Ok. We can figure it out next week since that's camp week for me on the intermediate full IM plan. I have found a hill that is similar to Barton on the iMChoo course, what would be the best day to maybe do some hill repeats? And how much do you think is needed to prepare for that aspect of the run?
Ok Coach P, got my long run in today. Per the Full IM intermediate plan week 15 this is camp week. My swim days are normally Thursday and Friday. Should I do the camp weekend with modified run on Monday? Something like this: Thursday swim and run as planned, Friday Race rehearsal swim at lake, Saturday bike 112 and run 1 hr off the bike. Sun off and long run on Monday? Or should I do something different?
Josh, do you have the ability to ride a bit longer on either Friday (in place of swim) or Sunday (currently off). I am sorry but I can't recall the work schedule.
The goal here in Week 15 is to add some experience (and fatigue) biking on consecutive days. Can you make that happen in anyway? I'll check back in...
Ok then let's plan on the three-hour ride on Sunday and the long run on Monday. once we move into the following week you will probably need that Tuesday off to recover... so plan on that.
Coach Patrick, Thanks for the video reply. So had some highs and lows this past weekend. Friday swim was great open water for 1:15. Sat 113 my best executed bike and followed by 6 miles felt good. Have been doing the G.E-GE-GE+gel on this and my long runs and it is working good. Sunday my little allergy problem turned into full on chest cold. Took the day off and did emergency and zinc per wiki. Yesterday (Monday) did my 2hr run with a hill around mile 8.5. Post run had an odd pain around shin area, which I have never suffered from shin splints. Apparently my crappy downhill running form just did me in. So probably not running until Thursday as not to aggravate it. And get back on track for the rest of the week from there. • Any more advice for recovery? • On my 2hr runs should I be starting at trp or z1? Mixed directions from the plan last week. • Is it valuable for me to work in hills for IMChoo, I know it's hilly. Or can execution make up for it? Risk running hills again? • Overall I'm stoked and can't wait for race week, and these little nagging injuries to go away.
Sounds like my message was just in time! I am excited to hear about these great workouts some really good stuff going on there.
+ The most important component of the company's sleek so no skipping their. The canal that the rest should follow, although hydration also helps
+ For those long runs just make sure you ease into the pace whatever the early zone is… I don't really care.
+ I see you bike all the hills you want except for those race rehearsals when we really have to be very focused. as for the run, your right to be cautious. Andre stating get away with that but not in training. The key is not to worry about the pace on the downhill but just to be safe let's keep it on the flat for now.
+ Running the hills will be an exercise in heart rate management, it's not about speed at that point. We do it that way so when the road is flat you can be fast everywhere else. :-) Unlike the competition!
Coach P Had a good long run today got in 14.2. So just to refresh I do my long runs on Monday, I need some guidance for next week 9/5-9/12, week 18 Final RR. I took off work on Thursday so I could put my full attention on getting everything in order. I will do my 18 mile run Monday, week 18 calls for 2 hours on Tuesday. • Do I need to try and fit that in later or just let Monday's 18miles be my last long run? •I Would feel confident with dropping the Tuesday run completely and letting 18 miles be my last one, share some of that special mojo with me here.
Thanks for checking in! Tou are fit and you are ready. Given your schedule, I see zero benefit to running again after your long run this late in the season. Remember that race day requires you to be sharp and ready. Anything you do to interrupt that progress will be to the detriment of your performance on race day.
So Monday long run and that's it...if anything you have "Extra" recovery on the competition...they should be scared....
@Coach Patrick just checking for an update. GF plan has been progressing well with swim and bike. Following your run plan has also been good. Staying at or above trp as you suggested. Two questions: 1) My rides are still on trainer, should I cap sat and sunday ride at 2 hrs? 2) would it benefit me any to add some intervals to a couple runs next month, or just not bother with it?
Yes I would Those Sunday rides it two hours. Just not worth it to overextend right now. If you still feel good by the end, then you should just ride harder.
In terms of intervals I will be okay with you doing some focused time is zone three. Let's start off small with two 5' on / 5' off @ Zone 3 / HMP in the second half of one run. Then the following week do it for two runs...and repeat for week 3. Then check in!
@Coach Patrick I have uploaded the EN Andvanced Half plan this week and I'm wondering which workouts are highest priority. My work schedule is unchanged since last year so i plan to modify my training similar to how we did leading into IMChoo previously.
Tuesday rest wednesday ftp bike/run Thursday swim/ftp run (actually tues workout) friday swim sat as planned sunday as planned Monday long run
what do you think? the pool where I swim has changed also, I'm looking for a spot to get my Friday evening swim in at the moment.
@Josh Church You are officially in Year Two, which is where we traditionally focus on the bike. So we could focus on re-jiggering that emphasis (let me know). We should likely have a call too when you are ready: http://meetme.so/patrickmccrann (Please remember to include your phone number.).
Also, can you do the swim on Tuesday day/night with Friday OFF?
Ok I'll schedule a call and we can talk about the bike focus stuff. Sadly Im unable to logistically do a swim Tuesday, it's 40 mins to a pool and I would be sacrificing a ton of sleep since I work nights Monday and Tuesday night.
....hmm, bummer. I am not a mind reader (to my chagrin) so I don't know what your other options are in terms of pool / timing. Can you get me some options to consider? I'll get right on it!
For the pool: my usual pool is very limited on lap swim times 7-830 am Monday and Thursday is what I have been doing. I can make a longer trip to swim on wed or Friday after noon. I open water swim on most fridays when it warms up and weather is good the lake is only 10 min away
@Josh Church - got it. I am kind of torn...I don't see the "need" for it just yet. Yes, you want it, but I like the balance of your week and know you'll get more swimming in when it matters for CHOO.
I guess as you taper for Raleigh you could work in a swim/run on Tuesday as both will be shorter?
@Josh Church - Good call...I just realized we didn't talk much about the swim. Hopefully you are okay with what I mentioned above as guidance. To recap our talking points:
Aero position - use your front hydration system to dial in a straw position that keeps you aero; you'll know you are in the zone when you hear the wind “noise factor” disappear.
Tires — GP 2000 @ 25mm, let's go light on the PSI (85 front vs 90 rear). Will be really curious to have you compare a few rides.
Big gear work…into Raleigh...you'll have six weeks (ish) to ride this out. So here's what I recommend. Note, this is best on your Sat/Sun rides where it's "remainder as" where it will challenge you; I want the FTP Wed session to be your best. This means bigger gear up and down hills, but don't chase the watts on a steep downhill (best on rollers). Really use that full pedal stroke.
4/17 - 4 x 10' as 5' @ 80 rpms @ Zone 3 / 5' normal.
4/24 - 4 x 10' as 7' @ 80 rpms @ Zone 3 / 3' normal.
05/1 - 4 x 10' as 8' @ 80 rpms @ Zone 3 / 2' normal.
@Coach Patrick, I have my first race rehearsal this weekend. Plan on doing the swim with my bike and run Sat. My question is about the run. As you may recall my altered run plan calls for an 8 mile long run this week, which i normally do Thursday.
- Should I do my 8 mile run sat as my race rehearsal run and make up the rest of my mileage through the week?
- My total miles for this week is 18, I ran 3 this morning.
@Coach Patrick i noticed my final RR and my longest run leading up to Raleigh is the same week. Is that ok? I know usually the race rehearsal run is something like week 17 and final RR week 18. Should I approach the Thursday long run or Final race rehearsal any different than if they were on separate weeks?
@Josh Church - What plan are you in? I am in the 2017 EN*Half Adv plan and I see it in Week 17, with an RR on Week 18 (that's how it should be, and how you have described).
Also is that THIS week that we have to solve for you, or can I fix the plan for next week?!
The goal here in Week 15 is to add some experience (and fatigue) biking on consecutive days. Can you make that happen in anyway? I'll check back in...
Thanks for the video reply. So had some highs and lows this past weekend. Friday swim was great open water for 1:15. Sat 113 my best executed bike and followed by 6 miles felt good. Have been doing the G.E-GE-GE+gel on this and my long runs and it is working good. Sunday my little allergy problem turned into full on chest cold. Took the day off and did emergency and zinc per wiki. Yesterday (Monday) did my 2hr run with a hill around mile 8.5. Post run had an odd pain around shin area, which I have never suffered from shin splints. Apparently my crappy downhill running form just did me in. So probably not running until Thursday as not to aggravate it. And get back on track for the rest of the week from there.
• Any more advice for recovery?
• On my 2hr runs should I be starting at trp or z1? Mixed directions from the plan last week.
• Is it valuable for me to work in hills for IMChoo, I know it's hilly. Or can execution make up for it? Risk running hills again?
• Overall I'm stoked and can't wait for race week, and these little nagging injuries to go away.
+ The most important component of the company's sleek so no skipping their. The canal that the rest should follow, although hydration also helps
+ For those long runs just make sure you ease into the pace whatever the early zone is… I don't really care.
+ I see you bike all the hills you want except for those race rehearsals when we really have to be very focused. as for the run, your right to be cautious. Andre stating get away with that but not in training. The key is not to worry about the pace on the downhill but just to be safe let's keep it on the flat for now.
+ Running the hills will be an exercise in heart rate management, it's not about speed at that point. We do it that way so when the road is flat you can be fast everywhere else. :-) Unlike the competition!
Had a good long run today got in 14.2. So just to refresh I do my long runs on Monday, I need some guidance for next week 9/5-9/12, week 18 Final RR. I took off work on Thursday so I could put my full attention on getting everything in order. I will do my 18 mile run Monday, week 18 calls for 2 hours on Tuesday.
• Do I need to try and fit that in later or just let Monday's 18miles be my last long run?
•I Would feel confident with dropping the Tuesday run completely and letting 18 miles be my last one, share some of that special mojo with me here.
So Monday long run and that's it...if anything you have "Extra" recovery on the competition...they should be scared....
~ Coach P
Time to revive THE MICRO.
I created a screencast with my thoughts for you after our call, you can view it here.
Here is my suggested run build to get you back...please listen to the video for specific instructions!
It's conservative, but I am confident it'll have you ready for Raleigh and in a good place to build for Choo!
~ Coach P
So here's the REAL VIDEO, promise: https://goo.gl/4rLc5P
Thanks for your patience!
~ Coach P
Two questions:
1) My rides are still on trainer, should I cap sat and sunday ride at 2 hrs?
2) would it benefit me any to add some intervals to a couple runs next month, or just not bother with it?
~ Coach P
Tuesday rest
wednesday ftp bike/run
Thursday swim/ftp run (actually tues workout)
friday swim
sat as planned
sunday as planned
Monday long run
what do you think? the pool where I swim has changed also, I'm looking for a spot to get my Friday evening swim in at the moment.
Also, can you do the swim on Tuesday day/night with Friday OFF?
~ Coach P
Sadly Im unable to logistically do a swim Tuesday, it's 40 mins to a pool and I would be sacrificing a ton of sleep since I work nights Monday and Tuesday night.
....hmm, bummer. I am not a mind reader (to my chagrin) so I don't know what your other options are in terms of pool / timing.
~ Coach P
I can make a longer trip to swim on wed or Friday after noon.
I open water swim on most fridays when it warms up and weather is good the lake is only 10 min away
I guess as you taper for Raleigh you could work in a swim/run on Tuesday as both will be shorter?
~ Coach P
Big Gear Intervals, do these on both sat and sun or just one of the days?
And by normal you mean normal cadence for zone3 right?
- Should I do my 8 mile run sat as my race rehearsal run and make up the rest of my mileage through the week?
- My total miles for this week is 18, I ran 3 this morning.
~ Coach P
i noticed my final RR and my longest run leading up to Raleigh is the same week. Is that ok?
I know usually the race rehearsal run is something like week 17 and final RR week 18.
Should I approach the Thursday long run or Final race rehearsal any different than if they were on separate weeks?
Also is that THIS week that we have to solve for you, or can I fix the plan for next week?!
~ Coach P
ps great to see you in Boone!
ENHalf Adv. plan yes, but I'm also following our different run build you made me.
what I noticed was I'm repeating the 9 mile run again this week then 11 next week per the run plan.
I feel confident i could do the 11 mile run this week, without overreaching.
Yes its this week we need to fix. The original run plan is still above on your Feb. 24th post