to test or it's time to toe the line because that was way easy. HR never crossed 130 bpm. I'll be testing that idea Saturday! I understand that I need to be conservative on the bike to set up for a solid run. A solid run for me is 10:30 to 11:00 min/mile.
Will be working on race plan and nutrition for Saturday and doing a lot of reading. 4 keys type stuff.
Thank you for the warm pool swim liquid advice. I hadn't thought of that.
Have a great week!
Good Morning Sir,
Well I did my "A" race but ended up with DNF at mile 8.5 on the run. So here's the details. Weather was projected to top out at 90+. Ended up being 93 degrees. Slight breeze which we lost on the run.
Swim: 00:52:23. PR the distance by 12 minutes.
T1: 00:02:41 Stomach cramping. Smooth transition. No problems.
BIke: 04:21:54. Distance 56 miles Ascent 2657 Average speed 13 mph.
T2: 06:24.65 Not feeling good. Did the T2 towel pee trick.
Run: 02:17:19 Distance 8.71 miles
Nutrition: Bike Plan Bike did Run plan Run did
Calories 438 440 280 220
Sodium 1090 1580 1000 980
Started out with my plan of riding slower and letting my heart rate drop. Goal heart rate was low z3 (128-134). I new there was a lot of hills. There was a 17 percent climb at mile 7. Another large climb at mile 25. Honestly there was very little aero due to all the hills. Very rolling. My stomach was cramping coming out of the water. Took in my first hour nutrition per plan. Noted that stomach was getting worse. So I backed off the Gu and salt tabs for 30 minutes and started drinking a lot more. Took another 30 minutes of just liquid and my stomach settled and my heart rate started to drop into zone. Speed was good going out. Average speed going out was 16+. Felt ok. Never felt strong though. Training has been very hit and miss for the last month. Since my Mom's diagnosis my head hasn't been where it needed to be and I knew it. To try and keep my stomach settled I increased my elixir intake. I took in 5 bottles. I stopped taking in the shot bloks because of the increase in sodium from the elixir. I also new that the run was going to be very hot.I kept repeating "Patience, eat for the run". Was able to get in all my Gu and doubled my fluid intake. I was thirsty so I drank. No further problems.
T2- For once I actually peed volume. That's a success. Or so I thought.
Run: I new leaving T2 things weren't good. But I laced up and headed out. Heart rate z2-3(126-140). I wore a marathon camel bak with 67 fluid oz. For heat management I wore an extra sports bra, it's great to have cleavage for holding ice in front. The camel bak trapped ice as well. Wore a white hat that I put ice under. The volunteers were also spraying us down with water. Was carrying all my nutrition/fluid with me. I now in RR I never peed. Well, I fixed that problem. I peed at mile 2,4,6. When I started out of T2 both my calves were tight. Not that unusual for me. Stopped and stretched. Right calf released. Left didn't. This is a very hilly course. There is only one short flat section. It became very apparent that my left calf wasn't going to let me run up hill. Had to walk the ups. Was able to run the downs. Walked the aide stations. Took ice and water for showering at each station. I was actually surprised how quickly the aide stations arrived. I tried to stay relaxed and let the race come to me. It is a 2 lap course. I was on track with my nutrition and fluids. Because it was hot I increased my liquids. I was also concerned about my frequent porta stops. I've never peed like that and I was concerned about the lost volume.
On the second lap, I new I was in trouble. My heart rate started spiking into the 170. With walking my heart rate wouldn't drop below 130. I started to feel really rough. Dizzy, the top of my head started to pound and my left leg cramped up bad! I made a very difficult choice to stop. I cried. I know I made the safe choice. The mile 8 crew drove me back and took me to medical where I spent the next 2 hours. My core temp was elevated. I had the pleasure of having ice packs placed in my groin and arm pits. Oh ya.
Still trying to figure out where things went side ways. I know that I wasn't feeling good before the swim. I was faster on the swim than planned. I was 60 minutes slower on the bike than predicted. My pace was terrible but what I could do. I was all in.
I'm not proud of not finishing but I know that I gave it all I had. I've injured my left calf. 2 days later I can barely walk. Until I did the numbers I didn't realize that by doubling my elixir intake on the bike I increased my sodium that much. If I was ahead in sodium that much why did I cramp up so bad?
I guess I have a while to figure it out. I hope you had a blast in WI! The pictures of everyone were great. I got to meet several team mates that I had only known through Strava.
Thank you for the last years support and encouragement. I really appreciate it.
~ Jacklyn
First, let's be clear that the course wasn't exactly built for you. Did you say 17% grade? Seriously? Then add in 93 degrees? Oooooof.
Second, given that your stomach was cramping out of the swim, I think that your nutrition plan was already in trouble. Or rather, the plan we had in place for you was already being short circuited by that. So....
(1) What was your breakfast like? Pre-race meal?
(2) Tell me about the swim...did you drink a lot of the water?
Given the course and temps, I think anyone would have had trouble. But with a stomach under lockdown, I think you were even more compromised. The subsequent failure of your calf...and just overheating, were a function of doing the race under those conditions and without really absorbing the fluids (all that peeing...remember?).
Usually salt helps you absorb, but that logic assumes that you start off in a good place...not with a cramping stomach.
Let's dig in on that early nutrition!
Thank you Coach. I was apprehensive about posting my race report because I was a bit embarrassed. Boy was I wrong! The support and feed back has been over whelming to say the least. Just WOW!
I have no idea what course, other than FLorida, that is made for me.
With a tail wind and 65 degrees too. If i'm doing a made to order route. Good to know you have that kind of pull. As for pre race meal here goes.
Up at 0630. 1- 6oz cup of coffee, black. 1- 8 oz orange smoothy. ( yogurt, cocanut milk, ice, OJ. ) It's my go too prior to all big work outs. My stomach doesn't take large volume well at all.
0730- 16 oz elixir, 1 salt tab, 1 rootbeer GU (gross
). Porta potty trip.
As for the swim. I didn't swallow much lake water at all. The swim was really nice. I cruised right along. I did get a side cramp that I worked out by changing my stroke style. Water was 70 degrees with fabulous clarity. Swam into the tail end of the guys. If I am completely honest with myself. I felt like crap putting on my wet suit. Nothing specific but not right. It wasn't nerves either.
I hoped when my stomach settled down on the bike that I had rescued myself. I think I did to a point. But not enough to finish. My heart rate kept slowly creeping up and my power faded away. Honestly, if I had been on my game the hills wouldn't have been bad at all. The bike course was an out and back. No more difficult than what I ride around home. The hill you climb is also the hill you get to go down too. 17% grade with no stop at the bottom. BONZI BABY!!
I hit 48 mph at the bottom. Nothing about this should have been that hard. I knew it was going to be hot. I have been running in the heat on purpose. I have been running hilly routes. But nutrition had me VERY apprehensive.
I have gone down this bonk road before. Usually my gut shuts down for several weeks after. I end up living on smoothies for weeks. Not this time. No problem. So I did something that protected my gut. I just have no idea what
. This is the third time (RR and HIM) trying to put all 3 together at HIM distance failed. Makes a girl a little gun shy.
So far my plan is to switch to Base salt when the NOS fires up. Other than that I have NO clue. Because of my Mom's terminal prognosis I have no idea what to do next year. My thought is to hit repeat and try and actual go to all the local events I had planned, and missed, this year. I just won't sign up until a couple weeks before. Just to be safe. Nothing around here sells out. I don't think it's an IM year yet. I'm still chewing on that.
What say you Super Coach?AM I fixable???
I hope you and Rich have a blast at Kona! ~Jacklyn
As for the gut, I am not sure if this matters, but we recommend you eat about 3 hours before your race. So for an 8 am wave, that's a 5am alarm and stuff-yo-face! Then you sip some elixir until about an hour to go...then at 15' to go you have a gel with some water.
I think you ate too close to the swim and hadn't really works in training, but on race day you have to go earlier.
Let me know....
As for next year, I say local is the way to go. If you wake up in the middle of the year and want to do something bigger, you'll have the fitness from which to work. But picking something big and then not hitting all the sessions (for whatever reason!) is a level of stress I don't think you need to opt into.
So rest now, recharge...plan on the Nov OS start (10/26) and maybe identify some local running races you might want to do over the winter????!!!
Thank you so much.
Actually looking forward to another year of local. Run durability here I come. YIPPEEEE. By the NOS I think I will have a better idea of how my Mom is going to fair with chemo.
On the breakfast timing. Maybe. I do not have a morning eating stomach. I hope it's that simple.
Any bets on how far I can go or how fast next year ????
~ Jacklyn
PS. Your the tops Boss!
Oh Boy! I think I opened a can of worms with my big mouth.
2014 Total run 137 miles
2015 Total run year to date 326 miles per strava. Hahaha. That's cool!
Garmin connect says i've trained 120 hours and burned 63,331 calories. That sounds like I have room for ice cream or oreo's.
I say i am going to, break 500 miles and end my year, in October 2016, with a 5k pace of 08:30. Current 5k pace 09:40. That's averaging only 10 miles a week/50 weeks.
Other than Starbucks, i'm not sure what to bet. I'm not creative or evil like JW.
Next season planish,
February a 10K -
Early May- Half Mary
May- 10k
July- OLY
August-10k or Half.
September- HIM. This time I will finish!
Various local runs and rides through out the year, for fun.
What's your proposition?
Hey Coach!
Looks like I goobered myself at my HIM. Just got back from my sports MD. I have a mild strained left hamstring and the posterior aspect of my left knee is all fired up. So off to ultrasound and laser. Glad I have a few weeks to heal before we get at it in the NOS.
For once, good timing.
Oh as for out bet. Do you like wine? Please see previous post. Trying to think of something, IF i lose, I could mail you. Look up Umpqua valley wines. Yummy
Take a look at my goals on the signature line. How does that sound? Like my new quote? BTW that would be a 14 pound loss. Big goal.
It just dawned on me that you told me to "PLAY" with a half mary! ME! HAHAHA. You just made my day.
Thanks P.